His Domain

It is His Domain now.

Aug 3, 2024
46 min read
domnationstepsisterswired slutelectronic toysmother sonmaster slaveass fuckingincest bdsmHis Domainmaster
His Domain
His Domain

His Domain

His Domain

Throughout the story of His Domain, all persons and participants are of legal (over 18) age of consent. No one or individual named below is of a real person all names created by the Author. Copyright ©2024 - expressed written permission must be given to use, copy, print, and display must be in written format. The author has sole authority to grant or deny said permission.


I stood looking at the two-story colonial brick house that I called home for twelve years there had many delightful memories and some not-so-delightful ones too. When Dad was twenty-two he bought the land, five acres Dad left the house to me, for various reasons, and left Mom out of the will and the receivership of the estate. One was revenge for the treatment I had received at the hands of the women in the family and two, a total disrespect as the Head of the house. He changed it the day I left for college six and a half years ago. I knew nothing of the changes. As soon as my dad was pronounced dead. I took the death certificate straight to City Hall and changed the name on the deed; I paid the necessary taxes and other fees to transfer without an issue. I would have to pay for property taxes, water, sewage, and electricity, which were reasonable for the time. Dad had written me a letter explaining how he fooled his wife into believing the house and the money would be hers. The gold-digging bitch and the daughters seemed to be the same way - looking for a Sugar Daddy to shower them with gifts for the opportunity to get in her tight wet pussy in exchange, most of the time. Dad never once made any overt gestures towards the girls, when he did it was towards his wife, even in front of us kids.

So dear readers at this stage of the story I hope I have piqued your interest. My family consisted of Dad, Daniel "Dan" Christopher Sawsman, when married forty-four, with No previous marriages, and no exes either. Mom, Janice Rosemary Sawsman, when married thirty, two previous marriages, and three children (girls aged 10 and twins 6). Casandra Rose Whiggins - ten, oldest daughter to Janice, blonde, blue-eyed beauty. Beatrice Felicia and Alexandra Elizabeth Whiggins - 6, burnets with hazel eyes, and beauties as well. The narrator is me - Michael Christian "Saucy" Sawsman.

OK, I am Michael Christian "Saucy" Sawsman. 'Saucy' to my best friend Charlie and he is the only one who can get away with it. We were foster kids in the same neighborhood; he was three weeks older than I was so I started to call him Big Bro. I never knew my birth parents, no family to claim me so I went into the foster care system. (Known only to Daniel that my parents died in a car accident and he was a young multimillion-dollar co-founder of a construction company two hundred miles away, I was the sole heir to the company). My last foster, later adoptive, parents picked me up when I was four or five, late four I believe. I was shy, but also "all boy" and got into many things little boys do some dangerous and some not so.

I hung around Candy, my nickname for her was "Sweet One", and I would follow her around the house when she was home from school. Dan and Janice brought me home from the shelter where I happened to have a bed. It was a Friday when I met my three sisters. I was overjoyed that I had sisters I ran up to the prettiest one, Casandra Whiggins, the oldest of the three at ten, I looked over to see two brown-eyed brown-haired versions of each other. The twins Alexandra and Beatrice Whiggins were seven and about to turn eight. I got plenty of attention, something I never had while inside the foster system, and loved every bit of it. It seemed that my sisters indeed loved their new brother. After eighteen months, Daniel and Janice Sawsman adopted me and we became a family.

Dad, Daniel, was a construction engineer, as he called himself. He owned a very lucrative Construction company that specialized in High-end residences, Hotels, Cassio's, commercial real estate, and some residential construction--making money hand over foot. He was a single man over forty when he met Mom, she was around 29 or 30. She told him straight up from the first date she has three daughters and if that were a problem then they would have a nice dinner and go their separate ways.

That turned to engagement three and a half months later and married six months after that. She had been married twice since her High School days. Janice's last marriage lasted eleven years they had three daughters. Casandra, Beatrice, and Alex (the twins), the marriage ended when her husband was caught embezzling money to cover a gambling debt, leaving her and the girls broke. Her previous marriage lasted one year with no kids, it was her high school sweetheart, who turned into a Meth dealer and was sent to prison for thirty-five years. Now she was married to Daniel, he had a vasectomy twenty years earlier because a girlfriend claimed he was the father of her child, which turned out to be not true after DNA testing.

He told her about the procedure and well they sought out adoption. It took five months for Daniel and Janice Sawsman to be foster parents to me and after eighteen months, I became their adopted son. I was overjoyed to be finally with people who loved me and wanted me. I hung onto Candy I would follow her around when we were not at school. We played together the four of us and I enjoyed it. I had no sexual feelings for any of the girls, sure, I had a huge crush on Candy, but that was it, she was my sister, well that was my thinking for the next several years. The house was in harmony until sometime after my tenth birthday.

Candy, five and a half years older, decided to turn into a stark raving lunatic when came to me. She became mean cursing me, shoving me, then hitting me, and no matter what I did, it just was not good enough for her. Mom and Dad seemed to be oblivious to this because when I confronted them about it, they blew it off as sibling rivalry and it was not that. Dad had installed a big pool off the back deck and assigned me to the task of 'Pool Boy', I was eleven or twelve at the time. I cleaned the pool every day no matter what and most days nothing, but this particular day.

Candy came out in the skimpiest bikini barely covering her twenty-eight D-sized breasts, barely covering her nipples and she would always show her camel toe to me before and after her swimming. She started yelling at me that I was not cleaning the pool correctly and that I intentionally missed a spot at the bottom of the large swimming pool. I looked at her and smiled turned the vacuum towards where she pointed and sucked up nothing, just to prove my point. I know underneath those dark sunglasses her eyes were boring holes in my skull, shit I was eleven what did I care, a lot of bigger kids tried to hurt me, but failed.

Around two months later, the twins started testing the waters. The twins were three years older, and at times would gang up on me, but when Alex and I were, alone she would be nice to me, talking to me about this that, or the other thing, nothing-important friendly brother-sister talks. Until Candy or Beatrice came around when both were around Alex would not be so nice all of a sudden. Let us say that I felt attacked on every side, they were relentless. After a while, I became numb to it not angry or upset, confused as to why the sudden change from loving sisters to demon sisters in a matter of months. Hell, I was eleven by then what the fuck did I know.

I mean come on now. Hell, I had seen their tits before but crap nothing like what became a game of 'Fuck with Mike Day'' turned into How can I avoid the fucking crazy girls. Dinner was a solstice where we gathered for family time to eat, talk, have fun, and enjoy our dinner together. Never mind about the everyday worries, and stress just good clean conversation with good food. It worked for the most part for a year and a half when Candy took on her commanding aura. During our dinners, the girls and Mom would dominate the conversation talking about the latest fashion, a new sale going on, or just boys in general. Dad and I would listen and we tried to start a quiet conversation around football, baseball, or our favorite F1 racing, and the current standings for the championship.

