Celebrity Sex Stories

Helldiver No More

Intelligent Terminids save a Helldiver.

Jul 15, 2024
62 min read
helldivers 2helldivershelldiverterminidterminidsHelldiver No Morehunter
Helldiver No More
Helldiver No More

Helldiver No More

"Sweet Liberty, the Helldivers are here!" A civilian called back to the other occupants of the building, seeing a Helldiver appear in front of the window.

The Terminid Control System had failed. The creatures were breeding at an insane rate, and the Helldiver and his companions noticed that the creatures seemed to be smarter now too. A planet wide evac order had been given, and Helldivers and security forces were scrambling to get the civilians off world before the Terminids completely overran everything.

The Helldiver had heard reports of Terminids ignoring civilians and only going after ones who fired at them, and even heard of Terminids just not attacking. He had even heard reports of Terminids attacking Automatons that were slaughtering civilians. The Democracy officer had shut those rumors down quick though, saying that the Terminids were mindless bugs obsessed with bloodshed and destruction.

He did not believe any of the rumors and reports though. These were mindless bugs, forcing people away from their homes, tearing families apart, and he would do everything to make sure that Democracy and its followers were protected.

This was his first mission, the man just out of training. He did not have as much experience as his companions, who were seasoned veterans, but he knew that would change in just a few minutes.

A few followers of Democracy ran out of the building, the Helldiver standing watch beside them, looking around for any threats. The bugs were the biggest one, but the Automatons could not be discounted either.

The Automatons had been getting pushed back, but with the surge of Terminids the Helldivers had been unable to reliably focus on taking the Automatons down, and they were starting to regroup now.

"Go! We've got an evac point set up at the center of town!" He watched the civilians run to the center, seeing other civilians in other buildings run out.

"We've got contacts!"

One of his companions was looking over to the East, where a small group of Terminids could be seen. They were all looking toward the town, but they weren't advancing forward.

He raised his rifle at the Terminids, but hesitated, remembering what he'd heard. It couldn't possibly have been true, could it? The Democracy officer wouldn't have lied about it, would he?

"Helldiver, the enemy of Democracy is in your sights, do not hesitate in destroying them." The voice of his Democracy Officer in orbit came through, ordering him to do his job.

He did as he was told, squeezing the trigger. His team did the same, the group of Terminids running for cover as bullets flew by them. They were a long ways away, and the desert planet and high winds threw off their aim, no bullets hitting their target.

"Keep them suppressed! Get the civilians to the evac site!" One of his teammates ran forward, firing into the distance at the Terminids, who were hunkering down behind several rocks and small hills.

"H4, there's a building off at the far end of the compound, make sure no one's in there!"

H4 nodded, breathing heavily as he turned, looking at the building. The planet was also prone to earthquakes, and the building here had crates stacked near the door, which had fallen, blocking the door.

He looked to his squad, seeing two of them were laying down suppressing fire, and the third was guiding citizens to the evac site. H4 looked over, seeing several citizens crouching down behind crates at the center of the compound, shielding their faces from the pelting sand.

He turned back, making his way towards the building.

"Helldivers, the Automaton scourge is approaching, you have two dropships heading to your location. Do not let any of Democracy's citizens fall to those foul monstrosities."

His heart jumped in his chest as he heard that, but he put his fear to the side, the building now in front of him. "Is anyone in there?"

He called out, and the faces of two people appeared from behind the crates. "Oh, thank Democracy! We thought you wouldn't come. Please help, we can't get the crates clear!"

H4 looked behind him, seeing the Terminids had pushed closer, a group of Warriors now forming a line, their armored carapaces absorbing the rounds from the rifles the Helldivers had. His eyes widened, seeing how organized they were. Mindless bugs couldn't possibly be that organized and efficient, could they?

He turned back to the trapped citizens, letting his rifle hang off its sling as he grabbed onto one of the crates, pulling it away from the door. It was heavy, the man groaning as he heaved the box away. There were other boxes in the way though, but as he pulled on them he found they refused to budge.

He repositioned himself, getting a better grip on the crates, but he could only lift them a tiny bit, not enough to shift them out of the way.

"Sweet Liberty, are those Automatons?!?"

The Helldiver looked behind him, seeing two dropships had appeared. His squad had pulled back to the center where all the civilians were, and he watched as gunfire poured onto the dropship, damaging the Automatons latched onto it.

He turned back around, staring at the boxes, wondering what to do. He looked down at himself, spotting a grenade hanging on his belt. He reached for it, pulling it out. "Get back away from the door, cover yourselves as best you can!"

He watched them nod, then they ran away from the door. He pulled the pin on the grenade, and then he threw at at the crates, diving away from them. He covered his head with his rifle, and a second later he heard an explosion, dirt raining onto him.

He turned back around, seeing the crates had been completely destroyed, and the door was now open. He quickly got up, running towards it. "Come on, we have to get out of here!" He waved them forward, and the civilian ran out the door, but they stopped short.

"Sweet Liberty..."

He turned, seeing the center was surrounded by Automatons. The three Helldivers were firing on them, supported by several turrets, but the Automatons were still steadily advancing, careless of the wave of lead pelting them.

A few Automatons turned, spotting H4 and the two civilians. They fired at them, the Helldiver putting himself in front of the civilians, guiding them to cover behind the building they had been trapped in.

He pushed them behind the building, then he went to the edge of it, firing at the approaching Automatons.

"What do we do? How do we get to them?" The civilians were panicking, but he had no time to calm them down.

He took cover, several bullets pelting the side of the building.

"We can't help you H4, there's too many of them, you've gotta find your own way over here! The dropship is approaching, you have to get those citizens over here now!"

He heard the roar of the dropship, and he looked out from the building, seeing it approach. A gun was mounted at the nose of it, and he watched the cannon spit out a torrent of bullets at the Automaton horde, shredding them to pieces.

There were still several of them though, and his eyes widened as he saw several with chainsaw arms approaching. His heart fluttered, and then he took cover again, turning to look at the two civilians.

It was a man and a woman, both of them were relatively young, and they were both panicked right now. They looked up to him as he looked down at their crouching figures.

Shocked gasps came from them, and the man pointed past the Helldiver. The Helldiver turned, seeing a chainsaw Automaton had come around the corner.

He turned to the two civilians. "RUN!" He turned back, firing his rifle at the Automaton, sending its mechanical body seizing to the ground. He ran out into the open, trying to cover the fleeing civilians.

The Helldiver fired his rifle on full auto, pelting the Automatons, the soldier trying to aim for the ones with rifles, trying to keep their attention on him and not the civilians, which he saw in the corner of his eye running past him, trying to get to the dropship.

His heart dropped as he saw Terminids rapidly approaching, the Warriors breaking into a charge. He wasn't going to make it to the dropship, none of them were.

His rifle clicked empty, the man still pulling the trigger as a chainsaw Automaton rapidly approached him. He staggered back, raising his weapon up like a bat, swinging it at the robot.T he Automaton staggered back from the blow, giving the Helldiver enough time to pull his pistol out, sending a round into its face.

He turned back to the civilians, seeing them get knocked down by another chainsaw Automaton. Several Terminids were also approaching them, and he could also see several Shriekers flying in the distance, rapidly approaching in the distance.

"NOOO!" He raised his pistol up, firing it at the Automaton, the machine lurching from the rounds, and then he felt himself get knocked to the ground. His pistol flew out of his hands, the man raising his hands up as he desperately kicked himself away, trying to grab for his rifle.

He looked over at the two civilians, seeing them get swarmed by the Terminids. Their terrified screams filled his ears as he watched the Automaton standing above them get cleaved in half by a swipe from a Warrior's claw, the sheer amount of Terminids preventing him from seeing the massacre.

The Automaton above him let loose a war cry, and he raised his hands up towards his face, the Automaton raising its chainsaw up to gore him.

His eyes caught sight of a Hunter rapidly approaching, and he watched as it launched itself at the Automaton. So this is how he would die, gored by an Automaton, and then torn to shreds by Terminids.

He kicked himself away as the Automaton fell, its blade landing right where he had been just moments ago, and he watched as the Hunter sunk its claws into the machine's back, the Automaton ceasing its movement.

The Helldiver used the minor distraction to grab his rifle, releasing the empty magazine, the man slotting a fresh one into the weapon just as the Terminid pulled its talons out of the Automaton.

He raised his rifle up, aiming it at the creature, but he hesitated. It was looking right at him, its entire body frozen, the creature not moving at all. He breathed heavily, his eyes wide as he stared at the creature, all his training and superiors' words going through his mind, telling him that this creature should be attacking him, but it wasn't.

And then the rumors he'd heard from earlier came to his mind again, about how some Terminids had not attacked people, and had even saved people.

He turned his head to look at where the two civilians had been, seeing Terminids still swarming around the area, several Automatons rushing towards them, but the Terminids tore them apart. He noticed how the Terminids seemed to be hovering around the area the civilians had been.

He watched two Shriekers descend down where the two civilians had been, and then the Democracy Officer's voice came through to him.

