Celebrity Sex Stories

In Development: Episode VII

Rhonda, also known as Alex, assumes control.

May 2, 2024
17 min read
bachelor partyexhibitionismA Work In Progress: Episode VIIalcohol
A Work In Progress: Episode VII
A Work In Progress: Episode VII

In Development: Episode VII

The room set for the bachelor party was larger than what they'd rented, which was a good thing since the party size would've made their space cramped. Rhonda quickly figured out there had to be more than a dozen men in that room. All those eyes were on her.

Once they entered with the door securely closed, the bald man named Phil approached Greg in a hushed manner. "Hey, Roman, a couple more guys showed up than we anticipated, so we're up to fifteen now. Is that a problem?"

"Not at all, Phil. Not at all," was Greg's cool response.

Rhonda thought to herself, "This Roman is definitely a deviant."

Greg led her further into the room, where the assembly could observe. During this action, she couldn't help but feel her breasts move in her ridiculous top. Her nipples, already erect and almost the size of thimbles, were probably visible through the material.

Greg raised a hand to address the men, and someone lowered the music, which she'd failed to notice was playing.

"Gentlemen, this is Alex, and she's really excited to meet all of you, especially the groom."

Another round of whooping and beer bottles/drinks clinking followed. Rhonda observed that porn was playing on the large TV, its sound maybe turned off. With so many different sized, tall, and dark men, she couldn't begin to memorize them. One such guy, who was roughly 5'10" and strikingly similar to Phil, was pushed towards her.

William, the groom?

"I told them they didn't need to do this," he said, flustered. "Really guys, you didn't need to do this."

The space went quiet, and Rhonda feared an unpleasant silence; she made up her mind, wishing to end the moment. She reached behind and gave her purse to Greg before proceeding towards the man, allowing her breasts to bounce as they wished. As she reached him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed against him.

William, without hesitating, embraced her. She looked up into his eyes, fluttering her eyelashes, "Hello William. I'm Alex. I'm so glad they organised this. And I'm so happy we had the opportunity to meet before the other girl steals you away from us gals."

"Aw, hi. Well... it's nice to meet ya." he stammered.

"What's her name? Your bride? Will? Bill?"

"Ah, Will mostly. Except when she's pissed, then it's William." he replied.

Laughter, giggles, and one declaration of "Pussy whipped" followed.

She wanted to make an impression, asserting her dominance.

She stole a glance at Greg and noticed a mixture of confusion and pride on his face, which she found enthralling.

"So, Big Willy," she whispered, flashing a teasing smile, "I've got a gift for you."

The room erupted in cheers, and Rhonda knew she'd made her presence felt. She decided to take it up a notch.

She glanced at Greg and began to improvise.

"So, Big Willy, I have a little gift for you." she cooed, looking back at the man, who held her.

She straightened his shirt's collar before unbuttoning the top button and running her fingers through his chest hair.

"Okay." he responded, somewhat embarrassed.

The poor guy's voice cracked, resulting in more laughter from the crowd.

She stepped back from him and, with as much grace as she could muster, undid her thigh-high stockings and held them up to him.

The room went crazy and she knew she'd captured their attention.

Numerous beverages had spilled now, and someone had started to clap. It was most likely Phil. The applause spread and soon almost everyone was clapping, whistling, and cheering as if a touchdown had just been scored.

The groom received the undergarment during the noisy chaos. He inspected the delicate item with amazement on his face. He seemed to have no idea that a person could receive something so provocative.

When the noise reached its peak, Rhonda raised a finger toward William and ensured everyone was looking at her. This had the desired effect, and the noise quickly died down.

"I should warn you, Willy, they might be a little moist. I got pretty excited on the way over here," she said with a grin.

The noise erupted again.

Rhonda could see that none of the Solo cups the men were holding had any liquid left in them at all at this point.

Someone in the crowd yelled, "Smell them, Big Willy!" which was repeated by several other men. Willy gave the crowd a smirk and then put the underwear in his pocket and kept his hand there to protect them.

A short man in a blue polo shirt and cargo shorts shouted, "If you don't, I will!" as he lunged towards William's arm. A few others joined him, and a good-natured scuffle started in the middle of the room.

Rhonda used this opportunity to step back over to Greg. "I knew I was supposed to keep them on, but I made a change of plans."

