
Illicit Affair Pt. 23

Zahra, Damir, orange, pomegranate and persimmon.

Jul 12, 2024
16 min read
Illicit Affair Pt. 23couple in lovesex positionsoral sexlondonthreesomebosniaanal sexfruits
Illicit Affair Pt. 23
Illicit Affair Pt. 23

Illicit Affair Pt. 23

Previously. Damir, Bosnian, and Zahra, Persian, are married, but not to each other. They temporarily live in the studio of Bosnian artist Senad, who is away. Damir teaches Zahra to swim and have anal sex. He uses two dildos. The smaller one, called Amor, is for anal penetration. The larger one, with three internal steel balls, called Bouncer, is for vaginal penetration. He also occasionally uses a soft suede flogger and cotton shibari ropes. Each part in this series describes the events of one or two days of the week. Part 20 describes Friday and Saturday, while part 21 describes Sunday. Karolina is a Polish student, who works for an NGO which is in the same building as Senad's studio. Jill is from New Zealand and works for a large travel agency. She is Zahra and Damir's swimming partner. Sekou and Ibrahim volunteer for the same NGO as Karolina. Adam, Agniezska, Jacek, Grzegorz and Zuzanna are Polish students from the same college as Karolina. Damir works as a lecturer in the same college, but none of the six Poles are his students.

Illicit Affair - Part 23

Tuesdays at work are usually more relaxed than the rest of the days. I went to the office of a colleague with whom I collaborated on a research project. When I returned, Karolina was waiting in front of my office.

- How long are you waiting here?

- About 20 minutes.

- I'm sorry you had to wait. I was working on it with my collaborator of mine. We are preparing a paper for submission. Publish or perish, that's the motto of my job.

- Do you have time to drink a coffee with me?

- Sure. Let's go.

When we arrived, the cafeteria was full of people, so we just stood near the bar. I ordered two coffees. The place was so noisy, that it was impossible to talk.

- Let's drink our coffee and leave. We can talk outside or in my office.

- I agree. Let's go for a quick walk, it will do us good.

We finished our cappuccinos and went out.

- How are you, Karolina?

- I'm fine. I have a lot of work to do before Saturday, but the thought of us experimenting with a threesome oral triangle keeps me going. Moreover, I broke up with my boyfriend from Krakow. I feel free.

- Traveling light, as Leonard Cohen would describe it. Zahra and I also travel light, at least so far.

- I'm curious what do you do to make her moan and scream so loud? Can you do this to every woman?

- I have a special signature move, which made all my women so far to come. Perhaps you will also be passionate and loud. I will show you tomorrow on Saturday.

- Perhaps I will. Do you need something more for Saturday's march?

- A vest with the sign "Press" would be helpful in case police get overzealous.

- I will ask Gerald if we have some, but probably we don't.

- I will take the risk of being arrested then.

- They cannot arrest you in front of hundreds of witnesses.

- Probably not. Have you ever been arrested, Karolina?

- Not yet. I don't know how I would handle it. I hope a lawyer working for our NGO will be able to get me out of prison. We have a special fund for such occasions.

- I see. I will try not to get myself arrested. I would feel better with the Press vest however.

- Hopefully, there will be thousands of participants.

- How about impostors, provocateurs and troublemakers?

- We have a special team of guards to apprehend them and hand them over to the police.

- I will do a lot of portraits, but we also want to project the image of many people marching with us. Is there a possibility of an elevated position, balcony, or something like that?

- You don't need to capture that, because we have in our team several drone experts. A drone, which is otherwise used in the monitoring of traffic, will take pictures and video clips from above.

- I see you take these protests very seriously.

- We do. Welcome aboard, Dr. Omerbegović.

- The pleasure is all mine, comrade Karolina.

We separated. I walked towards my office, while Karolina went to attend her class on the history of the 20 century. I called Kate.

- Long time no hear.

- I see you are in a good mood, my not-a-real-husband anymore.

- You sound great, Kate. I just called to say hello. I hope you and Malcolm are living the life you want and deserve.

- So far, we are doing very well.

- I'm glad for you, I really am. How are you satisfied with our Saturday's agreement?

