Celebrity Sex Stories

Harley Quinn Meets Dracula

Harley Quinn awakens an ancient evil.

Aug 11, 2024
22 min read
one shotdcdraculaHarley Quinn Meets Draculapunchlineharley quinnbatman
Harley Quinn Meets Dracula
Harley Quinn Meets Dracula

Harley Quinn Meets Dracula

Breaking away from Joker had been the most liberating moment in Harley Quinn's criminal career. She was finally free now, able to sleep easy without having to worry about getting used as a punching bag by Joker because he was in a bad mood, or having to finger herself to sleep because she was insanely frustrated and that Joker was too fucking stupid to realize that he had a psychotic hottie right next to him ready to suck his dick at a moment's notice.

No, Harley Quinn was done being Joker's punching bag/scapegoat to get beat up Batman. Now she was her own woman capable of making her own path in life, and that path will lead her to being Gotham's first A-list female supervillain!

There was only one problem...she was dirt broke and was living with her best friend Poison Ivy with little more than her two pet hyenas and her signature spiked bat she brought with her. Getting to the top would be enormously expensive and Harley didn't realize that Joker pretty much had tons of money, goons and disposable vehicles at his command as he repeatedly turned Gotham into a city that Detroit would look at from afar and go "fuck that".

So, after a quick wardrobe change and a little pep talk from Ivy about not getting herself killed or ending up as yet another psychopath's cum dumpster, Harley set off for some million dollar pocket change. Thankfully, she had a lead to go on, from the Penguin himself.

Back when she was with Joker, she overheard the two talking about some secret fortune that belonged to a former associated of Penguin, who accumulated thousands upon thousands of dollars in gold and jewels and had stashed them in the heart of Gotham Cemetery. Penguin was a little drunk when he revealed that tidbit, but no one said anything. Joker always said that he'd get to finding it, but he never did, and it was only recently that Harley remembered about this so-called buried treasure.

"This better be fucking worth it." Harley grumbled as she trudged through the dark cemetery all alone. It was deathly quiet, and the sounds of the city were almost muted as she walked deeper into the admittedly creepy place. "I mean, who the hell hides an entire fortune in a fucking cemetery? Honestly, if I end up as Grundy's cocksleeve by the end of this night, I'm blowin' up a crowded school bus!"

The pale skinned beauty had ditched her old outfit for something a bit more rebellious and sexy. She still had her familiar attire of black and red coloring to match her long, pigtail-styled hair with the tips dual toned, with a tight corset top that showed off her nicely sized tits perfectly and displayed her toned midriff while also rocking tiny booty shorts that hung to her rounded ass and thigh high socks with sneakers. Harley hadn't felt so sexy in ages.

Unfortunately for Harley, walking through a cemetery in the middle of the night wearing nothing but a corset and booty shorts probably wasn't the best idea. It was cold, breezy, and she knew she was going to get sick come morning. Never mind how creepy it was just being here alone. At least she didn't have to worry about Batman.

"Maybe I should've brought Ivy along." Harley muttered, eyes scanning the various crypts and tombs for the sign she was looking for. "She could sniff out that treasure easy. Save me lots of time."

According to Penguin, all she had to look for was a crypt with an upside down cross over the entrance. Easier said than done since half the crosses in the

damn cemetery were old and broken, making her job more difficult. At least she knew what general area to search for the place; a part of the cemetery where Gotham's oldest and wealthiest bury their dead. Maybe if she played her cards right, she might see where she where the Waynes are buried.

"Where the hell do I start first?" Harley mumbled. Even this part of the cemetery was large thanks to the unreasonably large amount of dead rich white people that Gotham shells out every year. "It's gonna take me all night to find the damn pla-oh look, there it is!"

As she was ranting, Harley had, by dumb luck or divine grace, spotted a very old crypt just a few feet from her. The crypt itself looked very old, to the point of crumbling, but that upside down cross was visible to Harley's hungry eyes.

