First Chapter on a Tuesday - Heather

Heather persists along this fresh, invigorating path.

May 27, 2024
16 min read
submissionChapter One - Tuesday - Heathercontrollight bdsmobedience
Chapter One - Tuesday - Heather
Chapter One - Tuesday - Heather

First Chapter on a Tuesday - Heather

Hi there! This is the continuation of a series I've created just for myself. It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I hope you enjoy it for what it is. The story, characters, and content are all products of my imagination.

Now, let's dive into today's events.

Heather wakes up restlessly and tosses and turns throughout the night. Her alarm goes off at 6:30 in the morning, but she's already awake. She jumps out of bed, turns on the shower, and slips into something comfortable. While eating a light breakfast of fruit, granola, and juice, she keeps checking her phone for messages and the time. It doesn't seem to be passing by quickly enough. And then, suddenly, her phone buzzes with a message.

==== Message ====

  • Good morning, Heather.
  • Good morning.
  • How did you sleep?
  • lol not much... but I'll be ok.
  • sorry events kept you up.
  • it's ok, really. I feel good.
  • great. See you soon.

==== Message ====

Before she can put her phone down, the doorbell rings. She peeks out the window to see yet another delivery person standing on her porch. She opens the door, receives a large, flat box, and signs for it. Inside, she finds a full outfit and a letter.

==== Letter ====

Good morning, Heather.

I trust you'll like the clothing I've sent you. You have a choice - if you wish to end this before it begins, wear another outfit from your wardrobe. Keep the items I've given you as my gift. No hard feelings. You won't hear from me again. However, if you wish to continue and explore, wear only what I've provided... and nothing more. I've left no detail out.

I'm very excited to continue our exploration together. I hope you're just as eager. I'll see you this morning.

==== Letter ====

Heather stands before the box, letting her robe fall to the floor. The first item is a pair of dark red thong panties. She chuckles a little, considering she rarely wears thongs, afraid they wouldn't contain her, but maybe she's too boring. The thongs do, in fact, look nice as she pulls them up and checks herself out in the mirror. The next item is a lace white bra. The fit is perfect, and there's no size on the tag - perhaps it's custom-made. She ponders, wondering how he knew her size.

She moves on to a red tiered skirt. Heather steps into it, feeling it swish over her thighs as she zips it up in the back. Next is a beautiful white knit sweater. It's sleeveless with three large buttons in the front and a deep v-neck. As she slips it on, she admires what a great job it does showing off her tan shoulders. Then, a pair of 2-inch sandals... and a small box containing a simple gold chain with a heart pendant. She clasps it around her neck, smiling as she notices the heart sits about an inch above her cleavage. Lastly, a hair band.

"He has thought of everything," she murmurs, tying her hair into a ponytail.

She spends the rest of her morning getting ready. She finishes her look with some light makeup and has to admit that she's excited about not having to decide what to wear today.

Heading to the office, the stairs seem longer than usual, and she can't help but feel self-conscious about her skirt swishing with each step. It falls a few inches above her knee, much shorter than she would typically wear. But maybe that was the point.

Finally, she arrives at her desk and checks her phone compulsively.

==== Message ====

  • Good morning, Heather.
  • Good morning!
  • You look very nice this morning. The clothing I selected fit well... sexy.
  • Thank you!

==== Message ====

I imagine her blushing as I compliment her. I want her to feel beautiful and sexy in my presence.

==== Message ====

==== Message ====

  • Did you enjoy the freedom I gave you this morning... not having to decide what to wear today?

==== Message ====

Heather thinks about the question briefly before responding. Beneath her excitement about the whole situation, she did, in fact, enjoy not worrying about what to wear.

==== Message ====

  • Yes, it was exciting and nice not having to think about it.

==== Message ====

==== Message ====

  • Open your drawer... I've left something there for you.

==== Message ====

Heather opens her desk drawer and sees a small, black velvet box. She takes the box, carefully removing the lid. Inside, she finds a pair of high-heeled red leather shoes adorned with crystals. She sighs, but it's a good kind of sigh. This is one of the perks of being Heather.

==== Message ====

  • If you were to try these on, let me know how they feel.