- I have no complaints. You always clean the place. What are you doing when you wait? We watch movies from my DVD collection. We ordered food delivery a couple of times. We cleaned the kitchen and took out the garbage. Do you mind?

- No, of course not. As long as you leave things clean, you have a kitchen, toilet, bathroom, guest room and living room at your disposal. If you want, you can fuck Zahra in guest room, if you clean the place afterwards.

- No, no. No fucking for me in your house.

- Are you still living in Senad's studio?

- Yes. For now, this seems the only affordable option.

- Is he charging you a lot?

- No, nothing, except we have to pay all bills, water, electricity, heating, insurance. I also pay a cleaning lady Ferida. She comes every Wednesday for two hours. Why do you ask? You know of some other possibility for Zahra and me?

- No, sorry. I just wanted to hear that you are okay.

- I'm sorry Kate, for everything, I have done wrong.

- Don't be. It was more my fault than yours. You never hid who you are. You are the constant here. I was playing a role, when we were doctoral students. It was exciting to have a well hung boyfriend from the East. We should separate there and then instead of getting married.

- We were both unhappy, weren't we?

- I wouldn't say that. I was not happy, but I was also not unhappy. You were always polite, attentive and kind to me. That's who you are. You were like that from that day, you took me to that bookshop selling. I reckon, you fucked me in all 365 positions. Do you remember how we picked 5 random positions per day? It was childish, but at that moment it was big fun. Do you treat Zahra in the same manner?

- No. Our games were ours only. Zahra and I, this is another chapter with different rules.

- What kind of rules?

- I will pretend, I didn't hear this question. Well, Kate, it was fun to chat with you, but now I must do something important. I will call you once or twice a week, just to see if you are better.

- I see that you are still Cohen fan. You liked him before you met me. True?

- Yes. Be well, Kate.

- Bye Damir. Have a good day.

Next person I called was Senad.

- Zdravo Senade. Kako izgleda bosanska jesen? (Hi Senad, how is Bosnian autumn?)

- Lišće je obojeno. Pojavili su se i prvi prodavači kestena. (Leaves are all coloured. First chestnut sellers appeared on the street)

- Radiš li nešto novo? (Do you work on some new project?)

- Potpisao sam ugovor za neki spomenik. Sada crtam detalje. (I signed a contract for a monument. I'm drawing details now.)

- Bravo za tebe prijatelju. (Good for you my friend.)

- A ti, kako si? (And you, how are you?)

- Ja sam super. Dijaspora mi sasvim odgovara. (Very good. Being in diaspora suits me well.)

- Jesi li još sa onom Perzijankom? (Are you still with that Persian girl?)

- Da. Sada živi sa mnom u tvom studiju. Još jedna ruka za čišćenje. (Yes. She lives with me in your studio. One additional pair of hands for cleaning.)

- Ferida mi je rekla da si je unajmio da čisti i da je studio besprijekoran. (Ferida told me that you hired her and that the studio is in flawless condition.)

- Trudim se, Senade, koliko mogu. Ima li nešto novo u Sarajevu? Da li ti i tvoja supruga sada živite zajedno ili odvojeno? (I'm trying my best, Senade. Is there anything new in Sarajevo? Do you and your wife now live together or separately? )

- Uglavnom odvojeno. (Mostly separate.)

- Šta to znači? Jeste li vas dvoje neko vrijeme zajedno? Kao "friends with benefits"? (What do you mean? Have you two been together for a while? Like "friends with benefits"?)

- Da, na neki način. (Yes, in a way.)

- Reci onda Lejli da je pozdravljam. Ti Senade, znaš li nekoga ko bi Zahri i meni iznajmio jednosoban stan po razumnoj cijeni? (Then tell Leila that I say hello to her. You, Senad, do you know someone who would rent a one-bedroom apartment to Zahra and me at a reasonable price?)

- Pitat ću. (I will ask.)

- Hvala ti Senade na svemu ,nadam se da ću ti jednom moći uzvratiti. (Thank you Senade for everything, I hope I will be able to repay you one day.)

- Ej Damire, znaš li nekoga ko pravi dobre web stranice? (Hey Damir, do you know anyone who makes good websites?)

