Gay Sex

Hunt for Treasures: Chapter 6

Aim 3: The girl from abroad.

May 17, 2024
22 min read
scavenger huntdrunkbaseballredheadThe Scavenger Hunt Ch. 06fraternitytrinataylortravisbeth
The Scavenger Hunt Ch. 06
The Scavenger Hunt Ch. 06

Hunt for Treasures: Chapter 6

In the sixth chapter of "The Scavenger Hunt," Travis returns to his journey, although reluctantly. If you're one of those people who skip through the more detailed parts, especially during the intimate scenes, hold off on this one. This particular sex scene is critical to understanding the plot.

Thank you, samuraisan, my long-term editor and fellow reader, for consistently making time for me even when he is busy. He devotes his energy to making my stories better, despite having his own priorities. Speaking of talented people, don't forget to check out thatsbogus's incredible work. His latest Seinfeld-inspired story recently won an award on this platform.


The Scavenger Hunt, Chapter 6

Following my scorching, never-before-experienced-emotional-connections night with Beth, I concluded I wouldn't participate in the fraternity's game any longer. She was the woman I craved spending my time and effort on, and I knew I had to inform them of my decision. But first, I needed to focus on the weekend series against Winthrop. Friday night, we crushed them with a 9-2 victory. Every member of our team had an incredible performance – Jamar, Chet, and I scored home runs back-to-back-to-back in the third inning, and I scored thrice.

Beth and Taylor had planned to accompany me, but Taylor's parents were visiting, hence, their inability to attend.

We won the second game, too.

"Hey, dad. I didn't know you were here."

"Terrific match, son!" he beamed. I wanted nothing more than to escape my grimy, soiled uniform, but my dad's shocking arrival raised the need for an explanation. "That homer you hit in the fourth... You think that ball has even landed yet?"

"Probably," I replied. "I remember shattered glass and an honking horn on the road near the perimeter."

"They deserved it."


"So? What's the valid reason behind your presence here, dad?"

"Uh, I'm going to your frat party tomorrow night." I was shocked. His National leadership position for AKP justified his attendance, but it was his alma mater's coincidence that startled me. "I usually don’t attend unless it’s close by. This time, I decided to come down earlier to watch your games."

"Um, dad, you're aware of the events that unfold at these gatherings, right?" I foolishly asked.

My father chuckled. "Sure, pretty much the standard college party – drinks, drugs, and other activities that would make your mother freak if she knew. Nothing out of the ordinary for a frat house."

"Nah," I said. "It's mostly unchanged compared to back in your day."

"Haha, good. You know I wouldn't cheat on your mom or touch drugs." Then, he added, "I'll only be there for a bit, talking with the chapter officers, drinking with my son, and vanishing before the wildness begins."

Although "orgy" may be a stretch, other unruly happenings awaited, and that wasn't my primary worry.

"Dad, I'm not going to the party." He raised his eyebrows and I continued before his rebuttal. "I've got a game on Sunday, and a ton of schoolwork to complete."

I was completely up-to-date with my assignments, and it wouldn't be the first time I partied late at night before a game. However, I wasn't keen on revealing the actual reason for not heading out.

"You're a pledge, Travis," my father said. "If I'm not mistaken, you're required to attend the event."

I took a deep breath, knowing it wouldn't be a great time to reveal this here, but there's never a convenient moment for it.

"I think I might withdraw from the pledge procedure, dad," I answered. His eyes widened, and he blurted out the inquiry before I could.

"What the heck did you say?" he questioned. His tone was devoid of rage, but the confusion, disappointment, and pain in his eyes made me all the more uncomfortable.

"Dad, I understand how important this is to you and your father. I've truly made an effort to make it significant to me, but..." I realized as I spoke that I was fibbing. The truth was, I've been rather aloof towards the whole process from the start. The only genuine excitement I had was because of the pledge responsibilities. I've never truly attempted to embrace the fraternal way of life. "Baseball, my friends from my field of study, the Marines... I'll have lasting relationships. I don't need or crave the fraternity lifestyle."

