Celebrity Sex Stories

Episode II - Deception by the Sith

Lim and Obuna foster their relationship, but later Loo-See is abducted.

Jun 7, 2024
20 min read
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Episode II - Cozenage of the Sith
Episode II - Cozenage of the Sith

Episode II - Deception by the Sith

In a galaxy far, far away, many years ago...

EPISODE II -- The Deceit of the Sith

Lim-Rel entered the kitchen where she found her mother, Loo-See. Instead of cooking, she was making herself a fecoef, a type of caffeinated drink.

"Can I have one too, Mom?"

Loo-See added more scoops and vandens juice. Pressing a button, the machine started whirring to life. She handed the drink to Lim, saying, "Think you'll like it."

"Thanks, Mom. So... about Dad..."

Loo-See turned to face her daughter, her eyes filled with understanding. "I've been trying to reach him for a while."

Lim hesitated, knowing her mother already knew where she'd been. "I spent some time with Obuna. You remember her, don't you?"

Loo-See smiled warmly. "Yes, she's a good person to spend time with."

If anything, Lim's cheeks turned a deeper shade of red. "I think I'm in love with her."

Her mother's frown slowly faded. "It's okay to have feelings. Men can be clueless sometimes."

Lim began to share her concerns about her father's worries and of her own inexperience with her relationship with Obuna. Her mother advised her not to worry, saying, "In time, you may understand."

Lim took her words with a pinch of skepticism, questioning if her mother held some hidden wisdom. Her mood darkened as she wondered about her own place in this family.

On her way to her room, Lim knocked over her fecoef, making a mess on the floor. She bent down, worried about the consequences for her mother, but Loo-See waved her worry off.

While Lim cleaned up, she sent a message to Obuna, sharing her anxiety and her desire to understand her feelings better.

Obuna replied, asking if they could meet in person to discuss it further. Lim was surprised by the response, thinking she was alone in her emotions.

"I've never dated anyone before. I've also hardly kissed a girl."

Obuna offered to be patient, explaining, "Everyone has to start somewhere. Just be yourself and have fun."

Lim felt relieved and accepted the comfort her friend was offering. She contemplated her relationship and the emotions she was feeling.

She realized that she had been caught up in her own thoughts and rushed to connect with Obuna. Hurriedly she typed:

I'm really into you. I like you a lot. I mean, so _much. I didn't want you to think that our little tryst was just me taking advantage of your experience. I promise to learn and improve, to keep communicating.

She debatedparagraphing her thoughts, but decided not to. So, things that make you feel all warm and gooey. I'm new to this, but I really want to get better.

She pressed 'send' and waited for her friend's reply. When it arrived, she was surprised to read:

I'm so glad you feel that way. I'm attracted to you, despite being more experienced. You've been very generous with your feelings and it makes me happy to see you grow. I had no idea you'd feel this strongly.

This overturned all of Lim's assumptions about her relationship with Obuna. She began to consider it in a new light, deciding she was lucky to have this precious connection in her life.

Death Star Glossary

[Feocef -- A caffeinated beverage][Y Liemian beans -- Coffee beans native to the planets Y Liem][Loo-See -- A Zabrak woman and Zenithal princess][Zabrak -- Alien race distinct by their bifurcated lips, flattened nose, triangular ears, and blue skin][Togruta -- Alien race with horns on top of their head][Fecoef maker -- A droid for making fecoef drinks][Quotidian -- Ordinary][Inexperienced -- Lacking in experience][Sweet nothings -- Sentimental words]

Lim's mouth felt dry, her heart beating rapidly, she was trying to stay calm but failed. So, she shut her eyes and sent the messenger. Sending it without looking made it less frightening to her.

Obuna's reply was prompt and it simply said she would meet Lim soon.

Lim's cheeks flushed as she got up and quickly looked for her mother, Loo-See. She found her in a room that was used for formal receptions in their house. Loo-See was going through some papers. Hearing her daughter's steps, she quickly turned them over.

