Good Spanks Come to Those Who Ask

Husband finally asks wife to spank him and it's fun for both.

Aug 15, 2024
13 min read
spankingGood Spanks Come to Those Who Askconsensualgentle femdomspankedfm spankingf/m spankingfemdomspank
Good Spanks Come to Those Who Ask
Good Spanks Come to Those Who Ask

Good Spanks Come to Those Who Ask

One of the scariest things I have ever done is sharing my interest in spanking with my partner. As a couple, we do not habitually talk about our sexuality, our fantasies, or what we do to please ourselves. That has been mostly my fault, I am always ready to admit. I have never been the greatest of communicators when it comes to matters of the heart and everything below. My love for spanking and other kinky subjects has largely been a secret that I carried around in our relationship. Oh, she has guessed, in that empathic, reassuring way of hers, and we have both carefully initiated some light spanks during sex. We have even, both, gone across each other's lap for a 'massage', with some spanks alternated with a lot of fondling, and that was fun. But that was also a long, long time ago.

One recent morning, though, something happened that led to my opening up. She had just returned from a week-long trip, and we were lounging in bed, with coffee and the newspaper. We had some extra free time, what with one teenager staying with their grandparents for a few nights, and the other already off to their Saturday job. We had cuddled a bit before, and that made me confident enough to, when I re-entered the bed after getting a coffee refill for the both of us, slide across her lap, bum in the air, and stay there for a bit.

"Well?" she inquired laughingly, "what is it you want now, darling?"

Which led me to wiggle my bum at her. Still laughing, she started stroking my back. That was nice, but not what I was after, so after some stroking and massaging, I reached back to take her hand and let it land heavily on my behind. I then wiggled again, more vehemently.

"Oh, that's what you want?" She gave me a half-hearted pat on my left bum cheek.

My head resting on my arms, bum in the air, I let out a sigh, and wiggled again. I was incredibly nervous by this time, not being a strong communicator and never having opened up fully to her, but I was also quite excited and determined to finally try and share a tiny bit of my kinky fantasies with her.

"Spank me?" I inquired.

"Spank you? You are joking, aren't you?"

My heart sank. Was she not up for it? I lifted my upper body to rest on my elbows and looked back at her.

"You did say I deserved a reward for the renovation work I did while you were away. And for running the whole family on my own," I muttered, wiggling my bum again.

She laughed. "And that reward is... a spanking?"

"Yes. To be honest..." I swallowed. Oh well, in for a penny, in for a pound. "...I have been fantasising about it all week. About you giving me a long, hard spanking. Not as punishment though. As a reward."

"Really? All week?" She looked at me in disbelief, hand still absentmindedly stroking my behind, which sent thrills up my spine. "A long, hard spanking?" She bit her lip and seemed to come to a decision. "Oh well, you do have a cute bum." Which, I am proud to say, I think is true. I work out quite a bit, so my calves are toned and my bum is firm and round, not saggy or flat as in many men my age. She is not bad either, with age she has filled out a bit, but her curves are delicious. I would love to get her over my lap for the same treatment, but that would have to wait. This time it was my posterior that was at stake.

"I do have a cute bum. And it needs a sound spanking," I pressed on. I wiggled my behind invitingly again, which created interesting little frictions between my cock and her thighs, and nervous flutters in my stomach.

She sighed. "Alright then. If you think that's what you want, why not. You're going to be spanked, my pet."

"Long and hard?"

"Long and hard."

My heart jumped and she laughed at the size of my grin.

"But first, let me go to the bathroom. You're pressing on my bladder. And shut the window. We don't want the neighbours to hear, do we now? Or is that part of your reward as well?"

I shook my head hurriedly and slid off her lap to close the window. My excitement was now clearly visible from the bulge in my pants. She disappeared for a few minutes which I spent in anxious and lustful anticipation. Would she really spank me?