"Son, I expended a lot of effort to help you get in as a sophomore," he explained. "There are only two non-freshman pledges in the United States this year. The other one is at Stanford, and his father is a United States Senator."

"I didn't ask you to perform favors for me to be on the team, dad," I replied. "I merely appreciate that you..."

"I can tell," he mocked. His rage was now palpable. "You didn't request me to pull strings to join the baseball squad. Now, are you also quitting the team?"

The fury in his voice made me irate.

"Let's calm down, dad," I pleaded. "You facilitated my tryout. I captivated the coaches, or I wouldn't be on the team. The pledging was supposed to be earned; no strings were pulled."

"Is that what it's about?" he asked, now calm once more. "Is this pledge assignment too demanding?"

I chuckled, but he held up his hand.

"I didn't mean it the way it sounds," he continued. "Is it too time-consuming then? You said you have many interests. Do you want me to talk to the pledgemaster tonight?"

I had no intention of discussing my pledge jobs with my father... but I respected his efforts.

"The pledge tasks are a piece of cake, dad," I lied. "And your intervention in the matter would merely complicate the situation for me. I'm still undecided about the process, okay? It's just... it's not on my priority list right now, and I doubt it'll ever become as vital to me as you desire it to be."

"It appears you've already made your decision, Travis," he stated. I couldn't meet his gaze.

"Okay, I just... need to clean up, dad," I said. He didn't respond for a long moment.

"No," he finally sighed. "A few leadership guys are in town, and we're having dinner and drinks tonight. I'll be at the game tomorrow, but right now, I've got to make a few calls."

There was no embrace as he turned to leave, but I was aware that he was laying into someone on the phone. I couldn't help but feel like his displeasure directed towards me.

I hadn't even stepped into the shower when the first text message popped up. By the time I emerged, there were three others. By the time I'd dressed, spoken to a local reporter regarding the game, and got my report time for tomorrow's game, there were a dozen messages.

One of them was from Shawn, expressing his disappointment in my decision and hoping that I'd change my mind and see him tomorrow night. Another came from my mother, inquiring what I'd done to upset my father and asking whether I couldn't just do whatever he wanted and make him happy. My mom's message was the only one with specifics, querying about the ordeal that upset my father.

Travis, you understand how significant this is to your father. For him, the fraternity and its connection to him are the most important aspects of his life, second to his family. It would be really disgraceful if his own son refused to join.

My paternal grandfather wasn't big on texting and he was more of the confrontational type. If these initial attempts failed, my grandpa would phone and, in contrast to my father, wouldn't hesitate to release his temper.

I deliberated on it as I walked home, but I already knew what I would do. I dislike upsetting my father, but my mother was almost impossible to refuse.

She'd sent me another text to further emphasize her point when I arrived.

Your dad has always been your most prominent admirer. You're aware of that. He disliked your decision to join the military, yet he was your staunchest supporter. He understands that whatever you decide, you're destined for greatness. This fraternity is the one thing he wants you to do for him. Can't you just divert slightly to make him happy?

I sighed loudly, hoping my mother could hear all the way in North Carolina.

I entered my bedroom, opened the sock drawer, and took out my notebook. I unfolded the paper with all the objectives and classes listed on it, then redrew the lines I needed to update it.

"Let's just get this over with."

I thought about Beth and the astonished look on her face when she'd witnessed the sunset the previous night aboard the helicopter.



I did not alert anyone of my change of heart. I saw my father in the stands at the Saturday afternoon game—it wasn't as impressive as the previous match, but I still went 2-for-4 with a walk, two stolen bases, and scored twice in a 5-1 win—but by the time I left the field, he was nowhere to be found. That was fine since I was in no mood to converse with him.

I considered texting Shawn to inform him of the change, but I assumed he'd likely let my father know—after all, I believed my father had informed him about our talk the day before when it occurred. I wanted my father to worry until the very end.

