Her Ladyship

Punishment of a Lady and her Maid.

Jul 19, 2024
21 min read
spankingmaidcaningHer Ladyshipuniform
Her Ladyship
Her Ladyship

Her Ladyship

London 1910

I arrived home from school, after another long day teaching history to the offspring of the rich and famous. On the doormat, I found a letter written in perfect handwriting and addressed to myself.

With curiosity, I open the envelope and read the contents.

Dear Mr. Wilkins,

Would you be so kind as to join me at the above address, I believe I have need of your services.

Unless I hear to the contrary, I will expect to see you on Thursday at 7 PM.

Yours sincerely,

Lady Birch

The letter was written on the highest quality paper. The address was in the heart of Kensington, everything spoke of high class and money.

I was not too surprised to receive such a message. Although the private school I work for pays well, I supplement my income by doing extra tuition. I assumed this was a request for these services. I could not however remember coming across the name Birch previously.

The next day I asked in the staffroom if anyone had come across Lady Birch, and one of the teachers thought her husband had something to do with the tea trade, but I was unsure of how reliable that information was.

Thursday evening, I found myself outside the residence of Lord and Lady Birch. A brass plaque with their names attached to the door told me I had arrived at the right house. The residence confirmed my earlier impression of wealth and opulence it was a very substantial building. I rang the bell and waited.

I was not kept waiting for long, the door was answered by a young girl in a formal maid's uniform. She looked very smart with her full-length black dress covered by a long white apron.

I announced myself and was told I was expected. I followed her into a large hallway.

I was led down the hall and into what could only be the library, it was a very well-appointed room, with the walls surrounded by bookcases. Sat in one of the two leather armchairs was a very sophisticated-looking lady who I could only assume to be Lady Birch.

She stood as I entered and held out her hand.

"Mr. Wilkins, thank you for coming to see me. I am Lady Birch, I am pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Likewise, I am delighted to meet you."

Lady Birch, I guessed, was in her early thirties, tall with light brown hair. She looked every inch the elegant lady around town. She was also an extremely attractive woman.

I was offered tea, which I accepted, and we made small talk until the maid reappeared carrying our refreshments.

"How can I help? I assume you need my tutoring services."

I was given a long appraising look, which I found slightly off-putting. She briefly nodded her head, as if I had passed some secret test.

"Mr. Wilkins, I do not need your teaching services, but before we go further. I need your assurance that nothing we discuss will be mentioned outside this room. I am acquainted with one of the governors of your school, and I understand you to be a man of high moral standards, do I have your assurance?"

I was taken aback by this comment. I was surprised she had inquired into my background. However, I was intrigued by what she needed to discuss with me.

"You can have my assurance of complete discretion. I assure you that anything we discuss will remain between ourselves."

"Good, then let's begin."

She spent the next couple of minutes telling me of her loveless marriage. As soon as the wedding had taken place two years previously, her husband had left for India, and even though it was early summer, he was not expected back this year. She finished her sad tale with, "He married me for my title; he wished to become a Lord; that much is now clear."

"I am sorry for you," I could not honestly think of anything else to say.

"Please don't be I am not unhappy. I have many friends and generally like all my staff here. I am wealthy, some would say very wealthy. I enjoy my life. My husband, for his many faults, is a good provider. Although he does insist that we employ no male staff members, and this brings me to the reason for wishing to speak to you."

I nodded but was still uncertain about what she thought I could do to help.

"Could I ask you how you dispense discipline at your school?"

I was taken aback by the question, "I am not sure I understand how this is relevant."

"Please bear with me, if you could answer the question, hopefully all will soon be revealed."

"For a first or a minor offence, I smack the bottom of the offender."

"Is this over clothing or naked?"

Lady Birch was leaning forward, and excitement was showing in her eyes.

"For a first offence on one layer of clothing, usually their underwear, later offences on the bare bottom."

"Very good, and for more serious offences?"

"I have a strap I can use again over underwear or naked. However, there is always the ultimate threat of the cane."

"Do you cane on the naked bottom?" She was hanging on to my every word now and blushing a shade of pink.

"Usually yes."

"How many strokes?"

"Usually, six but never more than twelve."

"Does corporal punishment work?"

"For most people, yes, although it hurts it is over quickly, it does modify behaviour at least for some time."

