I Can Be Referred to as Gabriel: Chapter 3

Natasha is subjected to Gabriel's cruel entertainment.

Jun 13, 2024
20 min read
analcagebreath playYou May Call Me Gabriel Ch. 03humiliationgolden showerssensory deprivation
You May Call Me Gabriel Ch. 03
You May Call Me Gabriel Ch. 03

I Can Be Referred to as Gabriel: Chapter 3

Natasha struggled to sleep on her fourth night in the cage, her injured body causing excruciating discomfort. Her chest in particular was throbbing under the bandages, and switching positions only aggravated the problems in her buttocks and upper thighs. This all led to a deeply damaging mental and physical state. At just 21 years old, Natasha had never experienced anything like this before, making her question her decision to stay.

While listening to Natasha tossing and turning, Gabriel weighed his next steps. He wasn't concerned about her physical discomfort, but he had knowledge of the potential complications and the possible outcomes. Some women were weaker than others, but for the most part, they didn't hold out for long. Natasha was different. Daughter of an Army general and the most desired girl at every base they visited, Gabriel had grand plans for her future. Despite the torture he inflicted on her, he also intended to keep her healthy and in good spirits. He made his choice, quietly exiting his bed. Time to assist her.

About halfway through one of her turns, Natasha sensed Gabriel's presence, his eyes glowing like a wolf's. Afraid, she threw her arm up to block him, but he caught it instantly and brought it back down.

"Relax," he commanded, steadily. "I'm here to help you."

After placing her on a mobile, padded trolley, Gabriel fastened a wide belt around her waist. He strapped leather cuffs around her arms and legs, immobilizing her. frightened, she heard him say, "Relax... just relax." His soothing touch calmed her sufficiently. Natasha watched him leave briefly to retrieve something before returning. He wrapped a piece of rubber over her bicep and searched for her vein, inserting a needle and taping it in place before connecting the tubing and hooking her up to a drip.

"You'll feel much better soon," he told her, wheeling her back into the cage. The trolley fit so perfectly in the confined space it seemed custom-made. Natasha saw him hang the drip on the cage and secure her in place. His medication was potent, for she felt her body calming rapidly.

"Mmm... thank you," she said sleepily. The anesthetic and morphine combination overwhelmed her senses. Her world went dark.

When Natasha awoke, the dungeon's lights were on - a signal it was daytime. Her physical condition had improved. She scanned the room, looking for Gabriel. He was there the entire time, watching her from the shadows.

"Hi, Natasha," he said calmly. "How are you feeling today?"

Natasha waited for him to be close enough to respond.

"Better, thanks to you," she replied. His smile was a mixture of pride and satisfaction, a stark contrast to the fear she felt when his hand had made contact with her. She closed her eyes in embarrassment at her emotional response, but he didn't seem to notice. Instead of arrogance or malice, his gaze held tenderness and care. Still unnerved, she asked, "What did you give me?"

"A relaxant," he explained casually. "To give your body a rest while it heals."

"Thank you," she whispered, her gaze meeting his. His hand on her cheek, his other hand that had dealt her pain became warm and comforting, neither a part of the game she feared nor a tool of torture. Her mind got lost in thought, fretting over his possible absence. If he left, she would be stranded here, possibly dying with no one to save her. "What if you leave?" she breathed nervously.

"I won't," he assured her. "I have plans for you."

"What kind of plans?"

"All in good time," he replied. "For now, just rest."

His voice held a comforting rhythm, and his soothing demeanor reassured her. She closed her eyes and drifted back to sleep.

Looking at Natasha's face, Gabriel grinned more widely. It looked like she was giving in. That would make things so much simpler.

"It's been two days since you've been out," he informed her, as she winced in surprise. Despite still being tied down, she eventually slumped back, looking weary.

"I don't believe you," she said doubtfully, narrowing her eyes. "What did you give me?"

Gabriel reached out and took the needle he'd left in her vein, removing it as he spoke. "I gave you what was necessary. There's no need to discuss it further."

With a predatory look on his face, Gabriel pulled the door to the cage open. Swiftly, he dragged the gurney outside and grabbed hold of her chain, undoing the straps. Then he stepped back and waited for her to get up.

"No," he said firmly when she tried to sit up. "On your hands and knees."

