erotic horror

Ghost Inside: Part 1

A young female discovers a parasite as the source of her birthing problems.

May 25, 2024
15 min read
lesbian sexlesbianThe Ghost Inside Pt. 01
The Ghost Inside Pt. 01
The Ghost Inside Pt. 01

Ghost Inside: Part 1

A decade ago, astronaut Bryant Shelby floated 250 miles above Earth, cruising at a speed of 17,500 miles per hour as he worked on a satellite held by the Canadarm assembly outside the International Space Station. Connected to the exterior of the ISS via cables, he tried to unscrew the bolt leading to the defective electronics assembly within the two-year-old, sixty-million-dollar satellite.

"It's just not working. Any ideas?" he inquired of NASA via radio.

"Hang in there, Bryant. We'll think of something," Jason Clarke, his NASA radio controller in Houston replied. He looked at the team of five, glued to their computer screens, monitoring his spacewalk. "We've got the brightest minds in science at work on this." He grinned as they returned his smile, understanding his joke. "According to the geniuses, you should genuinely hit it."

"Okay, Houston, here we go with the whacking," Bryant said, laughing. He banged the satellite's panel with his gloved hand a few times, and the panel suddenly snapped open, activating the boards inside, which glowed and blinked like a Christmas tree.

Suddenly, something in the corner of his vision obscured his view of several constellations, catching his attention. He looked and noticed the shape of an unidentified spaceship, estimating its immense size as it shifted higher into its orbit.

"Holy shit!" he exclaimed over the radio. "Houston... can you see that? It's... it's enormous!"

Clarke stared at the large video screen on the wall capturing Bryant's work on the satellite. His team looked up at him in bewilderment, unsure about what Bryant was talking about. "Negative, Shelby... don't see anything on our scopes. What's up?"

Shelby pushed away from the Canadarm to move closer to the camera placed ten feet from him. He slowly pointed the camera towards the behemoth drifting in orbit.

"Oh my God... what in the world...?" Clarke murmured, watching the video feed. "Pause the network feed and ensure this damn thing is recording." He shook his head, scrutinizing the image closely. "Contact the White House."


In the present day...

The email subject line read "MUST READ! You have a ghost inside you!" which amused Emmanuelle. She was about to delete it immediately had it not originated from her Cousin Janice. Janice was a few years older and always passed gossip and peculiar contents, some of which were fun to read, while others got her into trouble or made her think.

Emmanuelle read the email silently. "You need to pay attention and watch the linked video below," it began. "The future of the human species is in jeopardy! Though it might seem ridiculous, I can tell you it happened to me! I had two inside me! So I'm now regularly checking myself!"

She smirked. "Ok, Janice... what's your latest weird idea?" She scrolled through the other messages beneath the original one. Most shared stories of discovering one or two entities and deemed it the most critical discovery in the world.

She knew she shouldn't, but she clicked on the video link provided. In mere seconds, another window popped up, and the video commenced loading. The video froze on a still shot of a young woman, not substantially older than her, staring at the camera with a wide-eyed expression, some combination of fear and defiance.

Emmanuelle pressed play, and the video began.

"Please, you must listen to me. I realize this will sound bonkers," the woman stated, appearing... well... a bit off. "I'm uncertain how long this video will stay online before they take it down. I'm also unsure how far this has influenced our government. But I can't stay silent." She sat back in her chair, staring steadily at the camera. "Honestly, I'm not sure how to start. Still, think about this... if you examine the world around us, you can't miss what's happening. Birth rates are down worldwide. Miscarriages are on the rise... cases of male impotence and barren women are increasing. And the incidence of birth defects is skyrocketing."

The woman leaned forward. "We're not having children. Across the globe, our population is decreasing. And while the world is distracted by Global Warming, there's something far more sinister going on. We've been invaded by an unknown force. And they're trying to wipe out the human race in just a few generations by preventing us from reproducing."

She clasped her fists for emphasis. "They're killing us without firing a bullet. And who are they? No idea. However, we do know how they're doing this. There's a type of virus... a parasite... they've released on the world. And this parasite triggers birth-related issues."

"What's this, a freakin' parasite?!" questioned Emmanuelle to the empty room, nodding in disbelief at Janice's words.