Nevertheless, I knew he considered it a personal triumph when I entered the Alpha Kappa Pi fraternity house that night. I made him wait, going from one room to another in the house and receiving congratulations for the baseball team's success from several people. I ventured into the kitchen to get a beer and flirted with a pair of pledges from our sister sorority for a couple of minutes. I didn't really mean anything by it—the pledge task stipulated that I slept with five more ladies, and those would be the only five I had intercourse with outside of Beth. However, it kept me preoccupied and postponed my father's confrontation.

Finally, though, I couldn't avoid it any longer. He was sitting on a couch in the living room with Shawn and another older man. I didn't recognize him, but I could tell who he was by observing him.

"Travis, great to see you," Tyson said, rising and shaking my hand. The older man beside him rose as well. "Dad, this is Travis Temple, one of our pledges. Travis, this is my father, Richard Sanders. He's President of the national leadership board."

"Nice to meet you," I said, giving him a cordial handshake. "It's odd, isn't it? Two board members from the same alumni chapter?"

"What's that?" the senior Sanders inquired, then he realized what I meant. "No, I received my education at William & Mary, in Virginia. Tyson's ex-wife and I divorced during his high school years, and he moved with me to South Carolina. Tyson chose to attend college here."

"Really?" I asked. My father rose.

"Travis, it's great that you could attend," he said.

I was enraged that he had my mother and sisters involve themselves in this little power struggle. I simply nodded at him as I was still rather upset. I wasn't sure what extent Tyson or his father knew about our previous conversation, or if they were aware that I had been seriously mulling over the decision to not join. Being in this situation, I could already perceive it becoming awkward.

Fortunately, I was saved by a beautiful bell, so to speak—a bell with a remarkable derrière and the same bell who had offered me a thumbs-up the previous night in the gym.

"Hey, Tyson," Jamie stated, joining her boyfriend and snuggling into his arm.

"Hey, sweetheart," Tyson said without looking at her. "You've already met my dad, and you're familiar with Travis, correct? From the baseball game a few weeks back?"

We locked eyes, and her gaze managed to grin without reaching her lips. If Tyson was still referring to that game, then that meant he believed that was the last time we'd crossed paths. I'd formed a shaky hypothesis that she was only at the gym that night as a result of Tyson's towering presence, but either that idea was shattered now, or he was a master of thespians.

"Yep!" she declared. "And who's this dashing fella?" she asked, gesturing towards my father. I introduced him promptly, and in doing so, I couldn't help but glance at Shawn. I was startled to notice a pained expression on his face as he viewed Tyson and Jamie intertwined, but he quickly masked it with a grin.

"So, Travis," Tyson spoke. "How's your initiation challenge progressing?"

And this, dear readers, is when I recognized Tyson Sanders as a gigantic jerk.

Shawn's eyes fell to the ground, while Jamie flushed a color comparable to that of an Alabama gridiron titan's face. Tyson maintained a beaming grin, evidently relishing putting me on the spot.

Both my father and his shared furrowed eyebrows at me, intrigued and concerned in equal measures. I assumed they were unaware of the specifics of my challenge's requirements.

I responded as club footed as possible. "It's going pleasantly," I replied. "Approximately halfway there and still have weeks remaining."

"Great!" Tyson chirped. "Visiting the facility tonight to advance?"

"I'm here tonight at the insistence of legality," I responded. "However, I suppose while I'm here, I may as well continue my work."

"What specifics are you facing?" Tyson's father inquired. I nearly spilled the beans, considering revealing all of this to him might burden Tyson with the consequences of his actions, but I refrained. A variety of reasons came to mind. Excluding the possibility that my father was present, I wanted to maintain the secrecy of the challenge. Additionally, the challenge specified revealing details to only one individual, and Shawn had preexisting knowledge anyway. But the foremost reason was that Tyson was playing a game of chess with me - aiming to break me down. Spilling everything at that precise moment would mean giving up and losing. Thus, I simply winked.