In different settings, Lim's curiosity would have increased, but at that moment, the thought of reuniting with Obuna was dominating her mind.

"Mom, may I invite Obuna over? We need to do something urgently," Lim felt herself blushing again.

Despite being preoccupied, Loo-See replied, "Of course, if you need anything, simply ask Ny-Ur to help you." The older woman was a constant supervisor in their lives.

"Yes, Mom." Lim ran to tidy her room before the guest arrived.

But before she could start, she heard the front door open. Obuna must have arrived.

When Lim reached the top of the stairs, Ny-Ur had already opened the door for her. They were standing in the large entrance hall, and Obuna greeted Lim with a bright smile. Lim hugged Ny-Ur, a gesture of gratitude, then followed her to the kitchen where the elderly human woman went.

Out of hearing distance, Obuna said with a sparkle in her eyes, "Do I pass your family's standards?"

Lim giggled and kissed Obuna's cheek. "Your standards mean nothing to me. Here, follow me."

She led the Togruta up the stairs to her room, closed the door behind them, and leaned on it. With a deep breath, she glanced at Obuna, deep in thought about what they would do. Finding her visitor's smile reassuring, she said, "I made you a promise. Could you guide me... in pleasing you?"

Obuna nodded with a nervous smile, then lay down on the bed inviting Lim to do the same. When the youngster was by her side, her head tails vibrating, Obuna spoke softly, "It's simple, not a big deal. Imagine what I did with you. Whats your preference and just do it. I'll tell you if anything goes wrong and when it does, okay?"

"Okay," Lim replied cautiously and brought her lips to Obuna's. She could smell the Togruta's arousal and it enticed her.

Obuna smiled and touched Lim's face. Then, she kissed Lim back with passion. The more they kissed, the more Lim found herself unable to concentrate on anything except the moment.

So, they stood up, clothing falling off, faces close, lips locked, hands exploring, desperately trying to undress each other. There was so much passion in the air that they finally just sat back down on the bed and took care of it themselves.

Seeing Obuna's confident mood, Lim's self-doubt wavered. With newfound courage Lim asked for instruction, "How can I please you?"

Obuna nodded, biting her bottom lip, then lay down again, patting the bedclothes between her legs. When Lim was in position, she could smell her friend's arousal.

In a low, trembling voice, Obuna instructed, "This is easy, just put your tongue to what I've shown you. Use your imagination of what you'd like and go for it. You'll excel, you'll see."

Lim, unable to respond, kissed Obuna's navel which emanated a lemony scent presumably from her bath.

"We're making progress," Obuna whispered, shivering with pleasure. "Pleasure my inner self. Look for that tiny orange part."

Her voice was filled with excitement. Lim caught her breathe, concentrated and did as she was told. Obuna couldn't help but respond to Lim's gentle touches with her own moans and quivers.

Eyes closed, immersed in the moment, Lim was able to embrace and enjoy the connection, unhindered by self-doubt. The process of becoming one with the cosmos and executing her friend's wishes further increased Lim's confidence.

The word 'angel' made Lim pause for a moment, perhaps questioning herself with 'who me?', but her arousal was growing and she recognized a familiar sensation, as if a powerful force was flowing through her body, directing her actions.

Lim sucked on Obuna's bare skin and the Togruta moved restlessly, moaning and shoving her friend's head against her body. "Yes, like that. Don't stop."

The taste and smell of Obuna overwhelmed Lim's senses. The Togruta's enthusiastic responses were nearly too much. Lim could also feel the presence of The Force, guiding her and amplifying her actions.

With her tongue still working, Lim reached over to pinch and twist Obuna's nipples, utilizing the power of The Force. Obuna cried out, prompting Lim to open her eyes to see Obuna's skin being physically manipulated as if someone were touching her. It seemed to be working.

Fighting through gritted teeth, Obuna asked, "Is that you?"

