Taboo Sex

Guilty Rhythm Chapter 2: Musical Shame Confession

At the wedding, Hadi found Avery kneeling down.

May 21, 2024
22 min read
age gapgroup sexGuilty Rhythm Ch. 02porn with plotdark eroticapublic sexsize differencebukkakedark romance
Guilty Rhythm Ch. 02
Guilty Rhythm Ch. 02

Guilty Rhythm Chapter 2: Musical Shame Confession

Note: This is a dark romance erotica featuring sex scenes, but they're not the main focus of the story. Some chapters may not have sex at all.

Warning: The following text contains trigger warnings.

Heads-up for Chapter 2: group sex, public sex, blowjobs, casual sex, mild racism, verbal abuse.

In Act 1: The Wedding

Chapter 2

The most bothersome thing about it was how stunning they appeared together.

Bonny's flawless frame showcased in her pressed white tulle skirt, looking like a fairy in the midst of the colossal Yasser.

Yasser, who had swapped his tux for a dazzling all-white suit, equipped with gloves and strands of thread tied through his short black hair, giving off a regal vibe of a mythical prince.

They completed their first dance with panting smiles and an affectionate kiss that still caused a familiar ache in Avery's heart. However, the sensation had become tolerable, which he had grown accustomed to and practiced ignoring so he wouldn't be forced to view the image.

Avery sipped his sparkling white wine, but with multiple bottles consumed by this time, the bubbles held no appeal.

"I appreciate your efforts," Avery commented cynically, fixing his gaze on the drink. "You've never acknowledged my accomplishments, Teresa."

She wrinkled her nose, a trademark expression reserved only for him when no one was looking. "You're still my son."

"No," Avery spat, midway through a generous sip. "You are not."

She hitching up her sapphire-blue shawl, as if he might infect her from his mere presence, perched on the sofa beside him. "You've upheld your reckless behavior for the most part. Your sister embraces progress, but you know about entering a mixed-cultural family and the compulsory restrictions."

Avery bit back a snicker, his gaze shifting towards the people cutting loose on the dance floor. "I've put on quite the performance for Yasser's family. They adore me." Bitterness flared in his voice, drawing a sympathetic flinch from his mother, which made him feel guilty. With an exasperated scowl, he shook his head and waved his glass in her direction. "The party's full of gay supporters. I didn't arrive with an escort to look respectable. I did that because of who I am, clearly. Thanks for the validation."

He admired her scrunched eyebrows and lips pinched tightly before her eyes softened with repressed sympathy. "I'm sure you gathered the guests' consent before spouting such vulgarity."

His chest tightened as the memory of the painful emotions coursed through his veins.

The sentence was deliberately mean-spirited, yet he couldn't resist reacting. "Is that a concern now that you're joining two culturally diverse families?"

His mother's expression morphed into disgust. Her voice turned ugly too. "Why don't you grow up, you may be my son, but you're not upper crust enough for a marriage into one of the prominent families?"

Avery felt weak. Biting his tongue, he let out a laugh, a deflective strategy he'd perfected during his childhood as a coping mechanism. "Don't worry, Mom; I'm not planning on asking for anyone's hand in marriage. I'd settle for them recognizing me as something more than less."

Her tough exterior succumbed, and her puppy-like eyes showed a subtle shift of shame as her lips Section 2.1 iOS Development for Beginners.

"I hope you're referring to my lack of a gay companion to strut my colors for the wedding." He shot her an exasperated look. "I didn't show up by myself because I wanted to be chaste. I'm unlovable, obviously."

The woman's tone softened. "You've always been a wild card, Avery."

He should've walked away then, but his resolve was bound to his plan to shut her up and make her regret all the cruel things she had done to him.

So, he stayed. Clenching his jaw, he surveyed his wine glass, and then glanced at her bitterly. "We have different interpretations of family, you and I."