==== Message ====

Heather smiles, tells him they feel like they're made of clouds. In her mind, she knows tomorrow will be another exciting day.

==== Message ====

  • I can't wait. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with me.

==== Message ====

And with that, she steps into the red shoes, wobbling slightly at first but growing more confident with every step.

=== End Note from Author ====

That's it! I've left some blanks for you to fill in. I hope this story intrigues you enough to keep reading and writing. Cheers!

Heather takes a look inside her pencil holder and finds an envelop. She opens it and takes out a sleek onyx credit card with her name on it. She wonders how her secret admirer managed to steal her identity and get a card in her name.

==== message ====

  • Feel free to use this card for any purchases or expenses. You don't need to worry about any financial burden while discovering the world with me.
  • Thank you. It's quite generous of you.
  • I just want to make your life easier and stress-free.
  • I'm starting to understand.
  • Understood. I'll keep you updated as we continue our journey. I only ask for complete honesty from you.
  • I'll try... and thank you for your patience. It's all new to me, but I'm not overwhelmed.
  • I'm glad to hear that. I'll leave you for today, but you can reach out to me here if you have more questions.
  • Thank you. I will.


I smile knowing she'll be reaching out soon.


An hour later, she feels her skirt brush against her thighs as she walks. It gives her an unusual feeling of arousal. When she heads to the restroom and bends down in front of the sink, the skirt reveals more than she ever thought it would. Her nipples are slightly erect, and there's a slight tingling between her legs. Determined to get back to work, she tries to control her makeup.


After returning to her desk, she notices the slight jingle sound the skirt makes. He probably chose it so she'd be aware of it throughout the day. The tingling returns at the thought. Her lips begin to swell, and she worries that the thin thong might not hold her in place.


What if this all has a deeper meaning? Did he provide the skirts specifically for this reason to keep her mind occupied and stimulated? The tingle persists, and it becomes a distraction. Heather decides to distract herself by returning to her desk.


Heather walks around the atrium, feeling the skirt sway with her feet. The fabric brushing against her thighs gives her a familiar feeling of arousal. These thoughts might be going a little too far, but she feels thrilled by this mystery.


Her nipples slightly protrude through her low-cut sweater, and she notices this in the mirror. It's different from anything she's ever done, and it surprises her. Back at her desk, she notices dampness between her legs. She wishes the nylon of the thong could keep her in one place.


  • Hello
  • Hello Heather
  • I've spent a lot of time considering things. I must say, wearing the provided outfit was a pleasant experience.
  • Glad to hear you enjoyed it. I'll continue sending you outfits this week.
  • I'll be wearing whatever you provide. Just exactly that!
  • Do you agree that you'll wear exactly what I provide?

==== message ====

Heather wonders if she upset him with her cautious response. She's been confused by all of this. Why did he get so worked up over her response? It's not like she disagreed with his generous offer.


  • I'm sorry for upsetting you.
  • I'm not angry at all. Honestly, your response gave me reason to believe that you might've had second thoughts. Please do not misconstrue my tone. I simply want to ensure you want what I offer.
  • Yes, I do.
  • So, you'll wear what I send you without any additions or subtractions?
  • Yes. I'll listen to your instructions.
  • I'm relieved to hear that. I enjoy spoiling you in my own small way.

==== message ====

Heather can't help but feel grateful for her secret admirer's courtesy and generosity. It's a nice change from her mundane daily life. The afternoon drags, but soon she'll head home.


  • Hello Heather
  • Hi there
  • Would you like a vegetable pasta from Bravo for dinner tonight?

==== message ====

On her way out of the office, Heather is aware of the skirt swinging around her thighs and the feeling it gives. Could he have done this on purpose? It's certainly stimulating something in her. Leaving the atrium, she resumes her usual routine, but the tingling feeling persists. It's not overtly sexual, but the notion of taking care of her in this small way raises some curiosity.


Heather heads to the restroom, bending down to wash her hands. When she stands again, she can sense the skirt brushing against her breasts from the low v-cut and it makes her dive deeper into her thoughts.


Arousal begins to set in as she thinks about wearing what her secret admirer sends. But she keeps her composure and tries to focus on work.


