In Quarantine with Jessica pt 4

Putting Jessica in bondage.

Aug 10, 2024
17 min read
In Quarantine with Jessica pt 4sex in bondagesexual wagerrecordingbondagequarantine
In Quarantine with Jessica pt 4
In Quarantine with Jessica pt 4

In Quarantine with Jessica pt 4

Natalie was coming home soon. The power contest that Jessica and I were playing was coming to the endgame.

Jessica, my girlfriend Natalie's best friend, was using my spare room, after her apartment move got disrupted, and she had no place else to stay during the big lockdown. I wasn't pleased about having Jessica for a roommate, especially after Natalie had to self-isolate at work. But her two weeks were almost up, and she showed no symptoms, so I was looking forward to her return.

Jessica and I had managed to get along in close company by fucking our frustrations out on each other. Nat knew about this, and highly approved. With two weeks alone, she was aching for a lot of sex, including threesomes, when she came home. She and Jessica had fucked around in the past, and Natalie had given me some tips for getting her friend to cum, which helped, as Jessica had laid down a rule about getting two orgasm for each one that I got.

Jessica had also started fucking our neighbor Kaley; or more appropriately, Jessica was getting fucked by Kaley, who was apparently some sort of strapon-weilding dynamo. I never got to actually meet Kaley, partly because she was gay and uninterested in me, and also because Jessica had let Kaley believe that I was on the prowl for girls to impregnate, so she was scared of me.

It seemed like Jessica and I were playing some weird, unspoken game of dominance of the apartment, but it could've been all in my head. Maybe Jessica was just an uninhibited, independent woman, who fucked whoever she wanted to fuck. But I'd heard a message she left for Natalie, where she claimed to be working her whiles on me. So she was planning something. Or maybe the message was just to mess with my head.

Clearly, isolation was getting to me. Nat's return would definitely help, but there were still a few days left, and I felt like Jessica was planning some sort of powerplay before then.

Can I also mention at this point, the girl was a slob. Unwashed dishes filled the sink, the bathroom had become a mess, and Jessica's bedsheets were...disgusting. She slept in the residue of her last encounter with Kaley. She ate off dirty plates from the day before, usually while sitting on the floor. Strands of her long red hair were constantly clogging the drain. And let us not forget the cumstains she'd left on the couch, the carpet, the entrance hall floor...

Now before you go and say that I had let things go because Natalie normally did the cleaning, No. I'm not a clean-freak, but I'm.... cleanliness concerned, especially in a time of national pandemic. Jessica and I were living the Odd Couple trope, if Oscar and Felix had been hate-fucking on a regular basis.

Then, only a few days before Natalie was coming home, she started with the pranks. I'd been playing an island design game during the lockdown, and she got into my account, and re-arranged the landscaping to spell the word 'dork'. She set my phone to play an alarm at 4 am, and changed the alarm tone to a clip of that screaming cowboy song. Not fun to wake up to.

The last straw came when I was preparing lunch, and found pubic hairs in my peanut butter jar. My jar, which SHE didn't eat from! I noticed the odd red line as I spread it on a slice of bread, and fished it out. I ran my pinched fingers under the tap, and discovered I was holding one of Jessica's short, curly, bright red cunt hairs. I went back to the jar, and discovered a few more.

I looked up, and saw that Jessica was sitting there, watching me. She was only wearing underwear, which had become her standard clothes for the day. There was a sneaky little grin on her face.

I wanted to smack her. I wanted to throw her out the window. What I didn't want to do was fuck her, we were well beyond that. She would get no pleasure from me.

I stalked past her, into my room. That felt a little childish, but I would have looked stupider, trying to send Jessica to her room. I called Natalie.

"Hiiiii babe...," she said, as she picked up on the first ring.

"I'm gonna kill her, Nat. You won't get to see me because I'll be in prison because I killed her, I'm sorry."

"Ohhh nooo, what happened?"

I told her about the game, the alarm, and now the peanut butter. As I finished, I could hear that Natalie was trying to hold back laughter. "Babe, it's not funny. This bitch is deliberately fucking with me."

"What do you think you should do about, babe? Besides kill her, I mean."

"I don't know, I... I wanna grab her by the hair and push her face into the cumstains she's been leaving. I wanna... fucking... punish her."