Raising her eyebrows, a rare display of her emotions, she queried, "Who is your family now, Avery?" Adopting a fake tone of pity, she vamped up her lips. "Is it Yasser?"

Avery followed the pointed glimpse of her eyes towards the dance floor where Yasser was swirling Bonny around while the crowd admired the performance.

She said with a soft "Aww," "But he has a real family now. Notice the difference between friends and family - if you abandon your family, they'll be there waiting for you when you turn around. But friends?" She clicked her tongue and shook her head. "They move on."

He finished gulping down the last sip of his drink. Silently, he turned and walked towards the exit.

"Hey, don't be so dramatic," Mom said after him.

"Yo!" Yasser's voice echoed through the room. "Avery, where are you rushing off to, dude?"

Avery tried to smirk but it was a struggle. It took him two attempts to create a smile that didn't immediately fall apart. Then he turned back and dismissed Yasser with a waive. "I'm just stepping out for a moment. I'll be right back."

Yasser looked sceptical and stayed by the edge of the dance floor. He watched intently for a moment, trying to decipher the underlying message, then he chased after Avery. "No."

Avery grit his teeth through the forced smile. "What do you mean, no?"

"You're not going anywhere."

"Of course I'm not leaving," Avery managed a laugh. "You're a complete prick, but I'm not running away on your wedding day."

"You didn't even greet me."

"I did."

Yasser shook his head, bridging the space between them. With a tight grip on Avery's shoulder, he hugged him forcefully. "No, you didn't. If you had, I'd be thrilled you were talking to me again and would hug the crap out of you." He then hugged him hard, causing Avery's ribs to ache. At first Avery hugged back but soon switched to patting him frantically. "Alright, alright, stop breaking all my fucking bones!"

Yasser released his grip but lingered his hands on, pressing Avery's suit and tussling his hair. "Alright, good." He offered a lopsided grin. "Now, ditch the wallowing and start mingling. Kareem wants to chat with you."

With an exhausted, sarcastic snort, Avery glanced around the room, looking for Yasser's friends.

Kareem? I vaguely remember him coming out, but we never really got along. Kareem went through a lot of effort to land where he is now. I had my own ways, mostly by serving on my knees, and there's a certain kind of footballer who doesn't associate with "slut energy".

But if he wants to fuck, he could use a twenty-minute distraction.

But as he searched the room, there were instead the piercing eyes of Hadi that captured his attention. No matter that he was hidden in the shadows behind the DJ booth, conversing with Avery's father, the glint in his eyes and his bold, invigorating smile pulled Avery to him like a dying star.

"He asked me to convince you to talk to him..." Yasser muttered to himself. "Uh, talk you up... To chat you up, right? Make him sound awesome?"

Avery shrugged and pulled his gaze away from Hadi. A desire to look back kept warring with him like a potential black hole in his spinal cord. "I'm not too sure. I barely scraped by with my teachers - can't expect me to know words." Yasser chuckled, lifted his arms to a wide gap, and announced like a loud theatre voice, "You won't believe this, but it's huge."

Laughs and whispers pinged around the room, accompanied by disapproving stares from the older and more formal guests.

Avery arched his brows playfully in amazement. He let out an impressed, low whistle. "Whoa. That's like, what, two feet?"

"Exactly that, matey." Yasser twirled a finger in the air. "And about a mile in circumference, more or less."

Avery chuckled. "Really?" He scanned the area until he spotted Kareem-tall, dark, and muscular from years on football fields and surf boards. Kareem's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as his friends around him snickered and mumbled at him. "You know, I've been considering running in the morning."

"Perfect! You can do laps." Yasser displayed a wide grin and yelled out, "Hey Kareem! I scored! I wing-manned!"

Kareem coughed, glanced nervously at Avery, then sardonically responded, "Yeah. Thanks. You're the best."

Yasser screwed up his nose and refocused his attention on Avery. "Aw. I don't think he's too grateful." And with Avery nodding in mock sorrow, Yasser's mood shifted to a genuine frown. A moment of silence lingered between them before he sighed and stated, "Mate, I'm sorry."