  • Hello
  • Hey there
  • I've been considering the implications of wearing your provided outfit.
  • I'm glad you appreciated the previous outfit. I'll give you wonderful pieces for the whole week.
  • I agree to wear exclusively what you send me. No exceptions.
  • I'll wear exactly what you provide, just as you say.
  • Excellent. This arrangement brings me great joy.
  • What's your secret? How do you know my size and what I like?
  • No need to know all my secrets. Suffice to say, I have ways of knowing these things. I simply want to make you feel at ease and guided in your journey.
  • I'm glad to hear your intentions. Thank you for being patient with me.
  • I hope I can be of service and give you joy in some small ways.
  • Thank you, it means the world to me.
  • Farewell for today, please send me a message if you need anything else.
  • I will, thank you.

Heather re-reads his message repeatedly. She needs him to understand that vegetable pasta from her favorite takeout place is among her top choices. She doesn't get it often due to its high cost, but he has to be aware of this.

==== Message ====

  • How did you find out?
  • Don't be worried, Heather. I'm extremely cautious and well-prepared in all aspects of life. I just want to care for you. But how can I do that well if I don't know anything about you?
  • It's a bit unsettling... considering you seem to know so much about me... and I don't know anything about you
  • I'm absolutely harmless, Heather. If I had wanted to harm you, I could have done so many times and in various ways. There's no intention of hurting you. My goal is to give you an enchanting life. If you don't believe me, just drop the phone into the fountain on your way out and you'll never hear from me again.
  • I'm feeling very nervous. Everything's just way too much for me.
  • Mercantile Bank - Box #1105. Search your pencil drawer.

==== Message ====

Heather opens her pencil drawer and discovers an interesting skeleton key. "1105" is engraved on its head.

==== Message ====

  • What is the key used for?
  • If you visit the Mercantile Bank on Superior, hand over this key, and they'll release a safe deposit box. Inside you'll discover my birth certificate, passport, some significant items to me, and other details that would reveal me. Additionally, there's a numbered account you could live comfortably on for the rest of your life.
  • Why would you give this to me?
  • I only want you to continue and believe me. I don't have any other objectives. If you choose to open that box, you'll never hear from me again. If you decide to trust me and continue our connection as it currently stands, I believe, in time, you'll return the key to me.
  • Thanks. I don't know how to respond to that.
  • There's no need to say anything. Just keep following this path. That's all I want.
  • I understand.
  • So... dinner? May I provide that for you?
  • Yes, please... and thank you.
  • You're welcome and enjoy your evening. Your outfit will arrive at 7:00 AM again tomorrow.
  • Thanks.
  • I'll contact you after dinner.
  • I'm looking forward to it.
  • Me too. Your food will be waiting for you. Please appreciate it.


Heather heads to Bravo and fetches her dinner. It consists of vegetable pasta, a small salad, and a piece of plain cheesecake with fresh strawberries on the side. He's even included a nice bottle of Italian table wine. She admires that he knows her deep preferences... however, she still feels uneasy. She sees the key in her hand, understanding that he must trust her significantly to expose such information.

But she is also thoughtful. As she leaves, she calls the bank. She mentions the safe deposit box and the number. A different male voice answers.

"Hello, Miss. My name is Anthony. How may I assist you?"

"How do you know my name?"

"He said you might inquire about the box."

"Which 'he' are you referring to?"

"Regretfully, I can't disclose that information, but I can confirm that the box is real and you have full control over it."

"I do?"

"Yes, ma'am. My instructions are very clear on this point. Would you like me to remain late for you?"

"No, that's not necessary. But I'm appreciative of the offer."

"You're most welcome, Miss Heather. I must inform my superiors of your inquiry. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"No. Thank you."

"You're welcome, Miss Heather. I hope you have a nice evening."

Heather ends the call, thinking about it. The box is indeed a reality?! He really thought of everything! He obviously knew she'd inquire about the box. Did he think she wouldn't take it? How could he know she wouldn't? This notion of trusting him and continuing gets her heart racing, causing her breasts to become erect, and her vagina to pulse internally.

"Oh my, Heather!"

