Celebrity Sex Stories

Girls: Lettie and Piper at 03:00

Piper Transforms into a Girl.

May 7, 2024
11 min read
dominationmistresslatexcuckqueanlovesubmissionromanceLettie and Piper 03: Girlmaid
Lettie and Piper 03: Girl
Lettie and Piper 03: Girl

Girls: Lettie and Piper at 03:00

"You've done an excellent job, girls. I'm proud of each of you. I'm a bit concerned that the shower was all for nothing." She chuckled happily at us.

"Piper, help me get dressed. Lettie, feel free to put on your clothes. Piper, I love seeing you in your thong with a ponytail, so you can stay like that."

"Yes, Ma'am," I replied meekly, helping her into her panties and skirt and then zipping the latter up while my girlfriend got dressed.

I don't typically wear anything as glamorous and seductive as a thong, and being around two other women in their clothing activated my submissive impulses.

"Piper, I'd like to have a chat with Lettie. Could you go clean the kitchen for now? You'll find the supplies you need in the hall closet. Get to it now."

So I was dismissed.

I looked at Lettie, who smirked like she was saying, "You said you were submissive, so you brought this on yourself," which was true.

The kitchen didn't need much tidying, so I found the mop and its accessories quickly and began cleaning the floor. With two other women around, I felt extremely submissive.

"Yes, Lettie, she's enjoying herself a lot. Look at that thong, it's covered in her wetness."

"Oh yes, Ma'am, she certainly seems to enjoy it. She's not looking much like a headmistress now."

That thought made me moan.

"She does indeed enjoy it, Lettie. Let's go enjoy some lunch and leave the housekeeping to Piper."

And with that, they left.

I had ample time to reflect, which I think was Lady Margaret's intention.

There was no question that watching Lettie with her turned me on; is there something wrong with me? But maybe, because Lettie loved me, it was okay; but it definitely turned me on. Also, being treated like a maid while they went off for lunch did too. So, I thought, if I'm already in this, I might as well go all the way. Naked except for my stained thong, I went to Lettie's and washed our dirty clothes. Then, I tidied up her kitchen, which actually needed it. After that, I remade her bed and did some vacuuming. By the time I was finished, I was drenched in sweat. I also felt a tingling between my legs. I almost wanted to return to bedroom and pleasure myself; but I didn't. I was accepting the boundaries set by Mistress.

Later, I went back to Lady Margaret's house and made sure everything was spotless. As the afternoon progressed, I started to wonder where they were. I had a drink of water, but since I rarely bothered with lunch, I decided to skip it.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and was startled.

I linked high ponytails to the snobby upper school girls who attempted to wear mini skirts and too-tight blouses. Then, seeing myself, I laughed at my own hypocrisy. Here was I, their headmistress, sporting that exact hairdo, but not even wearing a skirt! And regarding tight blouses, my chest was so tiny that, like Lettie, I didn't often wear one. So, what would those girls I so despised think if they saw me like this? That thought made me tremble with erotic desire.

I heard the car before I saw it. On impulse, I went to the front door and got on my knees, my head lowered, my legs spread wide, and my arms at my side.

"Lettie, this girl really is good. Thank you, you're doing a great job, Piper. But first, stand up and spread your legs."

I stood, facing them. Lettie was in a trendy mini skirt and new red heels; her white linen shirt complemented her complexion.

"You look stunning, dear," I told her.

She rewarded me with a smile.

"So do you."

"Feel Lettie's crotch, she's quite wet, isn't she?"

"Absolutely, Ma'am."

Grinning lustfully, Lettie inserted her hand between my thighs and pressed against my thong.

"She's soaked, Ma'am, and she smells of sweat."

I blushed. That was entirely correct. But did she need to share that publicly? I instinctively pressed my hand against hers. She responded in kind.

"And she's horny, Ma'am."

"Is that true, Piper, are you horny?"

"Yes, Ma'am."```

You've definitely done a fantastic job if you ever crave a change in career, you would make a fantastic housekeeper. Now, it's time for you to take a shower. Lettie will prepare some attires for you to wear once you've finished.

Obediently, I went ahead with what I had been instructed.

This time, I loved the sensation of warm water washing away my perspiration, so I made sure to pay some attention to my genitals, just in case. Why am I even joking? Of course they'd want them!

Once I was dry, I stepped into the en-suite bedroom and conveniently laid out a classic French maid's attire, complete with white lacy underwear and a hat.

I started by rolling up the dark stockings and putting on the garter belt to tie them securely. I then slipped on the panties before slipping into the dress. Of course, it was short, offering a clear view of my bum and stocking tops. The outfit seemed to scream "sex shop attire" at me, leading me to contemplate what other things had been bought for our use. Eventually, I put on the heels and the hat, fastening it in place. Taking a deep breath, I exited the room.

"Oh, mistress, she does look so adorable," Lettie said.

"She does, but I think, Lettie, you might need to provide her with the rest of her costume. Kneel, Piper."

I obeyed and knelt down.