"Fuck yeah!" Harley cheered and ran over to the crypt, ramming her shoulder into the rusty old door that completely crumbled from her weight. She hit the ground and landed hard on her shoulder. "Ow."

Harley got to her feet and ran over to the large stone coffin in the middle of the crypt. She kicked it a few times to see if there was any fancy change inside, but she couldn't hear anything. Which meant that this thing was either really thick or there was nothing inside. The lid was sealed shut and there was no way she was going to be able to get it off by herself.

Harley huffed and put her hands on her waist, trying to think of a solution to this problem. If she couldn't get this dusty old treasure chest open right here, then there was only one thing to do.




"What the fuck is this?"

The question came from Harley's newly inducted sidekick, Punchline. She, like Harley, was a stunning beauty with pale skin and black hair tied back in a high ponytail. Punchline wore a light purple bodysuit that hugged her curvaceous figure and a tight black leather dress with black thigh high boots. She also wore some clown makeup to match Harley's clown motif.

Punchline was Harley's new partner (sidekick), her second in command to her rise to the big leagues. She started out as a college girl who was a serious fangirl of Joker and Harley, enough so that she was willing to use laughing gas on her own principal to show her dedication to the mad clown's mayhem. When Harley broke away from Joker, she poached Punchline before Joker could sweep her up and now she was rolling with Quinn as her personal assassin, the "worse" cop to Harley's "bad" cop. The scary bitch Harley called in to teach people a lesson.

At the moment, Punchline was glaring down at the massive coffin siting in the middle of their living room that Poison Ivy had graciously loaned to them inside her plant infested apartment building.

"That, Punchy, is our payday." Harley said, grinning at her sidekick over her shoulder.

"What? Grave robbing? I know we're broke, but didn't expect us to be scraping the bottom this fast." Punchline said.

"For your information I was looking for Penguin's secret stash that he hid in the cemetery." Harley said pouting.

"Why did Penguin—"

"Don't know, don't care." Harley interrupted. "What matters is that all of the treasure he's stashed is inside that dusty thing, but I couldn't get it out on the spot."

"So you hauled it all the way back home?" Punchline stared at the coffin. She wasn't one to scare easily, but something about it made the thing feel...wrong. "And you decided to leave it in the middle of the living room."

"Well I couldn't just dump it into the bedroom...it wouldn't fit." Harley said as if it were perfectly normal.

Punchline rubbed the bridge of her nose, honestly too tired to really try to comprehend Harley's thought process. She decided to cut her loses for the night. "I'll try to get this thing open later. But if I see anything else but money in there—"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll toss it out back." Harley waved her off, her attention already back on the TV. "Now shush, I'm binge watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy right now."

"The regular versions or the extended cuts?" Punchline asked.

"The regular ones." Harley snorted. "I'm mad, not suicidal."


Later that night, when Harley was sound asleep, Punchline decided to get to work on opening the coffin. Knowing that her boss most likely wouldn't immediately get to the task, she headed straight to the living room with a crowbar in hand and got to work on trying to open the coffin.

"I swear Harley," Punchline grunted as she pushed against the lid. "I love you, but I better get a huge share of the prize out of this for doing this shit for you!"

The woman used both the crowbar and her hand to make the heavy stone lid budge. She struggled against its immense weight, but after several minutes she managed to start making the lid budge. Punchline pushed harder and harder until she gave one last heave. But on that last push, she overestimated her strength and as the lid finally slid off the coffin, her left hand scraped against a sharp jagged piece of stone, spilling blood over the interior of the coffin.

"Shit!" Punchline hissed, holding her bleeding hand. The one time she goes without gloves and this happens. Huffing, she looked inside to see what her prize was. To her utmost disappointment and horror, it was not what she was expecting.

Inside the coffin was not a pile of money, gold or even expensive and priceless jewels, but a dry, shriveled up corpse sitting in a pile of ash. Harley got the wrong coffin!

"Of fucking course." Punchline snarled. "Harley! Harley, wake the hell up!"