- Znam. Čisto slučajno, ali znam dvojicu Poljaka koji studiraju dizajn na našem fakultetu i rade na web stranicama za mala preduzeća u slobodno vrijeme. (I know. Purely by chance, but I know two Poles who study design at our university and work on websites for small businesses in their spare time.)

- Super. Možeš li s njima porazgovarati? (Great. Can you talk to them?)

- Hoču sutra. Kada budem razgovarao sa njima, javiću ti kako stvari stoje. (I will tomorrow. When I talk to them, I'll let you know how things stand.)

- Super. Dakle, čujemo se uskoro. (Great. So, hear you soon.)

- Samo još jedna stvar. Stranice su na engleskom ili bosanskom? (Just one more thing. Are the pages in English or Bosnian?)

- Trebaju mi engleske stranice. (I need English pages.)

- Okej. Čujemo se sutra. (Okay. Talk to you tomorrow.)

At three o'clock I left my office and met Zahra in front of our lunch place.

- How was your day?

- Busy at work and otherwise. I talked with Karolina, Kate and Senad.

- Now you only need to talk to me and call Jill and your day will be perfect.

- We will talk to Jill tomorrow at the swimming pool. Now we are free to do whatever we want. I need to stop at the market. Maybe we should do our groceries today instead of Thursday.

- What do you need?

- I will buy fruits. We can to Covent Garden and stock up for this week.

- Yes, I like that idea.

After lunch we stopped at the Atelier and fetched two large bags. We went to Covent Garden with a tube. We stocked with a variety of items, mostly for our breakfasts. I bought oranges, persimmon, pomegranate and tangerine, for my special plan for this evening. We returned home around 6 o'clock. We filled the fridge and Zahra cooked us a proper Persian coffee.

- You promised a lot so now I'm waiting for the miracle to come.

- The only thing coming today is democracy in the USA.

- If you can't perform miracles today, at least dance me.

- Who will outcohen the Cohen? Who by fire, who by water?

- I give up. What do you want me to do?

- I want to see your naked body.

Zahra slowly pulled her sweater up. She lifted her hands, so I could took it off. Below her sweater there was a blue shirt. I unbuttoned her completely, then took it off. She remained in a white undershirt. I took it off. We looked at each other, both smiling. She turned around by herself and offered me the chance to unhooked her blue bra with white ornaments. After unhooking it, I put my hands around her and cupped her boobs. She shook her shoulders and I let the bra to fall on the floor.

Zahra turned around again. I unbuttoned her pants and pull the zipper down. Her dimije stile trousers were wide, except at her ankles, so they fell down by themselves. I knelt and helped Zahra to take them off. She remained in blue socks and one of her blue panties with the same white ornaments like her bra. I took hold of the rim of her panties, and pulled them down. I helped her to remove her socks, then stepped back.

- Let me see your beauty now that witnesses are gone.

- Are you trying to seduce me, comrade Damir?

- If I really intend to seduce you, comrade Zahra, how am I doing so far?

- You are spot on. If I knew how to belly dance, I would dance for you at your slightest movement.

- If we would have dance music, you could improvise. This is another lovemaking idea?

- Which one?

- You put on the lingerie and dance for me some oriental dance. Fusion of east and west. Indian movie soundtracks, like Monsoon Wedding Chunnari, are a possible starting point.

- You want me to put on one of my lingerie sets?

- No, no, not today. Perhaps on Thursday. We could watch the clip first and you improvise something for me. It's not rocket science. Just a few moves. You have the rhythm, I danced with you. You sing and dance with children every workday, so all you need is to let off the idea of perfection. Anything you improvise will be okay for me.

- Okay, I agree. What now?

- I saw your beauty, so now is the part Cohen forgot. Go to the bathroom and wash yourself everywhere.

- Everywhere?

- Yes. Everywhere. I can wait.

Zahra went into the bathroom. I went to the drawer where I kept our toys and fetched the blindfold, and waited patiently in divanhana until she reappeared. I stepped toward her and put the blindfold across her eyes.

- Comrade, wait here until I give you further instructions.

- Yes, el comandante.

I put the down the mattress and cover it with two large beach towels. I stepped to Zahra and took her hand.

