Her Ladyship Pt. 03

Our Ladyship try's new things.

Aug 15, 2024
13 min read
buttplugHer Ladyship Pt. 03spankingstraponcaning
Her Ladyship Pt. 03
Her Ladyship Pt. 03

Her Ladyship Pt. 03

London 1910 - Lady Birch takes over the tale.

I had thoroughly enjoyed punishing Adam, and I could still not believe the pleasure I had received while seated on the queening stool. It seemed a new world was opening before me, and I was keen to explore it further.

I went to bed and did what we girls had always been taught never to do. I masturbated and enjoyed it thoroughly. While trying to sleep, I remembered my time at boarding school. It was a strict regime, with all the girls being subject to regular corporal punishment. Whenever anyone from our dormitory was punished, we all inspected the damage. None felt the punishments were unfair, and it was exciting showing off your stripes. While at school I met my now best friend, Lady Mary Powell. She was punished much more than me and revelled in the attention afterward. I smiled at the memory and remembered kissing her bottom better after a particularly severe punishment. I did briefly wonder if the queening stool could have been employed. Before sleep finally came, I promised myself to catch up with Mary very soon. I had also made some other decisions.

Early on Saturday morning, I wrote to Adam, asking him to arrange for me to visit Underwood's shop. I was determined to find what treasure lay inside that store. As I was supposed to be in mourning, I could reasonably wear a veil to hide my identity. I also asked Adam to remind the proprietor of the need for total discretion.

I then invited Mary over for tea on Thursday.

Having finished my correspondence, I decided to ensure the household was running smoothly. There had been no hint of any scandal since Rose had been punished. Everyone seemed to be on their best behaviour. I went down to the kitchens, which were usually busy and were the gathering space for most of the staff. My cook, Jane was hard at work. I asked if I could check the household accounts she was responsible for maintaining. I gave the cook an allowance to procure the provisions to feed the household. Jane was required to keep an account of the expenditure and to ensure all the bills were paid promptly. At my inquiry, Jane went red and looked very flustered.

"Jane, are the accounts in order?" I enquired.

"I was going to do it today."

"Let me see what you have, please." I was sure Jane could sense the menace in my voice. She led me into the small side room she used as an office and handed me the ledger she used. The accounts were two weeks out of date, and receipts and bills covered the desk surface.

"Jane, this is unacceptable, you need to keep on top of this and pay all our bills promptly."

Jane looked even more uncomfortable. "I am sorry, I have been meaning to do it, but I have not got round to it."

"That is not an excuse, I spoke to you about improving your standards and my expectations. You have let me down."

"I am so sorry, please forgive me."

"I will forgive you after you have been caned this evening. I made the consequences for failure very clear."

"Yes, I am sorry."

"Do you accept the need for punishment?"

She hesitated but eventually whispered, "Yes."

"Report to the nursery at eight o'clock, you will be spanked and caned. I will send down a red scarf you will wear for the rest of the day. If anyone asks, tell them it indicates your impending punishment. Woe betides you if you fail in this request. Is that clear?"

Again, she whispered. "Yes."

The rest of the household seemed in order, and I spent the rest of the day in a leisurely manner. I read more of the books that Adam had kindly lent me and had even more ideas to liven up my time.

I arrived at the nursery just before eight o'clock that evening. Jane was already waiting outside the door, she was wearing the red scarf as I had requested.

"Come in, let's get this over with."

Jane was very nervous and looked around the nursery in trepidation.

"Did anyone ask about the scarf?" I asked.

"Yes, it was embarrassing to admit why I was wearing it."

"Good, that was the intention."

Jane had worked with me for the last year, she was a buxom middle-aged woman, I knew she had been married but remembered her husband had died in a tragic accident on the railways. She was quiet and unassuming and was a pleasant woman to employ. I had however noticed a drop in her commitment and attention to detail since the death of her husband. Although this was understandable initially, I could not allow this to continue. Here was my opportunity to correct this.

"Have you been punished before?"

"Yes, my husband was very strict with me. He believed in the power of the cane."

"I see, and was he right in his assumption?"

