
Furious Roommate

A small argument leads to a sexual urination incident.

May 18, 2024
20 min read
flatmateffm pissingffmpissingwater sportsdrinking urineMy Pissed Flatmatepee playurinate on girls
My Pissed Flatmate
My Pissed Flatmate

Furious Roommate

Recently, after graduating from my university degree, I spent my summer vacation indulging in endless parties with friends in my hometown. Once the season was over and it was time for the following academic year, I discovered that I had overlooked my accommodation arrangements. In a panic, I answered a random ad online looking for a roommate interested in sharing an apartment.

Fortunately, the person who had placed the ad was a girl named Margot; she consented to include me on the lease rental contract. Abruptly, I was lucky to be interviewed by her since she was doubtful about my identity due to my unconventional name Magnus. My name is actually Magnus Hargraves and I possess a typical-sized penis.

Margot and I shared the apartment without hassle because we had similar philosophies about life and interests. We were both pursuing postgraduate degrees in diverse fields: I was studying physical chemistry while she was in the literature department at the same university.

During the six months we shared the apartment, we encountered minimal discord, with the occasional disagreement about trivial matters. Although we had differing backgrounds, our coexistence was harmonious. I strongly believe that living with a person from the opposite sex contributes to a more balanced environment since men alone can be crude, and women without male companionship can be overly competitive in their interactions. In my opinion, friendships across genders are possible and essential to maintaining equilibrium.

Co-habitation should be an enjoyable experience and not a constant source of contention. We didn't encounter any arguments over fundamental tasks like dishes, cooking, and laundry. Together, we could conquer any disagreement about the television, which program to select, or choosing what to stream online.

In the 21st century, the reality is that many people, including Margot and I, are forced to live in smaller spaces. While some have personal studios, we conflictingly shared a bigger apartment since property prices have surged. Although we had separate bedrooms, we both used a single bathroom; however, this turned out to be the source of our strife.

As a habit, Margot demanded a meticulously clean bathroom with a dry floor, crystal clear shower glass, and no soap scum. If the bathroom did not meet these standards, she would complain, leaving me to supply a wet towel to wipe the tiles and the shower door. These cleaning tasks were harmless, requiring only additional laundry.

However, her obsession with cleanliness intensified when it came to hygiene, specifically in the washroom. Each flush was mandatory, and no smelly or messy deposits were acceptable. The biggest issue, according to her, was my untidy habit of leaving traces of urine on the floor. It could have been an accidental spill during the night or a small spray of water upon flushing the toilet.

Accustomed to living with just myself, I believed Margot's expectations were excessive. But to prevent disputes, I decided to adhere to her requests. In my mind, it was worth the effort to avoid conflict.

We adhered to a regular routine, and once a week, we would celebrate "family meal," an event where we prepared and served a lavish meal while using our dining table as the primary entertainment spot. On these special evenings, we embraced The Golden Rule by sharing everything we brought along: glasses, cutlery, and food. Sometimes, we expanded our group by inviting friends to join in the communal activity.

On one particular Sunday, we invited Margot's colleague, Tonia, who brought two bottles of alcohol – a bottle of red to compliment our chardonnay and an additional expensive scotch for after-dinner relaxation during watching a movie. As with other family night rituals, we practiced total sharing, so I anticipated appreciating the scotch without feeling remorseful. My excitement would have been greater than I anticipated, as I did not fully understand how far this practice would extend during the evening.

In contrast to previous family dinners, we dressed-up for the occasion. Margot wore a long floral dress, enhancing her dark hair, whereas I chose to wear a clean t-shirt and trousers, seemingly casual but without holes. We enjoyed the high-class preparations and scotch while sharing laughs.

Unbeknownst to me, "sharing" would go beyond liquor as Margot and Tonia instructed me to pour my chardonnay into Margot's glass, then drink their red wine from it. Tonia's bottle of expensive scotch was also communal, and they expected me to keep pouring the scotch for both of them without hesitation.

This served as quite a revealing family dinner for me; by enduring their requests, I found an opportunity to learn about myself and the true meaning of friendship. Our kinship bond demonstrated that I had the ability to live comfortably with someone of the opposite gender, and despite such rituals, it never felt like a hindrance to my personal life. In contrast, Margot and I managed to engage in meaningful social interactions and maintained respect for our differences, as well as create memorable evenings.

Margot and I frequently participated in this weekly tradition; with each guest, spontaneous festivities arose, enabling us to better understand each other and not cling to stereotypes. Consequently, I grew closer to Margot, demonstrating that friendships between men and women in shared accommodations can foster a mutual understanding of the younger generation's lifestyle.

