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House Sitter Part 3: New Responsibilities

Finn adjusts to his new home and encounters strange, unsettling objects.

May 2, 2024
13 min read
Housesitter Pt. 03mmislanddreamhaunted housemysteryShowermirrorsnude maleominousshadows
Housesitter Pt. 03
Housesitter Pt. 03

House Sitter Part 3: New Responsibilities

Finn stood at the door, ready to enter. He'd removed his shoes and put them in the container as instructed.

The path to the house was like a walk in the park. He'd seen some goats but they didn't pay him any attention, busy with the blackberry bushes near a small hill on his left.

Beyond the hill, there was a row of red alder and maple trees. At the end, he saw a wall. The lower part of it was made of polished gray granite blocks, and the rest was made of glass bricks.

A gate, also made of glass and metal, was waiting for him. He'd been told the wall was there to prevent the goats from entering the house.

"Place your hand on it and it will let you in," a voice instructed.

Finn put his hand on the gate. It swung open. Finn stepped in, into a stunningly clean yard. The grass was bright green, and it had a colorful garden behind it. There were big leaf maples, Douglas firs, and red alders, creating a natural barrier.

The house lay in front of him. "The Peters/Johnson Glass House," he whispered, recalling what Gavin had told him earlier.

The entire house looked like it was made of windows. It was all clear, almost like it wasn't even there. He could see all the rooms, the Salish Sea, and islands, and even Mount Baker from this side.

"Amazing," Finn breathed, impressed by the view.

A path led straight to the door. To the left of the door, there was a white box to store his shoes. It looked more like a freezer than a box.

Finn took off his shoes, placed them in the box, and closed it. The inside was cushioned and had purple lights on the sides.

"This is probably used for disinfecting them," Finn thought.

Finn stood barefoot on the carpet. The door was made of glass and metal. It didn't have a handle but had a grip on the side.

Finn grabbed the grip. The door slid open with ease. Finn stepped in.

"Welcome to the Peters/Johnson Experimental Glass House, Finn Aiden Duffy," the voice said, surprising him.


"Don't be alarmed. This is a recorded message specifically created for you. Its purpose is to remind you of your tasks and responsibilities while you're living here as an employee at Craftlove Development Group, owned by Gavin Peters. Here's a quick summary: this house was constructed as a joint project between the late architect, Philip Johnson, and Gavin Peters.

Your responsibilities will be basic maintenance and cleaning, especially in areas that the automated cleaners and maintenance robots can't reach. Taking care of the garden is also your responsibility, but the lawn and weed management are the responsibility of the automated mowers and weed control systems. Pest control is achieved by using natural predators to reduce the need for chemicals. You'll need to check the garden often.

"That makes sense."

"In the first three weeks, you need to get used to the house and the island. More instructions will be given to you starting at midnight on June 21.

A laptop has been provided for you in the study. Instruction manuals are programmed into the laptop. You can access the internet at the owner's request, but there's no email access or forum communication.

Top-quality food supplies are available in the pantry and fridge. The bathroom has excellent personal care items. A specialized electric shaver is provided so you can maintain your hair to the required standard.

You've been informed about the recreational exercise room, swimming pool, and library. Everything is designed for your comfort during your time here. Any other questions can be answered using the FAQ app on the laptop.

That's all you need to know about the Peters/Johnson Experimental Glass House. Thanks for volunteering to help develop what's sure to be a breakthrough in domestic living, Finn Aiden Duffy.

Craftlove wishes you a great experience.

The message ended.

Finn found it hard to focus on the voice while admiring the house's appearance.

This house is so... symmetrical.

Everything in the room seemed like it was put together with wooden building blocks. The furniture, including chairs, sofas, ottomans, and coffee tables, was all polished wood, resembling something you would find at FAO Schwarz. I was unsure what kind of wood it was though, maybe teak?

The flooring was also made of wood panels with tiny seams, arranged in large square shapes.

As I inspected the walls, I noticed they were a combination of polished and stained wood panels followed by tall, wide mirrors, and then thick glass brick walls.

I jotted down some notes in my head saying that I'll need to make sure to keep the mirrors and glass clean for maintenance. "This place might not be as low-maintenance as they claimed," I muttered to myself.

I approached one of the mirrors to check it out. The surface was smooth and cool. The reflection was so clear that it felt like I could step right into it. I examined my appearance and observed that my complexion was smooth, my skin color was a very pale pink, and the only other colors were my dark blue eyes, short black hair, and eyebrows. It was neither an idealized Hollywood look, nor a movie star look, but rather a more hypernormal, or geeky style.

