Grasping the Tentacles

A curious submissive meets her Dom.

Jul 17, 2024
18 min read
dominantsubmissivetentaclesGrasping the Tentaclescollardungeon
Grasping the Tentacles
Grasping the Tentacles

Grasping the Tentacles

Leeanna had good reasons to celebrate. She had just turned 21, her coming of age to full adulthood. She could now drink legally and be a big girl in every way. The go-getter had also just received a promotion at work, giving her greater responsibility with a substantial raise in pay. She had become a salaried manager with opportunities to rise further if she worked hard. As a result, she put a deposit down for a new apartment on the riverbank with a scenic view of the mountains. Things were looking up, and she felt happy about life.

So when her friend Kristy asked her to go clubbing on Saturday night, Leeanna readily agreed to party. They occasionally went out together, although Leeanna did feel that Kristy was immature and lacking in common sense.

"Where are we going?"

"There's a new pub downtown called The Tentacles. I hear it's pretty good. They have a band on the weekends, dancing, lots of cute guys. We gotta check it out!"

"Okay! I'm game!"

The bar was hopping. Word had gotten around quickly that The Tentacles was a hot new place to hang out and have fun. Most of its clientele was under thirty, but it also attracted its share of the older crowd. Leeanna was sitting at the bar by herself for a few as Kristy wandered around. A young guy wearing sky blue pants and a bile green low-cut shirt sat next to her:

"Are you my appendix? I don't know what you do or how you work, but I feel like I should take you out."

Leeanna smiled weakly as the dolt laughed at his own stupidity. He couldn't stop himself from trying again:

"Is it hot in here, or is it just you?" he asked as he looked at Leeanna's chest. The moron repulsed her. He looked her age but came across as an adolescent rube. The annoyed girl was trying to find the right words to semi-politely tell him to fuck off when suddenly she felt a strong presence. Glancing in the bar mirror, she saw a man standing behind her, looking down at her. It gave her the excuse she needed to turn on her stool.

When she slid around to face him, the tall, handsome stranger greeted her: "Hello there!"

As their eyes met, she immediately felt the power in his captivating gaze and charismatic smile. He looked older, more experienced, worldly, and to Leeanna's eyes, gorgeous. She was momentarily stunned before uttering a sheepish: "Hi."

The dark-haired man responded by gradually widening his smile, acknowledging her nervousness with a teasing joy. Leeanna bit into her lower lip while blushing slightly. She was awestruck, and she knew it showed.

He reached out to slide a finger gently across Leeanna's cheek while continuing to look into her eyes. There was a tension building that she found exhilarating. He broke the silence:

"Welcome to The Tentacles, my name is..."

"Michael, yes indeed, your name is Michael. And I see you've met Leeanna, my friend." Kristy had returned. Michael was a buddy of her oldest brother. "Did she tell you it's her birthday? Yeah, she just turned 21."

"Really?" Michael's face lit up. "Is that right?"

Leeanna nodded.

"Well then, that's cause for a celebration." He motioned for the bartender, who came quickly. "Charlie, bring over two shots of Van Winkle 25."

Within a minute, Charlie returned with two crystal shot glasses and carefully filled them from a bottle of Old Rip Van Winkle 25-Year-Old Kentucky Bourbon.

"Hmm... this must be special stuff."

"Yes, it is. Five a shot."

"Pfft... what's so special about that, then?"

"$500 a shot, little girl, that's what's so special."

This present was out of Leeanna's league. She could not imagine a bottle worth $500, never mind a shot. And his calling her "little girl" knocked her off balance. But she liked that he did, very much so. It gave her a warm, secure feeling like he was protecting and teaching her. She wanted this guy but was unsure how to play it out.

"That's crazy! You can't spend that kind of money on a shot, even if it is my birthday."

"I'm not spending anything. I own the bottle, I own the bar. I share at my pleasure. And my pleasure is to have a toast with you on your 21st."

His sophistication excited her. She grinned as she continued looking into his eyes. They tapped glasses before tasting the top-shelf whiskey. He stopped halfway, so she did, too.

"What do you think?"

"Uhm... it's delicious, sir."

He laughed. "That's so refreshing! A connoisseur would never describe fine bourbon as "delicious." One might say, "It has a delightful panache with slight hints of cherry and a whisper of patchouli. Perfectly aged and very well balanced."

"Are all connosieurs poets?"

He laughed hard again. Leeanna was beaming inside as she saw she was scoring points.

"To you, Leeanna! Happy Birthday!" He threw the rest of the shot down in one quick motion, which the birthday girl quickly copied. The two smiled at each other.