Let's change up how we rehash this story, alright? So a dude finds it fascinating to assess how guests comprehend the 'nice' garb suggestion. This time, we've got Tonia sporting a dazzling white linen top with low buttons showcasing captivating cleavage and having the tails fastened to exhibit tanned tummy and a body jewelry. She chose form-fitting denim shorts, but the steamiest portion of this ensemble involved rainbow-striped socks that extended over her knee-line. She donned wedges then discarded them at the door and strolled around, and I couldn't help but adore how much these socks, covering up quite a bit, burned with passion.

Tonia attended this prestigious postgraduate program for literature, where she wrestled with the Donna Tartt's influence on the US psyche. Her super passionate talk about novels and essays during dinner had me fixated on her lovely wavy blonde tresses and pretty smile.

Margot provided an amazing feast with all the trimmings, so our agreement was that whoever took the cooking gig got the night off from washroom chores. Hence, dishwashing duties landed in my hands. The ladies adjourned to the lounge area to relax, drink, banter, and arrange the movie while I tended to my kitchen chaos.

I filled the sink, and with the wine, plus a complete tummy, I sensed a pressing need to eliminate, so I used the nearby toilet opportunity, rigorously washed my hands post-pee, and went back to my sink duties.

I acknowledged how unhealthy it was to only drink hard spirts during the evening, so I had a bottle of chilled H2O at my side to balance it out. I reckoned alternating between the two was smart.

The ladies opted for "Along Came Polly" as the evening's film selection, a standard rom-com type of flick. I sank into the comfy armchair, the lovely gals tickled in the jazzy cozy one, and we devoured the movie. We drank plenty of whisky through the show, and chatted during long stretches. The beverages clearly affected the ladies as their laughter became louder and their utterances more uninhibited.

As we watched a lengthy scene where Ben Stiller and Alec Baldwin interact in the washroom and end up beside each other at a urinal, the girls seemed highly enthusiastic, subconsciously leaning toward the screen for a close look. Margot curiously inquired, "Do you think they really stare at each other's private parts?"

Tonia blurted out instinctively, "I'll ask Magnus!" while nodding in my direction. I faltered, stunned that they asked me for opinions on this topic.

"Do men truly disregard?" Tonia posed.

"Of course, dude," I replied, staunchly believing in it.

Their eyes sparkled as Tonia expressed, "Why can't we pee standing up?"

Margot defended her position, "To wet the floor like he does?"

Tonia tried to quiet Margot down with a 'shushy' sign, but it clearly wasn't enough.

Then Margot recounted, "Tonia played visit to the bathroom when you cooked Magnus, and unintentionally positioned herself in your pee."

"Which...?" I asked puzzled.

Margot giggled, "The one, no idea which one, but y'know - the portion on the floor."

"Oh no," a naive part of my brain screamed. It dawned on me, looking Tonia's exposed legs, that I could've stumbled upon her cute, long socks sloshing in my unwittingly spilled pee.

Tonia raised a sarcastic eyebrow my way, whereas she chuckled abit, conveying, "I wasn't thrilled, but eh, though it was yucky." Her response, unexpectedly, triggered a whole new set of emotions in me.

Then Margot added more fire to the situation, "How tough can it be? That's a wide basin. It takes a ton of effort to miss by that much."

Tonia got more playful, "It must be like this." She proceeded to swing her hips in a suggestive fashion, and I imagined how she'd bustle her derriere at me if we were having intimacy.

"Why don't you come witness it?" I nonsensically suggested, without thinking it through.

"What?" Margot questioned, expressing disbelief with my proposal.

"It's okay," Tonia said in a charming way, and she threw in an unpredicted giggle in response to her inebriated state.

Margot kept questioning, holding anger for me, "How challenging can it be? Such a big flush! It must take an effort to fail that bad."

Tonia answered, "He should see because I'm eager." Once again, she forced Margot's attention, and like burning coal, determination sparred through Tonia's irises.

"Come on, Margot," she said charmingly, holding out a hand, inviting her buddy for an experience.

"Let's investigate something together," concluded Tonia.

I stood eager and they swarmed me, eyes gleaming with curiosity. "Just how?" Tonia curiously asked earlier.

"Why don't you come see?" I hesitatingly proposed. But they caught it before I could zip my mouth.

Tonia thrilled up as she sensed I was 100% on board, "Let's go find out," she animatedly said.