"You must ask the challenge supervisor, sir," I responded. "I've got no clue about Tyson's duty, but I do know I'm restricted from speaking about the challenge until its completion."

"I've always appreciated his secrets," the man commented. He moved on to discussing with my father, and Tyson and Jamie engaged in a conversation. With Shawn as my companion, we parted ways after my farewells.

"Your demeanor was impeccable," Shawn praised.

"I have no idea what the hell I just accomplished, Shawn," I expressed, attempting to maintain a sense of nervousness. "I'm well aware that I'm supposed to resist the urge to inquire, but I've got a question for you right now. Why would Tyson torment me so shamelessly in front of my dad?"

"He was merely putting pressure on you, verifying your ability to hold up under pressure," Shawn explained, but the tone of his voice hinted he didn't believe it himself.

"Shawn, my troop once came under fire from three terrorists squads in Afghanistan," I shared. "That's pressure. I hit a home run with two outs in the last inning to catch up, and that's adversity, too. What transpired moments ago? It wasn't significant stress; it was unprovoked rudeness."

"I can't deny that," Shawn agreed. "Yet did you emerge victorious in those former scenarios? Hell, you even nearly punched my son," he whispered audibly. He considered for a second, then once more donned his dazzling smile. "You demonstrated impressive composure. Simply relax, have a drink, and put it in your past. Gotta do that whole work thing, remember?"

He ramshackle guided me towards a makeshift dance area and jostled me toward it. It was crowded with brothers from the fraternity and members of the sister sorority, several of whom I was unfamiliar with.

He purposefully led me to a particular spot in the room, where one girl stood out from the rest - she was almost six feet tall, with bright red hair that could be seen from miles away, making her a beacon of attraction for anyone who gazed her way. No one knew her natural hair color because she'd been dyeing it since joining the campus. I was certain that even if the electricity went off in the house, no one sharing a room with her would notice.

Her full name was Katerina Silvachenko, but she'd asked the PA annoucer at CAU's women's basketball games to shorten it to Trina Silver. She was a proficient 3-point shooting specialist from Ukraine, and, like me, she was in the process of completing her physical education studies. I had her in two of my classes, including one that I had yet to finish, Adapted Physical Activity. I'd heard her talk in class and knew she had a seductive eastern European accent, but we'd never had a one-on-one conversation. This was about to change.

I navigated through the crowd towards her, noticing she wasn't on her own. That wasn't surprising - while not overdressed, her lack of clothing seemed to draw attention from any drunk, horny college guy. She wore a green halter top, but the bottom had been pulled up and tucked under her breasts, making it seem like a sports bra. Her black miniskirt left nothing to the imagination - nothing at all, I realized as I drew closer, as I could see a hint of black lace between her legs.

I managed to push my way through until I was just a few feet away from her, with only a couple of her would-be suitors standing between us. I was trying to come up with a polite way to approach her - I wasn't bothered by the competition, but some of these guys were frat brothers and I didn't want to make them angry before I'd completed the pledge process.

Fortunately, I didn't need to worry. When she spotted me, she shoved the guys aside and came straight to me.

"Travees!" she exclaimed, pulling me in for a hug. She jammed her tongue down my throat before I could even respond, and I could tell from the taste that she was already quite drunk from the rum punch.

"Hi, Trina," I managed to say, wiping off the excess saliva on my chin when she let go. "It's nice to see you too."

"Get away!" she instructed the remaining guys. They glared menacingly at me, but I just smirked. Her visible state of inebriation explained why she was being so friendly, but I still didn't understand why she was choosing me as opposed to the half dozen guys who were there first. It all seemed rather random.

"Jamie told me about you," Trina said, using her tongue on my ear as she spoke. "What took you so long?"

"If I'd known you were waiting for me, I would've arrived sooner," I replied. It was a lie - if I'd known she was waiting for me, I would've told her to wait because it was a lie. Then I grinned at her, and she smiled back.