Lim nodded while still using her tongue on Obuna's engorged clitoris. In her thoughts, Lim pulled fingers against her friend's nipples. Obuna made a surprised sound, leading Lim to look up and see the Togruta's breasts being caressed with phantom hands.

Obuna continued to struggle and push her fingers into her mouth to bite down. As the Togruta was experiencing both physical and mystical stimulation, she exclaimed "I don't know what you're doing, but keep doing it."

Lim kept going, sucking on her friend's clitoris while using her mind to manipulate Obuna's body. She managed to reach inside her friend and curl her fingers upwards, massaging a sensitive area.

Obuna's body tensed and arched, crying out in pleasure. Her eyes were rolled back in her head as she shrieked, then she relaxed and sighed. Hesitating to stop, Lim returned to a less intense sucking rhythm, then lifted her head and wrapped her arms around Obuna. She softly kissed Obuna's cheek.

Weakly and breathlessly, Obuna admitted, "I think you understand the concept, but you need more practice. Lots of practice."

Opening her eyes, Obuna hugged Lim. "I was kidding. Let's just say we have great chemistry."

With that, they returned to their usual silly and flirtatious selves.

After hours of intimate and joyous lovemaking, Lim and Obuna relished in their pleasure and excitement. Eventually, they fell asleep, safe and fulfilled in each other's embrace.

Woken by a piercing wail, Lim discovered Obuna sitting up, her eyes rolling back to show only white. Still shaking uncontrollably, Obuna was seemingly unresponsive to Lim's words or touch.

Lim panicked as she saw Obuna heave and cry, then watched as her friend collapsed, gasping for breath. Obuna turned and wiped away her tears, her eyes once more normal.

Concerned, Obuna told Lim, "Loo-See. I saw her taken."

Lim raced out of bed, put on some robes, and rushed to her parents' living area, hoping to find her mother. But the room was empty and silent. The windows weren't shattered and the doors were closed. Possibly hoping for clues, Lim felt for Loo-See using The Force, but only sensed faint traces of her friend's presence.

Attempting to contact her father, Lim used her communicator, but it remained silent. Similarly, she tried communicating with her mother without any sign of a response. It seemed that her parents, like Loo-See, had vanished.

Fears arose in Lim as she felt extremely lonely and afraid. Obuna soon joined her, wrapping her arms around Lim and crying on her shoulder.

Loo-See woke up with a throbbing head and the room appearing distorted around her. She could feel the urge to vomit, but she held it back with her Sith discipline, which emphasized control over both mind and body.

The room's movement settled, and she was able to see her surroundings. The room was dark, but some light was seeping in through portals on either side. A spaceship was clearly visible, and it was travelling at sub-light speed. Loo-See surmised that it was not a military vessel or even a well-organized civilian fleet. It seemed more likely to be pirates or bounty hunters.

Trying to move, she found herself unable. Metal cuffs glinted as she looked down, and she surmised that her ankles were similarly bound. Before she could learn more about her situation, a door slid open, and a small figure was illuminated in the doorway. This Rodian was holding a blaster and had a worried expression on its face.

They flipped a switch, and the brightness filled the room, causing Loo-See to close her eyes. When she opened them again, a Rodian and a disfigured human were standing in front of her. The human had a diagonally sliced face, and his voice was gravelly.

He spoke to the Rodian in Rodese and got an animated reply. He turned to Loo-See and said in Basic, "Our worshipful one here is going to make sure you're secured. Don't you dare try anything." He raised his blaster. "I'm not letting any Jedi harm me again."

Loo-See glared at him and retorted, "Bounty-hunting scum! Have you never seen a Sith?"

He laughed and said, "Jedi, Sith, who cares? As long as we get paid."

Bletri, the Rodian, checked Loo-See's restraints and said something in Rodese to the human, who responded in the same language and said, "You're not escaping. But we'll be jumping soon. And don't attempt any of your Jedi magic."

He left the room, and a few minutes later, Loo-See heard the sound of the hyperdrive engaging. The stars outside began to blur.

