
Illicit Affair Pt. 22

Zahra, Damir and Karolina decide for a threesome.

Jul 11, 2024
19 min read
couple of loversbosniathreesomenew zealandlondonprotest marchpolandswimmingoral sexIllicit Affair Pt. 22
Illicit Affair Pt. 22
Illicit Affair Pt. 22

Illicit Affair Pt. 22

Previously. Damir, Bosnian, and Zahra, Persian, are married, but not to each other. They temporarily live in the studio of Bosnian artist Senad, who is away. Damir teaches Zahra to swim and have anal sex. He uses two dildos. The smaller one, called Amor, is for anal penetration. The larger one, with three internal steel balls, called Bouncer, is for vaginal penetration. He also occasionally uses a soft suede flogger and cotton shibari ropes. Each part in this series describes the events of one or two days of the week. Part 20 describes Friday and Saturday, while part 21 describes Sunday. Karolina is a Polish student, who works for an NGO which is in the same building as Senad's studio. Jill is from New Zealand and works for a large travel agency. She is Zahra and Damir's swimming partner. Sekou and Ibrahim volunteer for the same NGO as Karolina. Adam, Agniezska, Jacek, Grzegorz and Zuzanna are Polish students from the same college as Karolina. Damir works as a lecturer in the same college, but none of the six Poles are his students.

Illicit Affair - Part 22

The new working week started. Jill got up first. She took off her pajamas and got dressed. I whispered so as not to wake Zahra.

- Good morning. Are you leaving already?

- I'm in a hurry. I have to go home to change before work.

- I understand. Bring a spare outfit with you next week. You don't even have time for breakfast?

- No. I'll have something to eat when I get to the office. I have cereal and dried fruit at home. We have a small kitchen at work where we can make tea or coffee and heat things we buy in the store. I prefer cereal. I'm going to the canteen for lunch.

- Have a good time. I'll probably see you at the pool in the afternoon.

- Of course. See you.

Zahra woke up just as Jill unlocked the door and stepped out.

- Good morning. How are you?

- A little tired from yesterday. I'd rather just go back to sleep. Where is Jill?

- She just left without breakfast. She said she was going to make cereal at work. In the afternoon, we go swimming together anyway.

I prepared breakfast while Zahra freshened up. We ate and got dressed in a hurry. My working day was a Monday routine; lectures, our department's meeting, and office hours. I was glad when Karolina knocked on my door around noon. We went to the cafeteria. I was unusually hungry, so I ordered a chocolate croissant together with my cappuccino.

- Today I can join you for lunch. When are you going there?

- Around three o'clock. You know which restaurant.

- I will try to be there in time. You will go swimming and I will go to our offices. Most of the work at our NGO is done by unpaid volunteers. At times I think about quitting it. Saturday's event seems to be very big, larger than anything we managed so far. Our boss thinks that you have contributed to this outcome.

- We will see what will happen. Unfortunately, it seems that even if we get Starmer's Labour government, we would still be a warmongering country. The end of the Tory government will not be the end of a war-friendly leadership in the UK. Nothing will change in the Middle East. Anti-war protests will still be as important as before. I'm also skeptical if the new government will be trade unions friendly. You know how they called Schroder, genosse der bosse, comrade of the managers. The same might be true about Starmer.

- I don't know who that Schoder guy is.

- He was Tony Blair's mate from Germany. They advocated a new third way for the labour movement, that made social democracy a branch of conservative politics and big donors friendly, that is a SD in name only. Apart from gender differences, his political decisions were mostly the same as Angela Merkel's. Labour Party of today is so far from social democracy that they can portray such a gentle man as Corbyn to be an antisemitic radical.

- Whatever happens, we will be fucked by those in power. Do you think that Labour has a chance to win the next elections?

- Yes. I think that is probable. After all those scandals from Boris & Co such an outcome is inevitable, unless some big scandal erupts.

- How is Zahra? Does she really like to attend protests? I hope that politics will never be the cause of disagreements in your relationship.

