Taboo Sex

Financing Sex Education Debated

A teacher obtains financial support through a unique method.

May 10, 2024
36 min read
white womanmaturebig cockpregnantblack manbbcSex Ed: An Issue of Fundingcollegebreeding
Sex Ed: An Issue of Funding
Sex Ed: An Issue of Funding

Financing Sex Education Debated

Hey awesome readers, long time no see! I've been working on this story for a while now, so I hope you enjoy it. It's got some sci-fi elements mixed in, so keep that in mind if that's not your cup of tea. There's also a few things that could be considered mature - like a relationship between two people over the age of 18 and them being interracial, some power dynamics, and a woman who's annoyed by men, but if that's not your taste, feel free to skip it.

Now, onto the story. The sun shone through the windows of the History Department's meeting room, illuminating a table filled with professors. Dr. Vivian Barbier was scribbling away while Dr. Francis Slaw went over the details. "We're going to have to work with less funding this year," Dr. Slaw announced. Vivian paused in her writing, knowing what was next. "We need to focus on projects that have been going for over a year and put off any new initiatives," Dr. Slaw added.

The room got quiet as everyone waited to hear their fate. "Why don't we save money by postponing the freshman research program?" asked one faculty member. Dr. Slaw shook her head. "No, forget the freshmen. What about expanding your team, Viv? We had some big digs planned," another faculty member pushed. Dr. Francis Slaw sighed, trying to calm them down. "Vivian, I actually had to cut your initiative because I think you have a better chance of getting funding from outside."

Vivian's face soured. Her dreams were being dashed. "I'd rather not," she said, "some of us still care about integrity." But she knew Francis wouldn't listen. Vivian walked out of the room, disturbed by thinking about her college days when she focused on her studies and didn't care about cute guys constantly hitting on her.

On her way to the library, a text came through from Kendra Day. "Want to grab lunch? Meet at Attilio's, off campus, at 3pm," the message read. Vivian was excited that her old colleague had reached out; they'd always been close. She checked the time, saw she had 30 minutes, and set off.

Walking through campus, strong oak trees lined the path and Renaissance-inspired buildings dotted the landscape. Vivian couldn't help but contemplate if the men who hit on her found her more attractive because she was hard to get. Then she realized, "Maybe their interest is fueled by scarcity." She continued on her way.

In the serene atmosphere of a quaint coffee shop, Dr. Vivian Barbier was having lunch with her friend, Dr. Kendra Day. They'd been sharing stories and laughing when Kendra looked at her watch. "Speaking of funding, how're you doing with that?"

Vivian frowned. "Not well. The department took a 15% cut this year." She recounted the details of the meeting they'd both been in, where the budget had been slashed and their initiatives had been postponed. "Especially since our literature study project got the axe."

Kendra was surprised. "You think they wanted to give you the project because of your better chance of scoring outside funding?"

Vivian smiled sadly. "I guess so. I'd rather not have to work with people's egos."

Sighing, Kendra nodded in understanding. "Well, it's not like you can't be more proactive inside the department. What if next time, you came up with a project no one else had the skills for? That way it'd be less easy to replace."

Vivian thought for a moment. "That's true. Maybe I need to start thinking that way." She looked at her friend. "Thanks for lunch, Kendra. I feel better already."

Kendra grinned happily, "No problem. You're still as passionate about your research as I remember. I know you'll pull through this, Viv."

Vivian's eyes twinkled with gratitude. "I'll try," she said before pulling out her phone to send a message to her boss, "Dear Dr. Slaw, I've given your suggestion some thought, and I actually have an idea for an innovative project that will require funding. If you'd be so kind as to bring this to our next department meeting, I'd be more than happy to present it."

Dr. Francis Slaw was taken aback, and when she saw the innovative idea Vivian came up with, it had all the faculty excitedly discussing the research possibilities. Vivian knew that sometimes it took a bit of resourcefulness to reach our goals. The sun shone through the windows of the History Department's meeting room, its rays filling Vivian with hope.

Vivian hurried off without any hesitation, heading straight for the faculty parking lot. As she passed by the same group of female students she had encountered earlier, she noticed that this time they were accompanied by two men. The men appeared to be Paying close attention to the women, but in a polite and respectful manner. Vivian couldn't help but feel a sense of disrespect towards the scene, especially given the change in societal dynamics. So she turned her focus towards finding her car and making her way to the restaurant.

Upon arriving at the Italian eatery named Attilio's, Vivian was relieved to find herself among the more mature, non-students crowd. This allowed her to release her frustration without fear of being overheard by any wandering students. With the thought of being dragged in front of the disciplinary committee crossing her mind, she hesitated, before eventually choosing to enter the restaurant. Vivian's gaze fell on Kendra, sitting outside with her friend, excitedly gesturing to someone Vivian couldn't see.

Crossing the restaurant, Vivian zigzagged through the waitresses who were serving a crowd of loud and boisterous students. Up on the patio, she approach Kendra, who turned to face her with a sun hat and a signature Midwestern accent. "My goodness, Vivian! You look wonderful!" Kendra exclaimed.

The two friend embraced, and Vivian noticed that something was subtly different about Kendra. She found her gaze drawn to her friend's outfit, a flattering pink and white sundress that accentuated her curvier frame. Vivian settled down into her seat and finally spotted the woman Kendra was talking to.

Amanda Li was one of those women who Vivian didn't particularly like. Despite her quest for knowledge, Amanda was not one to pass up the opportunity to use her beauty to her advantage. She was petite and incredibly beautiful, looking like a modern-day Geisha with her immaculate figure. Her chest appeared to have seen a sudden enhancement, possibly from a push-up bra or some other form of enhancement. Pushing down her frown, Vivian mustered a smile and greeted her.

"I'm doing well, just trying to push through the stress of academia. Amanda, I'm sure you wouldn't understand," Vivian replied.

Still maintaining a gentle expression, Amanda leaned in and pressed her hands to her lap. "You're right. I don't miss it. But the stress of motherhood keeps me quite busy." She then patted her slightly protruding belly, indicating her pregnancy.