"Helldiver, you have failed your oath and you have failed to protect Democracy's citizens, and you have hesitated in destroying the enemies of Democracy. We have no use for a traitor in our ranks, you are hereby stripped of your rank, your ship, and your status. You must submit to the nearest Helldiver or other representative of Democracy for permanent decommission."

Those words tore through him worse than the Hunter's talons ever could have. He looked over at the horde of Terminids in despair, knowing he'd failed to protect the two civilians, and even now he'd failed to kill his sworn enemy, which now stood ready to skewer him.

But then his thoughts went away, replaced by confusion as he heard the terrified screams of the two civilians again, the exact ones who he'd thought were dead just moments ago. And then he watched the two Shriekers rise into the air. Clutched between their talons were the two humans, the civilians clinging to the Terminids in fear as they were lifted into the air.

They didn't stay in the air for long though, the Helldiver watching as the Shriekers dive bombed over where the dropship was, the Helldiver watching the two civilians get dropped right next to the dropship.

The three Helldivers were still firing at the Automaton horde, but they turned to look at the two Shriekers that had dropped the civilians off, staring for a few seconds before they rushed to the civilians, who were still very much alive.

They rushed them into the dropship, and the Helldiver heard the engines roar to life, the craft lifting up into the air.

He turned his head back to the Hunter above him, seeing it had raised its head to look up at the retreating dropship, but then his eyes looked past it, seeing a Shrieker rapidly descending.

"Oh Sweet-" He kicked himself away, twisting and trying to roll out of the way, but the Shrieker landed on top of him, the man tucking his hands in towards his face as he felt its claws wrap around him, and then he lurched as it lifted him up.

"OHHHH, SWEET LIBERTY!" He desperately grasped onto the creature's legs as it flew into the air, the man looking down, seeing the ground quickly become more distant. He looked up, seeing the Shrieker was heading towards the rapidly ascending dropship.

He flinched, hearing the dropship start firing, and then the Shrieker screeched, diving as bullets flew around it. He clung onto the creature, the Terminid going into a free fall to get away from the dropship, the man lurching as he watched the ground start coming closer.

He screamed, expecting to slam to the ground, but the Shrieker expanded its wings again, the man's stomach turning as he was roughly jerked to a stop just a few meters from the ground. He looked up, seeing the Terminid hovering in the air, looking around as if it was confused.

He didn't want to be in its grasps anymore, and he was close enough to the ground to survive the fall, so he started wrestling with the creature, trying to push its claws away. It looked down at him, uttering a confused screech, and he looked up at it. He stared at it, breathing heavily, and then he thrusted his fist forward.

His armored fist slammed into its face, no doubt doing nothing more than mildly annoying it, but it was enough for it to let go of him.

It was hovering about 15 feet off the ground, the man slamming into the hard sand, groaning as he clutched his side. He grimaced, breathing heavily, hoping he hadn't hurt anything. He took in a deep breath, turning to look at the Shrieker above him.

It was staring down at him, the creature lightly hissing. It uttered a low growl at him, and then it flew off, the man watching it head back to where its nest was. He turned to look at the town, seeing it was a ways away, and that the Terminids there were starting to disperse.

He sat up, just staring at the town, watching the Terminids walk away.

He didn't want to think on anything, but countless thoughts still roamed through his head. What would become of his ship? Had the Democracy Officer really lied to him? Why would he have lied?

His thoughts turned to the two civilians he'd tried to save. He'd thought the Terminids had torn them apart, but now as he thought back on it, it was clear they'd formed a perimeter around them, protecting them from the Automatons.

And then the two Shriekers had arrived, lifting them up, and then dropping them at the evac point. He tried so hard to just write them off as mindless insects, even now, but as he thought on it he just could not find a reason why the Shriekers would do that.

Unless they were trying to save the civilians.

He tried so hard to deny it, to believe the Democracy Officer, but everything he'd seen told him that the Democracy Officer had lied to him. And then when he'd hesitated to kill the Terminids the Officer had labeled him a traitor.

He'd lost his ship, his title, everything that Helldivers worked so hard to achieve. Everything he'd done had been for nothing.

He heard a quiet screech to his left, and he turned, seeing a Warrior was standing several meters away from him. It was hunkered down low, its arms protecting its body, but he could see its head poking up from its armor, looking at him.

He just stared at it, not even reaching for his rifle. The words of his Democracy Officer briefly echoed at the back of his mind, but it was completely overpowered by everything he had seen.

There was no way to deny it, not after everything he'd seen. These creatures had been changed by the Terminid Control System. They were much smarter now, they were much more organized, and they had saved him and the compound from the attacking Automatons.

He couldn't shoot this creature, not after what he'd seen them do.

He slowly got to his feet, groaning as his side screamed in agony, the man doubling over, clutching his side. He breathed in, waiting for the pain to die down, and then he took a slow step forward, limping as he did so.

The Warrior was standing between him and the compound, but as he walked closer it moved off to the side, the creature assuming a normal stance as it watched him pass it.

How smart were they? Could they be as smart as humans? He thought back to the Hunter that had saved him, how it had reacted when he'd aimed his weapon at it.

It had saved his life, and in return he had almost blown its head off. It had completely frozen when he'd aimed his rifle at it, had it been from fear, maybe a sense of betrayal?

There were still some Terminids hovering around the town, the Helldiver watching the creatures look at him. He looked behind him, seeing that the Warrior following him, though it was maintaining its distance.

He looked around, seeing the carnage that had been done. All the Automatons had been torn to pieces. There were a few dead Terminids among them, but the Automatons had clearly been overwhelmed by the hordes of bugs.

He made his way to the center, finding that miraculously no civilians had died. There were no corpses on the ground, not even any blood, just oil from where the Automatons had been destroyed.

He heard a pained screech, and he turned over, seeing a Warrior had fallen to the ground, several Terminids rushing over to it. He watched them prop it up, and he could see that one of its legs had lost all of its armor, the man seeing the creature's exposed flesh, green blood oozing from it.

The Warrior that had been following him ran past him, and he watched in awe as it ran over to the wounded Warrior, trying to help it along.

He hung his head down, the realization of what he and his squad had done coming to him. He didn't know how intelligent the Terminids had been before the TCS had been activated, but they were clearly intelligent now.

They didn't want to fight, he was living proof of that, along with his squad and the civilians, otherwise they would have died when they'd fired on the creatures. They'd been killing intelligent creatures that just wanted to be left alone. Or maybe they even wanted to socialize with the humans, but the lies and propaganda that the leaders of Super Earth spread made that impossible.

Would his squad and the civilians even be allowed to live after what they had seen? They would surely spread word of what had happened, especially the two civilians that had been saved from the Automatons.

He hung his head in shame, everything becoming too much to handle, too much emotions and thoughts flooding his mind.

His eyes caught sight of the gold clasps holding his cape to him. He remembered the joy he'd felt when he'd put it on, but now, he looked at it and he could only see lies and deception.

He slowly reached up to the clasp, his hands hovering over them for a few seconds, hesitating. He shook his head, grimacing as he closed his eyes, and he undid the clasp. His cape hung off his right shoulder, the man reaching over to the other clasp, and he undid that one too.

His cape came loose, and the strong winds took hold of it, the man turning and watching as his cape flew away.

He just stared forlornly at it, even after it had gone out of view, but then he heard a chirp near him. He looked over, seeing that a Bile Spitter had made its way closer to him. The creature tensed up, seeing him focusing on it.

he looked past it, seeing several other Terminids were watching him and the creature, the Bile Spitter making a nervous glance behind it before it took another slow step forward.

Never in his life could he have imagined that a Terminid would look cute, but as the timid creature moved closer, its body almost hugging the ground, he could say that the creature did look cute.

He crouched down, the creature tilting its head and raising itself off the ground, more confident now. It moved closer to him, the creature now just two feet away from him, and he slowly reached his hand out.

The Bile Spitter looked at, the creature uttering a low chitter, and then it moved forward, pushing its head into his hand.

His eyes widened as it did that, and he slowly ran his hand over the creature's armored head, the creature making a low trill, pushing itself closer to him, the Terminid making him lose his balance.

He fell back, the creature making a surprised screech, moving forward and looking at him nervously. He propped himself up on his elbows, the creature seeming to relax. He looked past it, seeing that other Terminids had moved closer to him.

Past them was a Brood Commander, the Helldiver sucking in a breath as he watched it move closer to him. The other Terminids spotted the high ranking Terminid, quickly dispersing.

The Bile Spitter next to him emitted a surprised screech, and it jumped away from him running off as the Brood Commander now stood in front of him.

He didn't move at all, the man not even breathing as it crouched down a bit, the creature moving closer, now standing over him.

He looked at the massive scythes it had for arms, the man pushing himself to the ground as it leaned closer to him, rapidly breathing as the massive Terminid brought its arms closer to him. It lightly poked him in the chest, the creature gauging his reaction.

When he didn't react it brought a claw to where the sling holding his rifle was. He watched it slip the tip of its claw between the sling and his armor, and then it started pulling its claw back.

The thick fabric of the sling could not handle the sharp talons, and he flinched as the sling was sliced apart. It brought both of its claws to his rifle, the man watching as it clumsily grabbed his weapon, pinching it between its claws.

