Fourth Installment - Decision Making

Sarah faces some difficult decisions.

May 31, 2024
22 min read
slavesubmissive04 - Decisionsloverimmingromanticblowjobmaledomdominationfemale submissivedrama
04 - Decisions
04 - Decisions

Fourth Installment - Decision Making

When Jakob finally let me go from the table, my body declined to respond to commands. My muscles were too worn out from the relentless pulling and binding during the entire ordeal, so Jakob had to carry me up the stairs and set me on the sofa. It took me a short while to regain the power to move on my own. My main focus then was on avoiding any more punishment.

I scrambled together dinner in the remaining half-hour, and the rest of a supposedly delightful night was spent on the sofa, massaging with my mouth and tongue Jakob's cock while he watched a movie. I was hoping he wouldn't order any more activity as I was unsure of my ability to walk in a straight line.

He gently stroked my hair throughout, and the butterflies in my stomach lingered well into my dreams. They too were filled with Jakob: the pre-ruin version, post- confusion period, wedded bliss, and a house echoing with the laughter of children. The vividity was so real, the tears nearly flowed upon waking.

On Wednesday, Jakob spent the entire day "correcting" my posture. Most of it involved him testing how far out I could extend my chest while maintaining the necessary stability to withhold his penetrative thrusts. He chimed in with giving my back a proper positioning, keeping my legs apart, and encouraging good shoulders. However, his primary mindset was clearly not on those elements.

Following a day's worth of posture adjustments, my gag reflex was still there, but ignoring it became easier. I found a liking to it and found the process surprisingly delightful. Had I not had a sore throat and unnecessary fatigue, I would have attempted it again. His irresistible fragrance encouraged my face to stay close to his crotch, which I held my breath longer and longer to fully immerse in it.

I savored Jakob's dick since it tasted like it was custom- made for me. I loved the way it throbbed in my mouth as his hips discernibly convolved, trying to maintain control. His lingering aroma presented a strong urge to ignore the consequences of this posture learning process.

At that point, my inclination toward sucking Jakob's penis skyrocketed. Swallowing his cock triggered an arousing sense of purpose. I was prepared to worship his dick at every opportunity. He clearly enjoyed this newfound skill of mine which he demonstrated by fingering me to a sensual climax with no conditions.

When Wednesday evening rolled around, I was able to eat at the table without any trouble. I surmised he was remorseful about his earlier treatment, as I had had all my post-meal experiences from his feet since my arrival.

It marked the first full day in my new existence free of any disciplinary action. It gave me a glimpse of what my life could be like if I successfully garnered control over my impulses and kept anything unnecessary to myself. The trepidation of a failed future was lessened, and that led to an anticipatory mood towards Thursday.

When Jakob awoken me with his characteristic air horn, I had a plan. I woke up in the dark to the pinpoint beeps of the cell door's keypad. Quickly, I twisted my legs under the blanket, readying to pounce.

The light flicked on, and I was out of bed before the loud horn even sounded. As he released the horn, I knelt right in front of my bed with my tongue out and mouth open. Jakob was a bit surprised, so I emphasized with a wink and my most appealing eyes.

He appeared flattered, even laughing a little. I couldn't help it. I fabricated this intense enthusiasm to accentuate my submission, which he loved. I slithered towards him on fours, stopping directly in front of his penis.

I stared at him and applied my seductive, adoring gaze. He grinned and made a comment, "I see someone's thrilled to see me this morning."

"Oh, indeed," I moaned. "May I please fellatio Sir's penis?"

I let out a slight gag, but managed to keep him securely lodged in my throat. He groaned above me and I hummed as much as I could while I rubbed his balls with one hand. I barely managed to stretch my tongue out enough to lick his testicles with the tip, all the while maintaining a constant gaze with him.

He groaned again, louder and longer. "Fuck, Sarah. Who would've thought you'd be so good at this with a little bit of encouragement?" Hearing him say my name sent a rush of endorphins through my body. I tried to smile, but I'm not sure I could actually move my mouth. My throat tightened as I felt his cock pulse slightly from his flexing.

I started by moving my head slowly up and down on his shaft, taking care not to break eye contact. I would occasionally look up from my task to ensure he was satisfied with my performance. He was amazing; a tangible manifestation of my desires. When our eyes finally met, I increased my speed.

