Adult Humor

Hidden Romance: Part 3

Zahra conveys crucial information to Damir.

May 29, 2024
11 min read
adulteryoral sexsex positionenglandanal sexIllicit Affair Pt. 03bosniasextinglondon
Illicit Affair Pt. 03
Illicit Affair Pt. 03

Hidden Romance: Part 3

When I discovered my wife was seeing another man, it took a weight off my shoulders.


Thank you for today, it was a fantastic time. I can't wait for the training session on Wednesday.


I've never considered becoming a swimming instructor, but watching you smile is one of the most delightful experiences I've had. We should definitely continue these one-on-one lessons. Have a good night, sleep well.

Tuesday was a hectic day at work, but I found something Zahra might enjoy me reading to her.


Zahra, I came across the English translation of Nezami's poem "Laili and Majnun" and can be downloaded. If you'd like me to read again, this could be a great option.


I agree. May we attend the polling station tomorrow?


Of course. Wear the blue swimsuit. If you want the bathing suits to wear out equally, use the blue one on Wednesdays, the black one on Mondays, and the red one on Fridays.


You got a deal. Will today's session be similar to yesterday's?


Not exactly. Just for today and tomorrow's practices:

Session 110 push off into a streamline and return to the wall10 x 25m flutter kick with board and snorkel10 x 25m flutter kick with snorkel in bullet position10 x 25m flutter kick with snorkel and buoy10 x 25m single hand freestyle with snorkel and board

Session 210 push off into a streamline and return to the wall10 x 25m flutter kick with board and snorkel10 x 25m flutter kick with snorkel and buoy10 x 25m flutter kick on your back with board10 x 25m single hand freestyle with snorkel and board

We'll continue to employ fins during the exercises, except for breaststroke.


Is my kicking imitative enough in flutter kick? laughs


Indeed. You're a natural swimmer. Your progress is greater than I expected. You'll soon become a competent swimmer. Although your times might not qualify you for national master's competitions, it doesn't matter. You'll seem relaxed, assured, and poised in the water, even if your times aren't competitive. If you want to go that route, practice five times per week, or more. I doubt you want to dedicate that much time to swimming.


No, I'm satisfied with how our lessons are moving forward.


I adore you. Goodnight.


I know you do. I love you too. See you tomorrow.


Rest well, my Sweet (I searched it on Google Translate)


Yes, yes, my master Farhad as thou orders so it shall be.

On Wednesday afternoon I showed up at the pool earlier, grabbed a coffee, and waited. Zahra arrived right on time, wearing a black coat and red beret. When she saw me, she rushed over and embraced me, attracting several curious stares from onlookers.

After that, I considered that things might lead to a divorce with my wife. The more I considered it, the less the prospect worried me. If required, I could rent a small apartment or stay with my Bosnian friend, Senad, a sculptor and artist returning home to take care of his family. Senad informed me he wouldn't be back in London until late spring or even June next year, so I had sufficient time to secure a place to live. Zahra and I might even share rent to save money. I'd back any decision she made about the speed of our relationship. Due to our lingering embrace, our conduct near the pool would adjust to seem married.

We commenced our second training session, both in the same lane. I decided to analyze the progress of Zahra's push offs. In her first attempt, she reached 5m. I executed another push off for her observation. We did this 9 more times, and her stopping point improved by roughly 2m. We also repeated several drills from the first session. Mastering swimming requires a great deal of patience and repetitive drills, something not every individual appreciates.

The most intimate backstroke drill, one that is distinctly sexual, is known as the flutter kick on a kickboard. This drill is performed correctly only when the swimmer's entire body is horizontal and looking up towards the ceiling, preventing them from seeing the wall behind them. In Olympic pools, there are small flags positioned 5 meters before the wall, marking where swimmers should turn before hitting the concrete wall. In most public pools, however, these flags are absent, so swimmers must execute this drill with their coach swimming to the other side of the pool. Upon reaching the other side, they must stop their swimmer and gently touch the top of their head, halting it from moving forward. This results in a full body contact with the coach, creating an intimate moment that is difficult for many people to comprehend. Since Zahra and I were in love, she enjoyed this drill immensely. Watching her swim without looking back, trusting me to catch her in my hands before she hit the wall, was a profound and loving experience.

We later left the pool and ate dumplings at a Chinese restaurant.

Someone might question if 1000 meters per session is too much for me.

I responded, "No, I could do more."

I then asked her, "Can I ask you something more personal?"

She responded, "Sure. You might not answer, but you can always ask. I'll never hold it against you."

I searched her eyes and hesitated before I asked, "Truth. Do you know...?"

"Know what?" she inquired.

At that point, I realized she was unaware.

"My husband...Malcolm...and Kate..." I stuttered.

"Your husband and who?" she wondered.

"Malcolm and Kate."

