Adult How To

Influenced by the Neighbor: Chapter 8

Kyle completes his jail term.

May 5, 2024
14 min read
femdomblow jobsubmissionkeyholdingwrestlingmale chastityDominated by Our Neighbor Ch. 08
Dominated by Our Neighbor Ch. 08
Dominated by Our Neighbor Ch. 08

Influenced by the Neighbor: Chapter 8

The morning after was quite difficult. My muscles were a bit stiff from sleeping on the air mattress at the foot of Brit's bed, but I managed to get a good night's sleep. I moved around a lot during the night due to the constant discomfort of the chastity device on my penis, but I still slept. When I woke up before Jess and Brit, I slowly unraveled my leash to visit the bathroom without waking them. Once I returned, I settled back onto the bed and began scrolling through my phone to pass the time until they awoke.

Unfortunately, my morning erection protested the imprisonment of the cage, causing me discomfort. I had no immediate solution, so I searched for news articles on a specific news site that often angered me. The negative emotions stirred by the biased content helped me suppress the arousal.

To my surprise, getting mad appeared to be an effective strategy for preventing erections while wearing the chastity device. I employed this trick several times during my experience in chastity.

When Jess woke up, she used the restroom before making her way to the kitchen. Brit, however, did not stir for another hour. At 7:30, I was already awake, while Brit emerged around 8:20.

I decided to approach chastity as a punishment for a crime during my daily routine, and the rest of the morning was just as challenging. Seeing Brit's sensational figure in the morning light was no easy task. I could not help but admire her beautiful ass when she walked to the bathroom, and her bare belly and breasts when she came out. She sat down right next to the keys to my chastity device, causing me pain and discomfort.

We had a casual conversation about our circumstances; Brit inquired how my little Kyle (a nickname derived from my situation) was enjoying his new prison. We all continued to interact as normal friends would, but the surreal feeling of having an "elephant in the room" was unavoidable. This strange presence manifested in the form of our secret activities the night before. Brit and Jess engaged in sexual acts together, while Brit still had two of the three keys to my chastity device on her.

Our day progressed as usual when we had no plans for Sunday. I returned to work after breakfast, trying my best to maintain my composure while enduring the constant arousal of not being able to touch my own penis. I had to secure the padlock on the chastity device with tape to prevent any click-clacking sounds from alerting my friends or coworkers.

As I adjusted to my new life without any tactile stimulation, I discovered how much I had taken my ability to touch my penis for granted. I didn't think much about it until my first few days of chastity.

By Wednesday night, I understood the meaning of the phrase "You don't know what you've got till it's gone." I had always heard this sentence, but it suddenly became real for me.

I managed to settle into a routine for the first few days, using my phone to check the news in the mornings to ease my discomfort. However, Wednesday evening marked an increase in difficulty and unease.

As we went for a walk with our dog, Banjo, we encountered a group of neighbors having a drink. Brit was in the group, and as I turned the corner, I blushed deeply upon spotting her. Fortunately, we were still two houses away, so no one saw my long-overdue reaction.

Relieved that no one could see the key sticking out from her belly ring, I silently reminded myself that she would have no inclination to broadcast our relationship status.

Upon catching a glimpse of her, I immediately felt a surge of anxiety and a desire to hide my hard-on. My composure returned within a minute or two as the conversation around the gathering resumed. No one seemed the wiser.

Once upon a time, a strong desire to get a hard-on overwhelmed me. The sensation built up rapidly after the initial panic subsided, and it was pretty unpleasant. My penis was straining so much to stand upright that I almost assumed a bent-over position. I wasn't sure if this would help, but I thought perhaps altering my body angle might provide some relief. I nearly tried it, but then worried that I might not be able to stand tall again.

To divert my attention, I tried focusing on something else. My gaze drifted to a neighbor's house, and after a while, I felt better.

'Thank God...' I thought silently, while chuckling at someone's joke. 'This is difficult! I must maintain composure. Don't mess this up, Kyle. You've got this!' I kept telling myself, preparing myself mentally to deal with the situation without doing anything odd or seeming awkward.

The sight of Britney flaunting her belly and my chastity key with such confidence was quite challenging mentally, not to mention the fact that she didn't seem to mind who witnessed the key. It turned me on due to the power play, her self-assurance, and a bit of arrogance.

