Celebrity Sex Stories

Hermione's Saddle

Saddle sniffing leads to domination.

May 2, 2024
16 min read
cream pieHermione's Saddlefemdomgroup humiliationshamingmasturbationcock suckingequestrian themeshumiliation
Hermione's Saddle
Hermione's Saddle

Hermione's Saddle

He hadn't comprehended why certain ladies prompted him to masturbate, but he knew that he'd always been taught that such personal pleasures were a sin and forbidden. Yet, he also realized that the delight it brought him as he came while admiring the illustrations of stern ladies on horseback, was unwavering. As the intense pleasure of orgasm overtook him, with semen spurting from his erect penis, he understood that his thoughts of those women as he climaxed would also be viewed as morally wrong.

Balthazar Cranton's semen shot the hardest when he closed his eyes and thought of the equestrian events he'd participated in. The detailed memories of the curviest and most voluptuous ladies, cracking their whips to direct their horses, their faces tense with determination as they demonstrated their command over their powerful beasts, captivated him. The dominance of these women was undeniable. One woman in particular, Lady Hermione Hartwick, a woman he knew he could never approach due to her social rank, swung her whip with unmatched grace while commanding her horse. Her hips and the swell of her breasts excited him as she held the elegant saddle with her prouched thighs... how much he wished to be under her control, as his sperm gushed forth during orgasms incited by the images he'd imagined of her.

It was during one of these occasions that he found out about a grand equestrian event that the impressive Lady Hartwick would be attending. Completely oblivious to his presence, his increasing attention didn't go unnoticed. Lady Hartwick, a supremely self-satisfied lady, had taken note of his presence on multiple occasions and found great enjoyment in mounting her stallion before him, careful not to give away any indication of the pleasure she got from his presence.

Cranton was clueless to the two women who subtly inched closer to him, but the burning desire in his testicles heightened at the information he accidentally overheard. This conversation, initially believed to be casual gossip, was specifically intended to entice him, not only for Lady Hartwick's entertainment, but for that of her circle of privileged friends.

"...They say she has no requirement for a husband... though she enjoys the company of men she is not planning to wed..." The other muttered, her substantial chest jutting forward with excitement.

"Exactly... since the supposed suicide of her late husband, she's acquired all his assets and continues to attract admirers..." The first woman sniggered, smirking at how she'd planted the seed in his mind.

"The inquest ruled that he'd hanged himself in a sexual act while she was away... it's said that she was eager to be free of him..." Her sickening enjoyment echoed through her grins.

"Interestingly, there were accounts of a woman in black leaving shortly before his death, but no further action was taken... she was with other women at an exclusive affair elsewhere in the country at the time... and the ladies she is still close to can vouch for her alibi." They shared a wicked smirk, both women clearly amused by the prospect of inadvertently arousing a submissive man.

"...it was said that, unsurprisingly, the housekeeper didn't seem distressed or upset by the experience..." The two volumes chuckled, eyeing Cranton's obvious arousal.

"Several witnesses reported sightings of a veiled woman in black departing the house at the time of his death, but it was dismissed as unsubstantiated rumor..." The two giggled, relishing the effect they had on this unknown male.they shared a cynical smile, both women clearly enthralled by the prospect of arousing a submissive man.

"... it's rumored that one of these ladies was present when the Coroner's Office findings were revealed, and she enjoyed sharing that semen was discovered in ample amounts beneath the noose... this confirmed a sexual deviance, one that was evidently thoroughly fulfilled in a supremely submissive perversion." Cranton's breath caught involuntarily, a reaction the two women noticed, as his thoughts wandered to the woman in black cloth draped over her head... and his gaze fell on the slender figure of Madam Hermione Hartwick as she dismounted, her sheer skirts revealing the alluring contours of her plump derriere and solid thighs... the two women then led him towards another activity his growing erection and provoked thoughts were more than eager for, as two young grooms removed the saddle.

"This saddle certainly needs some airing in the stables, it's been such a warm day." The other chuckled lewdly as she completed the task.