She appeared confused.

"My husband is Malcolm, and Kate is your wife Kate, right?" I clarified.

She nodded.

"You your husband... and my wife...are they having an affair?"

"Yes, I believe it's been going on for at least 2 months."

We both fell into silence, reflecting on the situation. I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions, but I wasn't sad or angry. Rather, I felt pain imagining that Zahra was involved in some sort of revenge.

"Are you seeing me just to even the score? Since your husband is sleeping with my wife, and you want to start an affair with your rival's husband?" I wondered.

Tears formed in her eyes.

"No! You mustn't think that. I wouldn't..."

"I'm sorry, Zahra. I didn't mean to hurt you." I apologized.

"It's complicated...and upsetting. Let's just drop this discussion. Does tomorrow evening work for you?"

"Yes, I'll only need to prepare snacks for myself."

"Do you want us to go somewhere?"

"No, we'll both be on our laptops, allowing us to thoroughly discuss this."

After we finished eating, I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. We waited for the train, and when it finally arrived, we found an empty seat. I sat down, with Zahra on my lap, resting her head on my right shoulder. I removed her beret and inhaled the smell of her freshly washed hair.

It was raining on Thursday afternoon, making it an ideal time for a truth and dare conversation.

Farhad1177: We're ready. Truth. Do you love me, no matter what your husband says or does?

Shirin1177: Yes. Truth. Do you love me? Even if Kate were to climb naked into your bed?

Farhad1177: Yes. Dare. Will you walk the streets of London without panties?

Shirin1177: What do you want my panties for?

Farhad1177: I'll put them in my pocket and talk with your husband.

Shirin1177: You're a sicko! Okay, I will walk the streets without panties. Truth. Why do you love me?

Farhad1177: It's challenging to explain. You're gorgeous, elegant, self-confident, with the body of a model. Yet, you prefer me. I'm still trying to understand why. [I'm a Bosnian, 'nuff said.], and that's why.

Note: I rephrased the last sentence. I used "I'm a Bosnian, 'nuff said" instead of "This one is difficult. You want a serious answer?" and "You want me, or so it seems." changed to "Yet, you prefer me."

An old philosopher once stated, "This shoe is attractive, but only I know its discomfort." What, indeed, is beauty? As fellow Balkans, we favor black locks, sans tattoos, no artificial substances (including cosmetics), comfortable low-heeled footwear, conventional hourglass forms with curvaceous hips and ample bosoms, uncomplicated dresses from London fashion, radiant smiles. For me, these are the qualities I associate with a beautiful woman. Consider, I am more beautiful than Kate in my book. I have the license to impose my own standards of evaluation, not those of a society that cherishes anorexia. To put it plainly, a kindergarten instructor serves as my standard for attractiveness, not the refined, high-class women. I may hold a PhD, but fundamentally, I am a savage from Bosnia. Unvarnished honesty. Are you a fan of swimming?


Indeed, unadorned honesty. Do you admire my crimson beret?


Definitely. Unadorned honesty. Do you dislike that I don't shave daily?


No. You appear quite masculine with a 3mm beard. Unadorned honesty. Do you also relish my endowments?


Wow, diminutive Red Riding Beret. Are we now delving into adult conversation? Okay, then. My first impression when our bodies touched was favorable. The shape in a swimsuit is spectacular. I reckon that for a final judgment, a more intimate evaluation is in order. Dare. Would you allow me to wash your body in a bathtub?


Yes. Dare. Would you consent to let me wash your body?


Yes. Dare. Would you let me blanket your bust with ice cream and then lick it clean?


Yes. Dare. Would you concede to smear a cream all over your penis, then lick it clean?


Yes. Unadorned honesty. Have you ever executed this with a different man?


Been there, done that, not wearing a red beret. For both scenarios, the response is negative. Before you query further, I was a virgin when I met Malcolm. Unadorned honesty. Were you a virgin when you encountered your wife?


No. Unadorned honesty. Have you still been engaging in intercourse with your partner?


Nary a time in the past three months. Unadorned honesty. Do you believe of me when you are at work?


Yes. Some of my contemplations about you are depraved. Unadorned honesty. Have you deliberated and masturbated with me in your fantasies?


Yes. I do this when I'm about to go to bed. The biggest hurdle is to not create a raucous while reaching orgasm. Unadorned honesty. Have you ever contemplated and masturbated with me in your mind?


Yes. In the bathroom beneath the shower. Dare. Will you permit me to savor your Persian delight until we're both feeling fulfilled?


Yes. I'd adore to share my Persian pussycat with you. You may massage her as long as you esteem fit. Unadorned honesty. Is my delight the first one you've ever indulged in?


Negative. Sadly so. I've performed cunnilingus with almost every woman I've had sex with while still dwelling in Bosnia. Unadorned honesty. Have you attained an orgasm with your husband?


