First sex

Errant Erotica by Erica: Part 3

Erica and sensual figure, Ashley, start spending more moments together.

May 30, 2024
17 min read
voyeurErica's Errant Erotica Pt. 03prostitutiongroup sexfantasy sexporn photographymmmffoursomeerotica
Erica's Errant Erotica Pt. 03
Erica's Errant Erotica Pt. 03

Errant Erotica by Erica: Part 3

Erica, you're missing the weekly team meeting! Jim told me to fetch you.

Oh, no way...

Just momentarily revived from my erotica dream world, I hopped up from my seat to participate in what was left of the gathering when Dee screeched, "Noooo, Erica, the mini skirt!!!". I felt like a firecracker was inserted into a nuclear reactor.

At once, my resourceful secretary swiftly slid off her skirt, "Hurry! Take off the mini and trade me!"

"C'mon, Dee, I knew you liked me, but to try to seduce me like this!".

"=================". She zipped me up in the back and all I could do was sprint for the door. As I paused and leaned back momentarily, I uttered, "Your legs look fantastic", and dashed off.

Each person at the meeting was visibly disheartened that I opted out of wearing the mini skirt. In contrast, when I returned to my office, there were no fewer than 4 guys lingering around Dee's desk, mingling and chortling. I discreetly mouthed the words, "Do you need assistance?"

"=================", she moued back.

I made my way towards her desk, "Time for you sharks to head for deeper waters, gentlemen".

As we left for lunch, they couldn't peel their eyes off Dee's rear end, her mini enhancing the magnificent view. Passing pedestrians was no different. Dee's natural beauty and my skirt were a big hit with the men on the street. A random fellow ran up to her with his business card, "Give me a call", and then he ran away.

"I think I've had my fair share of attention for today", she expressed.

"Yeah, you have, but", I warned her, "isn't it a bit of a thrill? And who knows, you just might ink an erotic scene into this story".

She laughed, "I understand what you're getting at. Okay, I'll wear this mini for the rest of the day, but promise me you'll never wear anything skimpy to work again. I'm only making this concession once".

"Thank you, Dee. You're a lifesaver".

"Don't call me a dope, but aren't you feeling a bit at a loss?"

"I do. All I can think about is writing more of this erotica".

"Sounds like you need to get some".

"Yes, precisely. My husband is around but he's too shy. Occasionally, I wish to be the reckless Ashley creature my mind imagines. I'll send you the second half of my story this afternoon once Jim has given it his stamp of approval".

Dee shook her head, "I still can't believe your deal. At some point, he'll reach his breaking point and crave some of that uninhibited girl you've unleashed in your office".

"I know, hence, our current conundrum".

"Don't worry about your character, I'm with you. Enjoy her. I can't wait to read the concluding part".

"Pester me, Dee, tell me one of your desires. I'll keep it a secret".

"Well, you're the one who's requested this. I've imagined being gangbanged".

"Wow", I exclaimed.

"Yes, that's correct".

"Wow, wow, wow".

Back in the office, we returned to our respective spaces. When I glanced out around 20 minutes later, Dee was still surrounded by the same 4 infatuated mini skirt admirers.

I texted her, "Think what I'm thinking?"

She looked down at her phone and broke into laughter. "Got my minimum!".

Hey, I recently finished reading your story, but I couldn't fall asleep afterward. My mind was still fixated on the content, leaving me aroused. To try and distract myself, I reread the story and even jerked off again. The fact that these characters were a reflection of us was too captivating. Erica, what do we do about this?

It's just my personal fantasy, we were the basis for these characters, but it's not an accurate representation of us. Maybe you should stop reading these stories as they're causing some sort of obsession in you. I didn't intend for you to see them in the first place.

Angrily, I pulled his hand off my hand and moved it to my thigh.

"I'm not going to send them to you anymore. That should put a stop to this."

"No! We had a deal!"

"No, I was the one who made a mistake. You agreed to all this and I foolishly obliged."

"Open your blouse. Let's act this out."


"You had sex with Paul, you even had sex with John. Unbutton your blouse."

"No! They're not real!"

"But I am and I want you. Take your clothes off."


His voice lowered, "No...I'm really sorry..."