"Excellent, thank you. I do not require your teaching services; it is your disciplinary services that I require."

"I am not sure I understand."

"You have the reputation of being a strict but fair disciplinarian. These are the services I require; of course, you will be paid for these services, and if complete discretion is maintained, you will be very well paid. The standard and discipline of my staff are a cause for concern, I wish to improve this. Ideally with your help."

"You want me to punish your staff?" I asked. I could not believe this, although I did not say it, I could not believe I was being offered payment for something I would have gladly done for free. I have always had a strong interest in corporal punishment, and I was being offered an opportunity to practice. I sensed Lady Birch was more interested than she was saying.

"I pay my staff very well, more than is usual for their services, most have been with me for some considerable time, but I feel standards have slipped. I do not wish to resort to dismissing people, and this seems to me a reasonable alternative. Of course, if they are unwilling to submit to this new regime, they are welcome to leave, and I will give them a good reference and endeavour to find an alternative position for them. I will not force discipline on anyone."

Silence fell in the room, I was trying to process what I had just been told, and Lady Birch was giving me time to think.

"So just to be clear, if you feel your staff warrant it, you wish me to punish them?"

"Yes exactly, if you agree, I will tell them of the new regime. I am confident everyone will stay, but some of my staff have been the subject of unsavoury gossip for their behaviour. As you can imagine, in my position as a woman on her own, I cannot allow any whiff of scandal. You said corporal punishment is quick and effective, and I believe you are right."

"How do you imagine this working?"

"Well, as I say, I will tell everyone of the change of working arrangements, and perhaps once a week you could visit, and we could discuss the previous week's conduct and agree on what punishment would be appropriate and dispense the agreed punishment."

I smiled, "You have this worked out."

"Yes, I have been thinking of this for a long time. So will you help?"

"Yes, this evening has been a surprise, but I would love to help."

"What equipment would you need?"

"Well, a strap or a tawse, and of course a cane."

"Perfect, anything else?"

"Well, I have seen a piece of equipment for securing someone securely for punishment. I have only seen a drawing, but I have not seen or used one. It does look perfect for the situation."

"If you can get to see one and you think it would help, please could you procure all the items you need. Get them delivered here, and I will pay upon delivery."

"Thank you, I will investigate and get that sorted."

"Perfect, I will update my staff. Does next Friday evening work for you? We could start the process of increasing standards then. Could you arrange to have everything you need before then?"

"I am sure I can make that work."

We engaged in some more small talk, and I took my leave.

I decided to walk back home, I could not believe I was being asked to spank and punish adult woman. In addition, I was going to be paid for doing it. I do not enjoy punishment at school, but I have always thought punishment in a domestic environment would be most stimulating. Certainly, I could only imagine the pleasure of punishing the maid who had answered the door earlier.

The next day after school I found my way to Underwoods shop in Marylebone, it advertised itself as a general hardware store. I knew from experience that it stocked many implements of punishment, and I had also seen an advertisement for the punishment furniture I had mentioned to Lady Birch.

I choose a couple of canes, one light, and one medium. I do not believe that punishment should be brutal. It should certainly sting, but any marks should be short-lived. Memories of the punishment and the humiliation should remain. Therefore, I did not need any of the dragon canes displayed. I had just chosen two straps, and as I was perusing the tawse's, the proprietor came over and asked if he could help. I inquired if he had any spanking furniture I could see.

"Of course, I have a room at the back of the store if you would like to follow me."

I was led down a small passageway and through a previously closed door, this led to a well-lit room that smelt strongly of leather. In the centre of the room was the item of furniture I was looking for. It was made of dark wood with red leather padding. There was a section for the torso to be laid upon, this was gently angled so the bottom would be uppermost, and the torso would be secured with a thick leather belt. The legs of the person being spanked would be bent so they would almost be kneeling on the framework, again red leather padding would provide support. Belts would ensure the victim's legs would be well separated and secure. Likewise, the arms of the person would rest on red leather and be secured. Once in position, the bottom would be uppermost and perfectly positioned for punishment. I could only imagine how exposed one would feel when awaiting retribution.

We discussed prices and quickly reached an agreement; delivery would be made to Lady Birch's address next Monday. The proprietor expressed no surprise when informed of the address or his customer's title. I suppose with his prices, the gentry are his main clients.

