lesbian sex

In Chapter 2, an unexpected run-in occurs.

Hailey and Jack experience an unforeseen meeting.

May 3, 2024
13 min read
sextingprofessorphone sexmasturbationethically inappropriatestudentChapter 2: An Unexpected Encounter
Chapter 2: An Unexpected Encounter
Chapter 2: An Unexpected Encounter

In Chapter 2, an unexpected run-in occurs.

Hailey's Apartment (10:00-10:30 AM):

Hailey stirred in her bed, feeling worn out and weighed down by recollections of her incredible night with a dashing stranger. For days on end, she hasn't been able to enjoy a peaceful night's sleep, as her mind often took her back to the intimate seclusion of the private chamber they shared at Element. Each morning, she had to repress the sexual itch burning inside her core and dripping down her thighs.

Glancing at her watch, she realized she had just enough time to spare for a lengthy shower ahead of her morning class. She swiftly donned her favorite bathrobe and snatched her waterproof dildo from her dresser, skillfully tucking it away under the material. Stealthily, she made her way towards the restroom, ensuring none of her flatmates were around. She locked the door securely and switched on the shower, excited to sink into solitude with her secret companion.

Her T-shirt, a habitual souvenir from her past relationship, got peeled off, along with a pair of damp, silk cotton panties clinging tightly to her skin. She entered the shower, accompanied by her toy, and fastened it to the wall.

The precise sprinkling of warm water rippled through her, reviving her nerve endings and turning them into electrifying streams.

She stretched out for her favored shampoo, one scented like green apple, and carefully massaged it into her locks, hoping to lessen the dread and fatigue. The cascading water washed away the soap and her worries, with her tresses presently spotless. She lathered her body with a coconut-scented body wash, attending to her breasts and nipples before moving down to her most secret spot. Her body quivered as she rubbed the gel into her outer and inner flesh. She pressed against the surface of the wall, yearning for her toy. She slid it in tentatively.

Considering the imminent deadline, she made it brief but fervent. Her body rocked against the wall whilst she used her other hand to tease her pulsating clitoris, while her other played with her bigger breast and nipple meticulously. The triple stimulus pushed her over the edge, muffling her moans as she exploded in climactic bliss. At last, she found peace - something she craved desperately.

With an open mind, she stepped out of the bathroom and covered herself with her cuddly bathrobe. She transported her beloved toy back to her bedroom and laid down on the bed. Returning to her phone, she noted that time was marching on, and she only had 30 minutes before her Intro to English lesson. Quickly, she swiped on a pair of torn jeans, a black bra, and a red T-shirt - she had no leisure to ponder about her outfit or cosmetics. With minimal fanfare, she applied some fundamental makeup and spritzed on her trademark Princess perfume, before hastily jogging out the door toward campus. Quickly she visited the book cart outside the Literature Center and ordered her beloved White Chocolate Mocha Latte and continued on her way.

Jake's Office (10:00-10:30 AM):

(Rerereading through his lesson plan for his first class of the day)

Jake dispensed with his spectacles and rubbed his eyes, trying to erase the tension produced by the recurring memories of the enticing girl from Element a few days ago. He could not dispel those racy recollections of their mind-boggling liaison in the rear room.

As his thoughts spiraled around the enchanting lady from Element, her enticing body once again occupying his imagination, his thoughts raced with apprehension over convincing the overcritical faculty, strict administrators, and jaded students. He was just a few years elder to his pupils, but he was terrified of not being viewed as respectable and assumed a detached, high-minded demeanor to seem committed and wise.[Exception: Class]

She donned a tee-shirt that was given to her from a past relationship. Bedtime attire for Hailey. In the bathroom, she removed wet, silk underwear that clung onto her skin. Would have to make it a quick one, she thought, with free time to make it brief but wild.

The warm water hit her, reviving her nerves. Her shampoo was green apple-scented, and as she massaged it into her hair, she found relief. The water cascaded down her body, taking her tension and discomfort with it. She coated her body with a body wash possessing a coconut scent. She focused her attention on her breasts and nipples first, then the intimate region. Before she knew it, pleasure hit her. Mindful of the clock, she lifted her dildo. The grip was firm to satisfy her urge. Her toy was robustly inserted in her.

