lesbian sex

Fourth installment in the Rufus series.

During his second week, Rufus attends college.

May 3, 2024
10 min read
femdomcfnmdystopiaRufus Ch. 04gynarchy
Rufus Ch. 04
Rufus Ch. 04

Fourth installment in the Rufus series.

Rufus stared intently at his reflection in the mirrored hallway, captivated by the sight of his exposed body. He could practically feel the emotions simmering beneath the skin - the embarrassment, the vulnerability, and the odd thrill. He understood that part of him was enjoying this.

He also saw the crass crudeness of the situation and why others might find it offensive, his balls visible, gently swaying with each movement, his wand painfully obvious, a bizarre contrast to those around him.

"Rufus," Mary barked, snapping him from his thoughts. Her voice sliced through his mind like a whip. "You're needed in the gym. The lightbulb's blown."

Rufus followed Mary through the bustling hallways, his heart racing in his chest, and his brain whirling with chaos and, amusingly, a hidden current of delight. The cool air, gliding over every inch of his unprotected skin, heightened his awareness of his vulnerability. He was getting used to the constant flow of screams, gasps, quick footsteps, and door banging as he strolled. It was like he was a spirit, capable of causing destruction in a giant bubble as he moved, the only difference being his absence of power was doing the shaking and screaming this time. Every step he took sent shivers down his spine, emphasizing the stark contrast between his nakedness and the fully clothed people around him. He craved the days when he could stroll in public anonymously, but another part of him revelled in the peculiar dream he was living in.

As they strolled, Mary imparted a minor change in the rules, "As long as you're with me, or in this institution, you don't require my consent to have an orgasm. Everybody around you who's pleasuring you has that authorization. I've explained to my friends, who will most likely share this news. I want the women here to have the right to... well... beat you off. I mean, if they want to. All the while, you're still not allowed to touch your cock, not even to pee."

"Yes, Miss Mary," he whispered.

Rufus envisioned himself cloaked, rendering himself invisible to prying eyes. The thought of what people might be thinking about him made his heart race and his palms sweat.

Although he tried to stay composed, Rufus couldn't dismiss the overwhelming sense of shame and arousal that consumed him. He knew he needed to remain focused, concentrating on the task on hand and putting his faith in Miss Mary's guidance.

He kept his head bowed, not daring to meet anyone's gaze. He could hear the slapping of his bare feet on the hard floor with every step. His bared flesh could sense the slight changes in the air currents as they navigated the hallways.

As he entered the gymnasium, a group of students waited, evidently aware of the spectacle Rufus was about to put on. "Climb up, Rufus," Mary instructed, pointing to a wobbly ladder that led to the light bulb above. He hesitated, aware of the awkward position he would be in, yet he suppressed his shyness and started the ascent.

"Caution," a female whispered, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she watched Rufus ascend. "We wouldn't want to give everyone a show."

"Maybe some of us would," another student chimed in, prompting a burst of laughter from the crowd.

As Rufus reached the top of the ladder, sweat dangling from his brow, he felt a sense of accomplishment. Despite their mockery, he couldn't deny the thrill of being admired, even if it was only for entertainment purposes. He felt the familiar feeling of shame and arousal as his rod grew rigid, fully visible to the students below.

"Ooh ahh!" a female screamed. "Look at that!" he heard another exclaim, inciting fits of laughter. He winced when he felt his rod wobble as he worked.

"Finished," he announced, making his way down the ladder. Mary examined him, a smirk gracing her lips as she surveyed Rufus's red face and laboured breathing.

"Good work, Rufus," she said, her tone dripping with contempt. She held his now-erect shaft and balls in her hand, mimicking an exaggerated voice, "Thank you, Miss Mary. This was a BALL of a job!" She released him with a smile, chuckling at the sound of female laugher.

"Let's move on. There's more for you to accomplish."

"Of course, Miss Mary," Rufus answered, trying to check the excitement within him. He was aware of how ridiculous it was to feel outraged at his objectification, yet a small part of him relished the attention.

"Hey, Rufus?" Mary's voice interrupted his thoughts. "You coming to help me with this?"

"Mary, aren't you forgetting something?" A small Asian girl with a playful smile asked, grabbing hold of Rufus' erection and doing a few quick pumps. "He's probably going to 'cum' at some point today, Mary."

"Right away, Mary," Rufus mumbled, not meeting anyone's eyes as he followed her. The students snickering behind them didn't help.

