House Rules 01: The Interview

The House is All Powerful, and Recruitment is Strict.

Jul 2, 2024
11 min read
bondagedominationlifestylefantasyHouse Rules 01: The Interview
House Rules 01: The Interview
House Rules 01: The Interview

House Rules 01: The Interview

I enter the room where I am to be interviewed and take in what I see.

We are in a sparse, wooden room that I know to be a lobby of the House itself. Standing in front of a desk is a tall, well-built man. He wears a long gown, knotted at the waist. At his sides are two women wearing jet black clothing. Both wear leather collars, I notice. All three watch me stern and unsmiling, as I enter.

One of the women speaks through perfectly rouged lips. "You are Ms. Cavendish?"

I nod. "Yes, Ma'am"

"Sit" she says. With perfect, red nails she indicates a tall straight-backed chair in the centre of the room.

I sit, and out of habit I cross my legs. I see the women stiffen and I realise my mistake. I uncross my legs and part my knees.

The man looks intently at me. He is assessing me, but I know I look good. I am tall, athletic, and today my long black hair is tied up into a severe, formal bun. I am wearing a tight dress, high heels. I watch him looking at me, taking me in. "Do not look at the Master" says the woman to his left.

I immediately look down at the floor. Long seconds pass and I feel all three scrutinising me. I am aware of my body, which as instructed is naked under my tight dress. I feel the shortness of my hem.

The woman speaks again. "You are being interviewed for a position of subserviant in the House. This is an opportunity that, for many women, changes their lives. At the end of your contracted stay with us, you will be independently wealthy. Tell us why you wish to join the staff of the house."

Keeping my eyes on the floor in front of me, I can see the man's feet and legs. I choose my words carefully.

"I wish to serve the House. I wish to surrender my freedom in the knowledge that I am providing pleasure for the Masters of the House. I wish to serve."

"In what way do you wish to serve?" says the woman with the rouged lips. "Be specific."

"I wish serve sexually." I admit.

She speaks again, and as she does, I steal a glance in her direction. Her black clothes reveal her athletic form. I see that she is not only collared, but she also has leather bracelets. I recognize her role. She is an overseer.

"Have you ever been tied, bound or restrained?"

"No, ma'am. My boyfriend would not agree to that."

"Then how do you know that you will be able to tolerate it within the house?"

"Ma'am. I long to be restrained in a way that makes me available to the whims of others. I long to have all choice taken from me and to only live to serve as a plaything for my superiors."

"Tell me more about your desire for subservience. Tell us of your fantasy."

"Yes Ma'am. In my dream, I am naked and kneeling on the floor. I imagine that my hands are tied behind my back, and my Master approaches me. I dream that he opens his trousers to show me his cock, Ma'am."

I am aware now of two things. I am beginning to blush as I share my secret with strangers, and that my pussy is beginning to tingle with excitement.

"Continue" commands the overseer.

"In my dream, Ma'am, he opens my mouth with his firm hand. I wait expectantly with my mouth open. He takes his cock, Ma'am, and pushes it into my mouth. I feel him push it deep into my mouth and I can feel it at the back of my throat. I close my lips around his cock, Ma'am and begin to work backwards and forwards, using my tongue to massage him."

"Why does this excite you?"

"Ma'am, it excited me because I have my freedom taken from me. I am only able to do as I am commanded. I exist only to give pleasure. The cock is my Master and I serve it."

"How will you serve the cock?"

"In this dream, Ma'am, I work my lips over his cock, backwards and forwards, until I feel him swell in my mouth. He cums in my mouth, Ma'am, and I drink his cum."

"Tell me how else you would serve him, this man in you fantasy."

"I will offer my hands to stroke and to hold the cock. I will offer my mouth to take in the cock, Ma'am. I will offer my pussy in the hope that the cock with enter me, Ma'am. I will respectfully ask to be used as the sexual plaything of the Master, and to give him pleasure and to take his cum."

She smiles. She is pleased with my answer.

The tall man stares at me, and I blush under his scrutiny. As last he speaks. "Check her."

The overseers move forward. "Stand" says fingernails. I comply immediately.

"You are to lift your dress."

I reach down and start to raise my dress. As lift the hem it slides up and past my sparsely-haired pussy. I am suddenly self-conscious about exposing my most personal parts to this group of strangers, and I hesitate.

"Lift it all the way to your chin", orders rouge.

I am aware now, more than ever, that I am naked under this tight-fitting outfit. I am acutely aware of my naked pussy and, as I raise it higher, aware of my flat belly. They are all watching. Nervously, I keep lifting my dress, eventually pulling the bunched material over my breasts to let them fall free.

