Girl in a Box Dot Com

Natsuko's box goes online.

Aug 2, 2024
33 min read
reluctantpubliclatexpackagedf-fhumiliationmachineobjectificationencasementGirl in a Box Dot Combondage
Girl in a Box Dot Com
Girl in a Box Dot Com

Girl in a Box Dot Com

Just Another Box - Chapter Three: Girl In A Box dot com

"Hello Natsuko, nice to meet you. I'm sure you have lots of questions, so let me explain how and why you're hearing my voice. You see I have a program that hunts the internet for unadvertised sites, IP addresses without URLs, sites not found in search engines, etc. I've found quite a few interesting and valuable things over the years, but your box is by far the most unique."

"You see your husband, or whoever built your box for you, must have assumed he would one day want or need to access your box while it was outside the house, and for that he had to assign it an IP Address, which is what I stumbled upon."

"The security on your box was quite good, but I have my talents, and cracking even the best security is one of them. So, I eventually made my way in and was quite surprised at what I found - a beautiful naked girl all gift wrapped and waiting for me." Natsuko could almost hear the grin in his voice.

"I've been recording everything from your box for the past week, and I must tell you, watching the box work its tricks on you is exceedingly entertaining. So much so that I realized a lot of other horny men might be interested in watching you squirm and twitch and moan, etc."

"Thus, the "Girl in a Box" website was born. I have the site set up and ready to go live tomorrow evening. I have a few of my favorite clips from this past week as samples, and I'm offering paid subscriptions if they want to watch your live feed."

"Now before you panic, you should know that your head gear completely obscures your identity. So much so that when I figured out who you were and cracked your social network page, I would never have guessed that the sweet innocent mother of two face was the same one I'd been watching at night in the box."

"Alas, in order to run a business, I really need my employee and star to be consistent, so from now on you will be in your box every evening no later than 10:00 PM and will not be let out till the next morning at 6:00 AM. During the time I've been watching you've practically been in there every night anyway, and usually you're in as early as 9 or 9:30 PM and out typically by 7:00 AM, so this shouldn't be a big stretch for you, though it might put a crimp on any late night movies with hubby."

"Tomorrow night will be your big debut, so don't be late. Speaking of which, if you ever don't show up, I'll post your real name and address and a link to all your social networking sites on GirlInABox so your adoring fans will know where to find you AND, I'll post a message on all of your and your husband's social networking sites announcing your hobby and provide everyone you know with a convenient link so they can check it out. I imagine all of hubbies work colleagues will be green with envy of Paul's little toy box. Think what fun those Christmas parties will be after that, with everyone picturing you in all your trunk bound glory. Should be quite fun for everyone concerned, well, except maybe you and Paul; guess it might be a little embarrassing for you both."

"I'll add that if I ever even suspect you've told anyone, Paul, the police, private detective, etc.; that the same consequences will ensue. Sure, you might eventually be able to shut the site down and clean up your social networks, but not before many if not all of your fans and friends get to see the real Natsuko. Enjoy your day, see you again tonight ... along with a few thousand faceless new friends." And the voice was gone, and Natsuko was left to ponder her new fate.


The remainder of Natsuko's time in the box was filled with her trying to think straight long enough to work through what she had just heard. Since the box was so skilled of robbing her of any kind of rational thought (beyond the desperate need to be allowed to orgasm) the end result was her mind fixating on the fact that the next time she would be in this box, there could be dozens or hundreds, or even thousands of horny men pleasuring themselves while she was helpless to do anything but writhe and squirm under the box's ministrations.

Her head filled with images of all those rock hard nameless faceless cocks surrounding her, and then her being deluged with spray after spray of cum coating her body. The only thing more disturbing than the images was just how much hornier they made her. She didn't want to be aroused by such thoughts, the little bit of rational thought she managed told her she was repulsed by them, but there was no denying that her pussy felt otherwise. She wondered sometimes if the box and her pussy weren't really the ones in control, and she was just along for the ride, a slave to her own body's increasingly kinky needs.

Once she was out of the box and Paul was off to work, she was able to think more clearly, not that it did her any good. After debating back and forth she finally broke down and opened the site he mentioned, HER site, and sure enough there was streaming video of her most recent week in the box. She had to admit there was something strangely compelling about watching, which had the dual effect of terrifying her that the site could end up being really successful and making her cursed pussy dripping wet all over again.