Was this really his life now? Rufus pondered, questioning whether it was natural to enjoy... no, relish in his degradation. Had he simply lost all touch with normal? Or was he just longing for any sense of belonging after being stripped of his old life?

No matter what, Rufus couldn't escape the fact that he was the center of attention at college, resigning himself to the objectification and scrutiny it brought.

Rufus stood by the door of a lecture hall, mop in hand, but his mind was elsewhere. The laughter prompted by his earlier nudity rattled his thoughts as he dipped the mop in the soapy water, striving for focus on his assigned task.

"Rufus!" Mary's sharp voice invaded his thoughts. "Your water's spilling onto the floor!"

"My apologies, Mary," Rufus responded sheepishly, frantically wiping up the sloshed water. Mary, one of the "code holders," held power over him. He couldn't defy her commands.

"Concentrate, Rufus," she grumbled, scrutinizing his mopping process. "And remember, I'm supposed to have this floor spotless."

A button press from Mary's controller caused an unpleasant sensation to flow through Rufus' body. This was the first time it had been used. He was pondering its effects and assumed it was a bit light.

"I will, Mary," Rufus promised. Her remonstrations didn't make it any easier to do his job with a crowd watching him. He had to weather the constant cruel scrutiny and the officials using his body for their amusement.

"Our floor's going to be spotless!" Mary declared with a huff, tapping her foot impatiently. "I've got better things to do than watch you mop all day."

She pressed the control device once more. The excruciating scratching returned, but a little harsher this time.

"Bend over and touch your toes," she snapped.

Rufus obeyed, hearing the sniggers of multiple spectators as he was swatted.

"OK, get up," she said, magically making him stand. She depressed another button on her controller. A sudden rigidity transformed Rufus' member. Passing female students roared with laughter, pointing at Rufus' erect stance.

"Pardon the interruption, Mary," he muttered as his backside burned from 10 hard smacks.

Several minutes later, Rufus was still scrubbing the floor, eyes diverted from Mary's gaze and the jibing crowd.

"What were you saying, Mary?" he asked, straightening and noting the massive erection drawing attention.

"I told you never mind," Mary replied, shaking her head. "Finish up so we can go. I must head to another class in 10 minutes, and I want you busy."

"Of course, Mary," Rufus confirmed, ignoring the nagging worry in his chest. He couldn't deny how arousing it was to be admired, desired even, by people who'd just laughed at him. Paraphrase complete.. It's crucial to maintain the informal, simple, engaging tone, and provide a captivating text. This translates well, too. Maybe just add more emphasis to Mary's role in his life to show how she's in control and his helplessness but positive.)

Rufus wore himself out meticulously attending to a floor that seemed to gleam more brightly with every swipe of the mop across its surface. Under the glare of the overhead lights, an inverted, dolphin-like body was reflected on the tiles beneath, the featureless breasts ending in two struggling legs connected to a pair of dangling orbs. His thoughts were thick with anguish and anticipation for the indignities that would inevitably follow. The helplessness of his new situation dawned upon him, but so, too, did the realisation that he wasn't in a position to fight it. Mary and her family controlled his fate—he must find a way to function in this altered life of his.

"Completed, Miss Mary," Rufus declared, his voice unwavering beneath the weight of the dread rolling through his veins.

"Excellent." Mary scanned the room before turning her gaze back to him. "Today's next assignment will determine if you're up to the task."

"I'll try my best, Miss Mary," Rufus swore, ready for whatever test she had in store.

"We'll see how you cope with this one, Rufus," she remarked, her unyielding stare building tension within him.

As she left the room, Rufus could only ponder the critical mystery: Would his bonds with Mary and the other students deepen or turn sour? Was it possible for any of them to have romantic feelings for this object he had become? Surely, the shamefully erect junction between his legs that Mary had triggered drew thrilling hallucinations from the corners of his mind.

Mary's female companions regularly peered at Rufus, their anxious desire to fondle and stroke him stirring his insides. Complying was simple, as he had become the property of all females; being handled to climax was his obligation. Men were granted far less frequent opportunities. Mary allowed some men to touch and arouse him, reminding them all that his destiny was at the mercy of any woman and to keep his engorgement at their whim by any means. He was a learning target for the endless games of the college. Again and again, women of various ages would handle and fuck Rufus; overwhelmed by his constant arousal, he never got used to the sensation of having his body openly cupped or tenderly pressed against by their clothing. A single instance of relief after taking countless shitings clung in his mind: he was oddly a curiosity that students and professors huddled around and teased mercilessly. He was the first, and quite possibly the only, slave the people of the campus had ever seen closely.