Nervously, she obeyed. When he left and went to the door, she wondered what he was planning next. Suddenly, she saw him pick up something and place it on the ground. When he stepped to the side, she could see it was a bowl of food. It wasn't just milk or soup; it had meat, vegetables, and pasta that smelled as good as it looked. The only problem was, there was no spoon or fork, so she looked up at him for guidance.

"Eat," he commanded coldly, his tone snapping with authority. She reached for the bowl but was stopped by a kick.

"No hands," he warned sternly. When she hesitated, he bent down and grabbed her by the back of her neck, holding her face above the food. "Eat," he commanded calmly again. "Or I'll shove it into you through a tube."

Believing she had no choice, Natasha lowered her head and began to eat, feeling so degraded. She was surprised how quickly she finished, considering the situation she was in.

He made her lick the bowl clean, then led her to a tiled area that served as the bathroom. She couldn't stand up, so he hosed her down as she stayed on all fours, making her feel like his pet. Her hair was dripping and sticky, and he washed it for her, repeatedly grabbing her head to keep the soap out of her eyes. His movements were precise and smooth, and despite herself, she found herself enjoying the attention. He even spread her legs wide and lathered her private parts, shaving her bald with a man's razor.

After finishing up, he made her kneel before him so he could examine her chest. She winceed as his fingers brushed her scars, but he gave her a menacing look that kept her from voicing any complaints. When he'd finished inspecting her, he nodded approvingly and led her back to the main area.

"Time for some more amusement," he said suddenly. But as he pulled her up to stand and prepare to tie her to a large vertical wheel, Natasha experienced a strange impulse. It was entirely illogical, given her situation. She could've used the safe word to quit, but she didn't want to end the match. She just wished he'd be a bit more lenient with her. Suddenly, she decided to push against him with all her might, extending her arms and trying to knock him off balance. Simultaneously, she kicked him as hard as she could between his legs.

Gabriel's response was not what she'd expected. She knew she'd hurt him, because he bent over, his teeth clenched, but he didn't fall down, nor did he give her a chance to run away. Instead, he yanked at the chain, pulling her toward him. Before she knew it, he had lifted her up by her waist and slammed her against the wheel. The air was knocked out of her lungs, leaving her struggling to breathe. Then, he pushed against her repeatedly, holding her arms up above her head and fastening the thick leather straps around her wrists.

Man, Gabriel was furious. Natasha's hollow attempt to defy him was unbelievable. Out of all the effort he'd put into treating her with care, she chose that moment to try kicking him in the crotch. His anger at her stupidity was palpable. He was certain she couldn't have failed more miserably. Not only had she not injured him, but she'd incurred his wrath. He'd be exacting a price.

"Foolish girl," he sighed, spreading her legs wider and tightening the straps around her ankles more than necessary. "This isn't how you treat your host. I'm considering kicking you out right now. What do you think about that?"

Standing up, he glared at her until she lowered her gaze. It didn't take long, with her naked and helpless, and she no longer felt like fighting him.

"Please, don't do that. I'm sorry," Natasha said, dropping her head. Her long black hair fell forward, still wet from the shower, and he grabbed it and pulled it back.

"You're not sorry yet," he said, his jaw clenching. "But you will be, I assure you."

Moments later, as he was organizing his tools, he saw her watching him. In a fit of anger, he wrapped a blindfold over her eyes. Not wanting to listen to her crying out for mercy, he tied a gag in her mouth forcefully. She cried out in protest as he tightened the straps across her head, and he used it as an excuse to slap her. Once. Twice. Three times. Then, while she groaned pathetically, he twisted the wheel she was on. He stopped it when the momentum ceased, listening to her terrified moaning through the gag. The wheel stopped with her upright and he spun it slowly, making her rotate upside down. Her hair spilled on the ground, her head hanging limp, but he had only one thing on his mind: her clean-shaven, tight little pussy. He examined his tools quickly, already knowing what he'd use.

Natasha thought she knew pain. But she hadn't met anything like this. The metal rod felt cold at first as he slid it into her, causing her to squirm. The size of a regular dick, but much longer, it hit her cervix immediately, rubbing against it. She felt him lock it in place before filling her up with water. The rod vibrated with her movements, triggering a strange sensation and an urge to pee. Upset and helpless, she was starting to feel pressure building in her head and made muffled noises, rising in desperation to communicate. Her pleas were wasted. He used the movement to his advantage, slapping her. First once, then twice, then thrice. Then, as she moaned softly, he changed the wheel's direction, making her upside down. Her hair trailed the floor, her head limp and hanging loose, but he couldn't see anything but her neat, shaven, tight pussy. He examined his tools briefly, already knowing what he'd use.

