Gay Sex

In Chapter 8, we encounter the Golden Goose.

Marcus completes the final round of interviews.

May 2, 2024
14 min read
seductionChapter 8: Golden Gooseworkplacecheating
Chapter 8: Golden Goose
Chapter 8: Golden Goose

In Chapter 8, we encounter the Golden Goose.

Moments after Naomi departed, the entrance swung open, and the final candidate entered.

Initially, my perception was that she was quite different from the other two in virtually every aspect.

Bella and Naomi boasted dark manes, a curvy physique, and a magnetic aura that would have instantly drawn the attention of every heterosexual male within sight, spurring their dirtiest thoughts. Both of them were tall, with fairly light skin - Naomi's much paler than Bella's. They resembled conventional models, sporting impeccable makeup meant to stimulate my arousal. They were also in their thirties.

Standing at just 5'2", my latest interviewee possessed a warm, olive complexion, suggesting perhaps Middle Eastern or Indian descent. Her facial characteristics catered to a more distinctive, sharper appearance compared to Bella and Naomi's softer features. Her attire didn't reveal an ample chest or legs; instead, it hugged her comfortably, allowing me to discern a slender form. Girlish, silver locks adorned her head, with a fascinating sheen of purple running through, and she styled her fringe to occasionally blow into her mesmerizing, deep brown eyes. A dark purple lipstick beautifully complemented her skin tone. Her demeanor carried an alluring element absent in the other two women. I found it difficult to compare this enchanting lady to Naomi and Bella.

Slowly, she pressed back against the door, utilizing her body weight to secure it shut as she scrutinized me while seating in my office chair.

Then, she grinned.

Attractive before, her grin altered my outlook completely. Gazing at her grinning was as if I'd devoured a freshly baked cookie after enduring a frigid climate. It also suggested that I was moments away from receiving a lap dance. Overall, she projected an innocent next-door girl experimenting with her rebellious side. Despite relishing her visage, I struggled to envision her surpassing Naomi's professionalism or Bella's appeal in either personal or business situations.

"You missed a spot," she mentioned, pointing to the corner of her mouth.

My pulse quickened, and I replicated her gesture, wiping at the spot where she'd pointed. A smudge of Naomi's lipstick plagued my fingertip, revealing that I couldn't eradicate it as effectively as I believed. That tenacious lipstick was maddening. I sought some tissues from my desk drawer to remove the remainder, mentally pondering if Naomi had intentionally branded me.

"Did I succeed?" I inquired, exuding a trace of embarrassment.

"Yes, sir!" she said, gliding forward to the desk and extending her hand. "Erin Malik."

I stood and shook her hand, noticing that her hand felt delicate within mine. "Nice to meet you, Erin. I'm Marcus Upton."

"How have your interviews been so far?" Erin enquired as she settled in the chair before me. She stationed her tote bag on the floor beside her, revealing a vast expanse of her side and shoulder - a hypnotizing target for bites or kisses.

Her query was designed to ruffle me, and Marcus from yesterday might have responded similarly to a frightened deer; however, today, I managed to keep my composure. "Very promising. My lawyer did a phenomenal job of locating accomplished candidates. It seems you're competing against impressive women."

"No doubt," she replied, once again beaming at me. "To be honest, jobs are scarce in this economy. I'm not blaming a female for doing what it takes to obtain a satisfying job."

"Quite reasonable," I stated, feeling increasingly uneasy about her allusion. "So, could you enlighten me about your background?"

"Well, what could I tell you that's not listed on the resume?" she pondered. "I graduated at the top of my school with honors. I'm skilled at the piano. Fluent in six languages: English, Japanese, Spanish, German, Mandarin, and Arabic. I'm able to converse more seamlessly in those languages over auditory communication than written, but I can read all of them. I'm of average height at five feet, two inches and weigh about ninety-six pounds. I'm unattached. No children."

I studied her as I endeavored to assess her worth, dumbfounded by her ability to speak six different languages or voluntarily share her personal details and sexual orientation.

Her radiant smile reappeared. "By the way, those details aren't on my resume."

"Monotonous," I added. "So, what are your duties in this position?" [

"She certainly did."

I perused her resume, seeking solace in a non-sexual task.

"Feel free to come out with it," I invited.

She leaned forward, "I'd like to be open about this."

I set down the paper and inquired, "Go ahead."

"I know what your needs are. What Helen needs. She even said it herself. The other two ladies probably indulged in what you had to offer. One may have offered more than the other solely based on the back of her hair."

This girl was not only keen but also wise.