"This elusive parasite is already present in many people's bodies, and it's invading more every day. We don't fully understand how it enters us, but we're certain of its presence. The goal of this parasite is either to ruin the egg in females or the sperm in males. We're still unsure of which sex it targets first. I've seen it with my own eyes... touched it... and I can vouch for its existence."

"So, no photos or anything?!" scoffed Emmanuelle in disbelief.

"This so-called parasite manages to bypass all our advanced imaging technology, not visible on X-rays, CAT scans, MRIs... not detectable in pictures or videos. But if you're lucky enough to see it, you'll notice it with your naked eye. A ghost of sorts that lasts mere seconds before vanishing completely, leaving no trace behind. The medical community labels me as nutty for being unable to detect it through their fancy machines. They're fools."

Emmanuelle raised an eyebrow as the woman's voice escalated.

"Unfortunately, there are no external signs of its presence... except for recurrent miscarriages or infertility. A second possible symptom is excessive vaginal wetness and a constant urge to masturbate. We assume it's the parasite slithering within you, most likely near your G-spot. However, there's no bleeding, scarring, or any other evidence to indicate its presence. The sole way to verify its presence is to physically examine it."

"Check?" Emmanuelle queried. "Without any external symptoms, what on Earth would I be checking for?"

"To detect it in women, you must reach inside yourself and locate the parasite. It attaches itself to the walls of your vagina, appearing like a limber snake of about finger size. You can't remove it without injuring the person, but you can cause it to dislodge by inducing an orgasm. During this process, it's vulnerable and can be extracted. The best positions for women are when they're upright and the helper is kneeling in front of them or lying beneath them. Gravity seems to push the parasite towards the vaginal opening, making it easier to remove. A secondary option is to adopt the 'doggy-style' position, where the helper kneels next to or behind the woman, allowing deep access."

Even as she watched the woman in the video demonstrate the techniques, Emmanuelle couldn't help but squirm in discomfort. The motions seemed too sexually charged for a supposedly serious subject.

"For males, the parasite resides in the penis. To withdraw it, simply locate the transparent tail as they ejaculate. If you manage to grab it and pull forcefully, you can remove it from them. Thankfully, men can extract it themselves if they're conscious of its presence."

Emmanuelle exhaled sharply, searching her surroundings for another moment before letting out, "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!" as the woman continued with her demonstration of the techniques, this time on an invisible, grotesque, erect penis. The twisting, tugging, and rotating motions were too graphic.

"The ideal position to remove it from males is to have them stand while you kneel in front of them or to be in the 'doggy-style' position, positioning the penis downwards. The parasite dissolves into nothing within a minute if removed from the body."

The woman took a breath and spoke with sheer urgency. "I cannot stress enough the significance of checking yourselves regularly. Some individuals carry multiple parasites within them, while others can get reinfected in as little as a few days. Since we're still unaware of the mode of infection, we're uncertain how to prevent it. Please... enlist the help of a friend or partner to perform these checks."

Emmanuelle took the woman's words to heart as this situation no longer seemed like a prank. She sensed genuine fear and concern in the woman's voice.

"It's essential to distribute this video to everyone you know. If you determine that nothing is wrong," said the woman with a warm smile, as if that may not be feasible, "consider yourself incredibly fortunate. Keep checking regularly. If you discover and remove this parasite... you're aiding yourself... and you're assisting in saving the human race."

The video darkened, and Emmanuelle's breath quickened as she pondered if she'd been infected. She gently dispersed her knees and examined her private area. Could there be a parasite within her? She hadn't experienced anything out of the ordinary, only an occasional feeling of being a bit moist and sometimes self-pleasuring.

She unzipped her shorts and unfastened her button. Carefully, she slid her hand down the inside of her panties and explored her intimate region. No matter how hard she tried, nothing felt abnormal. "Let's hope I'm clean," Emmanuelle mumbled to herself as she continued exploring.

Her fingers grazing her moistness, she felt the need to investigate further. But she knew she couldn't do this alone; she'd need assistance to reach the depths required. "I wish there was something evident," she lamented, but now she knew she'd need family support.

"Cough," a voice promptly stunned her. Emmanuelle abruptly retracted her hand. She looked up to find her mother, Gabrielle, scrutinizing her with a stern expression. "What precisely is happening here?" her mother inquired.

