
Foreign Females Give Birth

Girls in America forced into a yakuza-operated fertility sect.

May 30, 2024
57 min read
bbwincestpregnantlactationexhibitionismwatersportsasian manhumiliationGaijin Girls Get Bredlesbianpet play
Gaijin Girls Get Bred
Gaijin Girls Get Bred

Foreign Females Give Birth

Chapter 1: Reuniting

Mercedes' massive breasts almost spilled out of her strapless gown as she waved at her friend among the sea of people. Towering outside the fancy hotel that her father paid for, the plus-sized Latina in a pink dress couldn't have seemed more out of place enclosed by the usual crowd of suited Japanese businessmen. These ordinarily respectable workers couldn't avoid gawking at Mercedes' gyrating breasts in her skintight, plunging dress, as she waved frantically to her best friend, Emily.

Mercedes Fitzgerald was the epitome of the traditional dumb blonde. Half-white, half-Mexican, her strawberry blonde hair barely differed in shade from her golden-toned skin. Her appearance, to the Japanese, would label her a "Gyaru," although she wasn't conscious of that fashion trend herself. As any self-respecting bimbo, her curvaceous physique was accompanied by a plump backside, full chest, soft, plump lips, along with a bubbly temperament to match. But unlike the majority of bimbo Barbie Dolls, her curves were entirely organic.

Emily jostled through the crowd, shoving her crumpled uniform - a green polo shirt - into her pocketbook. Dressed in a white tank top, a visible black bra, sneakers, and black skinny jeans hugging her curves, her outfit revealed just a tad of skin. However, this was miles away from the sexiest ensemble she owned. Despite her departure from being flat, Emily's figure was no match for her curvaceous friend.

"Mercedes, darling, what happened to that dress I bought you?" Mercedes grimaced.

"I'm so sorry, Emily," Emily replied guiltily, "They made me stay at work all day again. I barely had time to -"

"Again?" Mercedes scowled, "They made my Emily work late, again? What kind of low-life company treats their employees like that? Didn't they know she's on vacation?"

"I had to pay for my college degree somehow," Emily sighed. Her glasses slid down her nose bridge, and she raised her slender fingers with long, white nails to adjust them. Emily Wayne, a natural beauty, strove to conceal her attractiveness. Her round frames harmoniously matched her round face. Her verdant eyes and freckles were often framed by her pink lips, affectionately kissed only by one man.

Emily had dedicated her entire college years to remaining celibate, saving herself for marriage to her so-called godly fiancé. The heartbreak she experienced when she discovered the man of god in bed with another man was crushing. She platonically delivered the kisses, dates, the ring, and sacrificed many wide-open opportunities to protect her fiancé's reputation. After her painful discovery, she yearned to escape as far from him as possible.

The ideal remedy for her loneliness was her pal, Mercedes, the total antithesis of Emily in every way. Mercedes, although ignorant of Japanese culture, dated a couple of Japanese men before. She contrasted Emily in every aspect - loud, proud, and unapologetically feminine. In Japan, she would be considered overweight, but her allure was no match for any guy. Emily, with her ghostly pale skin and slender figure, was indeed the ideal Japanese beauty candidate, but lacked the courage to approach a man.

"Come on, don't sweat it, honey," Mercedes rummaged through her purse, "Thankfully, I bought enough makeup to fix you up in the car. If we still have time before the limousine arrives, perhaps we can stop and shop for something new -"

Emily's gaze wandered, tracking a handsome figure passing by. His short hair and glasses didn't deviate; his suit and tie seemed practical, although the three-piece suit barely concealed his tall, muscular physique. He seemed at ease in his attire. His chiseled brow, clean-shaven face, and impassive expression offered trusted professionalism. He was the perfect age, tall enough to seem older but not a father figure. His deep voice, processed through his phone, caused the ground to tremble slightly.

"Yes. Okay. I understand."

Noticing her friend's diverted attention, "Maybe you should call him yourself," Mercedes joked.

Emily's eyes widened in horror, "Quiet, Mercedes!" Emily demanded, covering her friend's mouth.

"You'll ruin my makeup!" Mercedes chuckled as she tried to extricate herself from Emily's hold. "Does he speak English?" Mercedes grinned at the prospect.

Intensely desperate, Emily said, "Seriously, be quiet."

The phone beeped, and the suited man hung up the call. A black luxury vehicle appeared, prompting him to join the passenger seat, and drove away. [2]

Mercedes, her lips finally unbonded from Emily's grasp, "There he is. Not a bad pick, but not exactly my taste, babe. You passed on your chance."

"What are you saying I should've stopped his phone call?" Emily pouted, "Also, you know I don't have the courage to go after a guy like that."

"Aww, little one..." Mercedes cradled her friend's head on her shoulder, ruffling her hair, "Don't worry, dear one, there's nowhere like this where you need to look like 'that' – and have it. Besides, you're about to witness a whole new world."

Emily peeked upward, "By the way, there's something important..."

The black limousine they'd been waiting for finally arrived at the curb.

The door opened, and out stepped two long, chocolate-brown, Amazonian legs under high heels. Keeshana flipped back her wavy, freshly-styled hair. The three women caught up, chattering excitedly, like they were still in high school, hugging each other. Keeshana had to bend her knees a little to meet the others' heights.

"Oh my gosh! How are you, gals? It's been far too long!" Keeshana exclaimed joyfully.

"We're doing fine, but," Mercedes gazed down, "Why didn't you tell us, Girlie?"

"Haha, I wanted it to be a secret!" Keeshana snickered, placing both hands on her noticeably enlarged belly, "I wanted it to be a surprise!"

"Congratulations, Girl!!" Mercedes hugged her friend again.

"Do you know the gender yet?" Emily inquired.

"Guess away," Keeshana giggled, twirling her arms. Mercedes shifted her gaze down to Keeshana's getup. A teeny blue miniskirt clung to the lower half of her visibly expanded belly, followed by an identical color top and jacket.

"Oh my gosh! That's clever, haha!" Mercedes giggled in approval.

Behind her stood a sweaty, white-clothed man, sporting a thick mustache. He wrapped his arm around Keeshana's waist, "American ladies, very stunning," Mr. Suit commented while kissing his wife in front of the others.

"Ryuta, this is my wife and companions," Keeshana beamed, gesturing at the three women.

"Pleasure, American ladies," Ryuta extended his pudgy, hairy hands, supporting his double chin.

Ryuta, shorter than typical standards, even without heels, boasted a garish, floral shirt. A lot of it was visible through his unbuttoned shirt, showcasing his chest hair and gut, sweaty from the car's on-off air-conditioning. Ryuta sported a bald head, although smooth, there were clear signs of his genes taking over his younger years. He wasn't the ugliest man they'd ever seen, but he fell short of their princess-charming images.

"We were discussing potential names," Keeshana told her husband.

"Eh, are you guys having more?" Mercedes questioned.

"Sure am!" Keeshana grinned, still holding onto Ryuta.

"With a hunk like that around, you'll always be knocked up!" Mercedes burst into laughter.

"We'll catch up more in the car," Emily suggested, cutting in. "We wouldn't want to miss our reservation tonight."

"Girl, thank you so much. I'd forgotten," Keeshana responded, leading the group back inside the limo.

8 CHAPTER 2: Welcome to the Underworld

As they entered the limo, the harsh light bulbs switched off, and it started to get darker. Emily glanced nervously at a grave-looking Asian woman in a tight, red, floor-length dress, and bright red lipstick matching. To her left, a young, chaste-looking Asian girl in a white sleeve dress, with light brown hair in a bun. This girl often rolled her lips and batted her lashes like an innocent schoolgirl. The taller, more reserved sister wore a neutral expression.

As the limo took off, Keeshana turned to her husband and said, "Ryu, the girls have to try that drink! It's delicious."

Before Emily could agree, "Li-Min, serve these ladies a glass," Ryuta requested.

The younger Asian girl looked excited, and passing Mercedes the first glass, she cautiously whispered, "Cheers!"

Before Emily could say no, Mercedes cried out, "Cheers!" and clinked her glass with Emily's. Emily eyed the unlabeled bottle, wondering if they were already that drunk. The bottles were unmarked, and in the dim light, she still couldn't make out what it was. To her dismay, Mercedes downed her drink before she even considered protesting.

"To celebrating?" Mercedes pitched in, hoping Emily would follow suit.

"Wow!" Mercedes couldn't help but exclaim with a mouthful of this mysterious drink, "This is amazing!" When Emily took her first sip, it was clear that this was the best beverage she had ever tasted. For once, Mercedes wasn't being overdramatic. They both received two large wine glasses, but it didn't take long before they finished everything.

A haze fell over the limo's interior, as if the lights in the tunnel they entered had a mesmerizing effect. Suddenly, it dawned on Emily, "Damn. I drank too much already." The night had barely started, yet Mercedes was already more inebriated than before.

"Ew...I'm not drunk yet! Give me another glass, Love!" Mercedes guffawed, indicating to Li-Min with the clinking of an ice cube in her glass.

"We can always drink more later. We've just arrived," the woman dressed in red interjected. The two Chinese girls had to support the tipsy foreigners as they exited the vehicle. It was pitch-black outside, which made Emily suspicious - had they driven underground?

The club they entered was like a hybrid of a feudal Japanese emperor's palace, a casino, and an amusement park. The girls had been so preoccupied with their drinks and chatter that they failed to notice their surroundings until this moment. Perhaps the tunnel they had driven through led straight into the building. Celebratory cheers came from Japanese-suited men, clinking their glasses together. While these cheers were expected, the presence of women left Emily stunned.

Everywhere, groups of stunning young females moved around them. The servers weren't dressed in slutty maid or bunny outfits; they were joined by other women dressed in similar attire. Even more shocking was that each man had at least one girl under an arm, some had two. These women didn't just include Asians, but girls of almost every race were baring their bodies.