This single word swiftly drained Avery's brief amusement. He breathed in deeply through his nose and scratched his neck. His eyes traveled back to Kareem's shyly red face, then to Hadi's sparkling gaze lurking in the shadows.

"You owe me nothing."

"I adore your sister so fervently, Avery."

If only there were more wine. It seemed like an appropriate moment to guzzle an entire bottle like an enormous pelican.

"I'm fully aware. Fuck me, I'm aware."

"Avery," Yasser repeated more strongly. An air of pleading involved his voice. "I truly didn't mean to -"

"Hang up, buddy." Avery chortled weakly. He grabbed Yasser's massive head on either side-since the bastard was taller, it was quite the stretch-and peered firmly into his dark eyes. "Calm yourself, darling. If you need forgiveness, you've got it unquestionably, but this is your wedding day. Go and relish it. Stop fussing about me. I am fine."

Yasser sniffled. He lifted his hand to clutch Avery's and hold it against his cheek. "I missed you."

Avery snorted and tried to tug his hand free. "Be quiet."

"I mean it. But fuck you." Yasser released his hand, returning to tugging at Avery's suit. "Since you should've been my best man, and I want an apology for that crap. For me having to ask Kevin."

"You've got a fine partnership. You don't need sorry from me."

Yasser sneered. "Fine." He jabbed a finger into Avery's face. "But that 'get-out-of-jail-free' card is only valid for so long. And only for trivial matters, like wearing blue vinyl pants to my reception."

Avery snickered and glanced at his outfit. "What do you mean? I'm cute."

"Oh yes, you're cute. Stirring up every gay guy in the room to wobble and every straight guy feeling baffled. Surprised you didn't fracture a finger shoving your cake into those things."

A grin edged across Avery's lips and his soft laugh echoed Yasser's grinned, infectious laughter. "I'm not bad. I wore a blazer."

"You mean Bonny saw that lacey thing beneath and compelled you to wear a blazer." Yasser spread the sides of Avery's blazer to give him a thorough examination, and shook his head as his grin broadened. "Dude."


"Nothing. Leave it." Yasser inhaled deeply and redirected his full attention to Avery's gaze. Then, as if he made a choice, he squinted and pointed at Avery's blazer. "Fuck this. Off with it."

Avery let out a surprised laugh. He grasped Yasser's wrists. "What are you doing?"


"Bonny won't enjoy you ravishing me in front of her wedding guests, maniac."

"This is my day too, and my friends don't have to hide who they are." Yasser's tone elevated too easily, capturing the attention of those nearby who hadn't already been staring at them. "You're a colorful, flamboyant twink, Avery. You believe I want you to tone it down on my wedding? No, darling. Off with it, or I'll find some scissors and make us some snowflake ribbons out of this nonsense."

Avery gripped Yasser's wrists. "You're drunk."

"I am not." Yasser pulled at the blazer again. "I'm high."

Avery snickered.


Both of them turned their attention towards the dance floor, where Bonny stood with a fierce look in her deep blue eyes and a furious expression on her lovely face with rose petal features.

"Oh crap," Yasser exhaled.

"I swear to God…"

"I'm coming, my love," Yasser replied, beckoning Avery with intense gaze like he was giving an order mentally. However, he reluctantly smoothed out Avery's blazer and let go. He waved his fingers at one of his teammates close by. "Hey, Doug, do me a favor. Keep Teresa away from him, will you?"

Doug, looking every bit the football player, moved casually with a friendly slap to Avery's back. And even gentle, it almost knocked Avery off balance. "Roger that!"

With a weary glare, Avery glared at both Doug and Yasser. "I don't need a babysitter."

Yasser made a perplexed, contemplative face. "More like a bodyguard situation. Okay, you kids have fun."

As Yasser walked away, two other football players started approaching. Because these jerks could never do anything without backup from their buddies.