"I'm aware of why they might've pursued you." She shrugged, "Women need to earn money. And you really have it all - the fortune and wealth. Women throwing themselves at you all the time isn't unusual."

Erin resumed, "They also must've sensed your arousal and instantly decided to cater to it."

I fought the urge to deny it, as it was obvious she saw right through my façade.

She concluded, "I can't fault them. No one would resist such opportunity. But I also understand how you landed yourself in this position."

Erin seemed calm, undisturbed, and fairly composed.

"I'm sure you're quite overwhelmed by your options - two exceptionally beautiful women, hardly an easy choice." She paused, "And I do understand your fondness for sexual encounters. It's only natural, given that you're rich and powerful. However, what matters are your needs."

Erin leaned forward, fervent in her proclamation, "I can do so much more than meet your carnal desires. I'm highly capable, experienced, and educated. Moreover, I can manage finances, represent you in business, and even stand in when necessary. In short, I can look after your 'big picture,' and help with the smaller details."

Piqued, I inquired, "So what separates you from the other two?"

"They're merely enticing you by providing sexual favors. While they play their cards right, I wish to be your partner. I can do so much more for you than just serve as your entertainment."

"Like what?" I asked.

"I can help you navigate the business world. I can keep your life organized, manage your affairs, and assist in any way possible. Not to mention, I'll see to it that your personal life remains in order," Erin underscored, "And may I add, if we share pillow talk or two, it'll be an added bonus."

Unconvinced, I questioned, "Why wouldn't you try to stake a claim, make me dependent on you?"

Erin smiled, "I recognize your standards and wouldn't jeopardize your profession for personal satisfaction. I would only assist you when truly required."

"If I already have someone in mind, why should I consider you?" I queried.

"I believe you're seeking someone dependable and intelligent. Somebody who can mentally and physically enrich your life. I'm here for you, and if you allow me to, I'll even assist you with your sexual escapades. After all, I do have vast experience in the working world."

It was certainly a different approach, this idea of a partner rather than a mere employee. However, I couldn't help but find her attractive... perhaps a little too attractive. She continued, "Money won't solely help you achieve your ambitions; partnering with an assiduous person will. And in return, you'll offer stability and opportunities. With me as your assistant, you'll also have constant pleasure, and I'm certain that'll fuel you to strive harder, doubling your success!"

Erin shrugged. "I'm capable of speaking six languages. As far as I'm concerned, she's insignificant."

"Let me make sure I have this straight... you're perfectly fine with me sleeping with whomever I desire since you're solely concerned about my happiness. You're suggesting I have you as my devoted aide to oversee my life, while I can sleep with whoever I desire without feeling jealous or threatened? Did I get that right?"

She held up her index finger. "Almost. And another thing, you're also entitled to bed me. I understand though that I'm not everyone's choice. I'm not as endowed as Barbie from Mediocre Incorporated, but-"

"No," I interjected. "I certainly want to engage in intercourse with you. You're incredibly alluring."

"Appreciate it," she replied with a contented smile on her face. "And I'm not just trying to flatter you. You're certainly wealthy, and attractive, making you quite the catch!"

I couldn't contain my grin. She was contagious. "I like you."

"I like you too," she said. "If you were to offer me the position, I'd accept it without question."

"Considering hiring you is within my thoughts."

"I hope you do hire me because I desperately desire the job. Also, I'd love to sleep with you, but that'd have to hold off until we both sign on the dotted line."

The candor coming from her was intimidating, yet refreshing. Although she could be skilfully deceiving me, something told me she was being sincere.

"I'm not enthused at the absence of a screening, but I understand."

"I'm thrilled you recognize this. If you're the boss, ensure that you and I have more time to acquaint ourselves better," she said as she placed her hands under her chin and smiled at me.

I had a strong liking for this girl, and it was extremely challenging not to start daydreaming of the ways I could relish her company. And then, a thought struck me.

"I'm not into sharing."

"Sharing?" She raised an eyebrow at me.

"I won't want you sleeping with anyone else. I'd prefer exclusivity. Would that be an issue?"

She pondered for a moment before stating, "Well, I suppose that might be somewhat disappointing, but comprehensible. Not every man likes other males in their territory, and you are the head honcho. What about women?"

"I don't have a preference when it comes to women."

She nodded and said, "Being extremely bisexual, I'll be able to tolerate that. However, there is a catch. If I find the man or woman of my dreams, we'd need to discuss this part of the proposition. I'm not set on seriously dating anyone right now. It's not a concern that might arise anytime soon. I'm more interested in casual interactions at the moment."

"That's satisfactory. I'll have Helen compile the necessary documents for your perusal."