After a short while, I was hastily thrusting his entire cock in and out of my mouth. I focused my gaze upwards as I concentrated on delivering his initial load of the day. True to form, he made itShortly after, a soft sound sprung from his lips as he released his climax into my mouth. I was a big fan of swallowing his semen, so I was thankful that I loved the taste almost as much.

I held his climax in my mouth and awaited his approval before swallowing. He sighed and his eyes seemed unfocused for a moment. I waited patiently and, after he gave the nod, I drained his cum from my mouth, swallowed, and cleaned his member with my tongue. I inhaled deeply, relishing the scent that was unique to him and quietly awaited the next command.

He ruffled my hair as he caressed my body. I snuggled into him until a sigh escaped his lips. He released a contemplative breath before speaking. "You've been doing well for me, pet. Let's hope you can maintain that attitude today, because I know you're not going to like it when I tell you our schedule for today. However, there will be rewards for you if you can put up with it."

I felt my heart drop despite the hint of rewards he mentioned. "So, are you planning to take my ass today, dad?" I knew it would come at some point. Our agreement stipulated that I would be open to having my entire body at his disposal. I'd been pondering the challenge today, not because I didn't want to do it, but because it had been painful previously.

He steeled his features and his eyes told me he was once again weighing his options. "Yes, pet. We're going to work on stretching out your ass, and preparing it for a proper fucking," he said formally, carefully choosing his words. His face betrayed a tiny bit of sadness before returning to its stoic mask.

I nodded, my eyes fixed on his, and stood up to follow him as he left the room. I reached out to grope his member as I rose, yet I still felt uneasy. Even standing straight at full height, his torso easily dwarfed mine. I looked up into his face and asked, "Should I start by preparing breakfast?"

He shook his head. "We'll be working all day today on this, so we need to get started right away. Please follow me." My stomach grumbled, but I declined to bring it up. Instead, I silently chewed on the granola bar he'd handed me.

Though I'd presided over our dynamic with a smile yesterday, today, on the eve of something I was far less fond of, I simply followed behind him on my feet and devoured my snack. My good mood had evaporated the moment I learned I would be getting anally fucked.

I spent the day at his side, remaining submissive and looking up at him occasionally. My knees had taken quite a bit of strain the day before, but they struggled to stand for long periods. But, since my time would be mostly spent on them, I figured it was better to train my body now.

My mood only worsened as I knew what was coming. I had eagerly sucked his cock in the morning and he was yet to to take my back passage. A small glimmer of hope sparked in me as I entered the master bedroom. "Do you want me to get on all fours before you start, dad?" I asked, trying to ease the experience for both of us. He simply nodded without looking at me. I shifted to my hands and knees as he stepped out of the room to gather his toys.

Soon, lubrication wet his finger, before he slowly edged his hand in from behind. I grimaced and lifted my hips to give him access, fighting my urge to jerk away from the discomfort. Again, he applied more lube, before pushing his digit in and out handfuls of times. I bit my lip as I sobbed in pain, but he persisted, promising that today would be better.

One finger joined the first, then another. Mercifully, he began to warm up my hole well. My hip movements started to steady as the incoming pressure felt less painful. But, the pressure persisted until he felt I was ready for another step. With a furrowed brow, he replaced his fingers with two of his favorite toys instead. Beaded and pulsating, they left me gasping in pain as they probed me further. Gradually, I became more accepting of the pain, eager for the aftercare and adoration I was certain would come from my pleasure. Though my arm still threatened to buckle, I endured it, stroking his leg as I readied myself mentally.

It was in this state that he plugged in a third toy alongside the painful pair. I whimpered as each one stretched me further, first one, then the second, and then the third one. Tears welled in my eyes, but I refused to let them escape."

He guided me towards the restroom while I finished off the chocolate bar, and in the bathroom, there was a plastic bag hanging from the showerhead with a hose connected to its bottom. I could sense that it was for cleaning me, and I stopped to admire it. We'd never used one of these types before; it appeared to be able to hold so much liquid; it felt like it wouldn't contain all of that inside me.

"Go ahead and use the bathroom before we get started." Jakob advised me, exiting the restroom to allow me some privacy. Of course, he was planning on being right up in there before our first meal of the day. I sighed and did my business before inviting him back in.

Jakob returned and turned on the shower, ensuring the water was comfortable before holding the bag open and filling it with the warm water nearly to the brim. He then pulled something from beneath the sink - likely a soap of some kind. He sealed the bag and hung it back up before gesturing for me to enter the shower.

