In "His and Hers" Chapter 2, the story continues to unfold.

The instant she belonged to him.

Jun 8, 2024
8 min read
oralgood girlsubmissionmeeting the familytakenHis and Hers Ch. 02
His and Hers Ch. 02
His and Hers Ch. 02

In "His and Hers" Chapter 2, the story continues to unfold.

You tell me, "Five more minutes, babe," as you move towards the bathroom, your initial release trickling down your outer thigh. Pondering bringing my knob inside you all day, leaking from you at the party becomes a thought, but the thought quickly disappears as you close the bathroom door to freshen up.

Fully refreshed and looking lovely, you stroll back, donning a bikini set with a sheer top that accentuates your ample bosom and tight bum. The strings struggle to contain you, and I can't help but feast my eyes on you. I'm practically drooling as I watch you leisurely approach me, teasing me with your curves.

Donning the air of dominant boyfriend, I smack your derriere, reminding you that you belong to me since my cum is between your legs. In return, you smile, flirting with my eye contact and taunt me by turning around silently. I see your demanding eyes, as well as the adoration toward me that drives my authority. Turned on even more, I enjoy your assertive response.

Catching up to you, I follow you around, admiring your motion, perceiving your magnificent body. My raging arousal lures me to the bedroom with your almost mesmerizing stroll. While we're getting ready to leave, I slip my hand through the back of your neck and intensify your massage. Desiring to moisten the area to ready you for my penetration, I rub my fingers through your juicy folds, savoring the heat between your legs.

Then, a small boy stands near the entrance, gleefully anticipated to see his family, as well as his cousins. A comfortable silence fills the air while my attention divides between my kiddo and you. In my head, I want you to know I loved your saunter during the getting ready.

As we exit the household, we approach my vehicle, load up and leave the neighborhood. Before long, my son falls asleep, causing me and you to speak comfortably about your family and their visit.

"What can I expect from your family?" I inquire.

"My mother is really kind, strong, and loving."

Holding your hand, I states, "Any particular issues with your father?"

Chuckling gently, "He's quick-tempered but only worries for his baby girl."

With the car rolling, my focus on your lovely face, and my son snoozing in the back seat, we converse jovially. The conversation circles around your family members as we approach your place.

Standing at the door, both of us nervously await the grand opening. Synchronously, the doors sweep open, revealing your joyful mother.

Mom instantly showers her grandson with an unforgettable hug, then embraces me warmly, clasping me in her arms before I can protest. My nose catches your scent, and I can't help but grin, convinced I'll miss this warm hug when leaving.

My mom parts, then joins you in the kitchen, kissing you on the forehead, since she wants to meet you. As she greets you, I'm stunned to observe my father, standing beside a counter and eyeing me, canvassing my features. His eye contact relinquishes, his strict expression transforms into a generous grin, as he smiles at your lead.

Throughout the event, your mother showers your son with love, hugging him so tight, as if protecting him from any potential threats.

Without preamble, I spot your father and Ryan conversing about me. Adrenaline directs my body, wondering if he's found out the details about our relationship history. I hope he knows what we've done and how well you're submissive for me. The men inveigle your attention with a query.

Just like magic, you seemingly materialize in front of me, as if I had conjured you with my unclean thoughts. You're carrying a drink meant for me. You're nurturing me in the only manner feasible under the present circumstances. Gently caressing my hand with your nails as you present me with the beverage. Flirting cheekily at me and then sauntering off to your dad and whispering something in his ear. You've strategically placed your buttocks on display for me as you perform this activity. "Be gentle with him, daddy. I quite like him," you chuckle, glancing back at me and strolling away. Your actions are intentionally indecent, calling attention to my possession of you. My lips involuntarily lick themselves, yearning to taste you, all of you.

Our chat with your father commences and he commends me for your outdoor oasis. This remark relaxes the tension between him and his daughter's significant other somewhat. The conversation remains lighthearted, with us hitting it off quite well. Then, your pal Ryan interjects: "Hey, may I join you. I assume you're Rhi's new dude." And we usher him in, but not before I stand and introduce myself aloud. Prior to reseating myself, I sense your father is taking notice of this display. I begin to feel triumphant about our encounter, but I know the queries will arrive, and they do.

"So, Andrew, tell me a bit about yourself."

I respond by telling him about my occupation, as Vice President for Client Success at a tech company. I relay details about my family, elucidating our family dynamic and relationship, both of which are very close. I elaborate on my education, my work principles. Numerous aspects that a father would be invested in concerning his daughter are disclosed by me.

I have satisfied his inspection. Much to my astonishment, he then inquires, "And what's your motive with my little girl?"

My mind immediately flashes the word "submission". I yearn to take care of you. I long for you to be wishful of me. I long to support you. Intending to care for you when your legs buckle, with the intention of keeping you upright and content.

However, I can't utter these words. Not only would he not comprehend, but it would also create an adversarial situation between us. I need him on my side if I'm to remain in the picture. Instead, I maintain eye contact and respond candidly, carefully selecting my verbiage.

"I wish to care for her, to shield her. To support her. When her legs wobble, I want to be there for her, helping her feel at ease."

Your acquaintance, who had been unmotivated by my responses, suddenly shows an interest. Conceivably, he yearns to contend with me. Perhaps there's a rivalry between him and me involving your affections. "And why would her legs be weak?" he queries derisively.