- Follow me..... Lay down on your back and wait.

- Aye, aye, Master Omerbegović. Lead me to the Realm of senses.

- Do you know the movie?

- Yes. I saw it on the Internet about a year ago.

- Talking to you is so simple. I never before met a woman, who was intellectually my equal. Now wait,

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower. I left the door open, so she could hear the sounds and imagine what I was doing. When I was clean, I returned to divanhana and knelt on the mattress. I leaned forward and kissed Zahra on the lips. She responded eagerly, so I put my hand on her crotch. On my fingers I could feel an unmistakable sign of her arousal. Her pussy was already very wet. I repositioned myself and briefly flicked my tongue on her clitoris.

- You taste good as always.

- So eat me.

- I will be right back.

I went to the kitchen, took a knife and cut one of the oranges into halves. I took both of them to the mattress.

- Open your mouth and stick out your tongue.

I put one piece of the orange on her tongue and squeezed it lightly.

- Lick this pussy juice.

She obeyed and I let her lick for a short while. I put the orange above her face and squeezed it again. Her face was covered with orange juice. I put the orange aside and proceed to lick her face and her neck, until she was clean. I took the orange again and trailed it all around her boobs. When they were soaked with juice, I started to lick her again. She begin to purr, which was another good sign for me.

Her nipples were large and hard, so I took the first half of the orange, put it on her nipple and turned it around. Juice was flowing down her boobs and I catch it with my tongue. When I licked her boobs, I started sucking her nipples with mouth that tasted like oranges. Zahra started to moan, so I continued to suck her for a couple of minutes. Then I took the second half of the orange and squeezed its juice on a trail from her boobs to her belly button. I put the orange down and licked all the juice from here belly.

I squeezed the rest of the orange juice in her belly button, drinking it and then sucked her clit for a minute or so. Zahra started to moan again, so I squeezed another portion of orange juice in her belly button, drank it and sucked her clit. I repeated this until there was no more juice left, but always stopped sucking her before she could reach the orgasm.

- Wait for me. I have something to do.

I stepped to my laptop and looked for Cohen's concert. I let it play on a low volume. I went to the kitchen and took a pomegranate. I cut it in 6 pieces and proceeded to extract its seeds into a small bowl. When I was done, I took a little spoon and the bowl of seeds and walked to Zahra.

- You look beautiful, comrade.

- I bet you say this to all women.

- You are more beautiful than any of them. Now, lay still.

I took the spoon and scattered the seeds all over her body. When this was done, I offered the spoon to her, and she licked it clean. I started by picking one single seed between her boobs with my mouth and passed it over to her by kissing her.

- Eat it. This one and the other who will follow.

Zahra gulped down the seed, lubricated by my saliva. I picked another one and kissed her. We had all the time in the world so I picked them one by one, with quicker and quicker tempo. I fed her all the seeds, to the last one. Then I leaned down again to suck her clit until she moaned loud, then stopped.

- Wait for me again, comrade.

- You are torturing me el comandante. Will you let me come?

- In a short while. In fairy tales all good things come in a threesome, so we are short of the third ingredient of our game.

I went into the kitchen and picked the ripest among persimmons. I cut it into eight slices and put them in the bowl. I put the bowl near Zahra's hips and took the first slice. I touched her clit with soft fruit and turned it into a moist, sweet and oily Persian delight. I sucked her clit until she was clean. I took hold of the same slice and dipped the other half of it into Zahra's pussy. I pulled the slice, smeared with her juice, out of pussy and put it straight to her mouth. She bit about one-half of it, so I ate the remaining one. I repeated this maneuver seven more times, everytime closer and closer to release.

- Please Damir make me come. Please.

I took her hand and put it on my hard cock. She immediately guided it into her pussy. She was so ready and fully open, that my shaft disappeared inside her in a matter of seconds.

- Holy Marx and Engels, you are wet as a monsoon rain.

- Keep fucking me Damir! Keeeeep fuckiiiiing meeee! Aaaaaaa

The feeling of her coming on my dick was fantastic. I stayed totally still inside her through all phases of her orgasm.

- Put off the blindfold, its time for you to go to the shower.

