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Housesitter Pt. 01

Finn applies for a dream job. Almost too good to be true.

May 2, 2024
10 min read
oddcorporationHousesitter Pt. 01interviewnude maleominousred flagsforeshadowingslow buildenmhouse sitting
Housesitter Pt. 01
Housesitter Pt. 01

Housesitter Pt. 01

House Sitter

Part One

by The Preve

Inspired, in part, by "Shower", by A-LEX-X

Finn Duffy stood at the door, uneasy. His anxiety stemmed not from self-doubt, but excitement.

This was it. The ultimate dream job in all dream job history. Although the position was simply for the summer, the terms were absolutely ridiculous, but the employer was genuine, and the money was enough to cover a massive portion of his student loans.

It was almost too good to be true. A post on the student union website read, "Wanted, one house sitter. Exceptional remuneration for a three-month project. Excellent living conditions in a prime location. Click the link to learn more."

The link brought him to a stall number at an upcoming job fair. Pier 8's Warehouse 14 was teeming with job seekers but well-organized. He had no trouble finding the stall.

The company recruiting was Derleth Domestic Services, a subsidiary of Craftlove Development Group. Finn recognized the name, with a slight shudder.

The line at the stall was rather lengthy; many cash-strapped students were feeling dejected.

It took an hour before his turn. Unless a few in line abandoned their search in frustration, it may have taken longer.

Three people, two women, one guy, dressed in standard business attire, were at the stall. All three appeared weary and unenthusiastic, yearning to be elsewhere.

One, a blonde woman in the center, flashed a plastic smile. She handed him a clipboard with paper. "Just fill this out, return it to us with a contact number and email, and expect a call."

The urge to leave was intense. He found it highly unlikely he'd receive a response, let alone by summer break. Yet, "Why not give it a try?" he thought.

Finn completed the form, indicating his name: Finn Aiden Duffy, his age: 19, his date of birth: September 20, 198..., his hometown: Bloomington, Mass., and his current residence: UCLA Campus Housing. He filled out additional details regarding his college major (creative writing) and handed the clipboard back.

The following weeks were brimming with classes, exams, and job hunting. Not much looked feasible for summer employment.

The message in his email shocked him; he'd completely forgotten about filling out the clipboard. He read the email.

"Congratulations! You've progressed to the next stage! Contact Derleth Domestic Services at #phone number."

Finn sighed. Should I? There were other promising prospects. Why not try my luck?

He called, left a voicemail on the answering machine. An hour later, a phone call arrived.

This time, they requested he visit an office in downtown LA for a more comprehensive interview.

Arrangements for a late morning meeting on Friday, when he didn't have classes, were coordinated.

He put on casual but neat clothing. The office was located on the third floor of the building. The lady from the job fair who flashed a false smile interviewed him, looking more rested and cordial than before.

"Good morning, Mr. Duffy," she greeted, offering her hand. Finn shook it. Her hand is warm.

"I'm Sandra Bennett, Derleth's recruiter," she continued. "Please understand, this is only a preliminary interview. There's no assurance that you'll secure the job. I have to clarify that some of the questions we'll ask could be quite personal. We'll maintain all information you'll disclose as confidential within the company. There'll be no sharing of your private details with any outside entity.

If you're comfortable, we'll proceed. Before we start, would you like to sign this waiver, allowing us to interrogate you, and ensuring you won't disclose the specifics of this discussion with anyone external?"

After a brief moment, Finn agreed. "Sure, no problem."

They asked customary queries about his origins, who his family members were, the state of his relationships, any legal issues, and so on...

Finn provided the details, "I'm from Bloomington, Mass., a neighborhood of Boston. My dad is a real estate businessman, owns a country club. My mom's wealthy, Boston Brahmin."

"Ah, a suburb with plenty of resources," she observed.

"I'm not wealthy," Finn clarified. "My family is, sort of."

"So how's your relationship with them?"

"I guess it's not the greatest," he answered hesitantly. "It never really was. My dad... well, he believes certain principles about manhood. He's fond of tough individuals, like my brother. My brother was always muscular, yet, not quite intelligent, so Dad focused his care on him, hence, he's a jerk and a bully. I'm not tough, so Dad ignored me."

You seem quite fit, Sandra remarked.

I engage in a lot of swimming and running, so I'm toned but not like my brother, Finn responded.

Anything about your mom?

She's rather disconnected. She probably desired a girl more than a boy. Her family is snobbish as well. They don't like my dad due to his origin. He came to America from Ireland when he was only five. Thus, they see him as someone new to the country. My cousins aren't fond of me either. They treat me terribly.

So, it's safe to say you have a lower-than-average family relationship.