It raised itself up off of him, and he watched as it seemed to examine the weapon. It tucked its claws in close to its body, and then it leaned back down to him, its face leaning in close to his own. It uttered a low growl, and then it walked off, still clutching his weapon.

He sat there, still hyperventilating, his entire body relaxing, the man letting his head hit the sand. His breathing slowly calmed down, aided by the Bile Spitter that had come back, the man hearing its chirps next to him.

He took in a deep breath, raising his head up to see the creature was right next to him, and he could see several other Terminids had gathered around him again, though they still kept some distance from him.

He raised his hand up, setting it onto the Bile Spitter's head, the creature making a crooning noise, and he watched it push itself closer to him, the creature lying down next to him. He leaned his head back, sighing.

He pulled his hand away from the creature, and he felt it shift, the Termind's head shifting to look at him, and it watched as he grabbed his glove with his other hand, pulling it off.

He set his hand back down on the Terminid's carapace, feeling the creature's armored body. It was lightly rough, almost sandpapery in texture, likely a combination of genetics and the constant pelting of sand they were subjected to.

Fine grains of sand were hitting his exposed hand now, the man realizing just how much the armor and suit had been protecting him from the elements. He grimaced, the sharp particles digging into his hand, the man hissing as a piece grazed across his hand, the man pulling his hand away to see that his hand had been scratched.

He sighed, quickly putting the glove back on, then he leaned himself back up. The Terminid next to him propped itself back up on its legs, the creature chirping at him, moving in to rub its head against his chest, and then it turned, walking away.

He looked around at the Terminids, seeing them all come to cluster around the Bile Spitter, the creatures emitting several screeches at each other. They seemed to be communicating, and the Bile Spitter was being very vocal.

He wasn't a scientist, but he knew that there were several who would love to see what he was currently seeing. These creatures had their own language, whether it came from the TCS he did not know, but these creatures were having complex conversations with each other with just grunts and growls.

He stood up, sighing, the interactions he'd had with the creatures leaving him confident they would not harm him, so long as he also did not harm any of them.

He turned around, only to gasp at what was in front of him. A Warrior had snuck up behind him, the creature within a foot of him, staring down at him. It lightly cocked its body as he took a step back, and it followed him, the Helldiver now maintaining his stance as it stepped close to him, the creature planting its front legs to his sides.

It lifted itself up higher, the Terminid's face level with his own, and he turned his head to the side as it reached a claw out, the Terminid running it across his armor. The claw moved to where his cape had been attached, the claw lightly pushing into where the cape mount was supposed to be.

It made a confused chirp, and its claw moved away, the creature leaning in close to him.

The smaller Terminids seemed more curious of him than the bigger ones, who seemed to regard him with suspicion, especially the ones that had authority. This Terminid was tensed up, its jaws closed tightly, suspicious of him, but it had seen how he had interacted with the Bile Spitter, and its curiosity was getting the best of it.

It pushed itself closer to him, and the man took a step back, trying not to fall, but the Terminid just followed him. He raised his hands up, putting them on the creature's head, trying to push it away, but it refused to budge.

Instead it brought its own claws up, the man watching it place them on his shoulders, and then it pushed itself forward. He lost his balance, the man digging his hands into the Terminid's head armor as his feet slipped out from under him.

The Terminid pushed its head down, forcing him to the ground, where it then pulled its head back, its claws still settled on his shoulders, pinning him down.. He pulled his hands away from the creature's head, setting them down at his sides, turning his head away, hoping the creature wouldn't get more aggressive than it already was.

It looked him up and down, the creature's head lightly tilting as it stared at him.

He wondered what he looked like to the creatures, considering they didn't have eyes. Did they see using heat? Maybe sound? No, heat seemed like a more reasonable guess, though the creatures most likely did also have exceptional hearing too.

He turned his head back to look at the Terminid above him, its armored face staring right at him. Its tusks were just a few inches away from his face, the man nervously looking at the sharp mandibles, hoping the creature wouldn't decide to impale him with them.

One of its claws left his shoulder, and he felt it travel down, the man watching it settle where his hand was lying. It lightly tapped on his hand, and he felt its claw push down where his glove connected to his suit.

It had seen him take his glove off earlier, did it want him to do that again?

He pulled his hand away from the creature's claw, the Terminid raising its claw up to let him move, and he brought his other hand over. He watched the creature lean a bit closer as he grabbed onto his glove, pulling it off.

He watched it bring its claw back to his exposed hand, the blowing sand feeling like sandpaper rubbing over his skin. The creature's claw settled in the palm of his hand, and he hesitantly grasped its claw.

There was no give to it, the man only feeling hard shell on his hand, the man noting how sharp the underside of its claw was. He felt at the tip of its claw, noting that it was actually somewhat dull, but he knew how effective they were in combat, even with this one being a bit dull.

It brought its face closer to its hand, and he watched as it opened its jaws. His eyes widened, but before he could pull his hand away a tongue shot out, wrapping around his wrist, holding him in place.

He tried to pull his hand away out of reflex, but the wiry appendage was stronger than it looked, and as it wound its tongue between his fingers it only got a stronger grip on him. He slowly relaxed his hand, the man grimacing as he watched the slimy appendage wind through his hand.

Its tongue was very thin, about the width of a pencil, and it was insanely long, its tongue coiling around every one of his fingers. It was surprisingly warm, the creature seeming to have a higher body temperature than a human.

It mercifully kept its mouth clear, the man not wanting his fingers anywhere near its teeth, but its tongue was being very explorative. It pulled his hand away from its claw, and he watched as it demonstrated the insane amount of dexterity it had. It manipulated each one of his digits, the man watching it move his fingers around.

It was also feeling the soft skin he had, the creature moving the skin on the back of his hand around, lightly pushing down on it, and feeling the webbing between his fingers.

he shivered, its tongue slithering in between the sleeve of his uniform, the man feeling it spiral around his arm as it worked its way up. It went past his shoulder, and he squirmed as the appendage trailed across his chest, the man looking down, even though he could see nothing.

The planet was hot, and despite the suit having a cooling system he had still managed to build up a layer of sweat from the work he'd done, and the terror and adrenaline rushes he'd been put through.

The creature recoiled back a bit when it tasted the salt on his chest, but then it leaned in closer, a soft growl coming from it. A droplet of its saliva fell down onto his mask, the man seeing that the creature's body was almost touching him, and its tongue was now tracing over his entire chest.

It uttered a low, constant growl, the man not able to do anything except shiver as its tongue traced along his chest and stomach, making his muscles tense.

The attentions it had been giving him had done more than simply make him shiver, and he desperately hoped it would not stray any lower than it was, but it was hard to hide how your body felt to a creature that communicated through pheremones.

And although he was not able to detect it, he knew his body was releasing an aroused pheremone, and the creature detected it, the man's eyes widening, his heart starting to pound as it froze, even its tongue freezing in place.

He watched its head slowly tilt back up, its face staring right at him. It hovered there for a few moments, and then his heart dropped as he watched its head angle down.

It brought its face right up to his hips, the creature bringing its claws over to his uniform. The man brought his one free hand up, trying to push its claws away, but the creature completely overpowered him, and he could do nothing as it lifted the bottom of his uniform up.

He was wearing armor there too, so there was nothing conspicious to the naked eye, but the creature could sense his pheremones, and he squirmed as its tongue traveled lower, seeking them out.

It slipped past his belt, the man reaching to his pants, trying to stop it from travelling lower, but it wormed past him, and his legs jolted as he felt its tongue trace along his groin.

It uttered a low hiss, and his eyes fluttered as its tongue found his member, the man bucking as he felt it coil around him. Its tongue coiled around his tip, the man feeling it trace over the top of it, the creature crooning as it tasted some pre that had welled up.

He felt its tongue move his arm, the man watching as it pulled his hand over to where his pants were. He tried to pull his hand away, but the creature had an iron grip, and he watched as it brought his hand over to his belt.

It manipulated his fingers, the creature so dexterious that it was able to get the belt off of him within seconds, all while manipulating his own fingers with just its tongue. It then moved his hand to the zipper, the man groaning as it squeezed his member.

It got the zipper open without any trouble, and it pinned his arm back down to his side. It used its tongue to reveal his member, the creature weaseling it through his clothing.

He looked down at his member, seeing its pink tongue coiled around it several times, the man bucking as its hot breath wafted over his member, the creature's head hanging just a few inches from him now.

He was expecting it sink its head down, to engulf his member in its throat, the thought of it making his member pulse, but instead the creature unwound its tongue from him. He felt it rapidly slip away from him, and within just a few seconds its obscenely long tongue was back inside its mouth.

It had freed his arm too, the man taking in a breath as he slowly raised his hand up to the creature's head. He gently rubbed the creature's armor, not sure if it was actually able to feel anything from it, but it seemed happy.

He watched as it spread its legs out, the creature bringing itself lower to the ground, and he felt its weight slowly press down on his lower half. It settled the upper part of its body on his legs, its front legs sprawled out to either side of him, and its two claws were now placed to either side of his head.

It dug its claws into the ground, the man still watching its head, which was now lying directly in front of his member. Its tongue poked out of its mouth again, the man gripping the creature's head as its tongue coiled around the base of his member.