Margot slumped on the couch, "I'm not certain about this plan." She addressed no one in particular. Then she looked directly at me. "Guarantee you'll clean up any mess this creates."

"I will." What mess? What could go wrong? I led the way to the bathroom with the other two girls following. I noticed Tonia whisper something in Margot's ear as we headed down the hall.

The bathroom had a unique layout that crammed everything into a small space. A shower-bath with a glass screen spanning half its width stood against the back wall. There was also a small basin and vanity in one corner and the toilet itself in the other corner.

I approached the toilet and lifted the lid and seat together, prompting Margot's playful comment, "Interesting - lifting the seat - very impressive. Let's see if he'll return it properly."

I took a step back, encouraging the girls to crowd around and watch. Their presence was evident as they scooted into position on each side of the pan. Margot stood near the loo paper dispenser on the wall side, while Tonia squeezed into the opposite corner.

"Cozy," Tonia commented, and they shared a nervous giggle.

I felt no hesitation to reveal myself in front of the girls. So I unzipped my pants and pulled out my penis. Tonia gasped as we both saw my male organ.

"London Bridge is falling down! Hurrah! Here it comes!" I said, prematurely announcing my attempt to urinate. I tried pushing out a stream, but there was only silence in the room. The girls giggled, then started laughing out loud.

"Is this what performance anxiety is all about? No wonder you don't look at each other's things!" Tonia teased. "It doesn't matter if someone's watching!"

I felt self-conscious despite being the protagonist in this situation. Something flicked in my pants, and a weak dribble emerged, falling onto the toilet bowl.

"Ah ha! You see - it is you who makes messes," Margot said.

"No, Margot. This is not typical. But still, I never denied it."

Silence prevailed as the girls continued to gaze at my penis. Margot broke the silence, teasing yet again, "I prefer that other one they use for sex. The small one they use to pee is not that interesting." Tonia joined in and they both laughed loudly.

I readjusted my foreskin a bit, hoping it'd help tune up the stream. The girls observed my move and became more curious.

"Wow Margot! Look!" Tonia said, pointing. "He's pulling back his hood like an ostrich looking around before he pees."

"What's that?" Margot asked, clearly confused.

"It's sort of like his head is tucked away, and he's come out of the shell - out of his foreskin to explore." Tonia seemed to find this amusing.

"Hmm, no you can't call it that." Margot argued, possibly defending me. "That's a silly name for a dick."

"As you wish." Tonia just continued to stare at my penis like a little girl gawking at a candy shop window.

After many uncomfortable moments, Tonia asked, "Can I touch it?"

"When?" I responded.

"When it's active, so I can be a fireman holding your hose."

"Two firemen are usually assigned to the hose, as they can be quite forceful."

Margot rolled her eyes, seemingly annoyed. "You couldn't even fit both your hands around that small thing!" The girls giggled once more.

Filling myself with anticipation and their attention, I concentrated and slowly, the stream came. The pee shone in the light and splashed into the toilet bowl.

"Winner!" Tonia cheered, while Margot chuckled. It was surreal for them to get excited about a man's pee, but I appreciated their support.

My urine was transparent and projected in a structured flow. Tonia extended a hand before holding on to the shaft of my penis. "I can feel it. I can sense the liquid flowing through it. Impressive," she remarked.

Tonia's fingers caressed my manhood, providing a combination of firmness and gentleness. However, it was the expression of delight on her face as she witnessed the urine escaping that truly satisfied me.

She gently stretched my foreskin more, causing the flow to transform into the characteristic swirl that characterizes such outflows. Nonetheless, when she continued to move it, the geometry of my opening changed, causing the stream to divide into two separate channels. Confused, she didn't know what to do next - I didn't step in to help her - she was in charge, so she had to figure it out.

"Oh no! There are now two streams. What did I do?"

Trying her best, she adjusted the angle of my penis to ensure both streams flowed into the bowl. However, it was impossible. She had to make a choice - to sacrifice one stream or the other. Tonia chose the stream on her side, unsurprisingly, which splashed onto Margot's dress.

"Hey Tonia, what's up with this?" Margot exclaimed, trying to wriggle away from the mess. She found her movement restricted, sandwiched in the cramped corner by her position and the toilet paper dispenser. It was a tight fit already, and my positioning wasn't helping.

"Make it stop!" Margot pleaded.

I desperately tried to retract my bladder and stop the flow, which succeeded in reducing the stream to just a couple of drops. While this temporarily halted the hectic flow, I wouldn't be able to hold it in forever.