The women would stop talking cough and berate us, Dad would apologize and roll his eyes turning quiet. Over the next three years, they kept up with the dinner table conversation until Candy went to college. The dinner conversations opened a little but not by much. The twins were seniors while I was a sophomore at the same High School. Bea replaced or tried to replace Candy, epic failure for sure, but she did have her ways. She would call me names, and look at me in disgust. Alex tried to avoid the situation when both of them were around. I held my own against those two well really one. Teenaged kids can be cruel but for the most part, many are not.

However, when your cruel twin sisters come at you at school it is a life changer. I did my battles and caused some bitches to cry but they attached 'me' first. I tolerated the verbal abuse and ignored most of it. However, there were times when I wanted to beat the shit out of people, especially my sisters. I did not attend the Prom or any other school function because of my sisters. Fear of anyone I would ask the two heat-seeking bitches would be on the poor girl like a fly on shit and I didn't want to put that kind of stress on anyone that young nor did I need the extra bullshit at home. My best bet is No Girlfriend, and no friends at all, well except Charlie.

Charles "Charlie" Ranku is the adoptive son of two high school sweethearts getting married after graduation but unfortunately could not have children, something about childhood rape for his mom and childhood abuse and castration by his father when he was thirteen for his dad. He opened an auto-mechanics shop repairing cars, trucks, motorcycles, and anything with a motor and gears. We have been friends since day two of my living at the house. Charlie is three weeks older than I am and he played big brother for me. He lived next door, well across the street at least. He has kept me sane during my middle and high school years. There were many times when the girls would attach and I would run out into the back yard and Charlie would come out, sit with me, and help me calm down talking to me about the reality of the situation. I had talked to Mom and Dad, but shit was going downhill fast by then and I did not know it.

I did win the School's Science Fair and got a full ride to a college four hundred miles from home. All the girls were home for my high school graduation giving me a cheer and congratulations, but I knew things would not be the same when I left. Dad looked at me with sorrowful eyes he fully understood my meaning. I sent an invitation and tickets to my college graduation, but they never showed and I assumed I was on the outs of the family. Six and a half years later, a phone call from Mom brought me back home, Dad had a stroke and it did not look good. I called my partner, Bradon Icebee, in the company and told him my dad had a stroke and I would call him in a couple of days with an update. He said not to worry that we had the company under control and I could call my or his assistant for any needs that I may have. Smiling at Brad I nodded my head and left. Got to my apartment packed some clothes and booked for home. Four hours and fifteen minutes later, I pulled my truck into the parking lot of the hospital and went to see my Dad in the CICU.

He looked pale and worn out. I took his hand in mine and he opened his eyes smiling. It was the first sign since the stroke he understood or saw anyone according to the nurse when she came in to check on him. He did that for his father, I immediately asked the nurse to call the Head Nurse and showed her the medical power of attorney from this point on I made all the decisions for his Dad's medical care. I returned to my dad's room closed the curtains and set up a silent communication system, using a portable whiteboard, I borrowed from the nurses I would write and he would attempt to communicate his medical wishes. We communicated even though he could not speak or move his right arm or hand.

In the eight and a half hours, I spent with Dad he told me of the accident report and his knowledge of my birth father's construction company north of us by three hundred miles. It turns out that my biological parents, my biological father owned a construction company, a rather large construction company and before the accident that killed them, he had changed the will to reflect me as an heir. It stated that if I did not take over by my twenty-fifth birthday the company would go public on the stock market. Dad kept the documents along with other important papers in his possession detailing that I would be the CEO and Chairman of the Board of that company.

Dad handed me the documentation and information needed to win my inheritance. I was named the Chairman and CEO of Dad's construction company. It is intriguing to know and to comprehend the amount of money one gets - I became a billionaire in a matter of minutes. I had money to spend. Dad also informed me and gave me his passwords to his accounts and safety deposit box. He told me that Mom and his business partner had an on-again off-again affair and that it might still be going on. Now mind you mom and the girls were not there, so I informed the staff I would grant all entrance by family members. I provided my cell phone number and mentioned that this was an absolute condition no one from outside the family would visit my father unless I approved.

I smiled and did my best to understand what he wanted. As hard as it was I would also have to deal with Mom and the girls. Dad and I discussed about the girls and Mom. He was reluctant to allow Mom into the room based on her infidelity. He told me there were two places for the PI report and to retrieve both the hard copies to throw in her face. We discussed the option availed to him with the spouse not wanting the other spouse in the room. I tabled it telling him to let her think she has won and you are none the wiser. We smiled and I was happy seeing him smile.

I sat with him holding his hand and trying to comfort both of us. It was hard on me, but doubly on him. I cried for a minute or two knowing that this might be our last days. I moved to a lounge/chair they have at the hospital that leans back and it is a single (relatively hard) bed, I was asleep when Candy rolled in. Groggily, I looked up and said "HI". Startling her to jump and squeal in surprise. Sitting on a lounge chair/bed with a hospital blanket over me.

In her nasty tone and familiar disdain for my existence "When did you get here? Does Mommy know? I bet you have no idea what's coming your way beast." She smiled the entire time. I looked at her and smiled, "Oh, I know what I am getting do you?" I smiled my Dominate Sinister smile, the one my slaves know when they screwed up. I am not vicious just fair, I set the rules, and minor mistakes earn my hand on their bare ass for up to fifty smacks.

Back to the issue at hand with Candy mocking me throughout the time she was there until Mom and the twins showed up. Then it was an all-out war, first Janice then Bea, I looked at Dad and said my goodbyes,

"Sorry, Dad if these stupid bitches can't even respect me when you are in the hospital. I will be back to talk later." I said with so much disdain looking at each one of them in the eye as I said it Alex had compassion in her eyes and the thought of comfort. I walked out, went to the nurse's station, and told the Nurse in Charge to kick them out an hour before visiting hours were too close - Dad needed quiet and sleep. Call me when they leave. I heard comments and insults then I heard Dad yell to shut the fuck up he is my son and your brother you need to be nicer to him.

I took off towards the house, which was only ten minutes away, using my key to open the door to look at the house.

I was stunned I blew my top; it was a dump of clothes and trash. It looked like hell, I made my way through a path to the upstairs bedrooms left was Candy's - fair but still looks like a pig sleeps there, then to the right Bea's room and it was the worst so far. I went to the right across the hall and opened what used to be my room it was a storage room exited turned to my right next room to Alex's room opened the door and found it immaculate and tidy--books on the shelf in a row. I was impressed. Walking into the Master bedroom and was shocked to see the bed had not been made in a while, clothes were thrown around the room, and the bathroom was a disaster. The girls were not around and I investigated Mom's supposed infidelity with a younger man. I found evidence of Mom's infidelity securing it in my truck; it was right where Dad had said it would be. I spent around three hours collecting and photographing the house to show Dad later.