A moment later, there was a commotion on the dance floor. A fight had broken out, and there was a danger of it spreading as several people exchanged curses and threats. Michael bolted toward the action. To Leeanna's dismay, she didn't get to speak with Michael again, as owning a bar can make for a busy job on a Saturday night.


Leeanna was a habitual masturbater, a sex addict who awarded Michael the starring role in her fantasies every night for the next week. He was living in her head. She replayed the act of looking into his eyes repeatedly, but in her visions, the connection went much further. She had a thing for authoritative older men, and he fit the mold perfectly. He was successful and attractive, with a distinct bad-boy edge that intrigued her. At night, in the dark, she would hump her pillow, grinding her pussy against it, imagining this dreamy man screwing her. And she wondered if he might be discreetly into bdsm. She had spent many an hour viewing S&M videos on X-rated sites. They excited her. She would watch and imagine herself in the place of the girls in the scenes. These cravings never came out in real life as she didn't believe she could ever connect with someone with whom she could share these needs. But in her dreamy headrushes in the dead of night, she pulled Michael into her masochistic fantasies.

These hidden desires compelled her to seek him out again.

"Krissy, let's go to the Tentacles again on Saturday."

"Hey, yeah, that's a good idea, it's a really cool place. Yeah, I wanna go too. And that guy, Michael, the owner, is pretty hot! I think I may make a play for him."

"You do, and I'll rip your fucking head off!"

"Whoa, girlfriend, relax! I'm just teasing. You're so sensitive sometimes! I know he's on your radar and I'll stay away. Besides, he's too old, Leeanna. He must be pushing 40. That kind of thing ain't for me."

"Well, it might be for me. We'll see."

The Tentacles was rocking again on Saturday night. The dance floor was crowded, and the drinks were flowing. Leeanna found a stool at the bar near where she had met Michael the week before. She looked around, hoping to see him, but he was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, she felt a presence, and again, like the first time, he was standing behind her.

"Hello, Leeanna."

"Hi, Michael."

"It's good to see you again. I was hoping you'd come back."

"Yeah, well, Kristy asked me if I wanted to go again. I had a good time last week, so, yeah, here I am."

"Would you like a drink? It won't be Van Winkle, but I'm sure we can find a good label for you."


"Charlie,... Charlie, bring us two tumblers on ice of Johnny Walker blue, please."

The barkeep quickly brought over a bottle and started pouring. Leeanna watched as the liquor drowned the crackling ice cubes. Michael raised his glass, making a motion to clink that Leeanna followed up on. The first sip of the whiskey went down smoothly with a silky warmth.

"Is it as delicious as the Van Winkle?"

"Well, it has hints of spicy cinnamon preceded by tones of black pepper. I think it is an exquisite combination of disparate tastes. All in all, not bad."

Michael cracked up laughing. "You're learning quickly!" He touched Leeanna's cheek again. "You're an amazing girl. It's hard to believe you just turned 21. You seem older than your years. More mature."

Leeanna blushed slightly. She felt a charge inside, thinking she was making ground with her prey. "Thank you. I'm just me. I like being young but I like learning from more experienced people too. Can I ask you about the medallion you're wearing? It's really beautiful."

"Yes, it's my favorite piece. It's a Greek tetradrachm from about 450 BC. It's silver. You can see the owl on the front, representing wisdom and experience. On the back is Apollo, the most sensual of the Greek gods."

Leeanna reached out to touch it, carefully examining each side. "It's really beautiful, sir."

"Yes, and it's also symbolic, in modern times anyway, of a Dominant."

"A dominant?"

"Yes, a male Dominant. That's a secret that I don't tell too many people."

"Well, you're secret's safe with me. My lips are sealed."

"I hope not permanently."

Leeanna giggled while blushing again. She was melting inside.

"Since you know a secret about me, you need to tell me one about you."

The young woman was ready with a well-practiced response. She gazed at him with an innocent look bolstered by her big blue eyes looking directly into his: "I'm a virgin."

Michael reached out to stroke her cheek again as he looked deep into the windows of her soul. Leeanna felt the strength of the intimacy. She had him, and she knew it. She smiled a subtle smile that she knew he would interpret as an invitation.

"Hey Mike, we got a problem over here. Some clown charged up $600 in drinks for him and his pals, and his credit card declined. He's making a scene. Can you help out?"

"Okay, Jake, I'll be there in a minute."

