
Experimenting with an Ancient Fantasy World

Two adorable gentlemen delve into a nonconsensual role-play scenario.

May 17, 2024
9 min read
nonconsent roleplayrole playcnc roleplaygay cnccncnonconsentconsensual nonconsentgay nonconsentgay menTrying Out An Old Fantasy
Trying Out An Old Fantasy
Trying Out An Old Fantasy

Experimenting with an Ancient Fantasy World

"Good ol' fantasies, huh?"

"You mean, daydreams?"

"No, not quite... The X-rated kind."

"Yup, I've had 'em too... Lotsa 'em." Kenji averted his gaze, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"You do?"

"Sure. So, um... I've experimented in various realms. But, nothing specific, y'know?"

"I see." The shadows dance on Jake's face as the wind blew past.

"And... But, hey... Aren't you curious about mine?" Kenji applied a gentle hand on Jake's hip, his wrist stroking playfully.

"Maybe... if you throw a few bones my way."

"Uh-huh. So, here's the thing..." Kenji turned Jake over, settled him on his lap. "You ever had the thought of asking someone to rape you?"

Silence. "That's intense. Not to mention, kind of violent."

"Do you mean... fantasy-wise?"


"Just spit it out. My eyes ain't looking at you, so it can't hurt."

Jake chuckled nervously, tucking his head behind a padded arm. "I mean... it'd be like, we'd chill out. We'd talk about work stuff or drinks... And you'd put the moves on. Then, you'd, uh, grab me..." He bit his lip.

Kenji leaned in on Jake, his breath tickling the brunette's sweaty forehead. "Okay, so, let me get this right... I'd be into... forcing you?"

"N-not exactly, it's more like a role-playin' thing. Kinda like... pretend to force you, so I'd beg for it?"

Kenji's expression shifted in understanding. "So, it's like an intense game?"


"Okay, so... what's stopping us? I mean... We're always open-minded about kinky shit."

"I know, man. But, it sounds kinda weird."

"Y'know," Kenji chuckled. "We do some crazy shit, homie. This could be another."

Jake pondered, looking at Kenji's face. "If we're gonna do it, make sure you know what I can handle... And I might pass out."

"Fair enough."


Jake's head nestled itself on the cushion, winding his arm around Kenji's back.

"Now, let's talk about... uh, boundaries."


Flipping through his receptionist rota, Kenji left his desk on Thursday with a purposeful strut towards Jake's cubicle.

"Hey, how'd your that overseas sale again? Oh, right, great job."

"Thanks." Jake shrugged. "Saw your bottle of questionable alcohol though."

"'Bout time I cleaned it out." Kenji nodded. "You know, you've got tonight spare?"

Jake hesitated. "Gonna be bringing a good ol' whiskey."

"Dunno if it's as bad as that bodega's scotch... Let's try it out tomorrow night."

"Sounds good."

"Cool. And, about that, y'kn8? It's a date, lil huggin' bear."

Jake laughed. "Dudes... And eh... Ain't we cute?"

"Hell yeah. I'll be waiting for ya."

Jake pinched the bridge of his nose. "Damned if I can concentrate on anything."


Finally done fixing his hair, Jake put his hand on the door.


The door opened, revealing a disheveled Japanese man with a lounging, easygoing aura. "Kenji."

"...And how come 'Nam knows you're in sales?"

"Know what you mean." The friendly smirk returned. "Miss me?"

"Obviously, especially your hands."

"Just wantin' to catch up on some drinkin'?"

"Yeah, why not? I got the night free."

"Great! How about we talk boundaries tomorrow night."

"Okay... You Loopy motherfucker."

"Hey there." A trembling guy is guided in through the doorway. "Would you like anything? Water? Crisps?"

"Water would be perfect."

The two engage in little chit-chat as Kenji gathers various glassware and a bowl of snacks, setting them upon a coffee table accompanied by a cheap scotch.

Jake winces at the initial sip. "That's dreadful," he laughs.

"The point of alcohol isn't to taste yummy. Its purpose is to make you drunk."

"Oh, right?" Jake gazes at the usually business-like fellow over his glass.

"Indeed." Kenji swallows it down in one swift gulp and adds more. Jake, tickled, shakes his head and follows suit.

As they progress through the drink, Jake loosens up, his muscles losen from the alcohol's influence.