Loo-See closed her eyes and prepared herself for what was to come.

The training Loo-See had received had given her an advantage: the ability to remain almost asleep but still aware of her surroundings. She was aware when they left hyperspace. She remained still, breathing deeply and slowly with her eyes closed, waiting for her captors.

The door slid open, and Bletri cautiously entered, making sure the coast was clear. When he was sure Loo-See was still unconscious, he moved towards her. She kept her eyes closed and pretended to be out cold.

He whispered to himself and turned to look behind him several times. Sensing that he was alone with Loo-See, Bletri's intentions became clear.

They had taken Loo-See from her bedroom, and she was still wearing only a sheer nightgown that did little to hide her body. With his eyes fixated on Loo-See's face, Bletri reached into her garment and began caressing her skin.

He looked behind him again, as if fearing his partner might join them. With his hand inside his pants, he waited for a response from the Sith. But she remained still and unresponsive. Bletri removed his hand from her clothing and looked around again.

When he returned to Loo-See, he saw her eyes open and a grin on her face. Fear clouded his eyes, but he immediately reached for his blaster. Just as he fired, a soft-spoken word stopped him. "Boo!"

Loo-See watched as he flew up, sounded a loud crunch, fell to the floor, and remained motionless.

The gunshots startled Loo-See but then she heard the hissing sound of the intruder's blaster. The bolt of energy deflected off Loo-See and struck the hull. Loo-See still had her eyes closed, pretending to be unconscious. The human entered the room and saw the Rodian's lifeless body. He fired twice more, once towards Loo-See and the other towards the ship's hull. Several hisses sounded as the blaster intentionally malfunctioned.

"Uh-oh," grinned Loo-See, smirking. "Guess that wasn't such a smart move."

The bounty hunter fired once more, each shot missing its target with ease. He was stunned, "but the factu-stuff..."

"...doesn't affect Sith, so maybe you jumped the gun a bit." Loo-See was having fun now.

She blinked, and the man floated up from the floor, heading towards her. When close, his arm began to rise, seemingly against his will. It reached into his flight suit's pocket, unzipped it, and pulled out a keycard. With shock on his face, the man's hand touched each of Loo-See's wrists in turn, unlocking her restraints.

The Zabrak massaged her wrists a bit, then said, "I'll take this," taking the keycard away from the confused human.

It seemed like the man had something to say, and Loo-See allowed him to speak. "You... you... fooled us."

"Of course I did! Do you seriously think it would be that easy to apprehend a Sith? Whoever hired you clearly didn't give you much briefing, or more likely, didn't care for your well-being much. Talking of which, who was it?"

The man glared at her angrily, "I'll never tell you, it's against our rules."

Loo-See shrugged. "In that case, I'll just ask the ship's computer."

As she loosened the man's throat muscles, there were two thumps as he hit the roof, then his limp body fell to the floor.

"Boring conversation," Loo-See said as she walked to the bridge, keycard in hand. Just before she closed the door, she glanced at the damaged hull, and it sealed itself, repairing the damage.

The bridge was tiny, more like a two-person cockpit than a luxury control room. Loo-See sat in a seat that reeked of an unorthodox approach to personal hygiene. She tried not to think about it. In front of her was a star field, but the navigation computer had details of their destination. An Outer Rim planet called Jamakil, a place Loo-See had never heard of.

They were still a few hours away, and she wondered why the former crew had emerged from hyperspace so far from the planet. She examined some info on Jamakil, and it was underpopulated with less than 10,000 people. Mostly indigenous, with some undocumented villages. The majority of the world appeared to be wilderness - mountains, deserts, oceans, and forests. The technology was primitive, and it seemed many locals practiced subsistence farming. A good place to lay low, thought Loo-See. But she had no idea what or who might be hiding.