He looked at Leeanna. "Sorry, little girl, but I gotta take care of business. The Oktoberfest is going on at the Park Strip tomorrow. Can you meet me at the statue of Franklin Pierce at 1 o'clock and maybe we can check out the festival together?"

"Sure. I'd love to do that."

"Okay, I'll see you there."

The young girl was overjoyed. She swallowed the rest of her drink in one quick gulp.


Leeanna spent nearly three hours getting ready on Sunday morning. She knew she had the tools to assert herself and get the prize she wanted: sex with Michael. The good-looking entrepreneur was bold, successful, sexy, and mysterious, and he was a self-described Dominant, a label that fascinated this curious young woman. Maybe this older guy could introduce her to a few things. He had to be interested; otherwise, why would he have told her his "secret"? And she did not doubt that her secret had gotten attention. It always did.

She put on a tight black top with just a hint of cleavage showing. The agnostic put a small silver cross and chain around her neck to add to her innocent look. This subtle touch contrasted with the red skirt with no panties underneath for a sensual feel. After putting on her black leather heels, she was ready to go.

Michael kept her waiting purposefully, although she had no way of knowing that. He was working on a plan, too. The experienced Dom arrived at the statue at 1:25, late enough to raise Leeanna's anxiety level but timely enough to assuage it. The pair walked along the parkway, enjoying each other's company while getting to know each other. They stopped at a tent serving Greek cuisine, tossing down a couple of shots each of ouzo, a liquor new to Leeanna. She got a quick low-level buzz from the potent drink.

The next stop was a leather boutique that specialized in clothing and gear related to horseback riding. They admired several well-made saddles and jackets before Michael came to a rack of riding crops. He pulled a few out, flexing and enthusiastically swinging them through the air to produce a whipping sound. Leeanna stood back a few feet, grinning at the obvious pleasure he was having.

"Which one should I get, Leeanna?"

"I don't know anything about them, so I can't choose. What would you need it for?"

"I own a horse. I keep her at a stable in the country. I need a new crop to keep her in line when I'm riding her."

"Wow! That's cool. I've never ridden a horse. What's her name?"


"Like the White Tornado?"

"No, little girl, like the Greek warrior."

The allusion was foreign to Leeanna, but again, his addressing her as "little girl" gave her a tingly feeling. It came across authoritatively as though he was correcting her. She liked it.

Before leaving the event, they stopped at one last booth where a couple was selling old coins and other artifacts, many rescued from treasures brought up from the bottom of the sea. They looked around, admiring some interesting items before walking outside into the park.

"Leeanna, stop for a minute and close your eyes."

She did. Michael stood behind her and fastened a leather necklace with a silver O-ring attached around her neck. The girl gasped when she saw it.

"Wow. It's really neat. I like it. What's the story behind it?"

"It's a piece of Celtic coinage, from around the third century BC. The Celts used rings of various sizes and metals as money. They also used them in religious ceremonies so there is a mystical aspect to the ring too; it is not just a materialistic token."

"Thank you, Michael. I like it. You make me feel special."

"You are special. And one other thing, your medallion is like mine in that it too has a hidden symbolism."

"And what might that be?"

"An O-ring worn around the neck represents submission."

Leeanna's heart was pounding, but she didn't want her excitement to show through. She tried to make her reply seem nonchalant: "Well, I guess it matches up with your medallion very nicely."

"Exactly, little girl. Exactly." He looked into Leeanna's eyes as she smiled at him. "Listen, my house is only a few blocks away. Would you like to visit and maybe have a drink?"

"I'd love to."

The relaxed couple sipped cognac on the deck at Michael's house as they watched a colorful sunset against the backdrop of Mount Hood. Each felt their desire for passion rising, and both knew they were heading in that direction.

"Would you like to see the rest of the house?"


Michael led Leeanna through the ten rooms of the upper-class manor before inviting her down a wooden staircase in the back of the house that led into a dimly lit cavernous room with high walls. Michael flipped a switch that turned on fluorescent black lights around the perimeter of the ceiling and an overhead chandelier that emitted red light diffused through ruby crystals. With the illumination, Leeanna could see the extensive collection of leather floggers, whips, paddles, and crops hanging neatly from the east wall, along with metal handcuffs, chains, colored ropes of various thicknesses, and other implements and devices for which Leeanna did not know the purpose. Large mirrors covered the other three walls and the ceiling above a king-size brass bed positioned on top of a raised platform that required climbing seven steps to reach. The bedspread was bright red with black pillows randomly strewn around it. There were two tie-down benches and a massage table with rails above it for backwalking. In the corner was an eight-foot marble statue of Apollo, hands behind his head, displaying his muscular body with a fierce erection. The scents of sandalwood and frankincense filled the air, as did the aura of sex on a wholly different level.