The group passed by a suited older man chatting with his friend. At his side, a blonde, blue-eyed white girl, was exposed in a hot pink micro-bikini. This bikini left very little covered - her genitals were nearly visible, her G-string was stuffed inside her cleft, and her nipples stood out from the pink triangles barely concealing her breasts. This creepy grey-haired grandfather fondled the soft, natural D-cup breasts with one hand, while the girl rubbed her pink-painted lips on his suit jacket and gazed at him lustfully. His friend, a balding middle-aged businessman with a weak jawline, bore under each arm an exotic African beauty, her hands touching his waist. The gorgeous beauties wore skimpy kimono-themed lingerie, holding stacks of 10,000 yen bills in their low-rise panties.

Another group of men cheered as a Brazilian Samba dancer discarded her glittering blue bra, chucking it to the hungry crowd. Twirling her feathered panties around her fingers, she danced for the crowd of lecherous men. This wasn't a typical burlesque striptease; there were no pasties or C-strings concealing her sensitive areas. This girl had no garments, save jewelry and feathers, in front of the cheering audience.

No other naked woman captured Emily's attention more than the one she spotted next. The deeper she was guided into the club, the less clothing these women wore. Another African woman strutted by the group, her entire body bare - not even shoes. Her huge ass jiggled with every step, her plump tits bounced with her movement. Another average-looking man surrendered a significant sum of money to a voluptuous Arab woman. This woman had waist-length hair, and her bikini was removed. She was just wearing her maid uniform's apron, headgear, and collar now, exposing her ample breasts and genitals. The topless, C-cup, long-haired Arab woman bent over, swaying her hips while removing her red bikini panties. Holding her top in one hand, she lifted the other up, displaying her genitals. The customer accepted her wet pink panties and her top, offering an enormous stack of bills in return. Excited, her nipples stood tall on her C-cup chest as she walked away, counting cash in her hand. The man had his Asian maid raise the stolen red bikini to his nose, where she giggled in amusement, watched as he took a passionate inhale, and emitted a loud moan. She chuckled, clapped, then tucked the stolen swimwear away in her belt loop, next to the black one he had obtained. Emily couldn't stare at the man's bulging member! It was wider and longer than her wrist!

The man's trousers couldn't hide his substantial organ.

The situation was already overwhelming for a newbie like Emily, but it was about to get even more mind-blowing. Every one of the girls that had been mentioned so far was a few months pregnant. It was quite common in this building, with at least half of the girls sporting a visible baby bump, except for those who hadn't started showing yet. At the beginning, she had thought it could be gas or being overweight, like Mercedes, but a few of the girls were way too skinny for this explanation. It seemed that nearly every girl in this entire building had their fertile area filled with cum, including her own best friend, Keeshana.

The incendiary images and effect of the drink suppressed the thought, "Oh my God. This isn't what I signed up for." She considered running, but she didn't have the strength to move. And she didn't know how to escape. The limousine had vanished a long time ago. It was more practical to allow the Chinese duo to guide them to the front desk. Despite witnessing the revelations around, the drunk Mercedes cheered and hollered with them. Unaware that they were yet to reach the back of the club.

Upon reaching the reception, they were welcomed by a girl with pink-dyed hair of ambiguous Asian origin. As Ryuta announced their reservation, all three of his companions shed their dresses. Li-Min's older sister passed on their dresses, including two cheongsams, Keeshana's tube top, skirt, and jacket, to the pink-haired girl. She bowed respectfully and took them away for safekeeping.

Now that they were done talking, Ryuta aligned his three girls. Li-Min's older sister kept her nearly naked body close to Ryuta, hands wrapped around his waist. He hugged both girls, right arm around Li-Min's waist, while he held Keeshana's hand, gripped firmly on her ample derriere.

"What do you think, Girls?" Ryuta enquired, "Red... White... Blue! Feeling at home, right?" Each donned a lacy, transparent lingerie set in harmony with the colors of their attires.

Finally breaking the silence, Emily asked, "What's going on with Keeshana...?"

"Oops, sorry girls." Keeshana responded, "It's a kind of unspoken rule around here. The less clothing, the better." She couldn't resist showing off her new body art. Keeshana turned around and displayed every concealed area, covered in elaborate tattoos. Her arms, shoulders, back, and even a Chinese character inscribed on each butt cheek. The only parts she normally reveals like her long, muscular legs, her midriff, and cleavage, were devoid of body art. "Here you are. What do you think?" She asked gleefully.

"Have you lost your mind?" Emily wanted to cry but was interrupted by Mercedes.

"OMG! HWOT! Slay, bitch! Slayyyy!" intoxicated Mercedes cheered, "When in Rome, Japan hahaha..." Mercedes struggled out of her skin-tight, purple-pink dress, exposing her ample ass as she did. She was now wearing her strapless black and cream lingerie, black translucent lacy bra, and cream-colored thong. Mercedes bared all, matching their hosts' lack of clothing.

Emily shuddered, realizing the impending humiliation. Li-Min assisted Emily in removing her white tank top. She could have resisted, but she had no idea how to resist. Her tight black jeans proved difficult to slip off. While attempting to take off her pants, her pink panties inadvertently joined in and fell off behind her, giving the cute Chinese girl a good glimpse of Emily's bare white buttocks. "No!" she cried, trying to pull her panties back up.

Li-Min only smiled and giggled, "Nice ass!" before completely stripping her jeans. Emily had to remove her sneakers as well to free her jeans entirely. However, she lost one of her green cotton socks. Li-Min didn't feel compelled to replace it. Emily Wayne stood there, a mix of embarrassment and nakedness, in her mismatched black bra and pink lacy panties. These weren't her favorite pair, as they only covered a small portion of her buttocks. The patriotic flag-like print on the panties made things worse. Although she had no plans of appearing this way, the entire building would witness her stumble around in just her underwear tonight. Even her fiance had never seen her this way.

Emily watched helplessly as her and Mercedes's clothes and purses were taken away by the pink-haired concierge. She had thoughts about calling the police, but her phone was in her purse, which was now out of reach.

"Ooh... So sweaty..." Ryuta groaned as he took off his coat and shirt. As Emily had started to suspect, he also had the same flower and wave-shaped tattoos as his lover.

"What do you think, girls? Matching tatts! Don't we look cute together?" Keeshana asked as she wrapped her arms around her husband.

"The ocean is home to many beautiful flowers, like my darling Keeshana..." Keeshana squealed in delight as her husband kissed her neck and hugged her tightly.

"Li-Min, Li-Yao, can you escort my friends to the back? Hubby and I were supposed to meet a few of his colleagues in a moment."

"What? You're just leaving us?" Emily became panicked.

"I know, but this is only for a bit. It's really important, okay?" Keeshana showed a look of genuine remorse. "It'll only take a few minutes. Plus, it'll give you enough time to get ready in the changing room and put on your makeup."

Emily was shocked. Keeshana, her friend from high school, the only hope she had of escaping from this madness, was now leaving with her yakuza husband's hand on her ass. It seemed that he didn't mind his associates seeing his naked wife. His two assistants began to lead her and her friend away by the wrist.

The floor felt cold against Emily's bare foot. Despite the building being well-heated, she still felt shivers all over. Men started whistling and catcalling at her and her friend as they passed by. "Hey! American girl! You're very sexy! Nice ass!" Groups of men laughed and hooted in broken English. More men who hadn't noticed before turned to stare at her. Everyone was looking at her, her mismatched underwear, her tacky star-spangled panties, her missing sock.

"Eh? No sock?" A group of loud 20-something-year-olds started to laugh, "Where is the sock?" Emily couldn't help but lower her head in embarrassment.

Something in her panties felt different, being stared at by all these strange men. Her lips began to quiver (both pairs). "No, that can't be right!" she thought to herself.

Mercedes remained unfazed. She walked past the leering men like a queen, waving and blowing kisses at them, making heart-shaped hand gestures around her large breasts, even mouthing "I love you" to a lucky few, not knowing if they understood English or not. She seemed well-practiced in this job.

"Holy shit! Fat ass!" A random creep yelled in bad English, "American girl, so fat!" Groups of men started to laugh, even the semi-naked arm candy girls joined in, laughing with their men.

Mercedes turned around. Lifting her huge, ripply breasts up by the front of her bra, she kneaded her hand into her soft fupa and tummy, showing off the squishiness to all the men watching, and then jiggled it one last time, finishing her performance with a wink and a kiss for her fans. The crowd cheered behind her as she walked away. "Oho! I love fat girls!" one man shouted.

Emily couldn't help but stare at her friend's massive rippling cheeks, like two planets about to collide. She had to make a conscious effort to protect her heterosexuality.

Chapter 3: Eden

Fortunately, Emily's personal sanctuary was within reach. As they entered a separate door guarded by a private security guard, a women-only spa room shielded them from the male gaze outside. But even in this room hidden from men's eyes, the women of the club still proudly bared their naked bodies to each other. At the center of the entrance was a massive hot spring, water flowing from the base of a giant statue in the middle. The Li sisters stood there to give their guests a full view of the room.

Women sat on the edge of a hot bath, laughing and sharing stories as they massaged their pregnant bellies with their hands. A sexy long-legged Asian girl climbed out of the water, water dripping from her swollen belly. Emily couldn't help but watch in awe as the naked beauty toweled off her long, slim legs. Once her body was dry, she slipped the towel off her head, letting her silky black hair fall into place. While most women would've wrapped a towel around their waists after leaving the bath, the long-haired beauty walked away naked, still holding the towel.

"Everyone is... still naked?" Emily asked, astonished.