Lettie approached me, her gaze full of adoration. I felt like she was saying that this was not her fault. My hunch about the sex shop had been correct. Lettie fetched a latex hood.

"Take your hat off, Piper."

I removed it.

"Now put your hood on."

I struggled with the hood, eventually putting it over my head. My ponytail fitted through the hole designed for this purpose. I adjusted it so that I could still see. It felt suffocating, and my skin felt warm. I could smell the talcum powder used to make it pliable. I glanced up.

"Pucker your lips, girl." Lady Margaret's voice was stern. I pursed my lips, letting Lettie apply crimson lipstick to them.

"Stand up, girl. Look in the mirror."

I didn't recognize myself. The outfit completely stripped me of my identity. My eyes and a pair of red lips were the only things that were visible. Piper no longer existed.

"From now on, you are Girl. Do you comprehend, girl?" Lady Margaret was less of a questioner and more of a commanding figure.

"Yes, mistress, I do."

"Good. Girl, who is she, Lettie?"

Lettie blushed. "She is Girl, Miss."

"Very timely, I can hear their car arriving. Girl, you will respond to the door and show our visitors inside."

My heart skipped a beat. I was about to be seen in this state by others. Then I remembered, if I couldn't identify myself, no one else could. This endowed me with a strange kind of freedom.

I walked towards the door and opened it. Two women I recognized, one being our governor, Jennifer, were standing there.

"Hello, ladies, Lady Margaret and Miss Lettie are just in there."

They both assessed me with admiring looks.

"This is Girl, girls. She will assist in tidying things up, and help prepare Lettie if necessary, but she is not to be played with, and she is not to be allowed to climax, is that clear, ladies?"

"She's an adorable little thing, and I'm fond of that outfit on her. We understand, Margaret."


"Drink orders to Girl, ladies."

I fetch their chilled white wine and glasses, serving all of them.

When I returned to the room, Lettie was sitting on Donna's lap, receiving kisses. My stomach clenched; my pussy was getting moist.

"Would you like to suck Donna's nipples, Lettie?"

"Please, Donna, may I?"

Donna loosened her blouse, exposing her generous breasts nestled in a red bra.

"Girl, unhook my bra!"

I left the sofa and helped Donna remove her blouse, then undid her bra, releasing her large breasts for Lettie to suck.

I watched as Lettie twisted both of Donna's nipples simultaneously, before sliding down to her knees in front of her. Donna spread her legs wide, giving Lettie unrestricted access.

I watched, intrigued as Lettie kissed upwards along Donna's inner thighs, making Donna moan. She opened her legs even wider, placing them over Lettie's shoulders for better reach. [HowTo:0]

While completely unaware of anything surrounding me, I watched intently as Lettie shifted her thong to one side and began to explore Donna's intimate regions with her lips and tongue. It was when she reached the powerful point of Donna's clitoris, that their eyes met. This encounter was so intense that it triggered a strong sensation within me causing me to want to pleasure myself.

"Feel free to caress Donna's breasts." Suggested Margaret. I obeyed, lightly massaging Donna's large breasts as Lettie continued her excitement-inducing exploration of Donna's lower area.

Behind me, I stood in a state of heightened veneration, witnessing my girlfriend relishing another woman's private parts. Unfortunately, the expectation from Jen and Margaret was for me to aid in Lettie's endeavors instead. With excitement pulsing through me, I instead chose to alleviate Donna's needs, rubbing her breasts, and watching in awe as she inched closer to the climax Lettie was aiming for.

I suddenly felt a swift sting coming from behind me. This was soon followed by another. The stinging feelings drove into my rear and multiplied, but rather than satisfy myself, I hastened to assist the two women in front of me.

"Donna, it's Lettie's wife! Girls, she is the one who was playing with your tits," Jen enlightened Margaret.

"Correct, and she needs her punishment!" Jen's declaration left me in a vulnerable state.

As I continued to massage Donna's breasts, Jen quickly slid my frilly panties down, launching her spanking assault on my cheeks. Overwhelmed by the immense pleasure, I indulged in helping Donna to reach her zenith where Lettie's tongue and fingers propelled her towards the most exquisite climax. With the pain from my ass increasingly turning me on, I was only diminishing in my need for an orgasm.

Jen soon instructed me to pull my panties up, seeing the battery-operated device that Lettie was currently using to reach climax. As Lettie's face was covered in Donna's own essence, Lettie grinned at me. I sesembly returned the gesture.

The four of us shared a moment, when Margaret asked for our opinions.

"It was unbelievable, what a hot experience!" Jen shared.

"Thank you for the invitation," I added.

"I know, you are one hot piece, Girl. Give Lettie a kiss," Margaret suggested.

Moving towards Lettie, I followed Margaret's advice, kissing her as she rotated towards me. The authentic taste of the mixture of Donna's pussy and Lettie's body filled my mouth. The presence of Lettie's tongue in mine, which had just been within Donna's, neared me to climax.