Leeanna was stunned. She had never seen anything like it. She took a couple of steps back, looking around. Fear hit her, as did the thought of running.

"How do you like my dungeon? I've put a lot of thought and work into it."

"I don't know." The scared girl looked at Michael, seeking reassurance. She was frightened but hoping for a way to transform her terror into excitement, but the path to get there wasn't clear. She adored Michael, but could she trust him to this extent?

"Would you like to leave?"

"No, Sir."

"Good, I don't want you to." The Dominant held out the riding crop he had purchased at the fair, holding the tip under her chin. "You know, Leeanna, I don't own a horse."

She looked at him again with a quizzical look in her eyes.

"I lied to you." He smacked a nearby post with the crop. Leeanna shuddered noticeably. "So now, tell me why did you lie to me?"

"Sir,... I... I don't know what..."

"Why did you lie to me?" He again whacked the post.

"I... I... "

"Goddammit, Leeanna, why did you lie to me about being a virgin?" He smashed the crop two times into a table with great force, producing a loud sound reverberating throughout the room. Leeanna jumped back, crouching in fear, trying to answer.

"Sir, I..."

"Tell me!"

Kristy hit the floor, sliding back on her ass, taking a defensive posture with her hands raised. She remained silent, unable to speak.

"You're leaving right now! Get up!"

"NO! I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE!" the frantic girl shrieked before getting to her feet. The time had come to confess what she knew she could no longer hide.

"Sir, I did lie to you. I have been very attracted to you since the second we met. I think about you all the time. I've wanted to have sex with you. I told you I was a virgin to make me more appealing to you, so that you would want me more. I'm sorry, Sir. If you want to throw me out, I understand." A few tears flowed down her cheeks, as often happens when a guilty party reveals the truth.

"I see. How many times have you used this virgin ploy before?"

The freshly revealed, not-so-innocent girl hesitated. He was tearing her secrets to shreds, leaving her exposed and vulnerable. She wanted to lie again to stay safe, but with lengthy seconds passing, he knew she was trying to think of a way to escape.

"I don't know why I'm wasting my time on you, you little bitch. You seem to..."

"Nineteen times, Sir. Nineteen times."

"Nineteen times! My! You keep careful track, do you? You know, Leeanna, I bet if we were to look up the definitions of "virgin" and "whore" in the dictionary, we might find that you are far closer to being a whore than a virgin. Do you agree?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good! It's nice to have the truth come out. The truth will set you free. And I must tell you that you greatly misjudged me, Leeanna, for the truth is that I am far more fond of experienced sluts than I am of virgins."

Leeanna smiled slightly. With her fake good-girl persona stripped away, she felt real and ready to shelve her fears.

"Do you still want to have sex with me?"

"Yes, more than ever, Sir."

"Are you willing to submit to me?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Do you want love or pain, or both?"

Leeanna looked up into Michael's eyes. "Sir, I'm hoping for love but deserve pain, so I want both."

"Very well, then. You will get both. Undress for me."

The curious woman who had always secretly wanted to experiment with submission had reached the point of no return. She knew that if she took the next step, she would be all in, unable to say no to whatever followed. After a brief hesitation, she started to undo the buttons on her top.

"No. I did not say: "Take your clothes off." I said: "Undress for me."

The girl understood. She stopped and rebuttoned before slowly and methodically unhooking the buttons while gazing into Michael's eyes with an adoring look. It was showtime. She felt a sudden confidence that propelled her to take great pride in exposing her body to this exciting older man who was seducing her in a novel way that made her hunger for more. After removing her top, she held it to the side, dropping it to the floor as if she never intended to pick it up again. She posed with her breasts thrust forward after throwing her bra across the room. When her skirt dropped to the floor, she kicked it aside, spreading her legs to let the Dom see what he was getting. The girl was buzzing with desire. She wanted everything that was coming, no matter what it was.

"Leave the stockings and the heels on. Walk around a bit. Let me see you move."

Again, she understood, strutting, tempting her man with her allure, showing him she was willing to give him all.

"Stop! Go over and put your hands flat, high on the mirror."

Without hesitation, Leeanna obeyed.

"Now, let's try out the new crop. We can break it in on your ass. Twelve smacks is a good start."