I recalled some of my high school and college friends who had mentioned that I looked like a "cute geek." I never took advantage of that, as my focus was on my grades and graduating as fast as possible to distance myself from my family.

After removing my fingers from the mirror, I noticed that there were no fingerprints left behind. I tried breathing on the mirror and it misted up for a second but there was no sign that I had touched it. "Do all the mirrors in the house have this property?" I wondered.

As I turned around, I saw something move in the corner of my eye. I turned quickly, but there was nothing there. A bird had probably flown by the window.

I decided to explore the upstairs, which was also decorated in the same wooden, mirror, and glass style.

The staircase was designed in the cantilever style, a series of polished wooden steps on a chrome grid, making it look like the steps were floating in mid-air, with glass and chrome handrails.

As I ascended, the living room below remained silent and empty. A few seconds later, I observed my reflection in the mirror walking into the living room.

In the reflection, my eyes looked pitch black and there was a sinister smile on my face. This was my doppelganger, planning up to no good. He gazed out into the empty living room. "The plan is not yet complete. I must prepare things Still, soon, summertime will be a blast!" the doppelganger seemed to be saying in the mirror

The reflection blurred, and then the mirror was empty again, reflecting the living room as it was before.

The upstairs had the same interior design, spacious rooms with large wood panel floors, and minimalist wooden furniture.

The bedroom had a writing desk, a California-size king bed, and a walk-in closet. There were no mirrors here.

The head of the bed was set against a glass brick wall, next to the entrance, which had no door. There were glass windows opposite and to the sides of the bed, presenting scenic views of the surrounding property.

I noticed that the sea was not visible from this room. "This means no one can sail by and see in," I thought to myself.

The bed was simple, only a large mattress suspended in a wooden frame and topped with a pillow. I tested the firmness of the mattress and it rippled.

"What on earth is this? A waterbed?" I asked myself. Though rare, waterbeds are still something you can find. But what if it springs a leak? I thought, but then dismissed the thought, considering the advanced technology Gavin mentioned about the room.

The bathroom was next. Right next to the bedroom, and it had no door.

The bathroom was surprisingly spacious. The interior design was the same, with glass and mirror. The fixtures were all chrome. The shower area was way too big for a single person, large enough to fit several people.

"Wow! You could fit ten or more people in here!" I exclaimed. The bathroom had a deep, large bathtub and a Jacuzzi set in it.

The cabinets and walk-in closet were stocked with various high-end soaps, shampoos, shower gels, and electric shavers.

I was puzzled by the presence of numerous bottles of baby oil and other body oils of various kinds.

I took some time to appreciate and enjoy the overall design and the stunning views from the bedroom and bathroom. It was hard to believe I'd be living in this beautiful place. My family was indeed rich.


Wow! Finn was amazed. "Huh?" He thought to himself, "I'm spending three months here with nothing else to do, maybe this is for, uh, recreation?"

The upper level of the house revealed more walk-in rooms with pillows and futons. "Obviously, these are for the furniture, no blankets or covers."

The study occupied the rest of the upper floor, opposite the bedroom. Finn was pleasantly surprised to find Gavin's claim about the space was true.

The shelves were crammed with books - more than one could read during the summer. Many sci-fi, fantasy, and horror. "Wow!" There were also enough DVDs and blue-rays to fill a video store, not to mention CDs covering almost four decades of music. "Amazing!"

A large mahogany table rested in the center of the study. A closed laptop was placed on it, alongside a wireless modem and a logbook. "Here we go."

Finn discovered one of Craftlove's YG laptops with a Portal operating system and Craftlove's modem. "Interesting."

The logbook remained untouched, with no entries visible. "I guess it's meant for me."

He opened the laptop, which illuminated with the Craftlove logo as the background. "Nice."

An icon, resembling a note, appeared in the lower left corner. "What's this?" Clicking on it, Gavin's face appeared on the screen. "Hi Finn! I hope you've settled in comfortably. You must have been impressed by the house. I enjoy a more minimalist design, and as you've noticed, the technology is cleverly concealed."

The lack of bedsheets, blankets, and even towels was unnerving. "Don't worry. The house is engineered to maintain a pleasantly comfortable temperature throughout. You won't feel chilly because of the air conditioning."