Trina was indeed very attractive. She had the classic fashion model high cheekbones, and I could picture her in that world - dye her hair blond, cut it to her shoulders, and put her in a designer dress, and she'd be a natural for the runways of Paris or Milan. Despite how much she'd drunk, she was having a hard time staying upright, and she was unable to dance. But I wrapped an arm around her waist for support, and as we swayed to the heavy dance beat, her proximity was working its usual effects on me.

"Someone like me?" she whispered seductively.

"Yes, it seems so," I answered as she moved her hand between us and fondled my erection.

"Do we go fuck now?" she inquired. I was astonished by her quick progress - just 10 minutes ago I was locked in an uneasy conversation with my father and fighting the urge to pummel Tyson in front of his frat, and now this hot European woman was throwing herself at me like a fastball from Randy Johnson.

This was an impressive level of satisfaction, and the convenience was sending contradictory signals to my brain. Still, as usual, my little head won out over my big head. She was sexy, and my dick was ready for action.

As I led her up the staircase, I had a feeling of discomfort about the entire situation. Trina couldn't make it up the first few steps on her own. I had to help her reach the first landing, and I pretty much had to carry her up the remaining stairs. I discovered a vacant room a few doors away. I laid her down on the bed and retreated.

"Trina, are you sure about this?" I wanted to move on from this pledge obligation and wasn't sure who else I'd use to meet the foreign requirement if I walked away from her now. However, I wouldn't force anyone into anything. As she became progressively less coherent, she was becoming increasingly hard to understand.

She wasn't quite there yet.

"What a silly question," she mumbled, hastily pulling my shorts and boxers down and engulfing my penis with her lips. Although she was arguably the world's greatest blow job artist when sober, she was too intoxicated to have any coordination. She took me quite deep into her mouth, but her movements were too sporadic to establish a rhythm.

Still, it was a blow job, and I am a man, so I let her work on me. I reached under her shirt and caressed her breasts, eliciting a few muffled moans from her.

Later on, she collapsed back onto the bed in a fit of laughter.

"You have a big dick," she chuckled. "And I have had too much to drink."

A better man would have left at that point. But as I stood there with an aroused penis and her legs spread on the bed in front of me, I couldn't help but wonder if her hairless pussy matched the rest of her.

I removed her panties and still didn't receive an answer to my question-her head wasn't bald, but her vagina certainly was. As she idly played with her lips, I couldn't help but notice that she was also quite wet.

"OOO!!" she cried out as I dived in, licking up her juices. I rubbed my hands up and down her stunning legs, pushing them against her chest as I continued lapping and slurping away. I spent a good two minutes performing oral sex before shifting to her clit. I slid one hand down and inserted two fingers into her, immersed in her wetness. Combining my rapid flicking on her clit, she experienced an explosive orgasm.

"FUCK!! ME!!" she howled, grabbing my hair while forcing my face even harder onto her pussy and writhe against it. By the time she calmed down, my nose was a bit sore, and my face was soaked.

"It seems you're quite skilled at that."

I sat up abruptly as the door closed. Jamie was no fool, turning the lock before advancing further into the room.

"What's going on?" I inquired. I was aware of my still-erect penis swinging in front of me but didn't make any kind of attempt to cover it. Jamie glanced down at it once before looking back at me with an innocent smile.

"What?" she asked, perplexed. "I just heard someone enjoying themselves and wanted to check it out."

"So, you've seen it," I responded. "What's your plan now?"

"What else?" she replied. "Aren't you going to finish things for her?"

I had completely forgotten about Trina at that point. I looked back at the redhead, who was now breathing shallowly.

"Apparently not," I replied. "She's asleep."

"No, she's just resting," Jamie corrected. "Right, honey?" Jamie squeezed Trina's nipple through her shirt, and she responded by opening her eyes and purring.

"Hi, Jamie," she slurred, leaving me to contemplate whether she was just drunk. I hadn't actually seen any drugs downstairs, but it was a frat party-they'd be there.

"Do you want him to fuck you?" Jamie inquired. Trina looked down at her body and pointed to me.