Li-Yao replied, "You got it." She gestured at the room, "This is a bathhouse, it's not about the guys. This spot just offers a secure area where females can allow themselves to revel in the natural appeal of their bodies, something men will never fully grasp."

Li-Yao directed her attention to the gigantic bronze sculpture at the room's center, unsurprisingly displaying a pregnant woman. In one hand she carried her child, who was breastfeeding, and in the other hand, a naked katana. None of them had ever seen a woman so sexy, so powerful, so caring before.

"That's Hamada Yuriko," Li-Yao elaborated, "The spouse of renowned outlaw, Hamada Kenji. She's the one who established this structure with the aim of teaching her fellow ladies about the power internal to their own bods. The sculpture showcases Yuriko in her second pregnancy. She brought thirteen into the world during her lifetime. Had her hubby not unexpectedly passed away, she would have indeed delivered more." The girls examined the room. The bathhouse's walls were decorated with attractive paintings and vintage photos of this woman. Every single one of them portrayed her bare, pregnant, or with her husband and offspring, often all simultaneously.

"After her first birth, Yuriko's life took a tremendous shift. The Clan Matriarch was slightly of a feminist. She dedicated her life to providing joy to other girls with the vitality within their own bodies. That's why she launched this auction."

Emily was stunned by the revelation, "Auction? What... You can't... sell us! That... that's-"

"'Illegal?'" Li-Yao completed her statement.

"How did you-"

"I've experienced this storyline a hundred times over. The ladies are always hesitant at first, yet not a solitary one of them has ever turned down the offer." A content expression spread across Li-Yao's scarlet lips. "Put your concerns aside, sweetheart. The auction is the most legitimate item in this edifice. Truthfully, every single girl in this building is only present due to their own decision."

"This place has had plenty of encounters with the law, the Chief Prosecutor is a regular, extremely generous customer. There's also Hana-san, she resigned, but visitors relish when she rocks her previous police uniform to work, missing just the pants and jacket, of course. There's even me."

"I came from a humble household. My folks were required to pay a fine because they had two children, a result of harsh Chinese laws. I had to labor tenfold just to secure my younger sister's college education. I was at the top of my class in each and every game. I could've had the profession I desired. I'd spend day following day on that pointless grind. Battering innocent protesters while yelling 'Stop resisting!' Long, exhausting nights, knocking back drinks to pass out. Permitting immature dudes to get it on with me while on birth control, just to relieve some pressure. All for what? So my gifted sister may go to college for some worthless, nonsensical degree, like 'economics,' only to finish up wretched and lonely like me."

"However, I stopped on birth control. I conceived. Signed off from my job. Moved to Japan. Delivered. Got tangled. Got tangled again. And even put my beloved brother-in-law in the split. Presented her with the notion that life carries far more bliss than mere revenue and documents." Li-Min fondled her stunning, bloated stomach with both hands. Li-Yao trailed her fingers across her sister's stomach, lovingly.

"I gifted her something better than money, better than a degree, I provided her with a family. A gorgeous girl, exactly like her, growing inside her womb." Li-Yao retrieved two photos from within her bra. "Look over here," in the first pic a messy, frowning woman, her police uniform revealed in the background as she smoked on the station's back step. "These were the most miserable years of my life. But check out me now," in the second shot Li-Yao's post-natal body was soaking in a bathtub, her two stunning children tandem nursing from her breasts. The rounded bump of her third pregnancy poked through the water's surface.

"So adorable, my niece and nephew!" Li-Min gushed.

"This photo was snapped only a month ago. I've never been more joyous than at this instant. I resemble a decade younger than I used to. After being in my 30s, my body has never been more fertile, and I'm already planning on having more. In the past, I was so stressed my body barely had the capacity to conceive. But since then I've given up drinking and smoking completely. My body is healthier than it's ever been, and all the nutrients will be used to grow, nourish, and harbor my delightful, lovely household. Their mother's anatomy serves them. The only time I can bear to be apart from them is when I'm collaborating with esteemed young women like you two."

Li-Yao slid the photos back into her bra, gathering two different pictures from the other side. It took Emily a while to notice that her dark reddish nipples, which blended nicely with the fabric, were completely exposed.

"That's my husband," Li-Yao said, pointing to a handsome, yet calm-looking, guy wearing glasses and a sweater, holding his two kids. "The man who gave birth to all of them. We met while he was on vacation. He canceled work today just to take care of the children while I'm gone." She spoke tenderly and starred fondly at his picture. Li-Yao gently squeezed her own breasts, "I left bottles for him, enough to feed both him and the children. We don't use formula. But it's been hours since I personally fed them. The kids are always so hungry for their mother's milk. My breasts are so full, they feel like they might burst."

"Show them my husband too!" Li-Min suggested. Li-Yao revealed a photo of a muscular, imposing-looking, bearded man covered head-to-toe in tattoos, wearing only a white loincloth-style underwear. Around his arm was his beautiful pregnant wife, completely naked. "Hahaha, he wants me to get matching tattoos," Li-Min laughed. "We just got married, so this is the only one we have so far," Li-Min positioned her hands at the base of her pregnant belly, showing off a black heart-shaped womb tattoo, "It came with the ring. That way I can always remember whose pussy this belongs to."

Emily chimed in, "So you both have husbands? I thought maybe Ryuta..."

"Oh hell no," Li-Yao replied, "Although...now that you mention it, the idea of a Japanese man passing his genes through both me and my sister's Chinese wombs is quite exciting. Our children would be both siblings and cousins. We could efficiently use his valuable genes. But the one thing that surpasses our love for our offspring is our love for our husbands. Our husbands take care of everything for us, so we can dedicate all our time to taking care of our little ones. Not to mention, their men's needs as well."

"My hubby can have this pussy anytime, anywhere he wants," Li-Min added, "Every part of my body, 24/7. I was a virgin before I met him. He broke my hymen with his raw dick, now I'm his personal cum collector." Emily's hand instinctively covered her own pussy at the mention of the word "hymen." Her humiliation increased when she realized how wet her panties were, but so did her arousal. Li-Min continued, "My hot husband can't start his day without his morning blowjob. If he asks for it, I ride him like a cowgirl, fuck him until he's wide awake, then cook for him completely naked. I clean for him, cook, and when he comes home from work in the evening, I greet him naked, on my knees, wearing only my collar like a good girl should. I enjoy petting his head. I love feeding him. I love being pregnant by his child. Sometimes, he can't wait for after dinner and bends me over the table and fucks me, or right there on the floor. I cook him his delicious meal, bath him. And every night, I fuck his cock until we both pass out from cumming so much. As soon as this one's out, believe him, he'll make me pregnant again."

Emily turned bright red. She realized that the reason so many horny men were only interested in her and her friend was because of their marriage vows. They take their marital vows very seriously in this whorehouse. Adultery is punishable by death. There's a tattoo on their bodies signifying that their pussies are off limits. Girls without them are considered fair game.

It's not just a matter of exclusivity, Li-Yao explained to them. "Any woman who marries here must declare total submission to her husband," she said, which triggered a flood of sensations in Emily and Mercedes' bodies. Their nipples stood erect, their bras the only thing preventing their hardness from being clearly visible. They were even more light-headed than before, their breasts swelled with every beat of their hearts, their mouths open wide in fascination, their tongues nearly touching each other from how engrossed they were. Mercedes chewed on her lips, while Emily was left speechless.

The thought flew against everything society, their parents, their friends, and their education had taught them. How could they feel sexually aroused by the idea of two college-educated, intelligent Chinese women, losing their careers, their clothes, and their dignity just to become breeders for Japanese men?

"I have given my body and all my sexuality to my husband too," Li-Yao continued. "Out of all the men I've been with, none could make me climax like him. He knows all the techniques to make my pussy explode!" she said, her voice becoming more enthusiastic by the second. She firmly bit her lip, taking a deep breath, and whispered, "I'm getting wet just thinking about him... His muscles... His massive cock... The day he asked me to move in with him and marry him was the best day of my life. I threw away my insignificant career, sacrificed myself to become his full-time subservient sex toy." At that moment, Li-Yao erased the stern, forbidding expression she used to have as a policewoman. Now, she had the gleeful, innocent exuberance of a schoolgirl, reminiscing about her high school crush. All her feminine yearnings had been locked away for over a decade, and now they were finally being released.

Li-Yao revealed her new personality with a joyous tone. "Without our handsome husbands, there would be no one to penetrate our tight Chinese vaginas, filling them with their superior Japanese semen. Reproducing us. Filling our uteruses with their cute, cute half-Japanese offspring. Giving birth to their adorable half-Japanese children. Breastfeeding them with our nutritious milk, building their bodies up. Once they reach full maturity, their fathers are there to impregnate us again, and again, and again," Li-Yao's thoughts were so horny that she became jittery, causing her to stop speaking for a moment.

The two American girls were so turned on that they were on the verge of fainting. Droplets of wetness ran down their legs, their soaked panties couldn't contain their aroused pussies. Their nipples were already sore because of their arousal, unable to easily recover.

Li-Yao broke out of her trance of thinking about her husband. "For two Chinese girls, this place is like a paradise. Given the chance to be impregnated and carry babies for our men constantly, a desire that our Chinese government wished to keep hidden from us. In this land of the rising sun, our reproductive efforts are not only allowed but rewarded. That's why you're here today," she informed the two, leading them into a dressing room.

"They're not here to buy you," Li-Yao clarified, "Those wealthy men pay only for your first date. The women are completely free to refuse their suitors or even their sexual advances. But so far, none of them has ever been rejected."

Chapter 4: Emerging from the Cocoon

"The donations these gentlemen make are used solely for the maintenance of the building itself. The ladies auctioned off, however, receive even more - a share of their partner's wealth for the remainder of their lives. And not only that, but the privilege of bearing the next generation of Japanese citizens, helping to combat the country's ongoing low birth rate issue. They're also still free to perform at the establishment for financial gain if they don't wish to immigrate."