- There is no disagreement. Zahra signed all petitions of Stop the War Coalition long before we met each other. On that front we, comrade Zahra and I, are compatible. She would go to any pro-union or anti-war protest if there was more time.

- What do you plan for Saturday, after the march?

- We would all go to a pizza or kebab with a bunch of activists. Grab a cappuccino to go from Starbucks.

- Do you go to Starbucks?

- No, never. I just made that up. It's too expensive. I guess people will bring homemade coffee in their thermos flasks. And sandwiches.

- Most of the protesters will. Will you bring sandwiches too?

- I don't know. Maybe we can go to a pizzeria after the march.

- I know a good inexpensive place, but we will have to go on a tube.

- That's not a problem. We know where to get a fresh pizza.

- By the way, Gerald looked at your pictures and was very pleased. I sort of promised him, I would convince you to photograph the protest. He wants to produce a booklet we can use for our PR. He said we can legally pay you after you sign a contract. We can pay any PR agency or individual photographer.

- You know I will come with a camera, I said so. If you can't pay me, it's okay with me, but if you can afford to pay me, I will take the money. Zahra and I are not exactly rich.

- We will entrust the design of our booklet to Jacek and Grzegorz . They also need extra money. Their scholarship is barely big enough to cover the fees and accommodation. They are designing web pages of small Polish businesses, to support their studies at college. They work in their room on the college campus. The payment goes into their bank accounts in Poland. They can withdraw the money in London with a Polish debit card. They have a lot of practice now, and their work is really good.

- How about that French lassie?

- I haven't seen her, but there was no news about their break up either because he will go to Saturday's protest march.

- Well, nice talking to you, Karolina. I have an appointment to keep. See you at lunch then?

- Yes. Bye dr. Omerbegović.

I nodded in reply and walked back to the office. I expected a colleague, with whom we were doing some research work together, to discuss how to prepare a submission for a scientific journal. We worked until three o'clock. I grabbed my swimming bag and left the campus in a hurry. When I arrived at the Vietnamese restaurant, I saw Karolina and Zahra chatting like the best of friends. I wonder if Zahra told Karolina how we spent the previous evening.

- What are you girls chatting about?

- We gossip about Jacek, Adam, Anna, Grzegorz and Zuzanna.

- Karolina is joking. We were talking about you behind your back.

- We can talk about what to do after the Saturday's march. We already discussed that with Karolina earlier during my coffee break. We can go together to the pizzeria. What do you say, Zahra?

- I agree. We need some social life with friends, not just fuck like rabbits.

- You two fuck a lot. Our boys are very anxious about what exactly are you doing. They envy Damir for being able to pleasure a woman so good, that she totally lost control. I envy Zahra. I would like to feel what you are experiencing. Do you know some special secrets Damir?

- I know one called Bosnian pussy licking. With this technique, you can make any woman reach a shattering orgasm.

- Tell me all about it.

- If you know the secret in advance, it may not work.

- What will you do on Saturday, after lunch?

- We don't know yet. We haven't talked about it. Do you have some interesting ideas?

- What do you think about a little victory ceremony in the attic?

- Do you think the march will be successful?

- Yes. I'm sure it will be. Almost all major trade unions will recommend that their members take part in the protest. What we need now is a strong PR. Your photos will play a big part. You should try to capture the "united colours" of anti-war movement. Different ages, different professions, different ethnic groups. You know what I mean. Jacek and Grzegorz need good material. We have three experienced novelists among our supporters, so they will help us produce a good quality text. You and Zahra will take good pictures so that our designers will be able to produce both an esthetically pleasing and content-rich booklet.

- You are very convincing, Karolina. Your NGO should consider employing you after your bachelor's degree is completed.

- Tell me something else. Please answer me directly. Should I bring the pajamas and toothbrush with me?

- Good idea. At least bring a brush. Other things can be provided.

- Damir, you told me, you had a threesome once in Bosna.