"Part your legs."

I comply immediately and stand with my legs slightly apart. Rouge approaches me with an appraising stare. She reaches down and touches my bare pussy. I do my best not to flinch; I will have to get used to this. She slides her fingers in between the lips of my pussy, and I feel her slip into my cunt. I realise I am already wet. Must have been sharing my fantasy. She withdraws her fingers and nods. A gasp escapes me.

"She is aroused, Sir."

"Good." The Master smiles wryly. "Check her nipples."

The one I think of as Fingernails moves in, and I feel her cup my left breast. I feel her manicured thumb find my nipple. I am very sensitive here and I cannot help but moan slightly. She slides on hand up over the fullness of my breast and gently starts to massage my nipple between her fingertips. I can feel my pussy begin to throb.

I can't help but begin to squirm, wanting desperately to touch myself, to satisfy myself. I forget, and begin to lower my dress, but this provokes a stern response from one of the overseers. "I'd keep still, if I were you." She says.

I lift my dress higher and concentrate on keeping still.

The Master speaks. "Begin." He orders.

The overseer to his left approaches him, and although I still gaze at the floor, I watch in fascination as she undoes the chord holding his gown together in front of him. She opens his gown and lifts it from his shoulders. She carefully folds it and lies it on the desk.

Underneath the gown his body is powerful and lean. His cock stands upright, solid, and straight. I feel the urge to take it my hand, to stroke it. He walks towards me and I feel his breath on my face. I smell a strong, musky odour.

He reaches forwards and cups my breasts in his powerful hands. He begins to massage them, stroking them and weighing them in his palms. I cannot take my eyes off his cock.

Unbidden, both overseers fold elegantly to their knees. One takes his cock in her hand and begins to gently rub the length of his taut erection. The other reaches and holds his balls in her hand, massaging gently. She rubs his thighs and his backside.

All the time he is scrutinising me, watching my reactions.

Between his fingertips, he continues to rub and pull on my nipples. My pussy throbs and I cannot keep still.

"Tell the Master what you want" says the overseer.

My voice is ragged with passion, "I want your cock, I want it in my pussy."

He smiles "One day perhaps, when we have taught you to ask nicely."

On the floor, next to him, the overseers continue to rub his cock. I look up and see that he is watching me intently, his thumbs toying with my nipples as I stand, dress raised. His eyes meet mine, and I canty help but let out a small moan of pleasure.

At his side, the overseer's movements become quicker, stronger. Her hand moves rhythmically up and down his cock. She is also watching him, I notice, with a rapt attention.

His eyes narrow and he sighs, and at that moment his cock convulses, spurting hot cum out and over my bare belly. I feel the shot spurts hitting my skin, running down past my navel. He continues to ejaculate for some time.

One of the overseers gently leans in and begins to lick his cock clean. The other one, fingernails, stands and looks at me with satisfaction. I stand, still holding my dress up, dripping, my pussy throbbing, wondering what is going to happen next.

Fingernails turns to fetch the Master's gown. The man turns and in one movement puts it over his shoulders. He marches towards the back of the room, where a door opens for him. He does not look back. I watch, disappointedly, as his back recedes from me. I realise that I had imagined he was going to fuck me. Inside the open doorway another overseer stands to attention and I have my first glimpse into the house itself.

The remaining overseer moves and stands in front of me. "Congratulations. You have received masters cum and have passed our basic expectations. You may enter the house. You may remove your dress. Leave your clothes here."

I lift my dress over my head, and she watches me lie it on the table. "This way." She says. With butterflies in my stomach, I follow her shapely figure as she leads me into the house proper. We pass the overseer at the door and she swings it closed. I hear the lock slide shut, and I am no longer a free woman.

House Rules

Here are the Rules of the House, applying to all sexual serving girls, petgirls, sexual submissives and erotic servants (hereafter collectively known as subserviants) within the Estate.

1. On entry to the house all subserviants will remove all clothing and personal possessions and submit them to the house for safekeeping.

2. All subserviants will be processed by a supervised showering and cleansing.

3. All hair will be removed from the pussy and from the armpits. An Overseer, Superior or Master will supervise the shaving process and check on the smoothness of the shave.