Jake considered his plans during his afternoon class. Thoughts of the erotic encounter from Element lurked over his mind. He could feel the consequences of losing this much-needed privacy at home. He struggled to distract himself.

Hailey had to leave for her 10 am 'Introduction to English' class in a hurry. She left her apartment, and as she made her way to the Literature Building, she passed by a coffee cart nearby. An addict of the Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha Latte, Hailey wished she had more time to unwind. She loved the taste and felt it left her with a sense of comfort, like relaxation after a rendezvous.

Professor Jake put forth his best effort for the day with unwavering concentration to overcome his anxieties, while Hailey hoped for a comforting friendship in her secretive ritual to blot out pensive reminiscences of a life-altering night.)

Jake had to relax before his first class. If he didn't, he knew he wouldn't be able to give an effective lecture. He sat down, leaning back in his chair, and recalled that memorable night at the club. His arousal heightened as he pictured her in the VIP room. To ensure privacy, he checked the lock on the door and switched off the lights so no one passing by would see him in the office. He sat back in his chair and undid his pants with one hand while pulling out his growing member with the other. From his desk drawer, he took a bottle of lotion, then squeezed a small amount onto his palm and put it back. He slowly massaged the lotion onto his bulging cock, imagining her next to him, not just his hand. With each stroke, he imagined her breasts in his hands and how tight her pussy was around him. As he neared climax, he wished she were with him instead of just his hand. A quiet "Fuck!" escaped his lips as he gave in to his desires.

His phone alarm went off, reminding him he had only fifteen minutes to get to class. He straightened up, fixed his clothes, and headed into the lecture hall hallway.

English Department Hallway, 10:45 AM:

Hailey was on her way to class, cradling her coffee. A few frat boys were catcalling her, but she tried to ignore them. One, however, followed closely behind her.

''Hey, gorgeous, wanna have a copy of your ass? I can show you a good time after your class,'' the frat boy said.

Ignore him, Hailey thought, trying to speed up without looking where she was going. Suddenly, ''Thump!'' She collided with someone, spilling coffee all over her and the floor. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry," she said to the person she hadn't seen.

"It's okay, sweetheart," a deep voice said as the lights flickered on. "Was that boy bothering you?" He pushed the frat boy away and deliberately broke the phone in his hand.

''Go on, get out of here before I call security," the deep voice said to the frat boy.

"Let me help you up," the deep voice said as he leaned down and offered his hand.

Hailey took his hand, relieved. ''Thank you!"

Their eyes finally met, and both were shocked to see each other.

"Wow!" they said together.

With a wicked grin, Jake said, "I never thought I'd see you again. Although, I'm glad I have." "I'm Hailey...Hailey Winters," she said.

"Nice to finally meet you, Hailey. I'm Jake Harmon. I'd love to stay and chat more, but I have to head to my office."

Jake knew she was a teaching assistant. This is quite the turn of events. He thought.

"Here, let me input your number in my phone." Hailey handed her phone to Jake. When she took it back, he said, "I'll send you a text later. I hope you have a great day."

Hailey's fingers clattered on her phone's screen as she entered her number, a smile on her face. "I can't wait to hear from you," she giggled while slightly squeezing his arm. As they parted ways, she couldn't help but wonder if he was another grad student. A little giggle escaped her lips as she remembered the wild night at the club where she gave him her underwear.


Hailey walked into the lecture hall and selected a seat near the front. She wasn't trying to suck up to the professor. She simply didn't want to move for others later.

It was still ten minutes before class started; she opened her laptop, launching her notes program. Her phone buzzed in her pocket.


"Hey, sweetheart! 😎 I just wanted to send you a text so you have my number. Feel free to reach out anytime, even at night. 😈"

Hailey's cheeks began to redden at the message. She wanted to be playful with him.

"Hmm...someone's keen...I will definitely reach out...you still have my panties, remember? ꨄ︎"

She put her phone down, realizing the professor had entered the room.

The lecture began, and Hailey couldn't help but fidget as the girls around her whispered and laughed. ''He's so hot...how am I supposed to focus?'' she heard them say. Hailey couldn't believe it; was this her professor? Her mind raced. Jake! She thought. This couldn't be happening.