There was a pause, "Yes, and I miss the firm hand he applied."

"Thank you for your honesty. I am sorry for your loss. I intend to bring back the firm hand."

"I understand, but I am scared it has been a long time."

"And well overdue, you have let me down. We need to keep things in order, how can you know if we have paid all our bills if you do not keep everything up to date?"

"I am sorry."

"I intend that you will be. If you would like to remove your dress and place it on the table over in the corner, then please position yourself across my knees. I watched as she slowly complied with my wishes, she was a well-built woman with a large bottom and matching breasts. I would have imagined if she took more care of herself, she could be a shapely and attractive woman, but some effort would be required.

She took her time positioning herself, and I could not help but notice that her drawers were not as clean as they could be. As I revealed her bottom, I was upset by her lack of personal hygiene. There was a smell of stale urine, and she did look less than clean. I was surprised, and I had expected more from her.

"I am going to give you a thorough spanking today, please prepare yourself."

"Yes, Mistress, Thank you, Mistress."

The word mistress did send a thrill rushing through my private parts.

I spent the next few minutes delivering a long and hard spanking, at the end of which her buttocks and the tops of her thighs were a vivid red colour.

Jane cried out and let her distress be known throughout her ordeal, but I did not feel much sympathy. When I was satisfied, I requested that she hold her buttocks apart for me.

"Oh, please no. I cannot reveal myself in that way."

"You not only can, but you will. Now do as you have been told, or I will spank you all over again." I put as much steel as possible into my voice.

With a sob, she reached around and displayed herself to me. As I sadly expected, her anus was less than fully clean, and there was a mass of pubic. It was an unpleasant sight. I always prided myself on cleanliness and hygiene.

"Jane, frankly, I am disgusted. You are letting yourself go. Your work is suffering, and your hygiene and cleanliness are shocking."

Jane was sobbing over my lap; her upset was from my words and not from her spanking. "I am so sorry since my husband died, I have discovered he left me with huge debts, and I cannot help but worry about them. Worry has taken over my life. Please, I will try to improve. Please do not dismiss me." With this, she burst into tears.

I told her to stand and gently hugged her, eventually she got control of herself.

"Did you know about these debts before his death?"

"No, he had a gambling problem. I knew nothing about it, the whole thing was such a shock."

I considered the situation. I liked Jane when she first started, she was an inspiration to all the staff. I had not noticed the change in her, which I should have done. I wanted to help, and I wanted the old Jane back.

"Jane, I will pay your debts, and you can repay me a moderate amount each week."

Her face lit up. "Oh, thank you, you cannot imagine what that means."

"Don't thank me yet, I want your standards to improve. I want you to motivate the staff. Any failure will be punished."

"Yes, of course."

"Mr. Wilkins believes all women should be subject to maintenance punishments, so punishment will be administered regularly to maintain standards. Do you think that is a good idea?"

Jane blushed. "Yes, that would focus the mind."

I smiled, "Tomorrow I will settle all your debts, let us discuss them in the morning. Tomorrow evening you will present yourself here for punishment. I will give you nine hard strokes of the cane. I will inspect you for cleanliness and hygiene before your punishment. Any failure will result in a considerable increase in the number of strokes. In the future, you may be subject to regular inspections for hygiene. Do you understand?"

"Yes, fully, I will not let you down."

"Be sure you do not, also, tomorrow you will not wear any underwear to remind you of the punishment to come."

"Yes, Mistress."

Again, I smiled. "Please continue to use that term of address in this room. Is there anything else to discuss?"

"No, I'm so grateful. Could I ask what the purpose is of that?" She pointed to the queening stool.

I explained its purpose, and she blushed deeply. I added, "If you fail a hygiene inspection, you may find yourself under my bottom, and my bottom will require your cleaning services."

There was silence, Jane blushed very deeply and whispered. "I would gladly worship you." With this, she left the room.

I went to bed satisfied with my day and looking forward to interesting times ahead.

The next day Jane was transformed. We sorted out how to settle her debts, which were considerate, and she bustled around the house. I was presented with a freshly baked cake with my afternoon coffee. Her brightness and energy seemed to infect the whole house.