"We've got to figure something out here. I care about you and we need to act accordingly. These stories have unleashed something within you...and me."

I closed the door and left his office for my own safety. Exhausted but also aroused, I needed to find solace through writing.

[It was uncharacteristic of me to let a third person, John, have access to my body, an act I never intended or even agreed to. But I trusted Paul to make the right call and this "audition" between John and him for modeling the product was a normal practice in Hollywood.]

[However, there were a few issues with my partner's behavior. Firstly, Paul arranged this meeting without consulting me about it.]

[Secondly, he seemed overly thrilled by the idea.]

[Thirdly, my husband worked in the same building, creating an unnecessary risk.]

[I should've just ended everything with Paul. The only reason I was hesitant was due to the thrill of the dangerous and exciting nature of our sexual encounters. Now that a third person is involved, I couldn't help but enjoy the situation.]

[Despite the potential for workplace gossip, I continued wearing more revealing outfits, knowing it would please Paul yet also stir up arguments with Alan.]

[Afterward, Alan confronted me regarding my attire. At first, we argued about it.]

["It's a workplace, not a brothel"]

["Exactly! Others should enjoy your good looks!"]

["You'd think your husband would appreciate you dressing attractive."]

["Why are you being so jealous? How do you think Paul likes it?"]

We argued even more about it.]

["Listen, Ashley, your short skirt, high slit, and revealing blouse are too provocative. Lord knows how much more. Should I continue?"]

[In frustration, I snapped back.]

["Of course, it's fine! It's not like my husband is somehow able to smell sexual activity on me!"]

[He then left, possibly smelling the remnants of our sexual encounter.]

[Upon reaching work, I overheard their conversation. So, I delayed our session until Paul summoned me into his office.]

["Come to my office, Ashley?"]

["I have to work first," I replied, even though I had tasks to complete. Paul and I would usually engage in sexual activity straight away after I arrived at work.]

In the room, I saw a camera and another man I hadn't met before where John had been two days ago. Paul locked the door and positioned himself behind me, placing his right hand on my waist and left hand on my rear.

"Hey, sweetheart, this is Chris. He's the photographer working on the new campaign. Chris, this is Ashley."

Chris stood up as he looked me up and down, "Hello Ashley, it's great to meet you."

"Ash, Chris will be taking some preliminary photos of you before the actual shoot," Paul explained.

"Yeah, kind of finding your best angles, figuring out how to light you and whatnot," Chris tried to explain.

"Okay, I guess," I said, not fully understanding the process. Chris certainly seemed impressed by my looks, but I was skeptical about my revealing outfit. I asked Chris about it.

"Don't worry about it," he said to put me at ease, "you're a stunning woman, and you look far younger than your age. Apart from that, I personally think you look amazing."

After fighting with Alan, I was a sucker for any compliments, so Chris's words made me feel like a million bucks.

There was a big white backdrop and we had a discussion about my lack of modeling experience.

"Just move, pose and play to the camera," Chris instructed. "Be sexually teasing as if provoking your boyfriend. Just loosen up and have a good time." I became more at ease with him. "Yes Ash, that's it. (click) (click) Do you mind if I call you Ash?"

"No, I like it."

I did my best to recreate the poses and moves I'd seen in pictures and made some of my own up. I played with my skirt, highlighting my legs, and Chris seemed to enjoy that.

Chris took lots of pictures, and after about fifteen minutes, "Alright, Ashley, you're beautiful. I want to ask you about this. It's something I generally ask all my top models I work with. Feel free to say no, but Paul approves." He moved closer and asked me, "Would you be interested in doing a series of nude pictures?"

"I'm not sure, Chris..."

"I could potentially make some extra money off these, and you have the body of a temptress. What do you think?"

I nervously blushed at his description of me, but I tested him, "Are you sure you don't want these pictures so you can sit around and masturbate?"

Paul jumped up from his chair, "Chris is a professional."

"Let's be honest, I have been with incredibly attractive women and yes, I have done that. But I'd be more than willing to compensate you for your time. I think you're an incredibly sexy woman, even if these pictures only stay between us."

