Celebrity Sex Stories

In this first part of Girls Love Alphas, the focus is on showcasing the appeal of alpha males.

Brian encounters the females, while Carl complies to him.

May 11, 2024
10 min read
subGirls Love Alphas Pt. 01betadomcheatingalpha
Girls Love Alphas Pt. 01
Girls Love Alphas Pt. 01

In this first part of Girls Love Alphas, the focus is on showcasing the appeal of alpha males.

Chapter 1: Everyone's Focus on Him

"He's here!" beams Scottie, flashing a wide grin.

As soon as Brian enters the party, he steals everyone's focus. Standing tall with broad shoulders and a commanding presence, he sports a disheveled hairstyle that highlights his attractive face and bright blue eyes. His well-fitted suit suits him perfectly, showcasing his muscular physique. The suit's deep blue color complements his white shirt, which has no tie. He boasts a natural allure and his grin is infectious, eliciting various reactions from partygoers.

The guys at the party stiffen, unconsciously emulating Brian's mannerisms. Those who are close to him greet him reverently, firmly shaking his hand and patting his back.

The women of the party, more so than the men, find themselves unable to ignore Brian's presence. One by one, they rise from their seats to see if it's him who's arrived, adjusting their dresses, checking their lipstick, and applying cosmetics. Whispers and giggles fill the room as they discuss Brian's recent encounters and who might catch his eye tonight.

Carl is seated far from the entrance, observing when Brian makes his first appearance at the event. He's taken aback by how young Brian looks - just a couple of years older than Carl. Yet, with Brian's presence alone, he's gained the attention of the entire party.

Carl notices Scottie among the women on her feet, trying to get a better look at Brian. Without any words, Carl watches as she tries to make her cleavage stand out and stands on her toes to see him above the crowd. Carl's heart beats faster as he wonders if Scottie is also susceptible to Brian's charms. "What the hell is happening here?!" he thinks.

Carl views the other women in the room performing similar actions. Older, married women are adjusting their clothes, hair, and makeup as well, just to get a glimpse of Brian. There seems to be an electric energy around them, all caught in an excited frenzy.

While Carl surveils the crowd, he spots Jake among them. While the other men are comparing themselves to Brian, Jake's expression is one of sincerity, almost like a young child seeking approval from his father.

Scottie leans conspicuously toward Emma, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Did you notice Brian came alone to the party tonight? No date with him!..."

Emma raises an eyebrow, grinning wickedly. "Yeah, I heard he's single again, right? But let's face it, he's always been single."

Scottie chuckles, however, her voice betrays a hint of awe. "Holy smokes! I don't know how he does it!"

Emma agrees. "Oh, yeah. His track record speaks for itself. I remember when he walked out on that one girl; she was a mess once she figured out he'd ditched her! Haha"

Scottie puckers her lips, but a glint of admiration can be heard in her voice. "Wow, he's so... unattainable. I don't know how he does it!"

Both Emma and Scottie attempt to peer through the crowd, nodding in unison while trying to spot Brian. After a while, Emma turns to Scottie and poses a question. "Alright, what should we do? Should we conquer our fears and head over to him or do we wait until he comes to our table?"

Scottie hesitates, biting her lower lip and searching for a suitable solution. "I don't know... I want to seem cool and confident, not desperate. But on the other hand, we can't miss this chance."

Emma shrugs. "Well, let's not be too needy. Let's just go over and say hi to him or wait for him to come to our table. I mean, who cares what they think!"

Taking a deep breath, Scottie gears up for the challenge. "Alright, let's do this. Let's be calm. We don't want to look too eager," says Emma, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Yes. We got this. Let's show him what we're made of!"

Carl observes as Scottie and Emma chat cheerfully, tucking into their discussion about Brian. It appears as though they've temporarily forgotten about their beaus, prompting a rush of jealousy and unease in Carl. He can't fathom how easily everyone in the room has become enchanted by Brian's charm.

To remind Scottie of his presence, Carl musters a casual demeanor as he asks, "Hey ladies, what's the chatter about?"

Scottie's gaze swivels towards him with mild astonishment, as though she'd momentarily overlooked him. "Oh, Carl, just some idle banter, really. We were just chatting about ol' Brian," she reveals, maintaining a composed expression without a tinge of remorse in her eyes.

A growing apprehension spreads through Carl, but he tries to conceal it. He aspires to establish his importance and quash any hint of rivalry, so he decides to join the conversation, despite not fully understanding its direction. "Yeah, Brian, I’m not really sure…How should I act when we meet him?" he questions, attempting to sound laissez-faire.

