
Hannah is the focus of a new headline.

A teacher discovers her hidden identity.

May 12, 2024
8 min read

Hannah is the focus of a new headline.

Hannah parked her car at the school, catching a glimpse of the clock on the dashboard. Bloody traffic and incompetent drivers, she thought, now I'm going be late. She picked up her handbag, the test she brought home the previous night to check before copying, and a bag of bananas from the passenger seat. Holding the odd assortment of objects to her chest, she shut the car door by bumping against it. Then she breathed out, yes right, my ID was probably lying there on the seat, laughing at me.

The objects she was carrying wobbled but didn't fall as she put them on the car's roof and grabbed her missing ID card. She slipped it on a lanyard around her neck and carried her bag on her shoulder, keeping the test and bananas close to her chest. With a quick glance to ensure she hadn't left anything behind, Hannah headed towards the school entrance only to bump into a new guy who recently joined after the spring break.

She felt the papers in the test slipping and bananas about to slip from her fingertips. Hannah attempted to grip everything tighter and shrug her shoulders to prevent her bag from slipping down her arm but this made the situation more precarious.

"Whoa, I've got it," the new guy caught the falling items before they reached the ground. "Phew that was close."

His hand brushed hers as he caught the slippery pile she was carrying and stepped back, handing the items over to her.

"Thanks, so let me relax this, and..." His fingers inadvertently brushed her nipple as he rearranged the pile and stepped back.

He stared into her eyes, and a gentle smile formed on his lips. "That's a ton of bananas for one person."

Hannah smiled back, also at the matching description of her pile of bananas. To be fair, a ton seemed accurate. But also because he called her a person, something basic, and she immediately responded very favorably to this. Additionally, his inadvertent contact with her breast aroused her interest.

"Yes, I know. They are for the banana fight," she said, as her heart was beating faster.

He laughed, "Oh yeah, I'm all in favor for some healthy competition."

She looked at him, noticing how his eyes on hers followed the buttery tones of his voice. Then she realized that while they were talking, she didn't introduce herself, nor did she confirm that his name was Jack. However, it appeared that he knew her first name.

"Between sports and a bunch of bananas, it's not your average day, yeah?" he said.

It's not your average morning, she corrected, amused by his interpretation of her day. "Well, I guess we've got a mutual interest in something."

Jack grinned knowingly, "Probably sports or the other thing."

Hannah blushed, thinking of their conversation about online dating. "Yes, in a sense."

They continued walking together towards the main entrance, and Hannah feels dwarfed by him, a pleasant sensation she didn't experience often. A person taller than her usually made her feel even shorter, but something about Jack made her feel small in a good way. She observed him, he seemed confident, yet not arrogant, inspiring a sense of security deep inside her.

When they reached the main doors, she decided to open it for him. In the process, she noticed him looking at her chest and she thought, a banana fiend, interesting. However, instead of that, he asked, "You're a Reds fan?"

"I, uh, yes, how did you... You're really observant. I mean you didn't stalk me or anything?"

He laughed, "Nah, you're wearing your team's colors on a lanyard around your neck."

Ha, that lanyard, she realized she didn't introduce herself when she asked him his name. But he seemed to know hers.

"We could go to a game together," Jack suggested, "but I'm not sure I understand the local sports here. I could use a teacher."

Hannah smiled, remembering the game she wanted to play with her colleagues, "Sure. I'd be happy to teach you. But tell me, which sports do you enjoy at home?"

Jack smiled, "I like sports, but I'll let you teach me what is popular here."

Hannah nodded, "I can show you. Great, how about this Saturday?"

"Cool. What time?"

"1 PM."

"I'll meet you there. I'm guessing the bananas are not a part of this plan. What's with them?"

Hannah laughed, "Oh, they are important. I'm guessing they'll be a highlight."

Entering the school, she glanced back at him, wondering just how he managed to reach her in this moment. It was so familiar and yet refreshing, like a surprise.

The Corridor to Discovery

Hannah guided him along the passageway leading to the room where she taught medical-minded students. Throughout the journey, she shared tales about the peculiar, amusing projects her club used to engage members. For instance, using bananas as a makeshift skin for suturing practice.

Upon reaching her room, they joked about their sports knowledge. Rugby and 'proper football' seemed to be all Jack knew. As they conversed, both teasing each other, a sudden pause occurred in their conversation. The silence unnerved Hannah, for she felt an unexpected surge of emotion pulsing within her.

As she looked into his eyes, Jack looked deep into hers. Like a bird trapped in a camera viewfinder, he observed. The sudden admission made Hannah speechless.

"Hannah, I like you." Jack spoke simply, his words gleaming with affection.

She could only nod, "Yes."

"You're different. You've always been."

Her throat grew dry, uneasy. "How?" It felt like she was faced with an undeniable truth.

"I hide it too, I recognize it in you. Your natural submissiveness."

She blinked rapidly, suppressing her surprise as his finger traced her cheek to wipe away the impending tear. "When you know, you know." He said in a hushed tone.

Hannah's eyes were locked onto his. Her forehead touched his as he tilted his head slightly to rest their noses together. He smelled of coffee. She wondered how this sudden connection had formed so seamlessly.