"Yes, I want him to fuck me with that big cock," she announced, each word punctuated by a slam of her fist against the bed.

I had a nagging voice in my head urging me to leave, but again, my cock's desires won over. I kneeled between her legs on the bed.

"And you're, what?" I queried Jamie. "Are you just going to watch?"

"Why not?" she hugged. "What's the harm?"

"This is getting pretty bizarre," I remarked, but I moved forward and penetrated Trina's vagina with one thrust. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she released a long, deep moan. As drunk as she was, I couldn't imagine her playing dead-weight. Instead, she managed to grasp my ankles tightly and pull me in more firmly on each thrust.

"Ooh, yes, fuck me," Trina hissed. "With that big cock." Trina certainly shocked me by putting her heels behind me and pulling me deeper into her with each thrust.

For a second, my thought process drifted away from the group, but when Jamie chuckled, I snapped back to our crowd. She withdrew from her purse a petite electronic appliance. She commanded her attention onto the device, readying it.

"What in the world?" I retorted. "Why are you going to take a photo of us?"

Jamie's gaze remained affixed to Trina, not looking in my direction. "Trina, do you enjoy this, you naughty girl?"

"F**k yeah, it's great," Trina teased. "So amazing."

"So, you're the mastermind behind this tonight, bringing Travis here and sharing yourself with him?" Jamie inquired.

"Certainly, I wanted this," Trina clarified. "I waited all day."

"You're a good girl," she affirmed. Her camera lens snapped back, and she rested it on the nightstand.

"What the heck, Jamie? I didn't ask you to do that," I murmured.

"Relax, Travis. I'm not trying to ruin it. I simply wanted to ensure that nobody could argue this wasn't consensual when I return to your boss' office. Trina's well known to take advantage if the opportunity presents itself, and if she tries to say this wasn't okay when I relay the story, then you'll have evidence to the contrary," she orated.

That helped bring in clarity and I soothed, "I suppose she might try something, but she's distracted enough, so I doubt she'd come up with that lie."

"I wouldn't chance it. My boss values honesty," she disclosed. "Now, focus on the task you were performing. I'm sure Trina would appreciate the best orgasm you can provide."

Trina's vocalizations grew louder and dragged out, followed by noticeable contractions of her toned abs. Thus, I focused my efforts back on assisting the woman in ecstasy. I reckoned she would barely remember the evening, but my pride impelled me to offer her an unforgettable orgasm. Her body tensed as I licked her nipple; she yielded a vocal reaction and an orgasm shortly followed. My thick cock drained her for several pulsating moments before she crashed on the mattress with an audible thud.

"She appears to be asleep," Jamie quipped.

"Could be," I said. I yanked up my and trousers.

"Won't you finish?"

"No," I stated. "I'm not enjoying the indiscretions of an inebriated woman. If I must, I'd do so while she's conscious, but she's passed out cold. It goes against my integrity to have intimate moments with someone who's unconscious."

"But if your orgasm could have put her in that state..." Jamie probed, intensifying her stare at my crotch.

"It could have, but I'm not one to capitalize on the misfortune of another," I explained, fixing my shorts and boxers. "I'll leave it at this."

Jamie found my words tantalizing. She let her visage delight in her pleased prospect, before an ominous grin danced across her lips. Then, she collected her possessions, leading the way with her camera. "We'll chat later. Let me know when and where."

I watched her ass bounce along the hallway and felt my arousal wrestling with a muddled mind. Instruction seemed delivered with a sotto voce tone. "If it sounds like a tease, it's because it is." We parted ways, determined to meet up later. Controlled actions allowed for self-doubt, yet I figured it was justified as she swaggered away. Perhaps she sensed a change in our relationship or merely teased me. It didn't matter -- I needed to clear my mind, so I rushed downstairs to obtain a glass of water at the kitchen.