I receive Anthony's phone call. I expected her to make a call. If she hadn't, I would've been disappointed, and maybe even ended things. She'll be stunning once I transform her, but there are many other beauties in the world. Yet, I'm happy. She current fulfills all my expectations and then some. She's discreet, inquisitive, mannered, and breathtakingly beautiful; soon, she'll be a goddess. All she needs is an awakening.


Heather returns home, places her dinner on the dining table, and grabs a bottle of water from the fridge. She takes a seat, relishing the pasta. Typically, she would rapidly change, yet this time, she prefers to relish the attire Master gave her. The meal is delightful, and she savors each bite, taking her time. She gazes at the window, enjoying the remaining sip of wine...


"Hello again""Hello, Heather""The dinner was quite appetizing... and thank you for the wine. It was very tasty. May I savor the dessert later?""Certainly. Above all, I desire you to enjoy every moment of your life in whatever fashion you find pleasing.""Thank you."


I ring her phone... the courier is stationed outside.


As Heather hears the doorbell, she peeks out the window. She sees a delivery person. While she's not astonished, she must admit... excited. She opens the door with a smile, and the delivery person politely reciprocates, handing her the package.

She places the package on the table and clears the dishes. Then she heads to the living room. She swiftly unboxes a white envelope and some objects wrapped in paper.

==== letter ====


It's a great evening, with a gentle breeze, pleasant temperatures, and low humidity... Would you like to go for a stroll? However, if you're going for a walk, and wearing what I provide you with currently, then I must equip you for the walk also. Please put on the undergarments from today, along with what you uncover in the box. Delight in the walk!


==== letter ====

Heather uncovers the tissue paper. Inside, she discovers a pair of white shorts (a little shorter than she'd usually wear but they fit perfectly well), a plain white tee-shirt (brief, not reaching the waistband of the shorts, offering just a glimpse of her stomach), and socks and sneakers. She journeys to her bedroom, removing her skirt and sweater, making space for them in her closet. Soon, she's dressed in the shorts (which hug her hips just right), the tee-shirt (which falls just slightly short, revealing a bit of her stomach... something she would not normally wear but feels very sexy), and she slips on the shoes (which fit effortlessly). She leaves the charming necklace on and leaves it hanging outside her shirt.

Soon, she's walking down the street and into the park. The evening is so pleasurable, thus she chooses to stroll not only for exercise, but also for sheer enjoyment... inhaling, savoring the brisk air, listening to the tranquil surroundings... eventually reaching the bench by the small pond, her special spot for reflecting during chaotic times.


I message her minutes after she sits on the bench.

==== message ====

"Good evening, Heather""Hello there!""I hope you're appreciating the pleasant evening""I am, thank you. And thank you for the walking attire. The shorts and shoes, in particular, were the perfect fit.""That pleases me greatly, Heather. You're progressing quite well, even in the initial stages.""I agree."

==== message ====

I've meticulously planned these words, understanding their impact on her.


Heather inhales sharply as she reads the message. My god, her body reacts intensely, nipples harden beneath her shirt and bra.

"Oh my goodness, Heather!" she murmurs softly.

Her breath quickens and she experiences a deep, powerful throbbing in her pussy. She gasps, feeling her wetness instantly, noticing her lips swell. She must maintain her composure to avoid climaxing. She recognizes the consequences if she reaches climax. She conformed to every instruction he gave her.

==== message ====

"Thank you""You're welcome. My dear, I'm very content with the progress we've made thus far.""I believe so as well."

==== message ====

I've chosen the words carefully, knowing their influence on her. I'm infatuated by my control over her. It's intoxicating!


"Hey Heather," the man starts with a smile on his face.

"Hi!" she replies in a friendly manner.

"Here's a gift bag for you, with his best wishes. Thanks!"

Her eyes glimmer as she takes the bag, then unfolds the tissue.she pulls out a few pieces and then a few more, until she finds a small piece of paper.

===== paper ======

Check under the bench.

===== paper ======

Uncertain, she stands up and goes to her knees, searching under the bench until she finds the note, smiling when she sees the message. She stands back up, holding the envelope close to her chest.