"Well, yes... it's safe to say that she'll have been quite heated up from using that whip." They fixed their gaze on his eyes as he watched the grooms take the saddle into the stables, an "H.H." insignia adorning the leather, making it noticeable. The two strict women slipped away, making things simpler for him, joining the group of riding females now sipping wine as the grooms returned... leaving the stable block unoccupied. Stealing glances around and ensuring attention was shifted elsewhere, Cranton's sexual impulses instilled in him the courage to venture quietly into the coolness of the stable, his cock rock hard as he sought out one specific saddle.

He had not gone unnoticed by the two women, who gave Hermione the signal. Her lips compressed as she lifted her glass of wine, her smirk evident, as she left the assembly and strode towards the stables with her riding whip... her vulva flush with anticipation at the prospect of claiming a male who was primed for humiliation at her hands.

Cranton's cock bobbed with lust he couldn't contain, upon seeing the leather riding chair upon which the regal queen of his imagination had spread her lovely rear end and robust thighs, the side horns of the saddle grasped by those thighs, the tips poking temptingly... just as his cock did when it brushed against the soft leather, and inched his nose closer to breathe in the pungent scent of the woman he desired so much to be subdued by, stirring him to masturbate. He cringed as the sound of a whip swished through the air, his nose twitching at the scent-impregnated saddle, the clap of harsh female authority echoing the sound.

"And what on earth do you think you're doing, sir?" Cranton tensed, then glanced up at her, noting her reaction was not one of surprise, but her enjoyable features revealing an arrogant grin as he attempted to provide an explanation whilst she assumed a commanding stance in her riding boots in front of him, taunting him with the whip in her gloved hands.

"I...I...I was...I just..." She interrupted, having him comprehend she had him exactly where she desired, her mouth trembling.

"You were sniffing at my saddle!... a most unconventional act!... You'd be ruined if this became public knowledge!" Cranton's sinful mind almost yearned for his perverse deed to be broadcast, his cock no less rigid, throbbing hard in response to her reprimand from this magnificent, timeless matron, yet he felt driven to offer some explanation.

"Please... please... I...I wasn't trying to..." She was interrupted again, and was made aware that she needed to perform promptly before they were halted.

"Kneel before me!" He obeyed promptly, his balls close to bursting, cherishing the feeling of her dominance over him, prompting his cock to secrete pre-cum.

"You know where Grange House, my residence, is?" He asked while she smiled down at him with a spiteful smirk, her nipples tautening, her clitoris swelling in excitement at his required submission.

"Yes, I do." He looked up at her in amazement, then heard the cynical tittering of women nearby as he arose from his kneeling position, his eyes able to catch the passing scent of departing skirts as the fading echo of their laughter tormented his stiff cock.

The smirking ladies who'd taunted Cranton were pleased with the satisfaction they felt upon receiving invitations to a "Politeness Workshop" at Lady Hermione's estate. Inside their minds, wet spots formed as they read the notes, knowing they were among the lucky few chosen to experience this private affair of Lady Hermione's.

The invitation was just a playful perspective on the real event - a gathering where a man would receive the etiquette training from those who'd been handpicked by Lady Hermione. Sexual desires ran through the minds of these supposed upstanding members of society as images of dominance and discipline filled their fantasies. These women were the very image of the community's leaders, but in private they dreamt of taking control, torturing the male they'd tamed to know their dominance was not to be challenged.

Barthonomew Cranton knew not what awaited him at Lady Hermione's manor. However, he was blissfully unaware of the deviously sinister intentions of the "Politeness Workshop." His desires would change when the day arrived, the 18th of April, 1885, an event filled with sadomasochistic delights. Looking through his wardrobe, he chose his best attire for this unknown encounter, his heart pounding with desire. Each stroke of his member acted as a reminder of how his life would never be the same.

His heart pounded fiercely as each minute of his life passed, anticipation building like never before. His cock, however, didn't let that keep it down, remaining stiff, erect for a day that would shred his freedom. He enjoyed the warmth of the green outdoors, the sweet lullaby of birdsong sounding like a melody directed to his angry and quivering member.

He couldn't help but be stopped and fixated by a passing cab as a woman's face stared at him, teasing his memory. The sharp turn of the cab took him away from that deliciously thought-provoking encounter. He lost track of the going on around him, focusing solely on the secluded estate that was Lady Hermione's home. The sound of greenery all around him silenced his mind into excitement of Lady Hermione's ultimate plans.