Natasha thought she knew pain. But she'd soon find out differently. The metal rod felt cool at first as he pushed it into her, causing her to shudder. The size of a regular cock but longer, it quickly reached her cervix, tapping it. She felt him lock it in place and heard the water filling her up moments later, spilling out and trickling down her body. Then when her skin was completely drenched, she heard the click of a button, and the real torture began.

Gabriel was experienced with electric torture. He'd experienced just about every form of torture man could devise. His device today was his own creation and one that had passed extensive testing. Most women passed out in minutes if the voltage was higher. To extend Natasha's pain, he set it to a lower setting and relaxed back to enjoy the show.

Natasha's body began trembling - enough to make the wheel she was strapped to wobble. Her teeth were pressed into the gag, preventing screaming. Her muscles clenched and unclenched every few seconds while the water filled her insides. Her fists clenched and unclenched, her toes curled and uncrossed, but her pussy was what experienced the real agony. The large metal rod, the source of the current, vibrated against her walls, igniting a series of sensations she'd never before encountered. Her body heaved in silence as she struggled to endure this torture. It didn't stop. Gabriel was waiting for her to pass out. She lasted for ten minutes, and when her body gave in, her eyes flashed open as she willed her body to keep going.

Removing the rod from her pussy and the gag from her mouth, he smiled. His anger had only slightly subsided, but it would not veer him from his planned actions. He threw some more water on her face to rouse her. Then he picked up the other torture implements he'd bring into play.

Natasha sputtered as the water dripped up her nose. She was still coughing when he spun the wheel, bringing her upright once more. For a second, he gazed at her, fighting against her restraints. Then his attention turned to her breasts. Her chest was perky and large, and they stood out invitingly. He pinched her nipples roughly between the heavy-duty clamps he'd use. Natasha cried out and began shaking violently, overcome with emotion.

"That's more like it," Gabriel thought, watching her. But she was not yet screaming, and he demanded it. Bending down, he removed the clamps without warning and threaded the first needle through her nipple.

Natasha screamed brokenly as the large piece of metal pierced her nipple. He followed it with a thicker piece of metal, embedding it within her. As he took hold of her second breast and prepared to pierce it, she started sobbing.

"Compassionately, please... show mercy..." hearing her plead so, brought satisfaction as he carefully threaded the needle through her second nipple, relishing in the entire process.

With her nipples pierced and the holes expanded by metal bars, Natasha uncontrollably trembled atop the enormous wheel. When Gabriel finally untied her and lowered her to the ground, she made her way to rest at his feet, howling with melancholy. She maintained the blindfold, not allowing her to see his next move.

"Cover my knees..." he requested, aiding her into the designated spot. As Natasha shivered from the cold, she followed his command. Though her nipples throbbed painfully, it momentarily distracted her thoughts. However, when he exposed her rear end, she anticipated what was about to transpire.

"No, I mean..." she was unable to complete her sentence, for he swiftly inserted a large anal plug within her. Though it was a massively sized one, he determined she could endure it. Had he not penetrated her ass using a monumental dildo several days prior?

Retrieving the chastity belt, he secured it between her legs and unlocked it. With that, he relinquished control over her.

"Be very attentive to what I'm about to say," he declared while disabling her blindfold. "You've been a reprehensible woman. A disrespectful guest, and as a result, must be reprimanded."

Noting his satisfaction as she maintained her gaze on the ground, scared to confront him, her legs quaked as she knelt before him, with the thick plug imbedded in her buttocks. She possessed the ideal condition for what he was about to undertake.

"Now, it's your call how you'll experience the repercussions," he said smoothly. "You may screech and struggle or submit dutifully. Afterward, once inside you can drive yourself mad or utilize your time contemplating. Regardless, you'll emerge when I conclude you're prepared. Do you comprehend?"

Her response was uncertain as she failed to grasp his concept. He clarified his intent soon. Dragging her by the chain, he approached the ground's opening trap door. It seemed narrow for an adult, but deceptive appearances. He yanked the latch and a dark void appeared.

"In you go," he said firmly. She shook her head negatively. When he retrieved her, she prostated herself on the floor, clutching his feet.