Kendra broke out in a fit of excitement, "Oh my! I was wondering, but I didn't want to assume. Javeon finally...well, you know?" The image of Javeon crossed Vivian's mind. He was a former student-athlete from the university before men's sports were phased out in favor of academics and long term health. He was strong and black, fitting the profile of Attilio's customers. He was no Lothario, but his charm must have been enough to convince Amanda, who was once his art instructor.

"Congratulations!" Vivian smiled uneasily, feeling the pressure to maintain her composure.

"Thank you!" Amanda beamed, proudly holding her hand on her pregnant stomach. Kendra let out another squeal of delight. Determined to keep her cool, Vivian motioned to the waitress for a glass of water.

In an attempt to calm down, she asked the waitress, "Excuse me, ladies, can I have a few more minutes? I need a drink menu as well." The waitress, who sported an innocent demeanor, nodded and promptly replied, "Sure, I'll bring you both a drink menu."

"Actually, could you bring me a glass of Merlot?" Vivian requested.

Amanda and Kendra were deep in conversation, both of them with a look of anticipation in their eyes. This particular topic from Amanda had Vivian very interested.

"So how did it all begin?" Kendra questioned curiously, and Amanda was more than happy to oblige.

"The best way," Amanda chuckled, "passionate and aggressive." Vivian took a sip of her water, bracing herself for what was to come. Amanda began her story.

"Javeon and I went out on our usual date, filled with activities. He asked me to wear this gorgeous white dress that barely covered my bottom, no bra, and a blue G-string. She paused as if waiting for a reaction.

"Why blue?" Vivian asked with a look of curiosity.

"Javeon loves the color blue on me," Amanda explained, her voice taking on a dreamy, almost obsessive tone. "He claims it looks best when I'm all flustered after he's spanked me." This earned a disapproving eyeroll from Vivian.

"So one day, while out on our date, Javeon had rented out an art gallery near us," Amanda continued, her eyes glinting with excitement and a hint of mischief. "He filled it with all the pieces of art I'd made over the year and even gathered some of my old students for a presentation. When I was finished, he grabbed me and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. I felt my body catch fire."

As Amanda spoke, her two friends leaned in, fascinated by her story. Once the waitress had returned and given them their menus and wine, they continued.

"I thought it was just a fun night, maybe some car sex later. But Javeon had other plans," Amanda went on. "He dragged me backstage and had me bend over these boxes. He pulled my dress up and ripped my G-string off. I didn't realize it, but I was soaked. He pushed the G-string into my mouth and told me to scream as much as I wanted. The next thing I knew, he was fucking me from behind, using my dress as a handle to pull me back against him. I think I passed out from the intensity of it all." Amanda finished, gasping slightly.

The waitress, clearly affected by the story, hesitantly approached them, trying to maintain her composure. "Uhm, ladies, umm may I take your orders?"

Amanda couldn't resist teasing the woman, "Oh, it's so embarrassing, us old women talking, isn't it?"

"Oh no, not at all," the waitress breathed, lust in her eyes. "It sounds nice to have someone so dedicated to impregnating you."

Both Amanda and Kendra laughed, their faces beaming with amusement. Amanda then turned to the younger woman and said, "You know, there are many social events where men are looking for a third or fourth wife. Perhaps you should try attending a few."

"Yes, hopefully," the waitress replied, a look of hope spilling over her face.

Vivian had been unable to contain herself any longer. "May I have another glass of merlot and a Caesar salad, please?" She asked the waitress, pleased to see the redness fade from her cheeks.

"I'll have a double cheeseburger and the loaded nacho fries," Kendra requested.

"I want a pulled pork sandwich and a chicken sandwich, both with fries," Amanda added. The waitress scribbled down their orders and left them with just the drink menu, allowing the conversation to continue.

"Pregnancy always makes me crave a lot of meat," Amanda mentioned, eyeing the two women in front of her.

"I know what you mean," Kendra said with a chuckle, "But then again, we're eating for multiples."

Vivian took a sip of her wine and felt the world spin a little, her gaze fixed on Kendra. "And how did this all happen to you?" She asked, focusing on the bump in Kendra's belly. Kendra beamed and began her story.

Amanda's eyes widened, "So Emory's picking someone else now? Wasn't he madly in love with you?"

"Not really choosing, just being his usual cooperative self. He's trying to prove himself since he got rid of the Eradicator Virus," Kendra sighed. Vivian fought the urge to break in and remind everyone of the terrible times Kendra went through when Emory got sick. Every day, Kendra tried to be by his side and kept an eye on the ominous signs of the virus advancing on his body. Fortunately, Emory made a full recovery, keeping his job as a resident with strict supervision. "I love him, but he's too oblivious to realize that the nurses and doctors are vying for his attention. Can't you tell?" Kendra joked.

Amanda chuckled, "Yep, we know. Emory's all about muscle and cock. You're the one with the flaws in your relationship. Let's talk about how you got knocked up by the choir boy."

Kendra smirked and continued. "So, it's finally lunch break, and I join him in the cafeteria. I slowly moved close to him, feeding him buffet food. You know, just to let everybody see his impressive cock. I even rubbed it in front of that bitch Cindy."

Vivian gasped, "His boss!"

"Yes, that big-breasted blonde who's all over him, she joined us too. And I made it a point for her to see me stroking him," Kendra smiled while taking another sip of water. Both Amanda and Vivian looked at each other, wondering why their friend used such language describing a coworker. "Anyway, by the time lunch was over, Emory seemed upset. I was going to say sorry when he dragged me into one of the open exam rooms and locked the door. I didn't have a chance to make amends because he forced me to my knees and shoved his incredible cock into my mouth." Amanda's mouth watered as she devoured the story. Vivian had already finished her drink and was eagerly waiting for the continuation. "So, there I was with his cock in my mouth, struggling to breathe. I loved everything about it. When he finally came, he dropped the whole thing inside me and held me with his lips on mine. Then he made me pay for my bad behavior by bringing me around the floor, apologizing to everyone. If I didn't make it right, he would slap my ass right in front of everyone. He even apologized to them for the broken exam table, promising to clean up the mess." Kendra ended the story, and the other two women sat dumbfounded.