As he reached the secretive driveway, which concealed the estate, his attention was drawn to an empty passing cab, and the face he thought might be one he recognized. The countryside moved gracefully around him as he approached the monolithic cum mansion, Hermione Hartwick's home. He trembled in anticipation as he approached the main entrance, sensing the judgmental stares of watching women who didn't hide their anticipation for the condemnation of a rogue man's journey to a permanent life in servitude under female dominance.

He heard the click of heels on wood, tittering voices, women who'd already submitted to this regimen and now desperately wanted to provoke other men into doing the same as them. They hung their heads out windows aimed at Cranton, pretending pity for the naive bachelor as he willingly approached his doom. Hermione closed her door, surrounding herself by six other strong women, every one of them longing for the submission of another man. They knew that in this room of judges, he'd be stripped of his masculine authority and undoubtedly enslaved to their female will power.

Cranton gulped as he pulled the bell-cord, imagining begging pardon from the extraordinarily beautiful woman he'd envisioned he could have a private chat with... hoping that she might want to see him again, maybe doing something at her residence or gardens as penance... something that would give him the opportunity to glance at her. Suddenly, his thoughts were halted as the door opened, and the coquettish maid in her frilly gown glared at him with disdain. Before he could utter an introduction, this arrogant maid silenced him with her disrespectful tone, which made his bum tingle from her natural authority.

"We know who you are... and what you are..." Her mean-spirited smirk grew wider as he obediently entered the room at her command, and she shut the door behind him, bolting it top and bottom, as though announcing his captivity. Next, she scrutinized him as though checking a slave, even though she was just a maid, clearly revealing her desire to dominate him, and she was chafe-ready to apply it.

"You will comply with me," His cock rubbed against his underwear uncomfortably as he followed the sexy maid up the stairs, her chunky rump swaying in her skirts with every step until they reached the landing, where she nodded at him curtly before elegant wooden doors.

"I will greet you soon... Cranton... you will call me Ms Charity." His jaw dropped, unable to process her words, but he didn't have time to contemplate them as he witnessed her condescendent smirk, which intensified as she swung the doors open and invited him in.

"Cranton for my pleasure, Mistress Hermione!" His brain went blank on hearing her words, but the spiteful tone she used when referencing his last name sent his dick pulsating in his underwear. Seeing her smirk grow even more pleased at his impotent protest, he was led by the rumpa-rumpa maid to see the mysterious lady of the house, Madam Hermione Hartwick, resplendent in her silky black outfit, the only evidence of her supposed marital status being the priceless black leather find that caused his death.

He gasped at the sights of the two ladies he'd been conversing with along with other stern-looking women in an array of frilly and masculine-styled clothing, and baldly his mouth fell open at the sight of a beautifully decorated side saddle leering at him, proudly imprinted with the backside and thighs of the unquestionably dominant female. Moreover, the ladies' glaring, disapproving looks confirmed their awareness of his bestial act, and that he'd be humiliated by these feminine audiences.

As he stood in awe, Madam Hermione Hardwick whipped a flexible whip from under her voluptuous attire, waved it at the saddle, gleefully rubbing it into his face in front of the smirking audience.

"Friend, journey towards this saddle. You will smell it again... " The face of a furious lady-in-charge lit up with inward satisfaction as the dominating women laughed heartily, knowing her piece of work had been completely subjugated. Cranton had to graciously kneel in front of her despite being filled with shame, while the ladies sniggered with smug content.

"Acknowledge it... admit it.. you crave whipping and spanking by a woman!" Though blushing from his embarrassment, his erect cock had no shame, the mere thought of being told what to do by a woman he'd dreamt about all his life made him feel inadequate. He swiftly obeyed, standing in shocked humiliation. His flushed face turned more vivid crimson while the smirking crowd cackled, feeling no sympathy.

"Concede... confess... you're a puppy who wants to be whipped and scolded by a lady!" He wanted the deflowering whisper of the female he found in a web novel, a woman who didn't lower herself to a man's tyranny, a woman who dominates him. His coat burst a spark of pre-cum, as these mature ladies found it unsettling to see him beg to be subdued, their own desires manifesting in vicious glee.