Jake came to a sudden halt, his gaze fixed on Hailey, as if frozen in time. He was instantly filled with panic as he considered the severity of their situation. He could feel the many thoughts racing through his mind, each one vying for his attention as he contemplated his options. He couldn't help but feel trapped, unsure of how to navigate this tricky predicament.


That night, Jake arrived at his apartment, locked the door, and headed for the living room bar. He seized a bottle of bourbon and swiftly poured himself a drink, giving a heavy sigh as he contemplated the tumultuous events that had unfolded. Stripping off his clothes, he retreated to the bedroom, eager to unburden himself before tackling the difficulties that lay ahead.

Stepping into the shower, he turned it on and delighted in the warm mist that enveloped him, working to alleviate his tense muscles and clear his mind. After drying off, he slipped into some relaxed sweatpants and settled into bed with his drink and the TV, attempting to push aside the torrent of emotions that threatened to consume him. But he couldn't help but think about Hailey, who had unwittingly become a student of his. 'Damn it!' he cursed inwardly; how could this be happening?

Yet, he tried to reassure himself that nothing inappropriate had occurred while she was his student. They were merely two adults who had enjoyed a moment in time.

Yet, he knew he would need to handle the situation with care. One more thought crossed his mind as he gazed out the window overlooking the Oodena River-her captivating image still fresh in his memory. He mused about the night they shared at Element once more.

Hailey returned home after her classes, struggled to focus on her schoolwork, and underwent her regular nighttime activities. However, she was consumed by the events from earlier that morning. Having spotted the handsome stranger from Element -the man she had passionately connected with-discovering that he was, in fact, her English Professor shocked and bewildered her.

She tried to get comfortable, walked to her room, donned a t-shirt and shorts, and then lay in bed, attempting to focus on the small screen in front of her. Her mind was filled with intrusive thoughts.

Was what we did wrong? We were simply two strangers at Element, looking to have a good time-was that so terrible? But now that he's my teacher, it feels... wrong. Yet, it was consensual. And despite our current situation, I can't stop thinking about the man and who he is.

She struggled to find comfort, translating her inner thoughts into words.

Hailey, Jake...um, Professor Harmon-what am I supposed to call you now? I think we need to discuss our current scenario. 😳

Jake was pulled from his reverie by the insistent vibration of his phone, prompting him to read Hailey's text.

Shit! What should I respond? Should I even respond? There's no denying that I've toyed with the idea of our night together and the ripped yesterdays, but now the stakes are different. But maintaining professionalism is crucial. For both of us. What am I supposed to say?

Hailey couldn't wait any longer to hear back from him.

H: I was also just as stunned, thinking you were a TA...given your youth. I have no resentment if you were under the same assumption. The whole Element encounter? It was one of the best nights of my life. This situation is complex. Yet, two consenting adults? Should it matter? 🤔

J: I didn't claim you were trying to advance, but the implications could be misunderstood. I can't help but think about you, and yet, I'm bound by a code. My position forbids embracing any false sense of power or influence that might arise from potential misconceptions. And if you're planning something with me...isn't that your prerogative?

H: Easing up, I never once considered pushing my way into your good graces. I hold my education as highly valuable; I would never put it at risk. I'm a determined person, and I've postponed my education for too long. I must secure a job and succeed in my classes. I'm only 23; I'm not some frightened 18-year-old. If I wish to see if this could mature into something real, isn't that a decision I make for myself?

In the initial meeting, we hadn't established any power dynamics yet. Although ethically it could be an issue, I don't really care about that, do you? Answer me, please.

My heart (not only that, other parts ;)) doesn't care about this logic thing. When I laid eyes on you, I instantly wanted to take you back to my office and explore your body all over.

Jake experiences a delicate tickling sensation in his groin area.

Hailey feels a warm sensation as she reads his message, between her thighs.

H: I wanted to ditch my English class, find an empty classroom, and let you have me intensely. We're not going to resolve this tonight; can't we have some fun first?