In the end, there was no denying it. The voice knew who she was, knew who Paul was, had clearly cracked the box and she had every reason to believe he would do everything he said he would. Once she resolved herself to that, she began to comfort herself with what he had said: she was unrecognizable and nothing would really change, except of course that it was no longer her decision to climb into the box every night. Even that was not really a change since she had felt compelled to place herself in its care every evening anyway. So, he was not asking her for anything she wasn't already doing, at least not yet anyway. If she could somehow ignore the fact that now she would now be on display before all those nameless faceless viewers, then it really wouldn't be any different. At least that's the rationalization she used to finally calm herself enough to get on with the rest of her day.


The first night went pretty much how she expected it would go. The trunk got her rapidly to that intense state of sexual need and kept her there the entire night minus her usual sleep break - apparently it wasn't one of her nights to cum. Because she had become so accustomed to its treatment of her, she almost forgot she was being broadcast, except for the few times when her subconscious worked against her and filled her head back up with those images of all those cocks pointing at her and ultimately showering her with their cum.

The second night things started to change. At some point not too long after she was locked in her body was brought to a completely unexpected orgasm. Normally if the computer determined it was her night to cum it would wait till the end of her time to maximize the effect. It had been quite some time since she had gotten a "treat" (as she had come to think of them) so early in a session. She was even more startled when she was brought to a second one just before her sleep time. Free from the box's use of her body during sleep time she realized what was happening - the voice had changed her programming.

She could only speculate that her cumming to a shuddering orgasm on a regular basis would be more entertaining to her viewers than just watching her twist and squirm and moan for days on end. Why he did it didn't really matter to Natsuko, that he had done so was terrifying. He now had complete control of her body for 8 out of every 24 hours. That he had started by giving her more orgasms was not horrible, what frightened her was where he would go next. Now that he had a taste of what it was like to use her body via the box how long could it be before he'd try even more things? As usual, as scared as she was of the possibilities, her pussy had a mind of its own and decided to get all worked up just at the thought it.

She had barely managed to quiet her pussy down and fall into a deep blissful sleep when the box started up again. Apparently, her sleep break was over, and as before she was brought to two more orgasms before her time was up. She tried to look at the upside; that was more treats than she'd had in over a month, and if the voice kept it set to once an hour then she would at least be a satisfied little girl-in-a-box for a change. As before, that's what she told herself so she could go on with her day and try to forget the fact that a man she had never seen was now playing with her body in front of an audience of possibly thousands of horny men.


Friday morning, as she was coming down from her last treat of the night but before she was released, the voice returned.

"Good morning Natsuko. I hope you've been enjoying the programming changes I made. I know your fans have responded very favorably to all the extra action that petite little body of yours has been serving up for them. As a matter of fact, they are clamoring for even more time with you each night, so I've decided to reduce your sleep time from four hours down to two. I figure you can always catch a nap during the day for the extra two hours."

"I did feel a little guilty about taking some of your sleep time, so I decided I'd do something to give you back some time in your week. I don't want to tell you right now exactly what it is, I'd rather have it be a little bit of a surprise. What's not a surprise is that I made an appointment for you at a very special Spa about an hour from where you are. So, you probably want to arrange for a babysitter for this afternoon as your appointment is 1:00 - 3:00."

"I made all the arrangements and decisions for you, so all you have to do is show up, and agree to whatever they ask you. Let me be clear on that, you will agree to whatever they ask, no questions, no discussion, just a prompt "yes sir, yes ma'am, no sir, no ma'am". I have ways to determine if you deviate from my instructions, and if you do all the same consequences we went over before will befall you. So be a good girl like I know you are deep down and just do what you're told."

"Oh, I almost forgot. I've been so happy with the results of the site I even decided to pay you for your time - aren't I generous? I'll be using your pay to cover all the spa treatments. In effect, you will be paying yourself for what I've decided is best for you. I had a feeling you wouldn't mind. So, congratulations, as of this afternoon you will officially be a professional porn start - isn't that wonderful? Have fun at the Spa - see you tonight my girl-in-a-box."

Natsuko grumbled in her box. How on earth did the voice manage to consistently find ways to absolutely terrify and humiliate her while at the same time making equally aroused?!? From his disingenuous concern to give her time back in her day to his gradually seizing more and more control over her and even to the language he used. She couldn't help but feel like he was patting her head when he called her a "good girl". Not to mention that referring to the people at the Spa as sir and ma'am even if they were younger than her and the way he referred to her as "his" girl-in-a-box; all of these served to ingrain just how much he was in control, and just how much she was just an object to be used.

"It's not like there is anything I can do about it, I just wish it wouldn't keep making me so wet!" she thought to herself, as she transitioned to figuring out a babysitter for the afternoon and all the other things she'd have to do between now and then.


She arrived at the spa without incident but had gotten more and more nervous the closer she got. She had no clue what was in store for her and could only imagine what he would have them do to her. Fortunately, she didn't have long to wait as a girl greeted her as soon as she checked in and showed her directly into a private room that reminded her more of a doctor's office than a spa.