Raising an eyebrow, Scottie and Emma exchange tidbits of information with their eyes, allowing Carl a glimmer of their playful intention. Even so, they refrain from making fun of him.

Gathering all her focus, Scottie speaks to Carl again with a serene demeanor, extending a reassuring hand on his palm. "Chill, sweetie. You'll handle this just fine. Just be your authentic self," she encourages him, trying to make him feel reassured.

Emma steps in, offering further guidance in a mischievous tone, "Alright, here are some suggestions. Firstly, make sure you show Brian some respect. He calls the shots, you know? Consider him the boss. Secondly, try not to exaggerate your compliments. If you compliment him too much, people might suspect you're desperado or just downright lying."

Scottie adds to Emma's advice, "And whatever you do, don't defy him. He gets mad when people challenge his authority." When it sounds paradisical, Emma seconds Scottie's points and advises, "Oh trust me, you don't want to make him angry."

"Be yourself, Carl, but be a bolder version of yourself," Scottie concludes. "It won't take long for her to pat Carl on the back, instilling courage in him." Carl nods, gasping for air and feeling more unsettled.

Eventually, Brian arrives, prompting everyone, except Carl, to stand up. Rather than shaking hands or embracing him, Brian withdraws his keys from his pockets, launching them towards Jake. "Hey, someone want to check out my Mercedes again?" His voice is loud and full of mirth.

As Jake rushes to capture the keys, his face brightens into an energetic grin. "Sure, I'm more than happy to help."

Brian answers with unconcealed satisfaction, "You're a true savior! I knew I could rely on you!"

"It's no problem, Brian. I'll be right on it," Jake responds with relish, as if granted unbridled access to the candy store, and he exits the room in anticipation.

Brian glances at the remaining company, skimming over Scottie, Emma, and Carl. His eyes swivel towards Emma, wrapping her in a tight hug. He softly kisses her cheek before releasing her, "Emma, you always manage to look lovely," he admits with a tender voice.

Embarrassment colors Emma's cheeks, and laughter bubbles out of her. "Thank you, Brian," she replies, her voice velvety and faint.

Brian presses Emma against his body, placing one hand on her waist and another one on her behind. He gently squeezes her bottom, causing her to gasp and laugh. "You've been working out well," he comments, his eyes roaming over her body with obvious pleasure.

"How have you been, Emma?" he asks with a natural tone, keeping his eyes locked on hers. Emma's cheeks turn a deeper shade of pink, but she doesn't remove herself from his touch.

"I've been okay, I guess," she replies in a faint voice. "Just busy with work and everything." Brian nods, his hand still on her rear end. "I know what you mean," he says sympathetically.

As Brian keeps his hand on Emma's waist, he maintains his intense gaze on her. "So, how's your relationship with Jake progressing? Is he treating you well?"

Emma nods enthusiastically, her lips curving into a warm smile. "Jake's been more than amazing to me, Brian. I can't imagine a better boyfriend."

Brian's facial expression becomes serious. "That's great to hear. Jake's a good guy. He knows how crucial it is to treat women from this family right."

Maintaining his serious demeanor, Brian's hand moves slightly lower, his fingers brushing against the top of Emma's behind.

Leaning in closer to Emma, he whispers in a low voice, "Make sure Jake keeps your drink filled when he returns. I wouldn't want you to be thirsty tonight."

Emma nods, her smile widening. "Of course, Brian. I'll let him know."

Brian tightens his grip on Emma's waist as he continues. "And tell him it was me who said so. I want to ensure Jake understands the importance of taking care of you tonight."

Emma nods again, a genuine expression of gratitude on her face. "I will, Brian. Thank you."

Brian releases Emma's waist and steps back, his satisfied expression reflecting in his eyes. Turning his attentions to Scottie, he approaches her and pulls her into a hug, lifting her slightly off the ground. She giggles and clings onto him, hiding her face behind his shoulder.

Brian senses her movement and lifts his lips subtly, giving her a glimpse of his smirk before parting ways with the hug. He then touches her shoulder with his hand, massaging it gently.

Finally, as he turns to face Scottie, Brian's smile widens. He embraces her tightly, causing her to lift slightly as he comes up. Scottie returns the hug, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Unknowingly, Scottie's back arches and her behind pushes out as if enticing him. Brian notices the movement and smirks. Before releasing his embrace, he delicately rubs his thumb along her sensitive skin behind her neck.

Brian admires Scottie's figure with his eyes, appreciating the curves of her body and her clothes that accentuate them. He whistles with approval. "A year has made quite a difference for you, Scottie. You must be excelling in whatever you do. And I'm certain you've been monopolizing everyone's attention in this room, am I correct?"