Greg turned his head and leaned in close to hear Rhonda.

"Holy cow, you're amazing!" Greg exclaimed.

Rhonda straightened up and looked at him, tempted to kiss him but decided against it when she realized they needed to appear to have a professional relationship.

She turned to face the assembly and raised her hands with palms out, signaling that she needed their attention again.

The tussle over the pocket containing the panties soon faded, with Big Willy retaining his prize but his shirt sleeve visibly ripped. Rhonda briefly wondered whether he would have any issues explaining this to his new bride.

Once all the childlike laughter had died down, Rhonda made the peace sign.

"First, I need to locate Benjamin, the best man," she said.

A tall, bald, black man in dress slacks, a dress shirt, and a loosened tie stepped forward and said, "Here." This was followed by an overzealous man yelling, "Yeah, Benjy! Woohoo!" which resulted in scattered applause and laughter.

Rhonda stroked the man's breast pocket and felt his solid pectorals.

"Benjy," she began, "can I call you Benji?"

"You can call me whatever you want," he replied without missing a beat.

More laughter followed.

"Benjy, do you know where that coffee table is?" she asked, gesturing towards a deeper part of the room.

The table in question was in front of the TV, which was still displaying silent porn that no one seemed to be watching. Opposite the TV was a couch flanked by two love seats at 90-degree angles surrounding the low table.

Benjy nodded his head.

Rhonda caressed his loosened tie some more.

"Benjy, can you remove that table and replace it with a chair without arms?" she asked in a baby-doll voice.

"No problem," Benjy replied and moved off to accomplish the task.

Before he could maneuver through the crowd, several other men tackled the table and carried it away, as if they were security guards throwing someone out. The table disappeared from the room in a matter of seconds, and Rhonda wondered if it had been thrown out the nearest window.

"Secondly, I need to know how I can get a drink around here," she said to the remaining people.

Two identical-looking men practically trips over each other to reach her. They almost fell but managed to stop before knocking her over. The doughy-faced pair were clearly twins and dressed similarly, in jeans, bowling shirts - one blue and the other green.

Although the idea of twin brothers was intriguing, Rhonda realized that the two men were not very attractive. However, she still thought it would be an experience.

She inquired if they had the ingredients for a Mojito. The men admitted that they didn't but suggested a margarita.

The woman assured them everything would be fine. She held onto each man's chin and kissed them on the lips. These men hurried to complete the task, accidentally knocking over an innocent bystander.

Rhonda felt more confident than nervous as she made her way back to Greg and Phil. She paused for a moment to enjoy the feeling of being powerful and horny before returning to Greg.

Greg and Phil's heads were together, and Greg voiced, "She's worth every penny, this one."

Turning to her, he spoke, "I'm Roman. I heard you don't usually attend these events. Dear, you sure know how to entertain."

Rhonda didn't know if it was the rush of being a prostitute or not, but she decided not to care about Phil's attractiveness.

She snuggled her arms around Phil's neck and pressed against him. He immediately grabbed hold of each side of her waist above her skirt, barely touching her skin. She told him, "You haven't seen anything, yet," before kissing him. Instructionally, she guided his hand beneath her blouse, to her left breast. Without hesitation, he squeezed it, then pinched her nipple.

Despite taking Viagra, she felt a bulge in the old man's groin.

"Ben found a chair," said Benjamin from behind her.

When he saw what was happening, he added, "Wow! Uncle Phil, you sure are a stud!"

"Uncle?" Greg inquired. "You're not his brother?"

"No, not really. He's just an uncle figure," answered Benjamin.

Rhonda pulled away from Phil and said, "So, I'll call you Uncle Philthy," before turning back to him.

Laughing men surrounded her, and she began removing Phil's tie. His hand released her waist, but he didn't let go of her breast.

"I need to borrow this if that's alright, Uncle Philthy," she said, playfully slipping the detached strip of material out from under his collar.

"Anything you want, my dear." he spoonfed her.

Rhonda made an attempt to break away but the other hand held tightly to her chest.

"And I'm going to need that breast back, too." she said, patting him on the face.

Making a disappointed noise at this, he released her.