Inside was a chair, a small cabinet style closet and what caught her attention the most, a padded table. It looked far more comfortable than any doctor's table she'd seen, and it seemed to have a lot of drawers and doors on the sides. And were those stirrups on the end and straps tucked into the drawers on the sides? She didn't think she could get more nervous until the girl that escorted her instructed her to remove ALL her clothes and change into a soft but rather insubstantial cotton gown. Natsuko gulped as she said "yes ma'am" to the girl, and watched the girl close the door as she left.

Instinctively Natsuko sat on the table just like she would at the doctor's office. Her feet dangled from the end of the table making her feel even smaller and more out of control. A tall attractive girl entered wearing a lab coat and introduced herself.

"My name is Monica and I'll be the technician for your treatments here. You must have some boyfriend to have splurged for both this technique and for the rather comprehensive coverage you requested. This spa is one of only a few in the country that have adopted this new procedure, so I think you'll be very happy with the results. We offer a full lifetime guarantee, so if there is ever even the smallest recurrence please come in, but this is the safest and longest lasting procedure of its kind. So, I can assure you the way you leave here after your last treatment will be how you will stay for the rest of your life."

Natsuko tried not to wince as she wondered what on earth he would be doing to her that would last for the rest of her life. To take her mind off wondering she focused on responding as she had been instructed, "yes ma'am".

Monica smiled, a little too warmly Natsuko's thought.

"So polite and formal, I don't see many girls come in here with that sensibility. So, I just need to review the procedure with you and get verbal confirmation for what we're doing, as well as signing the standard liability waivers. The simplest way to describe what we'll be doing is complete and total body hair removal from every part of your body below your eyes. Under your arms, your legs, any arm or facial hair, and of course a full Brazilian. You can go home tonight and throw away all shaving devices, as you'll never have to shave any part of your body ever again."

"... this some kind of laser treatment?" Natsuko asked, struggling to come to terms with the fact that the voice was about to render her completely and utterly hairless for the rest of her days.

"It's actually more advanced than a standard laser reducing the chance of any recurrence. It also doesn't require any minimal hair growth; we can do our procedure the very next day after you shave, and it works just as well. It's also a lot quicker, even with the total body removal we should still be able to have you done in only 3 or maybe 4 sessions. Before we begin, I just need you to confirm that what I've described is what you requested, and then you can sign the form, and we'll dive right in."

"Yes ma'am" Natsuko replied, the words seeming to come more and more naturally to her the more she repeated them.

"Yes ma'am you agree this is what you want?" Monica probed.

There was a slight hesitation before Natsuko forced herself to say the words again, "yes ma'am".

"Poor girl, you must be nervous, your boyfriend said you would be, so we've added a few extra things to help make you more comfortable and I assure you I will take very good care of that sexy little body of yours."

There it was again, Natsuko thought, the same twinkle in Monica's eyes as before. Was it glee, delight, or something else? It almost seemed predatory, like how a cat looks at a cornered mouse. Suddenly Natsuko felt even more exposed and vulnerable than before. Here she was nearly naked in front of this imposing and fully clothed girl who seemed a little too enthusiastic as she prepared to get as close a look Natsuko's entire body as anyone in her life ever had. Once again, Natsuko tried to calm herself, and just go along for the ride as she signed the form and braced herself for what would come next.


"I need you to be very still for this procedure and your boyfriend explained how you tend to squirm when you're nervous, so I asked him how you'd feel about restraints. He chuckled and told me you'd probably want them even if you didn't squirm. So do you mind if I strap you down before we begin?"

Natsuko seemed to be falling deeper and deeper into a pit with no bottom. Not only was she about to be naked and permanently altered by a woman who seemed just a bit too enthusiastic about the situation, but now said woman wanted to strap her down?!? She was about to be helpless, naked, utterly exposed and vulnerable before this slightly intimidating woman AND she was being asked to willingly agree to all that?!? And why did her pussy once again have to get so darned wet about it?!?

"Yes ma'am" was all she could say, while she prayed Monica wouldn't notice just how wet she had become.

Monica quickly and professionally strapped Natsuko down from head to toe completely immobilizing her, and then extending the sides and bottom of the table to put her into a spread eagle. Natsuko felt like a doll being posed by this woman, further driving home that she was just an object to be played with by others.

To Natsuko's utter chagrin, Monica moved between her legs. As had become the norm for her, just when she thought things couldn't get any worse, they did.

"Wow! I understand why your boyfriend chuckled when I mentioned the restraints, you're positively dripping down here! I really need to dry up this area, do you mind if I clean some of this up?"

