Celebrity Sex Stories

Furga's Naked Hunt: Chapter 4

Furga discovers an awkward means of traversing the lake.

May 4, 2024
8 min read
redheadbeachshortstackenfFurga's Nudist Treasure Hunt Ch. 04medievalmagicnudismfantasycmnfdwarf
Furga's Nudist Treasure Hunt Ch. 04
Furga's Nudist Treasure Hunt Ch. 04

Furga's Naked Hunt: Chapter 4

A group of about a dozen men were conversing together at a wooden pier on the edge of Golden Lake. Right on the water, they were discussing their fishing tools and techniques while watching the fishing boats and little sailing ships glide across the lake. This diverse group consisted of humans, an elf, an orc, and a couple of dwarves, highlighting the vast array of individuals in the empire. The boat rental was available for hire, conveniently located at the pier only a short distance away.

Furga remained hidden among the reeds, hoping that the men would leave so she could talk to the old boat renter about a passage. As she tried to disregard the onlookers, she became aware of their gaze upon her, as she was unable to hide her busty figure completely. The group of men leered at her as well, their drunken stupor not preventing them from staring at her assets even in broad daylight. She became more accustomed to such behavior but still felt a sense of embarrassment. Reinforcing her intentions, she mentally decided that she would not let their uncensored comments disrupt her mission.

However, the men continued to gaze, commented, and occasionally even cheer upon her exposure. Although she had struggled to communicate her needs earlier, being overcome with embarrassment, the redhead decided to muster the courage to appear among them. Walking towards the pier and abandoning the reeds, she exposed every aspect of her body to the leering men. Although she wanted to fade into the background in her shame, she vividly recalled the dozens of remarks associated with such unbridled freedom.

"I told this a naga that my domain includes the lands under the water," mentioned one of the dwarfs to the others.

I doubt the dwarf recognized his actions displayed ill-concealed shamelessness, as the redhead herself was far from critical of such behavior.

"Hey there, lost your bathing suit?" asked another dwarf with a leer.

Furga shakily managed to elucidate her identity with difficulty.

"I've heard that This year's melon harvest was tremendous," stated an elf, sharing their experiences, despite Furga's lack of attire.

The dwarf hesitated, feeling dwarfish shame at the continuous indecent comments.

"If one of you had told me that dwarven girls were reserved, I guess they are not," mocked an older man, teasing the dwarf companions.

Furga's face grew even redder as she conveyed the message 'nudist,' which incited even more laughter. The dwarf was shaken and decided to flee the scene. The men continued to ogle Furga as she backtracked through the reeds, enduring their whistles and catcalls, unable to counter their indecent comments with her usual calm since her upbringing had instilled the proper dwarven customs.

With her mind reeling from her humiliation, Furga spotted a cliff by the waterlands as she hid from the patrons. She withdrew into herself, debating whether to return to Lazylook and call off the mission. Then, she felt a giant splash behind her. Startled, Furga looked back to see where it came from, only to see ripple after ripple of water basketballs filling the air in rapid succession. At first, she assumed it was some divine wrath, feeling overwhelmed and alarmed. As she tried to make sense of the situation, her mind was suddenly interrupted by an outsider.

"That's what you get for spying on my men, nudist!"

Furga bitterly responded, wetting her hair with her own hands once again.

To her surprise, an elegant elfess stood atop the cliff, her long hair cascading like waterfalls, protected by her long, white cape, with sandals and metal shoulderpads adorned by a light swell symbol. Covering her upper body was only white pasties representing droplets of water and a suggestive strapless purple bikini bottom.

Overjoyed in defeat, Furga considered this blowback a delightful twist.

"I'll show her," Furga grumbled, dragging in water to douse her.

Furga leaped onto the cliff, dodging her swipes with an almost unconscious reaction. She gazed at the beautiful woman, sheltered by her luxurious cape. Her anger momentarily ceased as her focus became the light-elven warrior.

But that moment of distraction was not so fortuitous, as the silver-haired siren quickly pelted her with a torrent of water orbs, leaving her shivering in the cold waves. Striking back with instinct, Furga hid behind a rock, feeling the full force of the sorceress' hydromancy. Before she could regain her resolve, however, an understanding began to dawn upon her.

"So we meet again, Siren," Furga shouted, as she fought her way out from the water anomaly, her naked reflection sparking indignation in her. "Is that all you have?"

A sudden hush fell over the entire pier as the spectators grew deathly silent. As Furga emerged, they cheered, applauding the confrontation and supporting their newfound champion.

Wielding a wizard's staff, a hydromancer summoned more and more water orbs, each one appearing as she commanded. A high-strung elf shouted, brandished her magical tool, and struck sophisticated poses as the magic pulse around her yielded to her wishes, and her luscious curves matched her movements with soft bounces. A dwarf studied this for a moment before creeping up behind the semi-clad sorceress, then exclaimed "hello" with all her might.

The hydromancer twitched and narrowly held onto her staff, shattering her focus.

"What the devil?! You scared me!" Startled, the elf turned towards the nude dwarf, her expression perplexed.

"Why are you nude? This isn't a nude beach, you know!"

"Hey, who's talking! Awesome suit, by the way."

The platinum-haired woman snorted, retorting.

"It's not a swimsuit, but a top-tier enchanted ritual garment! I'm dressed as we speak."

Furga pondered that, considering she could show this conceited woman what true gear looked like, but recalled her real garb was currently at the bottom of a lake, the only remnant being a small shovel. However, the dwarf did make sure to inform the seductive sorceress about being panicked by her enchantment, even threatening to lodge a complaint with the local enchantment police. How fascinating, thought the partial nudist, conversing with someone as bold as herself proved simpler than dealing with prudishly clothed individuals.