"Awesome," Amanda breathed.

"Wait, you two broke a table? Can't it hold at least 1000 pounds?" Vivian asked, her mind racing as she replayed the story over and over.

"Well, it's an older one, and it's only rated to support a static 750 pounds. I think Emory was going harder than that, but then again, I'm not a safety inspector," Kendra explained.

The waitress returned, placing their meals in front of them. "Can I refill my glass?" Vivian asked, the idea of more wine making her hornier. The waitress obliged, refilling both their glasses and the water before leaving. Vivian met their eyes, noticing that they'd started eating their meals. They were both finishing their dishes but still made great progress.

Kendra glanced up from her fries, dabbing the sauce off her face with a napkin. "So, Viv, how's everything at the university?" Kendra inquired.

There, Vivian frowned. "Actually, our funding was cut. No new initiatives and no more hiring," she replied. Amanda showed empathy, her eyes sympathizing with her friend, who understood the pain of losing funding for a cherished project.

"Is there any way to access the emergency funds?" Amanda questioned.

Vivian hung back, knowing she had to reveal the truth. "Amanda, you've been away for too long. Those emergency funds are to quickly hire someone to teach a class for an already established course. I applied, but I don't meet the qualifications. It's not what I'm aiming for," she explained.

Amanda bit her lip before speaking, "How chronic is this funding cut we're talking about?" Kendra looked straight at Vivian, a touch of curiosity and confusion visible in her eyes. Vivian froze. The waitress had returned with another glass of wine, which she downed even faster than the first. Her face quickly turned red, the heat radiating from her as she sighed heavily, "It's worse than I thought."

The weight of failure enveloped the professor for a brief moment until Kendra intervened. "Don't despise me, Vivian. Have you given any thought to applying for The Circuit?" Vivian responded with derision.

The Circuit was a term used for gatherings hosted for professional women aiming to have children. It was marketed as an opportunity for accomplished women to engage with eligible men. However, according to Vivian, the Circuit was anything but. She held it in contempt and saw it as a humiliating experience. Female doctors, lawyers, engineers, and scientists lined up to be debased by the few men who attended.

Influenced by alcohol, Vivian let her true opinion slip. "I'm sorry, but I don't want to prostitute myself for a young man. I believe I'm worth something more than that," she said, realizing her mistake a moment too late.

"I'm not a prostitute! I'm an artist, a wife, and soon-to-be mother," Amanda interrupted angrily. Vivian's cheeks blushed, attempting to make amends. "Sorry, that wasn't for you. Being subjected to such an event is humiliating," Vivian tried to explain.

"It's no more humiliating than the poems and drawings of agonized wives and dying men, is it? Shouldn't a history PhD like you have read those accounts?" Amanda countered. Vivian was embarrassed by the comparison, as her area of expertise was ancient literature, while Amanda was well-versed in more modern affairs. Amanda's insights stung Vivian.

The remainder of the lunch was marked by an uneasy silence. Unable to find her direction, Vivian chose to let Amanda and Heather discuss their current lives and new interests as expecting mothers.

As the lunch concluded, the waitress approached, carrying a tablet. "I hope you found your meal to your satisfaction. Here's the bill, but I just need to capture your images for the records," she explained while displaying a tablet. Both Amanda and Heather nodded, removing their phones and touching them to the tablet. Each phone illuminated with a digitalized list of their individual meals, along with their faces. Amanda handed the waitress her credit card, which was processed on the tablet.

With their meal settled, the three women stood and exited the restaurant. Amanda exited without ceremony, casting a glare towards Vivian who received it with growing shame. "Viv, I'm sorry you know I didn't mean it," Kendra said, gaining Vivian's attention.

Vivian raised her hand and spoke first, "Kendra I'm sorry. You know I love you. But I think it's time I make a meaningful contribution to my research. Will you consider letting me meet someone? He's a fan of my thesis and a friend of Emory's...could you see this as an apology?" Vivian hoped to remove herself from Kendra's disapproval.

"Sure, how about this Saturday at my place?" Kendra suggested.

"Sounds good," Vivian smiled, hugging Kendra, leaning her head on her ample bosom. With no further remarks, the pair separated to carry on with their lives.

Dr. Vivian Barbier stood in front of her full-length mirror, gazing at herself in admiration. Her choice of attire for tonight was a green cocktail dress with a plunging v-neckline. The color matched her preference of green and complemented her red hair, even with the sprinkles of gray. She chose to wear her hair up, arranging a few pieces to frame her face. She decided on a pair of red-rimmed glasses and complemented the ensemble with heels that gave her an extra inch of height. Studying her reflection, Vivian appreciated her appearance, slightly wiggling her hips. "Maybe being sexy isn't such a terrible thing," she mused before leaving for her car.

It took only 20 minutes to drive to Kendra's house. All the while, Vivian tried to relax, but her nerves kept growing. She couldn't remember the last time she had been on a real date, and it had definitely been with a man. Her heart raced as she parked in front of a huge tudor-style manor. "Wow, Kendra must be doing well," Vivian mumbled as she climbed out of the car and walked up the path. Knocking on the door, she waited, wondering why there wasn't a doorbell. That moment, she heard a faint ringing and the door swung open. Standing there was a beautiful woman who looked smiling and flawless. Her skin-tight red dress hugged her curves, including her pregnant belly.

"Oh, Vivian!" Kendra said, hugging her friend close. "You look stunning. I'm glad you took my advice on the dress." They pulled away and Kendra pulled Vivian into a hug, noticing the acute difference between her own large chest and her friend's smaller ones. "You're delicious," she whispered.

Feeling slightly embarrassed, Vivian responded, "Thank you. I thought I'd dress for the occasion." Kendra's cheeks pinkened and she led Vivian into the dining room where she was met with a stunning spread of finger foods. Everything was arranged precisely, like work done by a professional. Vivian's eyes widened as she took in the impressive sight.