As I left the store, I found it difficult to contain my excitement. That evening, I wrote a quick note to Lady Birch detailing my expenditure and telling her to expect delivery. With this done, I could only impatiently await next Friday.

Time seemed to pass slowly, but on Friday evening I found myself once more in Kensington knocking on Lady Birch's door. The same maid answered, although she looked very flustered by my arrival.

"Lady Birch will see you in the nursery upstairs."

I followed the maid up the stairs and could not help but regard her shapely bottom.

The nursery was on the top floor, and the maid indicated the door I should enter.

Inside I was struck once again by the strong smell of leather, and the spanking bench took pride of place in the middle of the floor. I also noticed the canes and the straps were displayed on hooks, ready for use. I couldn't help but feel excited.

"Lady Birch, lovely to see you again."

"Victoria, please call me Victoria."

"Of course, I'm Adam. Do you like your new purchases?"

"They are," she paused and rubbed her hand along the red leather, "exciting."

This helped to confirm my suspicion that this was not just about keeping her staff in line; this was stimulating her excitement. I thought even sexually, that thought excited me at the same time.

"How has your week been? Have you talked to your staff?"

"Yes, I spoke to them all, and they have all agreed to the new regime, although most are nervous about what they have let themselves in for. But I like to think we are like a family; I try to create an atmosphere where we support each other. I hope they would agree with me, and I hope they see the need to raise standards."

"Have they seen in here?"

"Adam, you should know it is impossible to keep secrets in this house, everyone has visited this room, and I think it only added to everyone's nervousness."

"I can understand that, but hopefully that will help to bring about the change you wish."

"You would have thought so, but I'm afraid Rose has again disgraced herself and this household. She is courting a member of staff from one of my acquaintances, and they have been behaving improperly. I have told her to expect discipline this evening."

I felt a flutter of excitement. "I see, and have I met Rose?"

"She opened the door to you this evening, she is a sweet girl. I partly blame myself; I should have advised her of the acceptable way to court her young man.

Nevertheless, she is deserving of punishment, and I want this to be memorable. This will send out a clear message to everyone."

"What punishment do you have in mind?"

"I have thought on this since we met, all my staff are adults and therefore should be aware of their responsibilities. I suggest I bare-bottomed spanking, followed by several strokes of the cane. We must make sure everyone understands the new rules and expectations."

"Does Rose know this?"

"Not in detail, but I did give her a good idea of what to expect."

"That explains why she looked so nervous when she answered the door to me earlier."

Victoria smiled. "Yes, I would be the same in her shoes."

"Are there any other issues?"

"No, Rose has known what will happen to her since Monday. So, everyone else would have known at the same time, and nobody has dared to step out of line."

Again, she smiled. When she smiled, her whole face lit up. She was a beautiful woman.

"Let us get this disagreeable task done, I shall stay and watch proceedings."

Her face and body language contradicted her words, I sensed her excitement at what was about to happen.

"I will call her in but leave how to dispense the discipline to you."

I nodded, and I felt excited by what was unfolding before me. Elizabeth opened the door and called Rose into the room. She must have been waiting in the hallway, as she appeared straight away, looking very apprehensive.

There were two seats in the room. I sat and took a deep breath to compose myself.

"Rose, come here and stand before me."

She shuffled over. I took a proper look at her. She was of middle height with short, curly hair. She looked to have a nice figure, but I knew I would get a much closer look shortly.

"You know why you are here?"

"Yes," she whispered.

"You know what is to happen to you?"

"I think so, yes."

"And what is that?"

"I am to be punished."

"Do you agree you need punishment?"

There was a moment of silence. "Yes, I have embarrassed Lady Birch with my behaviour, and I am so very sorry." Tears had already formed in her eyes.

"I am glad you are sorry, and I intend to punish you to ensure it does not happen again. Have you ever been spanked?"

Rose looked even more uncomfortable at the question, "Yes." She mumbled.

"When was the last time?"

"Three years ago, my father spanked me."

"How old are you?"

"Twenty-one years old."

"Three years is too long between spankings; I believe in firm and regular punishment. I believe all young ladies should be subject to regular maintenance punishments." I paused to let this sink in. "Have you ever been caned?"