"Please... Gabriel... please don't do this!" she wept, trembling and sobbing inconsolably. "I'm sorry I'll never dishonor again, I swear!"

Gabriel acknowledged her sincerity, yet realized that she would respond the same regardless.

"Do you wish to implement the safety term?" he inquired, creasing his brow. She bit her lip, then shook her head 'no' -- at which point, he dragged her back to the hole, stating,

"Now then, succumb. The sooner you're imprisoned, the sooner this ordeal will conclude."

She attempted to fight him, but he hoisted her by her hair, practically suspending her.

"Do you wish to tussle against me again?" he asked. She could not speak through her sobs, but she failed to resist when he pushed her backwards and guided her into the abyss. Once within, her sobs reverberated, but he felt none. She must learn her lesson.


Jailed -- Day 6

Gabriel left Natasha inside the temporarily confined area for the entirety of that day and night. The abstention from intercourse was agonizing, yet he had the willpower to maintain his abstinence. Although aroused, he refrained from employing his hand to alleviate the tension: it was better to build the tension and discharge it at the optimum time. Twice... within one of her intimate areas -- faster than initially intended. He hoped she would appreciate the affection post-incarceration, yet if not, he could always eject her. Patience was an advantage, yet Natasha remained oblivious. He slept a lot, unbothered by her possible ambiguous sounds. Predictably, she fell silent after a few hours, allowing him to sleep unimpeded.

In the tight, chilly cavity, surrounded on all edges with her body, Natasha was in a dismal state. From an early age, she had endured a dread of darkness, usually resting with the light switched on. She as well detested slim spaces, evading lifts if she could. When Gabriel gently lowered her into the thin opening and locked the blindfolding lid over her head, she tumbled into a petrifying nightmare so fearsome she soiled herself with terror. As she had already emptied her bladder while standing on the wheel, there wasn't much else to follow, but the warm trickle was noticeable as she wept against the wall. Her mental torment was so severe that she didn't feel the agony in her body for a while. Plunging herself into a panic, her body surged with adrenaline, boosting her personal strength. It did her no good. The concrete cubicle she was trapped in was too narrow to let her move more than a few inches, and the strong trap door itself was incredibly sturdy.

Natasha's nails clawed ineffectually against the harsh surfaces until her fingers bled, but she kept going. In a fight or flight mode, she believed she had to escape or perish, and gave it her all screaming at the top of her lungs for what seemed like an eternity. Her bare skin grated against the walls as she flailed against them, trying to break through. It was obviously pointless, yet the fear inside intensified. Yelling and fighting for mere points, her body endured to its limits. She collapsed weakly against the wall in the only position possible: more or less upright with her knees slightly bent.

She couldn't determine how long she remained unconscious. She only knew that when she came to, she was still bound by darkness. Whether her eyes were open or closed, she kept them wide open in the pitch-black surroundings, desperately straining to see. Unbeknownst to Natasha, the air in her tiny prison was supplied via a vent in the wall, shedding light on the fact that she wouldn't be able to see anything until the latch was opened. To make matters worse, her mind began to quiver with fear again. The adrenaline had departed, and she could feel the piercings in her nipples and the large plug in her anus. With great difficulty, she tried to remove her arms, scraping her elbows against the walls. Her hand touched the chastity belt in an attempt to take it off, but it was meticulously designed and locked onto her body. Dismayed, she tried tugging at her nipples, but they were inaccessible. She couldn't even touch them, let alone remove the metal piercings.

Facing disappointment, she sank into desperation. Gabriel had led her straight to hell, and there was no escape. He'd merely punished her, relishing her torment and had planned to come out to play later. Torturing her psychologically and even f*cking her in every conceivable manner until she believed she had reached her depths. Then, when she was finally worn out, a darkness slowly enveloped her no longer able to fight against it.

After what felt like an eternity, exhausted, she drifted into a tortured slumber. More briefly than expected, she regained consciousness. Her terror grew again. What if he abandoned her, burring her alive after his amusements were played? He had his fun and the darkness now closed in on her chest, making it hard to breathe. Her essence returned, and she blacked out for the umpteenth time. Confronting her hefty anxiety, she regained her senses, only to face the same bleak end.