4. All new entrants to the house will start with the basic clothing and adornments. To whit:

a. High heels shall be worn that lift the wearer onto her toes, and which will raise her buttocks and protrude her backside.

b. At the wrists, each new entrant will be fitted with leather cuffs. These cuffs hold steel rings and clasps to facilitate easy and prompt restraint, should any Overseer, Superior or Master make such an order.

c. Leather cuffs are also fitted at the ankles for the same reason.

d. A t the neck, a leather collar with steel attachments will enable leashing, or other forms of restraint as ordered by any Overseer, Superior or Master.

e. No body hair will be tolerated save that on the head. Regular inspections for stubble will be undertaken without warning and any stubble detection will be met with forfeits (see discipline section).

5. No other garments shall be made available at the time of entrance; by her nakedness, a new entrant to the estate shall be clearly recognised.

6. On entry to the house and as part of their contract with the Estate, all New Entrants will have their nipples and clitoris pierced, and to be fitted with gold control rings. If a new entrance is unable to submit to the piercing without movement, she will be restrained to allow the procedure to go ahead. Whilst direction of subserviants is likely to be accomplished by virtue of their collar alone, chains may also be fitted to any of these rings to ensure compliance. These control points serve multiple purposes, e.g. for restraint, for arousal, or for correction (see section on discipline).

7. New entrants are required at all times to obey the order of any of their superiors, immediately and without question.

8. Under no circumstances is a subserviant allowed to give herself pleasure, whether this be manually or by means of a device. Masturbation is contrary to the House rules, as sexual pleasure for subserviants has to be earned through compliance. Any subserviant who is found to have provided her own pleasure will be subject to disciplinary forfeit (see discipline section)

9. Any Overseer, Superior or Master has full access to any area of a subserviants body at any time. They have access to touching, feeling, by caress or penetration in any way desired. Subserviants will not resist such contact under threat of forfeit (see discipline section).

10. New entrants are not allowed to speak under any circumstances.

11. During a new entrant's probationary period they will be evaluated for their ability to provide sexual satisfaction to any Overseer, Superior or Master.

12. When not in use, subserviants will adopt one of the readiness stances listed below unless otherwise ordered. Readiness stances are as follows:

a. Standing to attention with wrists crossed at the back. Ankles together. Chin up and eyes raised.

b. As above, but with legs parted.

c. Bent forwards with the subserviant holding her own ankles.

d. On her knees with hands clasped behind the sub's head.

e. As above but with knees spread to present the pussy.

f. Prone with face to floor, arms outstretched, knees forwards and with buttocks raised.

g. Seated with back straight. Hands clasped (or chained) behind her back and knees apart. Head should be lowered.

h. Kneeling with legs apart, hands behind her back and head bowed.

13. Further readiness stances involve equipment (see section on Equipment and Devices within the house).

14. For new entrants, movement around the estate will be on leash or by chain attached to control rings on the nipples or clitoris. Any travel is to be under the control of an Overseer, Superior or Master. Movement without permission will result in a forfeit (see discipline section).

15. By entering the estate, all subs surrender the ownership of their body to the estate. Their vagina, breasts, anus, and mouth can be used in any way at any time by any Overseer, Superior or Master.

16. Conduct in the cells:

a. Each subservient will be confined to an isolation cell when she is not in use or awaiting use. This is the only area where subserviants are permitted to feed and to toilet themselves.

b. Subserviants are not allowed to provide their own pleasure or to touch themselves for arousal. Their pussy is the property of the house. Cells will be inspected, and any subserviant found pleasuring herself will be subject to discipline.

c. When sleeping or resting, each subservient will be shackled by the neck to the bed frame.

d. At the time of roll call, or on being summoned by order of any Overseer, Superior or Master, the subservient will be released and must take up readiness position a) in the centre of the cell and await further instructions.

e. Showering is mandatory, as is shaving of body hair. Preparation of submissives is conducted in the cell by delegated novices, Superiors, Overseers or (if desired) by Masters.

17. All subserviants will be given duties to perform around the house, e.g., cleaning, preparing food, laundry, serving Superiors, Overseers or Masters. These duties are secondary to being available for sexual gratification. Subserviants must immediately desist their house duty, and submit to whatever inspection, stimulation, sexual act, or favour is demanded of them.

  1. During our discussion about my desire to join the House's staff, I mentioned my long-standing fantasy of being fully restrained, available to the whims of my superiors.
  2. Upon entering the room for my interview, I was asked to lift my dress all the way to my chin, revealing my naked body to the overseers and the Master.
  3. As per House Rules 01: The Interview, I agreed to serve sexually, expressing a desire to be used as a plaything for my superiors, offering my mouth, hands, and pussy to provide pleasure.

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