──── ◖ ◌ ◗ ───

From across the vast event space, the rejection looked brutal.

Avery, Kareem, and their football team's quarterback, Evan, all exhaled sympathetically from their seats near the edge of a folding table full of finger foods, watching Doug strut along the dance floor with a loose, arrogant grin. It didn't quite reach his eyes. While presenting himself as charming as any frat boy, he had enough alcohol in him to distort his facial expression.

He winked at some individuals he passed. Even stopped at one of Bonny's university friends, but it didn't take long for the woman to laugh in his face.

"Oof," Kareem complained. "This is hard to watch."

"And disappointing," Avery murmured. "I was hoping for a drink thrown in the face, or a slap, or pepper spray or something. This is just cringe-worthy."

Kareem laughed again. "Man, it's a good thing you're hot" – he turned to look at Avery – "since your personality…"

Was that supposed to be a complaint? A chuckle curled up Avery's lips into a half smile. Poor guy. If he wanted to damage the man's self-esteem, there was a petite beauty queen flirting with a rich guy near the stage who could teach him a thing or two.

"A bunch of lesbians, huh?" Doug declared as he returned with a lopsided, unhappy grin.

Talking about ugly personalities. Avery regarded Kareem, but he seemed determined to ignore it. Instead, Avery approached Doug and tsked apologetically. "Oh, sweetie, she's not a lesbian, she's a doctor."

"Same difference," Doug said with a melancholic pout.

Avery chuckled while shaking his head. "No, not at all. Look." He pointed towards a couple young women chatting and dancing together. "Look at that redhead? That's Emily, my father's accountant. Freshly single and hunting for a good rebound. Give her something with marshmallows in it and she'll adore you forever. Or, at least for a few hours."

Doug stared at the girl for a moment and then ignored the idea with a scoff. "Maybe." He fixed his gaze back on Avery. "You think I could land a doctor?"

"I have zero doubt you could land a doctor," Avery stated, laughing and shaking his head. "But probably not while you're drunk and throwing useless pickup lines at them."

Doug laughed and slouched against the table with a goofy grin. "See, I can make it look like I'm not interested."

Avery snorted and stepped back from the table. "I bet you can." He directed his attention towards his dad. "Hi, Dad."

"Hey, Avery," his father responded, rolling his tie-dye suit's hem down to fit his expanding waist. A wealthy old hippie sort of person who could manage to pull it off.

As he made his way closer, Dad extended his arms wide to embrace Avery warmly. "Look who's here! Why haven't you approached me?" he asked parentally while slightly pulling Avery away from his body.

Avery tried to act casual and replied, "Haven't found the time."

Doug joked, "Guess who he's been hanging out with."

Dad raised an eyebrow at Doug, then gave Avery a curious look. "So, it's true? You've been spending your day with Mr. Nahhas."

Avery sent a side-eye at Doug and responded, "People are always nice to you, Dad. You're rich and... manly." His voice held a hint of wryness.

Dad chuckled and displayed his muscles, then said, "If that's the case, then they must really like me." He wrapped his arm around Avery's shoulders and caressed him softly. "Now, I've got a small gathering coming up soon, and I'm searching for a live performance. How about you on Sunday?"

Avery sighed, thinking about how nice it would be to unwind after being involved in endless wedding planning with Bonny. But he paused and said, "Um, I'm free then."

"Excellent!" Dad announced with a beaming smile. "The whole group can attend. Anything goes, and please make sure Mr. Nahhas is included. After all, he's family now."

Doug jokingly said, "Sure thing, Mr. Flint. We'll be there with all the bells and whistles."

Dad released Avery and started to stroll away, only stopping to glance back at Avery sincerely. "Have you been singing here tonight?"

Avery crossed his arms in front of his chest and said, "I'm only here if Bonny pays me. She's got her own band, made up of talented musicians."

"It'd please her," Dad stated matter-of-factly.