With her sanity fading, she clutched the chain once more, desperate for Gabriel to pull her back out. She whispered, "Gabriel. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Feeling comforted by the metal choker, she grabbed the solid links, pulling it from her neck. Thinking about it, she understood. Submission. That's all it took, and as long as she tolerated it. In other words -- she had made a choice. Surrender her will to him. He had the power to force her into submission, and it was her choice if she tackled him or not. Gradually the fight left her, and she could breathe once more. Surrendering her chin to her shoulder, she whispered to the chain. "Gabriel. I will never disobey you again."

Gabriel knew his victory when he saw his prey again. The young woman was completely still, her head bent low and her arms dangling at her sides. Excellent, it was time she awoke from her daze. He searched for the chain around her neck and yanked on it. It appeared to be stuck for some reason, so he moved closer to take a closer look. He spotted the issue and his eyes widened in shock. She had wrapped the heavy chain around her wrists, a move no other of his playthings had done. What a novel situation, he pondered as Natasha's eyelids fluttered and she sighed heavily.

"Gabriel..." she murmured softly, so softly that he almost didn't hear her. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..."

Gabriel's groin tightened. No greater apology than this one, and he was aware of what it implied. Such sweet surrender crossed his mind, and he grabbed hold of her under her arms. He pulled her out easily, showing off his strength, and examined her closely under the light. Apart from the scars he had given her, she had new scratches on her elbows and knees, and her fingernails were broken and bloody, testifying to what occurred in the dark. He had no regrets for her but simply shook his head as he cleaned her up. However, he couldn't let her rest without meeting his sexual needs first, especially since she had performed so well and turned him on even more.

Natasha could hardly believe it was finally over after a day of solitary confinement, the most extreme type imaginable. Keeping her eyes shut, she lay relaxed in Gabriel's arms as he took her to the bathroom and laid her gently on the floor. She felt him removing the chastity belt and extracting the anal plug from her anus. When he inserted a tube to clean her, she didn't feel any pain and she didn't whine or cry out. As he sprayed her off and washed her hair, she thought how meticulous he was about keeping her tidy. It was a odd mix with the other things he enjoyed that messed her up. Recalling the last thing he did to her before locking her away, Natasha shivered from where she lay. As he carried her across the room, she couldn't help but ask,

"Are you still angry with me?" she whispered timidly. He shook his head and smiled, but his expression changed as he walked towards her.

Gabriel looked forward to the next session eagerly, his cock already hard. Fortunately, while waiting for Natasha's torture to finish, he had prepared everything he needed, so it didn't take him long to bind her. First, he put on the climbing harness, securing it to her exposed body with ease. He connected her to the ceiling's winch, then put the thick leather cuffs on her wrists and ankles. He tied them to the ropes connected to four metal rings in the ceiling. He activated the winch, hoisting her off the ground. Once she reached the ideal height, he pulled the ropes taut, making her arms and legs stretch. She needed a good stretch after her time in the hole, he imagined. He enjoyed watching her limbs tremble beneath the strain. Then, with his cock pressing against his trousers, he fetched the final piece of leather and walked over to her head.

Strung up with her legs wide apart, making a split-like pose, Natasha moaned as she let her head hang back. She knew better than to request clemency, but when he grabbed her head in his hands, that was precisely what she said.

"Please..." she begged pitifully. "Please don't hurt me any more..."

A sadist like Gabriel considered these words to be fuel for the flames.

"Shush... little girl... shhh..." he cooed while forcing her jaw open and shoving the rubber gag between her teeth. Against her muffled complaints, he tightened the strap before introducing the leather hood. He put it over her face, watching her fear-filled eyes. The overly snug mask had only two holes for the nose, and when he had zipped it up in the back, he pressed his fingers against them. Instantly, Natasha moaned and arched her back in midair. Exactly what he hoped for, he thought, unbuckling his belt and stroking his aroused member.

Even though she had undergone this before, or possibly because of it, Natasha started to feel anxious as the hood was placed over her head. The form-fitting black leather created a claustrophobic feeling by obstructing her view, but that wasn't as horrifying as what happened next. Her breathing was obstructed when her air source was obstructed. No. Please, no. Natasha realized again that she had underestimated her torturer in terms of what he was capable of. She believed surrendering to him would make him show her kindness, but apparently not. She attempted to struggle in her bindings, pleading silently in her mind for him to cease. When he finally let her breathe again, she gulped in air, her chest moving rapidly. She hadn't fully recovered when she felt the head of his manhood pushing against her labia. With her legs spread wide open, her pussy was accessible to him, and she moaned loudly in anticipation of what was to follow. He aimed his entry perfectly, stifling her ability to make noise at the same moment he impaled her.