I loaded what I could in the back of my truck. I headed out when my cell phone went off it was the Nurse in charge informing me Mom and the girls were leaving. I drove to the storage unit I rented in my name some six years earlier and deposited my evidence and materials. Drove back to the hospital to stay with Dad for a while longer. Dad slept most of the time and I sat and read the PI report Dad commissioned on Mom. Almost four years of infidelity from Mom and even Candy participated in the affair for only one session with her old math teacher who dominated Mom while Candy was in school. The PI got video and audio of the three of them on that one occasion, along with countless photos, and videos of Janice's affairs.

I took out my phone and dialed some friends that I still knew in the area including Charlie. Called a container storage company I knew I used with the company and ordered (four of them) to be dropped off within an hour.

I dialed Mom's number,

"Hi, Mom it's me. Yes, Mike."

"Hey, how long are you staying with Dad? Are the girls going with you? Is Alex not staying? Oh, how long before you return? Really, ok, we can do dinner then if it is not too late. No my treat Mom I will take you guys out for dinner. Yes Mom I have a job that I can pay for a nice dinner. Yeah ok, look drive safe see you in say four hours. Good, yes. I will send you the address of the restaurant where to meet me. Ok. Tell the girls I love them. Love you too. Bye."

For four hours the house was clean, each room was stored in one of the three containers and I labeled each one. In those four hours, the house was wiped down, swept, mopped, and straightened up to look like new. Security cameras and changed the locks on all the outside doors, I called one of my security vendors, it was a slow day for him, but he installed it all under the time limit with spare minutes after testing. My friends left five minutes before the woman showed up at the house. I left with them and went to Charlie's for a beer and good company. I left a note.

In the front yard were four white eight-by-twelve-foot containers their names displayed. I left shortly after the crew departed leaving an envelope with their names on it taped to the front screen door. I went around the corner parked my truck and walked back to watch the show. About three minutes later the ladies showed up.

When they got out of their car I could see a look of confusion and interest. Sugar one, Candy, came around and saw the names on the containers.

"Mom, MOM. What the fuck is this?" Janice came around to the front of the containers in a state of shock.

"Honey, I have no idea. Let's go inside and find out what's going on." Both of them walked to the front door where Bea had opened the envelope reading the contents. She tried her key and it did not open the door.

"What the fuck? No, OH FUCK NO. OH, that little son of a bitch." Bea screamed. "I can't open the door, Mother. Mike changed the fucking locks." Looking at her mother, she held out the letter. Janice took the paper and read the contents.

To: Janice, Candace, Beatrice, and Alexandra;

I have changed the locks on the house and added security cameras around the outside. As of this moment, the women of the house are HOMELESS.

Call this number (715) 555-1148 and all will be revealed to you.

You have 48 hours to consider your options,


  1. Each of you must agree to my terms to remain in this house. New requirements, rules, and responsibilities will be established, which will be enforced most strictly. All or None.
  2. Tell me where to ship the containers and leave the house.

Do not bother calling the police; I have already served them legally regarding the situation.

I am not a total douche bag I have rented three hotel rooms in my name for two nights - the keys can be picked up here:

21344 Westerly Place. Ask the desk clerk - Frank/Emily, rooms are for two nights only.

If you trash the room in any manner I will send you to the police.

Here is a number to call me (xxx) xxx-xxxx; from 8 AM to 5 PM daily, if you want to discuss the new rules.

You must schedule and agree to the date I specify, all or none. Everyone must show up at the appointed time and be dressed to impress.


Michael Sawsman

I watched as Janice's mouth opened and shaking her head in disbelief. She took out her phone and called the number for clarification.

"Yes, I am Janice Sawsman, to whom am I speaking? Yes, Michael is my son, no Adopted son. Yes, please, thank you." She was going to talk to my lawyer, one of the best in town, Mark Viziono.

"Hello, Mr. Viziono. I need some clarification on why I am locked out of my house. Yes, he is and is not doing well. No, I am not inside the house our keys will not work. Mike has changed the locks. Uh...Uh....No, I have the current will inside the safety box at the bank. Power of What? WHAT! NO FUCKING WAY! NO...NO...NO...the bastard did what? NO... He has what? NO...OH Shit. No, thank you."

Janice's temper showed itself when she looked at her daughters. Janice looked at Candy and said,

"He knew." Candy's eyes went wide. "They have evidence of our encounter in very vivid detail." Candy sat down on the steps and started to cry. Bea and Alex sat down next to her trying to console her, but Candy just kept on crying. I felt a little sorry for her.

I left to have dinner with my friends spending a couple of hours reminiscing about the days of high school and college. My best friend, Charles "Charlie" Ranku, whom I had kept in contact with through college and my work away from home. Charlie helped me monitor Dad and the rest of the family. The rest of them, Stella and friends had to get back to babysitters and sleep for work in the morning. Charlie stayed with me, we talked until midnight, and he went home.

"Saucy, you know you can come to stay with me and Stella tonight. We have a bedroom all ready for you."

"Thanks, Charlie, but I am going back to the hospital to stay with Dad until around 5 or 6 in the morning. Tell Stella, thanks but I will take a rain check on the guest bedroom." I replied to him. Charlie left and I went to stay with Dad. I arrived at his room pulled up a chair and went to sleep. Somewhere around two or so in the morning, alarms were going off, I bolted upright. I heard a Code Blue being announced and several nurses and doctors came, they worked on Dad, the monitor was flashing red with no indication of a heart rate. The doctors and nurses worked on him for over thirty-five minutes without success. The Doctor looked at me and I told him to stop resuscitating him, Dad had indicated to me to halt CPR if no response within thirty minutes, in an earlier conversation that day. The doctor pronounced Dad dead shortly after. I immediately called Charlie.

"I'll be right there buddy. Hang on Stella and I will be there."

I sat down and watched as the nurse cleaned Dad up as best as possible. As I watched the nurse clean and cover my Dad to the morgue, I called Mom's cell phone and told her that Dad died. I heard her cry out and my sisters in the background asking what happened. A nurse put her hand on my shoulder.

"Do you have a funeral home for your Dad?" The nurse asked. I looked up and said,

"At present, I do not, give me until noon and I will have an answer for you."

