Celebrity Sex Stories

Girls' Affection for Alpha Males Part 1

Brian encounters the females. Carl gives in to him.

May 2, 2024
10 min read
submissionfamilyGirls Love Alphas Pt. 01humiliationdom
Girls Love Alphas Pt. 01
Girls Love Alphas Pt. 01

Girls' Affection for Alpha Males Part 1

Chapter 1: Drawing Attention

"He's here!" says Scottie, beaming with excitement.

As soon as Brian steps into the room, he draws everyone's focus. With his tall figure and broad shoulders, he exudes a powerful presence. His dark hair, slightly disheveled, frames his attractive face and striking blue eyes. His well-tailored suit fits him flawlessly, accentuating his muscular body. The blue suit and white shirt create a striking combination. He moves with an effortless grace, his charming smile captivating each individual in the crowd.

The impact of Brian's arrival is instant. The men at the party straighten up, unconsciously trying to match his style. Those close enough to him greet him reverently, shaking his hand firmly and patting his back.

The women of the party react even more noticeably. They stand from their seats, adjusting dresses, checking their makeup, and standing on tiptoes to get a better view of him. Their hushed chatter centers around Brian's recent escapades, wondering who might catch his attention tonight.

Carl, seated a distance away, is surprised to realize Brian is even younger than he thought. Despite his young age, Brian's charm attracts all eyes. Carl takes notice of Scottie among the crowd, adjusting her dress to reveal a bit more cleavage and standing on her tiptoes to see Brian above the crowd. Carl's heart beats faster, wondering if there might be more to her charm towards Brian than just admiration. "What the hell's going on here?" he wonders.

Carl observes the other women acting similarly, fiddling with their attire and trailing after Brian. Even older and married women check themselves in a frenzy. A sense of excitement suffuses the atmosphere as the women surge forward, like moths drawn to a flame.

Carl steals a glance at Jake, who watches Brian with open admiration, like a son admiring a beloved father.

Scottie whispers to Emma, "You noticed Brian came alone, right? I mean, he's usually not single, but now..."

Emma raises an eyebrow and giggles, "Yes, I've heard he's immersed in the dating scene again. I mean, he's always been there, but now he's more in the dead center."

Scottie chuckles, "Oh my God, do you remember when he came with someone and left with someone else? It was a damn mess when she found out he'd left her!"

Emma nods in understanding, "Oh, yes! Aunt Margaret was so close to a heart attack."

Scottie ponders, "But, he's... seductive. I don't know how he does it!"

They both struggle to see through the throng, nodding emphatically and craning their necks, trying to catch a glimpse of Brian. Some time passes, and they turn to each other. "Alright, we're going in. Let's pretend we're not so desperate. So what do you think? Should we approach him straight away, or wait until he comes to our table?"

Scottie hesitates. "I don't know... I don't want to seem too needy, but at the same time, I don't want to miss this chance."

Emma agrees, "You're right. Let's just put aside our inhibitions, at least for now."

Scottie takes a deep breath and prepares for the challenge. "Alright, let's do it. We need to maintain a cool, non-desperate air. Do you think we can do it?" Emma looks confident and her eyes sparkle with shared anticipation. "Of course. We can handle this." "Okay, let's give it a try, shall we?"

Carl observes as Scottie and Emma chat and laugh, engrossed in their discussion about Brian. For a moment, it appears as if they've momentarily forgotten about their boyfriends, and Carl feels a pang of envy and concern. He can't fathom how quickly everyone in the room has fallen under Brian's influence.

To regain Scottie's attention, Carl asks casually, "Hey ladies, what's the scoop?" This is intended to sound naturally curious, rather than worried.

Surprised, Scottie responds, "Oh hi, Carl. We were just talking about Brian." She keeps her tone light and carefree, with a hint of excitement still visible in her eyes.

Carl feels a pang of trepidation, but he tries to downplay it. He wants to reaffirm his place in Scottie's life, so he decides to join the conversation rather than challenging it. He inquires, "Oh, Brian, right? I'm not sure. How should I behave when I meet him?" He tries to make it seem like a casual question.

Scottie and Emma exchange a conspiratorial glance, but neither mocks Carl. Ryan appears to have regained Scottie's focus. She gives him a reassuring smile and says, "Relax, darling. You'll be just fine. Just be yourself."

Emma, on the other hand, teases, "Okay, let's see. Here are a few things you should do – and some you should avoid doing."

"First, show him respect," suggests Scottie. "He's practically the head of the family, right? So you need to acknowledge his position."