With utmost caution, her hand touched the back of his wrist, hesitantly trembling. The unmistakable twinge of arousal intensified with this subtle gesture.

"Hannah, sub_puppy_girl," Jack whispered, hinting his true identity.

Her voice trembled, "Oh, Daddy."


The plot's climax? No, it's not the end. More or less? It's up to you...


Hannah gazed at the door after he left, mesmerized by its quiet closure. Her eyes trailed south, taking in the sight of his perfect buttocks, though she suspected he'd she's noticed the same about her. He knew she admired it, just as she admired His.

He returned, entering the room behind her. His gait displayed a noticeable grace, one he'd never confessed to possessing.

Before her very eyes, the door closed, and yet again, he walked towards her. His presence filled the room. His voice, dripping with desire, struck her core. This moment had been deliberate. And Jennith knew she needed no further signs, as what happened next was predestined.

When he reached her, he bent to undo the buttons on her shirt - his hand captivated by the desire to feel her flesh beneath. He undid them all, exposing the swollen buds she'd allowed him to talk about so fantastically. She was drenched, and her nipples ached at their respective states of rigidity. His commanding voice had granted her orgasms so intense they didn't realise the act that caused them.

Gentle fingers swept across her skin, sliding up her stomach up until she needed to do the same towards her own nipples to free them from her physical restraints.

Slowly, she pressed back onto her desk as he stood before her, removing his trousers with typical precision. When they met his gaze, her legs spread, inviting him in, His cock meeting her pussy, wet from her anticipation which drenched her. The sympathy she felt for Him as he told her of his desire to claim her in the most intimate manner.

"Fuck, Jennith." He hissed, his accent blurring his words into a muddle just as exciting as it was disorienting.

"I'll take whatever you give me." She responded, her voice etched with honesty and want.

His fingers traced her delicate folds, skimming the wetness along the sides of her entrance, probing her sensitive nub. He parted her lips, stroking one open, then the other, before gently massaging the area where he'd discussed leaving his mark. As he did so, her inner lips spread, showcasing her rosy, slightly moistened inner thighs.

He gazed into Hannah's eyes. "Thank you, sweetheart," he murmured. Then he positioned himself between her legs and moved closer, pressing his mouth to her. He engulfed her folds with his lips, his tongue swirling around her clitoris, eliciting a strong reaction from her sexual center.

Hannah's vocal cords were strained, her grip on the edge of her desk tight. With every twitch of her pelvis, she thrust her hips against his face. And she came, her orgasm echoing with the force of a roar.

Jack's obsession resurfaced as he couldn't get enough of the velvety texture, the rich aroma, shamelessly feasting on the taste of her arousal. He described this exclusive indulgence as something he'd only fantasized about until this moment. Without hesitation, his lips retreated, replaced by his fingers. He positioned her legs, manipulating her knees, spreading them wide apart. Fascinated by her vulva's reaction, he noted its clear indication of desire. "This is mine."

Using three fingers, he probed her deeply, gently massaging. She felt her vagina and anus pulsate with his intrusion. Her legs locked around his neck, wrapping her shoulders. Exhausted, she could only manage labored breaths as Jack kept at it, the second wave of pleasure sending her into a frenzy.

Jack released her legs and pushed her knees, opening her legs wider. His precum-lubricated head slithered across her anus, slowly sliding past her outer layers. "This is mine..." he repeated, his desire evident with the rough edge in his voice.

Her vagina and anus still pulsing, another wave of ecstasy coursed through her body, making her wriggle and lift her hips in a desperate attempt to see how obscene she looked, her barely spread thighs revealing her glistening pussy. His tip slipped into her and he said, "Mine" with intensity, clearly at the brink of climax. Her inner muscles tightened, performing their final contraction.

Jack's furious, rapid thrusts echoed throughout the room as his desperation's presence in the sounds he made. Hannah's eyes were glued to his face, drinking in the passionate intensity surrounding them, her mind going blank at the tender moments of fulfillment. Quietly, she wished she could tell him she loved him. "Gh...ahh...hhnnggg."

Connected by their shared ecstasy, he thrust in rapidly, making her feel each powerful surge of pleasure. Her breast filled with blood, her limbs flailing, but she kept her focus on his face, grasping at the emotional intensity radiating from him. "Yes... baby... yes."

Driven and possessed by his lust, Jack's movements became unexpectedly haphazard, desperate stabs at her innermost depths. Hannah... felt the jolts, her orgasm thrusting her along with him. His groans turning to moans became less refined, drawing her attention to the tension in the air. She barely had the energy to hold on to him before releasing her grip, leaving herself sprawled on the desk.

Her breathing regulated, eyes open and staring, she was exhausted. She sensed his fingers skim her neck and angled her head upward, then saw the gleam of silver when his hand emerged, clutching a small lock. "Yours forever," she whispered, as he secured the jewelry around her neck and kissed her deeply. A simple yet delicate pendant hung from her chest, its softly engraved bottom enclosing what resembled four tiny paw prints. A personal memento of the love they shared.

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    Source: www.nice-escort.de