A longer pause. "Yes, but that was at school."

"Well, you are going to be spanked and caned this evening, you will leave this room with a sore bottom to remind you to behave more appropriately in the future."

"Yes, sir."

"There is no point in further delay, could you please undress down to your underwear and then come and stand beside me."

Rose hesitated, and Elizabeth said. "Rose, this will not do, you know you are due a punishment, you agreed it was warranted, please let's not delay any further." She did not raise her voice, but the tone of command was obvious.

Rose rushed to obey, she removed her apron, folded it, and placed it on the corner table, then unbuttoned and removed her dress. I could only watch this scene with bated breath. I hoped that my erection was not too obvious, but the scene being played out before me was highly erotic. Soon she was dressed only in her corset with black stockings attached by suspenders and her drawers, in addition, she was wearing black ankle boots. All her clothing was clean, and made of cotton, but very well-worn. I asked her to stand by my side.

She stood as I had requested, with her hands in front, hiding her pubic region. I intended to have her remove her drawers for the second part of her punishment, but I thought I would share this with her later.

"Right Rose, over my knees, I need your head right down, keep your feet on the floor and your bottom uppermost."

There is no easy or elegant way to get into this position, but Rose managed to position herself to my satisfaction. Her white drawers, which temporarily hid her bottom, were laid over my thighs. What a sight she presented, here was something I would enjoy unwrapping more than any Christmas present. I took my time; I was in no hurry.

The atmosphere in the room was silent but tense. I looked at Victoria, she was staring at the scene before her with fascination.

"Rose, I am going to part your drawers now, and then I am going to give your bottom the thorough spanking that it deserves. Please try to keep still during your punishment, and please refrain from making too much noise. Is that understood?"

"Yes, sir," I heard Rose whisper.

I parted her drawers slowly to reveal a chubby, pale bottom that looked wonderful. From my elevated position, I could glimpse some of her pubic hair. Rose had her thighs firmly clamped together, although I knew this would soon change. I would wait to see more later.

I raised my hand and brought it sharply back down to connect with her right buttock, the contact sounded very loud in the quiet room and was accompanied by a small sob from Rose. I commended her spanking, alternating smacks between her buttocks, her cries became steadily louder, and her legs opened and started to kick gently. I could see most of her hidden charms and what a sight they made. When her buttocks were a uniform dark pink colour, I focused my attention on the groove between her cheeks. I was determined this would be a spanking she would not soon forget. For the final part of her spanking, I landed a series of spanks on the top of each thigh, this solicited a series of much louder cries of distress accompanied by more kicking of her legs. I finally stopped when her whole bottom and thighs were a uniform dark pink colour and giving off heat from their mistreatment.

Silence fell in the room except for a slight moaning from Rose, I looked at Victoria, her eyes were huge and staring at the punished bottom over my lap. She looked lost in her thoughts.

"Right up you get Rose. I want you to stand in the corner for a few minutes to compose yourself before we get to the cane."

She levered herself upright, and her hands immediately rubbed her bottom.

"Rubbing is not allowed, in the corner by the door, face the wall and hands on your head, that will remove any temptation."

A very sorry-looking Rose slowly walked to the corner and followed my instructions.

I feel embarrassment and humiliation form a large part of punishment; corner time has a part to play in this.

I selected the junior cane from its hook and swished it through the air, both Rose and Victoria jumped at the sound. Hearing the sound of a cane just before you are due to be punished is enough to cause fear and trembling. After a few minutes, I was ready.

"Rose, I need you to remove your drawers and mount the spanking bench."

She turned, "Please, sir, do I have to?"

Before I could answer, Victoria said. "Yes, please do as you are told. No delays."

Again, Rose compiled, although with reluctance she stepped out of her drawers and stood before me, her hands once again covering herself. "Hands to your side."

Rose stood before me, showing her pubic triangle, she looked very embarrassed.

"Now if you would mount the spanking bench, we can get this over with."

She stepped up to the bench and knelt on the leather pads before lying over the main part of the furniture and positioning her arms correctly. She was now fully displayed before me, there was nothing left to the imagination. Her vagina and the brown ring of her anus with its light covering of hair were laid before me. Victoria's gaze was transfixed on the vision before us.

"Lady Birch, please assist in securing Rose for her punishment."