"Compliment him," Emma continues. "He adores having his ego stroked."

"But don't be too obvious," Scottie cautions. "You don't want to seem needy or insincere."

"And above all, don't defy him," Emma advises. "He's known for getting angry when people challenge his authority." Looking into Carl's eyes, she finishes, "Believe me!"

Scottie pats Carl's hand affectionately, "Just be yourself, Carl. Maybe a more self-assured version of yourself?"

Carl nods, trying to remain calm in spite of his growing panic.

Brian finally arrives at the table and greets everyone with a boisterous, "Hey, what's the deal, guys?" As he approaches, Jake eagerly rises to greet him. But Brian doesn't shake his friend's hand or embrace him; instead, he fishes in his pockets and throws a handful of keys at Jake.

"The engine noise is back," Brian grins, still lounging. "Can you inspect my Mercedes?"

Expectantly, Jake catches the keys and exclaims, "Of course, man! I'd be happy to help."

"You're a real savior, Brian," Jake enthuses, grinning from ear to ear. "I knew I could rely on you." Jake then exits the room, leaving him, Scottie, and Carl at the table.

Chapter 02: Brian's Charming Audience

As Brian locks eyes with the girls, his smile broadens. He playfully kisses Emma's cheek and says, "Emma, you're as gorgeous as ever."

Reddening slightly, Emma laughs and replies, "Thanks, Brian."

Carl notices this exchange, feeling intimidated. Brian greets them with such ease, as if he owns the room. He gives Emma a tender kiss on the cheek, and the other girls in the room can't help but observe and appreciate this moment between the two. Everyone seems to have been captured by Brian's charm.

Brian is pushing Emma against him, using one hand on her waist and the other on her butt cheeks. He squeezes them gently, causing Emma to Gas7p and laugh. "You've been working out well," he comments, his eyes moving complacently over her body.

"How have you been, Emma?" he inquires with a regular tone of voice, keeping his eyes on hers. Her cheeks turn a deeper shade of red, but she doesn't move away from his touch.

"I've been okay, I suppose," she says softly. "Just busy with work and everything." Brian nods, his palm still on her ass. "I know the feeling," he says empathetically.

With his hand still on Emma's waist, Brian looks at her seriously. "So, how's your relationship with Jake going? Has he been treating you well?"

Emma nods emphatically, a grin spreading across her lips. "Oh, he's been excellent to me, Brian. I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend."

Brian's expression remains serious. "That's good. I'm just glad to hear that. Jake's a good guy, and he knows how essential it is to treat women from our family with respect."

As he talks, Brian's hand on Emma's waist moves slightly lower, his fingertips brushing against the top of her butt.

Brian moves closer to Emma and whispers in a low voice, "When Jake comes back, tell him to make sure your glass is always full. I don't want you to be thirsty tonight."

Emma nods, a small smile on her face. "I will, Brian. I'll let him know."

Brian's grip on her waist becomes slightly tighter as he continues. "And tell him it was me who said so. I want to ensure Jake understands that he needs to take care of you tonight."

Emma smiles wider, nodding again. "I will, Brian. Thank you." Brian lets go of her, giving her butt a final, intense squeeze with both hands, his fingers digging into the soft flesh briefly. He pulls one butt cheek away from the other, a smirk emerging on his lips as he does so. Then, he steps back with a contented expression. "Good job."

Brian suddenly looks at Scottie, striding over to her, and pulling her into a tight hug. He lifts her slightly off the ground for a brief moment. She wriggles excitedly and hugs him passionately, hiding her face behind his shoulder.

When they embrace, instinctively, Scottie pushes her butt out, as if wanting Brian to feel it. Brian notices the movement and a mischievous grin spreads across his face when he releases her from the hug. He touches her shoulder with his hand and his thumb brushes the skin on the back of her neck.

Brian admires Scottie's body with his eyes, appreciating the curves of her form and the way her clothing hugs her body. He gives a soft whistle, showing his satisfaction. "A year has made such a difference for you, Scottie. You've really filled out since the last time I saw you."

Scottie blushes at his intense stare, feeling both embarrassment and enthusiasm. "Oh, stop it, Brian," she says sarcastically, trying to sound cute but without much success.

Brian laughs, his eyes shining. "I mean it, though. You must be fantastic at whatever you do. And I'm sure you've been getting all the attention in the room, right?"