Considering this woman could do anything she wanted to with Natsuko at this point it was almost worse to be asked, but Natsuko remembered her instructions and almost whispered, "No ma'am, please go ahead."

Then Monica did something that really shocked poor Natsuko, she got up, went to the door, and said, "I'll be right back." Not being able to stop herself she added, "Don't go anywhere" and giggled before leaving the room.

Natsuko was beyond mortified, as embarrassing and humiliating as it was to be vulnerable and exposed in front of Monica, being left alone was so much worse. What if someone wandered into her room by mistake? What if it was a man? What would they think seeing her utterly naked, arms and legs spread wide open, her (now) sopping wet pussy swollen open practically begging to be used. To make matters worse the position of the table placed that eager and ready pussy facing the door and with her head strapped down someone could easily enter the room and admire the view without her ever being able to see who it was. If they crouched down, they could probably come right up between her legs without her being able to see them. Natsuko shuddered, at least as much as the restraints would allow, not sure if she was more terrified someone would take advantage of her like this, or more worried they wouldn't.

To Natsuko, it seemed like an eternity that she was left alone and exposed while her mind and pussy tormented her, but in reality, it was only a few minutes before Monica returned announcing herself as she did so as not to shock her poor, naked, and helpless client.

"I'm going to have to touch you down there to apply this, so if you feel my fingers that's why."

Natsuko was relieved she just warned her this time instead of asking for her permission. It just seemed to make the humiliation so much deeper when she had to consent and even ask to be treated like this.

Suddenly she felt Monica's warm hands touch her puffy and oh so sensitive pussy lips, gently spreading them open before sliding something faintly phallic between them. Just as gently as she opened her pussy lips Monica closed them, making the feeling of this long thin cylindrical object even more pronounced. She finished by patting Natsuko's now closed but still enflamed pussy with what Natsuko thought almost felt like affection.

Natsuko shuddered and sucked in a sharp gasp of air, biting her lip as she suddenly realized this was the first human contact her pussy had had in months. She'd been so busy being ravaged and tormented by the box every night she could barely remember the last time Paul had touched her like this. Suddenly she missed Paul's big strong hands on her sensitive parts, the feeling of his mouth as he wrapped it around her pussy and flicked his tongue against her budding clitoris, licking up and down the length of her pussy, darting it inside her in a way that drove her wild. Her box had taken her to levels of pleasure she didn't think any man was capable of, but it was cold and unfeeling. She missed the warmth of her husband's love making. By the time she got home it would be kids and dinner and back to her box, but with a little luck maybe she and Paul could have some "adult" time during the kids nap on Saturday.

"Ok, I think I've plugged the leak, or at least stuck a proverbial finger in the dike till I can finish and send you on your way." Monica announced, chuckling a little from her own pun and pulling Natsuko from her fantasy encounter with Paul. "That Tampon is designed to handle a full-on period, so as long as you can keep her from going into waterfall mode, I should be able to have you out of here in no time. So, try to keep your thoughts pure while I get to work down here."

For the next 90 minutes Natsuko felt the tool move centimeter by centimeter over her pussy and legs and arms. Monica was very clinical once she started, which helped Natsuko manage her arousal. Manage being the key phrase, Natsuko could still hardy ignore how it made her feel to be completely naked and exposed in front of this pretty and dominant woman who had her completely at her mercy and was permanently changing her body as she combed over every part of her. It was all she could do to keep her thoughts of being with Paul again at bay every time Monica touched some part of her.

"All done. I did a once over most of the major areas this time. Next time I'll finish the few areas I missed and go back over everything. Your third visit will likely be your last as I just do some touch ups. Your body hair is very light and sparse, so we probably won't need a fourth visit ... unless you just like being strapped down while I run my hands over your body" Monica winked at Natsuko and smiled before starting to remove the straps and continuing.

"For all the areas I did today you'll want to avoid as much contact as possible. Things like jumping jacks will irritate your underarms, tight fitting pants will irritate your legs and of course sex is out of the question for at least 3 days. You can still stick a dildo inside if you feel the need, it's the skin on skin contact where I removed the hair that you must avoid, and that's pretty hard to do during intercourse, or even a good cunnilingus. Your boyfriend will have to attend to his own needs till Tuesday and for the next couple of weekends till we finish."

Natsuko's heart sunk, so much for sex with Paul for what sounded like three weeks! Between his work and the kids and the box the odds of them finding a window of opportunity during the week were pretty much zero. Oh well, at least the box was only a few hours away, and after almost two hours of being helpless and aroused she was WAY more than ready to be helpless and cum her heart out.