She flashed me another radiant grin and exclaimed, "You're going to be my administrative assistant, fuckbuddy, wingman, and accomplice? What more could a man need?"

I grinned and stated, "I'm eager to begin collaborating with you."

"Looking forward to hearing from you."

She retrieved her belongings and exited, leaving me relishing another robust erection as I pictured the promising vision Erin had presented for our future.

Approximately ten minutes later, Helen entered the room. "They've left."

"Good choice," I supported. "I'm contented I conducted interviews on all of them."

"Indeed, so which candidate did you prefer?"

"No one meets my expectations. Naomi kissed me, which was quite pleasant. I'm not certain she'd be a suitable match for me though. She appeared somewhat motherly in demeanor."

Helen nodded concurringly. "I wasn't overly enthusiastic about her either. Sometimes, she was difficult to collaborate with. But), part of me is deflated you forsook her. I know she would bring out your best side."

Due to my intention to provide you with a choice, I thought about what could be ideal for you, Helen mentioned in a relaxed manner while moving closer to me in a loose blouse which barely covered her shoulders and displayed a significant amount of cleavage. Swaying hips appeared to be attached to a tight black skirt that dropped to her knees. She reached me, slowly seated herself across my lap, draped her arms around my shoulders, and idly played with the hair at the back of my head. The sensation of her nails gently grazing my scalp gave me chills. Helen's eyes met mine, and she smiled.

So, "Erin" you asked?

"Yeah," I confirmed calmly, mesmerized by the presence of my blonde goddess.

"Do you mind telling me why?" Helen brushed her cheek against mine and asked softly, next to my ear.

I felt her warm lips kiss my ear. It lingered slightly, her lips continuing to brush against my skin until she expected an answer from me.

My breathing began to quicken. "Erin... promised things," I whispered.

"What precisely did she promise?" I could feel her nose press against me.

"She said I could have her," I inhaled deeply. "She said I could have her and more... she vowed to help me." I felt her lips near my earlobe and her teeth graze the skin. "She said she wanted to help me find more women to have sex with. She said... she wanted..." I struggled to maintain focus. "To hold their ankles while I fucked them."

Helen slowly pulled away and held my face in her hands. She leaned towards me, her lips brushing mine, and smiled. "It seems that girl left a lasting impression on you. Was she your turn-on, Marcus?"

My heart raced. I nodded.

Helen gently nibbled on my bottom lip, moaning softly as it transformed into suckling. Within moments, our lips were locked in a wrestling match. Our hands wandered aimlessly over each other. I could feel my fingers feel beneath the hem of her blouse, sliding upward, exploring the surface of her back as we kissed. We did this for a few minutes, her hands gliding over my face, down my chest, her nails raking my skin as she participated in a frantic search for pleasure. Eventually, we detached and she stood, resting against the desk and sitting on its edge. She satisfiedly looked at me and showed off her naked pussy - she hadn't been wearing underwear. Her chest moved with her breath, and I understood that this wasn't the first time she had come for this purpose. Helen was here to get fucked.

Fortunately, Erin had given me quite a powerful boner that ached for immediate release.

I loosened my tie and unbuttoned my shirt as I stood and approached her. She smiled like a feline from a magazine when my hands came near her. I unfastened my belt and began to unfasten my pants as I removed my shirt.

"Consider all the things Erin will do for you, Marcus," she whispered sensually as her hands surrounded my girth and evoked a response from me. I let my pants drop to my ankles and my shirt and tie soon followed, joining them on the ground.

She clenched her fingers around my shaft, running them up and down its length. "I wager you want to put it in her mouth. To witness those exquisite lips welcoming it as she attempts to take the whole thing in. I bet she can't."

I grabbed her shirt, tore it off her, and tossed it aside, leaving us both naked except for her skirt still gripping her waist. I got a hold of her by her hair, pulled her towards me, and shared a seductive and demanding kiss - the sort that lets the other partner know they have control. Her hand shifted from my cock to my head, gripping firmly and holding me there as we vandalized each other's mouths. The intensity of her grip on my cock increased, and the speed of her stroking accelerated. We continued to devour each other's mouths while Helen pleasured me. My hands travelled her body, scouring every part, before eventually landing on her breasts. Her almond-sized mammaries were soft and soft, and receptive to my palms' aggressive touch. I kneaded them vigorously and luxuriated in the feeling of her firm nipples poking my palms.

Feeling her guide my dick towards the heater between her legs, I moved towards it, ready to penetrate her wetness. I noticed how wet she was as her pussy lips met the mushroom head of my cock. I imagined how wet she would be if I stopped right now, her juices might've even dripped down the side of my desk.