"And?" Emily inquired.

"And," Li-Yao grinned, "Our establishment recently received government grants to aid in this struggle. We're fortunate, considering not every performer here seeks immigration."

Emily recalled the stripper from earlier. She could easily earn a year's worth of pay just from selling her used panties to one of the perverts. "It's not like I have to marry whoever buys me at the auction, or even lose my virginity to him," a thought suddenly struck her. "Maybe they'll let me back in if we don't hit it off. The men have already seen me in her underwear, what's one more layer?" Emily's mind was drawing opposite conclusions from the dire situation she found herself in.

Li-Yao completed brushing Emily's hair. As her face was inches away, Emily could see the pores on Li-Yao's skin up close. "There," she tweaked a few strands, "Your beautiful face is now more visible. Let's continue with your makeup."

Li-Min, still dazed from the booze, made small talk by Mercedes' side, blithely chatting away. Mercedes' appearance resembled a stunning statue of Sophia Loren, her golden skin adorned with silver glitter eyeshadow complimented her copper hue perfectly.

"There you go," Li-Yao declared, "Beautiful as can be... Let's help you into something a little more fancy than your green sock," she said, guiding Emily by the hand. Emily felt leather boots next to her bare feet, slid on, rustling in the silence. Li-Yao wrapped an arm around her back, pulling Emily up to her feet. "Next, we'll find something seductive for you to wear on stage."

"What? Onstage?" Emily exclaimed, growing nervous at the prospect of revealing herself to even more wealthy men, this time beneath a spotlight.

"Of course," Li-Yao smiled gently, "You may be meeting your future husband for the first time. It wouldn't be right for him to see you in anything ordinary." Guiding Emily by the hand, the older woman led her to Li-Min, who stood by a table of lingerie.

As Soon-Sook brought an ornate black bra to Emily, tugs at the straps and secures them around her neck. The moment the bra is secure, they're pulled across Emily's bodice, leaving her nude bosom fully exposed. Her palms instinctively reached out for her stolen panties, but without thinking, Liz Lee slips them away, eliminating any chance of retrieval. Now standing completely nude, save for a bra and an ankle sock, whimper and protests uselessly, fighting to conceal herself with her arms.

Mercedes stood up, cup in hand, a mix of tequila and some unidentifiable liquid. Turning to face her friend, she glanced at the green sock covering one butt cheek and chuckled, "You're pretty good at this acting job, Em." Before Emily could respond, Mercedes, amused, groped her face with her right hand, traced her cheek, and stated, "Perfect skin. Well, you were pretty before, but..."

Emily blinked in confusion as her friend gazed down, catching a flash of her nude buttocks. Visibly annoyed, she turned away. "It's only thanks to that groggy drink you pressured me into consuming," she dared to reply. Alarmed when she noticed Mercedes' eyes falling to her nubile rump, she turned, aiming to steer the topic in another direction. "What's in that stuff, anyway?"

Li-Yao and Li-Min responded, both holding tall glasses. In her state of chaos, Emily seizes them both, swiping the alcohol away. As she drinks an entire glass without pausing, her eyes darted between the sisters as they exchange frightened glances. "It's not just about getting so drunk you can't remember who you really are," she muttered seriously. "It's like... Control."

Noticing that she was still in the nude, Emily paused, feeling her face turn bright red as her siblings stared intently at her erect nipples and pubic hair. With hesitation, she allowed them to retrieve their eyewear, and resumed covering her chest and private parts with embarrassment.

"There's no need to be frightened," Li-Min comforted her, taking a sip. "This drink does not contain any alcohol in it."

"Uh, wait, what?" asked Emily, perplexed. "Then what kind of-"

"It's a fertility drug," Li-Yao interjected, continuing to explain. "It's derived from a rare lotus blossom in the Himalayas. It promotes your body's natural capacities."

"It retards menopause, lowers the risk of deformities close to zero," Li-Yao listed the benefits one by one, "Reduces labor pains, and makes childbirth a smooth process with barely any pain. It's rich in nutrients, ensuring the baby's growth inside the womb and outside. And, it helps the mother feel nice, rested, and energetic, so she can indulge in playing with their children, and provide her breasts with an abundant supply of their nutrient-rich milk."

"Haha, see? I'm not drunk!" Mercedes laughed, taking another sip.

"For women like you two," Li-Yao pointed at the pair, "It maintains optimal fertility levels in your bodies by preserving the health of your eggs until they're fertilized. In essence, you'll never experience another period unless you stop taking it."

"Sold!" Mercedes exclaimed, laughing even more. "Where has this been all my life?"

"Its price is about ¥300,000 per dose," Li-Tao informed them. Despite being accustomed to her father's financial support, the girls were spending the same amount as a used car with each gulp.

"Moreover, male guests can consume alcohol," Li-Yao provided more information. "But for women, the thrill of pregnancy is its own high. Contraceptives are forbidden. Some of the girls you saw had husbands, while others were less fortunate. Some were even just visiting for entertainment or as prostitutes, and left their host country with half-Japanese offspring. Nonetheless, even childless women who work in this establishment can retire by the age of thirty with their earnings alone."

After contemplating what working in this building entailed, Emily understood that women who flew out to earn money here either married or left with one child from their experience.

A nude Latin woman passed by in the dressing area. Emily saw how the woman licked the semen from her red lips. As she chose a clean bra and underwear from a rack, Emily was captivated by the Latin woman's sight. The woman's third-party costumes were likely torn off during a group sex encounter, but small flecks of glitter remaining showed that she was pregnant. Despite her condition, she was undoubtedly better off than trying to find regular employment in her own country.

"You'll require a new set of undergarments before you're prepared to perform," Li-Yao noticed Emily's attention on the diverse array of costumes.

"Hyun-Jung," Li-Yao addressed the woman with pink hair who had just walked in. Exhausted, her makeup had run, and the black bikini that was part of her uniform was gone. "These panties are wet."

Emily watched in astonishment as Li-Yao displayed the semen-covered pink undergarment to her coworker. Emily thought about objecting, but realized if she sold them, she could leave the building richer than she arrived.

As Hyun-Jung left with both sets of underwear for possible sale, the sisters started to sift through possible lingerie for Emily and Mercedes to wear before performing.

"What do you think of this embroidered black harness?" Li-Yao presented Emily with the leather accessory.

"No, I don't think I can... um," Emily was flustered.

Okay, so you look more like a nice girl. Li-Yao set aside the harness. She turned back to look at the girl, noticing the remaining sock she'd seen before, which was green with thin yellow stripes and had her school's orange gopher mascot printed on it. "We need to attend to this situation first." Li-Yao bent down, and the girl willingly raised her leg so Li-Yao could remove the remaining sock. With the sock in hand, Li-Yao stood back up. She then gazed at the girl, her eyes meeting the girl's. The girl was just as captivated by Li-Yao's glowing amber eyes as she was by her emeralds. Li-Yao gently touched the girl's cheek while staring deeply into her eyes, without speaking. The girl took a deep breath, feeling her nipples press against her arm as she felt her pussy start to secrete fluids into her palm. Li-Yao's silent gaze with the fully nude, red-faced girl endured for a few seconds before she broke the silence. "I have something you might like" she said before heading back to the lingerie closet.

When she was alone, Emily turned to watch as Li-Min helped Mercedes into a metallic gold slingshot bikini that matched her complexion perfectly. Mercedes let out a squeal and a chuckle as Li-Min embarrassed her by cupping her huge breasts from behind.

"Wow! So big! Girls in my country would be so jealous. And they're natural?"

"Yes, all natural!" Mercedes grinned, "Finding bras that can fit sometimes is a challenge."

"Let's go shopping together! There's a place nearby. If you intend to return here, you'll need something to show off."

"I'd love to go shopping with you!" Mercedes turned to her friend, "Emmy, you have to come too! We both lost a pair of panties, after all."

Nervously, Emily nodded. She couldn't disrupt her friend's fun, but she couldn't help but wonder if Mercedes herself was expecting her to return.

Reappearing with a green set of lingerie, Li-Yao said, "What do you think?"

Speechless, Emily checked it out. Although she thought it was cute, she struggled to imagine wearing it because of her own self-image issues.

"It'd look so cute on you!" her slingshot bikini-clad friend exclaimed excitedly.

"Uh, okay..." Emily agreed meekly. Li-Yao helped her put on the strapless green bra, which fit her perfectly. She then stepped into the new pair of panties, sighing in relief for putting back on clothing. But, as she saw herself in the mirror, the realization hit her. The green fabric was too sheer, revealing her pink nipples, lips, and pubic hair. Moving her hips to confirm, she found her ass cheeks were exposed by the lacy green thong.

"I can't go out like this! I'm practically still naked!" Emily almost said, but her friend interrupted before she could.

"Emily! Check it out! You're beautiful!" Mercedes hugged her, "Just wait until the guys see you tonight, you're going to make a lot of money!"

Stunned, Emily couldn't think of anything to complain about, even though she wanted to at first. The comfort of hugging her bosomy friend was too enticing for her to come up with words. Mercedes smelled good, Emily thought. It smelled like the lotus nectar they'd been drinking, the scent must have rubbed off on her somehow.

Li-Yao cut in, "Before the auction, if you come with me to the green room, we'll show you a educational video that will help you choose the richest man and have the best orgasms."

Chapter 5: Knowledge from the Past

The Concubines brought their guests into a different room near it, where there was a large TV. The screen turned on, followed by generic, upbeat, stock music, as the girls were greeted by a blonde cougar in an American flag bikini. Her pregnant belly was on display. The recording quality was poor and the wrong aspect ratio, as if no one had updated it in 50 years.