As Punchline took her eyes off the corpse, something miraculous began to happen. The blood she spilled onto its dried-up heart was absorbed into the organ, and soon it began to regenerate, slowly beating as it came to life. The rest of the body slowly regenerated too, muscles and tendons wrapping around the skeleton, organs regrowing and sliding into place. Blood also began to flow through newly created veins. Skin formed along the body's musculature, and finally the head, eyes and brain were formed. As soon as the eyes were formed, they began to move as life returned to the body.

"For fuck's sake, Harley, wake up! You got the wrong coffin!" Punchline yelled. Growling angrily she was about to march into the bedroom to give that pigtailed bimbo a piece of her mind when she heard something shuffling behind her. Her honed killer instincts flaring up, Punchline drew her knife from her thigh and spun around...only to come face to face with the monster.

A tall, rail thin figure stood shakily from the coffin. The creature was clearly male, though its body was little more than skin and bones, with its only piece of clothing being shredded pants that hunt on its thin form. Its knees trembled as it stood up, still a bit hunched over, and it raised its clawed hands as if to look at them. Punchline gasped and the sound drew the creature's attention, and she gaped at the burning red glow in its eyes.

Its eyes were like fire, its gaze intense and predatory. The creature's thin lips pulled back to reveal a pair of long sharp fangs. A bestial growl rose from its throat as it smelled a familiar scent that inflamed a long deep hunger in its belly—blood.

"What the hell are you?" Punchline gasped. She raised her knife to attack it, but the creature was faster, rushing forward and slamming into her with strength its body should not have. Punchline grunted as she was pushed to the floor, her knife falling from her grasp and she pushed against the monster's shoulders to keep it away from her. It hissed and snarled, trying to get at her, and when it appeared it wasn't going to get its meal this way, it tried another method.

The monster gripped Punchline's arms and lifted her upper body up before slamming her back down into the ground. The impact was hard enough to cause her head to smack the stone floor, and the impact dazed her momentarily. Her temporary vulnerability was quickly capitalized upon by the monster as it brought its mouth down to Punchline's neck, sinking its fangs into the left side of her neck.

Punchline gasped as pain flared from her throat as she felt the beast bite into her throat and she struggled a bit...only to become overtaken by a strong wave of dizziness that spread across her body. Her limbs felt heavy and her arms sagged against the creature as it began to suck on her neck, drinking down the blood leaking from her wound. Soon all she could do was gasp and moan helplessly as the creature's feasting on her blood increased in intensity.

Punchline's body was completely paralyzed, unable to move as the creature drank her blood. She heard it swallow her blood fervently, and with each suck she felt a pulse of weakness. On the other hand, the more blood the monster drank, the stronger it became. Soon its feeding began having an effect on its body, and visible changes began to show.

The creature's gaunt body began to fill out, growing taller and gaining muscles along the length of its body. Its skinny limbs grew muscles and its torso filled out to become hard and defined. Hair grew from a bare scalp, black as night and fell down its back. Those shredded pants that hung loosely around its hips were suddenly filled out thanks to monster's legs filling out. Now they were full to the point of bursting thanks to the toned muscles in the creature's legs.

What was once a pale, skinny monster had now mutated into a big, strong, muscular and very handsome man who was now grinding against Punchline as he drank his fill of her. After another second of gulping down her blood, the man pulled his fangs free of her blood stained neck with a gasp and rose to his knees, panting from exertion. After calming down, the man looked down at Punchline, who lay beneath him gasping with blood still leaking from her neck.

"Thank you for providing me sustenance, woman." He breathed, blood leaking from his mouth and down the hard planes of his chest. "Now here's your reward for your contribution."

He reached between her legs and swiftly tore apart the clothing covering her wet pussy, and did the same to his ragged pants. Leaning over her body, he pressed the head of his rather long and thick shaft against her folds and, without any warning, forced himself inside her. Punchline gasped once more, her ample breasts jiggling from the force of his thrust. He worked his massive organ deep within her, jerking her body back and forth.