"This is beautiful," she said while sipping her wine.

"Thank you," Kendra murmured, "But it's not my house." She motioned for Vivian to follow her as she led the way into the kitchen. Walking through the dining room, Vivian admired the beautiful artwork hanging on the walls and the incredible architecture.

In the kitchen, Vivian's eyes opened wider as she took in the extravagant spread of food. "This is so impressive," she said, amazed.

"Unfortunately, it's not my home," Kendra sighed. She handed Vivian a glass of wine, the very same ruby-red glass she'd just put down. "This is the house specialty. Vivian took a sip and admired the sweetness and smoothness of the wine in her mouth.

"Wait, whose house is it?" Vivian asked, continuing to sip her wine.

Kendra laughed softly, "It belongs to our hosts." With a smile, Vivian's gaze shifted to her left as a tall, dark-skinned man appeared in the doorway. His skin was dark as night, his hair was neatly styled, and his face carried a beard. He wore a plain polo shirt and black pants, which clung tightly to his enormous thighs. Reaching out a hand, Vivian remembered that she was supposed to be making friends and accepted the man's invitation to shake his hand. "Nice to meet you. My name is Michael, and this is actually my home," he said, offering his hand.

As Vivian looked up at this man, she felt a sensation in her chest. His voice was deep and booming, and she couldn't help but feel suddenly shy. "Michael," she said quietly, still holding his hand.

Kendra then stepped forward and a second, equally impressive, man appeared behind Michael, wrapping his arms around her. He planted a kiss on her cheek and placed his hands on her belly. Vivian noticed how well this scene looked with the two men flanking Kendra. "So, how about we grab some plates and sit down?" Michael's voice boomed from behind Vivian as he pushed her gently by the back. "Of course," Vivian said, feeling slightly tongue-tied and flushed.

Grabbing a plate, Vivian loaded it up with the cheese, fruit, and sausage. When she finally got to the end, Kendra stepped forward and refilled her wine. "You need to be friendly tonight," Kendra whispered, handing her glass back. "You're right," Vivian agreed as she accepted the drink. She watched as Michael and Kendra talked and Michael offered to escort her to the table.

"Um, Michael, what's the best table in the house?" Vivian asked self-consciously.

"One second," he said, disappearing into another room then reappearing with a small flask. "Tonight we'll sit here," he said, pointing to a large wooden chair around a rustic wooden table.

Vivian followed him, eyes down, and took a seat, feeling both nervous and excited. Kendra joined them and Michael poured wine into each of their glasses before sitting down. With a throaty rumble in his chest, he said, "I'd be honored if you would join us." Vivian felt her cheeks flush as she said, "Of course." Kendra then took Michael's hand and pulled him in for a subtle kiss on the lips, which only made Vivian feel more nervous.

All the while, Emory kept a watchful eye on the two of them, his hand stroking Kendra's belly gently. "So, which of these do you like best?" he asked, offering a plate of cheese.

Vivian blushed, took a bite of cheese, and quickly took another sip of her wine.

Chuckling, Michael walked with her to the living room where some chairs and sofas were arranged facing a big TV on the wall above the fireplace. "I think these are the best seats in the house," he said while guiding her to a two-person love seat. Vivian sat down and smoothed out her dress as Michael sat next to her, their bodies were so close that she had to touch him to move. This physical connection made her blush and fidget as she tried to get comfortable. "So, Dr. Barbier, Emory and Kendra told me you're a researcher," he said.

Vivian took a deep breath and gave it her best shot. "I am," she began, trying to think of the right words while feeling equally drunk. "I study European history, ancient civilizations, and some African history. I know it sounds dull, but I'm sure you do something more exciting than me," she tried to lighten the mood with a joke. She grabbed a piece of cheese and popped it in her mouth, taking another sip of her wine afterward.

Michael smiled at her and said, "Well, I haven't really had the chance to do much. The International Council watches me closely. I've always been passionate about history and archaeology, and I was planning on getting a doctorate while in the Monitoring Program, but other things came up." He paused, letting Kendra say something first.

Kendra's eyes glinted mischievously as she teased, "Be careful, Michael. She doesn't like the Program or the men in it."

Vivian glared at her friend for bringing that up. It didn't matter if she had been outspoken about her feelings, she didn't want Michael to know. Kendra joined her husband, cuddling on his lap while he kissed her and she giggled like a teenager. Trying to fix her friend's blunder, Vivian spoke up, "I'm sorry, I'm just concerned about the men in the Program. I think they should make sure those men are well taken care of."

Michael laughed, his lips so close to Vivian's face, "Thank you for being so considerate." He leaned in closer, his scent filling her nostrils as their bodies touched. Vivian considered leaning into him, but managed to resist, deciding to continue the conversation instead. "So what happened with your plans for the Program? Did you not join it?"

Michael sighed and revealed, "I didn't start the Program straight away because I was exposed to the was challenging." Vivian's eyes widened at the mention of it, automatically checking out his body for any visible signs. Michael picked up on her reaction, "Don't worry, Dr. Barbier, it's not a big deal anymore. Modern medicine took care of it." He demonstrated his point by flexing his powerful arm, making his sleeve look like it would burst. "What do you think?"

Vivian was momentarily taken aback by how attractive he was. She considered leaning into him and inhaling his scent, but she held back. "Yes, I'd love to see some ancient manuscripts," she nodded enthusiastically. Michael stood up and held out his hand to help her up. "Kendra, are you coming with us?" Instruction:

Kendra's eyes widened as she stared at Emory's hands on her body. He was massaging her ass through her dress, the strap of which had fallen off one shoulder, exposing one of her plentiful breasts. He was using his thumbs in a circular motion, causing Kendra to moan in pleasure. Unable to take her eyes off the scene, Vivian rubbed her thighs together, feeling the heat rise in her body. Her mouth watered as she watched Emory touch his woman's body with such affection. [Guide Me][Hide]

He paused as he looked at Vivian. "How about you come with us, Vivian? We'll show you around and you can see our collection of historical artifacts and manuscripts."