Avery grimaced. The pressure from his father's words resounded through him. He shivered, attempting to withstand the onslaught of emotions flooding him. "Yeah, I'll do it. I'll be on stage like I'm being held hostage."

Dad beamed with delight. "Perfect. This stuffy wedding needs some excitement."

As Dad left, Avery muttered, "Family is a real pain in the ass."

Doug stepped forward and offered Avery a cup of liquid. "Looks like you need this."

Avery sniffed it and recognized the drink. "Did you steal this from Kareem?"

"You need it more," Doug stated simply.

Kareem noticed Avery holding a cup and furrowed his brow. "When will you stop opening your mouth like a broken faucet?"

"If his mouth is the issue, then give it something to work on. Like a hyperactive Yorkshire Terrier," Doug suggested in a playful tone.

"Precisely," Kareem retorted. Avery, however, was waiting for that. And he took the cup from Doug and murmured, "If my mouth is the problem, then I'll give it a task. Right, like a bad dog."

Kareem rolled his eyes, peeled away from the table, and walked towards the dance floor.

Doug caught Avery's arm to stop him, "Where are you going?"

"Kareem's getting on my nerves," he muttered.

"If his mouth is the nuisance," Doug whispered slyly, "then give your mouth a task. Just like a pesky Pomeranian."

Avery considered this, then said, "At least Kareem has a reason to be mad at me. I'm the one who drug him off the dance floor and made a deal with your father."


Sometimes being a part of it feels more like a pain than a pleasure. Especially when it includes godparents, cousins, husbands, and the rest of the gang.

"Gosh, my life is cursed," Avery whispered to himself.

Luckily, Doug was there with a red cup and a kind smile. "I think this is just what you need."

Avery relished gulping down the overwhelmingly strong vodka. Man, they barely had any cocaine in there. Just enough to tickle your nostrils. And as all three obnoxious jocks gave him a suspicious glance, he mischievously pretended to remove a non-existent piece of lint from his jacket.

Doug's lewd grin started to drip with more filth by the second. "Hey, Avery."

"What's up, sweetie?"

A cackling laugh broke loose from Doug's lips. "You remember that night after the big game?"

"Oh, you mean the one where we celebrated with pizza and PlayStation? Yeah, I remember that."

"Yasser got a call from his ex, and left us alone. So it was just you, me, and three other guys..." Doug turned to speak with Kareem, "...And this little twat stood right in front of us as soon as the door closed--before Yasser's footsteps even disappeared down the dorm hallway--and asked..."

Avery added helpfully, "'Have you ever had your cock sucked by a man before'?"

Doug snickered and nodded. "You've got it. We were all so shocked, Mikey was gone before I even finished my sentence."

"Ah, well," Avery shrugged. "He had a bunch of wives now. Probably better." He downed the remainder of the vodka, savoring the burn from the heated stares he was receiving.

"So," Avery heard a raspy, intoxicated voice emerge from Doug. "Do you still...? I mean, for old times' sake?"

After placing his plastic cup down, Avery offered a soft, innocent smile to the three rude guys. "I'm quite fond of nostalgia, in fact." He licked the too-sweet aftertaste of vodka off his lips before walking away across the main hall.

There was no need to look back. There was no need to check.

He knew that horny pricks would eventually show up.

The lighting in the dressing room for the groomsmen was poor, but who truly cared? There was enough to admire without them actually seeing it.

Avery took a pause in the middle of the room. He shut his eyes and simply relished the quiet of being alone.

The sound of loud music pulsed through the walls and the smells of cleaning products, leather from the two wingbacks, and some overpriced potpourri filled the air. He could only dream about that scent, the scent of his sister rustling her friend out of his clingy fingers.

How many straight guys would he need to blow in order to mask that scent with the scent of sex?

Suddenly, Doug barged in with the door flying open. Avery opened his eyes and gazed into Doug's crooked, lecherous grin.