Natasha let out a scream within her head. She was impaled on Gabriel's hard manhood, and she couldn't inhale. Her limbs twitched and she moved against him, inadvertently giving him pleasure, which only aroused her further. Betraying her earlier promise, she cursed his name again. Bastard. Bastard. His hips began to move swiftly after giving her permission to breathe.

The sight of Natasha's naked body being suspended in the air, featuring the black straps of the harness and the matching black hood, was mesmerizing to Gabriel. The image was completed by the bright red scar above her breast and the glittering metal studs protruding from her nipples. Of course, she was wet, and that just made it even better. His cock seemed poised to explode at any moment as he thrusted into her with a relentless pace, feeling her insides contracting around him. It was fear and pain that caused her muscles to contract, as every dominator knows. He thrust deep into her, drawing her near each time. Being suspended from the ceiling in that manner, she was easy to manipulate and he fully exploited it, sliding her on and off his shaft. He paused only to lean forward from time to time, so as to block her airways or to flick her nipples with his fingers. Her piercings were fresh, and the sight of a few drops of blood made his cock swell even more, so that he started pistoning her with more intensity each time.

Before long, he experienced his first orgasm inside Natasha's vagina, but he wasn't finished yet. His first idea upon orgasming was to inspect her small bottom, which he had previously prepared with such care.

Strung up in the air, Natasha screamed into the gag as she gasped for breath. Every time Gabriel thrust his enormous cock into her, she felt her insides tightening around it, her body reacting in response. Her thigh muscles felt strained due to how much he had stretched her, and when he drew her against him, she believed she was doing the splits. Then, as he flicked her sensitive nipples, she cried beneath the hood. She ceased only when her airways were blocked, during which times she would scream in her thoughts.

Whatever impact the alcohol might have had on her sensory perception, Gabriel fully counteracted with the adrenaline he induced. Natasha experienced an immense sense of pleasure, alongside with being powerless to prevent her own climax. As before, she could only quake helplessly while he extracted his still-rigid tool, then rammed it back into her anus. Compassion was not a word in his vocabulary, but she screamed for compassion despite not really meaning it and knowing he understood this too.

An hour after he began assaulting her, Gabriel came for the second time, inside Natasha's anus. The pleasure was so extreme he needed to pause for a few moments with his eyes closed and his head thrown back. His penis throbbed, then throbbed some more. This prompted a response from her rectum that left her reeling with shock. He possessed she would be utterly stunned by the experience, and relishing her shock heightened his gratification.

Eventually, he felt satisfied enough to draw back and he did so carefully, watching as the semen dripped out from between her buttocks. She was quiet now, lying limply in her harness with her masked head hanging back. He left her hanging while he went to the bathroom and switched on the faucet. He had a large water tank hidden in the bushes near the shelter and he could indulge in a long, blissfully hot shower whenever he wished. He sure felt like one now, he smiled gently. Once he was finished, he dried off and made the kettle boil. Then, at last, he returned and lowered Natasha to the ground. He removed her padding and leather restraints and finally took off her mask and gag. He had wanted to leave those on, but he knew it was far too dangerous to do so. Noticing her cracked lips, he realized she needed a drink. She seemed barely awake, lying limply in his arms as he brought the bottle to her mouth.

"Drink," he instructed, holding the bottle over her face. He kept it tipped as she drank, watching the water spill down her torso. When she had finished, he set her down and stroked her between her legs. She was hot and damp, and he relished the sensation until the kettle began whistling. Then, he stretched his arms and said to himself, "Time to return this bundle of joy."

Natasha looked at Gabriel through her covering lenses as he fastened the hefty iron manacles around her wrists and ankles. She could see that the length of chain connecting each pair had been welded onto them. Why did he need to do that, she wondered? Hadn't he trusted her enough by now? As if reading her thoughts, Gabriel turned to look at her and said,

"Just in case, right, my love?"

With no further hesitation, he scooped her up and walked her to the cage. Compared to the hole in the ground, it was almost a luxurious space, she thought, and she let out a choked sob. How far had she fallen to start thinking of her cage as a pleasant place? She folded up beneath Gabriel's watchful eye. A moment later, she was fast asleep.

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