"I've always noticed that," Jake comments. "You're so absorbed in your responsibilities, I feel quite hesitant to interrupt you at times."

"I'm aware. Since your office is a good two floors beneath mine?" Kenji shakes his head and extends the bottle's neck.

"Yeah, I guess, given you've already know the masses already."

Jake taps his glass. "So, how about you? Anything remarkable happen lately?" At other times, Japanese man would have winked and said "you."

"I see you at conferences and gatherings - HR usually assists with those."

"You can pick out one out of about fifty-hundred folks in a room the proportions of a concert hall?"

"It's not that problematic." Kenji tosses back his glass.

Jake brings his knee upright. "Ah, I see. Your proficiency is enviable."

"Excuse me?" Kenji snatches the bottle and downs it with that gulp again. Jake smiles, imitates the act with a sip of his own and moreso with Kenji's refill of their glasses.

As they develop through the drink, Jake lets the alcohol smooth his strained muscles and mannerisms.

"I've always realized that about you. You're so zealous for work, it can be challenging to break through your concentration."

"You fancy interfering with me that often? I thought you'd need an official office station to do that."

"A somewhat casual meet-up is more enticing than formalities of HR presentations." Kenji relaxes back, satisfied again.

"Okay...? I'm guessing you're fond of my attributes?" Jake is taken aback by this.

"Absolutely." Kenji's wicked grin grows. "Your remarkable work intensity and self-assuredness are noteworthy."

"I see... Yeah, I like my work, I enjoy being productive. And, um, you can consider me won over by your compliments."

"I believe you, I can assure you I possess impeccable taste." Kenji's grin fades to a grin, yet his eyes did not look pleased.

"Now how 'bout that." Kenji slid his hand further up Jake's thigh.

Jake cringes, "Um, excuse me. I've so much paperwork, I've really got to...go." An unexpected slide of dizziness pushes Jake back down on the couch. "Um, how much alcohol is in scotch? I-It's not as strong as vodka, right?"

"I believe I've hit the sweet spot," Kenji grabs Jake's waist, flipping their positions with Kenji above Jake.

Jake gasps and tries to squirm away from the muscular shoulder in front of him. "N-No. Dating coworkers isn't for me..."

"This isn't a date." Kenji's hand moves to unbutton his pants. "Would you...mind?"

"Shh, shh... Calm down, I'll go slow." Kenji whispers this into Jake's ear as he tenderly licks it.

No amount of struggle can overpower Kenji's solid mass, thus Jake can't escape. "I-It's just a drink."

"Just relax, I know you want this."

"Please. Stop." Inneffectual shoves draw an amused smile from Kenji.

"You don't have to fight. I can tell you like what I'm presently doing." A smirk dawns upon Kenji's face. "You're begging for it each day." [

"Uh, yeah..." Another soft cry slips out as a heated, moist breath trails up his neck and back to his lips. The hand on his groin also rises, undoing his shirt.

Suddenly, Kenji sits up and swiftly takes off Jake's pants and socks.

"Hold on!" Jake's protests are cut short again as Kenji assails his mouth with renewed fervor. The bottom can't get out a coherent response as hot lips and hands explore his body.

He can't help but make a sound when Kenji brushes just the right spot between his hip and butt. Jake doesn't know why that specific strip of skin is so sensitive, but whenever Kenji rubs there, either intentionally or not - the boy just melts completely. Kenji knows this and makes use of the information.

Jake manages to break free of his embrace and stammer out yet another excuse, but Kenji just sneers and drags the trembling Jake towards the bedroom.

Kenji throws him on the bed and climbs on top of him to restrain his arms above his head.

"I know you love this, baby, just let go," Kenji croons softly to Jake's throbbing adam's apple. Taking the hint, Jake writhes his hips in a futile effort to get away.

"You. Will. Submit. Kid." Kenji grinds his hips into Jake's groin, and the boy only moans weakly, his head lolling back. He shivers again as the hand not holding his arms slides down to the hem of his shorts, then under it to his aching member in desperate need of attention.

Kenji gives it exactly that, keeping Jake occupied with deep kisses. "See?" he murmurs, "All you need to do is accept it."

The dominant man abruptly removes the shorts and settles on Jake's legs, preventing him from escaping.