I was ordered to leave the room to prepare a meal. Back in the kitchen, I laid the table and prepared a salad and smoked salmon. After satisfying their hunger, I served our guests and returned to the kitchen to prepare some wine.

The ladies, with the exception of Lettie, ignored my presence as I served them additional courses. Once done, I removed the plates and prepared a melon dish sprinkled with ginger. While I thought it was best to provide our hosts with some rest, there was a certain uneasiness as Jen and Donna openly groped my ass.

Ordered back in by Lady Margaret, I was under instruction to rejoin her and the others. Amidst conversation, I served dessert and created coffee for everyone. Leaving for the kitchen once again, I cleaned up dishware and refreshed my lipstick before serving the coffee.

Upon returning, I knelt beside while they passed their time conversing and took a place on the floor, enjoying the ongoing show in front of me. I slid close to her, whispering,

"This was everything you hoped for, wasn't it, my girl?"

"Yes, mistress," I repeated.

Donna took the strap-on device from Margaret, locking it onto Lettie. Deciding to relinquish her modesty, Lettie got on all fours, facing down and exposing her now inaccessible bottom portion. While Jen occupied herself with Donna, Margaret replaced the harness.

"Get in position, Lettie," instructed Donna.

"Yes, Donna," she complied.

Duty called, but my initial intent was betrayed as they began to display their erotic acts in front of me. Jen and Donna comforted me in our intimate space, wrapping their arms around me as I watched Lettie. Eventually, I left the scene, feeling both dazed and flummoxed, my face veiled as I washed some dishes and prepared to return for the final leg of the night.

Aboard the sexual rollercoaster singled out for my entire being, I was now made aware of both my wanting urgency and the fact that it was prohibited. I tidied up the kitchen before executing my instructions.

My modest, high-ponytailed maiden self returned in impressions, even I could not identify the girl with the high ponytail who had just served the meal to the women. The pondering of my image had me yearning for my own pleasure, but alas, I was barred... I tidied up the kitchen and returned to meet up with the ladies for the remainder of their provocative display.

"Hey there, kiddo! Go down on Donna and grease up her peen."

This felt like some sort of super steamy fantasy come to life. With my vision blurred, I found myself kneeling and doing just that. Donna held me by the hairstring and had her way with my mouth. She took her fortune and shoved into Lettie. Lettie emitted these vocal expressions of delight.

I turned around and saw Jen lying in front of Lettie.

"Eat my nasty pussy, cutie."

Lettie got busy, while Donna pushed harder and faster into Lettie. I watched in a daze. Lettie's vagina created these squelching sounds. Jen was moaning as Lettie's tongue was going to town.

With all this action happening, Mistress called for me.

"Go on, girl, eat my pussy."

In the background, I heard Jen's powerful orgasm and my vision darkened as I latched onto Mistress's plump, wet pussy. I heard Jen's orgasm and felt Mistress's climax rush through her body.

"Alright, turn around."

I obeyed, just as the explosive climax between Lettie and Donna hit its peak.

"Oh Donna, Donna, oh yes, yes, yes!" squealed Lettie, thrusting backward on Donna's cock.

It was like a cloud of erotica had appeared around me. The sight of my girlfriend having two ladies lick and fuck her made my mind go blank. I did everything in my power to stop myself from orgasming.

I could feel my hair being touched.

"Good girl!"

"Thank you, Mistress!"

"You'll be staying in the spare room tonight, next to your old room. Lettie will be there with her lovers, right?"

"Yes, Mistress!"

"Good girl. Lettie's a bit messy, so you'll have to wipe down her cooch with your tongue before she retires with her guy friends."

I lurched across the room to where Lettie was shaking. Her mouth formed the words "I adore you," and I repeated it back. I cleaned Lettie up, her shuddering increased with my every lick.

"Lettie, back here! Both of you ladies, into my bedroom!"

Naked, Lettie stepped into the bedroom to get what was needed for me. I watched her booty wiggle with delight. But it sure as hell didn't feel good for me.

"Take off your maid's getup, but keep on your hood, darling."

I complied, standing in front of these four nude women and the fully dressed Lady Margaret. Lettie passed me two things - a shimmering baby doll nightie that barely covered my butt and a chastity belt.

"Wear them."

I put each one on. The nightie was flimsy and made my stiff nipples more visible. I could feel my moisting pussy. Couldn't I just give in to the throbbing sensation in my crotch? The answer was given by the next item Lettie gifted me - a chastity harness.

"Lock this around her, dear."

Smiling, Lettie helped me put it on, padlocking it into place. Now, not even I could touch my own cunt.

I had to kiss each of the women goodnight before going back to the spare room. Lettie shared a room with Jen, and Donna. I tore off my head piece, which tried to jerk my hair out. I looked in the mirror. This was a girl with a burning red face, gobsmacked lips, sporting a baby doll dress and a chastity belt. Had it been that long since last night? Girls were in the room next door, getting it on with their lovers. And here I was, my hormones raging. Could this be what I yearned for? What was happenin' here, hmm?Text written for: text-generation-14.py I'm here because of this guy

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