She looked at her friend, who was now nuzzled in Emory's neck, their breaths mingling as Emory kissed her neck and shoulder. "I'd love to," Vivian responded but it sounded more like a sigh. Kendra returned her friend's gaze, leaning in to whisper something into Emory's ear. He nodded and adjusted his grip on Kendra's body.

Vivian's cheek flushed with arousal as she watched them. Her breath came in short gasps as she considered what it would feel like to have Michael wrapped around her in the same way. She couldn't help but imagine herself in Kendra's position, feeling Emory's touch all over her body. [Guide Me][Hide]

Michael beckoned for her to follow him, his voice teasing with anticipation. "Come with us, Vivian, we'll show you around."

She noticed Kendra whispering something in Emory's ear, his dark face turning to whisper back. He then kissed Kendra and gently squeezed her ass. Vivian rested her head against the back of the sofa, watching Kendra's moans slip out between Emory's kisses. Her skin tingled with need, her tongue tracing her lower lip. Her breathing grew heavier as she focused on Emory's fingers sliding up his wife's dress, exposing her flushed thighs. She found herself squirming in her seat, her breathing quickening as she tried to bring her hands up to cup her breasts.

Michael led her through a hallway, his hand on the small of her back. "Here," he gestured towards some boxes. "We have some old manuscripts in there." He walked away to join his wife on the couch. "Kendra, can you show Vivian what's in the boxes?"

Michael eyed the woman beside him, feeling a sense of triumph. Sliding his hand down her back, he grasped her behind and pressed, "Check out these manuscripts. I think you'll adore them." Vivian nodded, oblivious to the fact that Michael was touching her rear. Steering them past meals, Michael grabbed two additional wineglasses. Pushing further into the house, the duo passed a series of stunning rooms brimming with potential. The scenarios felt effortlessly apparent to Vivian - in one, she was busy annotating Michael's accumulation; in others, she supervised children resembling Michael; some even showed her with a sizable protruding belly, caressing it fondly. Vivian's nipples tensed up as her mind fleshed out these dreams. Finally, they encountered two large doors. Michael opened the right one with a squeak, "Behold! Check the shelves on the left."

Come across the room Michael beheld, Vivian was encountering a study turned library. Bookshelves extended from the floor to the ceiling, adorning the room's outer edge. The tops showcased multiple graphs and weird-looking ancient treasures. In the center sat a number of little coffee tables, each accompanied by a weathered leather armchair. In the back corner rested a desk with a stack of notebooks. Vivian rushed forward, ecstatic about the materials and her students. When she looked up, Michael was speaking, "I reckon I can give you a sweet deal - $750 a week if you purchase from the International Council."

Vivian's heart collapsed at his words. Although it sounded amazing, it was outside of her financial reach. Reluctantly, she acknowledged that he expected payment, with her stomach sinking. Placing the book down, she breathed out, "Sorry, I thought we could figure something else...not money."

Michael moved or the gap between them. Leaning on the table, he gazed at her intensely. "Vivian, what other kind of deal could we broker?" he prompted. Though his voice wasn't harsh, it still felt condemning to her bleeding heart. "These materials belong to the International Council, don't you remember?" he enquired, elevating his eyebrow.

"Yes, I know. I was hoping..." Vivian interjected, refusing to appear restricted by Emory. This thought made her shudder inside. "I was considering..." her voice faded. Her chances of a successful future were vanishing. So, she made a last, futile attempt to save what remained of it. "I suppose I can adhere to the Easier Mother Regulation," she suggested.

"Vivian," Michael clarified," I should explain that I'm only interested in breeding with someone who amazes me."

This was Vivian's one chance and she knew it. Her limited experience with men would work against her, but she was determined. "Michael, if you'll let me," she began. When she looked up at him, fiercely maintaining her gaze, "I can utilize tonight to astound you," Vivian threw out. She tread a dangerous line, anything that Michael disapproved would mark her forever. The couple seconds until a response felt like eternity to Vivian. She dreaded the potential consequences.

Michael's voice held strength and dominance, telling her, "Get to work." Vivian inhaled deeply and pressed her hand against his groin, gently rubbing it. She was no stranger to sexual encounters, but this was a novel experience for her. About to embark on a first with a man, she would have to adapt quickly.

She carefully undid his belt buckle, allowing it to hit the floor with a clatter. Next, she fumbled with the button, nervously popping it open before carefully sliding his pants down to reveal his ankles. Her eyes finally met what had been hidden behind his thin black underwear. "Carry on," Michael commanded. Entranced, she followed his guidance. Cupping her thumbs into the elastic waistband, she peeled down the trunks, letting them join his pants.

Vivian had viewed images of male genitalia before. She'd encountered them in medical texts and in the illustrations that accompanied her readings. However, these illustrations only hinted at the real thing. It was like a third leg, hanging in front of her, and darker than the man's skin. It shone with a deep luster in the library's antique lighting. The head was round and led into a thicker shaft that seemed to sprawl on forever, ending at his pelvis. The sight resembled the famous African spears depicted in history books: a tool designed to penetrate. This, too, was a penetrating object. Moth drawn, she raised her hand and grasped it. It was heavy, pulsating with his heartbeat. "This," she murmured, "is a man's penis."

Chuckling at her fascination, Michael commented, "Yes, that's my cock. Indeed striking, isn't it?"

"Yes," the breathless doctor responded, running her thumb over the head. Naturally, it twitched slightly and released a few drops of lubricant. Michael smirked as her eyes flitted toward the scars on his cock. She had knowledge of the Eradicator Virus conceptually and had imagined them to be a nuisance in person. Instead, she was entranced. The scars told a story of a man who had fought something that killed the majority of the male population. In her grip was more than just a man's penis—it was the weapon of a fearless warrior. Her tongue slipped out and tasted her findings.