"It's not what it seems!" exclaimed Emmanuelle, quickly sifting through her pockets and presenting her mobile device. "Look at this."

"What exactly?" Gabrielle inquired, as she eagerly accepted the phone to watch the video.

"Rewind it," urged Emmanuelle.

With a baffled expression, Gabrielle re-watched the video, her stoicism fading to laughter. "You can't possibly be serious about this."

"If we don't act, we'll all wind up dead," Emmanuelle asserted, her demeanor grave. "Oh my god, I truly need to eliminate this creature."

Gabrielle chuckled once more, shaking her head. "This is nothing more than a foolish chain letter. When I was a kid, they used to send those all the time... and most were more compelling than this one. Sweetie... ghosts aren't real."

Emmanuelle wasn't convinced; she fervently believed this message was valid. "These are parasites, mom! Alien parasites!"

Gabrielle giggled, unmoving in her dismissal. "You're a bit older than thosechain letters used to target. They're obviously tapping into your fears, and this one seems to have struck a nerve."

"How can you be so certain this is false?"

"Think about it," Gabrielle said, contemplating the situation. "When did you acquire this parasite? Did it happen to fly in or have you possessed it since birth?"

"Irrelevant," Emmanuelle said, unflinching in her conviction. "They don't comprehend yet. But this parasite is in me, whether I like it or not."

"This appears to be a production from your cousin Janice," Gabrielle commented, attempting to reason with Emmanuelle. "Remember a few years back, when she tried getting you to consume Tide pods?"

"Mom... this is different."

"And the frozen honey hoax?"

"Mom!" Emmanuelle shouted, trying to grasp her mother's attention. "This is serious!"

"I'm not convinced, Em."

"Then explain this: when did the parasite arrive? Were you birthed with it, or did it just appear randomly?"

"Wow, this is really messed up," said Gabrielle, closing her eyes in annoyance. She was losing and that meant... that meant she had to... The thought frightened her, yet simultaneously excited her.

"It'll all be okay," Emmanuelle said. She got up and pulled down her shorts and underwear.

"Are you really confident about this?" Gabrielle asked, moving down to the floor, kneeling.

"Yep, you have to check to ensure."

"Alright," she replied, shaking her head. This might not be a wise decision. But you know that means I have to... that I have to... touch you down there.

"I know, and trust me, I don't want it either," Emmanuelle said. She removed her shirt and tossed it away.

"Wow... you really have some nice boobs," Gabrielle commented. She had always had smaller breasts, which is why she got surgery and implants. Emmanuelle was fortunate; her breasts were already a C-cup.

"Thanks," Emmanuelle smiled, surprised by the compliment. She reached behind her to take off her bra and then tossed it too.

"Do you seriously have to take everything off?" Gabrielle asked, as her daughter's enticing breasts came into her view. Her nipples were erect... either from the cool air or her arousal, Gabrielle didn't know which. However, she hoped it was the latter - her own nipples were hard and sensitive when she was excited.

"Yeah... I guess... I mean, in order for you to check properly," Emmanuelle argued.

"Alright..." Gabrielle replied, still not certain this was smart. But... it did feel... right.

Emmanuelle sat on the couch. "I guess I just have to lie back." She relaxed into the couch and lifted her legs to the edge, spreading her knees wide. "You'll need to... do something..."

"Ugh..." Gabrielle sighed at the sight of Emmanuelle's shaved pussy, feeling a bit embarrassed. It was so gorgeous... so... unnatural. But she couldn't stop herself from absorbing its beauty, the way the petals were spread apart.

"You'll need to... umm..." Emmanuelle started again, "just put a finger in my pussy and check to see how deep it goes. I went in a bit, but I think you can go in further."

"I... I don't know... This just doesn't seem like something a mom should be doing. Maybe we can hire someone to do it or something."

"Oh, yeah, I'll just dial 1-800-finger-my-pussy-and-remove-the-alien," Emmanuelle said sarcastically.

"Well... I'm not sure."

"I thought we had dealt with this," Emmanuelle exclaimed, visibly annoyed. "I'm naked, and I need your hands to assist me. I need you now. I'm asking you as my daughter. I need you to insert your finger into my vagina and remove this alien."

"Alright, alright..." Gabrielle said, not wanting to upset her more. "I just... I just don't know what to do. I've never done anything like this before."