My reaction is concise, ambiguous, "Well, any man who spends time with a woman will, from time to time, find her legs wobbly. Or perhaps not, Ralph. Though I can't discern if that's a positive or adverse circumstance for you."

Now it is unmistakable that Ryan was posing as bored in an attempt to inflame jealousy. He was hoping to sow discord between us.

The conversation continues easily. Your father chats about his career and hobbies, and I listen attentively, greedily soaking up any knowledge he offers. The more I know about you, the better it is for me and you.

Soon, your dad excuses himself, citing hosting obligations as the reason for his departure. We finish up and he moves away, leaving me with your friend. Ryan's demeanor seems to alter, and his face contorts in anguish. He attests that I must want to be with you. He claims this at a most opportune moment. Given that I genuinely do want to be near you and desire your stunning swimsuit even more.

"Yes, that seems plausible. It's been many hours since her legs have wobbled," I remark, leaving him bewildered and seething.

Spotting you in the swimming pool, I make my way towards you, drawn by your indecent conduct. You notice me and deliberately submerge yourself, ensuring your buttocks break the water as you do. You're aware of the effect you have on me.

Upon resurfacing, you switch to a resting position on your back, meandering through the water. Your formidable breasts perch atop your chest. The swimsuit is moist, enabling me to perceive the outline of your erect nipples and inciting a natural response in me. I can't restrain myself and walk into the water, embarking on the journey towards you.

As you walk towards me in the pool, checking out my lively swimming in my scanty bikini, you notice other people staring at me. This only makes you grin, knowing that I am all yours and my curvaceous body awakens your cravings to take extreme risks just to touch me. It's been quite a while since you've had me, a few hours seems like an eternity.

Your eyes are irresistibly drawn to my long black hair clinging to my body. My luscious 36D boobs glisten in my too small bikini.


As I drift towards you, humbly floating on your back, soaking up the sun on your cool, wet skin, I slip my left arm under the small of your back, supporting you comfortably. This doesn't go unnoticed by the people in the pool. With my arm propping you up, your perky tits break the surface, proudly displayed on your chest. I then gently place my right hand around your neck and give a firm squeeze, just to remind you that you're mine before gracefully trailing my fingers down your collarbone. Pausing momentarily before tracing them down your cleavage, straight between your ample bust. You notice goosebumps rising on your skin as my fingertips glide on.

My left hand has readjusted to assist you in maintaining your posture by cupping your ass, stroking it, caressing it. Absorbing the euphoric feeling of your ass in my palms as my fingers make their descent further south, halting to toy with the waistband of your suit. I slip the tip of my finger underneath it, luring it upwards and showcasing the prize lurking beneath.

The sight of your sweltering pussy makes my mouth water, I need to feel you. My body responds to you. My left hand tactfully fingers your ass, but the tip of another finger starts brushing your lips, caressing them. I notice your eyes slowly closing and your breathing pick up speed as my hand thrives on your wetness, making it easier for me to insert my finger. Struggling to keep an air of normalcy, I've guided your floating form to a secluded part of the pool. I slinkily push your top off your shoulder so I can eye your delectable nipple, devouring it with my mouth, biting down slightly and then withdrawing my teeth, causing an audible groan from you. This turn into a moan as I bite again.

You instinctively rock your hips, making my fingers easily insert themselves inside you. Gyrating your hips to position my fingers perfectly within you. My right hand travels down your sexy abs, pressing hard on the spot where I can feel my left hand pushing you from within. Stimulating your G-spot from both sides. You're striving to maintain your composure as my fingers ravish your tight pussy.

I can perceive all the warning signs of your forthcoming climax. The fluctuations in breathing. The reddening of your skin. The involuntary spasms of your hips. The stressing of your abdominal muscles. Sensing the danger, I don't elongate the foreplay process, I want to see you orgasm. Here in the pool, with your family potentially watching.

I continue the customary simulation of your spot, the fingers on my right hand pressing down across your mound until they reach your clit. And repeat the dock and dive routine over and over as my left hand relentlessly screws your ticklish pussy with my digits. I see your hands clench. Gripping imaginary sheets and confirming that you're on the brink.

Glancing to my right, I spot your brother Ryan staring at me furiously, standing less than 15 feet away. Despite this, my focus is solely on you, locked in on repeating my previous declaration.

"I want to take care of her, I want to protect her. I want to support her. When her knees give out, I want to be right there keeping her up, making her feel gratified."

My words ring true.

Tucking my head beneath the water, I close my lips around your sensitive clit, whirling my tongue around it while my fingers continue to conduct their rapturous act on your sensitive pussy spot. Instantly, I feel your climax. Your clit pulsates furiously, spasming as you cum, letting out a loud cry as you spurt your fluid into my beard and the pool.

As I struggle to breathe, your body ceases its seizures, and I gradually float upright, my head emerging from the water. Looking toward our witnesses, I spot Ryan storming inside, he's had his fill of this gathering. Had his fill of witnessing your response to another man. I assist you in reaching an upright posture, your gaze slightly glazed, your respiration gradually stabilizing, and I approach you. You still carry your scent on my countenance, "Excellent job. Would you like to join Ryan?"

"He can bloody wait," you tell me, dragging me closer and embracing me in a passionate kiss. Savoring your fragrance on my mouth...

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