I attempted to maintain a bland expression, but I think my feelings escaped my control. His eyes narrowed and his eyebrow lowered, but he said nothing. I walked past him and into the comforting warmth of the shower.

He removed his shirt and stood in the spray to confirm the water's temperature was ideal. Then he walked towards me, turning me so my back was against the showerhead. He placed both hands on my upper back, pressing to bend me forward at the waist. His palm touched between my thighs and tapped them slightly. I widened my legs.

His hands explored my subtly expansive backside, caressing gently. His touch felt pleasurable, but I feared what was next. He continued kneading my buttocks until I relaxed somewhat. Assured of my submission, he widened my cheeks enough to rub his thumb across my anus.

I tightened up again, but he ignored my reaction. He continued massaging until I was more accepting. Then he positioned his thumb near my anus, but after another moment he inserted something small into me without warning.

"Good job, slut." Jakob said softly. "You're going to feel incredibly stuffed when this is empty. However, while you're showering, you must hold it in. The movement will assist in thoroughly cleaning you out. As soon as you finish cleaning up, relieve yourself and join me in the bedroom."

"Thank you, sir." I replied politely as he closed the valve. Instantly, I felt the sensual feeling of warm liquid flooding inside me. I moaned unconsciously; it was even more enjoyable than Jakob ejaculating in me. He laughed as he exited, causing me to think about giving him the middle finger. Instead I surrendered to this unanticipated pleasure.

The feeling was sublime, and I couldn't help but emit several moans. Then it became too much. Too full. The bag still had a quarter of its contents left, and my moans transformed into groans and eventually grunts of discomfort. I couldn't resist focusing on the current situation.

Eventually, the bag was finally drained. I felt like I had gestated a child of six months, trying to contort myself to spread the liquid all over my body. It felt like I was cramping, and my patience wore thin. I finished washing as fast as possible but just barely managed to make it to the toilet in time.

My expectation was that the liquid would immediately exit, but surprisingly, removing the excess would be as difficult as filling me in the first place. It took an uncomfortably long time, and I was met with several unflattering sounds.

Finally, I was free of the toilet and ready to join Jakob in the bedroom. I was no longer in the mood for more intrusions into my rectum. I understood that he desired to inflict some form of punishment, but he wasn't sticking anything else in.

"Are you prepared?" He asked, well aware of my impending refusal.

"F**k you!" I yelled at him. He took a step back, clearly surprised by my words. I guess he didn't know what I was going to say. "I did everything for you yesterday - cooked, cleaned, and gave you oral pleasure. I even pleasured myself an hour before, without you even asking for it, and this is how you treat me?

"You hurt me so badly two days ago that I'm still feeling it, Jake! The same night, you made me cum so many times that I thought I might go crazy! Yesterday, after all your abuse, I spent most of the day servicing you orally! And this is how you thank me? This is the reward for my efforts?

"Fk you. Fk this whole messed-up game you're playing. I'm signing the other contract tomorrow, and, God help me, if you try to put anything else inside me before then, I'll see you locked up for rape and abuse of power!"

Jakob remained silent, his face like stone. I stood my ground, meeting his blazing emerald eyes with a furious glare. We stood there, motionless for who knows how long. Minutes passed, maybe five or ten. Neither of us was ready to back down. Eventually, I broke the silence.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked him. Jakob smirked, and I realized I had lost whatever battle we were fighting.

"Stay here," he growled and left the master suite. I heard something crashing around in the house outside. The big bad wolf had finally been defeated. He had lost his composure and was destroying something. He entered the room again and motioned for me to follow him.

I left the master bedroom and looked around for the wreckage of whatever he had destroyed. All I found were a few pieces of furniture haphazardly stacked in the living room. I studied them for a moment before understanding what they were. It was my cell's furniture.

"What are you doing?" I screamed at him as he led me to the cell. I grabbed his arm to turn him around, but he just grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the sliding bar door.

He tossed me inside the room, and I landed on the mattress now lying on the floor with just a thin sheet. The door slammed shut as I continued to yell and curse at him. He never said a word to me as he walked away.

I kept raging at him, screaming myself hoarse into the house. I never got a response, and I gave up when I realized I had nothing to drink to soothe my sore throat. I fell onto the mattress and cried. I had gotten what I wanted. My poor little butt was safe. So why did it feel like I lost?