- Ah, yes. Emina and Safeta.

- We can do, what you did with them.

- I have a different idea. There is an on-line magazine, which has an article about threesome sex positions. We can try them out, one by one.

- Sounds good to me. What do you think Karolina?

- It seems that Damir knows very well what he's doing, so I'm quite happy to follow his lead.

- Okay girls. We will try an oral triangle for our first session.

- I can imagine that one easily. Which one do you suggest?

- Both. It's only fair if we try out both variants until we all come.

- You are making me horny just by uttering a simple phrase, "oral triangle". My imagination went wild. I can hardly wait for Saturday.

- Masturbate. It's healthy and fun if you fantasise about something that will really happen.

- I'm sure I will masturbate tonight before I fall asleep. My fantasy will turn your sentence about oral triangles into vivid pictures.

Our food was brought to us and we dropped the topic. After we finished, we paid and went our separate ways, Karolina to the NGO's office, we to the swimming pool. Jill was already waiting for us with a big smile.

- How are you, lovers? I'm still under the yesterday's evening spell. I love you both. Part of me is still skeptical, that it wasn't just some dream I had.

- So you won't start screaming if I touch your body during the backstroke or dolphin kick drills?

- You can touch me as much as you wish. Zahra also.

- Well girls, let's not turn our practice into a soft-core movie, or someone will call a constable.

- What are we going to do? You forgot to send me the plan. Do you have it with you?

- Yes, on a piece of paper. I will read it out loud for you girls. Listen carefully, because I will read it only once.

Session 16

10x push off into a streamline and return to the wall

10 x 25m freestyle kick on the side with snorkel

10 x 25m freestyle with snorkel

10 x 25m backstroke kick on the side

10 x 25m single-hand line pull backstroke

10 x 25m breaststroke kick in a streamlined position with a snorkel

10 x 25m breaststroke with snorkel

10 x 25m dolphin undulation with a snorkel in a bullet position

10 x 25m dolphin undulation with a snorkel in a streamlined position

- It's longer than the last week.

Yes, for 250 meters. The total distance is now 2000 meters, which is enough for amateurs.

- What is a backstroke kick on the side?

- You put one hand at your hip while the other hand is extended forward. Then you flutter kick to the other side of the pool.

- What is the point of swimming breaststroke with a snorkel?

- You don't lift the head from the water. If done correctly, it promotes good timing between the pull and the kick.

- Okay. All is clear. Let's go in.

We went in, changed into swimsuits and completed the training session routinely as veterans. I decided that the time is now to swim 500 meters of each type of stroke. It was clear to me that from now on I would almost always need a camera to control the correction of errors more easily. We went to the showers together and the electricity of the previous night was still with us. After practice, we went to the same Chinese restaurant as always. We walked there hand in hand, Zahra in the middle, me on her left side, Jill on her right.

A few passers-by stopped and surveyed us in surprise, but most had other concerns or were simply used to polyamorous groups on the streets of London. We walked in and ordered dumplings.

- What we would really need is for my two flatmates to move out, so you two can move in with me. Then we could play around as much as we wanted to.

- It's not certain that our threesome could survive such an intense type of relationship. Rare things are more precious. Let's start by spending Sundays together.

- My flatmates have no intention to move out and no place to go. You will be kicked out as soon as your artist friend returns. At that point, we might look for some variant to live together.

- So you feel okay after what happened yesterday? No remorse?

- No. We only live once. I'm glad we met. Yesterday was a fantastic experience. I'm ready to learn from you, both in the swimming pool and on the mattress. I have always wondered how it feels to kiss a girl.

- Yesterday you tried it, so what is your verdict?

- Kissing her felt more or less the same as kissing you. It was a wonderful experience. You two are so relaxed and nonjudgmental. I love kissing you both. Tell me the truth, Zahra. Have you ever kissed another girl before me?