"Fuck Margot, did you see that?" taunted Tonia, gleefully. "That was so hot. I didn't realize that was even possible. I mean, he could be peeing on both of us at the same time!"

"What are you talking about?" a surprised Margot asked.

"I just find this so sexy," Tonia replied, gazing at my penis. "Can you keep holding it in, Magnus?"

"Of course, I can," I replied, not entirely sure how much longer I could manage.

She complemented me on my pelvic control, stating that it was quite impressive, implying that women need to train their pelvic muscles for childbirth.

Tonia had been staring into the room, fascinated by the peeing process. When she was sure that the flow had completely stopped, she cast her gaze my way, her eyes wide with curiosity and amusement.

"Is that it?" she inquired. "Can I shake it now?"

Naturally, since this is a common practice, I consented, and Tonia smiled. She held my penis roughly in the mid-shaft area and began jiggling it up and down. As she did so, a short stream shot out from the remaining pee in my urethra. When she shook it downwards, the liquid splashed onto the floor. Upon shaking upwards, it arced upward, covering her hand with a small drop.

"Yuck!" cried Margot. "I knew it! There it is - more piss on the floor!"

"Relax, Margot," Tonia advised. "He'll clean it up." With an air of nonchalance, Tonia observed the droplets of urine dribbling from her hand. She moved her wrist around, forming streams on her skin. These strands merged into one and then separated, creating a captivating display. Finally, she licked her hand, tasting the urine on it.

"That's it?" asked Margot, clearly unimpressed.

"Yes," confirmed Tonia, highlighting her Amazonian tongue and licking her hand again. "It has no taste at all. I thought it would be disgusting, like in men's toilets, but it's like nothing."

Although Margot's facial expression betrayed her disgust, she appeared to remain for a while, seemingly reluctant to depart.

Tonia swayed with a "nup-nup-nup" noise. Perhaps she was wrapping up her dessert and contemplating the main course. As she alternated between gazing at my face and my member, I could sense she was hatching a plan.

"Can you do that split-stream thing again?" Tonia inquired.

"Maybe," I replied, unsure if I had that much control. I usually only experienced the phenomenon spontaneously, and it often caused a mess near the toilet.

Tonia suggested, "Let's give it a try. You can fulfill both of our desires."

Margot questioned, "What do you mean, Tonia?"

Tonia excitedly replied, "Well, he could pleasure both of us. I can hold his pee for him while he urinates, and then you can take over. It'll be a lot of fun! Come on!"

Margot hesitantly replied, "I'm not so sure Tonia. I don't find that appealing."

But I, on the other hand, found the idea intriguing. Holding Tonia's penis while she urinated seemed so intimate and arousing to me. Additionally, her eagerness to continue with watersports had a major impact on me. The feeling of my urine splashing onto Margot's clothes surprised and excited me. And the thought of Margot tasting my pee provided a thrill as well. This had not been something I thought about often, but the image of me peeing all over both girls, onto their bodies and even into their mouths, became a compelling fantasy.

Although Tonia was persistent in pushing Margot along, I decided not to interfere with her process.

"No way, I don't want that over me or my nice clothes," Margot responded. "It'll ruin them."

Tonia attempted to persuade her, "It's simple to solve Margot. Just take off your clothes."

"No! It'll be everywhere. All over the bathroom and messy," Margot claimed, attempting to distance herself.

Tonia offered a solution, "But it won't be stinky Margot. We can just go into the bathtub. That'll ensure the bathroom remains clean. Plus, he promised to clean up afterwards, right Magnus?"

To my response, I hastily affirmed, "Yes, that's right."

Tonia didn't wait for Margot to cooperate further. She slid the button off her shorts and they dropped to the floor, exposing a tiny white thong. She swiftly removed her shirt and left the buttons fastened.

Her encouragement became even more assertive. "Come on Margot. Disrobe. Be a part of this."

Margot remained static and I watched her, my cock still out of my pants.

"You as well, Magnus. Everything off. Come on, hurry up," Tonia commanded, brazenly slipping the thong off her hips and unfastening her bra.

Margot reluctantly commenced to undress. "I can't believe I'm doing this," she lamented, as if it was all Tonia's fault. "It's all because of her and that scotch whisky of hers." She hastily gathered her dress and placed it on the bannister to hang.

I disrobed, discarding my pants and underwear in a bundle, kicking them aside and removing my shirt, tossing it onto the pile.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Margot asked skeptically.

Tonia shrug non-chalantly, "I think it should be. What do you think, Magnus, the chemist?"