"As for your laptop, it's been customized. Just click on whatever you'd like, and it will take you there. Great antivirus, anti-spyware, and the highest-level tech security are installed. I've seen it, so you should too." Finn nodded, appreciating the assurances of the best antivirus available.

"So," Gavin continued, "that's it. I'll send another message on June 21st, after midnight. Enjoy the summer, keep this log, and keep an eye on the tech. Oh, and the laptop is yours to keep at the end of your stay. Sort of like a bonus."

Gavin's image blinked away. Finn noticed other icons on the desktop. He clicked on a clock icon. "So, I have twenty days, 8 hours, 25 minutes, and 32 seconds until Midsummer."

Clearly, something significant was scheduled for midsummer, but he couldn't discern what.

Another icon, resembling a key, was labeled "caretakers." His curiosity piqued, Finn clicked on it.

Three faces popped up on the screen, each against the background of the living room. A message predicted, "Craftlove wishes to express deep gratitude to these former employees for their assistance in testing out the Peters/Johnson Experimental Glass House. Designing a home for the modern family."

The employees were Callie Hall, Ryan Burns, and Christine Ashwood. "Hmm, Gavin didn't mention these three," he thought. The situation seemed suspicious.

"Career spans for these people were seven, fourteen, and twenty-one years ago. Strange."

Christine Ashwood's name also captured his attention. She had been a house sitter for Craftlove. "Beautiful woman!" She was tall with a slender, curvy frame, dark, shoulder-length hair, pale olive skin, a regal appearance, and big, amber eyes. "I wonder how she looks now, around forty? I bet she's stunning."

"Perhaps Gavin can arrange an introduction?" Finn mused. "We could discuss our experiences."

Ryan Burns had been an intern at Craftlove. At 22, he was slender and athletic, with short, light brown hair, and hazel eyes. Ryan's friendly, bright face seemed approachable. "He seems like a nice guy."

Callie Hall was an IT worker, aged 25 at the time. Let's say around 40s now. She was slender with a small frame, described by her mother as petite and graceful. Her eyes were a stunning blue. She stood out for her short, pixie-cut, ashy blonde hair. Although she wasn't extremely attractive, she had a nice appearance with her round face and pinched nose. She came across as serious and straightforward - a blend of professional and girl-next-door. Finn couldn't decide if he liked her or not, but he didn't dislike her.

Finn pondered. 3 house-sitters in 21 years. Why seven-year intervals? Could Gavin not tell me? Were there confidentiality agreements involved?

He mulled it over some more. If they had to sit through the process like me, they might prefer it this way. Makes sense, I guess.

Yes, it was strange explaining away how you spent the summer in the nude, holding down the fort at a secluded house. Still, there was the matter of the house's age.

I thought the tech was modern. Gavin must have mentioned renovations. Maybe it's a seven-year maintenance cycle.

This explanation felt adequate but also soothe a growing uneasiness at the back of his neck.

It was true that he still had the kitchen, gym, and pool to explore. And then I can really settle down.

The kitchen had marble counters and sink basin, as well as polished chrome faucets, much like the bathroom. The stove was small, electric, made of stone and glass, with one exception of the electrical components. Also, a microwave, constructed of the same material.

The table, chairs, and floors were made of teak like the rest of the furniture. The cabinets were empty, with the exception of a single plate and a single bowl. There were no other utensils.

No forks, spoons, or knives? Strange.

The pantry rooms were filled floor-to-ceiling with dried goods, breakfast cereals, ramen, and all sorts of microwave meals.

Well, here are the forks and spoons.

The utensils were on the shelves in their original packaging, alongside edible food items. Finn had heard of these before. Environment-friendly alternatives to plastic, all in biodegradable packaging.

The fridge was unlike any he had seen before. It was larger than a fridge - more like a walk-in room, secured with an airtight door. The shelves were just like you'd find in an archive, stacked tightly for easy retrieval of the packaged foods.

Quite innovative, and a clever method to prevent people from accidentally locking themselves in.

The fitness area opened straight from the kitchen. Instead of weights, there were just bar grips for pull-ups, push-ups, and sit-ups, with yoga mats and a treadmill. Finn wasn't bothered; weightlifting was his brother's forte. All the gear seemed to focus on cardio and stretching exercises.

The pool is pretty spacious. Perfect for some morning routine swimming.

The area had windows and mirrors on its walls to let in plenty of natural sunlight. No need for artificial light.