What had made me to take the initiative and go over her lap so willingly this morning? Well, I have had sexual fantasies about spanking women for as long as I can remember. I have always had a range of sexy daydreams in which I spanked willing women to our mutual sexual pleasure. In the beginning, I found it difficult to accept my kink, especially because my interest was so connected to consensual sex. Most information on spanking I could find in books, magazines, and the internet connected spanking to punishment, humiliation or sadism, which I did not care for at all. Years and years of fantasising had at least led to my privately accepting my interests, if not sharing them with my partners. And it had given me time to develop a whole range of powerfully erotic spanking scenarios, in which I combined my spanking fetish with other interests, such as a fascination for thong underwear and the way they accentuate the female behind, and all kinds of role play.

The years of fantasising also had let me to resolve, in recent months, to finally try and put my fantasies into practice. Since I am a scientist, putting anything to practice means preparation, and knowing what I am talking about. Because how could I possibly dish out a spanking without experiencing first-hand what it feels like, and how much a bum can take? Obviously, people will differ wildly in what they can bear, given physiology and experience, but I know for a fact that I am squeamish, with a low pain threshold. What I could endure, I thought, most likely any play partner could as well.

To find out more I had, with my usual rigour and creativity, devised some self-spanking scenarios. When I was home alone, and with our kids growing up this happened more and more often, I would set a timer for certain chores. For every minute I went over my time limit, I would give myself one spank on each cheek. Looking at a clock while working immediately earned me an additional five spanks per infraction.

At first, this meant only a couple of spanks, which were exciting because of the build-up, but did not do anything at all, not even colour my behind. The chores game did not lead to enough demerits to properly spank myself; more often than not I would finish my chores well within the time limit I had set myself. So I had gone for other methods to rack up a spanking count like throwing dice, or simply counting all the attractive women I saw during a shopping run.

I soon found out that, although my bum turned red very quickly, the redness would subside quickly again as well. And I noticed that I could handle much more than I expected beforehand. Fifty firm swats administered by hand would leave my bum stinging a bit and quite red, but within an hour, all traces would be gone again apart from a faint horny glow that persisted for a while.

I also learned that I would probably never reach my limit by spanking myself. No matter how I tried, I could not really spank myself very hard. There must be some kind of built-in brake, or maybe it was just the impracticality of reaching around and letting my own hand land on my cheeks. Using an implement could have fixed that, but somehow, that did not appeal to me yet. I wanted to stick to the good old hand.

But, most importantly, I soon realised that being a spankee was as much of a turn-on as being a spanker. This insight came as a shock to me because I had always pictured myself as the dominant party in this kind of play. But after a while I got used to the idea, and I kept introducing new elements into my masturbatory experimentation. I had purchased a couple of pairs of thong panties for men, which I sometimes wore when I played. Again with the idea that I could hardly ask of others what I wasn't willing to do myself. I also experimented with anal plugs and found out that while I liked the idea in theory, butt plugs did not do much for me in practice.

That is what brought me here. Years of fantasies and self-play. And here I am now, all ready to try out my new preferences with my partner, but too scared to talk about them. Oh well, straight into action then, and talk later... The flutters in my stomach are palpable as I wait on the bed to go across her lap, bum in the air.

She comes back in and sits down. "I suppose you need to face the other way. I think this works best with my right hand." Always practical, my woman. She moves to the middle of the bed, sitting on top of the duvet, pillows in her back. Her night shirt has ridden up to reveal her smooth thighs. I sigh happily and slide over her lap again, my cock hardening against her legs.

"Wait, can we talk a bit first?"

As usual, she is the smarter one in our relationship. I get up from my comfortable position to rest on my elbows.

"How do you want this?"

I explain to her that she can slap me with her cupped hand, on the fleshy parts of the bum. Or she can spank me with the flat of her hand, palm stretched, fingers together, for a bit more sting. Or she can apply taps with the points of her fingers. And that she can alternate series of spanks with pauses for rubbing and massaging. I even demonstrate the different spanking techniques on myself, as an example.