He pumped hard and fast into her, his red eyes watching her tits bounce in time with his thrusts, the thin purple fabric barely restraining them. His gaze rose to her neck, still covered in blood, which inflamed his lust even more. Turning her head to expose the other side of her neck, he hissed and sank his fangs into her soft, inviting flesh. A low moan escaped Punchline's lips and as he drank hungrily, her eyes rolled back into her head as her orgasm hit her.

He lifted his head from her bleeding neck and continued to pump his cock deeper and deeper into her paralyzed body. His hard chest pressed against her large chest, rubbing her erect and sensitive nipples through her thin costume. His hips pumped harder and moved faster until finally he shoved himself deep into her and released his seed, letting out a loud roar that could be heard for miles. Punchline's body shivered as a deluge of warm seed pumped into her womb, coating her walls in white and the excess jizz spilling from their joined hips.

He ground his pulsating cock into her pussy and held himself deep inside for the entire duration of his orgasm. His muscles visibly tensed and flexed several times before finally relaxing. He let out a relieved sigh and slowly pulled his cock out of the unconscious Punchline, unsheathing all twelve inches of man meat from her cum stuffed depths.

"Now that I've got that out of the way," The vampire said. "Where the hell am I?"


Harley stumbled out of the bedroom rubbing her eyes tiredly. It was still the middle of the night, way later than her usual time, but she heard some noise coming from the living room and went to investigate.

"Punchy? You still awake?" Harley yawned. So tired she was that she didn't even change out of her clothes before plopping down on the bed. "What's with all the noise?"

"Hey, Harley." Came a whisper at her ear.

"Ah!" Harley jumped and spun around to see Punchline standing there. "Punchy, don't do that!"

"Sorry, Harley. I forgot you get jumpy after you wake up." Punchline grinned.

Harley looked at her partner in crime and noted that something was different about her. It was still too dark to see, but Punchline' skin looked a bit pale, though not sickly. In fact, she looked even hotter to her now. "Hey, Punchy? You doin' okay?"

"Of course? I feel wonderful!" Punchline said, her green lips upturned in a smirk.

"What was all that noise I heard? Did ya get the coffin open?" Harley asked.

"I sure did." She nodded. "And let's just say that what's inside was totally better than anything Penguin could've had."

"Really? What is it? Can I see?" Harley tried to look for the coffin, but Punchline suddenly grabbed her and pinned her to the wall. "Whoa! What's that for?"

"I just wanted to celebrate our big break." Punchline whispered sultrily. "You up for a little celebratory fuck?"

Harley opened her mouth to make a quip about that, but Punchline's lips pressed against hers and quickly shoved her tongue into the jester's mouth. Harley gave a startled gasp but relented soon after and closed her eyes to enjoy the kiss. The two women pressed themselves tight against each other, practically shoving their tongues into the other's mouths, rubbing their breasts against one another while their hands roamed everywhere. Punchline's hands gripped Harley's ass through her shorts and grinded against her, moaning into her boss's mouth.

Eventually they broke the kiss, but Punchline moved her kisses to Harley's neck, kissing and licking her throat. Harley moaned and tilted her head to give her easier access, biting her lip and wrapping a leg around Punchline's waist. She had no idea what's gotten into her, but wasn't complaining. All she focused on was the feeling of Punchline's lips against her throat, running her tongue along her pale flesh while pressing her body into Harley's.

Punchline's lips left light smears of purple lipstick on Harley's pale skin, and her tongue left long trails of cold saliva on her neck. She listened to Harley's heartbeat as it increased, making sure to lather her boss's entire throat with her saliva, as if trying to forever imprint the taste of her flesh on her taste buds.

Punchline withdrew from Harley's neck leaving a long string of saliva and took a deep breath. Unseen by Harley, her teeth slowly sharpened, not quite fangs but still sharp enough to pierce flesh slightly. Stricken by her unholy hunger, Punchline bit down into Harley's neck. Her still developing fangs punctured her skin and the carnal nectar she sought flowed into Punchline's waiting mouth, who moaned as the deepest satisfaction she'd ever known washed over her tongue.