My family do not communicate well. To be specific, my father wanted me to pursue a career in business rather than creative writing. My mother doesn't care much. Some of my cousins claim that my mother wed my dad to rebel against her family, and they subsequently became bored. My father promised to support my entry into UCLA, but he wouldn't pay for tuition, so I was forced to borrow money.

What about your friendships?

Not many friends around. I was a geek in school. I still am. I endured bullying, and even my brother was one of my tormentors. I did have a few friends, but they're now scattered all over the country. I keep in touch with them, but not very often. They're focused on their own tasks.

Any former love interests?

None, really. Girls avoided me in school. Boys, well, besides, everyone was scared of my brother. I am currently occupied with my studies, so romantic encounters are not on my to-do list.

Sandra scribbled some notes, "So, do you possess any legal conflicts or summer obligations?"

None and none, Finn smiled.

Finn received an invite for a third interview and a medical examination a week later, which he confirmed via email. Plans were made for a 10 am meeting at Howard Phillips Medical Center - a Craftlove facility for employees. The location? Malibu.

The clinic appeared stylish and state-of-the-art. Certainly not your average workplace setting. "Maybe they mean business," Finn thought.

Sandra informed Finn at the door, "I'll help you check in. A doctor will perform the exam. Then, a third interview will occur."

"Understood," Finn felt a touch of apprehension. These people take their requirements seriously, I suppose.

The regular parts of the assessment:

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 125lbs

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Black

Blood type: O

The somewhat unusual parts:

"Face symmetry, narrow chin, long, straight nose, resembling the Greeks, thin lips, pale skin. Slim body, well-defined muscles."

Lastly, the uncomfortable yet unusual part:

"Penis, above average length, an average girth. Testicles round, the size of walnuts, no sag."

What's that all about? Finn felt a bit strange.

Yet, Doctor Lin maintained a professional demeanor.

"Feel free to change. The doctor will return shortly," he told Finn and left.

Upon changing, Sandra was waiting in the hallway. "So, how did you find the experience?"

"It was okay, except for the last part. It felt a bit unusual," Finn shared.

"Oh, yes, that segment. It's critical since we want to ensure there are no health problems that could possibly crop up during your tenure if you're accepted, thank goodness," Sandra uttered.

Finn continued to feel unclear. Perhaps they're concerned about STDs.

Sandra led Finn to an office, luxurious with a white and grey color scheme. A glass table, a desktop computer with the Craftlove logo, a swivel chair of light brown hue stood before it.

"This is where I leave you," Sandra stated. "I won't be conducting the third interview. A Craftlove representative will be here soon. Please make yourself comfortable. Would you like a beverage or a snack while you wait?"

"No, thanks."

The room, despite its chilly, minimalist appearance, held a pleasant warmth. I jotted this down as I sat down in the chair.

I waited for ten minutes before a door on the other side of the room opened. It was nearly invisible against the white wall. A man entered, dressed in a gray suit. His hair was also gray, as were his eyes behind his silver-framed glasses. The only non-gray element about him was his skin, which appeared to be slightly wrinkled, suggesting age without being too old. He stood up.

"Please don't stand, sir," the man said with a slight French accent.

I sat back in the chair. The gray-dressed man took a seat at his desk.

"Hello, Mr. Duffy. My name is Emile Bouchard, the human resources director at Craftlove Development Group," he introduced himself. "I hope your testing session went well?"

"Yes, sir," I knew right away that this was a man who commanded respect.

"Excellent," Bouchard continued. "I'll make this interview brief because I'm an extremely busy person, and I'm sure you have things to attend to as well. This third interview is aimed at confirming the details you presented in the first two meetings and to give you an idea of the potential position.

Unfortunately, I cannot discuss the specific requirements of the job. What I can tell you is that it requires a person with an open mind and a certain amount of strength. It is a demanding role in its own way.

If you're worried about the lack of information, you're free to terminate the interview at any time. If you're still interested in the job, the details, including pay and terms, will be provided during a final session. Now, please inform me if this information is accurate: you're Finn Aiden Duffy, a nineteen-year-old sophomore studying English at UCLA. Your father, Liam Conor Duffy, is a real estate investor and property owner, and your mother is Edwina Corning-Duffy, from the Boston Cornings, a prestigious family. You have no criminal record, no health issues, no drug or alcohol problems, and are a promising candidate, though that doesn't guarantee you'll be accepted. There are other candidates, you know?"

Suddenly, a red flag popped up. "Sounds a bit fishy," I said to myself. "It's supposed to be a house sitting job. Why the medical examination and the secrecy?" It felt like an episode of a spy thriller. I quickly pushed those thoughts out of my mind.