The next two weeks went pretty much the same. Every night the box had its way with for 6 out of the 8 hours, normally with about a treat an hour. Every Friday she reported to Monica to be stripped, bound and lasered with a pussy full of tampon and a beautiful woman pouring over every last part of her. The most humiliating was when Monica flipped her over and re-secured her to inspect her anus for any hairs. She didn't even know girls could get hair back there.

At some point during her last session Monica stopped and her face came into view in front of Natsuko's strapped down head.

"That's it - all done! You are now one completely hairless and very sexy young woman, and you will be exactly this smooth and hairless for the rest of your life. I ... have a very non-professional question for you. Since this could well be the last time I ever see you, I just had to tell you something, even if it costs me my job. You have no idea how hard it's been these last three weeks to have you completely helpless before me and not touch you inappropriately in any way, so my question is: can I kiss you, and let my hands wander a bit in a very non-professional way?"

Natsuko was a bit dumb struck for a second. She had fantasized about this dozens of times over the last three weeks herself - how could she not think such thoughts in the position she was in? But to be confronted by the reality of it took her back for a moment, then she remembered what the voice had said about agreeing to anything asked, so in the end it wasn't even about what she wanted, it was about what she was told to do.

"Yes ma'am" Natsuko squeaked out, her excitement raising her voice at least an octave.

Monica wasted no time, leaning in and brushing her lips against Natsuko's. She had done some experimenting in college, kissing another girl, but it was nothing like this. Bound, naked, as utterly helpless as she was exposed, her nipples rock hard, her pussy throbbing with need - that kiss made the pleasure centers of her brain light up like the fourth of July ... and that was only the first brush!

The kiss rapidly progressed to a full on and wildly passionate lip-lock. Their tongues danced as Natsuko felt herself get as close to an orgasm as she had ever been with only her lips involved. She couldn't figure out if she was more relieved or frustrated as Monica moved from her lips to her neck, and ears, and shoulders. Natsuko instinctively pulled hard against the straps as her arms and legs tried desperately to respond to the rising stimulus, but nothing gave - she was as completely immobile as she had ever been. She was sure her pussy was dripping a puddle of arousal onto the floor as Monica kissed her way down to Natsuko's breasts.

Just as Monica was reaching Natsuko's nipples, she stood up as if a light bulb went off in her head. She pressed a button and Natsuko felt the table lowering several inches. Just out of Natsuko's sight, she removed her lab coat, blouse, and bra and placed them neatly on a chair in the corner. Meanwhile poor Natsuko was left stewing in her juices wondering what was happening. She didn't have to wait long as suddenly Monica in all her shirtless glory came into view standing over her at the head of the table. Monica leaned over so her breasts were directly over Natsuko's face and her face was directly over Natsuko's breasts, forming a sort of mini "69".

Monica leaned down to suck on one of Natsuko's nipples causing one of hers to get close enough to Natsuko's mouth that Natsuko almost instinctively sucked it into her mouth and latched on to it. That's when it happened. The combination of sucking on Monica's breast at the same moment Monica wrapped her big full lips around Natsuko's first nipple became too much for poor Natsuko's overworked little body and she erupted in a toe-curling orgasm. All those times the box triggered an orgasm while Natsuko was simultaneously watching another woman's breasts and having her own milked caused an almost Pavlovian reaction as it happened in real life, and it didn't stop. Despite Natsuko stimulating Monica's sensitive nipples, she continued kissing and suckling Natsuko while simultaneously massaging her breasts, causing the orgasms to just keep coming and coming, rolling over Natsuko in waves. The next 45 minutes were a blur of pleasure for Natsuko as Monica seemed to want to consume her tiny helpless body as she caressed and kissed her way over every part of it.

Finally, Monica stopped and moved her face to within just a few inches of Natsuko's looking directly into her eyes as she spoke, "Wow, babe you are about the sexiest creature I've ever imagined. Every part of you was just so sensitive ... I felt like I had a Stradivarius in my hands and every touch became a symphony of pleasure for you. I'll be pleasuring myself for years replaying this time with you in my head. If you ever get tired of that boyfriend, you positively MUST look me up so we can do this again."

With that Monica affectionately kissed Natsuko's forehead and began removing all the straps holding her down. Natsuko was still in a bit of a daze, so Monica helped her get up and even helped dress her making sure she supported her till Natsuko's head cleared up enough to walk on her own. She walked Natsuko to the door and then leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Thank you again babe, I hope your boyfriend appreciates what an extraordinary creature you are."