Everything felt hazy amidst a whirlwind of overpowering thoughts. To process the events, I drank my beverage calmly before retaking my position near the bed. Trina stirred, slowly returning to consciousness amidst the disarray of my thoughts. I endured my uncertainty and rationalized the incident. In the end, I simply sought to breeze through the night with a clear perspective.

However, Jamie appeared curious and brazen. Her playful demeanor revealed intent, so I shrugged off the situation and followed my plan. We would debate the encounter and see where the night could possibly transpire. I took a rare moment of withdrawn silence to hear my thoughts. Jamie wanted to understand me, as I wanted to understand her.

Despite knowing I shouldn't, I contemplated her possibly allowing me to ejaculate into her hands. At that moment, taking advantage of this opportunity seized my mind. Maybe she perceived this as an invitation or perhaps she was looking for an excuse to complain because she didn't intend to act. To be certain, she betrayed a leave me here or take me there feeling. If she chose the former, Travis would remain untouched by her. If the latter, he would be buried within her.

Not understanding which event would unfold, I fantasized about many scenarios or the possibility of assisting with her decision. In this predicament, my hands slipped up my body, meeting her gaze. "Before we continue, Jamie, tell me, did you invite me here merely to gauge my reactions and test the actions of the people around you?"

"I understand the concept," I responded. "However, I'm uncertain about the game you're trying to play. Unless you can elaborate on why you were at the gym the other night and why you coincidentally bumped into the room where I was having sex with a woman you set me up with."

I intentionally let the sentence hang, leaving the door open for her to respond.

"The rules apply," she stated. "No inquiries."

"Disregard the rules, Jamie," I said. "You're meddling with affairs you don't even have a grasp on. Granted, maybe you're the one guiding the whole shebang. I don't know for certain. All I know is that I'm not handing you this camera that contains footage of me and a girl unrelated to this ordeal. For safety measures, I'll extract the video file and keep it in a secure location where only I can retrieve it, in the event it becomes necessary."

She scrutinized me for a brief moment before the confidence-inspiring grin returned.

"I can't forcibly take it from you, so it's out of my control," she elaborated. "I could possibly create a distraction and steal it upon entrance of an influx of fraternity brother reinforcements. Although, if the possibility of Trina charging me with sexual assault becomes a reality, accessing the video becomes a moot point. I will, in fact, destroy this device."

She chuckled. "Masterfully played."

I stepped toward the doorway, but before attempting the lock, I glanced back at the inebriated, semi-naked European lying on the bed. The idea of leaving her there was unbearable, which might result in an outcry over alleged rape being broadcasted before a large audiences. I must ensure she arrives to her dorm safely.

"Damn it," I sighed. "There's no manner in which this blind girl can return to her dwelling safely. Television news may soon air the story of rape accusations."

Jamie furrowed her brow and offered more insight.

"She'll be alright," Jamie reassured. "I'll ensure she makes it home without complication."

"Do you truly vouch for this?" I inquired, raising my hand. Although my hand had been involved in previous activities, cleanliness shouldn't hinder me from receiving her word.

After a moment, she contemplated and nodded, shaking my hand.

"I vow."

Whilst I prepared to leave, she had a parting observation.

"You're quite a puzzling individual, Travis Temple," she expressed.

"I'll accept that assessment," I agreed, shifting my attention to her. "But why do you believe I am peculiar?"

"You're a 25-year-old combat veteran enrolled in a university, banging your way through the Physical Education department based on a fraternity bet, which could've taken place if they observed evidence of your capabilities," Jamie stated. "Yet, you chose against intercourse after Trina passed out, even though you had not satisfied your own desires during the encounter, and now you feel compelled to safeguard a woman you barely know."

"So what?"

"So, considering your standing as a determined soldier and player of this game, why do you care about this stranger?"

I pondered over her question, reflecting on my curious actions.

"Possibly, I'm not as callous and carefree as they thought I was."

Thank you for reading! Please comment, rate, and send feedback. I read every contribution you share with me and respond to all private correspondence if you provide a means to do so. Chapter 7 is on the docket for editing and will likely require a week or two to complete.

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