Natalie was quiet for a few moments, then said, ".....Do it."


"Do it, babe, like, tie her up and, and, fuck her up!"

"Nat, what-"

"I'm sorry, babe, I'm really sorry, but I knew all about this. Jessica's been texting me. She's been wanting to get you mad, to see if you'll really take control of her. She asked me not to tell, but I can't keep things from you baby, and I can hear how upset you are!"



"Alright then. I'll talk to you after." I started to hang up.

"Babe, wait!"


Natalie hesitated, then said, "Use our bondage gear, babe."

I thought about that, then said, "Yeah."

"And babe, can you record it again, and, like, be descriptive of what you're doing? And maybe... take some pictures?"

I was smiling at this point, because I loved how horny and desperate Nat had become in isolation. "Sure thing, baby," I told her.

I went to the bottom drawer of our dresser, and pulled out our small collection of 'fun-time' stuff. We had two pairs of cheap black furry handcuffs, a black bit gag, a pink blindfold, a coil of maroon rope, a roll of red bondage tape, a glass dildo, and a mini vibe. I decided to leave the blindfold, because I wanted to see Jessica's hateful eyes the entire time. I left the vibe too, when I remembered the bigass device Jessica had been using on herself.

I made a quick plan, put the bit in my back pocket, carried one set of cuffs in one hand, and everything else in the other. I came out into the living room, and Jessica was standing there in panties and a bra, facing partly away from me. I quickly dropped the rope, tape, glass toy, and one set of cuffs on a chair, and moved a pillow over them. I held out the other set of cuffs, and approached her.

Jessica only looked at me from the corner of her eye, and turned her nose up at me and the cuffs, a dismissive look on her face. I took hold of one wrist, and placed it in the cuff. Jessica didn't move. I placed the cuffed hand behind her back, brought the other wrist to it, and closed it. Jessica gave a single chuckle, but said nothing.

"These cuffs are pretty loose," I told her. "I bet you could get out if you wanted to. Let's test it, alright?" I took hold of the little chain between the cuffs, and slid my other hand down along Jessica's ribcage. I reached her kidneys, and wiggled my fingers against her skin, tickling her.

Jessica flinched and tried to draw away. "No," she said, pulling at the cuffs. "No, that's not fair." She flinched again as I tickled her, but I held her in place with the cuffs.

"Seems to me, if you really want to get out of these, you could." I tickled her again.

Jessica winced and groaned, and shifted her arms. She wiggled one wrist for a moment, and squirmed it out of the cuff. I told you they were cheap.

Jessica spun her body away from me, still tethered by the other wrist. "Look LH, I get that you want to do something here, but I don't like being tickled, so just-"

As she'd been speaking, I'd pulled the bit gag from my back pocket, and I cut her off by sticking it in her mouth. She recoiled back, but when she realized what it was, she relaxed. I moved behind her and fastened the strap of the gag, attaching it firm but over her long red hair. "No more tickles, I promise," I told her. "That was just a test, to be sure you could get out."

With the bit secure, I took her wrists, which she let me do, and I locked the cuffs back on behind her back. I went to the chair with the other items, picked them up, placed them nearby, and then got out my phone. I started a sound recording.

"Hi Natalie," I said into the phone. "LH here, just wanted to say 'hi', and Jessica's here too. Say 'hi', Jessica." I held the phone up to her, but Jessica didn't say anything. She just glared.

"Oh I'm sorry, Jessica's a little tied up right now. Well, not literally, we haven't gotten to that yet. For now, she's got a bit in her mouth, and cuffs on her wrists. She's wearing purple panties and a peach bra. Let's go over to the couch, Jessica." I pulled her by the arm.

Jessica moved with me, and began to sit down. "Na'ah," I told her. "Lay face-down, Jessica." She gave me a token little struggle, then flopped down face-first onto the couch, I noticed her head was near one of the cum stains she'd left, so I grabbed a handful of her hair, bunched it up behind the strap of the bit, and pushed her nose into the stained cushion.

"See this, Jessica? This stain here? This is where you squirted all over me, and I told you to clean it up."