Checking the set course, she noticed they'd be touching down in the middle of nowhere, in a densely forested sector. Loo-See sat back and contemplated, but her only real conclusion was to get there first, then figure things out. Looking down, she realized she was wearing inappropriate attire. Given her captors' job and Bletri's tastes, she thought it possible she wasn't the only woman on the ship.

She returned to the hold, brushing past the two corpses - not her size anyway. Instead, she searched through the large storage bins along one wall. It took some time, but eventually Loo-See found a suitable outfit - tight pants, a body-hugging top, a military jacket, and some mid-length boots. She had also found a holster, attaching it and slipping Bletri's blaster inside. Finally, she added the bigger weapon to her shoulder. She stashed her previous outfit in one of the bins, hidden under other clothes. Happy with her new look, Loo-See returned to the cockpit.

In her seat once more, she considered contacting her husband or daughter. The ship was still far from Jamakil, but she felt the likelihood of being detected by any Force-sensitive beings wasn't zero. Better to wait, gather facts, and then flee.

Later, as the craft escaped the atmosphere and broke through the clouds, its systems detected living beings below. A greeting party would be a hassle at best.

A ship was plummeting down, but it wasn't low enough yet. Loo-See rapidly calculated how long she could delay her jump without giving herself away. The tree tops were soon to arrive. 'Now', she told herself, pressing the button to open the door again and jumping out before it moved too far. She hoped she wouldn't impale herself on a random branch.

The thick canopy slowed down her descent, allowing her to adjust her position. She landed with a splash and squelch in a marshy area. The soft ground cushioned her fall, but she didn't want to think about her appearance.

Loo-See hastened to the more solid ground and listened, wondering if anyone was looking for her. It was utterly silent apart from some somber bird calls. Satisfied with the quiet, Loo-See stealthily headed for the clearing.

Crouching low at the edge of the vegetation, the Sith saw her vessel parked in the clearing not far away. Behind it stood a much larger ship with its wings folded vertically. It wasn't a design she recognized, but its towering weapons were unmistakable. A couple of other ships were nearby, but her view angle made it hard to count them.

She could hear human voices, and they were speaking Basic. Two individuals descended the ramp she had just jumped off. They were deeply engrossed in discussion. Loo-See could hear her fellow beings' phrases clearly with her sharp hearing, aided by the Force.

"No, I have no idea, all the doors are shut, but something did Bletri and Gregan. And there's no clue about the target."

The second man replied. "Perhaps she discovered them sneaking into her room. Gregan was never subtle."

"No. I don't miss such people, especially the Rodian shrimp, who caused me discomfort. But not as much as any woman unlucky enough to be with him."

"Gregan wasn't better. The females of the region must be heaving a collective sigh of relief."

Both men chuckled.

Loo-See smiled to herself. Her instincts had hinted that she might have overreacted on the ship, thinking she had spent too much time around humans. In Zabrak society, kidnapping and ambush were punishable by death. She was pleased that her deception had left her pursuers momentarily baffled. That bought her some time.

When the two men reached the end of the ramp, they didn't board the other starship, but instead a makeshift tent. There appeared to be no one else present, so Loo-See decided to approach.

Loo-See remained low and quiet, stealthily creeping towards the tent. The planet's sun was high in the sky, so she shouldn't cast a shadow on the fabric walls. Crouching down, she placed her ear next to one side of the tent.

Loo-See recognized the voices of the two men, and a third, deeper and more refined voice. The former seemed to be reporting to the latter.

"We searched the ship. I mean, we didn't have scanners, but we thoroughly examined it. There was nothing - besides the bodies and some blaster marks."

The third voice, the most refined, responded. "I received a notification claiming success. They used a code word. They're not the brightest, as you often reiterate. But still..."

There was a pause before the voice continued, "The woman is resourceful. I'm most concerned with security. Assemble the others and conduct a sweep of the forest. I must report back. She won't be pleased."

"Well, we're not responsible. And we managed to get the Jedi to Rikbar alright."