No. I'm capable of reaching climax only during my solitary sessions. Dare. Do you pledge to indulge in my Persian delight until I shout out in pleasure?


Yes. No cease, full thrust. Unadorned honesty. Are you moist now?


A cliche! Yes, I am. Unadorned honesty. Is your penis standing tall or limp?


Erect, as hard as an arrow. Unadorned honesty. Will you masturbate after we conclude our dialog?






Dare. Will you allow me to watch you masturbate?


Yes. Dare. Would you permit me to view as well?


Yes. Dare. Would you let me conclude on your bust?


Only if you will consume my semen that follows. Unadorned honesty. Have you ever witnessed such a spectacle (cumshot, presumably)?


Indeed. I've never tasted semen, but I'll try it for you. Unadorned honesty. Do you frequent porn sites?


Yes. I favor Xhamster, but I do peruse Pornhub every now and then. I attempt to extract concepts from others' experiences. There isn't much unique material, though. I've executed a multitude of acts with a plethora of women during my time in Bosnia. Unadorned honesty. Have you knowledge of Xhamster or Pornhub?

Shirin1177> [End of text]

I realize you understand what Pornhub is. While I don't visit it frequently, there are times when watching couples causes me sadness, as my life is devoid of sexual experiences. Preferably, I'd enjoy watching a woman or a man solo. Admit it, do you think less of me?

Replying to that, Farhad wrote:

No, if what you're hinting at is sexting, I find it quite intriguing. Most adults indulge in such activities occasionally. You're captivating in every way, and I cherish you dearly. Now it's time to enjoy some alone time. See you tomorrow at the pool.

The following day, Farhad brought up a serious topic:

To clarify, I've always supported the #metoo movement prior to its existence. Anything said during online conversations can be retracted in real life. As per our sexting exchanges, you'll always have the right to refuse any suggestions you may have made. Allow me to illustrate through a Persian tale – any promises you made during our internet chats, such as allowing someone to ejaculate on your breasts, must be honored.

Shirin responded:

I understand that. However, considering the pledge you mentioned about ejaculating on my chest, I want you to keep your promise.

Farhad complied:

Certainly, Princess Shirin's command will be obeyed by her faithful Farhad.

Shirin then questioned:

Do you have any idea when and where this will happen?

Farhad mentioned:

If your suspicion is correct - Kate and your husband are coupling up - they'll likely attend a conference together sometime soon. This would be our first night practicing those promises we made. But if you're not comfortable moving forward with our relationship, we can remain an unseen sexting couple.

Shirin inquired:

Did you have something specific in mind?

Farhad replied:

There is another option, but before I reveal my idea, I must contact someone in Sarajevo. I'll address this over the weekend.

Shirin expressed curiosity:

Can you offer a vague outline of your plan?

Farhad shared:

I have a Bosnian artist friend who owns a studio in London, located within a building occupied by various NGOs and artists. He has kindly given me access to his studio for private photo sessions with female models. Recently, he left for Bosnia and plans to stay there until Spring for personal reasons. Neither of them live together anymore. I propose we use his studio as a private space, as we cannot engage in lovemaking at my place or yours. It's furnished with a bathtub, mini kitchen with a sink, fridge, trash bin, and two cooking plates. Also, there's a water heater for instant coffee, a big couch, coffee table, two chairs, and a podium used by his models. Occasionally, he also paints nude models, but they're fully clothed in his paintings. This friend is a caring man, around 50 years old, divorced, and his wife resides in Central Bosnia. They're still on speaking terms, to my knowledge. What other alternatives are you considering?

Shirin commented casually:

We could rent a small apartment, around 30 square meters, if your friend declines the offer.

Upon arriving home from dinner, my spouse was present before me. She had gotten there prior to my entry and inquired about my experience at the swimming pool. I hadn't quite decided when to confess my affair to her. I wasn't sure what compelled me to withhold the truth. I believed I needed ironclad evidence of her infidelity prior to ending our relationship. I also desired for us to maintain some connection for the sake of the three blissful years we spent as students in Manchester, when we were madly attracted to each other as opposites. The most practical way to reveal the truth was to promptly ask Kate:

  • Is Malcolm from the nearby house having sex with you? Are you engaging in intercourse on your desk or is he taking you to a hotel? Is his penis larger and more forceful than mine? Do you select postures from a manual? Does he accomplish climaxing you once or twice? Does he remove his erection, penetrate your anus, and keep going until he climaxes (Garfunkel and Oates reference)?

If she replied with yes, all would be clear. My final resolution was to persuade the other three individuals in our square to form two axis, Kate - Malcolm and Zahra - Damir, similar to the well-known book by Czech author Michal Viewegh, "Holy Quaternity." I was unsure how to attain this arrangement, but even just pondering over it brought relief.

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