Her Ladyship Pt. 02

More caning and spankings involving her Ladyship.

Jul 24, 2024
16 min read
facesittingqueeningspankingHer Ladyship Pt. 02caning
Her Ladyship Pt. 02
Her Ladyship Pt. 02

Her Ladyship Pt. 02

London 1910

Once again, I walked home from Kensington. My mind was in turmoil, I was going to be punished by Lady Victoria Birch. I was almost certain that the punishment would include being caned semi-naked over the punishment bench. I was of course scared of the pain, but I was also incredibly excited by the prospect of what was going to happen.

On Saturday morning, a letter arrived. I recognised the handwriting. I opened the letter to find a cheque with a cover letter, which I read with interest.

Dear Adam,

I am attaching your payment for services rendered. Thank you for a most enlightening evening.

I look forward to seeing you again soon.

Best wishes,


The rest of the weekend passed in a bit of a blur. On Monday morning over breakfast, I saw in the stop press section of the Times newspaper that Lord Birch had been killed in a hunting accident in India. At morning break, I quickly wrote a short letter of condolences and paid for a courier to deliver my message that afternoon. On Tuesday evening, I came home to another letter from Lady Birch asking if I could meet her on Wednesday evening.

The next day I found myself being shown into the library once again by Rose; she had looked most embarrassed when she opened the door to me.

Victoria was as expected dressed in mourning black.

"I am very sorry for your loss; it must be such a shock to you."

She smiled, which I was not expecting, and told me to sit down.

"It was a shock certainly, but it is no sadness. As you know, ours was a loveless marriage. I married him for his money, and he married me for his title. If the rumours are true, he preferred the company of the male variety, but he could not do that openly in London. He had more freedom to pursue his interests in India. Hopefully, in the future, all people may live their lives as they choose. I feel no sadness, but I surprise myself for being grateful to a Bengal Tiger. Are you shocked by my reaction?"

Although I was surprised, I chose not to say so. "It is hard to change our feelings, and that is what you feel."

"Indeed, I will wear black for a short time. Even the funeral is to take place in India. So I find myself to be a very wealthy widow. It all worked out in the end."

"I wish you every happiness for the future."

"Thank you, I intend to make up for lost time, which brings me to the reason for asking you to visit this evening. Did you enjoy Friday evening punishing Rose and myself?"

"Yes, very much."

She paused, "I have some very close female acquaintances who have told me they find sexual activity thrilling and exciting. Until Friday, I had never believed them, but that has all changed. It was a most extraordinary evening. I want to explore these feelings further."

"I understand," I was starting to enjoy this conversation and wondered where it was leading.

"Are you looking forward to your punishment on Friday?"

It was my turn to pause. "I have many feelings about Friday, excitement, anticipation, and a great deal of fear."

"That is interesting. When were you last punished?"

"I have always been interested in corporal punishment, but the last time I was punished was two years ago."

"And who punished you?"

"The headmaster at my school found serious fault in my work and offered me the alternative of punishment or dismissal. I choose the punishment."

"Very interesting, how did you feel about that?"

"Very scared at the time, but it is now an exciting memory, I think about it often. Like yourself, I am naìˆve sexually but excited by all aspects of corporal punishment."

"You have not chosen to repeat it since?"

"I have seriously thought about it but never dared to ask. Friday will remedy that."

"It will indeed, I want to make it memorable for both of us. But I have no experience spanking or caning everyone. I would like you to teach me."

Lady Birch always seemed to be able to surprise me, and she had succeeded once again.

I sat thinking of the best way forward, and an exciting plan formed in my mind.

Before I ran out of courage, I said. "I suggest that I put you over my knee once again and talk you through how I spank you and demonstrate as I go."

She smiled, "That is a wicked plan, it seems you will get all the pleasure and I will get all the pain. I assume my bottom will need to be bare for this."

"Of course, but as they say, no pain, no gain," I replied, smiling.