After the tour was over, Finn understood what was next. Very little to do here, actually, aside from books and DVDs.

Finn spent the afternoon examining the house further. He removed the pillows from the walk-ins and placed them on the couches and chairs.

Surprisingly, the reclining chair in the living room had seams so close that they seemed to disappear. Excellent manufacturing.

The lighting adjusted to the daylight, so the house remained illuminated as the sun set.

Finn swam in the pool for ten minutes, waited for himself to dry before going upstairs to log his activities. He encountered a minor snag. Where's a pen?

He scrutinized the drawers, shelves, everywhere. No pens or pencils, nor any other writing tools.

Strange, what will I write with?

He turned on the laptop, hoping to find a word processing program. CraftScribe will do the job.

After creating a log, Finn penned down what had happened. Basically nothing except for the missing pen. Then, he took a shower. [End of text.]*]

The shower felt incredible, with so many options to help relax the muscles that it almost caused an erection. It was almost like a real massage.

Additionally, the windows didn't mist up, making it easier to thoroughly clean if desired. This shower really seems made for narcissists, Finn mused. However, I must admit, I do look good.

When he was done, he couldn't help but give his penis a twirl, swinging it around carelessly as if it were a naughty secret. Nudie! Nudie! Nudie! This silly act, while maybe not the smartest, was thankfully done in privacy.

After brushing his teeth and turning off the lights, Finn ventured to his bed.

The dark bathroom remained still, save for a gentle dripping sound that soon stopped. The mirrored walls reflected the darkness.

A sudden, strange sight appeared in them. Multiple sights. Red glowing eyes, slits like those of predators lurking at night. Then, just as quickly as they had appeared, they vanished. A soft chuckle, akin to a playful giggle, echoed before dissipating.

Finn lay in the warmth of the bed, the gentle rocking motion aiding his descent into sleep. The house was eerily silent; no usual creaks or humming appliances could be heard. It wasn't uncomfortable. This feels peaceful.

Thoughts drifted to the diary. The lack of a pen or pencil for writing seemed oddly absent.

After all, what kind of house doesn't have a pen or pencil?

Intrigued, he dismissed the thought, planning to explore the mystery in daylight.


Awoken in the night, Finn left his bed and stood beside it, aroused and passionate. A tingling rhythm reverberated through his brain, causing him to hear incomprehensible, seductive whispers. His throbbing erection felt as though it stood out like a beacon in the dark.

Through the darkened room, he followed the moonlight that illuminated the living area. The moon shone down upon the glass ceiling, painting the room in silvers and blues.

There, he saw something in the mirrored walls. Reflected back at him was...

No, not a reflection. It was another person. The stranger had hair the same color and style as him, a pale body, and small round ears. The man's face was familiar, almost like his own, with a puckish expression and soft, petite features.

His eyes were a similar light color to his hair; he looked almost his twin. The slender, muscular figure of the mirror man was sculpted like a marble statue, with broad shoulders and arms that seemed to join seamlessly with his chest.

But the most striking feature was the mirror man's arousal, his long, thick erection waiting for attention.

The mirror man noticed the watcher, smirking playfully. He walked to the glass and placed his hand against it, enticing the watcher to touch him back.

The mirror man's hand touched the glass, daring the watcher to break the divide between them.

Through the glass, the watcher could feel his own excitement, his mind brimming with lust as he stroked the mirror man's groin. The man's close proximity caused his heart to race, his tenderness evident in his warm hands.

Suddenly, indistinct shadows emerged from behind the mirror man in a sinister parody of the moonlight reflections. They surrounded the mirror man, appearing to whisper in his ear.

Their spectral, darkened hands caressed the mirror man's body, gripping him and exploring him.

With the bad touching complete, the shadows moved behind to hold him captive as he disappeared into the darkness. His last words to the watcher were an invitation and a challenge, I'd like to see you break through the glass and join me.

Finn's dick was standing tall and firm. It softened as the dream vanished from his thoughts.

Did I really dream that?

He never considered Ryan Burns from the computer that way, but last night... The Ghost in the Mirror.

It felt so unreal. It was strange. He felt strange. It was just a dream, right? His response to seeing him in the mirror: the memory didn't bother him. It was the shadows. What were they about?

Finn believed another hour or two of sleep would help. Before he dozed off, his mind went back to what Ryan muttered, or mouthing, in the mirror.

Leave me alone.

To Be Continued.

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