"Hi! Konnichiwa!" the '70s cougar smiled, "I'm Joselyn Morinaga, a 36-year-old, three-time winner of the Miss Houston Pageant and mother to one beautiful daughter! I'm your guide on how to catch the richest man and have the most pleasurable sexual experiences tonight."

A series of clips featured women waiting on stage. "Each lady will be provided two minutes to showcase her assets," Joselyn explained as footage of scantily clad women walking on the runway was shown. "Think of it like a beauty pageant... except with just the swimsuit competition," Jennifer mocked, laughing.

"Remember, ladies," the women's jaws dropped as pre-pregnancy Joselyn uncovered her star-spangled bikini top on stage, exposing her huge breasts, "There are no limitations. Feel free to get as rowdy and kinky as you fancy. Prospective buyers will make bids for each woman, and the highest bidder will secure one night with the chosen female."

The video shifted to the interior of a dimly lit hotel bedroom. A naked Joselyn could be heard screaming beneath a hairy, mustachioed, dark-skinned Japanese man, accompanied by the thudding sound of the entire bed shifting. Since this pornographic clip was acquired illegally, no blurring was required, and the women witnessed every fine detail as Joselyn had her white pussy abused by the ravenous ape of a man.

"Once the man's performance is satisfactory, the woman can engage in what is known as an Absolute Submission Ritual. Here, the woman openly declares ownership of herself to her partner."

The letters "A.S.R." flashed on screen in big white text.

"During this mandate, the woman must expose all her most intimate, naughty, and daring thoughts to her partner. This activates subconscious processes in the brain and releases hormones related to ovulation. Not a single women who uses A.S.R. has ever reported postpartum regret. It plays a role in guaranteeing orgasm. To achieve this, the user must divulge her seediest, raunchiest, and private thoughts to her partner. For instance, listen to my A.S.R.

The sound became muffled slightly as the voiceover switched to the cameraman's perspective. She moaned while her man took her, "I, Joselyn Renee Smith, proclaim full responsibility for my body to my husband, Eiichiro ... gasp ... Morinaga. I will consequently be recognized as Mrs. Joselyn Morinaga. And my pussy... My tits... My ass and my hips will all become the domain of him alone. I solemnly promise... to grant myself unlimited access to every facet of my body, and subsequently to give birth to his cute Japanese babies! I swear... to let him fill my tight white pussy, impregnating me, making my breasts swell ... gasp ... full of scrumptious, nutritious milk, for him to share with our delightful offspring! I'll provide him with a family..." Joselyn paused, Eiichiro had ramped up the pace and commenced pounding her pussy, double-time. She continued, "But I'm not just referring to him, I'll also offer his daughter I had 18 years ago. Father! Fuck my teenage daughter! Saturate her with your fertile Japanese seed! Take her innocence and make us both a mother and grandmother with your giant Japanese penises! Then both me and my daughter will offer unwavering obedience to you, and surrender our pussies to birthing as many infants for you as possible until our wetness breaks!"

Eiichiro thrust into her like a jackhammer. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH I'M... I'M CUMMING!! GET PREGNANT! BREED ME!!!" Joselyn screamed at the top of her lungs, the low-quality audio peaked, as a tremendous jet of liquid streamed out from her pussy.

Emily glanced towards Mercedes. Her eyes were enormous, fixed on the screen, mouth agape, with a lustful grin on her face. Emily herself dared to steal a brief glance away.

Eiichiro exhaled a couple of grunts, and his jackhammering slowed to a standstill. Eyes tightly shut, Joselyn embraced Eiichiro's waist firmly, with both her arms and legs, not allowing him to withdraw. The scene faded to dark.

Joselyn's narration persisted, "Not every wife at Club Eden must participate in the Auction themselves. If a woman chooses to share her husband with another woman, they can escape the mate selection process and head straight to copulation!"

Harkening back to the same hotel room, the voluptuous blonde milf, Joselyn, was now united with her fair-skinned, tiny daughter, Samantha. Their glowing skin, rosy lips, and blue eyes sparkled on camera.

Samantha's mother assisted her in removing their bathrobes, leaving the teenagers completely exposed in front of their new authority figure. With a sympathetic flush, Samantha concealed herself with her hands, her innocent nudity on display. Her delicate pink nipples stood out on her budding breasts, her mother's age and lactation increasing their size exponentially.

"Please, Daddy, did I impress you with my gift?" asked the 36-year-old Joselyn, her eyes gleaming like a puppy pleading for affection. "I've given you the most precious thing I own, my daughter. Now, she's yours entirely. Take her. Take her in the most intimate way possible. Enter her virgin pussy for the first time."

Joselyn handed the camera to her husband so he could capture their moment, her lips tracing gentle trails on his sun-bronzed, toned arms. She took the time to frame the scene perfectly, witnessing her daughter's blushed face.

As Eiichiro aligned himself with Samantha's spread thighs, Joselyn adjusted the camera's angle. Her eyes followed the monstrous 8-inch cock's ascent, its tip poised at Samantha's entrance. The initial penetration was met with a shrill squeak, signaling both aching pleasure and pain.

"Daddy..." Samantha mumbled between labored breaths, "This cock is amazing... Daddy, your lungs fill with air, but mine experience pleasure." Mr. Takashi pressed his lips to Samantha's, smothering her hands. "Mommy instructed me about yielding your utmost ecstasy... The only cost is my dignity, devotion, devotion, and submission to you and your seed. I desire to serve you in that capacity. My womb and faith are yours, Sir."

After Joselyn gasped in unbelievable disbelief, Samantha squirmed and covered her face with her hands, only to be restrained by her father-in-law's strong grip on her wrists. He pinned her down for a peck of ownership.

"My child! Your words are shocking, but I can't help but feel aroused as I masturbate alongside your mother!"

"What'd I say?" gasped Samantha, "I meant... Everything." She peeked out from between her fingers, her face aglow with tomato-like redness.

"Mommy taught you how to achieve the greatest organisms there are, and all you have to exchange is your dignity, loyalty, and submission to Daddy. She didn't steal your virginity. She conquered it. The seed of the man who created you should've been in your mother's womb, yet it's not. It was poison. You should've been the offspring of a real man like ours. Daddy, make it right. This is yours. From this moment, the obligation lies on me to correct my misfortune."

Her savage torrent was followed by a pillar of liquid seeping from within.

Samantha lamented, "Daddy, I long for your superior genetic heritage! Begged me for paternity! Got a generic, rotten deadbeat instead. All I can be is your obedient breeding prize! It's not enough to breed with you... I must be your alternative conception and replace my wretched sire's legacy."

As Samantha pleaded for forgiveness, weeping, Eiichiro's authoritative hips rhythmically snapped back and forth.

"I love the idea, but I require the full support of the both of you. We all must purge this flawed line of DNA."

"It's essential, Daddy," cried Samantha, "If I hadn't won the pageant contest, I wouldn't have let that peasant ejaculate inside me. I'm sentenced to be your breeder, to be your full Asian princess instead of settling for a bastard half-brother."

Joselyn struggled to maintain her composure, rhythmically stroking herself through the climax of her ecstasy.

"Please, Daddy, I apologize without end. This pussy is yours through the dawn of time. I sinned and failed you as your wife, Daddy. I will repay you by being bred. Forgive my transgressions."

Samantha's keening carried on between choking sobs, weaving a narrative straight into her obliterative climax through Earl's frenzied pounding.

You pulled it off, Dad. You gave Mom a grandchild - a grandson or a granddaughter. Now let's talk about your daughters' punishment.

Joselyn stroked her husband's broad shoulders, "Let's take your two precious ones to a public park," she suggested, gasping for breath, "Once our big, round pregnant bellies are filled with your Japanese seed, after nine months, when our pregnant bellies have swollen to their greatest size, then we'll show everyone! We'll display our naked bodies in nothing but our collars. Walk us both around bare, wearing nothing but our collars. Show the world that we both belong to you and only you!"

"It won't be until then that we can make things right," continued Joselyn, "After the entire world knows that both me and my daughter's entire line is yours!"

The screen shifted to black as Joselyn's narration carried on. "Be careful though, whatever you say during your unconscious release of energy, tends to come true," she cautioned. The screen brightened to show Samantha and her mom basking in the sunlight outdoors, donning the typical provocative raincoats, nervously gripping the closures. Eiichiro, who balanced the handheld camcorder, stood behind them.

"One, two..." Joselyn turned to her daughter, "Three!"

Joselyn and her daughter dropped their raincoats simultaneously, revealing their fresh pregnancy bulges. Both ladies were adorned only with minuscule black bikinis, with high heels to match. Joselyn draped her arm around her daughter's mostly-bared waist as both ladies grinned with embarrassment.

Eiichiro, the cameraman, zoomed in on their nearly naked forms. The girls twirled in their matching bikinis and heels, revealing their vastly enlarging pregnant bellies.

"Welcome home, Daddy," Joselyn reached into her coat pocket and produced the two dog collars she had promised, the strange plastic rectangles swinging from their ends. First, Joselyn assisted her daughter into hers, then Scotty helped her buckle her own.

"This is my student ID," Samantha said amidst her giggles, checking out the tag on her collar, "I mean, it was, before I dropped out. Probably all my classmates are graduating by now." Eiichiro turned back to examine Samantha's collar, revealing her authentic Houston High School ID card fastened to it. Samantha, smiling adorably in her uniform, told every piece of her personal information. Samantha Lauren Smith, DOB: April 14, 1956, Eyes: Blue, Hair: Blonde, Height: 5'3", Weight: 113 lbs.

"Why, mine has one too..." Joselyn hummed, studying her daughter's tag, then flipping to see her own tag attached - her former employee ID from the office she'd never work at again. "Joselyn Renee Smith, DOB: February 8, 1938, Eyes: Blue, Hair: Blonde, Height: 5'4", Weight: 124 lbs."