- No. My mother used to kiss me on the cheeks when I departed from the house or when I returned, and that is all. When I met my husband, Malcolm, I was a virgin. Since then I only touched one man, Damir, and since yesterday I touched my first girl.

- I loved it. Every moment of it. I can't imagine being with one of you separately. You just belong to each other.

- We will see each other on Wednesday, right?

- Yes. Will you do something for me? I bought a scented candle and matches. I want to ask you, that every time you fuck, you lit the candle and let it burn on the floor near the mattress, to remind you of me. Would you?

- Yes. Give it to me.

Jill reached into her bag and pulled out the candle and a box of matches. I took it from her hand and put it into my swimming bag. We left the restaurant holding hands until the train platform. When the westbound train arrived, we parted with two passionate kisses. Zahra held my hand as we watched the tall and thin figure blend in with the crowd of passengers.

When we arrived home, I put the candle on the floor. We prepared the mattress and brushed our teeth. I took a match and lit the candle. Zahra turned off all the lights in the studio, so we were almost in the darkness. We took off all of the clothes, except Zahra's red beret and red stockings, which she pulled out of a drawer.

- No chemise or panties for this evening?

- No. What shall we do?

- I will sit in the lotus position. You will hold my cock with your hand until it becomes hard as steel. Then you will let it go and sit on me, with your legs around my hips. You can choose the depth and the speed of the penetration.

Zahra stepped towards me and stopped with her crotch a few inches in front of my face.

- Please eat my persimmon, el comandante.

- Is it ripe and tasty?

- Just as you like it, comandante.

- Bring it a little closer to me, comrade..... Holy Marx and Engels, this Persian fruit smells even better than the candle. Let me taste it for a while..... mhhhm ripe and sweet!..... my petite comrade, you are the most delicious fruit on the bazaar.

I slurped loudly to show her my appreciation for her generous offer. I wanted to lick fruit juice from her body since the beginning of our affair, but never got to it. Tomorrow I will surely do it. After lunch I will go and buy oranges, persimmon and pomegranates. Zahra's small hand touch and the thought of drinking fresh juice from her boobs make me hard like the stem of the lotus. Zahra leaned down and took my hardness deep in her throat. She gagged a little, then let it go. She repeated this twice more until I was hard as a rock. Zahra straddled me and, moaning softly, slowly impaled herself on my cock. When she reached the end, she wrapped her legs around my hips and started rocking back and forth.

- Kiss me, my comandante.

We started to kiss, while she was doing all the work.

- Do you like my throne?

- I do. I love being held firmly in place.

- Let me taste your persimmon again, my sweet comrade.

Zahra stood up and offered herself to me. I grabbed her buttocks and pulled her crotch towards my mouth. I started to suck her clit to which she responded with a loud moaning. Her juices were dripping onto my stomach. I parted the lips of her pussy and penetrated her with my tongue.

- Let's change the position.

I lay down on the mattress. Zahra straddled me, took hold of my cock and guided it into her damp opening. When she was impaled to the hilt, she leaned forward to support herself with her arms and again started rocking back and forth. Her moaning was louder and louder, but before she could reach the peak, she dismounted me again. She brought herself forward until she was kneeling over my head. I started to slurp her juice once again.

- Holy Marx and Engels, sex with you keeps getting better and better.

- Mhhhm..... I want you to cum inside me! Mhhhhm......

Zahra's moan became louder again, but she didn't allow herself to come yet. She got up and positioned herself over my cock, but this time facing my feet. She searched for my cock and guided it into her wet and receptive crack. She pushed down vigorously and within one second I felt my balls touching her pussy lips. Zahra reached down between her legs and started caressing my balls and her clit almost simultaneously. Her moaning increased again, but this time she didn't interrupt the natural flow of her arousal. I wanted us to finish at the same time, so I put my arms on her ankles and started fucking her from below.