My inner voice was telling me to reconsider, but I was set on my decision. I was intelligent enough to understand, but my feelings towards having fun and letting my sexy side out overruled practicality.

Chris took control of the conversation. "Alright, I want to use Paul's desk and his office as the backdrop. Maybe you're a secretary and Paul is your boss. He's sitting with his back to the camera, talking to you." Chris instructed. "Ashley, put these glasses on and hold this notebook up. Cross your legs and sit on the edge of the desk, facing me while taking notes. Remember, your only motivation is one thing: you're horny as hell." [

"I thought you were just going to take some nude pictures," I questioned.

"Yes, we are, but creating a narrative makes it more fun." Chris insisted. "Now, Ashley, put on these glasses and hold this notepad, crossing your legs and sit on the edge of the desk facing me like you're taking dictation. Oh, you look fantastic. Remember, your motivation comes from your mad desire to grab his attention, and possibly more."

[I chased after it as mischievous as I could, Chris snapping photos as quickly as I could move. He captured every hint and sensation of my body, and at times it felt like I was making love to him. He directed Paul not to move, blissfully unaware of his secretary's advances. All Chris could say was, "give me more, make him crave you." ]

[The instructions and the sound of his voice drove me crazy.]

["This is it, hot. Yes, show him your breasts, girl, show them to him, yes! Masturbate yourself, oh god that's hot. I'm starting to get hard just from taking pictures. Alright, Paul, you can't resist any longer and you go for her. Touch her everywhere. Ash, get his pants off..."]

[Within minutes, Paul was fucking me on the desk and Chris was photographing every detail. To be honest, it wasn't that I didn't know that was their goal from the start. Men have an exaggerated sense of self-satisfaction around women. I did what amounted to a porn shoot because I wanted to, including Paul shooting his cum on my face. Paul left the office to get some paper towels, but Chris had conveniently kept a hand towel in his bag.]

[While Paul was gone, Chris stood in front of me, hand on my hip, delicately wiping away the cum. I asked him why he didn't fuck me after Paul was done?]

["I wasn't sure about Paul. I wanted to, believe me I wanted to. I just thought you were his girlfriend and hands off."] I gave him a kiss and said, "Don't think so much."]

[Chris was adorable and I ran my hand across the front of his khakis and then pulled away as soon as Paul returned. As Chris was disassembling his backdrop and packing his lighting equipment away, Paul stepped out of the office again. Chris called me over and handed me his card, "Come and see me at my studio, day or night."]

[I said nothing but took the card and went back to my office and fixed my makeup. I was about to toss the card in the trash but stopped and put it in my bag...]


I was so engrossed in the story that I lost track of time. I couldn't get any work done as I was entirely focused on the characters.

I texted Dee, "Jim's out of the loop."

Dee intercepted me on the way to the printer and whispered, "Why didn't you include a character based on me into your story?"

"I didn't think you'd want to be part of my raunchy fantasy."

"Did you forget that I turned you onto erotica?"


"I set you up with erotic stories. I put a character in my new one based on you."

"Wait, what?!"

"Yes. Your character is named Ashley."

I was astonished. "You didn't."

"Oh, I know what you mean. You mean, you want to read a story with a character like me in it that you wouldn't likely encounter in real life. Oh yeah, I know exactly what you mean."

"Can I read it?"


"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to influence your writing style."

"Not like I'm better than you?"

"Not at all. I'm just impressively entertained by your stories and I'd love to see a character like me in your story."

"I'll see what I can do, but before that I think Ashley should get a different perspective."

"Who's that?"

"You'll find out."

"Before you go, do you think Ashley will visit the photographer?"


"Who's that?"

"You'll meet him."

"..." I returned to my office and finished my work for the day, except for the last hour, which was my time to do as I pleased.


[As I rode the elevator with Paul at the end of the day, I didn't mention anything about Chris's invitation to his studio. The doors opened, and to my surprise, there was my husband. Paul moved so fast he would've beaten a bullet out of a cannon.]

[I asked him where he was headed.]

["I don't know."] We kissed quickly before he told me he'd agreed to join some of his colleagues at the bar and that he'd be home late. I said alright and we separated. This unexpected news didn't sit well with my already guilty conscience that had now been given complete freedom. I knew I could only get into trouble.] [I considered calling Chris but thought better of it. Instead, I decided to text the number on his card.]