"Lick my feet and confess!" cried Madam Hermione Hartwick, feeling the sensual pleasure of her sexual triumph, as Cranton shivered on his knees before the majestic woman, his body trembling from his own excitement, his embarrassment intensified by the lewd laughter of the delighted women around him. She sighed with satisfaction as she observed his lips pressing lovingly on the leather of her heels, a pathetic man forever submissive to the dominance of a powerful woman.

"Enough!" she ordered, "Look at me!... Look at the women who will own you!" Their erections throbbed as they gazed at the swaying waist of the woman who had submitted them, while Hermione sneered, confirming their affliction of being weak and helpless in the face of a strong woman's control. She reveled in the pulsing excitement of her pussy, as she imagined her latest conquest's faithful service, but first, he must experience more degradation.

"Every woman here, sharing the same mindset, will watch as you beg to be my possession," she purred with enthusiasm, her perfume wafting through the air as the enthralled women crowded close to her, unmistakably aroused by witnessing a meek male. The women's eyes blazed with hate and lust, as they awaited his shameful acknowledgment.

"I beg for your possession!" Cranton stammered, his voice close to being drowned out by the sardonic hearing of the ladies.

"Beg some more!" challenged Hermione, taunting her subject. "Declare you need discipline, the humiliation you seek so desperately." Hermione and her female followers giggled at the wretched male.

"I beg for you to take possession of me," he humiliatingly stated, succumbing to the cackles of the women.

"I need this man broken and informed of his place!" snarled Hermione, a look of satisfaction appearing on her face.

Crankton gulped audibly as a glove made of velvet material was removed from Hermione's hand, the women delighted by the visual symbol of her power.

"I must punish you, my esteemed ladies!" declared Hermione authoritatively, smacking Cranton's face with the glove lingering in her grasp, gleeful at her dominance shown through such means.

"I am your mistress and owner!" Cranton appealed, as a venomous smirk played across Hermione's face.

"Oh, yes! You will plead and beg," scoffed Hermione, a faint trace of amusement in her aloof voice. "You will experience a leveling of all men through your subjugation."

Crankton felt his legs go weak as Hermione commanded him to follow her to her private room, where his instruction would begin.

As the door shut behind them, Cranton found himself face-to-face with a smiling woman, known as Madam Charity, sipping tea while sliding her finger over an ornate bell-pull. Beside her, a blanket obscured a man's contours, except his uncovered erect genitalia.

"Strip," Hermione told Cranton, with Charity admiring his reaction to the stark contrast between her and the bound-hooded figure at her side. He carefully undressed, Charity barely suppressing a laugh.

"Hmm... adequate," Charity commented. "She wants you to service us?"

"So you can all experience what it's like to break a man?" Hermione asked, smiling.

Crankton nervously watched as Charity patted the area next to her and pointed to the bed. As Hermione tucked her dress around her waist and removed her soaked underpants, passing them to the kneeling figure. He placed the items at her feet and watched as she gratefully smelled them.

"Serve us," barked Hermione. "Kneel between my legs, take this man's body between yours."

Obediently, Crankton complied, erection maintaining as he was presented an opportunity to service the dominant females.

"You're not capable of satisfying a woman with that small penis... thankfully, there are men who can show you the right way to do it. Unfortunately for you, you'll never get to experience that." Her cruel words made his erection stronger due to the sincerity in her tone. He watched as the hooded male played with his huge cock while waiting for his turn. Hermione then addressed Cranton as he knelt in surrender.

"This is Lord Montague, a man I've conquered. Despite his duties to me, your role is to satisfy me as well... eventually." Cranton gaped at the sight of Lord Montague's big cock as Hermione beckoned him onto the bed. "Hermione spread her legs in anticipation, and sighed with pleasure as the large cock eased into her wet pussy. The hooded Lord Montague began thrusting into her with animal-like intensity, soon making her cry out in ecstasy.

Madam Charity, meanwhile, smirked at Cranton, and invited him to witness their intercourse. "Look at his pleasure, Cranton. You'll never experience that. Neither will you enjoy my pleasure." She sounded amused as she twisted the bell-pull, making Cranton writhe and groan in jealousy and arousal. Montague, too, was excited since a man beneath him would be both servile and eager to satisfy two dominant women.

"Listen to his pleasure, Cranton. He's about to ejaculate into his Mistress. And so will you, shortly." Her cruel mockery tightened the screw on the helpless Cranton as Montague continued thrusting. Hermione's groans and moans encouraged Charity as they both watched and enjoyed the scene.