Helen expressed a desire to hear more about Bobbi while I was deep inside her. I ended our kiss and muttered, "I fucked her."

Though I was desperate to insert myself into her vagina, her tight grip on my dick stopped me. I had no choice but to comply with her wishes and tell her more about Bobbi.

Her grip softened, allowing me to proceed with my intentions. I started pushing my hips forward, sinking into Helen's seriously wet core. It seemed like I was submerging my penis into a lava pit. She moaned and buried her face in my shoulder, tightening her grip on my arms.

Asking about Bobbi's encounter, she stated, "What happened?"

"We had dinner, and she was being a total asshole, so I told her to shove it and headed to my room," I replied while lodging all of myself into Helen's pussy.

She inquired further, "She came back within thirty minutes, right?"

I replied, "Yes. And I fucked the shit out of her. Helen, I wanted your pussy for months."

I began from the start, slowly sliding my cock in and out of her slippery pussy. Helen clung to my shoulders and held her face against my chest.

I recalled my fling with Bobbi: "I assaulted her, I grabbed her by the hips, and spanked her red ass on the bed. Heard she went home to cry. I fucked her harder, made her beg for it, and after she did, I made her kneel before me and cleaned her tears. I told her she was my damned whore."

"Make me come, baby." She whimpered, as her orgasmic screams rose.

Despite the urge to cum, I suppressed it just a little longer, holding back as best I could.

Seemingly satisfied, she pulled away, locking her lips with mine, and left a squeal of pleasure in my throat, causing her to shudder uncontrollably. She held my head against her and looked up at me, tears in her eyes.

"Would you come inside me?" she begged. "Just like how you came inside Bobbi."

Now I was the one groaning.

Helen orchestrated me, asking if I would want her to sit on Bobbi's face while I was fucking her. She also proposed that they would make the two of them play with each other while I would be f**king her.

Her proposition was unbearable. [And this is the story in my own words:]

Helen had my dick heading towards the blazing heat between her legs, and I followed, closing the remaining gap between my cock's head and her vagina. I felt her immense wetness as she directed the head of my cock to her pussy lips. It seemed she'd have been disappointed if my cum dripped down her desk.

She requested a break. Wishing her to hear more about Bobbi while I made love to her. I explained, "I slept with her."

With the heat of the moment still in my veins, I continued sliding into Helen's soaking pussy. I felt as if my dick was melting in a lava pit. She cried out in pleasure and pressed her face against my shoulders, gripping my arms tensely.

She inquired further, "What happened?"

"We had dinner, and she was being abusive, so I ordered her to leave instantly and retired to my room," I said as I held my position within her swollen vagina, afraid to move.

It felt amazing being back in Helen.

"She reappeared less than half an hour later," I breathlessly divulged. "And I railed this other woman, Helen. I've wanted your cunt for so long."

Slowly, I withdrew my hips, pulling my moistened cock from Helen's drenched pussy.

"I spanked her, Helen." My words were a combination of growls and breaths. "I made Bobbi bend over the bed and spanked her ass until it turned crimson, then turned her around, fucked her, and came inside her. Then, I shared harsh words. She didn't care. She wanted it," I said as I resumed pounding into Helen.

Helen was nearing orgasm. I felt her shaking in my arms.

"I even wanted to smother her with my cock, attending to her tear-filled eyes. I then proposed for us to chain and order both of them to pleasure each other while you were managing the company, as I had sex with you."

She instantly came, shuddering.

"Would you like me to fuck her while you sit on my lap? Wouldn't it be divine to torment Bobbi and see Bobbi suffer, watching you subdue that lovely little bitch? You could also play with our secretary while I treated your pussy to a pleasurable ride," she murmured as she clung to my body.

Overwhelmed by her request, I uttered the only possible response, "Yes."

I unleashed a growl, spilling my entire load into Helen's vagina and crashing on top of her. Since she was already perched precariously on the edge of my desk, the extra weight sent us tumbling onto the carpeted office floor. I landed on my back and Helen followed, and with my orgasm in full swing, I barely noticed our fall.

Helen sprang back to life, laughing at the mishap as she began impaling herself on top of me, pleasuring me to the max. All I could do was relax my hands on my head, letting her run the show, admiring her bouncing boobs as she enthusiastically continued to ride me. She leaned against my chest, and we locked lips in a steamy frenzy. Her clit gyrated against my groin, bringing on another intense orgasm for her. What a fantastic lawyer to have sex with!

Now, I had a waiting and eager assistant to satisfy.

Heck... being wealthy is amazing!

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