She turned to Benjamin and helped remove his necktie as well. The tall man's expression during this suggested a primal urge. She then held up the neckties, instructing him to find a few more and tie someone named Big Willy to a chair, binding his arms behind his back.

"Done." he promised and dashed off.

"Uncle Philthy, kindly accompany him and monitor the situation. I don't want the groom to escape but I don't want his hands turning purple either," she said.

"Right away, dear," Phillip agreed and left.

Somewhat unexpectedly, Phil calling her "ma'am" didn't make her feel old when Big Brody the athlete called her that.

Once again, the music was louder, allowing for another relatively private conversation between Rhonda and Greg.

"Am I doing well?" she inquired.

"I can't even find the words. You seem like you've got a plan. Do you?"

"Not quite a plan, more like an unorganized list of ideas." she clarified.

He looked at her puzzled.

"Well, I've actually fantasized about something like this before," she disclosed.

He shook his head in disbelief, then asked, "I wasn't upset. Just shocked."

"I know, it's just sometimes people need their fantasies," she reassured.

Pleased with his response, she plunged forward with her escapades. "So, are we okay? Are you?"

He nodded.

"Excellent," she said, her eyes sparkling. Then, she playfully scratched his neck with her nails. "Anything important I should attend to?"

"All good." he answered.

Then he motioned towards the girl behind him with his chin. Rhonda turned around to see one of the twins, the one with the blue outfit, quickly making her way towards them with her drink. It was filled to the top of a red Solo cup, but they had gone the extra mile to coat the plastic rim with salt—table salt, to be precise. But she found the effort endearing.

She took a sip of the light, green liquor and was surprised by how good it tasted.

She reached out with her free hand and pinched the pocket of denim protecting the chubby man's zipper and used it to pull him in close for a kiss. It was more than just a peck this time but not quite a full-blown lip lock like the one she'd given the older gentleman.

Greg tried to contain his laughter because the guy who was locking lips with his wife was clearly unsure of what to do with his hands. He ended up flailing them around at his sides like he was trying to maintain his balance on a narrow ledge.

Another commotion started near the TV, and Greg saw that it came from William, who was putting up a token resistance to his imminent capture.

Rhonda let go of the twin's jeans and told him to go help the others.

After he was gone, she turned to Greg, almost spilling her overfilled cup in the process.

"I really want to kiss you right now," she said, "but I'm afraid it could damage our professional relationship."

He chuckled before replying, "Well, we don't typically mix business and pleasure, but I'm sure we handle both aspects of our lives independent of each other."

She gave him a flirtatious smile before taking a long sip of her margarita.

"So," Greg started, "once he's completely bound up, what's your plan?"

At this point, the flopping groom was seated in the chair of honor with no less than five men assisting in his restraints. Good old, Uncle Phil was hovering closely, overseeing everything.

She took another mouthful of her margarita before responding.

"To be honest, I'm not quite sure, but either way, it seems we're nearing the time for both of us to experience the madness of these guys. Time to really start trying to drive them crazy."

"Believe me when I say, you've already got them there."

Then he remembered the camera in his pocket and suggested that he should start recording the action. When Rhonda expressed doubts about the party's willingness to be caught on camera, Greg informed her that he and Phil had already discussed this earlier.

"Yep, I told the old man that I planned to record some of the events to use for very limited marketing purposes."

"Creatively worded." she said with a tilt of her head.

"Thank you." he replied.

"I'm amazed I'm not already recorded on a dozen smartphones or something." Rhonda commented.

"Phil's kind of old-fashioned," he explained, "so he's making all the guys leave their phones in the kitchen and they can only use them in there."


"As for the footage I'm recording," Greg added, "it won't be posted to the wider public in any form, and we talked about it and decided I could record as much of the show as I wanted."

She considered him with a cynical look on her face.

"I know, I know. Once it's out, it's out, but I think Uncle Phil is a man of his word."

"Here's something else," Rhonda stated, "there was definitely a part of him that was starting to straighten up while he was feeling me up."

"It seems like he might not be satisfied with just watching from now on." Greg remarked, after a short chuckle.

Someone yelled over the music and chatter that William was now securely tied up.

"My turn." she said, then quickly drank half of what was left in her margarita.