I began to emphasize each word with a little push. "You. Did. Not. Clean. Up. After. Your. Sloppy. Cunt." Holding her head down in the stain, I gave her ass a couple hard spanks. I let her go after that, and went to get the rest of the bondage gear. As I came back to the couch, I could see she was frowning at me. Not with hatred, I think, more like annoyance.

I laid the other set of cuffs, the rope, the dildo, and the phone on Jessica's back, and unstuck the end of the tape. I grabbed her ankle, and brought it up to the back of her thigh, and ran the tape around them together a couple times. Then I did her other leg the same way. "OK babe," I said into the phone. "Jessica is facedown, handcuffed, and her legs are frogtied with tape. I'm gonna start with the rope now."

I untied the coil. "I think we'll start with... oops, safety. Hang on, babe." I stopped the recording. I went to the kitchen and got a set of heavy-duty scissors from a drawer. I set them aside for safety, and got to work tying Jessica.

About ten minutes later, I started a new recording. "OK hi again Natalie, Jessica is good and tied. She's got a loop around her neck, running down her front, under her pussy, and back around to a loop that I've run her hair through. I've got the tension done pretty good on that, so she either strains her scalp, or her cunt. Or a little of both, heh. Next, her arms are bound to her sides, and I've got the cuffs on her wrists tied to a line between her ankles. I've taken off the tape though, she's free to wiggle her legs around if she can. How about you give us a little wiggle, Jessica?"

Jessica didn't wiggle. She'd been ignoring me for the last few minutes. "No? Alright. Hey, were these panties expensive?"

Jessica didn't answer. "OK, good." I took the safety scissors and snipped off her underwear, and pulled it free. I reached down and felt her cunt lips. "Oh wow, Jessica's been making another stain on the couch this whole time. Have you been wiggling that rope a tiny bit, and getting off to it? Greedy bitch."

I pulled up hard on the crotch rope, and Jessica finally said something. She said, "HRMMPH!," because the bit gag was still in her mouth, but it was nice to get a little verbal recognition.

"Oh, Jessica finally wants to chime in. Hang on." I unstrapped the bit and removed it from her mouth. "Did you have something to say, Jessica?"

Jessica maintained her silence. She just looked at me with those dark green eyes, refusing to express an opinion. "OK babe, gonna take some pictures for you, then do up a new tie position. Cya."

I stopped the recording, changed to the camera, and got some shots of my work. I showed them to Jessica, and asked her opinion on a few, but she still wouldn't talk. I let her watch as I sent them to Natalie, along with the sound file, then deleted everything. Then I retied her, leaving the bit out.

"Natalie, it's LH and Jessica again," I said as I started the next recording. "Now Jessica is on her back, and I've taken her bra off. Her legs are up and spread, with tension lines from her ankles to her neck. I put a couple loops in the lines, and I have her arms crossed, each wrist cuffed to the loop on the opposite side. Jessica still has the bit out, but she's refusing to speak."

I began to get undressed. Jessica watched, and I think I caught a smile start to form, then vanish when she saw me looking at her. Once I was nude I got between her legs, and rubbed my cock on her wet pussy lips. I said to Natalie, "I'm about to starting fucking her. This'll be fun."

I entered Jessica's pussy, and I finally got something from her. A quick little gasp, but it felt like a victory. I began to thrust, and I laid the phone on Jessica's bellybutton. "I know you said you tasted it, babe, but can I just say, Jessica's cunt feels amazing from the inside. It really makes me miss you. I can't wait to fuck you while you lick this bitch's cunt."

I enjoyed myself for awhile, and tried to get Jessica to respond by giving her good hard thrusts. She didn't say anything, but did make a few grunts and gasps.

"You know Jessica, you brought this on yourself with those stupid pranks. If you want to concede that the pranks are over, maybe I'll let you out." And that's when Jessica rolled her eyes. For a moment, I felt real anger again, and I fucked her harder than ever. But then I developed a new plan.

"OK, maybe you'll feel more like talking with a load of cum on your fucking face." That got a response. Her eyes when from annoyed to angry, and she showed her teeth "Oh, Jessica doesn't like that idea, babe."

My mind made up, it was easy to speed along my orgasm. I thrusted harder and faster in Jessica's pussy, and soon, I felt that little tingle, like the pumps were turning on. I gave her a few more hard ones, and the feeling grew more urgent. So I pulled out and stood over Jessica's head, stroking my cock.