"This way, the world will know who Daddy's girls are!" Joselyn beamed, her arm around her daughter's waist, "And then, as the camera captured their faces, Joselyn took her daughter's face in her palm, and, in an intimate moment, the two ladies kissed deeply, their lips intertwined for several seconds. Eventually, the girls pulled apart, gazing at the camera.

"Do you like seeing your daughters kiss, Daddy?" Joselyn joked, giggling just like her daughter. "How about we take a walk the way I said?"

So Eiichiro led his naked wife and adopted daughter through the town. He purposefully caught the startled responses of the unfamiliar passersby on camera. A wife needed to shove her husband's eyes closed to keep him from gawking so much at the blonde beauties. Ultimately, the bikini-clad babes reached the busy road's edge.

"Now for the fun part," Joselyn addressed the camera, "We said we'd walk around completely nude, didn't we?" Turning to her daughter, Samantha nodded silently. Together, both ladies unfastened their string bikini tops.

As the top knot released, four plump, subtly bronzed nipples appeared on the screen. Then, with the next knot, the bikini tops were completely tossed away.

The plump and expecting pair turned to face the camera, their backsides bared as they took off their black bikini thongs, displaying their slick pussies to all watching. After the tiny scraps of fabric hit the floor, both women spread their butts even wider, revealing the lately taken ownership of their anuses by their master. It was evident that Eiichiro had taken their anal virginities over the course of the previous nine months. Completely naked, their entourage of onlookers started to gather even closer to the two stunning, pregnant women.

"Here you go, fully bare for our Father," Joselyn and her daughter stood tall, legs wide apart, standing tall to give the lustful men a full view of their loveliness. "Now, we just need..." Eiichiro fastened their collars before firmly securing them to their necks.

Both females beamed with joy, their faces illuminated with pleasure. Emily and Mercedes were also making the same expressions, watching from afar. Emily noticed a moist sound. Looking at Mercedes, she saw a hand lodged inside her own bikini panties, rubbing her bulging breasts. Emily realized with startlement that she, too, had allowed her hand to slip between the folds of her green lace undies. Even with some self-consciousness and mortification, she could not resist caressing her own clit.

"Mercedes already started to please herself... Might as well join in when in this kind of situation," she thought to herself, frantically fingering herself.

On camera, the two blonde babymakers scampered about on all fours with their collars attached. The attention they attracted before was now swelled with enthusiasm. Their swollen breasts wobbled constantly, overflowing with each sway. The cars on the roadway grumbled to a full stop to catch a closer look at their exposed asscheeks flapping. Eventually, the girls met up at the city's busiest intersection, and the clamoring crowd boomed with to commemorate the event with countless polaroid pictures.

Both girls paused, spreading their legs widely to expose themselves more fully. They began to stroke between their legs, masturbating with furious energy. The aural commotion grew even louder than before.

"Mommy, your daughter's pussy feels so awesome!" Samantha gasped, frantically stroking her cunt.

Joselyn, meanwhile, fondled her own breast with one hand. Her other hand was busy squeezing her own nipple, prompting a jet of milk to spurt out. The crowd gaped while simultaneously roaring with enthusiasm. Joselyn couldn't contain her laughter. Drips of milk smeared the camera lens.

"Mom..." Samantha redirected her attention to her own mother, only to find her mother also stroking her pussy. Joselyn lured Samantha in for a passionate kiss. Immense cheers resounded from the crowd. Eyes squeezed shut, entranced by the amplified passion displayed.

Joselyn spoke softly, "Although I carried Samantha in my womb, at this moment, we are lovers."

Samantha lowered her head, comfortably sucking on her mother's nipple, then stroked her mother's long blonde hair to lock their respective bodies together. Their dramatized lovemaking teased with the subtext of mother and daughter.

Eiichiro dangled the camera down, creating a clear view of Samantha's probing fingers inside her mother. "My daughter once existed within my womb, now she's returned to her rightful home."

As Samantha fingered her own pussy nearby, her mom moaned deeply. Joselyn also stroke's her long blonde hair. Natal milk sprayed from her bare tit. Many aroused men in the crowd had taken out their erections, feverishly stimulating themselves.

On that particular day, I realized my daughter had turned into a woman, much like me when I was 19 years earlier. My daughter broke away from her mother's breast, and gazed into her eyes before Joselyn planted a passionate sloppy kiss on her daughter's lips. Samantha's cheeks swelled as her mother's tongue explored the inside of her mouth, tasting her own milk. Joselyn dug her fingernails into both of her 18-year-old daughter's cheeks, allowing those behind her to have a clear view of her glistening pink bud and genital area, followed by the camera.

When the two girls detached their lips, a trail of milky spit was visible between them. Samantha's large breasts were dripping white milk from her brown nipples on top of her distended abdomen. Not wanting her daughter's delicious milk to be wasted, Joselyn bent down, traced her tongue over her daughter's smooth skin, gathering all the moisture before touching her daughter's swollen tit.

"Mmm... Mommy," the roles had now switched. Both girls continued to rub themselves down there. Joselyn meowed like a cat being stroked while lapping up all her daughter's juices. Eiichiro made sure the camera captured the perfect angle as Joselyn released her daughter's breasts, pinching each nipple with two fingers, allowing the two streams of milk to land directly on her extended tongue.

"Mommy!" Samantha wheezed, her fingers frantically pumping her pussy, "You're going to make me cum!"

"Pant pant... Me too, Sweetie," Joselyn was having trouble breathing. Placing her hand on her daughter's pussy again, she hugged her, pushing their swollen bellies together. "Cum together with Mommy..." she whispered seductively into her ear.

Duplicating her mother's posture, both girls kneaded each other's tits, squirting milk uncontrollably from their nipples, as they frantically flicked the other's clit. Moans grew louder and louder, until...

Squirts of pussy fluid exploded out of them like water cannons, as the girls yelled their delight.

Having seen her share of pornography, Emily, despite her engagement (and supposedly religious beliefs), had witnessed something more erotic than anything else. It was now clear to her why these tapes hadn't been updated in half a century - they would find it impossible to top what she had just seen.

Turning back to her plus-sized friend, Mercedes' eyes remained fixed on the enormous monitor as she imitated the sex acts shown, pinching her breast in one hand, rubbing her clit with the other.

It was clear that Mercedes wanted to cum like the girls on screen. And Emily felt the same.

Both blonde women got on all fours in their heels, exposing their naked bellies, genitals, and breasts. Eiichiro brought the camera closer to reveal his erect penis in his hand. Both women extended their tongues and panting, waiting for him to move between their faces.

Aware of the upcoming ending of this film, Emily felt the need to increase her pace. She tightened her grip on her pussy, preparing to destroy her chair's felt seat cushion.

She couldn't help but envision herself in the same situation. Crawling on all fours, collared with her work nametag, rounded belly, and bountiful tits beneath her, extending her tongue, and panting. The beautiful man from the hotel owned her, petting her head like a pet dog.

Emily had previously planned to start a family when she was with her ex. But as she imagined herself with this supposed man, suddenly, her greatest desire was to be pregnant.

If everything turned out as planned that night, Mercedes would also be pregnant with a large belly at the same time. She thought about her plus-sized friend and their skinny dipping experiences. Would they still go skinny dipping together? She couldn't help but fantasize about Mercedes' curvy body and her carefree frolicking around in the lake. Her bosom would increase significantly and become even more massive as it filled with milk, and folded over her enlarged belly. Her hips and thighs would also expand due to her pregnancy, and her ass would become fuller and rounder. Emily would feel like a thick-bodied supermodel in comparison to her current self, but still miles away from Mercedes' stunning figure.

As Emily's fantasies didn't stop at nakedness, her real feelings began to surface as she neared climax. Her chubby, half-Latina friend had been taunting her with her massive ass and breasts throughout the night. There was no satisfying just looking. Emily imagined burying her face into her friend's big, pregnant belly, and gripping her enormous, Mexican knockers.

Her dreams even included helping their friend recycle her excess milk to feed her offspring. Then, Mercedes would return the favor. Their tongues would wrap around each other. Their swollen bellies and breasts would press together. They would assist one another, mirroring the mother-daughter couple on the screen, before climaxing loudly, adding their vaginal fluids to the water below them.

Just picturing these thoughts, the dam finally burst. Emily soiled the seat, floor, and her crisp underwear. She didn't know it then, but Mercedes had a similar fantasy. For a long time, Mercedes had yearned to see Emily completely naked and even invited her to a skinny dip for this exact reason. Seeing a glimpse of Emily's bare body got her wet.

Mercedes removed the borrowed slingshot bikini, completely naked now. She inserted two fingers into her vagina, creating an absolute mess. They both climaxed as they watched Eiichiro coat the girls' faces in his Japanese sperm. The girls on screen opened wide, proudly displaying their food, resting on their tongues. They shared a mouth-watering kiss, showing off their achievement to the camera before swallowing and proving their empty mouths.

The pregnant girls on the screen couldn't help but laugh with joy and flirtatiously smile at the camera before the screen blacked out. The sound of Emily and Mercedes' panting filled the empty greenroom. Their eyes met as they both realized their nakedness. Bashful, Emily averted her eyes and took her hand out of her underwear in discomfort. Mercedes couldn't help but laugh at her shy friend. Mercedes managed to pull her swimsuit back on.

"How was it, girls?" Li-Yao reappeared in the room.

"Oh my god! That was so hot!" Mercedes expressed.

"Didn't it?" Li-Yao replied. "My sister watched the same video before her auction. It's how she found out she was into breeding. I often masturbate to this exact movie when my husband is out of town. We invite others to watch them for free. This is my favorite one."