It lifted it up, setting it against its face, the man glancing at its teeth, hoping it wouldn't bite or nick him. More of its tongue reached out, engulfing more of his member, the creature lifting its head up, tilting his member forward a bit more, the creature lining it up perfectly with its throat.

He watched as its saliva fell down onto him, making his member slick, the creature starting to slide its tongue over him, the man closing his eyes, bucking up. He felt the tip of his member hit the soft flesh of its mouth, the man opening his eyes as he felt its mandibles shift.

Its tusks had been spread to the side for awhile now, the man not having to worry about being skewered, and it was being mindful of its teeth, but he knew that if he tried to thrust he might get poked by them.

He tried to stay still, but the creature made that difficult, especially when he saw it slowly lower its head down, the man gasping as soft, pillowly flesh started to engulf his member. Its head was blocking his view, but he could see his length slowly disappearing, and he could feel its throat tightening around him, the man reaching his other hand out, trying to pull its head down further.

It did as he wanted it too, and he gasped as he felt its teeth settle around him, the creature taking him in as far as it could. Its throat convulsed around him, the creature's tongue still tracing around his length, though he noticed that it was keeping clear of the tip, perhaps noticing how sensitive he was there.

His fingernails dug into the creature's armor, the man grinding against its face, grimacing as it swallowed around him, instantly swallowing any pre that came out.

It pulled its claws out of the dirt, the man feeling them slide under his back, the creature lifting him up. It started bobbing on his length, raising its head up and down, and the man bent forward, leaning his chest against its head, wrapping his arms around it, breathing heavily.

A strangled growl suddenly came from it, the man feeling its throat strangle his shaft, and then it pulled away. It threw its head up into the air, letting out a low screech, its claws pulling away from him, letting him fall to the ground. He looked up at it in confusion, wondering what was happening.

He noticed movement in his peripheral, and he looked down, seeing the leg of a smaller Terminid under it. He looked over, seeing that the Bile Spitter that had been with him had now snuck up behind them.

He narrowed his eyes at it, wondering what it was doing, before he noticed its head was angled up, and it was positioned between the Warrior's back legs. His eyes slowly widened in realization, and he looked up at the Warrior, seeing its tongue was drooping out of its mouth.

It uttered another low hiss, and then its head drooped back down, its face hanging in front of his own. It was breathing heavily, the man watching its tongue slowly lower. He breathed in, watching it coil around his shaft again, and it lowered its head back down.

It sunk its head all the way down again, the man feeling its soft flesh settled against his hips, before it started its bobbing again, though this time it felt even better. It was uttering soft hisses and growls, the sounds strangled, its vocalizations making its throat twist and tense around him, the Bile Spitter's tongue seeming to work wonders on the Warrior's unseen nethers.

He reclined back, just letting the Warrior do its thing, his breathing growing unsteady, the man closing his eyes, his setting his hands on the Warrior's forehead as his toes started to clench, shivering from its attentions.

Underneath the Warrior, the Bile Spitter was lifting itself up, planting its front legs on the Warrior, pushing itself up with its back legs, the creature burying its face into the thin slit situated just behind its back legs, running horizontally across its entire tail.

Its tongue was buried inside the Warrior's deepest reaches, seeking out every nook and cranny inside her. The Spitter was hissing happily, feeling just how much the Warrior's insides were quivering at her attentions.

The Bile Spitter's attentions were having an effect on both of them too. The Warrior's front claws and legs were digging up the ground all around him, the intimidating creature being completely overwhelmed by a creature a tenth its size.

The Warrior was constantly uttering moans and hisses, its throat constricting around him in wonderful ways every time it made a noise. Its tongue spooled out of its mouth, digging into his uniform to run across his stomach, his core muscles tensing from the countless sensations assaulting him.

It raised its head off of his shaft, stopping at the tip, and he grimaced, his eyes fluttering when it started suckling on him. He dug his fingernails into its head, unable to stand it any longer.

He started emptying himself into its mouth, the man closing his eyes as it slammed itself back down on him, hilting him inside it. Its throat started massaging him, swallowing down everything he had to offer, the man squirming under the intense sensations.

The entrance of its mouth sealed tightly around the base of his member, not wanting to let anything go to waste, all of his seed instead getting deposited into its waiting stomach.

He gasped and moaned, the creature not letting up at all until he deflated to the ground, his hands falling off of the Terminid's head. It hung there for a few seconds, its throat no longer constricting and spasming around him.

It raised its head off of him, his member finally released from its clutches, the man seeing that it and his hips were completely drenched in the creature's saliva.

It had swallowed everything down, and as it sat there panting above him he could see that its throat was clean too. It hissed, trembling for a second, and then it rolled off of him, lying on its side.

The Bile Spitter that had been underneath it was now standing in front of him, its tongue hanging halfway out of its mouth. He looked at it, seeing the creature's face was covered in the juices of the Warrior.

It quickly made its way back over to the Warrior, which had its legs raised in the air, offering itself to the Spitter.

It wasted no time in delving its tongue back into the larger Terminid, the man watching the Warrior squirm and writhe on the ground.

It suddenly brought its claws down on the Bile Spitter, the creature emitting a surprised screech. The Warrior grabbed the smaller Terminid, spinning it around, and the man watched as the Warrior's tongue snaked out of its mouth, moving towards the Spitter, the man watching its tongue move under the Spitter, seeing it disappear into a barely visible slit underneath its body.

The Bile Spitter loosed another screech, its legs curling inwards, the creature falling to the ground shaking. It sat there for a few seconds, the Warrior still shoving more of its tongue into the tiny creature who could do nothing but squirm.

The Bile Spitter started moving after a few seconds, still shaking all the while, the creature managing to bring itself back to the Warrior's entrance. It didn't bring its face up though, instead it fell to the ground again, its tongue extending out, angling up to the Warrior's wet slit again.

As the man watched them tongue fuck each other a mildly amusing thought came to him. What would the Democracy Officer say if he could see what was happening, and what the Warrior had done to him?

The question was immediately answered. He didn't care what the Democracy Officer would say, he now realized that the Democracy Officer's words were worth no more than the dirt he was sitting on. The Democracy Officer himself was worth no more than the dirt he was sitting on.

He sincerely doubted they would ever meet again, but if they were, he knew he would not hesitate in making sure that Officer died. His thoughts then turned to the future, the pleasured screeches of the two Terminids fading to the back of his mind.

How would he survive here? What would become of this world? Surely Super Earth would want to reclaim it, wouldn't they? He doubted they would be able to. There were just too many Terminids here.

That left two options, they either destroy the planet, or abandon it. An absurd thought came to him. What about the third option, the Terminids and Super Earth coexisting? Could it be possible? He didn't know, he sincerely doubted it, but maybe word would get out of what the Terminids had done here.

Surely the civilians of this town would talk about how they'd been saved from the Automatons by them. Or maybe Super Earth would tell them to stay quiet. Maybe an 'accident' happened in orbit, and the shuttle was destroyed, to keep them from talking about what had happened.

He doubted he'd ever find out for sure.

A loud screech came from the Bile Spitter, and he turned to look at it. It curled in on itself, its tongue receding back into its body, and he watched as the creature started to spasm. The Warrior had made the Bile Spitter come, the creature making desperate screeches as its entire body was overwhelmed by the sensations.

The Warrior packed more of its tongue into the Bile Spitter, trying to make its orgasm last as long as possible, the creature's legs tensing as the Bile Spitter felt its insides get stuffed full.

He watched the Bile Spitter gradually deflate, its screeches dying down to a low hiss. The Warrior pulled its tongue out, the man watching countless feet get pulled out of the Bile Spitter, the small Terminid trembling as its body now felt empty.

It sat there for a few moments, slowly recovering, and then the man watched as it propped itself up on its front legs, bringing its face back up to the Warrior's nethers.

It piled its tongue back inside, and the man watched as the Warrior reclined back, completely limp as the Bile Spitter tried to finish it off.

It had been close too, and the man watched as it also came. The creature's tail curled inward, the Bile Spitter jumping away as the Warrior curled its entire body in on itself, lightly shaking as it rode out its orgasm.

He watched it come down from its high, the creature uncurling, lying limply on the ground. The Bile Spitter moved closer to it, the smaller Terminid lying down next to it, the Warrior letting out a quiet hiss.

He looked up in the sky, seeing that the sun was starting to set, and he decided it would be a good time to rest too.

He stood up, looking down at his uniform, seeing that his pants were covered in the Warrior's saliva. He grimaced, glad that his uniform was at least waterproof. He zipped himself back up, sparing a glance at the two sleeping Terminids before he turned, heading towards the building that the two civilians had been trapped in earlier.

It had been a home, and he guessed there was food in it, which he sorely needed. His stomach growled at him as he walked through the destroyed doorway, the man noticing some green blood on it.

As he stepped into the building he saw the source of it.

A Hunter was lying in the center of the building. Its legs were bloodied, cuts from a saw on it, and he could see a cut along its body.

"Aww... Oh no..." He moved closer to the creature, which did not move or react to his presence.