When Jakob came back, he was holding a paper plate and a water bottle. The plate had toast, eggs, and bacon on it. The food didn't appeal to me much, but I really wanted the water my throat was demanding. So, I just looked ahead as he sat down on the floor outside the bars.

"You've had your say," he said in a low voice, placing the plate and water on the ground beside him. "Now, I'm going to have mine. Then, and only then, will you be given breakfast. If you want to interrupt me, feel free. I have nothing better to do."

I stayed silent, and he continued. "The cause of your problems, the issues between us, is a fundamental misunderstanding of what love is. Love is not a transactional value. It's not something given, received, bartered, or held for ransom. Love is not an emotion; it's a decision.

"The first act of love you showed me in over a year was the choice not to sign the new contract I offered you on Monday. You stood to gain very little, just the promise that I knew it would benefit you. Yet, you submitted your entire being to me.

"The happiness I felt in that moment was inexpressible, Sarah. I came home ready to continue offering myself up for your benefit. I found you in bed with another man, and before I could even process what was happening, you packed a suitcase and disappeared. The only thing I heard from you after that was delivered to me, in front of my entire unit, by a process server.

"Divorce documents. No contact, no chance to win you back. Just a demand for photographs from our photo album. Even in that, I gave you what you asked for. Six months later, a package arrived with your name on it. D.O.C. required someone to take on your care, ensuring you'd be supported beyond the usual system.

"In just two hours, I had done everything possible to offer a high-quality life for you. I arranged all of this before even knowing you'd accept. All of it, from a single word written on a blank page. This is love, Sarah.

"I want you to love me, Sarah. More than that, I want you to learn how to love others. Right now, you act upon others only when you sense a reward. You always choose the easiest path for yourself, regardless of the consequences for those around you.

"I don't want to break you. Seeing you in pain devastates me, and knowing I cause it when I should protect you hurts even more. But I'll continue with my mission of love, hoping you'll trust me when I say the results will outweigh the pain.

"Changing your ways won't happen overnight, though. You've spent decades of overindulgence nurturing a bloated ego. Convinced that minimal effort on your part is equivalent to monumental effort from anyone else, you've come to believe that everyone is obligated to serve your every desire. I need to break you of this perception.

"Imagine yourself as an engine. At some point in your life, parts of you shattered. The "check engine" light turned on, but no one, including me, chose to fix it. That shattered part caused others to break, and so on, until the engine finally stopped. The only way to fix it is to strip it down, identify and replace each broken part.

"If you let me dismantle you and mend what's broken, you'll find life more fulfilling than you can imagine. Your new self-control will free you from the restraints of self-centeredness. There's never been a lie about me, Sarah. You know that. Trust me.

"To continue with my plans, I must leave you in this cell for a few hours. When I return, you'll be freed for the rest of the day to do and dress as you wish.

"As promised, tomorrow you can sign the new contract. All your furniture will be returned to your room, and you won't be locked up unless necessary. If you decide against it, you'll take a difficult path with your own rewards if you perform. Any future steps depend on your choices."

He ended his discourse and passed me my meal and water. When he left our line of sight, I quickly drank half the water. Instruction brought instant relief. I emptied the rest and prepared to attire myself when he reappeared, holding two more water bottles and clothes.

He passed the clothing through the bars next to the food, then vanished again. When he returned for the last time, I called his name. He faced me without his mask. His profound sadness and agony were bottomless. Yet, in the depths of his sorrow, I saw burning determination, passion, and decisiveness. He protected those around him, and he was resolved to see me find this same dedication.

"Sorry for everything," I apologized.

"I'll take your apology as sincere." Though he'd heard my half-hearted acknowledgment countless times, this time I convinced him. He couldn't trust my words anymore, and I wondered if I even trusted my own.

Instead of:

On the other hand, how in the FUCK was sexually dominating me going to turn me into a more loving person? Why the hell was this the way Jakob had decided to "break me down"?


But how could dominating me sexually transform me into someone more caring and loving? It made no sense to me. Was this how Jakob planned on breaking me down?

A voice within me explained. I was the very essence of self-centeredness. If I was to be taken off my pedestal, it had to be done by another. It had to be done in such a way that left no room for a doubt about the one who did it being worthy of servitude, especially in bed.

I must confess, I enjoyed servicing Jakob while we were together. However, I wouldn't call myself selfish back then, but looking back, I realize Jakob was much kinder to me than I was to him. I was always the focus during our lovemaking. I had never considered him equally in our intimate encounters. I had to correct my behavior as much as possible.