Craftlove was a well-respected global conglomerate, founded by a famous CEO. "Yes." I answered.

"Good, then. To summarize... You're Finn Aiden Duffy. You're nineteen years old, a college sophomore majoring in English, and have applied for a house-sitting job at one of Craftlove's domestic properties for the summer. The house, though remote, is located within the United States. It's been recently remodeled and has some unique features. I'm unable to provide more details but, it will be a highly-sought living space. The house is designed to function independently, requiring only a human voice to record their opinions on various aspects over the summer and to carry out maintenance if necessary.

Two things to note, you'll be the only one there for the summer. The house comes with an extensive range of ready-cooked gourmet meals, a vast collection of books, and home entertainment. There's also an indoor pool, gym, and running trail. Certain aspects of the role may seem strange, but the financial rewards will more than make up for it.

So, are you still interested in this position?" He asked.

I thought over the offer. "Sure," I replied.

"Good then, let's go over some details," Bouchard said, smiling slightly. The smile didn't feel quite right. "This position involves staying at a remote Pacific Northwest property for three months, June to August. Your job will be to monitor and provide feedback on the house, its design, and its various appliances and systems. There will also be maintenance tasks.

The house has been retrofitted with state-of-the-art technology and it's quite impressive. We're hoping to see what works and what doesn't. You'll be the only person on the premises for those three months. The property provides self-sufficient food, with a range of gourmet meals available. There's also a large library of books and entertainment options. And to keep you in shape during your stay, there's a pool, gym, and a running trail."

I considered Bouchard's offer. If I took it, I would be on my own for three months. This might seem attractive to others, but I'm more of a social person, if I'm honest. "Yes, I'm still interested," I answered.

Bouchard smiled, "Wonderful, Mr. Duffy. This concludes the third interview. A final interview will be scheduled where you'll receive more details, including pay and further requirements."

Bouchard then left me in the room, and I was left with my thoughts. Was this a dream job, or was it something more sinister?

A house located in a secluded area, abandoned for three months, with uncertain job requirements, raising suspicions. Yet, it is a well-known company that is known to unveil new inventions frequently. Gavin Peters has a reputation for being unconventional, and with limited summer job opportunities, along with mounting student loans, it seemed like the only other choice was returning to Bloomington. "Alright Mr. Bouchard, I'm interested. Besides, I'm a loner by nature. I can handle three months."

"Excellent. I'll coordinate the next interview. I'm pleased you are interested."

Interview arrangements were finalized. It scheduled for subsequent week after morning classes. Instead of driving his own car, the company planned to pick him up from campus.

11:00 am on Tuesday, Finn exited imaginative writing and immediately recognized the vehicle. Craftlove Edison, so predictable.

He made a beeline for the car.

The driver was someone he recognized. "Terri Brooks? You're with Craftlove?"

"Finn Duffy? They informed me that I needed to pick someone up from here. I didn't realize it was you."

Terri was in his magazine writing class. She was friendly, intelligent, and attractive, yet they never became close friends.

They talked during the trip to the interview.

"So you're planning on working at Craftlove?" she inquired.

"I'm not entirely sure, it's tricky."

"They can be rather cryptic."

"How long have you been working for them?"

"Approximately a year. I chauffeur mostly. It pays the bills."

"I understand," Finn smiled.

They talked a bit more, mainly about courses, final exams, and summer plans apart from Finn's until they reached the destination: The Intercontinental, in Downtown LA.

Finn was astonished. It was far from a medical clinic or office building but one of LA's most luxurious hotels.

Terri halted the car in front. "They said someone would greet you in the lobby. I'll return in an hour to escort you. Good luck." Finn acknowledged with a smile and left the car.

Sandra greeted him in the lobby. "Well, Finn, you've made it this far. I'm here to take you to the interview. Try not to feel too nervous."

"I am a bit, a little."

"There's no need to. The interviewer is, surprisingly, amicable. After narrowing down the candidates, he wants to discuss each one's readiness to fulfill the tasks. Even I'm in the dark about the nature of the job or pay. He'll reveal it to you."

"I didn't anticipate a hotel," Finn remarked, "let alone the Intercontinental."

"The interviewer is in town for other businesses. He simply wants to conclude this task from his list. He'll be brief."

Sandra ushered him to the elevator and pushed the top floor button. "Here's where I part from you. I'll be waiting in the lobby when you're done. He'll be at the rooftop lounge."

Finn nodded as the doors closed. The brief ride increased his anxiety. Who's up there?

He didn't think it was Mr. Bouchard.

The elevator doors opened directly to the bar. Finn stepped out. A single man was there. The sight left him astounded.

Holy fuck!

To Be Continued.

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    Source: www.nice-escort.de