At these words, Loo-See's rage simmered. There weren't many Jedi in the Outer Rim, and the coincidence seemed too great. She grasped Gregan's blaster and turned off the safety. However, she told herself to remain cautious because there might be others. Carefully, she lifted the tent flap and peered within.

The interior was dark, fortunately for her. The men who had checked the ship had their backs to her. Sitting in front of them was an elderly Twi'lek in dark, flowing robes. He seemed to be a high-ranking member, but Loo-See couldn't identify the specific planet or organization.

He was still speaking, "Yes, we have the Jedi, but we must remove all protection from the girl, so she's defenseless. Only then will our mistress be able to encounter her."

Lim-Ree's anger was already close to the surface because of what she believed was the capture of Oo-Ree-Ell. But it reached a boiling point when she heard the name Lim-Rel. "Hold on, hold on!" she told herself.

A human spoke, "However, if the woman was on the ship as you say, then she can't be in two places at once, can she?"

The Twi'lek crossed his hands, fingers touching and seemed to be thinking about this observation. "Great job, Baltur. I'll contact her now," he said.

Baltur's celebration was short-lived, as Lim-Ree's first shot killed him. Her second shot took out the other human as he turned and raised his blaster.

Loo-See walked toward the Twi'lek, with Gregan's weapon trained on his pink head. She realized that he seemed completely unconcerned by the deaths of his men. This made Loo-See even more wary.

"So, I guess you know who I am. Who are you, and what's your business with my family?"

The Twi'lek spoke calmly, "My name doesn't matter, Loo-See. As for our business with you," Loo-See noticed the plural possessive, "you won't learn about that from me."

Loo-See fired her weapon and the fabric behind the Twi'lek's head burst into flames. He remained unaffected by her first shot.

Instead of focusing on the Twi'lek, Loo-See watched for a flicker in his eyes, a subtle movement that even the average Jedi would miss. A glimmer in those eyes caused Loo-See to do a quick somersault, narrowly avoiding a barrage of blaster fire. She spun in mid-air and fired back, managing to hit two Droideka. The shielded droids struggled to free themselves, but the Slave I pilot was now gone.

A plan came to Loo-See. While still in motion, she used her bowcaster to shoot a hole in the side of the tent, and then destroyed the central pole with her blaster. The canopy collapsed onto the droids, trapping them. Loo-See escaped through the fire-damaged fabric she had created.

Landing on her feet, Loo-See sprinted for the Millennium Falcon, quickly retrieving the keycard. Behind her, she heard noises as the Droideka tried to free themselves.

In a panic, Loo-See dashed for the bridge and fired up the sub-light engines. The ship was met with blaster fire from the droids and the larger ship was turning its cannons towards her.

Loo-See had no time to plan a course or to think about her destination. She activated the hyperdrive, knowing it wasn't safe to do so in atmosphere.

In an instant, everything around Loo-See became a blur, and she was now traveling through hyperspace. Her ship had narrowly escaped one danger, but she could now find herself in the middle of a star.

However, space is vast, and distances between objects are measurable only in light years. Loo-See's ship emerged from hyperspace safely. Before checking her location, she used the comlink to contact her daughter.



"Lim, there's no time to chat, Daddy's been captured and he's being held on Rikbar. I don't know where I am, but you need to leave as soon as possible. Tell Ny to go to her family, but do it now. I'll explain once you're safe."

Lim's eyes opened, and she saw Obuna, who looked worried about her.

"That was Mom, she's safe, but she says Dad's not, and that I'm in danger. I have to leave now. I need to tell Ny the same thing."

"But your X-wing..."

"No, Ny is coming with me," Lim declared.

"No, you're not!" Obuna said as she squeezed Lim's hand. "And don't you dare try to deny me."

Know, it is a single-person spacecraft. However, there's your mom's craft, the latest. You told me she was one of the earliest recipients, directly from the supplier.

Lim seemed puzzled. "The ARC-170? I've never flown it. The design is new. I don't..."

"You're a Jedi and a pilot, you'll figure it out. And don't we have to start now? I won't take 'no' for an answer."