Was this the one that had saved him earlier? He couldn't tell for sure, but something just told him that this was the one. It had died saving him and the civilians.

He walked over to it, taking off his helmet and gloves. He set them on the ground, kneeling down next to it. He set a hand on it, closing his eyes and grimacing. Its body was still warm, but it still did not react to his presence.

He sighed, looking at the creature a few more seconds before standing back up, grabbing his helmet and gloves.

He looked around, seeing it was a small dwelling. Most of the building was open, but there was a small doorway on the far left of the building, and as the man walked through it he could see that it was a bedroom, another room near it, the man seeing it was a bathroom, complete with a shower too.

The rest of the building was a typical living space. There was a section these people had devoted to a living area, and the far right side sported a kitchen.

He walked over to it, opening several cupboards, grabbing some packaged food. He opened the bag, pulling the contents out, slowly making his way over to the couch. The evacuation had happened so fast that no one had time to turn anything off, not the power plant workers, not the radio broadcast satelites, and not the owners of this small dwelling here.

The TV was still on, and a broadcast from Super Earth was on, telling about the evacuation of the planet. The voice on the TV said that all surviving civilians had been evacuated from the planet, and that given the severity of the swarm, how big it had been, there was no word on if the planet would ever be reclaimed.

They listed the casualties, and he was surprised to see there were very few, and the announcer said that most of the casualties during the evacuation had been from attacking Automatons. He noticed that the speaker barely spoke about the Terminids, only mentioning there numbers on the planet, which were reported to be in the billions.

He was growing tired, and he had finished his meal, so he turned the TV off, glancing over at the deceased Hunter before he went to the bedroom. He stared at it for a second, wondering if it was ok to be taking over this home, but he quickly squashed those thoughts.

He did feel a bit uncomfortable climbing into a bed that was not his own, but he got past those feelings, the man starting to take his armor off. He set his gloves and helmet down on a metal table next to the bed, and then started taking everything else off.

He threw all the armor pieces onto the ground, the man starting to take off his uniform. He set his shirt on the table, doing the same for his pants, the man now standing almost completely nude in the room. The heating wasn't on, and he shivered, quickly climbing into the bed under the covers.

He sighed, already missing the spacious, warm room on his ship, but he knew he would never see it again. He pushed those thoughts to the side, instead focusing on closing his eyes, letting his mind go blank, and he soon drifted off to sleep.

In the other room, the Hunter, which seemed all but dead to the world, was in a forced sleep, its body forcing the creature to shut down while it tried to repair its wounds, of which it had received several.

It had been able to feel its body starting to shut down, and it had barely been able to get into this dwelling before its body gave out. She was in a deep sleep now, and her dreams were centered around everything that had happened in the last few minutes.

Her dreams were more akin to nightmares though. Ghoulish images of the metallic creatures flashed through her mind, images of them sawing through her friends, and the humans. An image flashed of a Helldiver getting skewered through the gut by one of the fiends, in her mind she was stuck in place, forced to watch as the human pushed at the saw before going limp.

Those images quickly faded, instead replaced by the image of a Helldiver, standing over her, his weapon aimed right at her. She felt helpless, standing completely still, hoping the human would find mercy for her.

She looked down the barrel of the gun, her focus shifting between the human and the end of the barrel, her heart hammering as she could do nothing but watch. She saw the human's finger shift, pulling inward, and she tensed up, a flash coming from the weapon a split second later.

She awoke, shooting onto her feet, looking around in a panic, breathing heavily. She shook, collapsing to the ground, the panic in her slowly dying down. Those images were burned into her mind, but she knew they were just figments of her imagination.

Not all of it was a figment though. The fear she'd felt had been real, when that metal creature had been standing over the Helldiver, and when the Helldiver had pointed his weapon at her. Her mind had taken her fear in those moments, and transformed them into what had very nearly happened.

The Helldiver had been milliseconds away from getting shredded, and then she was just a split decision away from getting shot by the Helldiver she'd risked her life to save. She'd ran as fast as she could to him, throwing herself at the metal machine, getting cut by it in the process.

She'd put herself between the machine and the Helldiver on purpose, knowing just how frail the humans were. She felt satisfaction, knowing she'd saved the human from a horrible fate. She turned around, expecting to see a grateful human, but instead she'd been met by the rifle of a creature terrified at her presence.

She thought back on the feelings she'd felt then. Fear, anguish, and a sense of betrayal. She knew he didn't know she was smart, and it hurt her to know that she might be killed by a creature that saw her as a monster full of bloodlust.

She had frozen, waiting for the shot to come. It never did though. The human had just stared at her, still aiming his weapon at her, but not firing. A hint of hope came over her when he saw him turn, looking over at the two humans.

He had tried his best to save them, but he hadn't had enough firepower. Her friends had noticed this and had gone to help. She looked over at them too, seeing that they were covering the two humans with their bodies, keeping any metal creature from getting close.

He'd clearly seen something different though, and she had watched him deflate.

Everything had happened so fast, it was just a few seconds later he was picked up by one of the flyers, and then he'd been gone. She wondered why the craft had left without him, but she'd had no time to think on it, her body had started to shut down.

She wondered if he'd made it ok, she hoped he had anyway. She turned her attention to her body. She had clearly healed enough since she'd woken up. Her wounds had scabbed over, but she knew it would take awhile before they were fully healed.

She stood back up, letting out a low sigh, preparing to walk out the door.

There were footsteps on the floor. Dirt tracked in from outside. She looked down at it, watching where the footsteps had gone. The first place they had gone was right to where she was lying. She looked down at them, seeing how the foot steps were along the side of her body.

She stood up, seeing that there were dusty bootprints all over the small building, but she noticed that the footsteps led directly to a small doorway, leading into a room which held unknown items to her.

She slowly walked over to it, her claws leaving little scratches in the ground every step she took, and she soon stood just before the doorway.

Was there really someone in there? A survivor that had gotten missed? It couldn't be, they must just be old footprints from the now evacuated homeowners.

Why would the homeowners have randomly stood right in front of where she'd been lying though?

She hesitantly walked through the doorway, having to tuck her wings and legs in to get through, and as she turned to get a look at the room she sucked in a breath. There, lying on the bed, was a human.

They had forgotten a human. He looked calm, the man's chest slowly rising and falling as he slept. How could he be sleeping in a situation like this? For all he knew the town had been completely overrun by rampaging insects, but here he was, just sleeping through it, completely left behind and forgotten.

And then she spotted it, the shine of black armor lying on the ground. She moved closer, her head angling toward it, and her heart jumped in realization. This wasn't just some random person, this was a Helldiver.

She recognized his armor too. This was the Helldiver she'd saved. He'd been left behind.

She looked around, realizing he had no weapons on him. His armor was bare, but as she looked at it she saw something that piqued her interest. There was no cape attached to his armor, nor was it anywhere nearby.

It hadn't been torn off, there were no remnants of it on his armor, it was just completely gone. She wondered where it could have gone, quietly stepping closer to the bed the human was on, leaning down to look at his armor.

A unique scent immediately assaulted her as she brought her head close to his armor. The smell of another Terminid was overpowering. She recognized the scent, it was the Warrior in charge of her small group.

What had she been doing with this human? She could smell another scent too, the Hunter recognizing it as one of the Spitters in her group too. She knew that one to be very curious, always up to trying new things.

She looked up at the Helldiver lying in the bed, finding that their scents were even stronger on him. She leaned in close to his sleeping form, her suspicions soon getting confirmed as her face hovered over his midsection.

She hooked a claw over the blanket covering him, slowly pulling it away. She stared for several seconds, looking at his body, which was almost completely uncovered. She leaned her head in closer, her face almost touching his chest, allowing her to better take in the scents on him.

The Warrior's scent was all over him, painting a lurid scene in her mind of what had happened. Her wings fluttered as she thought about it. She pulled the blanket down lower, revealing his midsection. She hovered her face over it, not surprised at all to find that the Warrior's scent was strongest there.

Whatever they had done, it had happened recently, the scents were still strong. Strong enough that she could still sense the arousal and lust that were the human's pheremones. She couldn't sense any fear or apprehension on him, no remorse or anything like that.

Whatever he and the Warrior had done, it hadn't been forced.

How could a Helldiver have willingly mated with a creature that he was supposed to hate with all his might? What possibly could have caused him to do that?

She wanted so badly to know. She turned her head to the human's face, wondering if she should wake him up. She decided not to though. He looked so peaceful there, so completely relaxed. She rested a claw down on his chest, the Hunter surprised to hear a low exhale come from him.

His body was a little cooler than hers, but he still felt pleasant. His skin was smooth and soft, contrasting sharply with her hard armor. She wondered what he would feel like pressed up against her...

She nervously glanced around, deciding that she did want to find out. She slowly raised her foot up, putting it down on the bed, but hesitated, feeling her sharp foot push into the bed. She doubted she would be able to climb on to it without completely destroying it.

She thought for a moment, pulling her claw away from his chest. She didn't want to wake him up, not yet anyway, but how would she get onto the bed without waking him up? An idea came to her and she immediately sprang into action.