Perhaps for extra bravado, Greg thought to himself as he made his way towards the action and sorted out the camera and tried not to let the purse slip from his grip. He also wondered if he had created a monster or merely unleashed one. Either way, he was okay with it because she was his monster.

In the meantime, Alex—the high school teacher who was posing as an expensive hooker—called the class to attention and requested everyone to join her and the others on the sofas and loveseats around the subdued groom.

"Don't worry about it. Nice 4k." he said, with a high, androgynous voice.

"Thanks. It's new, and honestly, I don't know much about it." he admitted.

The man, who became more difficult to think of as a man every time they interacted, really struck Greg as a woman wearing a dark, brown, three-piece suit. And the wardrobe was also oddly stuffy for the gathering. Phil and some others wore sport coats and ties, but Danny was the only one in a buttoned-up triple.

He was shorter than Greg, maybe five feet six or so, and had brown hair of unknown length as it was tightly pulled back and wound into a braid that disappeared down the back of his jacket collar. And now that they were physically closer than they had been at the bar, Greg noticed that Danny's round face, with its wide-set almond-shaped eyes, high cheekbones, and full lips, could only be described as pretty.

Greg suspected that the person was transitioning in one direction or the other and wondered if he should inquire about pronoun usage.

"I've got one just like it." Danny said, still eyeing the recording device.


"Yeah, I'm a hobbyist videographer in my spare time."

"Cool. Maybe I should get some quick pointers from you." Greg suggested.

"Actually," he responded, "I could just record everything for you. I wasn't really planning to participate anyway."

During the last part of this statement, Danny looked towards Rhonda, who was still getting some of the rowdy men settled on the furniture around the bound groom. He had a curious expression while watching her that Greg couldn't parse. It almost looked like desire but not quite.

"That would be great, Danny. Thank you."

He handed the camera over to him, and Danny immediately unfolded the view screen and began inspecting its settings and confidently making adjustments with his feminine hands.

"Whoa, you've got a lot of memory in this one." he declared.

"Yeah, I..."

And then Greg caught himself before he could start talking like a husband who'd acquired the camcorder in order to record his wife's illicit activities, instead of a white-collar pimp who used such things for professional endeavors. He tried to recover.

"I dropped my old one and when I got this one, I wanted a lot of space because, as you might imagine, my camera has to record a lot of stuff."

This sounded lame to Greg's ears, but for his part, Danny didn't seem to hear anything Greg had said anyway and shortly advised him that he and the camera were ready for action.

Fortuitously, that was about the time that the meeting had been called to some semblance of order. Although many of the men were still being rambunctious, at least now they were staying in one spot. The muted TV was displaying a scene depicting a small blonde woman in business attire, who appeared to be a realtor showing a group of five black men around a mansion.

Even though everyone on screen was still fully clothed, Greg was confident that she would ultimately be making the sale.

A few feet in front of the screen sat poor William tied to a sturdy-looking wooden chair that had him at a 90-degree angle to the television, facing one of the loveseats that was draped with four of his friends, two occupying the arms.

Behind the groom was the other loveseat with four more men. With the porn on his right, to his left several feet away was the couch that held five more guys with Phil, Danny, and Greg taking up standing positions behind.

Rhonda stood in front of Big Willy and downed the dregs of her drink. She held it out towards the group and announced that it was empty.

"Where are the twins, and what are their names, by the way?"

The requested men rose swiftly from their respective seats in a race to retrieve her cup. On the way, they both gave their names simultaneously which rendered their answers unintelligible. Before they could repeat themselves, someone yelled, "We just call them Thing One and Thing Two." and this was met with laughter by everyone, the twins included.

Rhonda then proclaimed that she would call them Thing Green and Thing Blue because of their shirts.

"Sorry I don't have better nicknames for you boys. I'm sure I'll find a way to make it up to you somehow." she said, with a wink.

"Alright gentlemen," Rhonda began, "we're going to play a little game, and by 'we,' I mean Big Willy and I. Are you okay with that, Willy? Never mind. You're tied to a chair and can't say shit about it anyway."

Some in the group chuckled at this, before she went on.

"Now this game doesn't have a name and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't making it up as I go, but nobody's ever complained about playing any games with me before."

"Oh I'd bet my left nut that's true." said someone on the loveseat William was facing.

Rhonda graced the man with a devilish grin while the others snickered.