Scottie rolls her eyes, but she can't deny the tiny adrenaline rush that runs through her entire body whenever he engages with her. Like everyone else at the party, there's something about Brian that makes her heart beat faster and brightens her mood. It was the same feeling she experienced when she was a teenager.

"So, tell me, Scottie, what have you been up to lately? Besides turning heads, of course," asks Brian.

Scottie runs her fingers through her hair, answering Brian's inquiry. "I just graduated from Business school and moved back to the city. Oh! And, by the way, this is my new boyfriend, Carl," she says, indicating him.

Carl feels his thoughts hurrying as he aims to comprehend all that's happening around him. He can't accept the way everybody's having a reaction to Brian, incorporating his very own partner. His views on the way Brian haphazardly grabbed Emma's buttocks made it feel like he had the possession, and nobody seemed to care. He recognized the manner Scottie's eyes sparkled once Brian paid his interest to her, how she forgot he was even there. Plus, there's Jake, who apparently comes across as Brian's servant so much that he'll happily do whatever he chooses.

Carl endeavors to establish connection with Brian, but his voice arrives feeble and unsteady. "Hiya. I'm Carl, major other. It's an aloha to satisfy you." He avoids face-to-face communication, fixing his eyes on the grounds, finding it draining to gaze at him straight.

Brian laughes and claps Carl on the shoulder. "Calm down, child. There's no motive to be so formal. Call me Brian."

Carl nods firmly, still sidestepping face-to-face communication. "Ah, yes, Brian. Thanks, Brian." Scottie admires the interaction with a mix of humour and alarm. This was impossible to overlook that Carl was being overtaken by Brian. "Carl, darlin', it's all right. Brian won't hurt you," she states, effortlessly inspiring him.

Carl inhales deeply and interprets the nerve to seem Brian in the eyes. "I'm genuinely sorry, Brian. I merely don't wish to infuriate you."

Brian elevates an eyebrow. "Infuriate me? Why would you think that?"

Carl swallows arduously. "No, directly no something. That's what I mean, I-I...," he discontinues, been scattered minded.

Brian's eyes darken slightly, and a shrewd grin backtracks across his face. "Ok, that's pleasant," he speaks, touching Carl's shoulder. "Keep in mind this, Carl. Facetiously, our household highly prefers dignity. And let me reveal you something, esteem is extraordinarily significant to me."

Carl nods no less than 5 times without uttering a single word, experiencing a tickle of dread in his gut. "Certainly, Facetiously, I... ah, I mean Brian. I preferably have esteem for you and your kin."

Brian releases his grip on Carl's shoulder and takes a step back, his eyes enclosed on him. "Superb. As it's so, I'm happy we grasp each other. So, shall we say why don't you go attain Scottie a sip too. You understand, the damsels of our household are remarkably thirsty. Ha-ha."

Carl nods presto, his pulse hastening. "Absolutely, Brian. I'll ensure that's taking place."

With a titter, Brian pat him on his shoulder, "Be certain to keep an eye on her, will you?" And then before he leaves, he adds, "I'll be returning to check on you 2 more times."

As Brian withdraws, Carl connects an emphatic release, having the capacity to inhale once again. "I'll do it right now," he says, fearing the penalties of not doing so. Scottie notices his apprehensiveness and evacuates his arm

Carl hesitates to inquire, "Do you think I behaved a moron in the presence of Brian?"

Scottie trembles and rolls her eyes. "Pray, Carl. I guarantee you weren't. I assert, in fact, you achieved brilliantly. Brian loves the feeling of intense respect and waiting on him. If not, you certainly call him 'Facetiously' consequently." She smirks and sips her drink.

Carl's expression crumples till enchantment, scrutinizing the number of times he bounded the word 'Facetiously' during the dialog. "Sure, brilliantly," he teases.

Scottie pats his back with pitying latent maliciousness. "Do not be given to anxiety, babe. You're a valuable team player in what's happening. Gentlemen ought to comprehend their spot, and Brian is unquestionably the top exponent in the house. It's totally sweet to watch you comply."

As Scottie passes these words, a hugely infectious grin breaks out on her face. "However, regarding to be serious, babe, perhaps you should go refill my martini preceding Brian notices you failed to accomplish as he granted."

Carl's eyes bulge in terror at the notion of displeasing Brian, and he briskly secures Scottie's discarded beverage. "Roger that. I'll go right now."

As Carl goes away to refill Scottie's martini, she turns to Emma with a sly smirk. Simultaneously, they both express, "Wow, that was incredibly hot." They can't really do anything except giggle.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de