As she looked up at me, still refusing to speak, I released a rope of cum over her face, covering her check, nose, and a little of her forehead. I moved the firing position down a little, and got more on her chin and lips. Jessica chose not to stop showing her teeth, so she got a little taste of me too.

I finished and picked up the phone again. "Jessica's got my cum all over her face, babe. She doesn't seem to like it."

I stopped the recording, and took a few pics, both of the rope rig, and Jessica's facial. I sat next to her head on the couch, and sent the new pics to Natalie, as well as the recording. "Now, what to do with you?" I asked her.

Finally, she spoke. "I still get two," she said between gritted teeth.

That really pissed me off. "You want your two, you fucking slut?" I yelled as I stood up. "Fine!"

I went to Jessica's room and got her big vibrator. I plugged it in and laid it between Jessica's raised thighs, then I grabbed the glass dildo. It was in a little velvet drawstring bag to keep it clean, but I went to the kitchen and gave it a quick rinse anyway, and dried it.

I went back the couch, were Jessica had not moved. I rubbed the dildo on her lips until it had a good coating, and slowly, teasingly, inserted it into her. Jessica watched all this happen with curious interest.

I then picked up her vibrator, and pressed it lightly against the dildo sticking out of her lips. She took in a large breathe, realizing my plan. I turned it on, sending shivers up inside her. She shook as the combined toys got her off.

I let it run a few minutes, until I could hear Jessica's breath start heaving. Her hips flexed she finally started moving. Her pelvis rose off the couch once, and then again, and she held that pose a few moments, before relaxing. I turned off the vibrator, and pulled the glass cock out of her. "That's one," I told her.

Then I took the bondage tape, and secured the glass dildo to the end of the vibrator. When they were good and tight together, I looked up, to see that Jessica was watching, in wide-eyed anticipation. I put the far end of the glass back inside her, turned the vibe on high, and stood up. Jessica began to shake.

I leaned down over her cum-covered face. "And that's two. Or three. Or hell, maybe ten. Enjoy, bitch."

I took one more photo and sent it to Nat, then deleted it. I went to my room to discuss the session with Natalie. She really enjoyed the photos, and we listened the recording together while she masturbated.

An hour or so later, Jessica opened my bedroom door, still naked, still with cum on her face. She had both sets of cuffs hanging from a finger. "Fine," she told me. "Truce."

The next day was far more peaceful. Jessica was planning to go spend the night at Kaley's apartment for an all-night fuckathon again, and I was happily looking forward to Natalie coming home the following evening. Jessica and I also finally seemed to be able to get along as friends. We even made a joke or two at each other, and played a two-player boxing trainer game for a bit.

But that night, I woke up to her shaking me gently. "Hey," she said, when she saw my eyes open.

"Hey. What?"

Jessica sighed and got on her knees beside the bed. "Kaley's too upset to have sex. Her uncle has the virus."

"Oh, that's too bad. I hope everything's OK."

"Hopefully it will be. But, yeah, I was really expecting something tonight, and I don't think I can sleep without it. Do you mind?"

"Do I mind what? Fucking you?"

"Yeah. Plus I wanted to talk about something."

"Um, OK." Before I could react more, Jessica pulled aside the blankets, got atop me at crotch level, and slid my cock out of my underwear fly. She put it in her mouth, and began to work on it. I laid my head back and enjoyed her gentle touch, which was a nice change from my usual encounters with her.

It didn't take long to get me hard. Jessica could be a good little cocksucker when she wanted to. She sucked the head, running her tongue along the underside, as she stroked the shaft. Then she would surprise me with a deep bob onto the entire shaft. As soon as I was hard, Jessica got up and straddled my hips, and lowered her pussy down onto me.

"So listen," she said, as she started making little bounces, leaning upright, at right-angles to me. "Natalie's gonna want it bad, and I think we can cooperate enough to give her everything she wants, but obviously, we need a couple ground rules."

"Yeah," I said up to her. "I get that. Obviously, she's been out in the world, showering in an office building locker room for two weeks. She'll need a good cleanup before we can touch her." Jessica scoffed at that, but I replied, "I mean it, Jessica. Fucking quarantine. Don't make her two weeks of careful isolation count for nothing."