"Feel his pleasure, Cranton. Watch as he fills her with his seed." The contempt in her voice was almost tangible as she stroked Cranton's hair. "And you'll get the opportunity to watch more cocks I like soon." Her laughter echoed throughout the room, accompanied by Hermione's loud orgasm and Montague's grunts of satisfaction.

Charity's smugness swelled further as the two lovers disengaged, Montague's erect penis standing proud. His hands were behind his back, a habit he'd adopted to cover his embarrassment over being caught in this degrading situation. Cranton's eyes shifted between her dripping pussy and the dripping cock, his heart racing as Hermione called for him.

"Come over here now! I want to enjoy your submission to me!" Cranton hurried toward the bed as Hermione pointed at the still-erect cock wet with her juices and Montague's semen.

"Clean that cock! Suck it now!" Hermione's satisfaction soared as she pressed Cranton's head towards the slick purple cock. Hermione and Charity grinned as Cranton sucked it up, his own cock hardening with the shameful knowledge that he'd be made to pleasure the women by sucking another man's cock. Montague, strangely aroused by the domination of these women, grew erect again.

Cranton gagged and coughed as he struggled to accommodate the large cock, but Hermione only watched, sharing a smirk with Charity at his humiliation. He suddenly found pleasure in submitting himself for their enjoyment, both out of desperation and desire to please his Mistress.

Montague, unaware of his own sexuality, didn't care that his cock was slid into the mouth of a man beneath him in the female pecking order. Hermione's arousal from dominating masculinity filled him with excitement. As Cranton's lips wrapped around the polluted cock, Montague's laughter mingled with Hermione's erotic pleasure at his humiliation.

Long ago, you were a proud and arrogant man, weren't you? Now, look at you - submissively worshiping the cock of another man, all so I can enjoy it. You've got more responsibilities, too! She laughed mischievously as she dragged your head away from Montague's cock, who returned to his kneeling position by the bed. Without hesitation, Hermione spread her legs wide and pointed at her perfectly shaved pussy.

"Lick my pussy clean... I want every last drop licked up!" Red-faced Cranton lay on the bed, serving like never before, his stiff and lustful member pressing against the sheets as he gazed at the precious sight of female arousal. It was something he'd fantasized about in secret, but never imagined his first taste of female flesh would be tainted by another man. But this was the pussy of the gorgeous Hermione Hartwick, the breathtaking equestrian beauty he'd craved to be dominated by. Cranton inhaled deeply, eagerly catching the aromas of arousal and spent seed that lingered on her. Hermione threw a disdainful glance at him as she grabbed her whip from beside the bed, giving his skin a playful slap with it.

"I've got no time for that... clean my pussy!" His nose twitched as his tongue tasted the soft folds of a woman for the first time, his throbbing hard-on pulsating against the sheets. Hermione giggled at his helplessness as she used him for her pleasure. Montague's seed had filled her, and her citizens watched eagerly for the next phase of his humiliation. The lapping and licking of her intimate womanhood intensified his passion for domination, driving him wild as he obeyed her cruel commands.

"Stay away from my sheets!" she warned, but he could never resist her in his position. Hermione knew her cruelty would only increase his lust, so she tugged on the bell-pull. The laughter of Charity rang out, a clear signal that she was enjoying the scene unfolding before her. Consumed by his obedience, Hermione leaned back, exposing her soaked and throbbing anus for him.

"Taste my ass, too... get that tongue in there deep!" Overwhelmed by the smell and taste of a dominant woman, Cranton found himself back in his memories, fondly contemplating the ladies he'd served before. He'd been used by many, forced to suck their cocks and lick their cunts... and now, his tongue probed deep into Hermione's anus, savoring her moist and fragrant opening. He didn't even question her orders as his orgasm drew near, massaging her anus with his tongue.

As Hermione moaned in delight from another orgasm, she finger-fucked her pussy relentlessly, soon blended with the sound of him spewing over the sheets. Her gentle tones of approval echoed through the room as the bell rang again, signaling the end of another submission. Cranton, panting and sweating, had spent himself for his Mistress's pleasure, earning his long-awaited whipping. He thanked the heavens for his unfeigned obedience, his seed staining the bed.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de