===== letter ======


It might be a little difficult to understand. Just like the package has nothing inside, that's how you should sleep - without the charm. Once you remove it, you'll find a message inside that will make my intentions obvious.


===== letter ======

Heather grins at the attention to detail. she's had the charm on all day, trying to see if it could be undone, but she couldn't find the catch. Still, she carefully removes the necklace, turning the charm over in her hands. And, after a second, she locates the catch, pressing it gently. The charm opens, revealing a word engraved in the soft gold.


She snaps the charm closed quickly, relieved when the arousing feeling that runs through her body subsides.


I'm patiently waiting for a few minutes for her to consider my request.

===== message ======

  • Heather, do you understand what I want you to do tonight?
  • Yes, you want me to sleep nude.
  • Yes.
  • I've never tried that before.
  • Do it for me, pretty please?

===== message ======

I carefully chose my words, wanting her to consider doing things for me.

===== message ======

  • Yes.
  • Thank you, Heather. I'm extremely pleased.
  • You're welcome.
  • And now, if you could, I'd like you to head home. Please sit on your patio, enjoy your dessert, and perhaps another glass of wine. The pairing should be wonderful. I have one last package on its way for you.
  • Really? You're spoiling me.
  • Indeed, I enjoy spoiling you.


Her legs are shaking a bit as she walks, trying to remain calm and not reveal how wet she is. She's grateful for the darkness concealing her embarrassment. Struggling to not think of what's happening, she tries to regulate her breathing to keep herself from getting even more turned on.


I'm ready for what's about to happen next.


Heather steps inside, shutting the door and leaning against it. She breathes deeply, attempting to regain control of herself. When she's able to calm down, she goes to her patio and sits, looking out into the dark street. It's peaceful and quiet, and she enjoys her dessert and glass of wine while she feels her brain buzz with excitement.

She's been anxiously waiting for the next delivery. As she looks out into the dark, a black car pulls up and the man steps out, grabbing a big, wrapped package from the trunk.

"Hello again!" he greets her. "Nice weather, eh?"

"Yep," she murmurs. "Is that for me?"

"Yes, for you, Miss Heather. This one's a little heavy. Would you want me to put it inside for you?"

"Nah, I think I can manage," she tells him as she slowly walks toward him.

"Great. Have a fantastic evening. Goodbye!" He gets into his car, driving away.

Heather doesn't realize that the driver is the same man who'd sent her the other gifts, but she admires how handsome he looks from behind the wheel.

I'm thrilled you enjoy it. I want you to feel at ease while you snooze.

* I'm happy to do so

* That makes me very happy, Heather. You're such a great girl!

Heather feels her body tremble, conscious of the impact the thought of sleeping nude has on her. The fact that he asked her to do it doesn't help either.

* Thank you

* Enjoy a wonderful night. Sleep well!

* I will... I'm certain of it

Heather hurries to the bathroom, taking a short shower. After drying off with a towel, she enters her bedroom, unclothed. She spots her robe abandoned at the bathroom door and casually throws it away. She smooths back the covers and climbs under them. They feel cool and comfortable as she exhales onto her pillow. Lying flat on her back, she notices goosebumps forming on her arms, legs, and neck. She anticipates being cold but discovers she's quite warm. Adjusting the comforter and blankets, she places her palms on her chest and closes her eyes. Breathe in and out slowly, trying to practise some meditation. It aids in calming her, yet she is not completely at ease. She switches on the TV and watches the LOTR series for a while. Soon, she is longing for sleep... drained from the ongoing excitement. She turns off the TV, curls into a ball on her side, and tucks the blankets close to her neck. She slumbers.

Heather's nipples remain erect. She is still tingling, her skin dotted with goosebumps. Her vagina is swollen, and she is still wet. She fervently hopes she doesn't soil these fancy linen sheets. She focuses on her breathing, deeply inhaling the sweet night air and then releasing it slowly, attempting to clear her thoughts. The half-successful meditation momentarily pacifies her, but not entirely. She turns on the TV, watching The Lord of the Rings series for some time. Before long, she is craving slumber... weary from the seemingly never-ending excitement. She shuts off the TV, rolls onto her side, and tucks the blankets around her neck. She slumbers.

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