At eight o'clock that evening, Jane presented herself in the nursery, she looked clean and nervous.

"Jane, thank you for your energies today, but you know what will happen here this evening?"

"Yes." She looked down at her feet and nodded.

"What is going to happen?"

"You are going to cane me."

"Do you deserve the cane?"

There was a pause, "Yes. I let you down."

"You also let yourself down, did you go without underwear today?"


"What was that like?"

"I was very conscious of my nakedness."

"Good, that was the intention. If I have occasion other than maintenance punishments to discipline you in the future, I will give you 24 hours' notice, during those hours you will not be permitted underwear. Is that understood?"


"Good, the same will apply to all the staff, are you happy to inform them?"


"Good, now let's have you undressed, and let's perform the promised hygiene check."

Jane quickly undressed, and she stood naked before me. She covered her pubic region with her hands.

"Hands on your head," she complied, and looking embarrassed, stood before me.

"Shoulders back and stand with your feet apart," again she complied. "Feet wider apart."

I admired her. I had never seen her without her corset. She did have a nice curvy shape, and although her bottom was large, and her bust matched her bottom, she was an attractive woman. I could tell by looking at her that she had taken her hygiene very seriously. I would continue my inspection. Standing behind her I reached around and cupped her breasts in my palms.

"These are nice and clean." I gently squeezed her nipples, and they grew erect with my attention. "If I was feeling very wicked, I could punish you here. I pinched her nipples."

"Oh, please no, I will never be that bad."

"We shall see." I reached down and cupped her vagina. She had trimmed much of her pubic hair, and she looked a lot better for it. I ran my finger along her entrance. Jane was very wet and excited by my attention. "Why are you wet here, Jane? Does this excite you."

A rather breathless voice she replied. "I am both scared and excited at the same time."

"I could also punish you here as well," I patted her vagina as I said this.

"Please no, I will be very good."

"I hope so, but not too good, I will enjoy punishing you." I surprised myself when I said this because it was the whole truth. I was looking forward to playing games with Jane. "Could you please mount the punishment bench, it is time for your caning."

Jane got herself into position, with her bottom uppermost.

I took a moment to admire the view, she was lewdly presented before me. Her vagina was fully on show, and her legs were parted, preventing her from having any privacy.

"I am going to secure you."

"Yes, Mistress."

As I was securing her in place, I told her I expected her to retain her dignity, not to make too much noise, and to push her bottom out as far as possible. Once she was secured, I picked up my cane and took two or three practice swings. With each woosh of the cane, Jane tensed her bottom.

"You have nine of the best coming up." With this, I laid the cane in the centre of her bottom and delivered the first stroke. It landed exactly as I intended and elicited a sharp cry of pain from Jane. I delivered the next six strokes, leaving a pause between each for the pain to sink in. Her bottom was adorned with seven bright red stripes from the crown of her buttocks to the junction of her bottom and thighs. Jane had cried out after each stroke.

"For the final two strokes, I will punish your thighs."

"Oh, please not too hard." I was pleased she did not refuse, although she had been very brave, I could tell it had taken a lot of effort to maintain her dignity.

"That is for me to decide." I delivered the final two strokes on her thighs in quick succession. They were not delivered as hard as on her bottom, but Jane did cry out her discomfort.

I put the cane back on the table. I stood behind her once again.

"Well done, your caning is over, however, I have one final hygiene inspection to make."

With this, I parted her buttocks to inspect her anus. It was very clean and smelt strong of both soap and arousal. Her vagina was still showing signs of her obvious excitement.

"Well done, you have passed your inspection. If you had failed, I would have punished you right here." I circled her bottom hole with my finger. This caused Jane to gasp.

"Thank you. I never want to be punished there, it would be the worst."

I released Jane, and once she was upright, I took her into my arms and hugged her closely.

"Thank you, Mistress, I will not disappoint you again."

"You have been brave, and I will see you tomorrow."

Jane left me alone with my excited thoughts.