"How hard can I smack you? And how many spanks do you want?" she asks.

I shrug. "I don't know, why don't you try something and I will tell you if it's too much. Or when I have had enough."

"Alright then. Let's do this." She pulls me back over her lap, which I find incredibly erotic.

I look back at her and tell her "Thank you that you'll do this for me."

She smiles.

She then starts gently rubbing and massaging my behind over my pants and underpants. It feels nice, but I have to stop myself from feeling disappointed. Being spanked over my pijama bottoms is not what I had in mind. In my fantasy, spankings are always on the naked cheeks, often with my other fetish, thong panties, added for 'modesty' -- or better framing. In my fantasy, she would have commanded me to strip, or ordered me to pull down my pants. Or she would have unceremoneously yanked them down, without discussion. I would have loved all three options, but of course, she has as little experience in how to do this as I have. I hesitantly move my hands to the hem of my pants and I give them a little tug, indicating that they should come off.

"Oh, do you want this on the bare?" she asks, and I can only nod. I rest my head on my arms again and raise my hips as she pulls off my pants and then my underpants. She laughs out loud as she frees my hard cock. "Oh, look, someone is having fun already!"

I lay down again, positioning myself over her knees, with a sense of relief: she does not seem to be offended by my arousal. That is good.


I have hardly retaken my place over her lap, naked cock pressed against her thighs, as the first blow lands on my now bare bottom. It is a soft smack, but it is a start.

My head rests on my arms, eyes closed, as I try to relax, while simultaneously utterly aware of my position. Smack, rub, smack, rub, she begins gently spanking my behind. I moan lightly to state my approval and wiggle my bum again.

"Harder?" she asks.

"Yes please, harder", I moan, and she obliges, giving me a couple of firmer smacks on each cheek, then again pausing to massage my bum and thighs.

I moan louder as her massaging hand goes in between my legs. "Oh you naughty horny man", she laughs, and gives me a couple of *SLAP* *SLAP* *SLAP* *SLAP* hard, resounding smacks on my bum.

"Yes!" I agree, and wiggle my bum again, happy that she has now reached a level of firmness I desire, which is indeed harder than I spank myself.

"Oh, this hard, eh? O--kay", I hear her mumble.

I let my head rest on my arms and concentrate fully on the sensations in my nether regions. The slow SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! of her palm alternating between my reddening cheeks. Her hand pausing, rubbing, massaging and stroking the sting away. I love how she takes her sweet time doing this, not rushing anything, leaving at least a couple of seconds between each smack. I love how she delivers her spanks to different parts of my bottom, with lots of attention for the sit spot. I also love that I notice that she seems to be enjoying herself as well.

Another, now faster and sharper, series of spanks. Again, a pause in which the warmth dissipates across my bottom. Yet another slap, slap, slap. The feeling of my now painfully erect cock, rubbing against her thighs with each spank. And, especially, the stinging heat that is developing in my posterior.

Oh my god this is hot, in every sense of the word. My hips buck and writhe, to rub my cock against her legs, but also to meet her hard spanks.





I briefly look up, which immediately makes her pause the spanking. I appreciate her attentiveness, but that was not what I had in mind. On the contrary. I only now notice that when I look up a bit, I can see myself in our bedroom door mirror. My face is flushed, but not half as flushed as my behind which I can just see, raised up in the air as it is by her thighs. I wiggle my behind again, a sexy sight and a horny feeling, and manage to croak "harder, please..."

SMACK! "Oh..." I moan with each spank now. In the mirror, I see her hand landing on my behind, the horniest sight ever. Rub, massage, some swift hard spanks. My incoherent moaning and writhing. Rub, rub, massaging the stricken areas. Spanks again. Smack! Smack! All I can do is lie down, head resting on my arms again, and take it. I have now reached that stage where my behind seems to solely consists of a hot glow and I hardly register the individual spanks anymore. Smack! Rub... Smack! Rub... Smack! Smack! Smack!