Harley yelped as a flare of sharp pain brought her out of her pleasure induced state. The pain was big enough that she reflexively pushed Punchline away from her, holding a hand to her neck.

"What the fuck, Punchy? I'm not stranger to biting, but you didn't have to do it that...hard..." Harley's eyes went down to her fingers, which were coated in red liquid. Her eyes widened as she ran her fingers along her chest and they came away slightly red. Blood. Her blood.

"I'm sorry, Harley," Punchline moaned, running her tongue along her lips and bloodstained teeth. To Harley's shock and horror, her partner's eyes were blood red and her canine teeth had elongated into sharp fangs. "You taste so good!"

"Punchy, what the hell happened to you?" Harley whispered.

"You'll have to forgive your friend, Harley Quinn." A man's voice replied from the shadows. "The change leaves newborns rather...thirsty."

Harley jumped and turned to her couch, where a man was sitting. He looked incredibly handsome, inhumanly so, with pale flawless skin and long black hair that flowed down his back. The black shirt and tight pants he wore highlighted his physique, which was both muscular yet slender. But what caught her attention were the fact that his eyes were completely red with no pupils. The fact that his face looked human yet possessed an inhuman beauty made those eyes stand out even more.

"Who the fuck are you?" Harley demanded. The man smoothly got to his feet and bowed his head to her.

"My name is Count Vlad Dracula Tepes, but you can call me Dracula." He introduced himself. Then he smiled revealing his fangs. "And yes, I am that Dracula."

Harley just stared at him in shock. She would've called him crazy if it weren't for the oppressive aura he was giving off, and for how the shadows literally seemed to seep off his body like smoke. If he was the real Dracula, then this guy was the real deal.

"If you're wondering how I got here, I was thanks to you. That coffin was my final resting place after I was killed, by my own kind no less." Dracula chuckled. "They all died, but I succumbed to my wounds afterwards. But thanks to the blood of your partner, I am restored and healthy again. Though I may have ravished her a bit too much after my reawakening."

"The fuck did you do to her?" Harley snarled.

"I simply gave her a thank you gift for her assistance. I would have remained a dusty old corpse if it wasn't for her blood." Dracula's eyes roamed up and down Harley's slender form. "And she was very adamant about wanting her first taste to be of you. I can see why. You are very beautiful."

"I'm already taken asshole!" Harley rushed forward, grabbing her metal bat from beside the couch and swung it at Dracula's head.

The bat hit its target, but as it slammed into the side of his head, it completely dented, bending almost at a complete angle. And Dracula didn't even flinch. Harley took her now useless bat away from him and backed away, but not before Punchline lunged at her.

Harley screamed and tried to push her off, but Punchline held tightly onto her, wrapping her arms around her back to pull her close. Punchline's ample tits, which were completely bare through the large tear in the front of her costume, pressed against her own as her partner completely entrapped her. Punchline's body felt deathly cold but seemed to be siphoning the warmth from Harley's body.

"Don't worry, Harley," Punchline whispered soft, blood still staining her lips as she spoke. "I'll make it so good for you and then you can be like me. You're going to love this, I promise."

Harley gasped as Punchline grabbed ahold of her hair and jerked it sharply to pull her head back and bare her throat to Punchline's hungry mouth. Punchline flicked her tongue over Harley's throat, once again tasting her skin and making a low moaning noise of pleasure as she ran her tongue over the small pinpricks where her developing fangs cut into flesh.

Then she struck. Harley screamed as Punchline sank her fangs into her neck. A flare of white-hot pain shot across her body, originating from her throat. She held onto Punchline tightly for support as her knees buckled. But after a few seconds, Harley's shrieks morphed into pained sighs as Punchline began drinking her blood. Her body began to feeling numb, and her muscles relaxed the more Punchline drank from her.