Slightly embarrassed, Scottie rolls her eyes and says, "Stop it, Brian," trying to sound coy.

Brian chuckles, his eyes sparkling. "I'm serious, though. You're truly remarkable in whatever you do," he adds. Scottie's heart skips a beat as she feels flattered by his attention, just like she did when she was younger.

"So, Scottie, what have you been up to lately? Besides, you know, turning heads and whatnot," explains Brian.

Nervously, Scottie tucks her hair behind her ear while answering. "Well, I've graduated from business school and have recently moved back to the city. Oh! And by the way, this is my boyfriend, Carl," she indicates him.

Carl's thoughts are spiraling as he attempts to comprehend the scenario playing out before him. He can't comprehend the demeanor of people around Brian, including his girlfriend. He observed how carelessly Brian touched Emma's butt, as if she was his personal property, and everyone seemed unbothered. He noticed the sparkle in Scottie's eyes when Brian showed interest in her, and how she seemed to forget his existence. There's also Jake, who appears to be Brian's lapdog, adhering to every request he makes.

Carl tries to make an introduction to Brian but his voice becomes shaky. "Hi. I-I'm Carl. It's an honor to meet you." He refrains from making eye contact, concentrating on the ground instead, too timid to confront him head-on.

Brian chuckles and pats Carl on the shoulder. "Chill out, kid. No need to be so formal. Call me Brian."

Carl nods vigorously, still refusing to make eye contact. "Y-yes, Brian. Thank you, Brian." Scottie observes the encounter with a blend of amusement and trepidation. She senses Carl's intimidation by Brian. "Carl, pet, it's okay. Brian won't hurt you," she advises, gently pushing him.

Carl takes a deep breath and tries to lift his gaze to Brian. "I'm sorry, Brian. I just don't want to upset you."

Brian raises an eyebrow. "Upset me? Why would you think that?"

Carl swallows hard. "No, nothing. I mean, I-I don't want to do anything to disrespect you. That's all."

Brian's eyes narrow slightly, and a sneaky grin sweeps across his face. "Well, that's good," he says, placing a hand on Carl's shoulder. "It indicates to me that you have respect for this family, and also for me. And let me tell you something, Carl. Respect is critically important to me."

Carl nods feverishly, not saying a word, understanding the dread in his stomach. "Of course, Brian. I mean, Sir. I have great respect for you and your family."

Brian clasps Carl's shoulder, his grasp strong and overpowering. "Excellent. Because let me tell you, Carl. I don't tolerate disrespect. Especially not within our family. But don't fret, I can see you're one of the good ones."

Carl nods fervently, his heart pounding. "Yes, Brian. I grasp it."

Brian abandons Carl's shoulder and moves to leave, but not before saying, "Good. We seem to be on the same page. Now, why don't you go get Scottie a drink too? The ladies of our household are quite thirsty. Haha."

Carl nods hastily, his pulse racing. "Yes, Brian. I'll make sure of it."

With a laugh, Brian pats Carl on the shoulder, "Keep an eye on her, alright?" He also adds before leaving, "I'll be back later to check on both of you."

As Brian walks away, Carl heaves a sigh of relief, feeling as though he can breathe again. Scottie observes his unease and places a hand on his arm.

Carl hesitates before questioning, "Do you think I acted like an utter dork in front of Brian?"

Scottie chuckles and her eyes roll. "Oh, Carl. Don't worry about it. In fact, you did quite well. The subservient component attracts Brian. You practically called him'sir' a dozen times. It was cute." She grins and takes a sip from her glass.

Carl's face slumps and he stares at the floor. "Yeah, I suppose I did use the term'sir' quite a bit," he remarks.

Scottie pats him on the back with a smug tone. "Don't fret about it, sweetie. It only proves you acknowledge our place in the hierarchy. And, let's be honest, Brian is the alpha male in this house. It's fascinating to see you acknowledge that."

As Scottie completes her sentence, she awards Carl a playful wink. "But seriously, darling, I don't mean to be unkind, but it's best if you serve me your dry martini before Brian returns and notices you disobeyed him."

Carl's eyes widen in trepidation at the idea of disappointing Brian, swiftly heading to retrieve Scottie's dry martini. "Yeah, yeah. I'll be right back," he replies hurriedly and scuttles off to find the bar.

As Carl dashes away to fetch Scottie's drink, she directs her attention to Emma with a devious smirk. Both comment in unison, "That was freaking exciting."

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