After what seems an eternity, but must have been around ten minutes of solid spanking, with at least a hundred firm smacks on each buttock, I raise my upper body and try to move away. She has spanked me harder than I have ever spanked myself. The spanking still feels hot and part of me doesn't want it to stop just yet, but I am afraid I will very soon hit my limit. She takes the hint immediately and stops smacking, letting her hand rest in the small of my back to indicate I can relax.


"Yes..." I manage to moan, slightly out of this world.

She carefully, lightly caresses my bright red bum. I need a couple of minutes to come to my senses again, my head buried in my arms, my bottom slowly moving under her light touches but also to slightly rub my cock against her smooth thighs.

Finally, I come up for air. "Wow... That was... Wow... That was so hot..."

I must look incredibly flustered, face almost as red as my bum. "Thank you.... That was the most erotic thing..."

"Yeah, I can tell," she laughs, looking pointedly at my fully erect cock.

"Thank you... May I..." I was going to ask if I could, please, masturbate, but I thought I had noticed that she weren't entirely turned off by the whole scene herself. Maybe, if I play my cards right, "May I... Suck you? I mean... Your clit... Your pussy?"

I take her hand, her spanking hand, and kiss her hot palm again and again, as if trying to prove my obedience and prowess. "Well, okay, I guess?" she says hesitantly. All this has been ages ago and it's not as if we've been communicating openly about our sex life or the lack of it. So I admire her for taking all this risk with me.

She pulls down her underwear and spreads her legs, night shirt now fully crept up, revealing her smooth thighs and vulva. When I move my head in place and start gently kissing and licking her, kissing her upper thighs and lips, every now and then lightly circling her clit, I notice right away why she wasn't entirely opposed to my proposal. She is already quite wet. This sends shivers of happiness throughout my body. The risk I took has been worth it. It wasn't just sexy for me to undergo the spanking, it was also sexy for her to have me lying across her lap, bottom bared, all vulnerable and at her control, waiting for her hand to punish and pleasure me.

I have to force myself not to touch my cock, I feel I might come very quickly if I started playing with myself and that is not what I want, yet. I lick and suck and notice her breathing becoming ragged and her moans louder. All the while, I relish in the hot stinging glow emanating from my behind.

I imagine her view of myself, face between her thighs, licking and sucking vehemently, pants at half-mast and my red bum stuck in the air.

"Please," she moans, "please..." I keep going. She pulls my head away with her hands and moans "please, fuck me!"

I slide on top of her and my throbbing cock glides easily in her warm, wet pussy. Miraculously, I manage to hold out for minutes of faster and faster fucking, grabbing her arse cheeks with my hands and kissing her. Even when I feel her orgasm building up, with spasms going through her pussy, I manage to hold off my own climax.

Only when she starts spanking me while I fuck her, I cannot take it anymore, and I come in hot wet spurts. We lie together for ages, spent and satisfied, me relishing the hot glow in my behind, until she asks "What was that all about? Care to explain?"

I start to talk, but she shushes me, disappearing briefly to pick up some cream. She lays beside me as I lay on my stomach, head resting on my arms again, bottom exposed, but this time her ministrations are of a totally different character, as she caresses my behind with the soothing creme.

And that's when I tell her everything: the fantasies, the self-spanking challenges, the explorations.

"A thong? You?" she exclaims in disbelief. "Anal plugs?"

"Yes, but not my thing."

"My, my." I guess we have a lot of catching up to do.

  1. Recalling our recent morning, I was surprised at my audacity to ask for a 'long and hard spanking' as a reward.
  2. As a part of our consensual exploration of female dominance, we engaged in a gentle femdom scenario where she spanked me firmly and deliberately.
  3. I had been fantasizing about f/m spanking for a long time, and my partner's willingness to consider it was a significant turning point in our relationship.
  4. Our experimentation with spanking has become an integral part of our consensual, erotically charged relationship, making 'Good Spanks Come to Those Who Ask.'

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