Mercedes was delighted.

"For free?" she asked.

Li-Yao offered her a clipboard and papers to sign. Mercedes signed the top paper with no hesitation. Emily was provided with the same papers, but they were all in Japanese, making them time-consuming to read. Though she spoke Japanese regularly, many of the words were unknown to her.

The second sister returned, signaling an approaching auction. "Five minutes!" she informed the girls.

"Shit," Emily fretted, rushing to flip through the Japanese papers.

Mercedes nudged her.

Emily considered their predicament. If she didn't take this offer, she might never have another chance to earn money here. So, with a sigh, Emily signed the contract, and passed it back.

Chapter 6: The Main Event

As the contestants marched through the balcony of curtains behind the stage, the sound of angelic classical music grew louder, and the space on stage started to illuminate. From the edge of the curtain, Emily saw a cluster of gentlemen in suits sitting patiently, waiting for the main act. Complimentary beverages and appetizers were served to them by the models dressed only in bikinis. Even the musicians, who were all pregnant and wearing lingerie, were attracted to this high-paying gig.

The guests took the opportunity to touch the non-tattooed maids. The few without the womb marks were fair game for anyone taking part in the auction. The majority of maids without the tattoo were present at the event.

The other applicants positioned themselves behind the curtain, ready to step out onto the stage. Emily noticed each of the contestants was paired with their own hostess, like her and Mercedes. Her friend, who lacked a pregnant belly, was obviously a competitor. Every girl was given a numbered badge by a stagehand. Mercedes received hers first, and Emily, the last, with five.

The melodic music began to fade out, and suddenly the spotlights lit up the stage. Even being offstage, the lights were so bright they were almost blinding.

A carefree-looking young woman with fair skin, who looked exactly like the Japanese porn actress, June Lovejoy, pranced onstage. She was sporting a lewd reverse-bunny suit that exposed her assets. Emily could tell that she must be trying to excite the crowd of men so much that they'd care more about their dicks than their wallets.

"Hello there, everyone!" the cheerful woman announced through the microphone. Since Emily understood Japanese perfectly, she heard what she said as clearly as if she were speaking English. The other women, like Mercedes, didn't understand her speech as clearly.

"Welcome to our 237th Club Eden Marital Auction!" the announcer spoke in broken Japanese to emphasize her foreignness. "Ladies from all over the world have come here to give a few lucky bidders an unforgettable night!"

Behind June was a large video screen. A professional camera operator made sure to give the audience a close-up of all her juicy areas.

Emily snapped out of her daydream. The bright lights must've made it easier to see everyone's faces, causing the insanity of what she had to do to finally hit her. Emily changed direction and promptly tripped, tumbling onto the floor.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please meet our first contestant!" As the announcer spoke, the crowd burst into applause. The applause became louder when Mercedes, wearing a gold sling bikini and heels, strutted onto the stage. She flashed her big grin and waved at all her admirers.

Backstage, the two hostesses tended to the flustered Emily, who shook from fear like it was cold.

"I can't, I can't do this..." she murmured, though she was still panicked.

Emily, still managing to wear her high heels, remained on her hands and knees.

"Introduce yourself to everyone!" the auctioneer pointed the mic at Mercedes, who smiled back at her, still confused. "Say something about yourself to the crowd," she repeated in English.

"Oh. Hi everyone! I'm Mercedes Fitzgerald. I'm 23. I'm half-German, half-Mexican. And, I'm a Scorpio!"

The auctioneer repeated everything Mercedes had said in Japanese.

Li-Min caressed Emily's hair, trying to calm her down. "Trust me, sweetie. Everything's going to be okay."

"No, it's not," Emily said, shaking her head. "I can't go out there looking like this."

The second contestant had just left the stage, and time was running out. Emily was a total mess.

Li-Yao squatted down, looking both girls in the eye. Her nod seemed to say, "let me handle this." Li-Min stepped back, leaving the two of them alone.

Li-Yao lifted Emily's face, looking her straight in the eyes, and proclaimed, "Look at me." Emily stared into the older woman's confident gaze, feeling less stress. Li-Yao stroked her hair with one hand and cradled her cheek with the other, letting Emily grow even calmer. But then, she brought her lips to the full breast of Li-Yao. The shock of what she was doing hit her, but she couldn't force herself to stop. She latched onto the nipple, feeling warmth and milk on her tongue. The sensation of nursing grabbed hold of Emily, and she gulped down as much milk as she could. The taste was comforting, like liquid silk, and she couldn't get enough of it. She moved to the other breast, completely embracing the act of nursing. Li-Yao stayed calm, stroking her hair and smiling, content that Emily was drinking her milk with such pleasure.

Emily could've spent hours sucking down gallons of Li-Yao's milk, but it was already time for the next contestant to be introduced.

Chapter 7: Complete Exposure

Emily stood back up, now overwhelmed with newfound confidence. She carefully navigated across the stage, swaying with each step. She block out the voices in her head that told her how crazy this situation was, and focused on not falling. She displayed her half-naked body with pride, walking past the cheering men in the audience.

"Introduce yourself," the announcer aimed the microphone at her, requesting in English.

"I'm Emily. I'm 23 years old," she replied succinctly, using perfect Japanese.

"Wow! Adorable Emily!"

Emily couldn't help but feel embarrassed by the compliment. The horny guys in the crowd started cheering even louder than before. Despite her best smile to hide her embarrassment, in the back of her mind, Emily couldn't help but scream.

"Please take the stage, contestant number one!" the announcer said in Japanese.

Emily returned to her place in line with the other women dressed in underwear. Mercedes advanced towards the front of the stage, trying to contain her enormous breasts within her sling bikini.

As she approached the edge of the stage, the crowd of roaring men roared even louder. Her face beaming with a smile as wide as possible, Mercedes waved energetically at the crowd with both hands, blowing kisses towards some lucky audience members.

Mercedes turned around and flexed her 56-inch ass cheeks, allowing the men in the audience to admire her natural splendor.

The dance Emily had previously seen up close but without the nakedness. Mercedes' thighs, which were already familiar to Emily through her small party trick, began to twist in the same motion. If not for the crowd's cheers, the entire amphitheater would have been filling with the sound of trumpeting bottoms.

Mercedes turned around once more, presenting her horny admirers with a front view of her body. Raising both hands above her, she started bouncing up and down while continuing to twist her thighs. Emily now had the pleasure of watching her cheeks jiggle from behind in her tiny string thong.

Sensing a cool breeze, Mercedes stopped dancing, allowing the crowd to nearly reach complete silence.

In one swift motion, Mercedes loosened her bikini straps, letting her hard brown nipples be seen by all. The cheering reached a deafening new peak. She lifted her hands up, juggling her oversized breasts, allowing everyone to relish in their natural firmness.

Nearing the end of her performance, she made a final twirl, crouching with her hands on her knees and began shaking her backside repeatedly. Bending over slowly, her sling swimsuit started as intended. The straps nudged over her shoulders, then suddenly the swimsuit slipped down to her crotch, falling loosely at her feet. Mercedes removed her arms and the swimsuit fell to the ground. The back of the suit was wedged firmly between her ass cheeks, but came off easily from her rigorous twerking.

Her swimsuit lay abandoned on the ground, Mercedes had one last show for everyone. Bent over completely, she reached up with both hands, spreading them apart. The entire crowd could see her shaven pink anus and shiny moist pussy. The audience, already at peak volume, would have become louder if it were possible.

Realizing her time was up, she turned and waved farewell to the audience, blowing kisses while jiggling her tummy as a surprise.

As she exited, the audience continued to cheer, watching her ass cheeks bounce.

After some time, the audience quieted down enough for the announcer to be heard over the noise. "Everyone, we'll start the bidding at a reasonable price of 1 million yen!"

"20 million!" a man with gray hair shouted.

"50!" yelled the man sitting next to him.

"50 million yen! What about 75?" the auctioneer shouted.

"85!" echoed the gray-haired gent who had spoken before.

"150 million!" a man bellowed from the other side of the room.

"250!" another called out.

"250! Is 300 million yen anyone's bid?" the announcer asked.

400, 550, 800, 1 billion, the bids just kept going higher and higher. Mercedes couldn't comprehend what was being said, but she enjoyed the guests' enthusiasm.

"550 billion yen! Last call, anyone else offer?"

"ONE TRILLION YEN!" a distinct voice boomed from across the room.

The audience swiveled to look at the source of the voice. It was a youth barely over 18. The other guests conversed in hushed tones amongst themselves about the boy's appearance. Could he possibly be of age to be here? And how did a high schooler manage to procure such a large amount of money?

The diminutive visitor couldn't avert his blush at being characterized sweet by a bare woman. He wound up making eye contact with Mercedes from across the area. She flaunted her most erotic bedroom eyes, nibbled at her lips, and caressed her own bosoms with both hands. Her probable future spouse was crimson from embarrassment watching the sensual display. Lightheaded, he shrank and tumbled into his chair. Mercedes bestowed a kiss to her potential mate from over the room, with a wink, then farewelled him, after the orator announced her exit from the phase.

Mercedes had won the yearly income of a significant association just from twerking. Her sensual, erotic show had created a precedent for the continuing 4 ladies; all 4 comprehended that when they bet on any aspiration to attract the crowd of potential consumers, they would require to strip down to entirely nothing to even dangle a chance. Emily felt queasy discerning the fate that awaited her, yet her clitoris trembled in yearning.

Chapter 8: Competition

Agony 2 was a skinny Filipina with big implants and a humble rear end, named Angel, dressed in a pink bikini hardly covering her areolas. In other words, the most standard, plastic dancer feasible. Before she could even reach the tip of the stage, her bikini top was disposed of, passed to the lap of a lucky audience affiliate. Once she reached the furthest examine of the phase, she swiveled around to give the randy observers a good look at her butt cheeks, then allowed her thong panties join her top in the audience.