J: Okay, okay, let's mix things up... can we pretend you're here with me instead? (You can call me Jake or...) Are you playing with your pussy right now? I'm softly stroking my dick... thinking about how to proceed our night at the club.

H: Absolutely, (Master)... I'd love to be in bed with you. I'm rubbing myself through my shorts. You turn me on... I've spent many days since we met, fantasizing about what more we could've done.

J: Okay, let me suggest a small change... can we pretend it's just me and you? (You can call me Jake or...) Are you playing with your pussy? I'm softly stroking myself... pondering about how to continue our night at the club.

H: Absolutely, Master... I would relish the thought of being in bed with you. I'm rubbing myself through my shorts. You turn me on... I've been thinking naughty thoughts since we met, fantasizing about what more we could've done.

J: Why don't we slip off those shorts and tell me about your most recent solo session.

H: As you say, Master... this morning and part of the reason I was in such a hurry was that I hadn't stopped thinking about our night together. I decided to take a long, warm shower with my toy. I attached it to the wall and after washing my hair and my body, I thrust back onto it, imagining it was your cock. I took one hand to pinch and work my nipples while the other hand worked my clit. It felt so good.

Hailey takes off her shorts, then starts to tease her pussy with her fingers, tracing her fingers up and down her slit and circling her clit.

H: Have you thought of me lately, sir, while stroking your manhood?

Hailey stroked Jake's throbbing member, picturing her soft moans of pleasure in his ears as she penetrated herself with the toy, wishing it was his thick cock.

J: Fuck! I am so hard and raring to go, so full of longing for you... can I call you so we can engage in a bit of dirty talk and pleasure without having to type?

H: Hell Yes!

They put in some earphones and Jake calls Hailey.

J: Hailey, your body is very enticing; I'd like to have watched you use your toy in the shower like that.

H: Well... we will have to work on a next time. Mmmmm... now, please, sir, tell me what you imagined while stroking your hand.

J: I will disclose it, my lovely, but only if you fuck yourself hard with your toy.

Hailey pulls out an average length dildo from her bedside table drawer.

H: I have it, sir...

J: Suck that toy like you suck my cock; get it all wet so it can easily slide inside you. I long to listen to you shifting your body and moaning as you push your toy back and forth.

H: (Moaning Noises) Oh god, Jake! It feels so good. Please, I beseech you... tell me what you need from me, how you desire me, while you stroke your stiff penis... I want to hear how much you want me.

J: Hailey, you sound so scrumptious... you might get me in a lot of trouble... I can't seem to get enough of you. Just before class in my office this morning, I was fretting over the first day, and my thoughts shifted to our sexy night. I was imagining your luscious breasts in my hands... my mouth on your nipples, sucking, gently nibbling them and flicking them with my tongue. Your pussy clenching me as you came hard... I've spent every night dreaming of going back inside you... I need you so desperately.

H: Stroke your cock for me, Master. I want you to cum with me... PLEASE just fuck me and make me cum. [Note: the text in between brackets was inserted, not present in the original.]

J: (Massaging his balls and thrusting hard) Oh yeah... let my dick ravage you, naughty girl. Whine for me... let me hear how much you're craving my professor's enormous cock stuffing you to the hilt.


J: Ahhh.. fuck!! Fuck me like a filthy whore... surf that wave... I'm about to come... I want you to cum with me... DON'T TELL ME JUST CUM!

H: Mmmm... yes ... right fucking there, that's it FUCK! (Getting more silent as her climax begins).

OH MY GOD! (Hitting her peak as she hears Jake's moans and realizes he's about to shoot his load.)

J: (Swiping the head of his cock across his dick rapidly) Aaaargh... FUCK! Open your naughty little mouth for me... swallow my semen... YES, THAT'S IT FUCKKKKKKKK (Grunting and growling as he lets go of his orgasm)

Both of them gasp for breath after climaxing together.

J: Holy shit, Hailey, that was insane. You're phenomenal... for now, let's forget about the ethics and snuggle together tonight.

H: I completely agree. You're beyond amazing, Jake. I don't wanna discuss anything at the moment... I'll pretend we're curled up together and fall asleep.

Nighty-night, Jake.

J: Night night, Hailey.

End of Chapter 2

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Source: www.nice-escort.de