"OK, he will be in the morgue for pick up when you have the information. I am sorry for your loss." I thanked her and sat there with him until Mom and the girls showed up. She asked what happened and I relayed the best I could. Candy and the girls started to cry. I stood up and walked out saying,

"I will arrange for the funeral and burial. I will let you know when and where." I left with tears in my eyes. Walking the hospital hallways, I placed a call to my lawyer and Dad's lawyer letting them know that he had passed away. When I looked up, Charlie and Stella were standing in front of me, Charlie walked up and hugged me and I proceeded to cry on his shoulder. Stella wrapped around both of us while I cried. I heard footsteps to saw Mom had come out, her eyes red from crying as well as my stepsisters.

"You know I loved your father he was a good man." I turned around breaking the hug from Charlie and his wife, and angrily looked into Mom's eyes,

"Then why were you out fucking Henry?" I turned towards the exit and left, Charlie and Stella following me out. My cell buzzed and I answered it.

"Mike, it's Daniel Waterman I am sorry for your loss. Your Dad made you the executor of his estate and will. When do you want to gather for the reading of the will? Can you come to my office today at two to sign some papers?"

"Yeah, anything else?"

"Yes, make sure your mother and sisters are there as well. I will be reading it in my office."

"Sure, I will let them know." I stormed back to where Mom was sitting, she looked up at me, her eyes red hurt, and pleading with tears flowing down her cheeks. I did not care what she wanted 'love my father' really, my anger boiling inside but I said through gritted teeth,

"Be at this address at two o'clock this afternoon for the reading of the will. I do not want to talk to any of you until then." I turned and walked out of the hospital Charlie and Stella behind me.

"Mike, do you want to come back to our place for a bit, I will make breakfast and chat," Stella said. I looked at her and Charlie nodded my head. I needed coffee and a meal and not to be around Mom and the girls. As I turned I saw Alex waving her arms over her head, but I did not stop I drove to Charlie and Stella's place.

I was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of strong coffee and a plate of eggs, sausage, and toast in front of me. Hungry but not hungry so I picked at the eggs and ate a sausage picking at the rest. Looking up, Stella had a worried look on her face and Charlie was deadpanned.

"You guys are the best. It is hard losing him like this, I knew he was dying and I thought he would last another day at most. Well, Stella thanks for the meal. Could I crash for a little bit? I need some sleep and a quiet place to think."

"Mike, sure take the guest room, top of the stairs on the right. Please don't mind the mess we are trying to switch it to a nursery." That shocked me. Surprised I looked at her and Charlie.

"WOW, I am happy for you guys." Slapping Charlie I said, "And we have no secrets right? Asshole, keeping this from me." Charlie in his defense said,

"Well, you were concerned about your dad and just wanted to wait until we could be alone for a bit." I slapped his should and hugged him then walked over to Stella hugging her and kissing her cheek whispering,

"He's a lucky guy and you are a lucky woman. Congratulations." She kissed my cheek and pointed to the stairs. I fell asleep almost immediately, and the next thing I knew Charlie was waking me. Startled, I looked at him.

"It's ok. It is one and I thought you needed to freshen up. You have the lawyer at two." I nodded and sat up and looked at my phone. There were thirty missed phone calls from Mom and the girls and one voice message from Alex. I opened the voicemail and listened to Alex.

"Mike, where are you? Look I know you are mad at Mom for having an affair, but please call me back so "We" can talk about what happened. I want to meet you, please call back." I took a shower dressed in business casual and walked downstairs to find Charlie in front of his laptop and Stella nowhere to be found.

"Hey, Charlie, where is Stella?"

"Oh, she went to the gym and then shopping."

"Great, now let me tell you about Candy and Mom," I said sitting down with a cup of coffee. I told Charlie that my Dad had commissioned a PI to follow Mom about four years before his death and what the PI found. Told him that both Candy and Mom had this affair for over a year and at one point believed Mom was pregnant with this guy's child, but she aborted it. I told him about the containers with their names on them and the decision for them to live in my house. I knew Charlie had a thing for Beatrice and Candy, but because he was married he did not know what Stella would think about my plan to enslave the women of my family. He said it could backfire in my face, but I had a strong conviction to see it through.

"Hell, Mike, it would be fun split-roasting Bea if only once." We laughed about it. My phone buzzed at that point and looking at it showed me it was Alex calling.

"Yes, Alex what is so important that you melted my phone?" I said sternly.

"Mike, I know we are supposed to meet at the lawyer's office in a short time but I want to make an appointment for the assessment for tomorrow at nine AM if you are free?"

"Let me check with work and I will let you know at the lawyer's office. You know that the four of you need to be there not just you."

"Thanks, Mike, Yes, I know that we need to be there see you soon." She hung up and I smiled.

"Well, there it is the group meeting. Want to wager on who accepts or not?" I asked Charlie. He looked at me.

"Sure, a hundred says they don't."

"You're on." My alarm sounded and I said I will talk to him later. Took the last swig of coffee, put the cup in the sink, and left for the lawyer's office. I arrived at the lawyer's office about five minutes late and found Alex standing outside waiting for me. I strolled up to her looking in her eyes.

"Hello, Alex."

"Mike, Mom, Candy, and Beatrice are going to cause problems because of what you did. I want to talk to you before to give you a warning. They are going to discredit you and tell the lawyer bad things about you to get everything Daddy had." I smiled at Alex, knowing the instructions to the Lawyer ask for ID and other forms and read the last statement, and the will allowed.

"Alex, sweet girl, I already know this but they are in for a surprise. Let's go in and you will see." We walked in together and sitting there were Mom, Candy, and Beatrice with smiles on their faces. I showed no emotion thinking and knowing what was to come down. Once Alex and I sat down the lawyer addressed me and not Mom.

"Are you Michael Christian Sawsman?" The Lawyer asked me.

"Yes, I am." I slid my driver's license to the lawyer for verification.

"Janice Rosemary Sawsman, Candace Rose Whiggins, Beatrice Felicia Whiggins, and Alexandra Elizabeth Whiggins." They responded with a yes answer to his question. Sliding their ID for verification. Dad's lawyer looked at the licenses and returned them to the respective persons. Then he looked up.

"I will be reading the last will of Daniel Christopher Sawsman.

I, Daniel Christopher Sawsman being of sound mind and body do hereby name my adopted son, Michael Christian Sawsman as executor of my estate. He has complete control of my entire assets, accounts, and other entities that hold my name and that of my wife's name, "Janice Rosemary Sawsman." This will cannot nor will it be contested in a court of law or any court for that matter. This will is absolute and irrefutable. The construction company known as "Sawsman and Son Construction will be transferred in this manner: eight-five percent to Michael Sawsman, who is now the Chairman and CEO of Sawsman and Son Construction Company, and five percent to each Candace, Beatrice, and Alexandra Whiggins, who are now voting members of the Board of Executive Directors for the Company. Janice Sawsman will receive a certified check for one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars. The remainder of the money in my account is to be used to pay the remaining debts in my name and Michael, Candace, Beatrice, and Alexandra will transfer the rest into a Trust account for future grandchildren.