On the drive home Natsuko had a lot to think about. Of all the overwhelming experiences of that time, one thought kept rising to the top: how much she missed the human contact of intimacy with Paul. Somehow, she had gotten lost in the box, having it provide for her sexual needs in a hyper efficient way had almost made her forget how much she missed having Paul restrain her and then tease her till finally allowing her to climax. Maybe not as epically as the box did, but the feeling of human fingers on her skin, the taste of his manhood in her mouth, that intoxicating smell of him when he held her head against his body - the box didn't and couldn't replace that. While Monica had been most thorough kissing and caressing every other part of Natsuko, she had avoided that most intimate of parts between her legs. Natsuko could only guess it was Monica's way of keeping her true to her "boyfriend" something she would someday have to figure out how to thank her for. A deep pang of guilt shot through Natsuko - she had been so busy with the box, even before the voice, that she had neglected Paul and the sacrifices he had been making for her. She couldn't wait till tomorrow, after the kids went down for their nap, when she would desperately try to make it up to him, and herself.


Alas, Natsuko's hope for intimacy with Paul never materialized. On Saturday she fell asleep trying to get Erika to fall asleep and Paul didn't have the heart to wake her up. On Sunday Paul tried to run an errand before nap time and got held up and didn't get home till after the twins were already up from their nap and after that the work week started and the cycle continued.

As the weeks rolled into months Paul started getting concerned. Natsuko seemed compelled (from his point of view) to climb in the box every night and he could barely remember the last time they had private time together. Yet, every time he tried to bring up the subject of how much time she was spending in the box, no matter how gingerly, she seemed to get anxious and even agitated. Not knowing it was because she was basically being held captive in her own home every night by the voice, Paul began to wonder if the time in the box was somehow programming her to be dependent on it. He started checking out psychological websites, online advice columns, forums for different kinds of addictions, pretty much anything he could think of. He was always very careful to be exceptionally vague despite the fact he used an alias, so it took a while before he encountered someone who seemed to clue in on his situation.

They started their career as a psychiatrist and quickly specialized in people facing challenges with "alternative lifestyles". They asked Paul some surprisingly insightful questions and over time he revealed more and more of the specifics of his and his wife's situation, being very careful to never reveal anything that could identify his wife or himself. Over the course of several more weeks of back and forth they explained that his wife had likely been conditioned by her first experience and then that was reinforced night after night till she had developed a dependency on whatever the trunk was giving her. Humans were not unlike Pavlov's dog, they explained, and with consistent repetition of both trigger and positive reinforcement behaviors can be come internalized to the point the person doesn't even realize or understand why they are responding the way they are. His wife was likely particularly volatile since she seemed to be deeply and inherently submissive, so it was probably easier than most for her natural desire to be dominated by her husband to be somehow get switched with a desire to be dominated by the box. It was at that point that they said it would be irresponsible to say any more without meeting Paul first and then his wife. After all his wife was a consenting adult and if she truly desired this lifestyle, it was equally if not more likely that he might need help learning to deal with her new needs versus her needing help changing her behavioral patterns back to the way they were before the box.

While Paul was seeking ways to understand and come to terms with the box's effect on his wife, the voice was slowing taking poor Natsuko further and further down the rabbit hole.


A week after Natsuko had been rendered completely smooth, the voice once again came on her speakers, "Good morning and happy Monday my sexy little girl in a box. The number of your adoring subscribers is growing larger by the day, and they have started asking for images of what you look like outside the box, after all, as adorable as you are squirming in your box, it really doesn't do that amazing body of yours justice. Before you panic, I have no plan of exposing your face or identity, I'm thinking we'll get some tasteful shots by a professional photographer with you wearing year headset and wearing a latex catsuit. The headset completely obscures your face, and with your entire body encased in latex any birthmarks, tattoos, or even tanning patterns will be utterly concealed. Much like your laser treatment, I've made an appointment for you this Friday afternoon. Just as before, I've made all the arrangements, all you have to do is find a babysitter, show up at the address I'll send you, and pose the way the photographer asks you to. I even went out of my way to find a female photographer for you - isn't that thoughtful of me? After all I got an absolutely glowing report from Monica explaining how obedient you were for her, so I figured you'd appreciate another such opportunity."

This time Natsuko had almost a week to consider the words before she would have to show up on Friday, although just like before there really wasn't anything she could do about it. Even though he hadn't threatened her again he didn't have to, she knew full well he could make her and Paulo's life miserable. What was worse was he always seemed to know exactly how to thread the needle to make it impossible for her to have good cause to risk exposure. If he had asked her to pose naked with her face exposed, she almost certainly would have objected despite the consequences. Trying to look on the bright side, she and Paul had discussed someday getting her a latex catsuit, they had just never gotten around to it so this could be an interesting "try it before you buy it" opportunity for her to see how she looked in one. She heard somewhere that every woman wants her body to be seen, she just fears it will be laughed at instead of admired or desired. While she was pretty sure that wasn't true for most women, there was no denying how wet she got every time she thought about herself encased in latex. Maybe she could even show the pictures to Paul someday, claiming it was a glamor shot for his birthday.