"Just... just rub some spit on it and shove it in," Emmanuelle said. "Please... assist me."

"It's in there?" Gabrielle inquired, lightly caressing Emmanuelle's pussy.

"I'm not sure; I just know it's somewhere up there," Emmanuelle said softly. "You'll simply have to... you know... explore."

Gabrielle waited a few moments, building up the courage. Emmanuelle's pussy was absolutely gorgeous, with plump, soft outer lips. She could see her juices shimmering on Emmanuelle's vulva. Her clit was starting to swell.

"Just... just put your fingers in there," Emmanuelle said, trying to hurry her along.

"Alright... okay... I'll try to ignore that you're my daughter," she said. She moved her finger to Emmanuelle's entrance and began pushing inside, but it wasn't sliding smoothly through her skin.

"Ow... ouch," Emmanuelle moaned, reaching down to grab Gabrielle's hand. "Can you wet your finger a little? Please." She placed Gabrielle's fingers in her mouth and gently licked and sucked on them, soaking them. Then she released them.

To Gabrielle, that was one of the most arousing experiences she had had in a long time. She inserted her wet fingers in Emmanuelle's pussy, easily gliding now, and pushed her index finger in, advancing it.

"Oh, ah," Emmanuelle groaned from the pleasurable feeling. After a few moments of feeling Gabrielle's wonderful finger moving inside her, she asked, "Find anything?"

"Nope, I'm not convinced," Gabrielle responded. She wasn't a puritan, she'd touched herself before, but never inside another woman's genitals before. It felt warm and moist. It felt... satisfying. It differed from when she masturbated. She couldn't feel the pleasure she was clearly causing, but derived satisfaction from Emmanuelle's reactions. She was getting aroused from giving such pleasure.

"Continue... simply continue," Emmanuelle mewled, relishing in her touch.

Gabrielle slid a finger deep inside, curling it and shifting it around, searching for this... parasite. "I don't feel anything," she stated after a minute.

"I... I need you to try another finger, honey," Emmanuelle gasped. "I need to get this out of me. Just lick it... and... and place it in there."

"Okay," Gabrielle said, withdrawing her hand and bringing it up to her mouth. She licked her middle finger and enjoyed the taste of Emmanuelle from her index finger. It tasted... delectable. It took her by surprise how tasty she tasted. She licked and sucked both fingers now, tasting Emmanuelle's nectar. "I'll pretense this isn't what it is."

"Yeah... just... just examine carefully. Check... check everywhere," Emmanuelle gasped, clearly incited by fingering.

"I don't know what I'm looking for," Gabrielle said, slowly inserting two fingers in and out, twisting slightly as she touched all over inside her daughter's vagina.

"It should feel like a... oh God... something resembling a finger. You know, as depicted on the... the video."

"God, you're so damp," Gabrielle remarked softly, feeling Emmanuelle's pussy become even wetter and engorged. Her clit was undoubtedly starting to poke out from its casing. Without thinking, Gabrielle bent forward and licked her clit, causing Emmanuelle to make a loud groan.

"Oh my God! That... that feels so great," she moaned. "You'll definitely detect it!"

"I don't know what I'm searching for," Gabrielle said, lifting her head and ceasing her licking. Her arm was beginning to tire.

"You remain still," Emmanuelle said, using both hands to grasp Gabrielle's wrist and guide her fingers into her hot pussy. "I'll do it. I'm simply going to use... use your hand."

Gabrielle was stunned as the youthful woman used her hand and fingers to pleasure herself. "Why...?"

"I'm just trying to insert it where you can find..." Emmanuelle was nearing climax. She wanted to cum so much.

"Okay... okay... is this aiding?" Gabrielle asked.

"Yes... it's... definitely... aiding," Emmanuelle gasped. "Remove anything that's within me."

"I am, sweetheart. I'm attempting," Gabrielle said, flicking her tongue over and around Emmanuelle's clit.

"Yes... yes... keep going like that," Emmanuelle implored. "Extricate anything that's in there."

"God, this is so inappropriate," Gabrielle murmured, standing up straight and halting her tongue movements.

"Stay put," Emmanuelle said, taking hold of Gabrielle's wrist with both her hands, shoving her fingers into her hot pussy. "I'll employ... employ your hand."