If the guy were gay, Avery might've stood there a bit longer. Maybe allowed him more time with the scene. Maybe built up anticipation and made him crawl towards him. But these assholes, not even Kareem, were there for a show.

He'd learned his lesson in college: the straight guys, as well as the ones who acted straight, would only put up with a few minutes of sucking and pumping in bathrooms and backrooms. What could he blame them for? If he were a more successful man, he'd fuck and ghost them too.

Doug waved a vodka bottle in the air. "Here's your present," he said.

Avery stepped forward and tugged at Doug's belt before forcing it open, giving him a brazen look into the man's wasted eyes. "Aw, you shouldn't have."

"I meant the booze, not my dick. I'm a gentleman, after all."

"Open it," Avery instructed, pointing at the vodka as he pulled his pants down to expose himself.

Doug's breaths quickened. His cock twitched under Avery's palm. "Fuck..."

"You know," Evan's deep, melodious voice carried through the room. "Maybe we shouldn't get him drunk right before he goes on stage."

Avery handed Doug the chance to grab Evan's belt. Doug pulled the man towards him, opening the belt with ease. "Hm, the voice of reason. That's so damn sexy." Avery teasingly licked the length of his palm and then used it to massage Evan's groin. The man didn't need much convincing; his erection was already halfway there. Evan's reluctant eyes glanced over at Avery suspiciously, probably thinking Avery had underestimated his true sexual orientation.

"Don't you worry about me. I've been performing drunk at the jazz club almost every night," Evan said confidently.

A hand stole around the back of Evan's thigh. Kareem instantly filled the empty space beside him. Doug popped the cap on a fresh bottle and joined the group, pinning Evan between them.

"I think you might be my favorite," Avery teased, studying Evan's face for any signs of annoyance. "I mean, just look at that and tell me you're not even a little bit hetro."

Avery went down on his knees while still beholding Evan's gaze. Doug's eyes brightened at the sight of Avery's eager lips enclosing his erection. His breath caught as Avery hummed and deepthroated the head of his cock.

"Holy shit!" Doug gasped, his hands clenching and unclenching. Avery's tongue worked the head, granting the man a sensual hum - a queue for the other two to join in.

Evan exactly followed suit, taking Avery's mouth forcefully and savagely. His grip on Avery's neck shaped itself into a fist. He was the type of domineering lover who demanded obedience, like a wild animal tearing into its prey.

Kareem ripped Evan's head back, causing severe pain on Avery's scalp. He opened his eyes in surprise just in time to see Kareem's cock poke his mouth. Kareem's grip on the back of his jaw tightened until it felt like his skull was going to crack. But the bitter sting of pain set Avery's blood on fire and drove his arousal toward a boiling point.

Avery almost had Evan's pants down, but Kareem interrupted with an inexplicable intensity that was exhilarating. His rhythm had stopped, leaving Evan's penis uncovered and vulnerable to Avery's mouth. He wrapped his hand around Evan's shaft and began using his grip like a vise, a threat of pain keeping Avery's jaw open.

Kareem's hand left Evan to join Avery. He reached down to his pants and roughly pulled his cock free, removing Avery's distraction. He brutally shoved Avery's head to his cock and his thumb jammed between Avery's teeth to force his lips down. Avery could no longer focus on anything but enduring the pain; it sent a dirty, urgent excitement flowing down his spine.

Avery opened his pants and tried to free his cock, but Doug crashed into him, displacing any progress Avery had made. He desperately tried to breathe, gasping between Evan's stifling grip and Doug's insatiable theft of his air.

"C'mere," Kareem ordered, dragging Avery's head back. The rough tug made Avery barely manage a harsh inhale. Kareem's teeth bit down on his jaw, forcing an entirely new level of pain over him.

Kareem retreated towards Evan. Evan's penis was brutally brutal into Avery's mouth. His throat tightened and threatened to wake up the drowsiness, but Avery refused to puncture the haze.