As long as my desires could be satiated, Chris would need a trainee like me. The question remained, though - why would he even ask me if he believed he already had my agreement? I started taking additional risks, just like an addict does daily in order to get high. It wasn't just cock I craved; I knew there was an infinite supply of men willing to provide it.

I messaged him, "Ashley. Hi, Chris. Do you want to finish what we started?"

I hadn't heard a thing back after that, and I was still waiting in the lot near his workplace an hour later, trying to decide between going home or heading straight to his studio. As I was aware with the location surrounding his studio, I drove to a diner barely 100 meters away, intent to wait a little more before giving up. I sat in a booth and had a stale beer and a sandwich.

I surveyed the vicinity and spotted some couples but mostly men focusing on the female adorning a skimpy outfit. I mostly paid them no attention, but towards the end of my meal, one of them rose from the counter and came heading towards me. Oh no. My phone was still on silent with no response from Chris, so I pretended to get ready to leave.

"How about some company?" boomed the deep voice.

I pulled out my wallet to settle the bill. He snatched the paper from me and, pulling cash from his pocket, peeled off a twenty and a ten and slapped it on the bill.

"You didn't have to do that," I protested.

"I wanted to buy dinner for the most beautiful girl I've seen in a long time."

I hesitated before replying, "I'm leaving now."

"Wait. I could show you an even more enjoyable experience," he hinted.

My heart raced as I contemplated his proposal. A man wanted to pay to fuck me. It was a completely new experience to me. I sat back down, torn between wariness and curiosity.

To my astonishment, arousal began to course through my body, as if fate was orchestrating this encounter, making it impossible to resist. No response from Chris.

"My name's Ted," he remarked.

"I'm Ashley." Outing myself? "I can only stay a few minutes." The minutes for what? Would I let him fuck me for money? "So what do you do?"

"I'm a professional gambler."

"Really? I'm not familiar with that," I admitted.

He grinned. "If I left this place now and hurried back to my room at the Chesterfield Hotel, number 203, I bet you will be at my door around 20 minutes later."

"Am I supposed to do that?"

"I'll bet on it. Here's $200. If you don't show, you get to keep my money as a reward for proving me wrong. But if I'm right, you'll be at my door and we'll talk business.."

He crossed the room, leaving me to ponder what I'd just done. I was astonished. I could go home and nobody would know, but if I went, I would essentially become a prostitute - a married one at that. My pulse raced. I was on the verge of being paid to be his plaything. But what was happening to me? My mind was considering it, I couldn't control the train.

I reversed my vehicle and headed home, but only four blocks later, I turned around. I parked in front of his hotel but stayed in the car, hoping this could in some way absolve my guilt.

As I climbed the stairs to his room, I removed my wedding ring and shut off my phone. If I was going to sell myself, I didn't want to be seen by anyone.

I knocked.

"Ashley," he greeted me, offering a martini. I gulped it down.

"Can I have another?" I asked. "Oh and here's your wager. You're pretty confident, huh?"

"It's just bigger odds. I'm thrilled you arrived. But look, you've taken off your wedding ring."


In conclusion, I found myself at a crossroads, poisoned by a sudden craving for sex I couldn't resist, whilst aware I wasn't simply in it for money but for something far deeper, a desire for submission and humiliation. It was as if I was relinquishing every single orifice to the first man to barge in and take control, which was unlike anything I'd ever thought was possible. Why was I powerless to resist him? Chris, despite everything, was a compelling figure who could turn me inside out with a simple smile. In all my encounters with him, I always felt inferior, and thus, like I had to prove that he didn't mean anything to me. And now, this mysterious man had arrived, outbidding every rival, practically demanding my attention.

I could finish what was started and create a fantasy for him. A fantasy of a woman who would play his puppet, his creation, his sex slave. A fantasy full of depravity and shame, with a willing consent. I was fiercely determined not to expose my inner cravings by violently making love to him as if it were the first time for both of us. I thought about how he had observed me, how he had known I would come, how he had won me over with ease. With newfound determination, I'd step into his world, his rules, and surrender. I would give him exactly what he wanted, although I had no idea what that would be.