I admitted, "I'm not an organic chemist. But it is 100% sterile, so yes, it's safe. Very safe."

The single-handed beauty of Margot had not fully registered with me before. With her pretty face, framed by her dark hair reaching down her back, her flawless skin, a subtle smile that constant decorated her face, her breasts, with their ideal symmetry and tear-drop structure, her long, lithesome legs, her well-shaped body with a slender waist and flat stomach. A triangle of pubic hair. Her natural, undressed form was an exquisite creature.

"Over here!" Tonia called out, beckoning me from the bath. "You'd better pay attention now, soldier," Tonia coaxed, bringing me back from my trance, admiring Margot's body.

Tonia deputized herself in the bath, seated sideways. She indicated the floor for Margot to step in and join her, just as she did, filling half of the tub visible.

I turned on the overhead heater to keep the room warm. I approached the tub, watching their bodies, naked and snuggled close together, making my excitement intensify.

I clutched my manhood, preparing to let loose a stream of urine, but Margot swiftly stopped me. "Let me do it this time," she insisted and forcefully grasped my penis. This rough handling made it difficult for me to pee, leaving us all frozen in position while I tried to relax.

"C'mon, Magnus. You can do it," urged Tonia as she tickled my balls with light fingertips. She twirled and curled her fingers around, playing with my hair, and Margot remained patient, gripping my penis a bit too tightly.

After witnessing both girls smiling up at me, awaiting my body's response, Margot started a gentle thrusting motion, which encouraged my pelvis to loosen. When I felt my bladder begin to release, I was inspired.

"Margot, imitate Tonia," instructed Tonia. They pressed their lips against each other, noses touching, creating a sensual scene. I stared transfixed as two beautiful, naked women attended to my genitals, Tonia fingering my testicles and Margot hurriedly holding my penis.

This collectively caused me to unleash my torrent of urine. The magnitude of this stream was intense, and it soared upward and forward.

The girls were momentarily bewildered by my sudden eruption, reacting with excited squeals and delighted expressions as my warm, lemon-scented liquid dispersed onto their chests, faces, and hair. Oblivious to potential revulsion, they waved their hands, trying to avoid my pee sprays.

With amusement, I watched the stream weaving about their forms, crashing against the wall, and splashing against the shower screen and bathtub.

Gaining confidence and immersion in this experience, I worked against the resistance in my bladder. I strained my pelvis to discharge as much urine as possible while generating a continuous stream.

When I judged that the girls were accustomed to receiving my pee, I directed my urine onto Margot's face. This elicited a feeling of euphoria and pleasure. They both made sounds of satisfaction and contentment as my golden liquid splattered onto them.

Tonia grabbed my dick, and I could feel her expert fingers directing its flow. She aimed my urine to cover Margot's visage and Tonia's own. Margot closed her eyes and opened her mouth, allowing Tonia to direct the stream from her face to her breasts, down her neck, and across her shoulders.

With an encouraging "That's it, Magnus. Push harder!" Tonia guided my penis across my naked lovers, eliciting breathless moans from Margot. Tonia directed the flow between their two faces, tickling their cheeks, grinning as they reacted to this delightful sensation.

Seeing my wee showering Margot, I pictured myself as a water snake. I continued to strain my pelvis, refusing to let my excitement wane. The room was filled with the Androgynous sound of two girls eagerly submitting to my urine. I could have remained in this position for hours, a gratifying grin etched on my face. Their expressions shifted from amazement and excitement to gluttonous cravings. They swallowed my liquid and smeared it between their luscious breasts, both grinning with mouths open and chins smeared.

The exhilaration of this experience drove me to endure the constant pressure in my bladder. Tonia gracefully balanced on her knees while pulling my penis fiercely, enjoying the sensations of coating their bodies in my warm piss. The fullness in my bladder finally diminished, and my streamelte into a steady stream, becoming weaker, and eventually a tiny trickle of urine.

Tonia separated from me, raising her body up as if she was mounting me. She took the head of my penis and placed it in her open mouth. I sensed her tongue exploring my foreskin, searching every crevice, and her gentle - though clumsy - movements felt wholly satisfying.

As Margot watched, she too reached for my penis, greedily wanting to experience my pee vicariously through her partner.

"I don't think there's any more left, honey," surmised Tonia, knowing she had effortlessly taken the final drops from my penis.

Ignoring this suggestion, Margot persisted, biting down on my penis as if she tasted something heavenly with her sensual lips. Her uncontrollable "HAHA" giggles rang out as she fondled my shaft, transporting me back to that unforgettable moment.