- Will you come with me?

- Yes, we can wash each other like we do most of the time.

- Do you want to continue?

- Unless you are too tired.

- I'm not, just allow me some time to recuperate. Hot shower should do the trick.

When we were clean again, I led her back to the divanhana. I picked up the blindfold and handed it over to her. Zahra covered her eyes, so I led her to the mattress.

- Lay down on your belly comrade.

- As you command. Spank my naughty ass, comrade Damir.

I smacked her twice.

- Lay down and don't try to be smart.

- Aye aye Master.

I went to the kitchen and cut another orange in four pieces. I brought them over to the mattress and started to squeeze the first piece between her shoulder blades, from where it dripped all the way to the small of her back. I started to lick her from her neck downwards. When I squeezed all the juice I gently pulled both buttocks apart and started to probe her rosebud with my sweet tongue. It was enough that she started to moan softly again. After a new round of spanking, I took the second piece, then the third, and finally the fourth. Her moaning, during spanking and when I tongue-fucked her ass, was louder and louder, so I was almost sure, I could bring her to the second coming.

- Wait for me one last time.

- Come back soon.

- I will.

I cut another ripe persimmon into eight pieces and took the butter and a knife. This time I dipped the persimmon piece onto her rosebud, and rimmed until she was moaning with excitement. I stopped licking her and ate the persimmon piece. I took every single piece and repeated this action. When I ate all eight pieces, I cut off a large piece of butter and put it on her rosebud. Zahra immediately moaned loud, perhaps because of the temperature difference of cold butter and hot ass. I proceeded to gently push the butter into her ass, first with one finger, then with two and finally with three middle fingers. She was all open and receptive. I took another piece of butter and greased my cock. Zahra arched her back and lifted her hips from the mattress.

- Come here to the edge.

- Shove your cock in my ass, comandante.

- As you wish, comrade. Are you ready?

- Yes, yes.

I stood up above her buttocks and bent my knees so that the tip of my cock rested against her greased rosebud. She grabbed her cheeks and pulled them as widely apart as possible. Her lovely pucker was already gapping, which was norml after being impaled on three large male fingers. I carefully pressed in and met no resistance, so I simply kept pressing until my shaft was fully immersed in her beautiful ass. I started to rock back and forth, without much in and out motion. I try to reach around for her clit, but the position was not ideal for something like that, so I gave up.

I fucked her as she was moaning louder and louder. Her inside was tightly wrapped around my cock, and I simply couldn't hold back anymore. I pushed several times in and out, then cum deep inside her cleaned bowels. After a minute, I slowly pulled my dick out of her still-greased butt. I knelt down and started to lick her clit from behind while fucking her ass with my middle finger. This drove her crazy and her moans were surely heard in every part of our building. She came for the second time in less that one minute. Her legs were trembling and she was panting even more that the first time, which made me wonder if I should try to bring her to three orgasms within 24 hour period. Perhaps on Saturday or Sunday.

- I love you so much. Very much. My orgasms are getting stronger and stronger. You are a great fucker.

- And you are a fantastic fuckee. We are simply sexually compatible in a stronger way than I thought possible.

- We forgot about the candle. You promised Jill to lit it every time we fuck without her.

- Did I really promise something like that?

- I think so.

- Well, I forgot. Nothing can be done about it.

- What do you plan for Saturday? Oral triangle?

- Yes. Let's start with easy things and progress slowly, step by step. Are you tired?

- Yes, but so pleasantly tired. Let's go to the shower. We must wake up early tomorrow. After today, I will never look at fruits in the same manner as before. Moreover, whenever I will see a man buying butter, I would think if he plans to fuck his lover in her second opening.

- Okay, now it's enough. Lets go to the bathroom and then sleep.

I removed the towels and put them to the laundry basket. We put the bedding on, then wash each other under the shower. After brushing our teeth we were fully ready to fall asleep.

Karolina suggested experimenting with a threesome oral triangle, which she found exciting.During their conversation, Karolina mentioned breaking up with her boyfriend and feeling free.Damir mentioned having a special signature move that made all his past sexual partners come loud.Karolina expressed interest in trying Damir's signature move on Saturday.

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