She moved away from the side of the bed, moving to the front of it. She looked down at it, seeing that it was very wide, the creature hoping this would work. She splayed her legs out, letting out a relieved sigh when she saw that her leg span allowed her to place her legs along each side of the bed.

She wouldn't be able to hold him like this, and she wasn't sure if he would be able to withstand her weight. The most she would be able to do here was lie down next to him and drape two of her legs over him.

It would have to do.

She took careful steps forward, her awkward stance threatening to make her lose her balance. She soon found herself hovering just above the Helldiver, the Terminid taking a moment to look down at him.

Her heart fluttered as she started lowering herself down, angling herself so that she would be lying next to his right side. Her right legs settled on his chest as she brought herself down onto the bed. She relaxed, letting out a low hum, letting her legs go limp.

The bed creaked under her weight, the Terminid worrying for a moment as she felt her and the human sink into the bed, but he didn't wake up, and the bed didn't break.

She could feel his body heat against the side of her body, along with his soft body. His chest was slowly rising and falling with every breath he took, lightly pressing against her. She tried to shift herself a bit closer, managing to angle herself just enough so that her head was lying close to his own, hearing his soft inhales and exhales.

He shivered, the Terminid tensing as she felt him bring his arms up to his chest, tucking them in close. He tried to pull the blanket back up, the Hunter quickly lifting herself back up, feeling him tugging on it.

He pulled it up to his neck, the human going still again, but now his head had turned, the Terminid feeling his hair against the side of her neck. She lowered herself back down, his hair tickling the vulnerable skin on her exposed neck.

She hadn't even had time to relax before her entire body short circuited. The human had suddenly turned toward her, and then she felt his left arm drape over her neck. He tucked his head in close to her own, and she heard a content sigh come from him.

She sat there, her heart in a frenzy, wondering if he had woken up, but his breathing was still steady, and he made no other movements.

She tried to slow her breathing, putting her focus in to trying to relax. Her rapidly beating heart soon calmed down, and she started to focus on the human instead. He had wrapped his arm between her head and body, on her neck which wasn't protected by her carapace.

The soft underside of his arm was resting right up against her exposed skin, and his hand was resting against her throat, the Terminid finding that she quite liked it. She wondered how he would react when he woke up to find her right next to him. Hopefully he wouldn't mind.

She let herself relax more, her thoughts going blank, and her entire body going limp, the creature soon joining the human in sleep.

They slept for several hours, the human being the first to start stirring.

He had never slept so well in his life. It shouldn't have been such a restful sleep, not with everything the man had been through in the last day, but it was, and the man was slow to wake up because of it.

He felt cold though, and there was something heavy on him, the weird feelings gradually pulling him awake. He groaned, wanting to go back to sleep, but as he woke up more he realized that there was something warm, bony, and sharp next to him.

His eyes shot open, and he was greeted by the tan carapace of a Hunter's head. His arm was wrapped around its neck, right at the spot where there was no armor protecting it. Its skin was soft and smooth, nothing like the hard and pointy carapace that protected it.

The urge to spring out of the bed was strong, but a bit of drowsiness and the shock of the situation kept him in the bed, along with the Terminid's legs that were resting over him.

He didn't remember moving around in the night, but he had clearly shifted closer to the creature, which had climbed into the bed with him at some point. He was turned toward the Terminid, his chest pressing against the side of its body. Its two legs on that side were draped over him, one resting on the side of his chest, the other on the side of his leg.

He looked down at its body, noting that it was roughly his size, though it likely weighed 200 pounds more than him. As he looked he realized several things. This was a Hunter, and this one appeared to have the same wounds as the dead one in the living room had.

It hadn't been dead. It had been sleeping and healing.

He gasped, pushing himself away to get a better look at the creature, the movements making it wake up.

It made a light screech, the creature shifting its legs, the man watching as the Terminid propped itself up, the creature now hovering above him. It looked down at him, the man seeing that it was breathing heavily.

It slowly brought one of its claws closer to him, the man tilting his head away as it brought the front of its claw to his head. It lightly traced the side of his cheek, the Hunter being careful not to slice his skin with its claw.

The Hunter made a quiet hiss, lowering its body a tiny bit, bringing its head closer to his own.

The man decided to raise his hand up toward the creature. He brought it halfway to the Terminid, but then hesitated. The Terminid stared at his hand for a second, and then it lowered itself down more, bringing his hand to it.

His hand fell on its neck, his fingers lightly grasping the soft flesh there, the Terminid sighing as he started massaging its neck. It twitched, letting out a low croon, and the man breathed in as it lowered itself down further.

The bottom of its body grazed his exposed chest, the creature putting barely any weight on him at first, gauging his reaction. He brought his other hand up to the Terminid's neck, and it lowered itself down more, resting more of its weight on him.

It soon settled all of its weight on him, and he found it a chore to breath now, but not overly uncomfortable or dangerous. It let out a low hiss as it settled on him, and it leaned its head down, resting it against his own, its claws resting on the pillow.

He felt its tongue slide out of its mouth, tracing along his cheek, before it wrapped around his throat. He coughed, feeling the barbs on its tongue tracing over the veins on his neck.

"Ugh, sweet liberty, can't catch a break." He threw his head back to the pillow, closing his eyes, trying to relax for a few seconds. Thankfully the Terminid realized he wanted to relax, and it pulled its tongue away, the creature resting its head next to him.

He sat there, his breaths labored from the creature sitting on top of him, keeping his eyes closed as he moved his hand to its head, lightly scratching the creature's armor. His right hand rubbed the creature's soft hide, but soon he moved his hand to the creature's body, but he pulled away when he heard a light hiss come from the Terminid.

His hand had run over one of the healing wounds on its body, and he grimaced, opening his eyes and raising his head to look at it. There was a long slice in its upper armor just behind its wing, and he could see that it went down past its armor to its exposed flesh.

He slowly moved his hand back towards the wound, but he didn't touch it, instead he traced his fingers just along the wound.

He sighed. "You're the Hunter that saved me earlier, aren't you?" He felt its stomach tense as soon as he said that, and then the Terminid pulled its head away from his own, moving itself to look right at him.

He stared at it in confusion for a second before his eyes widened, his mouth falling open as a sudden thought came to him. "You... You don't understand me... Do you?"

It recoiled when it heard that, its head pulling away from him. Its mouth was hanging open now, and it was breathing heavily. It nervously glanced around, and then it looked back at him, tilting its head up and down.

"Oh... Wow..." It brought its head back down to him, shoving itself against its neck, the creature uttering a low, soft growl. It brought its claws to him too, the man feeling them slip behind his head and back, the creature seeming to pull him into a hug.

He sat there for a second, still trying to grasp that this creature could understand him, but he soon moved his arms to the creature's neck, wrapping them around it too.

He closed his eyes, leaning his head back again, thinking about how much had happened. Just earlier he had been in his ship, talking to his comrades, formulating a plan, and now here he was, lying in bed with a creature that he and everyone else had hated with all their might.

Everything had changed because of the TCS. He would still be with his squad if it hadn't been built. All the civilians on this planet would still be here if it hadn't been built.

But then this Terminid he was lying with wouldn't be here either. Was the tradeoff worth it? To him it was. What would have happened if it hadn't been built? Would he still be up in his ship with his team? Maybe if it hadn't been built he would be lying outside in a pool of his own blood, gored by the Automaton that this Terminid had saved him from.

He recollected what happened immediately after that, and regret washed over him.

"I'm sorry... For almost shooting you... I didn't realize just what you were... None of them knew." He felt the Terminid pull away from him, and he opened his eyes to look at it.

It made a low hiss, and it brought its head up to him, lightly nuzzling him. He sighed, a small smile appearing on his face. It pulled away from him, and he watched as it turned its head to look up to the ceiling. It pulled a claw away from him, pointing it up too.

It looked back down at him, making a hiss. He stared at it in confusion, not knowing what it was doing.

It made a frustrated growl, shaking its head in frustration.

"Are you trying to ask me something?"

It nodded at him again, the creature lightly tilting its head as it looked at him. It brought its claw to him, the creature pointing the tip at him. It held its claw there for a second, and then it slowly turned it, pointing it up to the ceiling again, but this time it pushed its claw towards it several times.

It took several minutes of the creature making gestures and grabbing the human for him to finally figure out what it was asking. It had been asking why he was here and not in space, on his ship.

He was sitting up in the bed now, and he let out a low sigh. "My superiors betrayed me."

He turned to look at the Hunter, which had repositioned itself on the bed, the creature now lying on its side, its legs curled against its body.

"That damned Democracy Officer branded me a traitor for not shooting you, and for failing to save the two civilians. They all lied about everything. There were reports of Terminids actually saving other civilians from Automatons..." The Hunter nodded, confirming that was indeed what had happened.

"The Democracy Officer told me and my squad that those reports were a lie, that you all were just mindless, Democracy hating insects." The Hunter made a low huffing sound as it heard that, she sound seeming to be their version of a laugh.

"I believed it, until you saved me that is. I think he knew you all were sentient. It was that Terminid Control System, wasn't it? It changed something in you, didn't it?" The Terminid nodded at him, and then it uncurled its legs, reaching out to him.