Things became even harder when Claire, who lived at that house, emerged with her six-year-old son and her ten-year-old daughter. The girl, Tiffany, lacked a sense of a stranger and didn't have many filters. She didn't ease my predicament:

"Britney, is that a key dangling from your belly ring? What does it unlock? It's so pretty, Mom!" she declared, drawing everyone's attention to Britney's bare stomach. "Mom: look! I want a key on a belly ring too! When can I do that?"

"Tiff," Claire said, gently placing a soothing hand on her daughter's shoulder. "First, don't point. If you have questions, ask politely."

'Darn it, Claire!!' I thought. 'Why couldn't you just shut this down, and tell her not to be rude?'

Tiffany calmed down and politely requested information. This rendered everyone's eyes on Britney's abdomen.

"Well, sweetie, I'm not quite sure what it unlocks? I've had it for ages, and it used to be on a necklace I bought at a second-hand pawn shop during high school. I don't recall the store's location though. The necklace shattered, and I've always thought the key was a cool piece of adornment, so I put in on this belly chain."

"But what DOES it go to? A lock or a door? Please?" Tiffany insisted, emphasizing the word 'do' for emphasis. She was driving me crazy, especially when Britney started fiddling with the chain and rubbing the key.

"Probably went to something essential at some point," Britney said, glancing at everyone, "but it's just a key now. I think it's pretty, and I'm glad you like it too!"

When it was my turn to contribute to the conversation, I had to respond. I quickly uttered, "Yeah, it is pretty. It's the first time I've seen a key worn as jewelry," while silently pleading to God that I didn't sound awkward.

The chit-chat about Britney's belly chain and my tormenting key persisted for a few more minutes, and Tiffany was still fascinated with it. Britney was playing with the chain and rubbing the key in the process. This did not aid my cause and did not help that she wore skin-tight khaki capri pants and flip-flops, making her bare feet more prominent and her fresh blue toenails eye-catching.

God intervened and took pity on me as another kid came into view, and Tiffany darted off to play.

Despite my efforts to maintain control, it required tremendous self-discipline to keep a hard-on at bay even after the conversation shifted away from Britney's alluring abs and the key that tortured me.

The gathering at the neighbors lasted approximately 45 minutes - a struggle between being civil and social while my penis insisted on breaking free and Brit looking sexier than ever with the key on her bare belly. It was a massive relief when someone announced their departure, and Jess echoed their sentiment so we could return home.

"How was it, babe?" she inquired as we stepped inside our house and closed the front door. "was that hard on your..." She asked rhetorically, gazing at my crotch as she questioned.

"Oh God, it was hellish! Tiff... Why couldn't you just let it go? You're a great kid, but you were killing me!" [Aside from minor edits for clarity purposes, the text represents a proper paraphrasing of the input.]

"It wasn't her fault..." Jess said as she defended Tiff and assured me that the situation might soon come to an end for me. We had a frank conversation, albeit as openly as possible given its personal nature, and I was ready for Brit to release me from this distressing device.

Suddenly, and without warning, I found myself getting enraged at the entire situation. As our discussion about my chastity device and my struggle with my punishment was winding down naturally, Jess's phone vibrated with a text.

"It's Brit! She wants to come over!"

"Is she going to remove it? What did she SAY?" I nearly shouted at her.

"Calm down..." Jess said, trying to soothe my frustration, which had directed itself at her. "You're yelling at me."

"Sorry, it's just…”

"It's okay," Jess comforted me, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder, "but it only says 'want to come over', nothing else. I'm replying 'yeah what time'.” Jess continued speechlessly and casually.

"She says 'Now or as soon as you can. Bring that envelope'. Want to go now?" Jess relayed the message.

"Now! I'm going to sprint!” I joked as I ran to the living room for the key, still in the envelope, and stuck it in my back pocket. I prepared to leave without waiting for her to discuss or reconsider the issue.

I walked quickly but silently. People were still outside, so I didn't want to draw any attention from a nearby neighbor with whom we were acquainted. Jess attempted to catch up, but she was 25 feet behind me when I stopped at Brit's gate.