I knew Jakob was hopelessly in love with me. This adoration gave me a sense of freedom that I took advantage of and neglected. Now, I had to hand over control of my life to someone else. To surrender my needs and desires to him, and only then trust that he wouldn't behave the way I had.

I never lived up to the vows I made when we got married. To be completely his in my mind, body, and soul. I only shared parts of my body with him. I'd played with him, but never intended to truly fulfill him. I gave him some of my time, but not at my own inconvenience. I allowed him to pamper me, never considering taking the same care of him to show how much he meant to me.

When have I fulfilled the promises I made at the altar? I'd given him small parts of myself, but not all. I willingly subjected him to neglect, just as he had. How much was I willing to trust him? This was the most difficult decision of my life.

He continued to show me love even when it cost him dearly. He did so even before I managed to regain a sense of self-respect. How could I not trust someone who goes through so much just for me? Who else would show me that kind of affection?

When Jakob returned, he let me out of my room. I hadn't bothered to dress and had no desire to. He slid the door open and stood aside, allowing me to leave. I stepped out cautiously, turning to face him. I met his gaze and made a swift decision. How could I refuse, facing his heartfelt adoration?

"Jakob," I whispered.

"Sarah," he said softly in return.

"Please, mend me," my tone cracked on the last word, and tears started to flow. I struggled to hold back more, but two more sentences demanded it. "However, I need to be selfish one more time." I made it a question. A request. Could I really ask him to do this?

"As you wish." He answered, touching me gently.

I felt secure in his strong, warm embrace, craving the comforting presence that I'd missed since my mistake. Now, I had to endure the pain inflicted upon me, knowing that it would lead to my mending. During that time, his touch on my body distracted me from my tragic error.

He closed the distance between us, capturing my lips with his. The affection I craved consumed me as we kissed passionately, unhinging my willpower. He slid off the bed just enough for his cock to level with my mouth. I couldn't resist any longer. I eagerly accepted his dominance. It was the passion I'd longed for since that fateful night. My body yearned for his dominance before the breaking began. He broke our embrace long enough to remove his clothes. His erection loomed over me, and I yearned for the chance to touch it. He lay me gently on the bed, and I glanced at his erection, eager to taste it. I knew I would feel this pain for a while, but at the moment, I cherished his loving dominance.

I unleashed my tongue and swirled it across his crown. He nestled deeper, allowing only his tip to venture into my mouth. I yelped with disagreement, yearning for the entirety of him. I clasped my hands around his hips and dragged him slowly towards my waiting throat. My mind sparked with pleasure as he moaned. If there was one lesson I had learned in the past four days, it was that I felt super attractive as fuck when he trembled in my throat and labored to manage his breathing.

He recoiled and thrust once more into my throat before withdrawing that delightful shaft from my lips. I whined in dissatisfaction, frantically chasing him while he reclined against the headboard. I promptly dove back onto his prick. My inspiration was selfish; I wasn't concerned in the slightest with his gratification, I merely desired his girth invading my mouth. I couldn't get enough of it.

When he erupted, I gulped down his essence ravenously. I ignorantly kept sucking until his heaving hips and gasps made him stop. "You unholy succubus," Jakob joked breathlessly. "As soon as I thought you were attempting to expropriate my soul via my dick, right?"

I snickered and considered his statement for a second before passing each forefinger above my ears to flaunt my horns and growled at him. Amusement gleamed in his gaze, but his cravings remained untamed.

He descended from the headboard and altered our positions. He settled cross-legged, and dragged my hips up to his mouth so I almost formed a headstand. I attempted to grip his cock behind me, yet he swatted my hand away. "Your turn," he muttered cryptically as he plunged into my drenched cunt.

It was otherworldly pleasure. He flicked his tongue through my folds, dabbing the tip to flick my clitoris with every lick. He sucked and nibbled on me, propelling voltage through my body. Within minutes, I spewed over his muzzle.

Whilst I was still coming down, I perceived his tongue advancing farther back. I gasped in awe as the toasty, wet organ began to massage my pinched anus. "Jake, what are you...?", I inquired bewildered.

"Trust me?" He voiced gently. It was a plea, not a command. I hesitantly resolved to collapse and permit him to carry on. It was strange sensations, but without the risk of immediate penetration, I discovered myself relishing it.