She considered, "Let's go upstairs to the nursery, and you can teach me your wicked ways."

With this, she stood, and I followed her upstairs to the nursery.

"Please talk me through a punishment, I want to understand everything."

"Everything is a massive subject, but I will try. First, there is anticipation, you may wish to tell the person being punished in advance what to expect. So, for instance, you may say to me. You can expect six of the best on Friday. It is a good way of focusing the mind. You may also tell them to dress in a certain way. So, for your staff, whoever is to be punished, may have to wear a red item of clothing on the day of their punishment. Or they may not be allowed underwear, it increases the tension beautifully."

"What makes perfect sense."

"Now I could order you to undress now, or I may choose to undress you myself. Please could you slowly undress and prepare for your spanking." My mouth was dry giving this order. This extraordinary woman excited me so much.

"Yes, sir, please don't smack me too hard," she smiled. She was enjoying the game.

"That is for me to decide, if you continue to delay, it will be worse for you."

"Yes, sir," with this she started to unbutton her dress. I stood and admired the scene before me. When she was down to her underwear, she stood before me.

"Now I could choose to inspect you before your punishment or ask you to strip naked. Embarrassment and humiliation are a huge part of the ritual; done properly, they add greatly to the excitement."

She nodded; excitement was written all over her face.

"With spanking, there are many positions I could ask you to adopt, for instance, you could mount the punishment horse, or I could ask you to kneel on the floor with your bottom raised and your head lowered. In a bedroom, you could lay over pillows with your bottom uppermost or lean over the back of a chair. There are many options; just let your imagination free."

"Wow, that all sounds exciting."

"But today you will go over my knees once again."

I sat down, and Victoria got herself in position.

"Now I may tell you why you are to be punished and tell you of the severity. You may also remind the person of the behaviour expected during the punishment. I do not expect you to shout out or try to protect yourself. Is that understood?"

"Yes, sir, thank you, sir."

"Now Victoria, could you please part your drawers for me."

She displayed her bottom for me, and once again my penis was fully, almost painfully, erect.

"You do have a lovely bottom." I could not stop myself from complimenting her.

"Why thank you I am glad you approve. Doesn't it seem a shame to punish it?"

"No, it will look even better after punishment."

There was a small huffing noise from Victoria.

"Now how you smack a bottom is down to your choice. I could smack with my fingers alone, but I prefer to use my whole hand. I also like to take my time, there should be no rush."

I put my hand on the centre of her left buttock. "I like to start a spanking in the middle of the bottom and then work my way down towards the thighs. This part here is the most sensitive." I rubbed the very top of her legs. "It is sometimes called the sit spot; I finish by spanking this area. It will give you something to remember. But it is up to you. You can start punishing just one buttock and then the other; as the person in charge, it is your choice. The top of the bottom can be smacked, but be careful using the cane here; canings should only be applied to the bottom and thighs. Are you ready?"

"Yes," she whispered.

I landed the first smack hard on her left buttock, she jerked on my lap. This was quickly followed by a repeat on her right buttock. After twenty smacks, I said. "Your bottom is now a nice shade of pink, it is time to find a new target." With this, I started to spank her lower bottom. When I was satisfied that she had been properly spanked, I rested my hand on her bottom. She had wriggled throughout her punishment, with regular gasps and cries, but she had bravely remained in position.

"That is now a properly smacked young lady."

With a sarcastic voice, I head. "Well, thank you. Very much."

"For that tone, I think I will punish you some more, you should not allow any disobedience during punishment." I took a deep breath. "Lady Birch, will you please hold your buttocks apart for me, I wish to smack the cleft of your bottom."

The silence of the room deepened. But after what seemed a long time, she reached behind herself, and taking a buttock in each hand, she held herself open to me.

What a wonderous sight I beheld.

"As I said, humiliation is a large part of punishment. The position you find yourself in only reinforces that."

"It certainly does," she whispered.