Lim didn't know whether to use the Force to render her friend unconscious or embrace her. She went with the latter. Following a warning to Ny, the two girls headed for the hangar and strapped themselves into the pilot and co-pilot seats.

The cockpit had an orderly layout and intuitive controls. Within minutes, the pair had departed the Y Liem atmosphere. Lim heard Loo-See's voice in her head, and her mother provided rendezvous coordinates. Obuna had reheated the astromech droid, and Lim passed the details along.

The young Jedi activated the hyperdrive, and they were safe for the time being.

Lim-Rel's story will continue in Episode III

Star Wars Glossary

Some aspects of this narrative may be unclear to those not versed in Star Wars lore. I've attempted to clarify a few of the more specialized items below, but unfortunately neither images nor external links (which would help) are allowed. I am assuming that nobody needs me to explain Jedi or Sith.

  • ARC-170: a powerful, versatile starfighter, later employed extensively by The Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. At the time, it was new and experimental.
  • Astromech Droid: a droid that functioned as both repairer and navigator on certain types of starfighter. Notably R2-D2.
  • Delta-7: a small, single-person starfighter, frequently used by Jedi.
  • Droideka: also known as destroyer droids, a variant of battle droids armed with potent laser cannons and powerful deflector shields. They were purchased from their Colicoid manufacturers by various individuals and groups, including The Trade Federation. They could move quickly by transforming into a rolling ball.
  • Iridonian: native of Iridon or descendant of one (see Togruta).
  • Lekku: flesh-like "tails" that hang from the heads of various species, located on either side of the face. They are also known as headtails. Although not fully dexterous, they possess motor capabilities and can express feelings. For example, Twi'lek use them when dancing.
  • Montrals: flesh-like horns that grow from the skulls of Togruta. They can be large in males, but are generally less prominent in females (see Togruta).
  • Rodian: humanoid reptiles originating from the planet Rodia. Rodians have scaly, green skin and large, protruding eyes. Numerous Rodians work as bounty hunters. Greedo, the bounty hunter famously shot by Han Solo in the Mos Eisely cantina, was a Rodian.
  • Togruta: a near-human species from Shili, where they reside, and later Kiros, where they established another colony. They have skin with a middle tone, outlined with thin markings in a second color (e.g. pale orange with white lines). Instead of hair, they have fleshy mid-length headtails, known as Lekku. They also have fleshy horns, or Montrals, on their heads, which can be substantial in males. Ahsoka Tano from The Clone Wars and various animated series is a Togruta.
  • Twi'lek: a near-human species from Ryloth, well-known for their superlong, twin headtails, named Lekku. Their skin comes in a range of hues from pure white to deep green. The Twi'lek population is the second most prominent in the Galaxy. Unfortunately, they are frequently enslaved or compelled to perform tasks as indentured labor. The females are renowned for their graceful dancing.
  • Zabrak: a near-human species initially from Iridonia but who later relocated to Dathomir. They possess mid-colored skin streaked with markings in a second color (e.g. red skin with black markings like Loo-See). They generally have bony horns on their skulls, which can range in size from diminutive to generous. Female horns are generally smaller, and Dathomirian women lack horns completely. Force sensitivity is not uncommon amongst them. They also have two hearts.
  • Note: The Sith, Darth Maul, from The Phantom Menace, is a Zabrak, and Jedi are not uncommon among them.

I'd like to express my gratitude to George Lucas for producing a legendary and life-changing movie.

Additionally, I'd like to acknowledge my friend, Djmac1031. Not only did he offer his usual contribution, but his profound Star Wars obsession, which surpasses my own (that's meant to be a complement), was invaluable. I've at times disregarded canon when it aided the narrative I envisioned, but any coincidental inaccuracies are solely my fault and not his.

Should you enjoy this narrative, consider checking out my RolloJTomasi tale entitled "A New York Fuck" and the serial "While There is Hope."

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