Jake throws his head back and whimpers as Kenji picks up a mysterious bottle, slathers its contents onto his fingers and inserts them into Jake's body.

Jake realizes he has a hand wrapped in Kenji's hair. He pants, "I c-can't take any more..." But Jake has taken Kenji's entire fist on more than one occasion, even more than that.

"Did you know the human asshole can stretch up to eight times its size before causing permanent damage?" A third finger easily slips in.

"Don't say something so disgusting when you're looking at me that way," Jake moans as Kenji returns to his engorged member.

The man ignores him and goes back to sucking him off. Oh my god, Jake thinks he might pass out if Kenji doesn't let him climax soon.

Kenji pulls off his dick with a pop and kisses it down to the base, then buries his face in the hair at Jake's groin and inhales like it's his last breath. Jake shivers, legs shaking.

"What's that? Ready to give it up?" Jake suddenly remembers the character he's playing and resists as Kenji climbs back on him.

Despite Jake's attempts to escape, Kenji lifts him and holds him there with a palm to his stomach, using the other hand to pull out his own aroused member and lubricate it.

Jake watches Kenji, feeling his legs tense, trying to sit up.

"Alright, now, no turning back." Kenji swiftly positions himself at Jake's opening and stops, making him whine needily. Then he rams himself into Jake's hungry ass, changing that whine into a desperate moan. Jake's sphincter, accustomed to Kenji's size, easily stretches out around the man's throbbing erection.

Kenji, now panting as hard as Jake, grabs his hair and pulls back, exposing his neck. "There now, not so bad, was it?" Jake gasps as he feels Kenji's eyes boring into his throat.

Moaning sounds erupt from both of them as Kenji hammers into Jake's tight rear end over and over.

Jake yelps at Kenji's sudden absence. Before he can say anything, he's flipped over. Kenji grabs his waist with rough force.

In a final attempt to resist, Jake jerks his hips around, but a harsh slap on his ass stops him in his tracks.

"I'm getting sick of your rebellion, kid." Kenji soothes the sting from Jake's skin. "Submit." He growls at the base of Jake's skull.

Jake gives in and collapses on the bed.

"Nice job," Kenji grunts as he yanks Jake up against his crotch, pinning his arms behind his back and forcing his face into the mattress. "Suck my cock like a good little whore," he orders while relentlessly penetrating the hole below him.

Pulling Jake up by his hair, Kenji pushes their bodies together to get the perfect angle. This gives him the freedom to hit that sensitive spot.

Hearing another familiar whiny moan confirms his success, and he continues his attack.

Choking Jake further, Kenji nips at his ear and demands, "Beg."

Jake lets his head fall with a whimpering, "N-no." Undeterred, Kenji speeds up his rhythm and barks out, "Beg" even louder.

At last, Jake succumbs. "Fuck yeah, please daddy f- uh-" He can't get a clear sentence out, only a series of gasps and moans.

"Fucking hell, baby, cum for me," Kenji grunts into Jake's neck. With a sunken fang, Kenji draws blood, triggering an orgasm for them both. Strands of Jake's cum coat the bedsheets.

If it wasn't for the aftermath, Kenji would still be pumping in and out of his sub. When they finally stop moving, Kenji gingerly removes his member and gently massages the cum-coated area. Jake shakes uncontrollably and rests against the mattress.

"Hey," Kenji breathes. Then, concerned, "Hey, are you alright? Did I cross the line? What's wrong?"

Jake's still face buried in the pillow is the only response. The only action Kenji can take is to rub the shivering boy's back and attempt to calm him.


"Eh-Eh... I'm fine... S-somehow it just... felt too... intense?" Jake's soft whisper is barely audible.

"Really?" Kenji caresses Jake's arms as he observes the reaction.

"Y-Yeah. A lot..." Jake strokes Kenji's hair before turning to press a soft kiss against his mouth. "Thank you... for... everything." He sighs on a deep breath.

"All right." Turning to spoon him, Kenji carefully moves them from the wet mess on the bed. "All right," he whispers into Jake's hair as he plants a kiss on his neck.

In his lover's loving hold, Jake regains composition and sucks in calmer breaths.

Aware of the mess left behind, Kenji watches Jake's closed eyes and shares a sigh. "It's okay. I'll deal with it tomorrow." He kisses Jake's hair and closes them both in a dream-filled sleep.

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