The curvature of Zahra's body is such, that in this position her pussy almost effortlessly massaged my glans, so I was quickly at the point of no return. I groaned, pushed my cock onto her cervix and started to pump my seeds into her. She came less than 10 seconds after me, with a scream. Her thighs were shaking for several moments, while my erection slowly subsided and came out of Zahra's pussy with a plop. She collapsed on the mattress beside me.

- Is it true that our sex is getting better?

- Definitely true. We are in unchartered waters, comrade. We are exploring new islands. Apart from taking the book of 365 sexual positions and try some more exotic ones, I cannot teach you anything more. From now on we are equal. You learn super fast, so now the only new thing can come through our mutual exploration efforts. We must engage our imaginations. We must seek other people's knowledge, learn from the Internet, and consider the possible variations of known poses and activities. I have already decided what I want to do tomorrow.

- Will you tell me now or you prefer to surprise me?

I decided not to tell her about oranges, pomegranate and persimmon. I also decided that I can make things even more kinky if I drink the juices from her back and butt.

- It will be a surprise. I will even blindfold you, to make it more intense.

- What would happen if Jill was here with us instead of the candle?

- You discovered it already, all by yourself. You played the role of Jill as well as the role of Zahra.

- One would ride your cock, the other your tongue?

- Precisely. You could exchange the positions, to make it more interesting for you.

- Should we tell her that? What have we done with the candle?

- I think this was her intention. Being here in spirit it also means knowing what is going on. Like Skype sex. Another thing we could do. Let her watch and express her ideas about what she wanted us to do. Jill is alone in her room. If she uses the headphones, no one will know.

- Do you think, she will want to do that?

- I will ask her on Wednesday after swimming. She will probably say yes. We will turn off the lights and lit the candle, so she will see only our shadows. She desperately needs good sex.

- Do you think she has enough taste not to ask for something repulsive?

- We are not bound to do anything we don't like. The worst thing that could happen is our threesome to fall apart. I'm ready even for that. Are you?

- I think so. So far I like Jill, but I'm aware that she is different from us in many respects.

- Do you have any second thoughts that on Saturday we will probably have one threesome, while on Sunday we will have a completely different one?

- I think this is arousing. The idea that different women found us sexually attractive, makes me horny. The remaining problem seems to be: is this cheating? Can you fuck Jill without Karolina knowing it? Can you fuck Karolina and not tell Jill about it?

- It sounds wrong, does it not? When we made the first important step of our story, we were courageous. We told both Kate and Malcolm that we must all face the truth. Jill and Karolina deserve to know what's going on. If they want to break our relationship, we must face it. I like both of them, but if they decide to go their separate way I will not try to persuade them to stay. You and I are like a sun and a planet. We are attracted by a strong force of love. Our break up would devastate me. Other girls are like comets. They can cross our solar system, but they will sooner or later exit it. This is the nature of things. We can all enjoy the benefits while we are together or make our lives miserable. I don't want to be miserable again, so if any comets misbehave I will push them out of our system.

- I agree. Do you really want to try the oral triangle with Karolina?

- Yes. Do you have any objections or concerns?

- No. I just wonder how will it work.

- We must all lay on our sides, either all three on our right side or all three on our left side. You will taste your best friend, i.e. my cock and Karolina's freshly washed pussy. Every woman is different, so for me, there is no competition between the two of you. We are adventurous but within certain limits. I'm ready to taste Karolina and perhaps even make her come, but if she would want me to inflict her real pain, I would not do it. When I spank you, it's just a friendly play, a rare spice to be used every once in a while. I know that some women and men enjoy real pain, but I cannot be a part of something like that.

- Do you think that Jill is a voyeur?

- I don't know. We will soon find it out.

- Can I have a request for tomorrow?

- Sure. We have plenty of time tomorrow for all kinds of play. You can ask for shibari, flogging, spanking, fucking in a preferred position, or all of them.

- I want you to film me fucking my ass on camera. I want to see how your dick slowly opens me and disappears, millimeter by millimeter. I know now how it feels, but I want to see it with my own eyes.