"Yes, of course."

She bent and started to tighten the straps, securing Rose, in total, there were nine straps, two for each arm and leg and one thick belt for her waist. When Victoria had finished, Rose was perfectly positioned for her punishment and unable to interfere with my actions.

"Rose, as you have not been caned for a long time, I will give you six strokes with a junior cane. It will sting, but any marks will be gone by the morning. Please do not shout out, I expect you to take your caning with dignity. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir."

Victoria was standing just to my side, staring at the bottom displayed before us, I could even hear her heavy breathing.

"Let us begin." With this, I took my position just to the side of her and laid the cane towards the lower half of her bottom. I tapped her bottom a couple of times before lifting the cane and delivering the first stroke.

The cane swished down, Rose's head raised, and a red line was drawn immediately across her bottom. Victoria jumped, and her hand strayed to her bottom, in sympathy, no doubt.

"Well done; that is the first, five more to go." I waited for a short while; I had no desire to rush this experience. I am sure this pause felt like a lifetime to Rose. I delivered the next two strokes just above and below the initial stroke. Rose gasped and cried out each time, but she did not embarrass herself.

After the initial three strokes, I changed sides, I wished to ensure she was caned evenly.

The final strokes were delivered low down on her bottom, with the final one landing on the tops of her thighs. This final stroke did cause a cry of anguish, which did not surprise me.

I gave her a minute to compose herself before I said. "That was very brave, Rose. Lady Birch will release you now. Then you are free to go."

As soon as she was released, she jumped up from the bench and vigorously rubbed her abused buttocks. Then she quickly gathered up her clothes, and still in her state of nakedness, she left the room.

Victoria let out a huge breath. She looked at me with excitement written all over her face. "Wow, that was an intense experience."

"Is that what you expected?"

"Oh yes, and more so, Rose will change her behaviour now. I will speak to her tomorrow about how to conduct her courting properly."

"Good, I am glad. She was very brave."

"Indeed," then there was a pause. "Did you mean what you said?"

I smiled, "Which part?"

"When you said all young women deserve regular punishment."

It was my time for silence now, I felt the answer was to be very important.

"Yes, I did. It would help to improve behaviour and be a reminder of expectations. Sometimes they are called maintenance punishments."

"Should I implement this for my staff?"

"Yes, I think that would be a good idea." I could hardly contain my excitement.

"Do you think I should be subject to the same regime?" She said this with a slight smile.

I paused, "That would be your decision, but yes, I think if you insist your staff are punished, you should submit to the same." My throat had gone suddenly dry. I was proposing to punish a lady of the realm.

"I see, so you would suggest I should have the same punishment Rose has just received?"

She had a smile, and there was also a twinkle in her eye.

"I believe so, yes."

There was a long pause, as if she was thinking about what we had just discussed.

"I think you are right; I should at least know what my staff are going to be subject to."

"Yes, exactly," I could not believe this was happening.

"There is no time like the present, I think we should do this now. Please, could I ask you to take over and punish me?"

"Will the staff not know?"

"They will, but I can ensure that nobody will share this information outside of the household, we are a tight-knit community."

I was not sure I agreed with her assessment, but who was I to argue?

We both stood not quite knowing how to proceed, I felt I needed to assert my control.

"Right Victoria, you know you are deserving of punishment. Strip down to your underwear."

She hesitated as if deciding to take this step and then went over to the corner table and slowly undid her dress. She finally stripped down to her underwear and then stood beside my chair. Unlike the underwear Rose wore, Victoria's underwear was high-quality silk and lace, her corset helped to shape her. She was taller than Rose with a smaller, almost boyish bottom. My sense of anticipation rose, I was going to get a closer look very soon.

"Good, now you know where I want you, a good hard spanking is well overdue."

Victoria positioned herself over my lap, I was sure she could not help but feel my erection pressing into her. I was in heaven, and I still had the ultimate present to unwrap. Drawing in a deep breath, I slowly parted her drawers, and what a beautiful bottom was revealed. It took all my resolve not to rub and caress her. I gazed in wonder at the sight before me.

"You are to be spanked severely, you will retain your dignity, and please thank me at the end of your punishment. Are you ready?"

"Yes, please punish me as you see fit." Her voice was remarkably confident considering her position.