Friday afternoon rolled around both too soon and not soon enough for Natsuko. The voice was true to his word and had found a studio far enough away it was unlikely anyone would see her getting out of the car. It made her a little nervous that it looked like a normal suburban house, until she went inside and saw part of the house had been completely remodeled as a photo studio, including a private dressing room. Much like before there were forms to fill out and verbal consent to be given. For better or worse, the female photographer was not as intimidating as Monica had first been. Natsuko couldn't figure out if it was comforting or odd, but the photographer told her there would be no names used in the studio - she would simply be "photographer", Natsuko would just be "girl" (as in Girl in a Box), and her assistant would similarly just be "assistant". Natsuko almost instinctively acknowledged with a "yes ma'am."

The photographer was thorough, professional, and was complementary of Natsuko's face and body in a very genuine way. She even expressed regret that they weren't going to be able to show Natsuko's face in any of the shots and Natsuko was exceedingly grateful the photographer never asked if that was even an option.

The voice had not only ordered a custom catsuit and sent it ahead to the studio, but he also had a mockup of her box, and a similar model of her headset sent to the studio as well. The photographer explained the site owner ("at least the voice didn't pose as her boyfriend this time, Natsuko thought to herself) wanted to start with her in the box much like she was on the website, and then they would shot photos of her emerging from the box, doing some very sexy stretching poses, then moving on to some more pinup style shots that would highlight her stunning physique, before taking the last few shots of her going back into her box. The idea was the viewer could imagine the "girl in a box" belonged to them and she would come out of her box to pose for them before returning to it. She asked Natsuko to imagine the camera was her lover and to move the way she would for them and strike the poses she knew her lover would most appreciate. Considering Natsuko had already started imagining she was wearing this for Paul, that would make that much easier.

The photographer had her assistant help Natsuko into the dressing room and into the latex catsuit. The latex body suit was amazingly tight, but once they got it on, it hugged every part of her exactly like the second skin Natsuko had always imagined. She just wished the faceless voice didn't have to know every detail of her body so precisely. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she also wished it was a little less tight, or maybe a little thicker because it showed EVERY contour of her body, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination. This became doubly vexing when her arousal caused her hardening nipples to show through the suit and her parting pussy lips to be equally on display. Not a single centimeter of skin was showing, yet Natsuko felt more naked than she had ever felt outside the box. The assistant handed her the headset and helped her configure it so she could see "through" the headset via cameras built into it. The assistant guided Natsuko out of the dressing room and back into the studio since the headset was a little disorienting at first.

The photographer visibly gasped as Natsuko emerged, telling Natsuko how absolutely radiant she looked and how these pictures might well crash the internet. Natsuko was glad for the catsuit and headset, as she was sure she was blushing bright red at the photographer's reaction. The Photographer then walked Natsuko through the shot, explaining how she wanted her to exit the box, having her practice the stretches, and having her try several of the poses - adding little pointers here and there like making sure her heels never touch the ground when she walks to accentuate her calves and the sexy curve of her feet like she's in invisible high heels. Natsuko had seen movies and streaming shows where the photographer repeatedly compliments even the smallest thing to make the model feel and look sexier, but she was stunned how effective it was on her. She did as the photographer instructed and pictured Paul behind the camera, and that combined with every small compliment and suggestion the photographer made resulted in Natsuko positively oozing sexuality throughout the shoot. Natsuko felt like a living barbie doll being posed, a plaything for the photographer to move from one arousing position to the next. When the shot was finished, Natsuko asked to remove the suit herself as she was mortified at the thought of the assistant seeing just how wet the photoshoot had made her.


The next week Natsuko found herself daydreaming about the latex suit, and fantasizing she was wearing it each night in her box. She even had an erotic dream that Paul managed to lock the suit on her and have her wear it constantly, especially when he played with his shiny latex doll for hours before putting her back in her box, till he next wanted to play with his toy. Even the voice coming on and telling her how she had surpassed his wildest expectations and how memberships had already doubled after adding the photo set to the site didn't seem to faze her as the image of herself as Paul's sex doll seemed to calm her as much as it did fan the flames of her arousal.

Two weeks later though, the voice's next announcement just after she entered her box for the evening caught her attention as much as any of the other bombshells he had dropped on her.