"Sweet," she breathed with admiration. Emboldened, Michael urged, "Suck it!" Startled, she went back to the request, opening her mouth wide for him. Tasting the sweetness of him, she took him deep and closed her eyes in ecstasy. Using her tongue, she carefully swirled the head, next lapping up the slick liquid.

Jubilant, he grinned at her performance, while she adjusted to his rhythm. An upside town, honoring his request, she took him in whole, her lips combining with cheeks holding her cheeks. Looking up at him, she found his gaze intense; her eyes widened. Gradually, his snake-like shaft began to throb, demanding more. The temptation was too strong for her to resist, yet the fear of swallowing him whole still gripped her. Tears welled in her eyes as she pondered the task. Was it 6 inches, 8 inches, even 10? Mouth watering, she placed her hands on her thighs to still them from shaking. Eyes shut tight, her mind's haze broke, revealing her embarrassment of being unable to overcome consuming him. Her body began to lubricate in an attempt to minimize the burden, while her mouth dilated. Sweat trickled from her forehead as he firmly instructed, "Slowly suck it and reach this depth every time."

His requests governed her actions. She tightened her lips to keep out the overwhelming volume, while she tried to avoid choking. A faint moan escaped her lips as she hoped she could please him. She then run her tongue over it, revelling in his taste. Michael's breathing intensified as his cock continued to swell. Her mouth watered with a mix of anticipation and nervousness: Would she be able to swallow him whole?

"We can start," he ordered. Thrusting in her direction, he almost immediately gave up as she held her lips against the tip. Though he removed most of the weight from her, tears streamed down her face. "Such a slow eater," he half-joked. Her expression turned from fear and confusion to uncertainty as he commanded, "Put it all in and work your way down."

Vivian opened her eyes, tears threatening as she forced herself to follow the instructions. Her movements were steady, her head pulling back before moving forward. She couldn't stand the thought of letting go of the materials, so she kept pulling her head back despite the discomfort. The salty taste of cum filled her mouth as more of it dripped onto her tongue. Her grip tightened even more as she kept bobbing her head. Michael's pleasure wasn't in the rhythm, it was more about her determination. Kendra and Emory had bragged about her anti-breeder attitude, but here she was kneeling and pleasuring him. With every passing second, his cock twitched and pre-cum leaked out into her stomach. "Mmm, that's it, keep sucking. Keep going my little cocksucker," Michael moaned, leaning further onto the table.

Earlier in the evening, she might have walked away, maintaining her dignity as a professor. But the current moment had changed her. She realized that being a slut wasn't a bad thing. Women like her were the ones who made men feel good and brought children into the world. Her pace quickened, her excitement bubbling. She wiggled her hips and gave a soft moan that vibrated through his penis. "Oh, someone likes that she's a slut, huh?" Michael grunted. He felt his balls tighten and withdrew his cock. A strand of spit stretched between them. Vivian's pout was endearing, like a little girl who had just been denied her favorite chocolate. Looking down, she observed the elegant green dress she was wearing was now soiled with her drool and some of his come. It didn't matter to Vivian—her gaze was fixed on his magnificent shaft. It swelled and she smiled, feeling proud she had grown it. The idea of taking him all in her mouth crossed her mind.

Sexy images from porn flashed in her head, of women kneeling before men. Her legs spread, and she subconsciously acknowledged she was horny. A familiar heat filled her as she slipped a hand inside her panties and grasped her aching pussy. "May I continue sucking you, sir?" she asked breathlessly. His cock nearly sprang out of his pants, but he managed to contain himself.

"Later. You have more to prove yourself," he said, turning back. Vivian rose from the chair, abandoning her books behind. The two walked silently, her heels making a loud clacking sound. She wanted to break the silence but was too scared to say anything. Had she pleased him? Was she good enough? These thoughts swirled in her mind as she approached a large, ornate door. Michael pushed it open, revealing a luxurious room much bigger than hers. In the corner stood shelves filled with books. In another section was a walk-in closet. To her right were large chairs and a sofa arranged around a big TV. In the center was a sumptuous four-poster bed, its sheets in dark brown and cream. It looked like royal furniture, and she immediately fell in love with the majesty.

She stared at the painting hung above the headboard, eyes wide. It showed a magnificent black man seated on a throne, a dark-skinned man leaning against him. Several women of various skin tones were at his feet, each in different stages of pregnancy. A black clock, held by two of the smallest women, was located between the man's legs. The painting was carefully framed in gold, the bottom portion thicker. She crept closer, reading the inscription beneath it: "The real tragedy lies not in submission, but in never knowing the joy it could bring."

Vivian familiarized herself with the words, just like everyone else. These words, a poet's creation, were used for the initial announcement of the Breeding Program. When she first heard them back in her history class, she felt disgusted while her classmates found them inspiring. Now, in this room, she finally acknowledged the truth. She couldn't resist the desire to give herself over. Casually raising the hem of her dress to rest on her hips, she revealed her panty-covered buttocks. She sighed in relief, recalling the Brazilian bikini panties she chose, which made her feel both sexy and comfortable. Despite this, she turned around and lowered one strap of her dress, allowing Michael to see her ass.

Michael didn't budge; he wasn't going to fall into her trap so easily. Unaware of Michael's tactics, she flipped onto the bed and spread her legs, letting her host see her pussy, hidden by a dark maroon patch of fabric that had once been bright red. Slowly stroking her finger up her slit, she smiled at him and asked, "Michael, please."

Rising from where he was sitting, Michael discarded his shoes, shirt, pants, and underwear, eventually standing naked. Staring at him was a masterpiece, a masterfully sculpted specimen who was all hers. The most captivating trait on his body was the series of thin black lines, elegant scars that he should be proud to bear. Noticing the belt buckle next, he took it off, then his pants. Finally, his underwear joined the pile on the floor. "Lazy lovers are unacceptable," he announced as he settled back on the bed. Seated beside him, Vivian removed her shoes. "You may keep them," he suggested.