Addendum - August fifth, two thousand fifteen

In this folder attached to this letter is a copy of the PI report for the last three years of an affair Janice Sawsman has been carrying out with Henry Snowmen of 3223 Salisbury Lane, and Jerry Stoleman, my business partner, Janice may continue with this affair now that I am deceased. She will receive only the check mentioned in place of a divorce, which did not happen before my death.

To my children even though you are not my blood, I am sorry I did not spend more time and effort to supply you with the loving care you needed. In particular, with Michael and the way his adopted mother and sisters treated him the last couple of years before he left for college. Michael, I am deeply sorry, and I am asking for your forgiveness.

To my girls, I have provided you with some investment into the future by providing you with five percent of the company. Michael can show you the bonuses you will receive one year after my death.

Signed this day, August fifth, two thousand eleven


Daniel Christopher Sawsman."

That was the day I left for college. Janice sat there stunned after hearing her husband's will. I sat there stoic as the lawyer handed me some papers to sign, he also passed papers to Candy, Bea, and Alex. They looked at the paper then looked at each other then looked at me. I passed the papers back to the lawyer signed and now I was a major owner of the construction company. They passed the check to Janice.

"This concludes our transaction. Are there any questions?" The lawyer said and I stood up walking out the door. Just before the door shut I heard Janice protesting the will that I forged the will. I got into my truck when I heard someone yelling for me. I looked over and Alex, in a full sprint towards my truck reached the driver's side as I started the truck. Out of breath, Alex tapped the window, and I rolled it down. She said,

"Mom is pissed and blames you for his changing of the will. She wants you back into the office to talk about it. Will you come back in?" I smiled, thinking if I did that all hell would break loose, and not in front of the lawyer.

"No, I have things to do and I have to inform HR who the new Boss is. Alex, Janice heard what Dad wrote, that the will could not be contested; I knew because he told me while sitting with him those last couple of days in his ICU room. I will see you at four with the rest of you. Gotta run; see ya at the house for the discussion at four." I put the truck in gear and backed out of the parking lot heading towards Dad's company across town. An hour later, ok I made a few stops along the way, I walked in to see Jerry Stoleman, the COO.

"So, Mike sorry to hear about the old man. Damn shame he did not divorce that bitch. What's up? I thought you were at the reading?" He said.

"Oh, I was and I have inherited the company. Dad gave it to me with three other holders of the company. I would like to keep you on as the COO and after looking at the books in depth I am increasing your pay by another thirty-five thousand a year." Jerry looked at me stunned.

"Thanks, Mike I won't let you down."

"Good, because Janice is going to come after it through you." Jerry sat down in his chair; his color did not look so good.

"Jerry, are you ok? Do I need to call 9-1-1?" I said picking up the phone. He held up his hand to stop me and said he was fine. Throwing a large envelope on the desk in front of Jerry containing pictures of him and Janice fucking in his office, at a motel the next town over, and in his house in the master bedroom right on the bed he fucks his wife. Jack opened the envelope and looked at Mike, sweat trickling down his brow.

"Mike, I can explain." His voice shaky

"Jerry, I could not give three fucks. What I am showing you she will use this against you. She will go to your wife and spill the beans. This is what you are going to do." Mike laid out the plan to get Janice off Jerry's back and keep his marriage. Jerry agreed to all of it.

"I have got to go, Jerry. Keep me informed if she calls you and you record the conversation. We can still use it against her but not legally." Jerry nodded his head and went back to work nervous about what his wife would say after telling her of his affair. I finished with the head of HR and went to Dad's office well mine now. Cathy was sitting at her desk looking lost and unsure of what to do.

"Cathy, I am giving you the next week off with pay. I know you worked for my father for many loyal years. I am keeping you but not as my assistant, as my Executive Assistant, to keep me balanced and on schedule. Therefore, I will see you in one week. Go have fun." She smiled and said,

"I would sir but my boyfriend dumped me two weeks ago and I am home alone except for my cat and dog." I pulled out a corporate card (my other company) and handed it to her.

"Take this card and take a two-week vacation anywhere you want to go. Use this as an expense card. Go have fun get laid, or go to the spa, fucking enjoy the time off. Relax, Cindy, I will see you in two weeks. You have my cell Keep me posted. Thank you for your dedication to Dad and the company." I smiled, she blushed, and I walked out the front door.

It took me another forty-five minutes to reach home. When I arrived, I saw four women sitting in the swing on the porch. I smiled as I walked up the porch. Janice met me at the top of the landing and looked me directly in my eyes.

"Michael, what is the meaning of all this? How did you change the will? I am your mother and I demand an answer." She screamed. Smiling I turned and opened the door to the foyer. I had locked the door going into the house and motioned the women inside.

"Wait there I will be right back I forgot something in my truck," I said flipping the switch to the Chloroform spray that will go off when the door shuts after ten seconds. They entered waiting at the front door to the house. The screen was door shut as I turned around at the bottom of the steps I heard the hiss of the gas and witnessed four women losing the ability to stand and fall unconscious. I waited about ten to fifteen seconds then switched off the gas and opened the door. Janice and Candy were closest to the door and Bea and Alex were near the entrance of the house. Bea was slightly thinner than the rest, so I picked her up laying her down on the floor. I placed Alex next to Bea. Picking up Janice before Candy, setting Janice in the high-back chair then proceeded to pick up Candy and put her in the second high-back chair. I had about twenty minutes to secure Janice, Candy, Bea, and Alex. I grabbed my duffle bag, full of wonderful toys and implements consisting of my portable dungeon in a bag, ankle, and wrist cuffs, spreader bars, ball gags, anal beads, butt plugs jeweled and non-jeweled, and many other items for their torture.

Janice and Candy were in the high back chairs specially made by my hands. These chairs looked normal but I had a false bottom allowing only two inches for support to the one's ass cheeks. The rest of it was open allowing me to provide some much-needed training to the slaves sitting in them. In Candy's case, I inserted a Lovesense Lush and a vibrating anal plug, also wireless for complete control for both, along with four TENS pads on either side of their thighs directly across their pussy and two on their tits vertical to the nipples. Not enough to kill just enough to remind them who will be in charge. (Watching the nipple twitch and grow hard - OH Man). Janice in the other chair had a glass dildo with electrodes running its length making contact with the inside of her cunt wall, and the same inside of her ass. Along with the pads on her thighs and tits. My idea of punishment for betraying my father with someone else. Alex bent over a horse facing the center, her wrists and ankles tied to the horse. Her lovely small breasts but pointy nipples hung over the end of the horse available for striking at any point. Bea was in a metal bondage chair knees spread wide and wrapped to a pole keeping her pussy open for access. I inserted the Lush vibrator and anal vibrating butt plug. I walked over and sat down.