Avery groaned loudly. The sounds of his choking echoed through the room. He cared little about crude names, desperate for breathing space.

He held onto Evan's strong legs. The man pounded his hips into Avery's face, pummeling his nose into sweaty pubic hair.

Arching his back, Avery let his hands wander. They fell onto Evan's legs and tightly gripped, pleading for release. Evan's penis pounded inside Avery's throat. His gag reflex, weakened after years ofServicing his own masters, would blaze into life, so Avery succumbed to Evan's aggressive rhythm.

Fighting back, Avery jerked his head violently, hoping to be rewarded with a long, deep breath. Evan shoved his hips backward, taking him further into Doug's grip. Doug held Avery firmly, stopping his thrashing attempts.

Avery was tossed back onto his hands and knees. He faced Doug, who encouraged Evan to savagely thrust into him. The only relief Avery found was from his destruction. Evan's balls crushed into Avery's chin with each heavy thrust as he contemplated the weight of his ongoing torture.

Evan suddenly paused his actions. Avery, still groggy from Evan's previous session, was left gasping for air.

"Fuck yeah, boy. Get 'em," Doug ordered maliciously.

Without hesitation, Evan pulled back on Avery's head. Panic clawed at Avery until he could finally breathe. The barrage of sexual tension induced dizziness and exhaustion, rendering him immobile. It was as if his body was being consumed with an overwhelming ravenous craving.

Avery's eyes dropped shut, fading back into unconsciousness. Deprived of his senses, the only thing he managed to do was breathe out a frustrated, sloppy groan. He opened his mouth to Davon's penis, busy trying to understand the reason for the multiple assaults on his consciousness.

Doug thrust his cock softly into Avery's mouth. He dallied in leisurely strokes, offering him small gushes of relief. As he began filling his mouth with more vigor, his thrusts grew rougher and faster like the onslaught of a raging, unyielding animal.

As Avery's gasps turned to groans, he was choked back into unconsciousness. The room started to spin. His aching muscles fought to stabilize him, but failed as he was thrown into another cycle. His consciousness swept up into the darkness.

Avery tightly held onto flesh. It was an arm or something. He dug his nails in deeper and it only fueled his impulses to do so. His grunts and choking noises grew louder and louder until he couldn't take it anymore and poked Doug's ribs.

Doug jerked backward. "Shit! F*cking bitch!" But he broke into a grin and laughed when Evan just seized Avery's head and tried to have his way with him.

Avery recoiled with an unintelligible growl of protest.

"Jesus, man, hold it," Doug pushed Evan back and gave him a playful scolding glance. "Let the woman breathe. You don't want to get me banned from future get-togethers, right?"

"Don't," Avery's voice cracked painfully. His throat ached with every word. So he leaned against the mirror wall and tried again through shallow breaths. "Please don't bruise my f*cking face." He snatched the bottle of vodka and took a deep, greedy swig.

The burn from the vodka traveled down his painful throat, but the burn felt good. The wooziness was good. The sense of touch from fingers running through his hair, and the demanding moan from the jerk beside him activated his senses like raking a stick across glowing embers. This was where he belonged - on the floor, tipsy with booze and (sadistic) abuse, saliva dripping from his chin, cocks eager to satisfaction.

The world outside that door with its rules and expectations and judgments could f*ck off.

F*cking off.

He tossed the drink aside and glared into Kareem's dark eyes before lunging forward to blow him.

Kareem shivered, his breathing stuttered. His fingers moved to Avery's temples, he slid his hands in, but Avery quickly took control, sucking and inhaling the bastard's shaft with his curls and lashes and acoustic sounds.

He swelled his tongue against the shaft. He mapped the glans with practiced, skillful precision that made Kareem stumble and hit the mirror. Avery didn't let up for a second.

"Oh my f*cking God," Kareem choked out. His mouth and face twisted with silent moans as he seemed unable to voice them.

"Come on, man, you're letting him win," Doug teased.