"Hello again my living breathing personification of female pulchritude - I wish I bought stock in tissue companies as I'm sure the male consumption of them has skyrocketed since we added your photos to the site. As much money as the site is raking in, in business it's all about "what have you done for me lately" so it's time to raise the bar again. I built a simplified version of the interface Hubby originally created to control your box and plan to start gamifying your orgasms. I've set up the site so subscribers can pay by the minute up to a maximum of 10 minutes at a time to control your arousal. I set it up as a game where the longer they can keep you aroused without allowing you to climax the more points they get and of course there will be a scoreboard showing the high scorers along with cumulative scores for how long they kept you aroused and denied as well as how many orgasms they pulled from that sexy body of your yours. So, starting tonight, you'll have thousands of horny fans fighting each other to play with your body for up to 10 minutes at a time ... I have a feeling you are about to become the biggest video game sensation of all time."

If Natsuko could talk show would have been speechless. The voice had turned her body into a video game?!? She had steadily moved down a slippery slope from wife and mother to a girl in a box to a stored living doll, and now to just the innards of a video game. From the outside world she was just another box to shipped or stored and from the inside she was just the innards of a crazy game giving complete strangers the ability to use her arousal and denial to earn high scores. During the game, she would no longer be seen as a human, just as an inanimate organic computer - an object to be played with for others' amusement. As always, poor Natsuko could only wish the complete objectification of her didn't have to make her almost maddingly aroused just thinking about it.

Over the next few days Natsuko learned what it was like to be a ball in a pinball machine. She was launched into the game by a complete stranger she couldn't see, her arousal bounced up, down, and sideways for a while, and just when she finally slipped through the flippers and thought she would get a moment's rest, a new stranger would launch her back into the game. She also came to realize there was a spectrum to her players.

At one end were the pure sadists - they didn't care about their score or Natsuko's pleasure they spent their entire time shocking, freezing, or cooking her most sensitive parts. The only comfort Natsuko had was the memory of Paul explaining he had carefully calibrated her pain stimulants to be just enough to decrease her arousal, and not enough to cause her any damage. Fortunately, sadists were extremely rare and Natsuko wished each and every one would have a special place in hell waiting for them.

At the other end of the spectrum were what she had come to think of as the adolescent-minded - they were only interested in turning on all her vibrators to full power and then watched as she trashed against her bonds as orgasm after orgasm after orgasm erupted from her body. There was no "foreplay" (as she had come to think of the teasing and denial phase), no nuance, no skill to their technique- simply a pedal to the floor till they ran out of gas mentality. She could almost hear their juvenile snickering sometimes as they pushed all the pleasure controls to max and then just watched as she spasmed her way through an endless supply of climaxes.

The vast majority fell somewhere in the middle - using the pleasure controls to ramp up her arousal, some skillfully, some clumsily, and then balancing that against the pain controls to try to keep her from going over the edge into an orgasm. She imagined them watching what she imagined to be a gauge for her arousal with a red line indicating when she would climax, like novice pilots so busy watching their instruments they hardly looked up to enjoy the view. The thought that her body was a robot, no more so than a common thermostat with sensors that trigger a response, seemed to only add to her helpless chagrin, and consequent arousal.

As the days passed, she could tell who was new to the game versus the experienced players, as those with experience could edge her almost as efficiently as the Box did although with less consistency. Whereas the box seemed to effortlessly suspend her on the edge for hours her human operators would erratically "bounce" her up to and then back from the edge in a way that never let her pleasure plateau. When it came to manipulating her increasingly sensitive body, poor Natsuko honestly couldn't tell from one day to the next if she preferred the organic human touch more or less then the cold precision of the Box's computer control. What she did know is she emerged from the box most mornings even hornier than when she entered, causing her to squirm her way through the day unconsciously anxious for her next time in the box and the chance to have the long simple climaxes she was coming to crave.


It was at the end of the second week of Natsuko being a living game machine that Paul's search for a way to understand her time in the box reached the point that he decided to meet the anonymous online doctor he had found in person. As had become poor Natsuko's luck, it wasn't going to go quite as anyone planned.

  1. Despite being reluctant, Natsuko found herself drawn to visiting the "Girl in a Box" website, curious about the anonymous audience that had been captivated by her latex-encased performances.
  2. The voice, with a studied air of nonchalance, announced the website's launch, proudly showcasing packages for paid subscriptions to catch a glimpse of the encased woman at work.
  3. As part of her encasement, Natsuko was fitted with a machine that ensured strict objectification, controlling her every move and automating her body's responses in public for her audience's pleasure.
  4. The "Girl in a Box" machine became a source of humiliation for Natsuko, who felt her dignity chipped away with each passing day as she was reduced to a simpering, twitching object for the delectation of faceless men.
  5. With each passing night, Natsuko's feelings towards the encasement and the 'Girl in a Box Dot Com' became increasingly complex, oscillating between revulsion and a strange sense of pleasure, a testament to the sinister allure of bondage.

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