Sitting in the chaise lounge chair facing the four sleeping women sipping on Jack Daniels Special Blend, I was thinking of my plan to survey the women when Alex started to stir and come out of the sleep haze formed by the Chroloform. She shook her head and tried to couch but the ball gag I had placed in her mouth muffled it.

"Well well, I expected you to wake first. You cannot get free unless I free you. Do not panic I am not going to tell you now, we will wait until they wake." Waving my hand towards her sisters and mother.

"Now take some deep breaths and relax, breathe, and remain open-minded. Breathe deep through your nose it will make it better."

Janice woke up then Bea and of course Candy last. It took a little over fifteen minutes before the muffled screams, cursing, and threats to me got loud through the gags. I smiled picked up my crop and turned to the women.

"Listen up bitches. As of right now, I hold your life in my hands. You either agree or I will make sure you agree." I walked over to Janice gripped her chin tight lifted her head and looked into fear-filled eyes.

"So, the reason I have brought you here is my father's betrayal by the woman he most loved and cherished. The four of you took advantage of Dad. When I arrived, I went straight to the hospital and talked to Dad, I stayed with him for the night and day I was there for forty-two hours before you sluts showed up. A day and a half that you weren't by his side comforting him, treating him with fucking respect that he earned long before you or I showed up. Dad asked me to check on the house because he feared what was going on. The morning you walked into Dad's room, I left and went directly to the house. What did I find you ask? Good question what did I find?

The house was in a cluttered chaos. Fucking trash and dirty underwear, clothes all over the place. I opened the refrigerator falling back from the stench flowing out of it; food rotting on the shelves the vegetable drawer was growing a bright yellow and green mold. There were dishes in the kitchen sink that probably had not been done in over a month or more. I was so fucking pissed but could not think of any way they would clean the house. So, I hired a cleaning crew, and some containers, and told my company to change locks and add security cameras, and biometric access.

The containers out front hold your "Rooms" contents. I have evidence that our "Mother" was having multiple affairs since Dad took sick for about four years, even fucked his business partner right inside the fucking office," My intense stare at Janice, whose eyes were wide with fear as I continued with my story,

"Janice, the fucking whore she has fucked around with several of Dad's friends and business associates. Yes, my dear sister's Mom here even fucked "Uncle Jerry" for several months before going to another man, Candy's Math Teacher, Mr. Edwards, for about two years. Oh, yes, Candy the reason you passed was because Mom was fucking him to provide you with a better grade. How did Mom convince you to go over to Mr. Edward's place for the little fuckfest you and Mom performed. Oh, I have a video providing proof of this act of attrition because He demanded Mom bring in Candy for a threesome. What you both don't know is that these two love to be tied up and dominated. They are submissive sluts for Mr. Edwards. The Principal and the school board have dealt with him; His employment with the school has been terminated and banned by the State Education system from ever holding another teaching assignment. Funny, did he ever mention he was married with four kids and one on the way? Well, the PI kept track of you and your affairs. It is a long list I might add." I looked a Bea,

"Let us not forget our dear sister Beatrice, who works the strip clubs and dances naked allowing the customers to feel your body, which I think is against the rules of the club. Oh yeah, you do not work there anymore and will not be allowed to dance in any strip club for a hundred miles. No sister of mine will be a stripper when she can strip for me. Sweet Alexandra, you are in more trouble than you think. You see I know about your nude modeling and lesbian encounters. Miss Innocence here has had some exciting shows, shall we say, and has been sucked, fucked, and pleasured in the porn industry while live streaming.

However, you earned points when you stayed with Dad for a week and a half before my arrival. I was wondering why you stopped going to see him? I looked at your sisters and I now know why. They told you to stop, but you didn't did you?" Walking over to Alex and she shook her head I removed the gag.

"So what, I spent an additional three days with him," Alex spitting out her words.

I smiled walking behind her, that ass round and in more need of a good spanking, I lined up back and to the left and let loose twenty whacks of the crop in rapid succession on her open white ass before she could scream from the strong strikes I had delivered ten. Alex was screaming for me to stop, and have mercy, begging for the punishment to end. Janice, Candy, and Bea looked on surprised when they heard sharp slaps of the crop on Alex's ass and her subsequent screams of pain. I stopped knelt looked her in the eye,

"I expect a truthful answer from you at all times. Unless you want me to deliver some more of your punishment. The point was someone was supposed to be with him the ENTIRE FUCKING TIME SLUT!!" Alex, shocked with tears running down her cheeks, dropped her head back and with a heavy sigh. I stood up and walked over to Janice. I love high-backed chairs especially these since I made them two solid pillars straight up from the seat tied between them was Janice's head and she could only move her eyes to see. She was straining to look around to see what had happened when I took the chain between her clamped nipples and pulled them towards me. A muffled scream emanated from her gagged mouth. She looked into my eyes knowing that I was serious. I kept the chain tight pulling up and then left and right, her screams were music to my ears then I turned on the vibrating accessories lodged inside of her slutty cunt and ass. Her eyes went wide as she stiffened from the electrical conduction within her holes. She had no voice it was a silent scream. She started to shake and I lifted my finger off the button shutting off the current.

"That my dear Step Mother is lesson one. I OWN YOUR SLUTTY CUNT...I OWN YOU LOCK, STOCK, AND BARRELL....YOU WILL ANSWER TO ME FOR THE DESEPTION OF MY FATHER." I lifted the crop to strike her clamp nipples but remembered what my mentor stated to me when I was first learning how to be a Dominant. He said, "Never strike a slave or submissive when you are angry it can lead to lots of emotional and psychological damage." I lowered the crop and walked over to Candy. She was shaking and had peed in the chair.

"Oh, the "Miss High-and-mighty" pissed herself. That is ok because you will be licking it all up when I am finished with the four of you. I walked around the girls as I was speaking, stopping behind Alex.

"Alexandra, you slut, you are excited by this. You like to be dominated don't you?" I waited about ten seconds.

"Yes, Michael. I get aroused when I am naked and tied up unable to move and dominated. Michael, will you use me thoroughly? Make me into your sex slave, use me when, where, and with who you choose? Please take me and make me yours." Alex said.

"Are you ready to be completely mine to do as I say without hesitation? Disobedience, mistakes, and not following tasks instructed by those above you will result in punishment. Betray or cause harm to me, you will be thrown out naked and on your ass. I demand complete and utter loyalty, devotion, and honesty. Do you agree?" I said on my knees leaning over in her left ear.

"Oh yes, Master. I, Alexandra Bailey Sawsman, willingly consent to be your slave for as long as you have this girl. I will be a loyal slave to you Master. I will never betray you or allow anyone to harm or hurt you. Please mark me as your slave." Alex said trying to open herself more to give me better access to her wet dripping pussy. I looked up at the other women around me. Janice's was moaning, Candy was squirming, and Bea was trying to hump the dildo in her. I smiled thinking hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil Monkeys popped into my mind. Janice thinks lust, Candy sees lust, and Bea feels lust.