Having concluded her striptease advance, Angel tongue-licked two fingers and began massaging her clitoris at the entrance of the catwalk. Her eyelids rolled back, and she bit her smack in pleasure. Jut as her chronicle expired, she offered the allowing public a look at her open vagina lips, and rigid clitoris. The big screen provided the entire audience a terminal up, as the cameraman zoomed in.

Despite the group's astonishment, sheed earned a moderate 5 billion yen. The patrician, a stout, discolored frizzled guy with a compromised comb-over, licked his smack, he should have had a spiritual category. Strangely, our Filipina treasure hunter didn't seem to recognition.

Agony 3 almost stumbled in her heels as she walked up the phase. The viewers laughed at her failure, to which she responded with an ashamed smile. Emily felt consolation knowing there was somebody as nervous as her participating. She was a Russian lady, with the name Sonya, who had only recently transformed 20. Had not her unexceptionally brazen skin, her feverish reddening would have been even more apparent, as lines of randy men cheered her on. She had a delightful bob branch, of mild brown hair. Her vibrant mauve lingerie and bronze peepers sparkled like gems contrasting on her browner skin.

Sonya here the front of the stage, taking a deep breath, licking her lower lip, and shutting her eyes, as she mentally prepared herself, subsequently unfastened her strapless bra. In a bit, the purple wired article was dropped and tossed into the crowd in a unique movement. Sonya released a giant smirk, as she elevated both hands in the air. Her impeccable, white teeth contrasted well with her smooth, tan skin, and perfectly met her unripened tits. An oppressive applause was issued.

After a mere few seconds, Sonya pulled her arms back to cover her pale white, C-cup breasts. A more authentic, anxious articulation crept over her face whilst she wriggled off and on in embarrassment. Both she and the public recognized what was imminent.

Prolonging one arm wrapped about her breasts, she gradually lowered her skimpy panties over her hips with one fly, granting them to fall about her feet. Sonya's free hand immediately palmed her now-naked vulva. Despite her bravery, she never let her lady areas be seen, darting her palmed hand from her vulva in a fastmovement. The camera missed it, but the limitless audience saw her smooth vagina whilst it lasted. Upon seeing this, Sonya could do nothing but turn spherical and go back towards the rear of the catwalk. Her chronicle hadn't even run out yet. The horny guys in the audience continued to holler as they observed her blonde, firm butt cheeks wobble with every step. Her bikini bottoms left a white triangle on her butt from her countless tanning sessions.

The most significant buzz she earned was 17 billion yen from a gallant, fit youth. Emily could be certain she had perceived him in a gathering advertisement. His looks and blazed-brown hair were stunning.

Sonya couldn't assist but gawk at her new sweetheart, biting her lips as they made attentiveness. Emily couldn't help but likewise feel a touch of enthusiasm. This romantic girl would be granted to baby this beautiful gentleman's glorious spawn tonight.

The attractive host waved and kissed his fresh bride a kiss. Sonya was astonished. She hid her spectacles into her hands forgetting about her tanned skin and crotch she was meant to be covering.

Lastly, the second to the last girl, Su, was a fair-skinned, large-chested girl from Korea. She wore a dark blue micro bikini that highlighted her H-cup breasts. As she walked confidently up the runway, her breasts gently swayed back and forth like a metronome. With a sensual expression on her face, she prepared to remove the top of her bikini when she reached the end of the runway.

Su's breast movement increased, showcasing her exposed cleavage. She bit her lower lip seductively and deftly untied the side of her thong bikini, allowing half of it to dangle down, revealing her bare ass crack. Then, bending over with her butt facing the audience, she undid the second knot, fully exposing her naked butt. Su took it a step further, using her right hand to pull her right butt cheek back, revealing her hairless puckered anus. With her left hand in between her legs, she pushed aside her glistening labia, spreading her pussy lips wide open.

Her time was not quite up yet. She slowly straightened her posture, with her legs bowing outwards. She pulled back the hood of her clitoris with her fingers, surprising everyone in the audience.

A faint geyser erupted from her pussy lips, spraying the audience with her urine. "Was she capable of squirting just from a light touch?" Emily wondered in awe, "No, she was actually peeing!"

Su soaked the spectators in her warm urine, turning the catwalk into a damp mess. This show had reached a new level of degradation. Considering the earlier girl's embarrassment in showing her intimate areas for a short period, the current girl stood exposed, confidently exposing herself to the audience as she relieving herself.

Many men gasped, shocked by the sudden surprise. However, their appreciation soon revived, realizing they enjoyed their fetish.

"Oh no," Emily thought to herself, "Would they expect me to pee myself too?" The frightening idea made her fearful of losing control of her bladder.

Once Su finished relieving herself, the announcer allowed her extra time to wrap up. Emily's breasts bounced as she shifted her weight, shaken.

This girl was well-endowed, and to perform such an extreme act of debasement to earn money must have been her desperation.

A average-looking, aging man in glasses made a nearly unbelievable 857 billion yen bid that almost reached the record-breaking offer. This middle-aged man would be lucky to indulge in a watersports session with his large-breasted, pregnant wife every evening. Her M-cup breasts would be filled with abundant milk to be sucked out and swallowed, along with water from her damp pussy.

The penultimate girl walked off stage, leaving just Emily.

Chapter 9: Vega-Altair

Emily's heart was racing. The final girl was about to step out.

The announcer gave his call, and Emily stepped forward. Her confidence from the milk drank earlier had evaporated. As she walked down the runway, her heel almost sent her toppling down to the rows of spectators. The room erupted in laughter, further embarrassing Emily.

She had 110 seconds left and she felt the time dragging on. The longer she stood in front of the audience's gaze, the slower time seemed to pass. Even if the drinks she had consumed earlier were alcoholic, their buzz would not suffice to silence her mortification of disrobing in front of these leering old men.

The room fell silent, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere. Emily had to make a move.

She mentally told herself, "Remember when you were in the gym locker rooms?" She unclasped the fastener of her strapless bra, which had been her routine back in those days. The room began murmuring in anticipation. Emily was still frozen in her spot. The atmosphere was unfathomable. If she didn't comply, she thought of running away, crying, or any other means to avoid this.

However, the man whose eyes locked with hers, earlier on the stage, gave her the courage. She couldn't miss this opportunity; she needed him to admire her body.

Her green bra fell to the ground and the room gasped.

The woman's body that her secretly white fiancé had kept away from for so many years, she yearned for this man to experience it all. There were no conscious thoughts left in her mind, only raw desire. She needed that man, and she'd do anything to earn his attention.

Emily swiveled around. She knew this might be her last encounter with this man, she couldn't leave without displaying her green thong-clad white bottom to him. The audience cheered, urging Emily to start dancing. She wasn't very good at twerking like Mercedes, so she jiggled for a while instead.

Pulling her panties down in one smooth action, she managed to discard them before standing straddling her heels, one hand on her hip, the other clenching the balled up underwear.

Emily noticed the traces of the snail trail she'd left during her previous searches for porn. She had an intense idea, something that would be uncharacteristic for her in normal circumstances. She brought the balled up underwear to her nose, closed her eyes, and inhaled deeply. The audience practically exploded. The camera crew even got a close-up of Emily's horny face as she experienced olfactory ecstasy.

The scent of her own sexuality set Emily on fire. Memories of all the fantasies she'd just fantasized about flashed through her mind. The previously shy Emily's personality was now unrecognizable. She wrapped her panties around her finger and teasingly swirled them. She took a wide stance, arched her back slightly, and with her free hand, she parted her pink labia. The audience got a clear view between her fingers. She lingered for several seconds to make sure the camera caught every last detail.

Time was running out. Emily picked up the now empty, discarded bra and placed her damp underwear between the cups. It was time for the years she'd spent playing softball to pay off.

She made the shot perfectly. There was no logical reason the shot should have worked, but it did. And now, both her underwear, soaked in her sweat and juices, were tucked into the stranger's lap. Her matching undies, embodying the essence of her sexuality, had been given to him. Emily was overjoyed.

Emily made steady eye contact with him across the room. She flashed him an enormous grin, forgetting about Sonya for a moment. For the first time ever, Emily blew a man a kiss. While she was awkward at it, she was too smitten to care. She'd given the stranger her breasts, her vagina, and her anus—she wanted his lips too.

The music faded, signaling the end of time. Emily turned to leave, but not before bending over to flash the audience with her vagina and anus. The audience burst into another wave of laughter over her slapstick tumble. Emily's joy was unbroken by her awkward entrance, she'd just shown off her body to the man of her dreams.

June waited a few seconds before she could speak again, "Alright gentlemen, bidding starts at 1 million! Do I hear 2?... 3? 5, 10 million."

Emily was getting anxious. The handsome man from earlier had remained silent throughout the whole bidding process. Was she not his type?

"3.6 billion!" panted an old, gray-haired, obese man with skin like parchment. Emily's excitement turned to fear. Was it all over, her dreams of uniting with the perfect man dashed?

"3.6 billion! Going once! Going twice!"

"20 billion!" roared a voice like a lion, shaking the entire amphitheater. It was her white knight in shining armor. He'd been patiently waiting for his time to strike.

"20 billion! Going once! Twice!... Sold!"

Emily exhaled a gentle sigh of relief. Until the next realization sank in: this handsome man had just purchased the rights to her virginity for the price of an opulent mansion.

The two star-crossed lovers locked eyes from across the room. She saw him still holding the green fabric in one hand. The handsome stoic smiled at her, showcasing his gleaming white teeth. Emily struggled to remain conscious.

Today was the last day Emily would remain non-pregnant for the next few years.


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