"Look, you caught me off guard, I apologize," the platinum-haired woman deflected, "I really needed to find a secluded place to perform my spells. It's vitally important."

"Spells? You mean like what's happening with those watery things?"

"Well, yes, these globes can swiftly carry you on the water's skin by leaping on it. Although incomplete, the process should already function properly. Merely step within and the ball will direct itself by following your motions, and you can breathe as the charm takes care of that too. I'm having trouble, though, securing test subjects," the hydromancer explained.

"Hmm, I think I have the ideal candidate in mind," Furga positioned her strong arms on the woman's bare shoulders.

Several minutes hence, the nudity elf found herself atop the watery sphere, the hydromancer smoothing the magical ball's surface. Well, in literal terms, Furga was kneeling on the 'wetball's' surface since her naked body was encapsulated within it, managing the orb by maintaining a star stance. As she didn't consider this through, it occurred too late to reconsider. The dwarf gave the sorceress a nod, cheeks rosy from embarrassment as she eyed countless sailing vessels nearby.

"Here we go!" The nearly-clad woman waved her staff before introducing another spell.

In an instant, the ball lunged ahead, leaping onto the water's surface as it ferried Furga across it. She began to run and leap within the orb, pushing harder to maintain high speeds, capitalizing on the dwindling bank behind her. Realizing it wasn't as swift as she imagined, the balding dwarf noticed she'd be exposed for a long time on the water under the watchful eyes of festivalgoers.

"Oh no," the water-wrapped warrior attempted to voice her predicament, but only water droplets poured from her.

The spectacle ball soon became a spectacle as it surfaced near the outcrop, drawing throngs of people pointing their fingers at it and rushing from their towels just to inspect the enchantment more closely. Those in proximity found the sphere housed a curvaceous naked woman, eliciting cheering and laughter. Guys on the pier left their conversations to whistle at the attractive dwarf. Beachgoers on the other shoreline also turned with amusement, snickering and encouraging their pals.

Going further, the dwarf passed by fishermen on the boats and sightseeing elvish duos. Although Furga's ears didn't detect their remarks, she could observe their incredulous grins as they noticed her entirely uncovered form. That treasure better justify the indulgence, the shamed agent mused as she neared the opposing shoreline and submitting herself to countless intrusive gazes.

After a long and mortifying experience, the bare nudie was nearing the end of her ordeal. She spotted an open space between some rocks that she could land on without directly touching the beach and its indecorous onlookers. Her vision was slightly hazy in her bubble, and she was exhausted from her strenuous efforts. However, one problem caught her eye as she turned her head to the side.

A slow-moving vessel hovered alongside the shore. It wasn't a modest fishing boat. It was a luxurious yacht with a vast deck, filled with many elegant tables and chairs, waiting for its humans and elves. And there were many of them - possibly a hundred crowded onto that one deck alone! She had already faced the disgust of distant beachgoers, but now she was about to confront that many at once.

"Please, please, please, just let me pass!" The dwarf pleaded to herself as she sprinted toward the beach.

Yet the yacht moved quicker, blocking her path with its huge keel. The nudie noticed passengers' heads turning in her direction, their eyes fixated on her bare body. She wanted to turn around, but her bubble was traveling too fast, leaving her no choice but to continue forward. If she tried, she'd crash the bubble against the yacht. She begged the heavens that the ship wouldn't be fast enough to completely block her access to the beach, but it covered the rocks in a matter of seconds.

Her only option now was to leap over it. She silently thought, "No way, not now," then sped forward, preparing to jump. She slammed her butt into the bubble, propelling it into the air. With a few more jumps, her bubble rose higher than the deck, and after one final jump, it soared over the yacht.

Looking down, the nudie observed the fanciful ship crowded with swimmers. There must have been some kind of party, as human and elven families were represented by individuals of all ages, sexes, and attire styles (all not wearing swimsuits, adorning themselves instead in regular summer clothing). Every last one of them set their eyes upon the shamelessly buck-naked redhead in the strange bubble. She fervently prayed the yacht wouldn't travel fast enough to cut her off from the shore completely.

Steeling her nerves, the dwarf prepared to ride her bubble into the sky. Above the yacht, Furga saw the mass of people. A festival or celebration, indeed, with multitudes of families gathered around. Fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, grandfathers, and grandmothers - all staring at the naked redhead in her unusual bubble. Worst of all, her legs were spread while in flight, fully showcasing her ass and pubic region to the multitude of voyeurs. Her breasts stood out prominently as she spun wildly within her bubble, unable to control it. The force of gravity caught up with her, sending the bare nudist crashing back into the water, but not the water of the lake, the deck of the yacht!

"No, no, no!" The redhead cried in horror as she realized her jump didn't carry her high enough.

The bubble burst with a bang, sending droplets and water everywhere. Furga came down gently, landing on the ship's surface, but she still felt nauseated from the water splashing in her ears and her eyes blinded by droplets. Suddenly, the crowd burst into a roar of laughter, applause, and comments, all mixed together in a cacophony that made her chest tighten.

"W-what!?" Furga gasped, trying to cover her eyes.

There, in front of her, stood the very spectacle she so detested: the entire crowd watching her shamelessly undressed body with mixed confusion and amusement. The nudie could feel their gazes crawl across her flesh anew. Rising to her feet, she sprinted away from the stage, and in her panic, the laughter and clapping seemed to follow her like a merciless whip.


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Source: www.nice-escort.de