Vivian flung off her dress and removed her underwear with ease. Holding them in her hands, she watched as Michael took and smelled them. Seeing the delight in his face given by the scent of her own body, she was encouraged. Unable to wait any longer, she scooted toward Michael, throwing one leg over his waist and using her free hand to keep his erection upright. Gently whispering, "Beautiful," she marveled at the sight of the glistening black rod in her small white hand.

"You're beautiful, too," he replied with a sigh.

"Not a charmer?" she quipped, playing with his cock head and rubbing her wet panties against it. The contact created a spark that traveled through their bodies, causing them both to shudder. Driven by the tingling sensation, she snuggled closer and sank down on him, gasping when she hesitated. Her thighs trembled as she felt herself stretching further than she ever had before, and he wasn't even fully inside her yet. Michael's composure shattered, and he squeezed her hips hard. He proceeded to thrust her down onto his cock. She gasped out, "Fuck!"

"," he managed to say between breaths. The feel of his tip brushing against her cervix made it difficult for him to maintain his composure. They were both overwhelmed by the foreign sensation. Vivian was inexperienced with men. All her previous lovers had been women, enthusiastic lovers who used intricate strap-ons and dildos. Struck by the difference, she paused, now wanting to savor the new experience. She slowly moved her hips, savoring the sensation of the pulsating organ rubbing against her clit. Hesitating, Michael's hands shook on her hips as he whispered, "You should be showing off for me," while he stuttered with enthusiasm. Vivian returned his gaze and then admitted, "This is exciting."

The second instance triggered a sense of remembrance, and the feeling of familiarity surfaced once more. This time, she could identify its source. Nearly three years prior, when she aimed for tenure, she gladly volunteered, hoping it'd sway them in her favor. The elite preparation academy assigned her a highly advanced research group with a single male student. A handsome Black man of youthful looks who possessed a passion for the ancient world. She recalled his habit of lingering behind and engaging her in discussions, despite causing irritation among other ladies in the class. He'd made things awkward for her amidst her pursuit of a timid 18-year-old student and fellow instructors. She had no intentions of romancing him, solely wishing to aid his research-based aspirations. Now and again, she pondered his whereabouts. The memory of the hesitant young man strolling away with a veneer of pride crossed her thoughts. She'd presumed he'd seek another partner to satisfy his cravings; however, she was mistaken.

She chuckled to herself, feeling foolish. Why would a deserving man participate in collecting an ancient reading library? Why would he indulge her tawdry background or inexperience? Had he been any other fella, he'd've ordered her to get training and return. Nary a soul would've greeted her with her proper title, but he did. It made more sense that she was engaging with her former student. Pride swelled within her, convinced of his inevitable support for her endeavor. She felt at an advantage, intent on capitalizing. While Michael still reveled in his personal utopia, he exerted effort to uphold his facade, "Come on, Vivian show me something."

With a mysterious smirk, the fair physician initiated. Grasping his strong waist, she leaned forward for greater support. Her movements altered; bouncing back and forth, her body shook as his cock head preserved its consistent drilling. Vivian revelled in the feeling as orgasms flooded her system. She'd long loved the sensation, and years ago would've been dubbed a size queen. Permitting herself to satiate these physical desires, hornier bounces emerged. Each hit ignited a wave of pleasure, but Michael evinced no signs of relinquishing the performance. Tumbling atop him was the female he fantasized about breaking, using him as if he were a plaything. Her makeup was disarranged, and several strands of hair clung to her head. Nobody could persuade him that she wasn't a splendid deity appointed to him.

Growing more aggressive in her movements, she paused and engendered faster, forceful thrusts. Her muscles tightened, preventing oxygen from reaching her lungs. Thus, she halted and engaged in harder, more frequent strikes. Her lips grazed her front teeth, teetering on the brink of injury. Michael tautened his bracing grip on her hips, witnessing the feral look on her visage. Vivian was lost in a clouded haze as small bursts of heat blanketed her body. Knowing she was about to climax, she surrendered to the surge, loud cries reverberating around the room. Michael's eyes clenched shut as he groaned, juxtaposing her elation. Vivian's ragged breaths paralleled her rapid heart rate. Exhausted, she resigned to his chest, her breasts pressing against it, her hair cascading. Mesmerized, he perceived her flushed skin, glistening with sweat, and couldn't help but sag. After a while, she stirred, untangling herself from atop him. Her fingers traced up his side, then captured his nipple. He strained at her touch. "Mhmm, seems to work on us males too," she giggled as she sat. Hair clips released their hold, cascading her golden, gray, and auburn locks. Awe overwhelmed him as he observed the exquisite being atop him.

She murmured, "That was quite a presentation, but does it not end there?"

Vivian looked down at him with a smile. In the short span of time she used to catch her breath, she had hatched a plan. She knew she wouldn't actually lose out on the funding, but she needed to make her point clear. "Oh darling, I'm so, so sorry, but this might be it," she began. Disappointment was evident on his face. "I understand, Mikey. You've been waiting for such a long time. That's it, my absolute best," she said. Surprise took over his expression. He opened his mouth to reply, but she placed a finger on his lips. "Yes, I know it's you, Mikey. How could I forget my dearest student?" she continued. Everyone appreciates having their egos stroked, no matter who they are. "I don't think I can convince you that I'd be a suitable partner, I'd be a complete disaster," she lied.

Michael was completely baffled and could only say "Huh?"

Vivian had managed to lure him into her trap. This was going to be a lesson, a private performance of sorts. He was her student, and she was going to provide him with the lesson he desired. She started rolling her hips again, moving in soft circles. She let out a whimper as his powerful cock continued to grind against her cervix and watched as he closed his eyes in delight. "See? I'm so bad at this," she chuckled, "You must have had top-notch experiences since the last time I saw you. I don't think I could possibly meet those expectations." She glanced at his face as she continued speaking, "You've been with women with beautiful, perky breasts and tight bottoms. I'm no comparison." For emphasis, she cupped her breasts and pinched her nipples. Michael's eyes nearly popped out of his head as he stared in amazement. She smiled softly down at him, release her hands, and continued moving, grinding slowly and noting how his breath quickened. "I mean they must know things I could never imagine," she said, "You'd have to teach me everything." Finally, she discarded the act and leaned closer.