"Fck, fck, f*ck..." Kareem grabbed Avery's head, but didn't seem to find what he needed there and slapped his hands on the mirror instead. "What the hell?"

"He's a f*cking succubus, that's what he is." Doug snatched Avery's hair to pull his mouth off Kareem's dick. "You getting it, bitch? Because you suck?"

Avery coughed out a single laugh and stared up at Doug with a disinterested look.

"Great. Now I'm soft," Avery said.

Doug snorted and thrust his dick into Avery's eagerness. He felt Avery's deep throat suckle him with an enthusiastic sound.

Doug's body trembled. Flesh slapped and echoed around him as Kareem and Evan jerked. Cocks rubbed at his face and neck. Fingers gripped, tore and bit.

"Ahh!" Cum splattered across the bridge of his nose. He shut his eyes quickly to avoid being blinded by the ropes of his warm spunk being flung at him by Kareem's loud, bestial roar. Evan's cruel laughter rang out and he mentioned missing the mark.

Just as Doug's body flexed and tensed, he drove hard into Avery's throat and blew down the back.

Doug didn't stop. The other two quickly removed their cocks. Someone cursed. Someone else groaned at Doug, but he was too busy grinding and spasming from his orgasm through Avery's viciously choked moans as the guy coughed and spat his load out onto the floor.

Cum burned his sinuses.

When Doug pulled out, he staggered as if he hadn't realized the door had opened. "Oh shit!"

Avery fell on his hands and knees, gasping and gagging. His muscles cried out for rest, wanted him to just lie down and whimper like a beaten dog.

"Uh, I know this looks kinda rapey, Mr. Nahhas, but I can explain..." Doug chortled nervously, exhibiting more arrogance. "He consented. Enthusiastically, if you catch my drift."

Nahhas?! [end]

A sharp pain traveled through Avery's fragile body. He attempted to lift himself up, but with his blurred vision and the alcohol torturing his blood, he merely collapsed the opposite direction, landing against the mirror in a sluggish slump.

"Go," called out Hadi's deep, arid voice.

His blood chilled at the sound and every filthy bone in his body shivered in response. Avery clenched his toes inside his high-heeled boots and bit his lip intensely, experiencing a throb in his testicles and a stiffening in his ignored cock. He used the back of his wrist to wipe the cum off his closed eye. Managing to open his eyes just in the nick of time, he caught a glimpse of Evan disappearing through the door and the giant, imposing figure of Hadi Nahhas, bulging with muscles and barely contained power in his sage three-piece suit, standing in the doorway.

That dark, menacing gaze fixed on Avery, mute, watching, predatory, similar to a lion stalking a wounded ibis.

And at the sight of it, Avery almost achieved orgasm.

Rather than catching his breath, his breathing became more shallow. He tried to avert his eyes, find words, break the silence, but all he could do under those eyes was raise his hand to lick the cum off his wrist.

Hadi exhaled audibly.

A gnawing desire swirled within Avery's stomach. And the hazy, ravenous idea occurred to him that the tension in the air between them, that stare, those tense muscles, that wasn't disgust. That wasn't disapproval.

Hadi wished to take a bite.

Avery's heel dragged loudly against the ground as he slowly opened his legs. He swallowed as he struggled through the burn in his throat and, with their eyes locked, he pulled his zipper down even further over his straining erection.

Hadi stepped into the room and began to shut the door.

"Hey, Didi! Did you find him?"


The spell dissolved instantaneously.

Avery shot upright. The vodka bottle fell off the table with a loud crack, but who cares? Avery dashed into the small bathroom beside him and successfully slammed the door shut before crashing into the sink and toilet in a gasping, panting mess.

He slapped his hand over his mouth and, eyes fixed on the bathroom door, he shook with a bewildered, stunned laugh. Because holy shit.

"Yes." Hadi's velvety, calm voice answered, as calm as a cucumber. "I found him."

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