Michael came down hard with the leather-tipped riding crop, which whistled through the air with a distinctive whipping sound before connecting with the tender white flesh of Leeanna's cheeks. Looking in the mirror, she saw each swing coming her way until the burn caused her to close her eyes. It hurt. But there was no doubt that the pain was arousing to her. Every swat on her butt was felt in her pussy. The Dom knew that he had found a true spanko, a natural pain slut who would come alive with an ass beating. He became excited watching her squirming slightly with every stroke, making an effort to take it to show her submission to him fully. Upon completing the twelve, he rubbed the pink-toned skin softly with his fingers before pulling a black leather paddle off the wall rack.

"Twelve. Do not close your eyes this time!"

The Dominant laid in with the leather. The submissive twitched with each hit, gasping and moaning as the paddle landed with increasing force, but she made sure to obey the command to watch. The dynamic fascinated her. She loved the fact that he was taking pleasure from spanking her. The more she received, the more she wanted. The pain gave her a buzz, a rush of endorphins that felt oh-so-good. For years, she had been curious about receiving such discipline; now she understood why.

"Turn around!"

As soon as she was facing him, Michael pinned her against the mirror, pressing into her with his hand tight around her throat. He kissed her, easily forcing his tongue between her lips. His left hand squeezed her breast hard. Leeanna completely surrendered to the onslaught, loving every second, knowing she was safe with this powerful man.

"Turn around!"

Grabbing her hair with one hand, he smashed the other into her ass twelve times while pulling her head back toward him, entrancing her with a deliciously helpless feeling. As she leaned against the mirror, Michael put a collar and leash on her.

"Get down on your knees and crawl around the room!"

As she followed his command, he whipped her twelve times with long leather strands that raised red welts on her now bruised skin. He followed up with a flogger with thin rubber tassels, followed by another paddle, and then a wider crop. The beatings were without mercy, but in between the Dom provided his girl with loving touches that brought her to ecstasy. Leeanna lost her sense of reality. She was in a space where there was no thought, only sensation. After 120 swats with ten different implements, Michael prepared for the crescendo.

"Look at your ass in the mirror."

Leeanna was shocked by what she saw. The girl was proud of her ass with its pronounced curves and soft velvety skin that she knew attracted the eyes and attention of many men. But now, she barely recognized it, for the flesh was inflamed with red welts, bruises, swollen black areas, broken skin, and multicolored patches of distress. Her butt was on fire, but despite the pain, she smiled because she found the experience to be liberating. She felt giddy like she was floating in the air without a care in the world. Her mind, usually wrapped up in worries about the future or regrets of the past, was focused on the here and now. She felt happy and grateful to her Dom.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"It is your decision when to stop, Sir."

Michael placed a large sheet of sandpaper on a wooden table near the far end. "Lie down on the table with your ass on the paper and your legs spread wide."

The sub obeyed without thinking. The sandpaper was coarse, so it was imperative to stay still, but that became difficult when Michael buried his face in her pussy, going after her like no man had ever done before. He attacked her most sensitive areas with an onslaught of sucking, licking, and rubbing that launched the receptive girl into the most powerful orgasms of her life. They kept coming in a long series of convulsions that wracked her body from head to toe as her lover pressed harder into her. She writhed on the sandpaper, the friction tearing and melting her skin, but the pain only seemed to raise her higher on her mountaintop of pleasure. When the intensity of her screaming seemed to be waning, the master of the session withdrew.

"Get up on the table in the doggie position. I'm going to make your pussy mine."

The moment she was in position, Michael mounted her. Grabbing her long hair, he pulled her back hard on the upstroke of his cock to slam into her pussy with the most force possible. It was a savage, primal fuck that sent both of them into states of consciousness that defy description. The sweat-soaked couple expended energy in a hurricane of passion that rocked them to the core. Leeanna blacked out in the throes of pure bliss when she felt her Dom ejaculating inside her. The two collapsed on the table in a heap, striving to get air as their heartbeats calmed from the astronomical rates of their exertion.

Leeanna spent the night, grateful to lie in her lover's arms in his luxurious king-size bed on the pedestal in his dungeon. Before falling asleep, she pushed the tetradrachm around his neck into the silver circle of her O-ring, where it slid through with fine precision.

  1. As Leeanna admired Michael's medallion, she couldn't help but notice the 'dominant' symbolism it conveyed, aligning with her secret fascination with BDSM.
  2. Upon arriving at Michael's house, Leeanna was gifted a collar with a silver O-ring, signifying a symbol of submission, which she found both thrilling and intriguing.
  3. In the comfortable atmosphere of Michael's house, Leeanna began to explore her submissive persona with the dominant Michael, ready to delve deeper into the world of BDSM.

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