Gabrielle was shocked as the young woman used her hand and fingers to masturbate. "Why are you...?"

"I'm just trying to get it in there so you can detect..." Emmanuelle was on the verge. She desired to cum so much.

"Make me cum?" Gabrielle inquired, perplexed.

"Yes... yes... only trust me," Emmanuelle exclaimed excitedly. "Pump your fingers in and out, in and out... yes, like that... perhaps stimulate the G-spot like mentioned. And... it suggested I have to cum to dislodge or something. Make me cum... please... oh God!"

"Okay... okay... would it assist if I use my mouth again?" Gabrielle inquired.

"Yes... yes... oh my God... use your mouth!"

Gabrielle moved forward and started licking her clit once again. "Holy shit! Your tongue feels amazing," Emmanuelle grunted, looking directly at Gabrielle. It was so blazing hot to see her mother between her thighs like that, watching her tongue stroke against her enflamed clit. "Don't cease mother! It feels so good! I'm almost there."

Emmanuelle's body was convulsing and she closed her eyes tightly. Her breath was becoming ragged and Gabrielle recognized the telltale signs of her impending orgasm.

"Fuck yes... fuck yes... don't cease, don't cease, don't cease... Ohhhhhhhhhhh!" Emmanuelle climaxed intensely and Gabrielle could feel her contracting vagina squeezing her fingers. Suddenly she sensed something else.

"Oh my gosh! What the...?" she exclaimed, feeling something within her vagina, her fingers rubbing against it.

I can feel something. I'm going to... I'm going to get it. Honey, did you put something in your pussy? Gabrielle used her fingers to maneuver the object, pinching it between them and she pulled until her fingers were released from Emmanuelle's pussy. "You know you shouldn't..." She seemed completely stunned and surprised when she came across the thin, finger-like object that was slightly moving, held captive between two of her fingers. "OH MY GOODNESS!" she yelled and tossed it onto the ground.

"Was that inside me?!" Emmanuelle wondered as she sat up, her eyes on the object now laying on the floor, shaking a bit.

"OH MY GOODNESS! What's that thing?" Gabrielle asked, feeling herself becoming panicked.

"That's the fucking parasite, dear! I knew it was true!"

"Oh my goodness... oh my goodness... do you think I have one in me?" Gabrielle panicked, reaching to hold her pussy closed through her clothes.

"We have to check dear. We really do."

Decade ago...

"NASA is authorized by the President to try to communicate with the object now orbiting our planet, which is currently over the United States," NASA Administrator Charles Boldent said as his upper management groups sat together in a large conference room.

"Any thoughts on how you want to do that?" The NASA Associate Administrator for Space Security Interests inquired.

Charles looked at him and shrugged. "Lights and sounds, just like in the movies. Get some people together and figure out something."

The Vice President got up. "I'll inform the President." He took a moment to look at Charles. "Charles, what's going on here? Why didn't we have a warning?"

"Tell the President it's called 'budget cuts,'" Charles said. "We don't have enough telescopes to cover the sky. And for some reason, no radar can detect it."

In the days to come, communication appeared impossible, until one night when the aliens were able to communicate electronically... in English. The President was brought to NASA for a top-secret meeting with them, taking his cabinet with him. The aliens asserted that they had been observing the planet for years, listening to our communications, and witnessing our ways of life. They learned our languages.

They came from a planet approximately forty light years away from Earth. Their planet had died and this was their last hope to save their civilization. Unfortunately, they couldn't live on our planet with us... they required a different atmospheric composition, one lethal to humans.

They were desperate and threatened to destroy all human and animal life on Earth in order to force their will. They claimed that any fight from us would be futile and would result in the agonizing death of billions of people. They would, however, accept our unconditional surrender. They said they had a way to allow our civilization to pass away naturally, over the course of four or five generations. Humans could live the rest of their lives in relative peace and serenity.

Charles signaled for the team to deactivate the microphones.

"Mr. President, we can't seriously believe them," National Security Adviser Tom Donte said.

"I don't know if I believe them or not," the President said slowly. "Whether they can do what they say or not, I'm not willing to surrender without a fight." He turned to the Secretary of Defense. "Chuck... take whatever steps you need to shoot down that ship. Show them we won't go down without a struggle. And, gentlemen... none of this can leave this room. Do you understand?"

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