He meandered with me like this until my eyes closed, and a soft hum fizzled out of my lips. I was confident he wanted to demonstrate something to me; to slacken my defenses rather than shatter them. I also sensed that it was mildly succeeding, just a little bit.

When he evaluated I had experienced sufficient, and without encroaching to my backdoor, he scooted back on the bed to permit my body to lie flat. He stepped off the bed, and my eyes opened to observe him. He headed to the nightstand and removed a condom. I grumbled and frowned at him.

He flashed me a sheepish grin and shrugged souredly. "I suppose D.O.C. might object to me impregnating my captive."

I sighed, recognizing the wisdom of his words. He staggered back on the bed with the condom in one hand, gesturing me with the other to perform oral sex on him. I readily took him in my mouth once more, and wasn't taken aback to find him virtually prepared. It only took a brief while before he was ready, but I indulged longer than necessary.

Finally, he nudged me down and his cock left my lips with a popping sound. He squatted next to me, guiding my fingers to his muscled abdominals. He caressed his shaft in one hand and placed the other near my stomach.

He connected his cock to my entrance, then flicked it over my clitoris. I flinched and murmured; he was playing dirty. He persisted teasing my clit with his tip, and my groans turned into frantic pleas.

"Jakob, please!" I begged him, wrapping my legs around his hips to attempt to pull him into me.

He smirked and aligned his cock with my soaked, eager vagina. My eyes widened, and I bit my lower lip, nodding vehemently at him to proceed. He gradually infiltrated me. I moaned his name; accolades cascading from my sultry lips. When he fully occupied me, it signified ethereal bliss.

He commenced his motion. Slowing, dragging each engorged inch from my crotch while I whined at the loss, then thrusting back to renew my praise. It was precisely what I had wanted ever since I departed from him. Achieved once more, ultimately.

He didn't let me rest; pushing me to reach higher. In contrast to the tormenting rod, though, he would slow down when my muscles eased. His touches slowed so I could enjoy the aftermath, lavishing nibbles on my neck, and said nothing significant in my ears.

When my legs once again moved against his waist, he brought me back to the level he'd set. This time, though, he truly fucked me. My hands took over where his had been on my breasts as he gripped my hips for better positioning. I squeezed and caressed them as he genuinely ravished me.

I drew near the brink once more as he thrust into me, completely lost in his need for dominance over his chosen one. Our bodies connected, clapping together rhythmically, intensifying in pace and volume as we propelled for our goal.

I delayed cumming as much as I could, wishing to climax together with him, but could not withstand the enchanting call any longer. As I fell over the edge, my pussy clamped and took him with me. Grunting and groaning, he released inside... the condom.

It was a strange intrusion, leaving a role-reversal reminder of our situation, but I tried not to let it disturb the delight of one again being with most treasured one.

No matter what I had to execute to regain this, and maintain it indefinitely. -- Jed.

He extracted himself and lay flat on the mattress beside me, allowing me to lay on top of him. He clasped a limb around me, the other messed up my hair, which I traced along his torso, coming up with my fingers. It seemed natural. Secure. I just wanted this moment to endure eternity.

However, Jed hauled himself up from the bed, distracting us. He stretched while smiling kindly towards me, triggering my heart to tighten.

"The attire you left here is still present," he said, indicating the closet as he selected his own. "You did place a call while we meditated? I think it's past noon; wishing to have some pizza for an early supper?"

I nodded vehemently without budging from him, yearning to remain in this place. He dialled up our preferred pizzeria and ordered the one I'd dubbed the "perfect pizza"; cream cheese instead of marinara, topped with chicken, bacon, jalapenos, and pineapple.

"You recalled," I murmured. He turned, responding to me with another dumbfounding smile.

"Naturally," he answered. "You mattered to me, so I paid close attention, aimed at fulfilling your needs. I'd never considered your favoured pizza." How could something so casual echo so deeply about my softness? It shattered my with a physical blow. He noticed.

In a matter of seconds, he was by my side, cradling my head as I wept softly against him. He didn't need to hear why. He didn't require my inquiry. He was just present, as ever. I needed to be that, too. He deserved that from me.

"Jed?" I questioned eventually.


"If the entire day is yours for the decision, could we simply stay in bed creased together, at least for a while? I want to be with you, like until yesterday."

Jed clambered into the mattress with me, then put his arms around me. The tension vanished. We continued to stay thus until our meal arrived, eating it leisurely into the evening, talking about irrelevant stuff while relaxing together.

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