Michael gasped as she started to move up towards him. Her skin was hot and sweaty. She kissed him as she moved - first his chest, then his neck, then his cheek, and finally his lips. She moved to the side and her warm breaths were hot against his ear. "Mmhmm, you'd want that, right?" she purred in his ear. Rolling over, she reached between his legs and grabbed his cock. She could only reach the head, but that was sufficient. Like before, she rubbed the swollen tip, her hand gliding over the member. Michael moaned at her touch, a deep masculine sound that sent shivers down her spine. "Think about it," she moaned, "You teaching me the best ways to please you. Me, your eagerness learner. I'd wear high heels and stockings, climbing up these thick thighs of mine. A short skirt that wouldn't cover anything, fuck it probably wouldn't fit over these spherical hips of mine. A top so small it could barely contain my breasts, leaving them dripping."

"Damn, that's hot," Michael moaned as he placed his hands on her bottom. She felt her heart race at his voice but continued describing the fantasy to him.

Vivian's hands moved at a faster pace as she continued rubbing him. "I'd be your obedient learner," she breathed, "I'd call you sir and work extra hard to obtain your thick load of semen." She paused, positioning her hands to nibble on his ear. This sent Michael over the edge and he shuddered, thrusting upwards. Vivian was taken aback but quickly regained her composure. With a thunderous growl, he flipped himself on top. Vivian was taken by surprise, but instinct took over. She spread her legs to allow him to fit in. With a beast-like roar, he pushed into her scorching pussy, and she screamed, "YES! It's so massive!"

Although Vivian had no mental constraints, her body did. He'd nearly filled her, but only a portion of his cock remained outside of her. In missionary, he could fully insert himself, penetrate her deeply - he wanted to breed her. "Keep fucking me," he panted, slowly humping her. Each time, his cock drove even deeper into her body, reaching a point where he was fully inside. Vivian locked her arms and legs around him, struggling to stay conscious. Due to the blissful heat between them, she began to grow faint. The thought of her dress crept into her mind, her perspiration surely ruining it. With a fierce growl, he fucked her harder, "Keep going."

"Yeah, I'm planning on it." She spoke with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. "Once I'm pregnant, I'm going to boast about you. I'll dress in tight outfits to show off my large, swollen belly. I'm going to make sure all my students and colleagues know that my amazing benefactor," she paused, overtaken by pleasure. "Actually, my outstanding master. My dedicated black master!" she screamed. Michael groaned as he began to kiss and bite her neck while she scratched his back. The two had crossed a line and were mating in their most natural form. "Yeah, then I'm going to exhibit you. We'll conduct a live history lesson in front of my students and colleagues, showing them how black rulers used to breed their concubines," she moaned. Another orgasm was building within her as he ferociously thrust into her. Her legs trembled with each thrust. "The best part is I'll select your next few wives. All my colleagues require funding, and my students are merely bimbo students. I'll have them earn this delectable cum by stroking and sucking you. I'll pleasure you the best, though. I'll be your queen and you'll be the king. Maybe when we have adequate concubines, we can reenact that photo."

Michael groaned as he increased his speed. Each thrust into the woman triggered a moan from her. "So you're going to make me a king?" he groaned, "Stockpiling hot concubines?"

Perspiring and exhausted, Vivian persisted, "Yes, I'm going to inform all those snooty professors that if they want funding, they must serve my black master." Michael moved in, rubbing her highly sensitive clitoris with his thick shaft. "And I'll educate my students about history. Educated historians comprehend how to appreciate a king. These concubines will learn. We'll exhibit the instruction with live demonstrations and ensure the best ones are brought here. I'll be your personal concubine though. I'll drain your balls before I teach and strut around the neighborhood with your cum dripping out, leaving stains all over the facility," she moaned. The vision of her in a tight work suit with his thick white cum aroused her. With a howl, she climaxed, thrusting against him. The claws dug into his back while her body twitched. Michael was now pinned by her engorged pussy, and he buried his face in her neck as his own climax struck. His body spasmed as gallons of cum surged into the woman's body. Both were lightheaded as they clung to each other. Vivian tightened up as Michael continued to spasm, keeping him trapped.

Wounded and painful, both closed their eyes. Vivian took the whole encounter in stride, for her betraying her ethics finally hit her full force. Michael climbed out first, kissing her lips with anticipation. He was cautious not to withdraw, fearing he hadn't impregnated her efficiently. The two slipped under the sheets eventually. Michael's mighty erection pulsated against Vivian's leg, and she nestled next to him. "We should tell the International Council in the morning," Michael grunted. He buried his face in her chest and starting to kiss her breasts.

"Oh," Vivian sighed.

"Yes, I've always yearned for that," Michael spoke as he pulled up Vivian. He pressed his lips to her chest and kissed her breasts.


In the other side of the house, Kendra lay on Emory's chest. His hands were caressing her expanding belly. "You understand you're in trouble," he murmured with a kiss.

"For what, baby?" Kendra inquired, assuming a childlike demeanor.

Emory sighed, "For mixing an aphrodisiac and a fertility pill into her wine glasses."

"I didn't mix an aphrodisiac and fertility pill. I mixed two aphrodisiacs, though, if she gets pregnant, that's on her," Kendra countered.

"Didn't I tell you to let her choose?" Emory asked, not particularly interested.

Kendra relinquished the act of innocentness, "Emory my cherished one. She needed funds for her passion project. I saw an opportunity to aid a friend. Plus, Michael has long been enamored with her since she was his student. I helped two individuals in need." Emory rose above the negotiation and instead wrapped his arms around his wife. He believed how stressed she was due to needing funds. Kendra sighed, turning to gaze into his eyes, "I'm sorry for the lack of communication. How can I make it up to you, adored?"

Emory compromised, "1,000 kisses by morning?" Kendra chuckled before rising up his moved up to progress with that 1,000.

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