It hooked its legs under his arms, dragging him toward it, and he soon found himself wrapped in its claws. It made a low hiss, lowering its head towards him, setting it down on his own. He jolted as he felt something warm and soft delve into his hair, but relaxed when he realized it was the Hunter.

"Never would have imagined my life would change this much. I wonder what the Democracy Officer would say if he could see what I've been up to."

The Terminid made a low hiss, and he tensed up as he felt one of its back legs settle on his hip.

He sighed, leaning his head back. "Ugh, you already know about all of that, don't you? Warrior's scent is all over me." The Termind pulled its head away from him just long enough for it to give a quick nod, and then it tucked him back in under its neck.

Its tongue was moving lower now, the man putting a hand up to the creature's chest as its tongue traced across his chest.

He could feel its heartbeat through the soft skin of its underside, and it was beating very fast. He looked at the creature's body, silently admiring it, his eyes looking up at the folded wing just above its shoulder.

He reached his hand up to it, the Terminid's wing spasming as his hand touched it, but it quickly extended its wing out, letting him get a full look at it. He traced his hand across the delicate membrane of its wing, running his fingers along the veins which were visible through its skin.

Something felt oddly familiar about the way the creature's tongue was moving, and he looked back down at it. It took him a few seconds to figure it out, but he soon realized that this was in fact familiar.

Its tongue was tracing across his chest, but in the exact path the Warrior had done earlier. It seemed that the Terminid's seemed to have an insane sense of smell, to be able to detect something like that so clearly.

What exactly did he smell like to this Terminid? Did he still reek of lust pheremones from his encounter with the Warrior?

His nose was nowhere near strong enough to know for sure, but he was sure that in a few minutes the Hunter's scent would soon be mingling with the Warrior's own pheremones that were still on him.

Its tongue expertly traced along his chest and stomach, exactly where the Warrior had been, the creature making sure the barbs on its tongue were angled away from him. Its claw which was still resting on his hip was slowly moving closer to his manhood, which had been steadily rising, the man knowing what was going to come.

He knew this was going to happen eventually, the Terminid had even attempted to earlier, but he had not wanted to then. She had noticed though, and she hadn't pushed any further. She was trying again now though, wanting to experience what the Warrior and the Bile Spitter had, and she felt relieved as the human made no attempts to stop her.

Her tongue reached his underwear, and the scents here were overwhelming to her. The Warrior's scent was insanely strong here, and a pang of jealousy came over her as she knew she'd been passed out and hadn't been able to participate or even see what had gone on.

But that feeling was completely overpowered by the joy and satisfaction she felt at being able to be this close to him, and to have him all to herself, at least for a little while. She knew there were plenty of other Terminids who wouldn't mind also spending time with him.

He wouldn't be leaving either, not if she understood what he'd said. He'd been left behind on purpose, she didn't quite understand why, but it was clear he held an intense hatred to the ones who had caused him to be left behind.

She could sense the satisfied and content pheremones coming off of him too. He was relaxed, and he seemed perfectly happy to be here. The humans had left in such a hurry that there would be no shortage of food for him for probably the rest of his life, but if necessary we could send scavengers out to find food for him in other settlements, or we could craft food for him that he would like.

She pushed those thoughts to the side, there would be plenty of time to focus on them later, for now, she wanted to enjoy this quiet moment with him. She had deliberately traced her tongue over where the Warrior had been, a hint of jealousy making her want to mask the Warrior's scent with her own.

She clutched him tighter as her tongue traveled lower, her leg rubbing against his member through the fabric of his clothing. Her tongue settled on top of the fabric, but she could feel the barbs on her tongue catching on the fabric.

She pulled away, not wanting to tear the item apart. She let go of the human, hoping he would get the message, and she turned her head to watch him move away, the human sitting up and quickly taking the one remaining piece of clothing off.

She made a low growl, her tongue wrapping around his waist, pulling him closer. He fell forward, his hands landing on the side of her carapace, and she quickly moved her tongue lower, wrapping it around his shaft.

He made a huff, the Terminid feeling him lean closer to her, the human resting his head on her body. She rested her own head back on the pillow, letting her tongue do all the work. The Warrior's scent was very strong here, but not as strong as it should have been. It seemed that the Warrior hadn't mated with him.

Her heart fluttered as she knew she would be the first Terminid to really be with him. Her thoughts went blank though as she felt the human's hand travel across her body.

The man groaned as he felt the Terminid's tongue squeeze around him, the man pulling back and looking down to see his shaft was completely encompassed by its tongue. His eyes then turned to the Hunter's back leg, seeing it twitch.

He looked past it, now looking at its tail, and he could make out a slit just behind its legs, a thin trail of its fluids falling down the side of its tail.

He took in a breath, moving his hand closer to the slit, his hands shifting from the creature's armored back to the soft flesh on the side of its body. His hand moved to its back leg, wrapping around it, the Terminid's leg twitching as he did so.

Its tongue constricted around him, the man gasping as its tongue gripped his length. He fell towards the Hunter again, his right hand resting on the side of its body, his left hand letting go of the Terminid's leg, falling down.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he felt her tongue relax around his member, its grip a bit tighter than he had liked. He sat there for a few seconds, her tongue now starting to move up and down on his length.

He gritted his teeth, breathing heavily as he lifted his hand back up, setting it on the Terminid's lower leg. He pushed himself off of the Terminid, watching its carapace quickly rise and fall in front of him.

He looked down between the Hunter's legs, seeing its opening clenching as he moved his hand towards it. It uttered a quiet hiss as he placed his hand over its entrance, the man rubbing his fingers over the slit, its fluids coating his fingers, the Helldiver watching as it was streaking down the side of its tail.

He pushed his fingers into the slit, spreading it open, revealing the creature's opening. It was situated right at the center of its slit, and as he moved a finger across it he felt it tense. The Terminid's tongue seized around his member too, making the man close his eyes and groan.

It made a low screech, and it pushed its tail closer to him, trying to grind on his hand. He pushed a finger forward, deciding to give the Hunter the relief it so desperately wanted, and his heart fluttered as he felt his finger slip into the Terminid, her passage clenching around him.

Her tongue stopped moving, and she let out a loud screech, her limbs twitching for a few moments from the sensations.

He was acutely aware of her body heat, what with him being pressed so close to her for so long, but her insides were even hotter. He pushed his finger in deeper, her passage spasming around him, his hand quickly becoming soaked in her fluids as it was being pushed out of her, drenching her tail and the sheets below.

She made another screech, and he saw her head shift back a bit, her entire body curving forward, her legs tensing and moving next to him.

He could feel her tongue going weak, its movements slower now, and it was slowly going limp. She was panting heavily, and when he added a second finger in she jolted. She let out a hiss, and her tongue went completely limp, the appendage completely still for a few seconds before she lazily starting pulling it back.

She unwrapped her tongue from him, pulling it halfway back into her mouth, but then it stopped, resting on the bed, the creature's body shaking as he pushed the two fingers in as far as he could.

Her grip on him was insanely strong. The numerous folds and bumps of her canal bore down on his fingers, pressing them tightly together, her body so strong that he couldn't bend his fingers at all, or push them apart.

She was a bit larger than him, he had wondered if she would actually be satisfied from their coupling, but just these small attentions he was giving her was enough to let him know that there would be no issue with compatibility.

He had done barely anything, but the Terminid was already trembling and out of breath, an odd sight for a creature like her, but the Helldiver enjoyed knowing that he was causing this, and it had also put a few of his apprehensions to rest.

He rubbed his thumb across the Terminid's slit, feeling the copious fluids drenching her. There was even more of it coating her walls too, the man feeling the fluids get pushed past his fingers with every spasm the Terminid had.

He brought his other hand to its entrance, running his fingers over it, coating them in its fluids. He rubbed his fingers together, noting that the fluids were a bit sticky, clinging to his fingers, but there was absolutely no friction at all between them.

He set his hand back down on the Terminid's side, feeling his fingers slide across its rough armored carapace. It made a quiet hiss, and then its back leg started moving. It awkwardly angled itself, placing a claw down on his arm, pulling it forward, trying to jam his fingers further inside her.

She made a frustrated hiss when she was unable to do anything. He pulled his hand back a bit, extending his other fingers forward, preparing to push forward again, but the Termind shot its tongue out of its mouth.

It raced toward his hand and coiled around it, its tongue wrapping around each digit. It wrapped its tongue further up his arm, the man looking at the barbs that lined the first foot or so of its tongue, grateful that she had kept them angled away from his skin.

She pulled him forward roughly, the man bracing himself on the Hunter as she shoved his hand back inside her. He felt her tongue squeeze around his wrist and arm as almost his entire hand was forced into her depths, the Terminid stopping at the point where his thumb was.

It paused there, the Hunter breathing heavily for several seconds. Its tongue starting moving again, and he watched as more of it started to push inside her. He could feel her tongue winding across his arm, and soon it went past his fingers too.

The Hunter whined as it piled more of its tongue inside her, the creature still managing to keep a secure hold on his arm all the while. She started putting it into action again, slowly drawing it out. He could feel her insides clinging to him, the Terminid fighting the strong suction of her body trying to keep him buried inside her.