It was almost time for the midday meal. Rufus removed the dirty dishes to the kitchen. Mary was preparing to continue her classroom banter when she paused.

"Ah, Rufus, you remember when you were a traditional teacher in some institution?" she mused, fumbling with the keys dangling from her belt. "What was it called?"

She pressed one of the buttons, and instantly, his dangling members sagged from an erection that had duly presented itself yet again.

Three females, returning from feeding themselves, paused in their journey to the lunchroom to fixate on the hardened muscle indicating his sexual mission.

"Yes, Miss Mary," Rufus stuttered, barely above a murmur, his embarrassment palpable. The melodic memory of his days in the classroom gradually faded into the sordid reality he now faced permanently.

"Hmm," she murmured, giving him a wicked look, "do you recall if you thought you'd ever end up here, like this?"

"Miss Mary…" Rufus breathed, his cheeks flaming, unable to mask the grief that undercut the pride of his experienced past. He could scarcely bear the notion of remembering these days apart from the haunting echo of transparent debasement.

"Fascinating," she mused wryly, her persistent grasp on his sensitive flesh, heightening his fervid discomfort, and intensifying the lingering disdain. "Life unfolds in such unconventional ways."

"Absolutely, Miss Mary," he nodded, his body shuddering with an effort to preserve his dignity, despite his failure to sate the great gaping hole he felt his heart had become. He could not help but pity a vessel so reckless and primitive as her, indoctrinated by a world that treated Rufus like a plaything, tugging at her own strings.

Rufus diligently cleaned the tiled walls and floors of the shower stalls, attempting to steer clear of the half-naked young women as they strolled past him wet and dripping. He kept his gaze lowered, concentrating only on his tasks, while the melodious chatter of the girls peppered the air.

Rufus stopped considering himself a human being. Instead, he viewed himself as a possession, subjected to derision and degradation. Despite renouncing the remaining traces of humanity, he discovered a peculiar thrill.

More than once, while cleaning a sports change room floor, Rufus received an aggressive slap on his rear end from one of the more audacious girls who seized the opportunity to land a swift swat on his raised backside. His cheeks blazed with embarrassment, but he remained silent and continued working, focusing intently on a mucky patch near his feet.

The girls appeared to derive pleasure from tormenting Rufus. They mocked his genitalia, which dangled between his legs as he scurried about on all fours, taunting him with obscene comments. Many girls would pinch his balls or his penis, or even play with them. Countless times, Rufus was pushed to an ecstatic climax, triggered by the shrill taunts and applause of the girls. No inquiry was made about his consent or feelings.

A couple of the women thought it funny to flick his balls with their fingertips and watch Rufus grimace in agony.

Luckily, Mary put a stop to that after learning about it.

Rufus continued to avert his gaze, unwilling to draw attention from the principal. However, the girls reveled in tormenting him, sniggering as they intentionally splashed water in his direction. One particularly mischievous girl, Bethany, made it her mission to soak him thoroughly. As Rufus crawled to clean a distant corner of the showers, Bethany suddenly poured a bucket of water on his head.

"Whoops! My bad," Bethany chortled as Rufus coughed and spluttered. The other girls burst into laughter at his drenching and miserable state. Mortified, Rufus fixed his eyes on the ground and carried on cleaning, his hands and knees now slipping on the wet tiles. The girls eventually got bored and returned to their clothes and classrooms.

Finally, Rufus slumped, raising over his knees and drawing a deep breath. He felt like a toy manipulated for the girls' amusement. Conflicted, he harbored a longing for his former life of dignity and respect, while simultaneously experiencing a sense of exhilaration from the wave of pleasure and excitement that enveloped him as a slave. Unable to challenge the girls' mockery, Rufus picked up his sponge and resumed his work. He hadn't finished cleaning three more locker rooms before the day's end.

As Rufus shifted to alleviate a cramp in his leg, his gaze accidentally met a glimpse of a girl's breast as she dressed following her shower. The girl, Marcia, flinched and scurried to hide in a partition, startled by the unexpected exposure.

Marcia promptly informed the Dean, Jodie Peters. In this rigorous college setting, even minor violations of modesty constituted sexual assault. In consequence, Rufus was transferred to Marcia's family's house for a week as her slave. Marcia and her friend Suzie would take full advantage of him.

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    Source: www.nice-escort.de