Harley's eyes rolled to the back of her head as she unwillingly resigned to her fate. She couldn't break Punchline's grip on her and she was in no state to fight Dracula. All of her willpower was slowly drained, and in its place arose a new feeling. Punchline's feeding was having a powerful effect on her body—it was terribly arousing and though Harley tried to fight it, she couldn't deny the growing pleasure she was feeling. Her thighs pressed together as she realized with shame that she was starting to leak her arousal through her shorts.

Punchline held Harley's pigtails bunched into a tight fist as she fed greedily from her. She traced a finger along Harley's bare stomach and enjoyed Harley shivering against her. Harley's body jerked and twitched occasionally as she tried to deny the pleasure she was feeling from being fed on like this. Punchline reached down to grab a handful of Harley's asscheeks through her shorts. She always loved how Harley's ass was so tight and toned.

The taste of blood was euphoric to Punchline. She could feel every beat of Harley's heart, every quickening of her breath, every tremble and shiver of her body as she endured an unholy, unexplainable ecstasy. Punchline knew Harley's body was begging for more.

Alas, Punchline needed to allow her master his turn with Harley. She slowly slid her fangs out of the holes they made and gave Harley a few final licks of her bloodied throat before stepping aside to allow her master to approach them.

"How did she taste, Punchline?" Dracula asked in that smooth voice of his.

"Wonderful, master." Punchline moaned. "She tasted so wonderful."

"That's good, because I'm ready to take her right now." He looked down at Harley, who was dazed from blood loss and arousal. Blood leaked from the wound in her neck and trailed down to the enticing slope of her cleavage, staining her corset. "If you can still understand me, Harley Quinn, know that I intend to make you and Punchline my brides. Together we'll take over this magnificent city of yours and turn it into what it was meant to be—the centerpiece of my undead kingdom on this planet!"

"No..." Harley moaned, swaying in place.

"You have no choice in the matter." He said dismissively and with a single thought dissolved his clothes, exposing his bare naked for them to see. Punchline moaned as she saw the same cock that drove her to several orgasms in her final moments as a human, and Harley too felt another surge of arousal at seeing his massive cock rise to greet her.

Punchline let go of her, letting Harley drop to her knees. As tried to glare up at him, but Dracula cut off her little bout of resistance with his cock, shoving it right into her throat, making her gag harshly on the thick shaft plunging forward. Dracula let his primal instincts take over as his thrusts rocked back and forth with the twisted goal of fucking her throat into utter submission.

Spit bubbled up around Harley's lips, and her struggle to deal with all of this pressure at once proved far too untamed and chaotic for her to handle, and so she was lost to the chaos of it, struggling to breath as his dick pounded down her gullet. Each pull back made thick strands of saliva spill down her chin too, leaking down into her cleavage and making a mess of her skimpy tank top.

Dracula's hands tugged on Harley's pigtails and his aggressive pounding was twice as rough and dominating as Joker's when he bothered to look in her direction. Punchline knelt beside them, fingers stuffed into her own pussy as she watched with unrivaled pleasure at her girlfriend being used as a cocksleeve by Dracula.

Something broke in Harley at that moment, her body unconsciously dutifully sucking and choking away, servicing Dracula without thinking for a moment about doing anything else. All of those ingrained feelings of submission and acceptance she thought she abandoned after leaving Joker came rushing back to her, and she was back to slurping another man's cock in subservient excitement, surrendering herself completely to Dracula and everything he wanted to do to her. Harley was lost, giving in to the need to obey and succumb.

Dracula gave Harley a measure of abuse that he rarely showed except in the most intense of passions, and it felt so satisfying to let loose after spending so many centuries dead. He gritted his teeth, pumping his hips harder and harder, before finally losing himself with powerful howls and groans, his cock erupting with a massive flood of hot, molten spunk that gushed forward and pumped right down her throat. He pulled his hips back so his cock slid out of her throat and fired off even more cum, smacking her face with his spasming cock as he hosed down her face and chest with his punt up spunk while she tried to gasp for air.

"Now we get to the fun part," Dracula said as he reached for Harley again, grabbing her hair and tugging her back to her feet. "But first, I must have a taste of you."