- Okay. Your wish is granted. I will film everything tomorrow, starting from blindfolding you and ending with you coming. In the end, we will erase it.

- Sounds great. Are you going to sleep?

- Is there something on your mind?

- I want to see you eating and fingering my big butt.

- Tonight?

- Yes, tonight.

I stood up, blew up the candle and switched on the main light in divanhana. I stepped to the desk and took the underwater camera. In the bathroom, I wet a small towel and took it back to divanhana. Zahra was lying down on her belly.

- Open yourself.

- Like this?

- Yes.

Zahra grabbed her buttocks and spread them as far apart as possible. I carefully cleaned the area in and around her rosebud, then dip the tips of my left hand into her pussy and smeared her juices onto her anal opening. I took the camera with my right hand and recorded my the first clip. I let the camera start at her head and continue downwards across her spine, to her hands opening her most intimate body part. I stood up to film her entire figure, then knelt down and started to kiss her ass. I bit her butt lightly and slowly proceeded towards her rosebud. I held the camera very close, so she would be able to see in a large closeup my tongue first licking her rosebud and then probing it for about an inch. Zahra was moaning softly.

I stopped filming and put the camera aside. I went to fetch the lubricant. I poured it on the fingers of my left hand. With the right hand, I took the camera and pressed the record button again. I filmed myself lubricating my lover's asshole. When I was done, I pressed the tip of my pinky finger against her wet sphincter.

- Now, breathe deeply.

Zahra was relaxed and my finger slipped in easily. I slowly pulled it out and replaced it with my ring finger. Zahra was already moaning when I very slowly pulled my finger out of her ass. The next one to enter was the middle finger. Smoothly in, smoothly out. Zahra was really relaxed and eager. No pain, only pleasure. I followed the same pattern with the remaining two fingers, without ever letting my camera wander away from the main action. I pressed the stop button. Zahra remained in the same position ready to receive my ministrations.

I went to the bathroom and thoroughly washed my hands. When I returned, I told her to flip around on her back. I knelt and pulled her feet on my shoulders. At first, I just started to suck on her clit, and when she started to moan again, I put three middle fingers a couple of inches inside her pussy and pinky finger in her gapped asshole. Zahra responded by thrusting her body towards my hand. She came loud as always and her sphincter pulsated around my pinky.

I waited for her contractions to stop then turned off the camera, got up and plugged the camera into the computer. I also took headphones out of my bag. Zahra joined me and sat on my lap. She put on her headphones and I turned on the media player.

- I'm really loud.

- I love it. Don't be ashamed of your passion. I love the frank confession of your body.

- I know, but I'm still a bit ashamed of what I do. Don't worry. It's getting better and better.

We watched the recorded material together. The footage was really good and explicit.

- If I would put this on some porn site it would probably be an instant hit.

- Will you save it with a password?

- Maybe we should delete it. It's safer.

- Well, my face is never shown. If you would cut some redundant parts, you could make a movie which I would want to preserve.

- Are you sure?

- Yes. Let's do it, please.

I sat down and opened a media editor. I cut the beginnings and ends of all clips and added fade-outs and fade-ins. In less than 10 minutes it was over. I opened the encrypting software and let Zahra choose the password. I erased the files on the memory card before we went to shower together. Soon after that, we were both asleep.

  1. Damir suggested to Zahra that they try a 'threesome' inspired by an online article, incorporating oral sex positions.
  2. Karolina mentioned her fascination with Bosnia, expressing interest in Damir's past experiences there, including a 'threesome' with two women named Emina and Safeta.
  3. During a lunch break with Karolina, Zahra hinted at the possibility of inviting another woman to join their intimate activities.
  4. Jill, expressing her enjoyment of the previous night's events, expressed interest in exploring more trios, suggesting they look up suggestions online.
  5. A conversation between Zahra, Damir, and Jill discussed the prospect of incorporating oural sex into their threesome, with Jill expressing enthusiasm and openness to the idea.

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