The guy said, "Put your clothes back on. I like having sex with other guys' wives, especially when they're there to watch. We can do that another time. I enjoy dirty talk, so don't hold back. I tend to be a bit energetic, but do whatever I ask, and I'll reward you. You seem like a submissive type, so we'll probably have a great time together."

I just replied, "Okay..." I was feeling a mix of fear and excitement, not really wanting casual sex, but if I was going to do this, I'd want to be treated as a slut.

He instructed me, "Take your clothes off in front of me. You can wear the stockings and heels you have on, and I'll suggest some makeup for you. Start by putting your hair in a ponytail. Apply plenty of red lipstick and rouge."

I did as he said, stripping in front of him and following his instructions for makeup. When I was all dressed up, he asked more about me.

"Okay..." I said. He seemed to just know my deepest secrets already, and it scared me a bit. I let him set up a scene with bondage gear waiting for me on the bed. I was afraid of the whip, but when he told me to help put it on me, I felt curious and exhilarated.

"I know you fucked a client this morning," he said. "Your boss fucked you on his office desk while a photographer snapped pictures. Am I close?"

"Yeah..." I confirmed, feeling vulnerable.

"You seem like a slutty girl, always wanting sex, don't you?" he asked, and I couldn't help but admit it.

He seemed to have an idea and called two other men. "These are my friends here. They're coming over." he said.

"Yeah, it's a threesome," I excitedly replied. He asked if I'd ever had sex with multiple guys, and though I had fantasized about it, I admitted that I'd never done it. This got him excited too.

I was led to the middle of the room to be touched by everyone. The guys circled around me, grinding against me from different angles. I felt so lustful, wanting them to touch me everywhere. "That feels good," I told them, wanting them to touch me even harder.

Ted just stood watching, enjoying the scene. He then hit my ass with a whip, causing me to jump at the sudden pain. The other two guys, Sam and Troy, started undressing and Troy started fucking me roughly from behind. From there, I went back and forth between the two, kneeling in front of one man and then another, jacking them off until they were hard. Ted lifted me up, making me drink from a martini I had no idea how he'd gotten, lots of it spilling onto my tits. I gagged, but Sam licked it up for me.

A little tipsy, I sucked all their cocks, making them hard. Ted made another round of martinis and played with me while I kept the two guys hard.

"Ready for more cock?" Ted asked, turning me onto my back on the bed and fucking me savagely, causing me to shake. I was fully wet now, receiving two cocks at once, one in my pussy and one against my face with the third guy whipping my ass. At that point, I had several orgasms and my eyes rolled back in my head.

Finally, after an hour and a half, we all stopped. Since I didn't have anything to wear after being stripped bare, he just handed me cash, probably a tip for services rendered.

"We'll reunite in a month, so maybe we'll meet up again?"

"I don't know. I'll check with my husband. Text me," I muttered to myself, surprised by how stupid that sounded.

Once I was in my car, I just sat there, trying to make sense of what had happened. I had given my sexual services to three men I didn't know and was now at their mercy. I thought, "You're a mediocre prostitute because a professional would've demanded payment up front."

If they only knew, they could've had me for free.

Luckily, I arrived home before Alan and had time to clean up before he noticed my red whip marks, which I could hide under my panties until they disappeared. I put on a robe and pretended I had spent the whole evening watching TV.

Even though it didn't matter, Alan was so drunk that he went straight to bed without saying a word.

As I sat on the couch, reliving my group sex experience, I was both embarrassed and excited. Then, I realized I hadn't heard back from Chris when my phone beeped with a text.

"Hi beautiful, it's Chris. I'm sorry, I was late and just saw your text. Are you still up for some fun?"

I finally freed myself from the power of the story, and it was nearly 6 p.m., with most people having left work. It was sometimes hard to distinguish whether I was the story's writer or if the story was writing itself.

I felt like a peeping Tom with an ever-ready clitoris, always in the "on" position.

Before leaving the office, I sent the new story to Dee and locked the door to my office. As I walked to my car, I received a text from Jim.

"I want you, and you want me. It's just a matter of when."

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