Then she stepped over to the groom and sat sideways on his lap with her knees facing the couch.

"Big Willy was tied up," she went on, "for I'm uncertain if he's willing to spend any private time with me this close to the wedding."

The men applauded her statement and Greg observed some men on the sofa being distracted by Rhonda's knee movements.

He gazed at Danny and noted that he was recording but also still had his puzzled expression on.

Rhonda's next margarita arrived through Thing Green this time, and she paid the service bot with a kiss, just as she'd done with his brother. It was revealed that the green-clad twin knew what to do with his hands, grabbing a couple of handfuls of her bum over her skirt, to everyone's satisfaction. After the kiss, Rhonda bid Thing Green to return to his seat while she resumed hers on William's lap.

"Wow," she declared, "These guys can be quite lustful." She raised her cup in the direction of the back of the sofa. "Let's start with the legendary Uncle Philthy. I didn't think he'd let go of my breasts earlier."

Some of the assembled were surprised and the reaction was boisterous. Several men applauded while others disputed the validity of the story.

Benjamin, who was sitting on the right arm of the loveseat in front of William, quickly vouched for Rhonda.

"I was there!" he shouted. "Dude had his hands all over her. Uncle Phil is a true playboy, guys!"

Then to Greg, he added, "No offense to you, buddy."

Greg chuckled and gave him a thumbs up, then looked at Phil and noticed his cheeks were indeed rosy.

Rhonda took a few sips of her drink as she waited for the crowd to return to a semblance of order. Once they did, she continued her performance.

"So where did I leave off? Oh, yes," she replied, "Trying to determine if Big Willy is willing to give me his manhood."

This of course set them off, resulting in chaotic outbursts of sound. Even Greg could hear Danny giggle.

Just as the commotion started to abate, Rhonda relocated onto William's lap, straddling him. This caused a spike in excitement from the crowd, much to the delight of those sitting on the right-hand loveseat and half the guys on the couch.

When people realized that Rhonda was conversing with the groom, they shouted for silence. Once they were silent enough for Greg to hear, the conversation unfolded.

"When's the wedding, sweetie?" she enquired.

"Next Saturday," William replied.

"Well, you won't be a bachelor for much longer then," she pointed out.

"True," he agreed.

"So, if you don't want to do it with me, I'll have them release you from these restraints and you can wake up in the morning guilt-free," she proposes.

William gave a reluctant "Okay" to this proposition.

Rhonda spoke again, "Or," she proposed, "You can stay bound and take a little more time to consider your choice."

"I'll stay tied up," was his immediate response.

The men cheered, and Rhonda leaned back in her seat.

"Alright, folks, we're ending round one of my naughty game. I believe I won this round because Big Willy has agreed to remain captive."

Cheers and applause filled the room before she continued speaking.

"Man, Thing Green and Thing Blue are really making these margaritas strong. I am feeling quite inebriated."

A loud cheer greeted this announcement.

Rhonda detached herself from the groom and, while pulling up her skirt with her free hand, declared, "I'm sorry, Big Willy. I might have dampened the front of your trousers."

She had to wait for the whistles and moans before continuing.

Hey, remember when I gave you those panties? You never checked them out, huh?

Nah, I didn't either.

No problem, though. I've got a plan to help you with that. They can stay in your pocket if you want.

Rhonda looked towards the couch where Benjy was sitting and motioned for him with her hand.

"Best man Benjy, I need your help with something."

It didn't take long for Benjy to get up and over to Rhonda's side. She handed him her drink and told him to finish it for her. He chugged it down in one gulp and flung the empty cup towards his buddies.

Next, Rhonda positioned herself in front of William, facing the sofa. Benjamin was told to stand directly behind Rhonda, with his back to the TV. The height difference between the two was quite distinct, with Rhonda being significantly shorter.

To add to the intrigue, Rhonda raised her closest leg and gently placed her high-heeled foot on the chair between the captive man's legs. The audience had a nice view of her shapely calf and the tease of a possible exposure. The crowd let out an approving murmur.

Rhonda leaned against Benjamin and looked up and back at him.

"Benjy, I want you to slip your hand under my skirt and finger me for a minute," she instructed. "After that, let your friend here have a whiff of your fingers."

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    Source: www.nice-escort.de