"There is only one place where you will be marked as mine. I will take the rest, but first I have your ass." I said sliding into her velvety smooth cunt getting my cock lubed to take her virgin ass.

"Oh Yes, Master fuck me with that feel wonderful you fit me perfectly. OH...OH....Nooo...Please put it back in...." I smiled and aimed higher pushing into her forbidden body part.

"No Master Please no I have never had anal sex. Please Master choose another way to mark me." I smiled and looked directly into Candy's eyes as I said,

"You agreed and consented to be my slave. To be loyal, follow my commands and direction for your slut body to give it to me totally body, mind, and soul. Now you want conditions for your acceptance. I think not. I determine when and where I will deposit my seed. I will be marking the inside of your ass. Anyone can mark your pussy or slut mouth. Only your Master will mark your ass as his." I had dropped my pants and underwear the rest of the way to my ankles, my cock was harder than I could remember. I grabbed her hips from behind and slid into her velvety cunt lubing my cock for her ass. I took hold of my cock and aimed at her dark star pushing past her ring. I heard her grunt and whine just before I went into her very tight ass. Alex cried out when the head of my cock slid past the sphincter ring. I pushed a little further, god her ass is fucking tight, I stopped to let her adjust to my cock and I leaned over and push further until her ass hit my belly. I reached under her and started to rub her clit with my thumb causing Alex to moan and rotate her hips into my cock.

"Slave, how does it feel to have your Master's cock in your ass? Aroused I see? Your slave cunt is pouring out your slut juices which means you love Master's cock in your ass." I slid out until the head of my cock nearly came out and then thrust into her bottoming out, my balls slapping her clit. Alex was grunting and moaning each time, I slammed into her tight ass. Alex did her best to raise her ass to get her Master's cock deeper into her dark love channel.

I felt Alex pushing her ass into my driving cock and her moans were wonderful to hear. I wrapped her hair into my hand pulling her head back giving me more leverage to fuck the shit out of her ass.

"Oh man, Alex. Your ass is wonderful; yes you will be my ass slave."

"OH...GOD...MASTER...PLEASE...PLEASE...May I cum, I need to cum Master, OH...OH...OH...MAAASSSTTTEERRR....PLEASE. YOUR COCK IS WONDERFUL...MASTER PLEASE...OH...GOD...MASTER IT'S SO GOOD..." Alex screamed. Looking over at Candy, she was shaking with arousal and on edge, her drool dripping down her tits and over her nipple. I thought as I ass fucked Alex, who had prettier nipples that would look good with pierced gold rings. Then I felt my cock twitch knowing I was about to blow my seed into Alex's dark cavity, I leaned down to her ear.

"Slave, when you feel my seed splash inside you, you may cum." I held on to her hips slamming deep into her ass and exploded inside her ass roaring my climax. Alex opened her mouth but no sound came out. I felt her ass clench on my cock and her orgasm took over her body shaking and convulsing, my cock was still hard I grabbed her hips and kept on fucking her ass orgasm right out of her. I blasted six good-sized streams of my sperm and pulled out. Grabbing a medium-sized butt plug, I shoved it into Alex's ass. Causing another long orgasm, I walked over to Bea removed the gag grabbed the back, and shoved my cock into her mouth.

"You bite my dick slut and I will slice your throat from ear to ear and then skull fuck your face. Clean your Master's cock. NOW!" Bea had tears running down her eyes as she sucked and licked my cock clean. When she finished I replaced the gag in her mouth and walked over to Candy. The look in her eyes was priceless, she wanted to kill me and fuck me at the same time.

"Oh my, my little piss slut you want to say something don't you?" Candy nodded her head. I removed the gag. She flexed her jaw and looked up at me.

"Michael, I am sorry for my terrible actions to you and Dad. Please forgive me for my lack of humanity and for being a total bitch to you and Dad. Please let us go; we will not tell anyone about what happened here. I promise to be a better sister and friend." I looked at her and damn near laughed in her face. Instead, I said,

"Bitch, you think I would let you go because you apologized to me. Really? You think that I am that stupid, I am not that stupid slut. You spent three years tormenting me, harassing me, and downright mean most of the time. Why? Never mind do not answer that. " The remote I held in my hand controlled everything and I switched it to Candy's control box and pressed the red button just as I did with Janice.

Candy's eyes went wide and her body rigid while she felt a tingling feeling through her clit, ass, and pussy. Soon she was moaning and rocking her hips trying to get more contact with her clit, her orgasm just at the edge. Candy looked right at me, as my hard ten-inch man meat was right in front of her. Her juices dripping down on the mat below her violently rocking her hips back and forth. Her eyes told me everything. She not only wanted my cock in her snatch, but also needed it to pound her cunt raw. Smiling I said,

"Does my little piss slut want this?" As I shook, my cock in front of her face. Her eyes were full of lust and need as she nodded her head.

"All you have to do is commit to being my total sex slave until I release you. That means I own your mouth, pussy, ass, and soul. You will obey my every command and instruction, if you hesitate for one second I will punish you harshly, you will remember who I am. You will call me Master, or Sir, or Lord and in turn, I will call you anything I want. Now, do you still want this cock to Master your nasty slave cunt?" I unbuckled the ball gag and I stood up. My cock was inches away from her drooling mouth, Candy looked up at me, she was stuck in a world of orgasm denial and I had her on edge.

"I will ask again, but you must answer in your own words exactly what you will be. Do you understand?" I said pulling her head up to looking into her eyes making no mistake who I was to her and the rest of them.

"Yes, Master I understand. I understand that I will be your sex slave to do as I am told when I am told to, with whom you tell me, and where you tell me. I have no choice but to give you complete control over my body, mind, and soul. You own my orgasms, my pussy, my ass, my tits, and my body. My body is for yours to control and demand." Candy said through panting breath. I jumped up on the seat of the chair my arms resting against the back.

"Open wide for now I will skull fuck you." Candy opened her mouth wide. She reached out with her tongue and licked just the head of his cock. I slid my cock into her wet warm mouth turning on her little electrical stimulation devices causing her to hum on my cock that grew quickly. I grabbed the back of her head with both of my hands and started slowly fucking her face pulling and pushing her head back and forth on my cock. For her part, she opened wide and moaned as the stimulator tingled causing her arousal to soar higher. I picked on nipple, twisted, and pulled on it causing Candy to moan and whimper. I pushed her head until my cock entered her throat and slid until her nose tickled my pubic hair holding her there for a couple of seconds before pulling out allowing my slave to gasp and cough for air.