He tilted her head to the side and sank his fangs deep into the unblemished side of her neck. Harley gasped as Dracula's fangs sank into her throat and began to drink from her. Her body turned cold and her skin tingled when she heard the first gulp of Dracula swallowing her blood. As he fed on her, his hands slid down her body to grope her ass through her shorts before ripping both it to pieces. Dracula moaned as he greedily drank down deep swallows of Harley's blood. Finally he detached his mouth from her bloodied throat with a sigh.

"Sweet and spicy," Dracula remarked with a pleased smack of his bloody lips. "Do not despair, Harley. Very soon you'll be enjoying feasting on the blood of lesser creatures. But first, we must consummate our new relationship."

He pushed her against the wall and used one hand to spread her legs apart, effortlessly lifting her up a bit before with an abrupt shove of his hips, he forced his cock right into her waiting cunt.

Harley screamed, her eyes rolling back as she felt the huge cock stretch out her tight inner walls. Her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer as he began to fuck her just as hard as he fucked her throat. Powerful thrusts shook her to the core as Dracula hammered forward, fucking Harley with an unchained intensity and unchecked brutality that put Joker to shame.

Dracula was absolutely relentless in his fucking of her, maintaining a rough, steady pace as he hammered forward, breaking her down. Yes, this was a nice way to begin his return to this world. Two lovely brides for his harem as he planned on turning this city into the seat of his power. The thought made him absolutely giddy as he continued to hammer away with single-minded fervor.

Everything reached a breaking point as Dracula fucked her hard against the wall. Harley came down with a powerful and searing climax that took even Dracula by surprise. Hot howls of ecstasy tore through the air as she thrashed and bucked under the pleasure, burning hotly through her lustful, mind numbing haze. As her pussy walls clutched down around his cock, Dracula couldn't hold himself back either. He gave himself up, and with one powerful thrust plunged into her depths, setting her alight with screaming bliss and heat.

With one powerful thrust, Dracula buried himself balls deep into Harley, just about bottoming out as he let out a primal roar that shook the entire apartment, pumping her womb full of thick, potent cum that had her screaming and twisting in ecstasy. She lost herself to this pleasure, eyes rolling back as another orgasm surged through her, lust shooting across every inch of her and leaving her a dizzy wreck.

Dracula's thrusts slowly came to a stop, still keeping his shaft buried inside Harley's cunt down to the base as he calmed down. At this point, Harley was absolutely catatonic, her eyes glazed over her skin paler than normal, blood staining her throat from where Dracula and Punchline fed on her. Dracula eyed her bloodstained neck hungrily and leaned forward.

"Rejoice, Harley Quinn, for you shall have a front row seat to my conquest of Gotham City. And you and Punchline shall join me as my brides, forever to serve me, Vlad Dracula Tepes!" He said grandiosely. "Now, let me give you one final gift to ensure your entry into your new life."

Harley weakly tilted her head to the side and eagerly bared her neck to Dracula's fangs. Her body slackened and relaxed as his fangs sank back into her throat, his lips closing around the punctures in her neck to suck out the sweet red liquid that sustained him. Harley closed her eyes and sighed with pleasure when she felt him gulping down her blood vigorously.

And so Harley Quinn and her sidekick Punchline became the two brides of Dracula, his first companions in his conquest of this modern city that enchanted him so. It was an unfortunate fate for Harley, who just recently broke free of one man only to be literally bound to another. Not that she could complain anymore, as now she was a slave to her desires and was beholden to her new master as a vampire.

Harley Quinn was now Dracula's whore.

  1. Harley was hoping the fortune in the crypt would provide her with the 'one shot' to become Gotham's first A-list female supervillain.
  2. Upon entering the crypt, Harley found herself face-to-face with Dracula, who thanked her for providing him with sustenance and rewarded her with a night of passion.
  3. After their encounter, Harley returned to her living room to find her new sidekick, Punchline, transformed into a vampire, ready to join her in their supervillain escapades.

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