She drew his hand all the way out, his hand immediately greeted by the cold air, but it did not hang there for more than a second. She pushed his hand forward again, pressing it back inside her. She had wrapped a portion of her tongue around his thumb, and this time she pressed it against his other fingers, allowing her to push him in deeper.

He was now buried up to his wrist inside her loins, the man seeing the Terminid's legs shaking as her tongue roved about deep inside her. She started pulling his arm in, the Terminid letting out a drawn out screech, her entire body starting to shake.

Her passage started tightening down on him even further, and then the Hunter's claws extended out. All her claws wrapped around him, pulling him against the creature. She let out a high pitched screech, and she pulled his arm in up to the elbow.

Her insides convulsed around him, her orgasm tearing through her body. She had pushed him in so far that he could feel what her tongue had been searching for. Directly under his fingers was her tongue, and he could feel it massaging a portion of her delicate folds.

He pushed his fingers toward it, pushing her tongue out of the way, and the Terminid's claws hugged him tighter as he set his fingers down on what must have been an insanely sensitive area. It felt no different than the rest of her delicate insides, but the second he had set his fingers down on it her passage clenched down violently on him, forcing his fingers against the sensitive area.

Her tongue was still wrapped around his fingers, and it immediately started rubbing his fingers against her walls, trying to eke out as much pleasure as she possibly could.

She was letting out high pitched screeches and hisses all the while, but after several seconds he felt her insides start to settle down, her legs weren't gripping him as tightly anymore, and her screeches settled down to a low, quiet hiss that eventually died out, leaving the Terminid almost motionless, save for its quiet breathing.

He felt its tongue start withdrawing, pulling his arm along with it, the Helldiver watching as a torrent of its fluids spilled out on the bed as his hand finally withdrew. He watched the Terminid shudder as his hand finally withdrew, and then she was still again.

She sat there for several seconds, the man watching her as his erection sat just a few inches away from her sopping opening, almost painful now. The Terminid was aware of this, and he flinched as he felt its tongue wrap around his length again, lightly stroking it.

She kept this up for several seconds, the man closing his eyes as he felt its tongue move over him. It was little more than teasing, the Terminid just trying to occupy him for a few seconds until she was ready to continue.

The warm afterglows of her orgasm were still coarsing through her, but her breathing was starting to go back to normal now, and the empty feeling inside her was becoming too annoying now. She needed relief.

The Terminid made a quiet screech, bringing a leg towards the Helldiver, coaxing him forward. He shuffled forward, placing his hands on the tail of the Hunter, its tongue still wrapped around his length, holding it level against her entrance.

The Terminid moved its claw to the man's hips, and then the man was roughly pulled forward. He hadn't expected to be pulled forward so violently, but his thoughts turned to mush as his member was enveloped by her reaches.

Despite having had his arm jammed inside her for a fair bit of time, her insides were still clenching down on him tightly. No, they seemed to be clenching down even tighter now, the man grimacing as his length was pressed down on from all sides by her insides.

He didn't even want to move, he wanted to stay buried inside her, to keep feeling her warm, soaked walls pressing down on him, but she made a screech at him, and he started to move, the Terminid wanting more than that.

Her tongue pulled away from him as he pulled himself out of her, stopping when just the tip was still buried inside her. Her entrance bore down on him here, her body desperately trying to pull him deeper.

He pushed forward again, feeling and hearing her walls spread open as he hilted himself in her again. His hips pressed against her tail, almost his entire front body quickly getting coated in the creature's fluids, more of it getting forced out of her as he hilted her.

She let out a satisfied screech as he pressed his hips against her, the Terminid reciprocating, the man feeling her tail lightly push against him. She pulled her tail back a bit, the man watching his length slide halfway out, and then she pushed her tail forward again, burying him inside her.

Her claw was still wrapped around him, and it held him there tightly for a few seconds, the Terminid grinding her tail against him for a few seconds, but she soon moved her claw away from him, and he watched her relax.

He pulled himself out again, watching as her flesh clung to him, seeing her lips slightly protrude out, pulled along by his receding length. He pushed forward again, setting into a slow rythm, his aching member finally getting the relief it so desperately wanted.

The Terminid quietly hissed under him as he moved, the creature occasionally pushing herself towards him, but mostly remaining still, content to let him do all the work. The soft folds in her loins dragged across his length with every thrust, her spasming canal grinding the folds against him as he moved.

He halted, a violent spasm digging her loins into the sensitive tip of his member. She thrust her tail towards him, hilting him inside her, and he felt her insides ripple across his entire length.

His hands dug into the Hunter's carapace, groaning as the sensations assaulted him, threatening to push him over the edge. That seemed to be her goal though.

Her claws reached out, wrapping around him, the Termind holding him in place. She pulled her tail back, letting his length slide out of her. He tried to thrust forward, but the Hunter's grip on him was strong, and he was unable to push himself forward.

She slammed her tail back towards him, his aching member driving her sodden walls apart. Another violent ripple tore through her insides, and he realized that the Terminid was doing that on purpose, trying to draw his orgasm out of him.

She started pulling back and then slamming her tail against him repeatedly, her loins sucking on his length all the while, massaging him for the scant few moments that he was inside her.

She started letting out several high pitched screeches, the man groaning as her passage started tightening down on him even more.

She was starting to lose herself. She slammed her tail against him, grinding against him for a second, before pulling back, only to repeat everything again, trying to force his shaft in at different angles.

Her insides were on fire, clenching down on him violently with every thrust, the man breathing heavily, knowing that she was close to her limit, feeling her loins spasming more violently with every thrust.

His muscles started twitching, the man reaching his hands up to the Terminid's back leg, which was currently draped over his shoulder. He gripped the upper portion of its leg, grimacing and closing his eyes, unable to withstand her soaked loins trying to force his seed out of him.

He came, the Terminid letting out an ear piercing screech, slamming her tail against his hips. His entire body tensed up, releasing releasing a thick rope of seed deep inside her.

Her insides sealed around him, an intense suction drawing his emissions deep inside her. She drew her tail back, the man gasping at the sensation. She drew back until just his tip was inside her, his next shot coating her entrance, the man looking down and seeing a small bit of it leak out.

She thrusted her tail forward, pushing the mess deeper inside her, the man groaning at the sensation. She held him there this time, letting him release everything he had. She had been letting out screeches all the while, her own body also going through the throes of orgasm.

Her claws were digging into his back, the man feeling the sharp indents on her claws start to draw blood, but he was too overwhelmed by pleasure to pay it any mind.

He released his last shot deep inside her, the man feeling her body draw it away from him, her loins sucking it deeper inside. Her passage started to settle down, the man letting out a breath, relieved to feel his aching member start to relax.

The Terminid let out a drawn out sigh, and then her claws fell away from him, the Hunter lying completely limp next to him. He sat there for a few seconds before he slowly pulled himself out, grimacing as his now overly sensitive member scraped against her folds, the Terminid's body still somewhat reluctant to let him go.

As he pulled himself out he watched more of her fluids fall onto the bed below. Her opening clenched in front of him, the man watching her loins open and close, her muscles still trying to grip onto something that was no longer there.

He sighed, leaning forward, setting himself down on the Terminid's flank. She heard a soft trill come from her, the creature almost giddy now, hardly able to believe any of this had actually happened.

She so desperately wanted to go back to sleep, to wallow in the feeling of his cool essence which had flooded her body. Her body temperature was warmer than the human's, she had noticed that awhile ago, but now it was insanely evident, a cool feeling coursing through her loins where his seed had been spread.

The Helldiver pushed himself off of her, looking down at the both of them. "Ugh, what a mess, gonna take forever to get cleaned up. Hopefully this place still has a working shower."

The Terminid slowly lifted herself up, watching as the human stood up, the Terminid noting proudly how his legs were shaking a bit, the man unsteady. She looked down at his member, seeing her fluids completely drenching his lower half.

She felt a hint of satisfaction at that, knowing that her scent was thoroughly embedded on him, that she had been the first to truly claim him.

He slowly walked to a doorway, disappearing inside it. A few seconds later she heard water coursing through the building, and almost immediately after she heard the sound of water splashing on the ground in the room the human had gone into.

"Oh thank you." The human appeared from around the doorway, raising a hand to her, gesturing for her to come forward.

"Come on, gonna show you all the joys of taking a shower."

She didn't know what a shower was, but she assumed it had something to do with the water that she could hear splashing in the room. Was that how they bathed?"

She shivered at the thought of it, eagerly jumping out of the bed, curious to see what this would entail.

"After this we can get some rest, and then later... We can work on teaching you how to write. There's a lot of things to talk about."

  1. In the midst of the chaos, the Helldiver remembered the rumors about Terminids ignoring civilians and even protecting them sometimes, reminiscing about the mission code named 'Helldiver No More'.
  2. The Helldiver was surprised to see a Hunter among the Terminids, a creature known for its ruthless aggression, but instead of attacking, it saved him from the chainsaw Automaton.
  3. As he sat alone in the desert, the Helldiver pondered over the events that had transpired, wondering if the Democracy Officer had lied to him and if the Terminids were indeed capable of showing mercy.

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