"Hmph. Ok, she can have her shower. But then, I want her first."

"You want to fuck MY girlfriend, before ME?" I grabbed her ass and thrust upward into her with each emphasized word.


"Fuck you."

"Urgh, fine!" Jessica leaned down and stuck one of her nipples in my mouth. "Well at least leave the choice to her."

"Gif 'er uh choyf befeen oo or me?", I asked, my mouth full of hard nipple.


"Fen we neeb wules."

"Alright, we let Natalie shower, and when she comes out, we'll both be waiting at our bedroom doors. No talking. Whoever she goes to, gets her first. Deal?"

"Beel. Faykphs?"

Jessica took her tit out of my mouth. "What?"

"Do you want to have stakes? Between you and me? Nat doesn't have to know."

Jessica smiled. "Yeah, sure. How about during the first threesome, the loser has to drink a load of the winner's cum?"

I grinned. Maybe Jessica didn't know yet that I enjoyed the taste of her squirt. "OK, deal."

"Shake on it."

I started to reach for Jessica's hand, but then she shook her hips, almost violently, and leaned back further. She began panting hard as she continued to grind rapidly, and I was unable to thrust with any kind of matching rhythm, so I let her keep going and held on.

Jessica let out a few hard grunts, and grinded her hips into me hard, and as I felt her pussy gush onto my cock, it pushed me over my own edge. I took hold of her hips, and as her grinding slowed, I took over with forceful upward thrusts, and let myself cum up into her.

She sat above me panting for a moment, then leaned down and laid her head on my shoulder. "Thanks for filling in. I'll let you get away with just one tonight." Then she kissed me on the cheek, got off me, and left.

I laid there awhile, feeling the spot where Jessica had kissed me, wondering how the fuck that happened.

The next day was get-ready-for-Natalie day. I vacuumed, cleaned up the kitchenette, and took out the trash. I washed my bedsheets, and Jessica meekly asked me to wash hers along with them. I laid out new towels and soap in the bathroom for Nat, and Jessica went to check on Kaley.

I did some situps while she was out. I didn't really expect Nat to pick Jessica over me, but I had a lot of nervous energy to burn. With Jessica's agreement, I left a little note on the bathroom mirror that said, "Pick one, to start."

Finally, Natalie came home. Jessica and I were fully clothed, standing back in the living room and smiling, as she came in the door. She dropped all her luggage in the entrance, and we exchanged 'hi's and waved. I told her she could go straight to the shower, and we'd be waiting when she got out.

Natalie was clearly excited. She practically skipped down to the bathroom. As soon as she was out of sight, Jessica and I looked at each other in competitive agreement. We rushed back to our bedrooms, pulling off our clothes as we did.

When Nat came back out, she was wearing a towel, and quickly drying her beautiful dirty blonde hair with another. She dropped the hair towel, and started to undo the one around her chest, saying, "What does that mean, pick one..."

She saw us then, each standing at our bedroom doorways. I was leaning a little against the frame, sucking in my (meager) gut a little. I had given my cock a few strokes to get it started, and it was still hanging, but beginning to straighten.

Natalie's eyes shifted from me over the Jessica, and went incredibly wide. I sneaked a quick glance, and I saw the slut was wearing Kaley's hot pink strapon! She held it straight out with one hand, pointing at Nat. She opened her mouth and ran her tongue over her teeth, then made a little bite at my girlfriend.

Nat was clearly shocked and intrigued by Jessica's display. She started toward her, but stopped herself. She looked back at me with hesitation on her face, and I gave her the warmest, most loving smile I could muster, despite my renewed anger at Jessica.

Natalie smiled back, and gave Jessica a regretful glance. Then she walked into my arms and kissed me. I didn't spare Jessica a glance as I shut the door.

  1. In the quarantine-themed power contest between me and Jessica, the sexual wager escalated to a new level, involving bondage and recording sessions.
  2. During our bondage sessions, Jessica's desire to provoke a response from me led to a sexual wager, where she aimed to elicit two orgasms for each of hers, a stipulation we had agreed upon.
  3. With Jessica's roommate Natalie due back home soon, our quarantine-born games of dominance and submission continued to unfold, using our 'fun-time' gear for recording purposes, as per Natalie's suggestion.

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