She took a big gulp of air and then I plunged into her throat, I did not plan on stopping until I blew my load into her stomach. For over five minutes, I fucked Candy's face, turning up the stimulator on her thighs and nipples, and she was keeping her head straight allowing me to plummet in and out of her throat. She made her a mouth pussy that felt great every time she hummed as her arousal and need to orgasm rose. I felt my cock grow and then my balls tighten and with that, I told her to be prepared that not a single drop will hit the floor. "If my sperm touches the floor I will punish your ass while you lick every bit up." I shoved my cock deep down her throat and came.

Jets and jets of my creamy white man juice flowed into her stomach. I hit the "All" button and her devices went to maximum causing Candy to scream around my cock. Candy rocked her hips trying to put more pressure on her clit so she could cum. I reached down and easily slid four of my fingers into her Niagara Falls of a pussy pushing the plug out of the way. Then it came to me and I stepped down knelt in front of her and went to town stretching her tight little pussy to accept my fist in her slutty pussy. I kept up with my fingers in and out fucking her listening to her ragged and aroused breathing then I folded my thumb into my palm as my hand came out when I pushed in my fist slid in easily causing Candy to moan loudly.

"Yfff..Yfff....O...ggaawwddd.......pawees...pawees..." I looked up at her and saw the eyes closed and a strained look on her face. With my other hand, I slapped her face forward and back and Candy opened her eyes, which bore the lust and desire.

"You will not cum unless you have MY permission. Clear Slut?" I pulled my fist out of her cunt and walked over to Brea. I removed the ball gag and pushed four fingers into her mouth.

"Clean my fingers Bitch" Brea used her tongue and mouth to lick, suck, and slurp my fingers clean of her sister's juices.

"Good Job, I hope our sister tasted divine like a fine wind. I will keep the gag out, but one word or sound and the gag goes back on. Understand?" Brea nodded her head and said,

"Yes, Sir. I understand. Master, she is divine." Smiling I turned back to Candy, still on edge from my fisting her tight pussy; I opened the app to her controls and upped the current to her nether region, and her nipples. A moan escaped her mouth that caused me to look at her. Candy lifted her cunt in the air trying to get a deeper penetration, not forthcoming, into her pussy and her clit. Standing beside her, I took my fist and rammed it into her cunt causing Candy to scream and moan. I furiously fist fucked her cunt and Candy was moaning, groaning, and forcing her hips up to meet my fist. For a good ten minutes, she begged to orgasm and I denied her. Finally, my arm was getting tired and with one final push into her very wet cunt, I told she could orgasm.

Hell that was the best fucking ride of my life. I could not get my fist out before her pussy snapped close not allowing me to remove my fist. I spread open my hand inside of her contracting pussy walls and this caused her to scream my name several times, and her orgasm to strengthen, and lasted thirty or forty seconds, Candy convulsed and bounced on the seat and my arm. She suddenly slumped forward, her chin hitting her chest and I removed my fist from her red swollen pussy and I looked down, and holy crap a huge puddle below her. I put my fingers on her neck to check for a pulse, yep good still with the living, Candy passed out from the intense orgasm. Brea looked at me and opened her mouth I walked over and she licked my hand clean. I heard Alex groan and watched as she tried to find a more comfortable position her shoulder, back, and legs were hurting. I walked to her head removed the ball gag, swung my dick into her face tapped her mouth. She opened her mouth and started to suck for her life. I leaned over her body and started to play with her bald pussy rubbing her smooth wet lips, pinching her erect nipples, and pushing deeper into her throat.

"Little slut likes my cock in her throat. You got face fucking coming up. Hang the fuck on slave." I straightened up putting both my hands on the sides of her head and went to town fucking Alex's face. Long slow strokes, quick fast ones, then deep slow and then quick about it....CUM in her on her and around her. I was enjoying her mouth and listening to the rest of the women. I heard cries, moans, and gasps from behind me. I decided to shove my cock into her throat and deposit my load into her stomach. After three and half hours of fucking and dumping many loads into my slaves. I was done. Now it was time to orgasm and torture four beautiful misguided women.

I stood up and walked into the center of the room. I walked over to Candy removing her gag then to Janice removing hers as well. I lifted my right index finger to my lips telling her to be silent. Went to Alex releasing her from the horse, still cuffed and restricted, pointing to my left side she knelt in slave ready position, which impressed me. I swung my head back and forth looking at the rest of my family took a deep sigh.

"This is how it will go from now on. I am going to release you, you will take a shower, and the Master bedroom is off-limits to everyone. The four of you will use the guest bathroom next to Alex's old room. The toiletries and soap as well as shampoo and towels and washcloths are out for you in Guest bathroom. When you finished I will have set out clothing for your departure or stay. You as an individual must make the choice. If you choose to dress then I believe you have decided to live on your own, however, if you wear the second outfit you will be obedient sex slaves and do as the Master tells you to do without hesitation or disagreement. Total loyalty and devotion to servicing my needs." I walked over to Janice releasing her and removing my devices, then to Candy, Brea, and finally, the four women stood in front of me naked.

"You have thirty minutes; ten lashes each for every minute. Get to it." I watched as Brea and Alex ran up the stairs into the bathroom then I heard the shower running. Janice and Candy turned to me; they looked like they wanted to say something but instead turned and walked up the stairs to the guest bathroom. I took out four dresses, selected by a female friend I know, and then the cuffs and collar with their names on them with a note.

To Janice, Casandra, Beatrice, and Alexandra;

You know I am not happy with the treatment of your husband, father, and friend. I know that he loved every one of you women. He loved his daughters. He loved me as well. You have a choice; leave and your container will be shipped by me to anywhere you want it to go, no hard feelings, if we talk we talk, if we don't we don't, I am always open and available for discussions, and casual conversations. The other choice will be discussed when you return to the living room. Depending on the time, remember thirty minutes total, punishment will be severe.


I looked at the timer on my phone thirty-five seconds were left and they had not shown up. Disappointed but not entirely lost, I stood up and walked the short distance to the living room.

Chapter 2 is in the works.

  1. In the realm of BDSM, I discovered that being the master in a master-slave dynamic was exactly what I needed to regain control in my personal life.
  2. My dominatrix stepsister, Candy, had an unusual collection of electronic toys, ranging from wired vibrators to remote-controlled butt plugs.
  3. The exorbitant cost of these electronic toys highlighted the stark contrast between our financial situations, a constant source of tension between my mother and me.
  4. During our heated arguments, Candy occasionally threatened to reveal our family's secret BDSM practices to the outside world, attempting to use incest BDSM as a weapon against me.
  5. As the new master of my father's Construction company, I vowed to restore His Domain to its former glory, ensuring that the Sawsman legacy would continue to thrive.

Read also: