Holy Submission

Dominant religious parents insist their son joins the church.

Jul 1, 2024
17 min read
submissionHoly Submissiondominationcrossdressing
Holy Submission
Holy Submission

Holy Submission

Mr and Mrs Jones were very religious and never missed a Sunday at church in their small village. They had an eighteen year old son named Mark, who was very quiet and obedient to his strict parents. He was taken to church each week but would have preferred to be out on his bike. His parents wanted to get him more involved in the church but even after his pleading that he didn't want to, on his eighteenth birthday he had an appointment to see Father James.

The three of them met Reverend James in the vestry at ten o'clock on Saturday morning. The minister was a young man, late twenties - early thirties, with an athletic build. It was obvious to James that Marks parents were pushing him into this and he wanted to meet Mark alone, so after a long conversation where the parents were doing all the talking, made another appointment to see Mark at three o'clock that afternoon.

Mark was not at all happy with this but arrive at the vestry on time and James invited him in. He was not wearing the black robe he had been wearing that morning but jeans and an open neck shirt. This put Mark a little more at ease, he seemed to be so much more approachable than he seemed when he presided at the church services.

'Lets go out in the garden', suggested James.

The garden was large well kept and private, the sun was shining and it felt good.

'Are your parents pushing you into joining the church?' James asked.

After a long pause, Mark replied. 'Yes sir, but please don't tell them I have told you.'

'You know Mark, that any thing you say to me or I say to you is between us only. You can confide in me, even you deepest secrets and I will not judge you. It will be a lot easier to join me, which will make your parents happy and I'm sure I can make your life in the church more interesting than you thought possible.'

'How would you do that?'

'I was like you when I was young and I hated to go to church and my parents forced me to join. It wasn't a small church like this but a very large church with a very strict Minister. I had to join the choir and being all boys together we were always getting into mischief and getting punished if we were caught. Often the punishment was being stripped naked in front of all the boys and caned. It may sound terrible but the other boys treated you as a hero afterwards.

As you know, I work here on my own apart from the organist and Church Warden and they are nearly three times as old as me so we don't have a lot in common. You're very young but I'm sure I can train you to assist me and submit to my needs, would you like that?'

'What other punishments did he give you?'

'I'll tell you more another time, will you train to be my assistant?'

'I think so, sir.'

'Let's get you measured up for a cassock.'

They went into the large house and into the sitting room where James gave him a glass of wine.

'When you've finished that take your clothes off and I'll measure you, I think I may have one that will fit you, you're very slender. I don't want you to wear anything under your cassock, except in the winter when I'll provide you with something to keep you warm.'

Mark tried to make his wine last for as long as he could before he began taking off his clothes and finally he was standing in front of James nude. Feeling James touch his body as he measured him made him tingle.

'I remember when I first put on a cassock, I felt as if I was putting on a dress. Wait there and I'll get one for you to try, I still feel a bit feminine wearing one.'

Mark stood there with no clothes on, the first time this had happened in front of another man.

'You look beautiful standing there,' James said as he returned. 'I've found one that may fit you. It's a shame to cover up such a beautiful body.'

This was too much for Mark and the erection that he had tried so hard to control took over making him turn bright red.

'Don't be shy Mark, there must be no secrets between us. To me you look so feminine." With that he ran his hands over Marks body, making his erection ache. Before I can put the cassock on you I'll have to find some panties so you don't tent it out.'

Leaving Mark alone again with his hard penis, he went to find some panties.

'These should do the trick,' he said, holding out a small white pair of silky panties.'

Mark put them on, they were very tight and he was terrified that he would cum. James helped him on with the cassock and stood back to look at him.

'You must look at yourself in the mirror, come upstairs.'

He followed James upstairs, careful not to tread on the hem then into a bedroom with large mirrors around it. As he stared at himself, he couldn't help feeling he was looking at a girl.

'Do you still want to give yourself to me....and the church?'

'I, I've never felt like this's as if I'm entering a different world.'

'You are, or you can go back to your parents and tell them, it's not for you. If you want to continue, you will have to give yourself to me and obey my wishes. Do you want to continue?'

'Yes sir, please train me, when do you want me to start?'

'Tomorrow you will come to church with your parents as usual and you can tell them you have been accepted and are going trained in the church. That is all you will ever tell them, nothing else. You will then come and see me in the evening at 6 o'clock. Now take you cassock off and let me take a photo of you in your panties.'

'Why do you want to do that?'

'You have agreed to obey my wishes and you make such a beautiful picture. It is also to ensure you do not break your promise to keep your work secret.'

When Mark arrived home his parents bombarded him with questions as to how his interview went. Smiling he told them he was going to be trained in the church which made them deliriously happy. He told them he couldn't tell them any more but will start tomorrow evening.

During the Sunday morning service James announced to the small congregation that Mark had been accepted to be trained in the church, making him and his parents very proud. As he sat there deep in thought as the service dragged on, what did the future hold for him and his penis twitched as an answer.

Arriving at the church at 6pm sharp, James was there to greet him. 'Are you sure there are no doubts in your mind about submitting yourself to me?'

'No sir.'

'Then come and visit the crypt, it's where we will be spending a lot of our time.'

Mark was led into the vestry where James pulled back a carpet that concealed a trap door. When the door was opened it revealed a stone staircase disappearing into darkness, until it was revealed by light to be a large vault. James descended the stairs with Mark following, standing out at the far end was a large cross. This seemed to take his mind off the other items scattered about.

'When I punish people this is were it is done.'

'Do you punish many people sir?'

'It all depends, some are brought here to be punished, and some come of their own free will. You've heard of BDSM haven't you?'

'Yes sir, but why do you do it?'

'It brings money into the church, it would have closed years ago with the amount we make from the collections. The previous minister had the original idea and I've just improved on it.'

Mark walked towards the cross, passing a rack, stocks, whipping benches and cages. The cross had straps to secure the victim. As he stood looking at it, James told him to take off his clothes.


'Take your clothes off, I won't tell you again!' James repeated in a firm tone.

He slowly started to remove his clothes, when he had finished he was told to stand on the bloc at the base of the cross and put his arms out to be strapped. Then his feet were secured.

'How do you feel?' James asked as he began to stroke Mark's body, slowly up his legs then thighs passing his penis to his stomach to his breast. Now his penis was hard and even in his situation he started to enjoy it.

'You look so beautiful, I'll take a photo for your album, then give you an orgasm.'

True to his word he took several pictures and made him cum but then told him that he would be back in an hour to release him and that he would make a pretty girl.

Now his orgasm had finished and James was walking away, he began to suffer with Post Orgasm Syndrome and was thankful that he was now on his own.

The hour went very slowly and during that time his arousal returned and the thought of his future looked exciting. James returned and took him down from the cross and naked back to the vestry.

'Your first experience has been a success and I'm very pleased with you. I'm sure we are going to get on well together. Are you pleased your parents have given you to the church?'

'Yes sir, I will be pleased to follow any instructions you give me.'

'That's what I like to hear. Now, you must not let anyone at school know anything about your new life except from you being the Altar Boy at church. You may come to my house as often as you wish, even doing your homework here. Now get dressed and go home.'

Doing his homework at the Vicarage was also a new exciting experience. He had to do it just wearing a pair of pink panties. When he had finished, James would read his work and if it was not done to his liking would take him through a tunnel from the Vicarage cellar to the crypt under the Church. He would then either be whipped or caned him while he was tied down.

Mark's school work improved significantly and his parents were impressed, pleased that giving him to the Church would have such a good effect on him. They were also proud of him on Sunday serving Reverend James during the Church services dressed in his cassock.

The first Sunday, he arrived at the vestry at 6am and James helped him dress in his cassock with a pair of white silk panties underneath to stop any tell tail traces of an erection. He was nervous when he first entered the Church although the early morning service had only a few people. The next service was the event that his parents attended and he couldn't help feeling a sort of joy that they had no idea of what their little boy was experiencing in the Church.

After the three services of the day, they retired to the vicarage for some refreshments. James opened the diary and began to tell Mark of the events that he had marked down. A wedding on Friday evening...

'That's a strange time to have a wedding.' interrupted Mark.

'The wedding is going to take place in the Crypt. There will be the Bridegroom and Bride, who will be a subservient, dressed in a wedding gown and about 10 male guests eager to use her I would like you to be there and I promise you, I'll try and keep you safe.

On Saturday there is another wedding, to be held in the Church, we'll go through the service together later in the week. The following week we have a BDSM group coming to use the Crypt for an evening, I don't know how many are attending. That is all at the moment but I hope you will continue to visit me during the week.'

'I had better go to the Vestry and take my cassock off,' said Mark.

'Why not take it off here?' James replied.

'Because my clothes are over there.'

'There are two ways of getting there, across the churchyard or through the tunnel to the Crypt, so why don't you take it off now?'

Mark began to remove his cassock.


'Alright what...........'

'Alright Sir.'

'Just remember it may be safer for you to go across the churchyard rather than through the Crypt after a mistake like that.'

'Yes sir.'

He stood there naked except for the white silk panties feeling very vulnerable.

'Dance for me you pretty little thing.'

Skipping around the room it became obvious that his erection was desperately trying to escape its confines.

'I can see you enjoy dancing for me, there seems to be a very feminine side to you.'

'Yes sir.'

James took off his robes and sat down naked in an easy chair.

'Come here little girl and sit astride my legs.'

The panties Mark was wearing were now very wet as he sat facing James with his legs forced apart.

'All I need to do is touch you and you would cum, am I right?'

'Yesss sir, please touch me.'

'Your a little girl, aren't you, come on tell me.'

'Yes sir, I'm a little girl. Your little girl, please, please touch me.'

James gently released Marks small hard penis from the confines of his panties and doing so made it spray cum all over James's stomach.

'Now lick it up little girl, I've certainly got some new plans for you. Does anyone else know that you're a little girl and you say you belong to me?'

'No sir, no one knows only you.'

'You do know that you are now going to be dressed as a girl under your cassock next Sunday, you'll enjoy that won't you?'

'I'll be very embarrassed sir.'

'But you'll enjoy it - well I will. Won't it make the services more fun? You parading around in front of the villagers in church with just a cassock concealing your girly clothes. If only they knew. Now tell me who you belong to?'

'You sir.'

'And you are a girl who will do anything I ask her to do?'

'Er....Yes sir.'

'Your future looks exciting, now go and get changed, go home and think of all the things you've said to me and how I may use you.'

'Thank you sir.'

'Oh yes, before you go, you have turned me on so much, you can kneel humbly before me and take my penis in your mouth and satisfy me. Will that make you happy?'

'Yes sir.'

Mark lay on his bed in his room and thought how he had let James call him a girl it was so humiliating and yet each time he did so, it was like an electric shock hitting his penis. He even agreed that he was a girl and was going to wear girls clothes next Sunday. Just the thought obeying James what ever he said made him uncomfortably hard.

The week went very quickly with plenty of humiliation bringing them to Friday the day of the Wedding in the Crypt. After school Mark went to help James get things ready. An area was cleared that would accommodate the guests, a lectern for James and a leather top table with restraints attached to it seemed to be the only other objects that were going to be used.

'The wedding isn't until 8pm, you'll be wearing a cassock and nothing under it. If you get an erection, which I'm sure you will. No one will mind as I think they are all middle aged men and might even come on to you. Until then you can try on the clothes you'll be wearing at Saturdays wedding and the Sunday services under your cassock, they're hanging in the Vestry cupboard.'

There was an assortment of clothes, all of which looked his size. A purple long armed leotard, slips of different colours and lengths, a box of silky panties, some plastic panties and some bras.

'What are the plastic panties for sir?'

'To stop you cumming on your cassock and come to think of it, perhaps you should wear a pair tonight, just in case.'

'Yes sir, if you think it's necessary.'

At 7.45 a large black car pulled into the Church car park, followed by several more. James and Mark were there to greet them, although Mark didn't know exactly what was going to happen. A beautiful girl stepped out wearing a short bridal gown and a man stepped out behind her both were led into the church. Another well dressed man took hold of the bride's arm and held her back, while the others went into the Vestry and down the stairs into the Crypt. The girl looked very nervous as she stood waiting to follow the others. Mark went down into the Crypt with James and stood by him as he organised the guests and had the Groom stand before the lectern. He then told Mark to bring the Bride down.

As the Bride came down to stand beside the Groom, what appeared to be the Best Man put a small bottle under her nose for a few seconds, which changed her facial expression.

'Gentlemen you are gathered here to see Leslie give herself to Richard. She will belong to him for life, giving her body and sole to him and grant his every wish. Now kneel before your master and show your respect for him.'

Leslie knelt at Richard's feet, undid the front of hid trousers and after some difficulty, took his large erect member out and took it into her mouth. His hands went behind her head and pushed her head so his large prick was right down her throat. Her face went very red and it could be seen that she was unable to breath, but she did not struggle or gag. After a few long seconds he drew his long penis out of her head, leaving her gasping for breath. Not giving her chance to recover two men picked her up and laid her on the table, restraining her hands. They lifted her Bridle Gown above her waist and pulled down her pretty white Bridle Panties.

Mark was shocked, this was not a girl but a feminine man, then he thought this is what I've become. He is a girl and so am I. Watching them lift Leslie's legs up to expose her man pussy he felt his little clit pushing out his plastic panties tenting his robe.

The Best Man helped the groom to undress and take his place between the Brides legs thrusting his penis into her. She visibly flinched and it must have caused her pain. Some of the men were queuing to receive a blow job from this restrained being. Mark stood in the shadows watching this spectacle with a tell tail tent in his robe, be it small. He felt someone come up behind him, putting his arm around his chest and caressing the tent in his robe. He was startled and almost retaliated but managed to control himself and allow his molester to have his way. The panties had become lubricated and the feeling was out of this world. His robe was beginning to be pulled up and another man joined in, giving him an intimate kiss while rubbing his body against him and his lubricated plastic encased penis. It was too much for him and he pumped his seed into his panties unable to stop them. Before long he was on his knees giving them oral, he lost count on how many times his throat had been filled with cum.

It must have been about midnight when the men began to leave the Crypt, the Bride now completely nude was being carried up the stairs, while Mark sat on the stone floor in his plastic panties beside his cassock now covered in cum.

James came to him and asked if he was alright, he nodded.

'I can't believe what's happened this evening, it was like a dream.'

'Did you enjoy it?'

'Yes sir.'

'You're going to make a very good girl, now go and put a nighty on, you'd better sleep with me tonight.'

'Thank you sir.'

It was at the wedding the following day he was told to dress as a girl. He wore white hold up stockings, pink frilly panties, a white training bra and a short black stretchy skirt. He was told to wear these clothes around the vicarage until it was time to put on his cassock for the wedding. It was making him feel more like a girl and although it turned him on he knew it was wrong.

The guests began to arrive for the wedding, the organist smiled at him as he passed, a warm knowing smile Mark thought. He wondered how much the organist knew. Before he could start worrying about this the Groom arrived, dressed immaculately and he couldn't help thinking of the wedding the previous evening.

While Mark was lost in these thoughts, the Bride arrived. Her dress was longer and fuller but otherwise she looked similar to the other Bride. He began to think of what she went through during the ceremony and what the Groom would do to this Bride tonight. He could feel his penis stirring in his panties and realised they were not tight enough to stop his penis from tenting his cassock. Putting his hands together in front of him he could feel the pole trying to erect the tent. Unable to stop comparing the two weddings, he thought of this Bride being tied to the alter and abused by the Groom and guests. The bride last night, didn't make a sound although she may have been crying quietly. He then thought of the way he was assaulted and saw a large man among the guests and wondered what it would be like to be raped by him.

They started to sing a hymn and Mark slipped out of the Church into the Vestry, he pulled his cassock and skirt up, pulling down his panties to release his throbbing member, then masturbated into a waste bin. Tidying himself up he tried to discreetly returned to the church. As he entered James looked directly at him and he knew he was in trouble. The thoughts of the previous wedding had now left his mind and he was in fear of what would happen to him after this wedding.

At last the wedding had finished and James stood at the door as congregation filed out. He was included in some of the photos taken in front of the Church. Mark stood in the vestry waiting for him to return, the organist smiled and waved as he left. It took ages before James came back in and locked the door.

'Now I want you to tell me why you left the church during a ceremony?'

'Sir,........I'm sorry,'

'I want to know why you left the church?'

'Please sir, I promise it won't happen again.'

'Take all your clothes off - NOW - and go to the Crypt.'


'Say no more or your punishment will be worse!'

Mark was terrified of what James was going to do to him and was shaking a little as he walked down to the Crypt.

'To the stocks!'

He stood before the stocks, before his neck and wrists were restrained and his ankles fastened apart.

'Your punishment wouldn't have been so severe, if at all, if you had answered me truthfully the first time I asked. In fact I may not have thought it was a punishable offence. However you must not keep secrets from me, I want to know what's in your mind.'

Mark felt something strike his bottom......... then again........and again the pain was worse than he had ever felt before and seemed to go on for ever. Then it stopped.

By this time tears were streaming down Marks face and his bottom felt like he had been sitting in the fires of hell.

'I'm sorry I had to do this to you Mark, I get great pleasure in punishing some people but you are not one of them. I feel terrible doing what I have done, please remember what I have said so that I never have to do it again.'

The stocks were unfastened and a broken Mark stood up, James kissed him on the lips and putt his arm around him, then helped him back to the vicarage.

Marks sobbed, 'Sir in the service I couldn't stop thinking about the previous wedding, comparing the two Brides and what this one would experience that evening, my erection was beginning to tent my cassock so I went into the vestry to relive myself, sorry sir.'

'If you had told me when I asked you, I would have had no need to punish you at all.'

'I'll Phone your parents and let them know you'll be staying with me again tonight.'

James suggested to Mark that he might find the church services more interesting if he explored his submissive side, suggesting a form of domination that was part of a practice known as BDSM. Curious and seeking a change, Mark agreed to explore this new path with James, who promised to train him in this art.

As part of his training, James suggested that Mark experiment with crossdressing. Mark was initially uncomfortable with the idea, but as he tried on the cassock and panties provided, he began to feel a strange sense of liberation and femininity. This newfound sensation was further amplified as James praised his appearance, calling him beautiful and making Mark blush with embarrassment.

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