Monday passed uneventfully, and on Tuesday morning a letter arrived from Adam informing me that the proprietor of Underwoods had agreed to keep the shop open tonight after the usual closing time. I was to be met outside the shop at five o'clock that afternoon. I was looking forward to my visit.

I arranged for a coach to take me to Underwoods. I dressed in black, with a veil in place. Adam was as promised waiting on the pavement outside the shop as I arrived. I instructed the coachman to wait, and we entered the shop together. The proprietor was behind the counter and invited us to take our time and look around. We started looking at a large collection of canes and riding crops, I had not thought that there could be so many varieties. Some of the thicker canes looked fearsome. I did select a slightly thicker cane, which I would use if the occasion warranted it.

In the back room, we stood before a display of highly polished wooden objects. I was at a loss for their purpose. "Adam, do you know the use for these?"

He looked embarrassed and replied. "They are plugs used for punishment."

"What is their purpose? I am not sure I understand."

He looked even more uncomfortable. "They are lubricated and inserted into a person's back passage. Sometimes referred to as butt plugs."

I had read of these in the books Adam had lent me, and now that their purpose had been explained, I could see their purpose. "Have you ever been plugged?" I teased.

"No, never," he shuffled his feet and looked even more uncomfortable.

"I can see if they were used, it would certainly focus your mind on your bottom, especially if a cane were applied at the same time."

"Yes, it would," a strange look passed over his face.

Again, there were a variety of sizes and lengths of the plugs, some of which I could not imagine ever fitting into their intended receptacle. I selected two, one of the smaller ones and one slightly larger. "They will be displayed in the nursery," I announced. "If someone is very naughty, I intend to use them."

Adam looked even more flustered.

Next, we looked at a replica penis made from wood that had several straps attached. Again, I had to ask its purpose.

"It is a strap-on penis, ladies use them to pleasure each other."

I picked up the object and felt a thrill run through me. I imagined myself wearing this and the power I could wield.

I smiled and looked at Adam. "Ladies could also use it to punish or pleasure their men, is that not so?"

There was an embarrassed pause before he nodded and mumbled his agreement. I was enjoying my shopping experience; it was more fun than choosing boring dresses.

Next, we came to an area dedicated to leather clothing. I chose a pair of close-fitting black leather gloves; they would protect my hand whilst I dispensed a hard spanking. On the display was a pair of leather boots, they would cover the whole of my legs. They laced up at the front and had a highly polished appearance. I held and admired them, they looked to be my size, and the craftsmanship looked remarkably good. "Would you like to see me wearing these?" I enquired.

Although still embarrassed, Adam said. "Yes, very much so. It would be a dream come true."

"You say the nicest things, but surely I should punish you for having elicit fantasies about me." I teased him.

We spent some more time exploring and eventually loaded with our purchases, which the shopkeeper packaged, and we returned to the cab.

"Let's have some tea, there is a nice hotel near the station," I gave our driver instructions, and we both sat absorbed in our own thoughts on the short journey.

At the hotel, we ordered a light meal. As we waited, I had a wicked idea.

"Adam, do you play chess?"

"Yes, I like the game."

"It would suit your mathematical mind. Would you like a game?"

"Yes, that sounds good." He looked puzzled by the choice of subject.

"Let's make it more interesting, the winner gets to cane the loser over the punishment horse. The loser must insert the plug. Is that a good wager?"

I could see him considering, he was excited. How good did he think he was at chess?

"Yes, I accept the challenge, I will enjoy caning you again." He said it with a wicked smile.

"We shall see. Can you come round tomorrow evening?"

The End

In my secret fantasies during the night, I found myself exploring the world of BDSM, using unusual tools such as the 'buttplug' from Underwood's shop. I vividly imagined Her Ladyship Pt. 03 commanding me to use it, her voice dripping with authority as she ordered, "Bend over, boy, and prepare for your punishment."

During my conversation with Jane in the nursery, I couldn't help but be amused at her blush when she asked about the 'queening stool' and the 'strapon'. I reassured her, "Fear not, Jane, these are tools for Her Ladyship's enjoyment, not yours. But remember, hygiene is of utmost importance, even when using such devices."

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