"As my lady wishes," with this I landed the first smack on the pristine bottom before me. Victoria jumped slightly but gave no other reaction. I started to cover the whole of her bottom with sharp slaps, her legs started to kick, and I heard small cries of distress. But considering she was unused to punishment; she did take her spanking well.

After several minutes, I paused and asked. "Do you remember the final part of Rose's punishment where the final smacks applied?"

"On her thighs," was a despairing reply.

"And should you receive the same?"

"Yes," whispered Victoria, "but please not so hard."

"I think that is for me to decide."

I smacked her thighs, but I did so with less force. Finally, I was looking at a uniformly red and pink bottom, which was prepared for the cane.

"Five minutes of corner time to compose yourself."

Victoria slowly stood and positioned herself in the corner facing the wall, after a pause, she put her hands on her head.

"Have you been caned before?" I asked.

"At finishing school, our music teacher caned me; it was the last time."

"Well, we can make up for that lost time today. Would you like to be restrained?"

"I think it would be for the best."

"Should I restrain you, or will I get one of the staff to attach the belts?"

"Rose would love to do the job, but I think you should do it." She surprised me with even this small joke, it both surprised and pleased me.

By this time, I had the nursey cane, and I stood closely behind her and swished the cane through the air. She clenched her buttocks in anticipation.

"It is a scary sound, especially when your bottom is due for punishment."

"Yes, I agree, I think that was very mean."

"I am here to punish you and improve your future behaviour, you told me I had a free hand to achieve that."

"I did and thank you for taking your responsibilities so seriously." There was an edge of sarcasm in her voice.

"I aim to please, and now I will complete your punishment. If you could please remove your drawers and position yourself on the spanking bench."

Victoria went to the table once again, removed her drawers, and stood before me. What a vision she made. She had a neat pubic bush framed by the bottom of her corset, suspenders, and stocking tops. It was a wonderful sight to see. Without further prompting, she knelt and positioned herself on the bench.

As I attached the straps to her left leg, I could not help but notice the wetness of her vagina, this experience was causing considerable sexual excitement for her. It was doing the same to me.

When she was fully secured, I asked. "Are you comfortable?"

"I am as comfortable as I can be in this position, you can barely move once secured."

I swished the cane a couple of times, and each time she tensed and relaxed her buttocks - what an erotic sight that made.

"Six strokes are coming up, remember to refrain from making too much fuss."

"The is easy for you to say."

"Nonetheless, I expect you to comply."

"Yes, sir." The last was said with sarcasm.

"That tone has just earned you two extra strokes."

"Oh, sorry, sir, please."

"My mind is made up, please remember that in the future. Bottom pushed back, please."

She made a small motion to push her bottom out, and I tapped her with the cane. I was going to focus her punishment on the middle and lower half of her bottom, with the final stroke across her thighs.

I delivered the first stroke, which was accompanied by a cry of anguish from Victoria.

She rapidly tensed and relaxed her buttocks to relieve the sting. What a sight this made, it gave a wonderful view of all her charms. Her tight vagina and her even smaller and tighter bottom hole. I gave a gap of thirty seconds before I delivered the second stroke, this was slightly lower down her bottom, but her reaction was just the same. Over the next few minutes, I completed her caning with the final stroke across her thighs, being greeted with the loudest cry of distress.

At the end, I gave her a couple of minutes to compose herself, before I released the straps holding her. Even when free, she remained in position for a minute before gingerly standing.

"Mr. Wilkins, Adam, thank you, that was a most stimulating experience." She said this with a few tears running down her face. "Tell me, Mr. Wilkins, should all my paid staff be subject to maintenance punishments?"

"Yes," I readily agreed.

"Does having an erect penis when punishing a Lady of the Realm warrant punishment?"

It was now my time to pause, but I finally stammered. "Yes, I think it may do."

"I think so too, when should we arrange your discipline?"

The End.

In the midst of the discussion, Lady Birch initiated a surprise topic, "Could I ask you how you dispense discipline at your school?" I was taken aback by her question and attempted to understand its relevance. She further inquired, "For more serious offences?" and revealed her interest in corporal punishment, "I do not wish to resort to dismissing people, and this seems to me a reasonable alternative." Intrigued by her request, I answered her questions about the severity and frequency of punishment at my school.

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