"I am going to deliver six firm smacks here." With this, I gently ran my finger from the top of her crack to her anus. "Please keep your buttocks apart, if you fail, I will cane you over the punishment horse. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I will try."

I delivered three smacks above her anus and the final three directly to her bottom hole. She jumped and cried throughout.

"You have been very brave."

She released her buttocks and laid over my lap, gathering herself. Eventually, she stood upright. Tears were forming in her eyes. "Thank you for my spanking and thank you for the advice. I will put it to good use on Friday." This final part of her sentence was delivered with a smile of satisfaction.

I then went through how to use a cane, and I advised her to practice on a cushion.

"When you start caning, build up your strokes until you have the reaction you are looking for. Remember, punishments should not be cruel, but they should be memorable."

"I will ensure that yours will be. Tell me, is there any other equipment that I should consider?"

I thought of what else I had seen at Underwood's shop. "I am not sure you would be interested, but there was a queening stool."

"What is one of those?"

"It is a low stool with a padded seat with a face-sized hole in the centre. The idea is that you sit on the stool, and you have someone laying on the floor with their face positioned just below the hole in the stool."

"For what purpose?"

"You would normally be naked when seated and the person below would be required to satisfy you sexually with their tongue."

Again, there was a deep silence. "That sounds," again was a long pause. "Exciting."

"You could also ask for your bottom to be worshipped."

Victoria looked at my crutch. "You seem to find this idea exciting?"

"Yes," I stammered.

"Could you please purchase a queening stool for me and bring it with you on Friday. If you are well-behaved during your punishment. I may allow you to try it."

"Thank you, I will try to be very good. I have several books you may be interested in. Would you like me to courier some to you?"

"That would be most kind. I am going to tell the neighbours that you are my French tutor, which will explain your presence here."

"But I teach mathematics."

She smiled. If you prefer, I can find a real French tutor to play with, should I do that?"

"No, of course not, I love being your French tutor." I quickly replied. I did not want to lose this woman from my life.

"Remember on Friday that you will receive twelve of the very best."

That was the end of another exciting evening. I walked home with thousands of thoughts running through my head. But I could not get the idea of Lady Birch lowering herself onto my face out of my mind.

I have a large selection of erotic literature, much of it relating to corporal punishment. I carefully chose several titles I thought would interest Victoria and packaged them up for her. I addressed the parcel to be opened by the addressee only and vowed to get them couriered to her the next day. Unsurprisingly, I found sleep hard to come by.

After school, I once again visited Underwoods. The proprietor greeted me kindly and was happy to take me to the back room of the shop. I took more notice of my surroundings and was amazed at the variety of furniture and other items related to sexual activity. The queening stool was still there, constructed of the same dark wood as the spanking bench. There was a red leather seat for the 'queen'. We quickly agreed on a price and I left carrying my purchase hidden in a box.

I was ready for Friday. I could only nervously wait.

On Friday after school, I bathed and made sure I was fully clean, although I was uncertain of everything that was going to happen. I knew I was to be naked, at least from the waist down, for much of the evening.

When I rang the bell of Victoria's home, the door was once again answered by Rose, she had a smile to greet me. I was instructed that her Ladyship awaited my presence upstairs. I nervously went to my fate.

Lady Birch looked regal in an emerald green dress. She looked ready to grace any ballroom except that she was flexing a cane between her hands. I stood before her and was dominated by her presence. "I have been practicing with the cane, it does give one a feeling of both power and authority."

"I am looking forward to trying it out for real tonight. Is that the queening stool?"

"Yes," I stammered.

"Please unpack it and place it over there," she pointed to a clear corner of the room with her cane. As I walked to the space shown, I could not help but notice a large mirror had been placed in front of the spanking bench, allowing the person being punished to watch the proceedings. A shiver ran down my spine.

I hurried to obey, once it was unpacked, Vicotria took a minute inspecting her new purchase before stating. "That looks most satisfactory, I will enjoy using it later, I am not sure it will be so pleasurable and comfortable for you. Thank you for the literature you sent it was most illuminating. I have several new ideas I would like to try. So let us begin."

She turned and looked me up and down, I felt I was being closely inspected. "I wish you to be naked. You will not require the use of your clothes for some time."

Although I had been expecting this, it was still embarrassing to have to undress under the steady gaze of Victoria, but eventually, I was naked before her.

Somehow being naked in front of someone fully clothed makes you more vulnerable, especially if that someone is holding a cane. I put my hands in front of my erection. I could not help but feel excited.

"Heads on my head," I obeyed.

Her gaze was focused on my erection. "I see a small part of you is excited, although, in my limited experience, I would say not such a small part," a small smile passed across her face at her jest. "But I cannot have that staining my beautiful dress. Face the corner, and I will undress; naughty boys do not get to watch their mistresses disrobe."

I faced the corner as instructed and could hear the rustle of clothing behind me.

"Turn around."

I did, and what a sight awaited me. Victoria was dressed in a tight black corset, to which black stockings were attached. She had a pair of black boots on her feet, she was not wearing any other underwear, and her magnificent breasts and pubic area were naked before my gaze. What a vision she made.

She sat and patted her lap. "You may stop staring and get over here and raise your bottom for a spanking."

I took up the required position.

"Push your bottom up for me," I did as requested.

"You are going to get a long hard spanking, I require your bottom pushed out at all times, if you disappoint me, I may add further strokes to your caning, is that understood?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Ah, Mistress I like that form of address, please continue to use it whenever you are in this room."

"Yes, Mistress."

She rubbed her hand on my bottom, it felt so warm and soft. I was going to change my opinion of its softness very soon. Her first smack landed in the middle of my left buttock, I twitched my bottom but kept myself properly presented. The second smack soon followed. This was the start of a steady spanking, the burning in my bottom increased, and I found it increasingly difficult to stay still. My erection disappeared as the discomfort built. This discomfort multiplied when she started to slap the tops of my thighs. I was on the point of crying out when thankfully she ceased her punishment.

"I am a little disappointed in you so much fuss over a spanking. You have earned yourself two extra strokes of the cane, at least once you are secured, you will have to stay still. I need to acquire some leather gloves, my hands are quite sore."

There was no mercy in her voice, she had decided what was going to happen. She was a natural dominatrix, and I sensed her enjoyment in the power it provided. I chose not to comment on how sore my bottom was.

"I need to take a more comfortable seat; I am sure you can guess what that means. Let's see if you can satisfy my needs better than you can take a spanking." She paused, "You can guess the consequences if not. Please position yourself."

My erection had returned, so as I lay on my back with my face positioned in the hole of the queening stool, my erection stood proud for all to see.

"I am glad the prospect of pleasuring me excites you."

"It does, Mistress."

She stood over me, one leg on either side of the stool. I looked up at her beautiful bottom and vagina displayed before me. Any amount of pain was worth the view. She slowly lowered herself, and I was cast into semi-darkness, with her wet vagina positioned just above my face. Her scent filled my nostrils, and I could not wait to taste her.

Victoria spoke, "You may begin, take your time there is no hurry."

Tentatively, I reached out with my tongue and licked her, her taste was very erotic, and I started to lap her juices, it was a labour of love. However, Victoria raised herself, and when she was in a crouching position, she spoke, with a tone of condescension. "I believe your books, call a woman's vagina a pussy, I like that term. My pussy has a highly sensitive area, it is here, you pointed to herself, and it is called a clitoris. Please could you tease my clitoris with your tongue. You are in great danger of increasing your punishment unless you perform this task to my complete satisfaction. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Mistress, I am sorry. Mistress, please let me try to satisfy you." Even I could hear the pleading in my tone.

Victoria resumed her seat, and I located and teased her clitoris with my tongue. The result was immediate she pressed down hard on my face, I could only just breathe, and each breath was filled with her scent. As I continued to tease, she rocked on my face, and her movements became more frantic until her pussy became flooded with her excitement, and I heard a cry of pleasure from her. We both rested at this point. My face was awash with her spending. I was in heaven.