Tonia consoled Margot, "I've squeezed out every single drop. Let go." She'd methodically cleared my penis of any remaining residue.

With a lingering giggle, Margot obeyed, showing insatiable enjoyment from her previous experience. "Alright, Margot, my turn. You'll love this," instructed Tonia, withdrawing my penis from Margot's wet lips.

"I'm pretty sure there's nothing left, Tonia," reiterated Margot. Although the flow was small, Margot's insistent suction caressed my penis. At her persistence, I realized that only the last dribbles of urine remained. Sensing her triumphal expression, Fortuna smiled, pleased with Margot's accomplishment.

"OK Margot, we've squeezed all we can out. You can let go." Margot appeared to be on the verge of laughter, maintaining my penis in her mouth.

Tonia then asked again, laughing, "Come on, release the Snappy Turtle, Margot." Margot responded with another "HAHA HAHA" chuckle as she bit gently on my now clean penis while gazing at her excited girlfriend.

"Uh Uh," Margot said, stubbornly shaking her head. She simply tightened her grip instead.

"What are you doing Margot?" Tonia questioned. "There's nothing left to drink, babe."

Margot just chuckled. Then she began to gently nod her head back and forth. It felt so incredibly tantalizing. All through the night, my penis had remained soft, despite all the stimulation. The cooler weather, focusing on urinating, and my full bladder had kept me focused. But honestly, it was a big miracle that I'd made it through all of the interactions without a raging erection.

But my urination task had been completed and Margot's enticing blowjob was provoking an automatic reaction, prompting my penis to grow quickly to its full size.

"Ah! I get it!" Tonia exclaimed. "Great idea! That's the dick we want. The big one we talked about before. That's the fucking cock!" She laughed again as she adjusted her position to get a better view of Margot sucking my penis.

I could not believe the change in Margot's behavior that night. She had begun rather grumpy and with no indication of desire, but now here we were. The combination of a bit of whiskey and encouragement from her friend had led to this. I'd had the pleasure of covering her in pee, and now she was set on extracting more of my bodily fluids.

Those quiet and demure girls often become the most aggressive when it comes to cocks, and Margot was definitely one of them. She created a deluge of sloppy saliva, probably aided by all the liquids and hydration of the evening, and she back-and-forth jerked her head on my shaft. My penis felt like it was floating on cloud nine in her warm mouth as she applied the perfect pressure with her lips and tongue, allowing me to infiltrate just a little bit further with each thrust.

Tonia watched, mesmerized, and she gently caressed my balls once again. Her face was nearby, watching closely as Margot pushed my penis further down her throat, enabling me to experience the sensation of entering the tight constraint of her throat.

"Keep going, babe," Tonia encouraged. "Take that cock. Take it all the way down. Swallow that Snappy Turtle." My penis was far down Margot's throat when we all realized the absurdity of the 'Snappy Turtle' name, and it set off a round of laughter. Margot was affected by some kind of choking laugh, which simply tightened her grip on my penis even more, and she brought me to the strange experience of bursting out with laughter and ejaculating at the same time. I remained buried in Margot's mouth while I climaxed, and she laughed too with a bit of cum spurting from the edges of her lips with each snort.

Tonia complained with an "Ohhh," as if she'd missed out. However, family meal time is all about sharing, and Margot held Tonia's jaw and tilted her face upward. Tonia's lips parted, and a long, gooey streak of white cum dripped from Margot's tongue and lips into Tonia's excited mouth. As they continued to laugh lightly, a warm, loving feeling enveloped the room.

In contrast to the way the girls had typically spat out my pee back into the tub, they swallowed almost all of my cum, licking each other's lips and faces to recover any remaining drops.

"What did you think of the taste?" Tonia asked Margot.

"Not too bad. It wasn't bland like his pee. There was a salty, sour flavor there, but not overpowering. But I preferred your scotch better." The girls looked at each other lovingly, as if the fun of the night was transitioning into a more intimate connection.

Margot informed us that it was time to shower. I joined the girls in the crowded tub, and each of us took turns washing off from our experience. We each stepped out to dry off in turn.

"We're going back to the movie now, Magnus," Margot announced. "You can come with us, but guess what?"

"I've got to clean the bathroom," I said with forced irritation. I didn't really care at all. It had been totally worth it.

"You got it. Then you can join us back in the living room," said Margot.

"I'll make sure there's some scotch left for you," Tonia added with a smile and a wink.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de