Victoria rose, "I see the threat of further punishment worked. That was satisfactory." Even as she said this, she smiled. "I will now offer you my anus to worship. I believe this is called rimming, please use your tongue to pleasure my bottom, any hesitation on your behalf will be punished."

She resumed her seat, but this time she made sure her anus was positioned just over my face. Again, I tentatively reached out with my tongue to lick her small rear hole. There was a strong taste, but in my excitement, this was pure pleasure. I gently ran my tongue around the rim of her anus, and as it became lubricated, I pushed my tongue inside her. As I entered her back passage, she pressed down hard on my face. I spent several minutes pleasuring Victoria in this way.

Eventually, she stood and looked down at me. "That was satisfactory too, I like my new furniture. But now it is time for the main event. Your caning, fourteen strokes are due, I believe." There was no hint of mercy. "Please position yourself on the punishment horse, I will secure you."

I did as I was told, and Victoria secured me in position. Once secured, I could not believe how exposed I felt, my bottom, already sore from being spanked, felt so vulnerable. I looked into the mirror and could see Victoria take up the cane, she swished it through the air, and my buttocks tightened. There was to be nothing I could do to avoid her retribution.

She looked towards the mirror. "I wish you to show restraint under punishment, please do not make too much fuss. I can always repeat or even add further strokes if I feel it is necessary. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Let's get this unpleasant task over with."

Her smile at this point was at odds with her words, I did not think this was an unpleasant task for her.

I felt the cane lay across the centre of my bottom. "Number one coming up."

With no further delay, the cane was withdrawn, and it returned with force. A band of fire blazed across my bottom. I jerked against my restraints and just managed to withhold a scream.

"That is number one, you have a very nice stripe that you can inspect later."

The cane was laid across my bottom again, and the second stroke was delivered. I did cry out this time.

I looked at Victoria in the mirror, there was a look of total concentration on her face. I watched the cane rise for the third time. As it fell, I watched Victoria's breasts swing with the stroke, although it did hurt, it helped to take my mind off the pain being inflicted. It was a wonderful sight to see. I watched her breasts through the next number of strokes.

"Right, we have the final two extra strokes, I will deliver these to your thighs, ready?"

By now I had tears streaming down my face. I could only nod, I watched Victoria again, but the pain of the last strokes were hard to take.

"Good boy, you do have a very sore-looking bottom." She gently rubbed my punished buttocks. "There is, however, one final part of the punishment."

I did not believe I could take anything more. I heard her footsteps as she went to the table in the corner and opened a drawer. When she returned, she was holding a wooden ruler.

"You taught me the effectiveness of punishing an anus on Wednesday, I will return the favour. Please push your bottom out."

I was scared, but as much as possible, I complied and was rewarded with two quick, hard slaps of the ruler, which landed directly on my bottom hole.

I cried out in pain, but soon her finger was gently rubbing around the rim of my anus. "There, your punishment is over." Then rather ominously she added, "until the next time."

"I will release you and leave you to recover, please leave when you are ready. There is a bathroom opposite for you to wash."

I was left alone, and my whole bottom felt on fire. I slowly stood and bent in front of the mirror to inspect the damage. I could see clearly where each stroke had landed, and it was especially painful where they had overlapped. I slowly dressed and washed my face in the bathroom before I walked home with a very straight-legged gait. Although I was in pain, I was also happy. Tonight had been the most sexually intense experience of my life.

The End.

I would love to hear any (constructive) comments or ideas you may have.

In the middle of the tutorial session, Lady Birch unexpectedly suggested, "Perhaps I could try facesitting with you, as a new experiment."

Later that evening, Adam found himself teaching Lady Birch how to cane effectively, with a spin to include using the queening stool for extra excitement. She expressed interest in the queening stool, mentioning, "I may allow you to try it if you're well-behaved during your punishment."

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