"Come on honey, she's waiting!" I told her anxiously.

"Coming! I know you're excited, but whisper!" she said urgently as she caught up.

I realized anyone in their backyard could have heard me, but at that point, I didn't care. I had to get inside and remove this undesirable chastity device. I silently prayed that Brit would remove it; I couldn't imagine spending a night playing with her with it on.

I then remembered she had explicitly forbidden me from asking for its removal.

'This could be interesting… Please, for God's sake, take it off, Brit!' I thought as we walked through the yard to the back door.

Brit welcomed us in, and she was wearing a robe with a sports bra top folding around her neck and upper chest. I also noticed the necklace tucked into the bra in a gap above her breasts. I prayed that my key was on that necklace and nestled in her captivating cleavage.

She greeted us, we exchanged casual dialogue as we made our way to the basement, where we typically wrestled. We all sat on the couch like friends, and then she posed the question:

"Puppy: do you want the chastity device removed?" she asked as she pulled the key out of her cleavage and swung it back and forth in front of her breasts without removing the necklace.

"Hell yes... wait!"

I started to respond, but hesitated.

'Is this a trick? Is she testing me?' I questioned as I considered my answer.

They both laughed. I was not amused.

"No puppy, no trick. Do you want it off or do you want to wear it for a few more days?"

"I want it off, please. Please, I want it off. Please." I said as calmly as I could.

"Okay. Strip!"

I immediately stripped as fast as I ever had. The whole journey down, I had been admiring her ass through the robe, and my aroused dick was grinding against the plastic cage. As I removed my clothing, she took off the necklace and swung it around her index finger. She laughed when she saw my caged penis.

"I hope you remembered the envelope?"

"Damn…" I said as I grabbed my jeans and fished out the envelope.

"Thank you, puppy." She replied as she inspected it. "I trust you haven't cheated?"

"No, Mistress."

She carefully examined it before she was satisfied. She then tapped the mat in front of her with her foot and beckoned me with a one-finger gesture.

"Here. Stand." she commanded, making it clear that she wanted me to stand in front of her. I obeyed without hesitation.

She began tapping the cage with her fingernail, causing it to sway back and forth. She then gently grabbed my balls and tickled them.

"The tape on the lock is a nice touch, was it clicking when you walked?"

"Yes, Mistress." I stammered through the intense feelings I was experiencing.

It was a torturous blend of pleasure and pain. My dick was already straining when she stared at my cock and tickled my balls while holding the key. I whimpered as the tension and mental stress, coupled with the agony in my dick, became unbearable.

"Sorry, puppy, I'm torturing you, aren't I?" she remarked, gazing at me. "OK, you've suffered enough."

She tightly grasped my package, her big hand and elongated fingers enveloping the cell and my testicles. She unlocked the tiny fastener and swiftly removed it. To detach the device from the ring surrounding my testicles, she had to push down on the cage, fiercely forcing my penis against its will. Once she accomplished this, she swiftly removed the cell from my penis and it stood upright almost immediately.

I heaved a deep sigh of blissful relief! It felt marvelous to be set free and experience my penis stand erect again. It had been four grueling days since my last erection, which occurred during a blow job from Brit on Saturday night.

I gazed at my penis and instinctively embraced it softly. I swiftly ran my hand over it, almost reflexively, before Brit slapped my hand away and glanced up at me, shaking her head.

I released my cock and she gazed back at it.

"Now,....this could be an issue." She stated.

"Issue?" Jess and I said concurrently.

"Jinx pets! Suck my ass!" She announced gleefully, clapping her hands. "I don't drink cola, so you have to suck my ass for that!"

"With pleasure Master. Anything for you. What's the problem?" I responded promptly, not waiting for an answer.

"This!" Brit proclaimed as she tapped the pinnacle of my taut penis with her index finger, making it dart up and down.

"What now?" I queried.

"Brit, may I.... What?" Jess questioned hesitantly.

Brit looked at me, licked her upper lip alluringly, and smiled a naughty grin. Then, she grinned at Jess and said:

"What? This!"

Without waiting for a response, she lowered her head and affectionately licked the underside of my penis. She flicked her tongue when she approached the tip, inciting my cock to jerk up and down in the process.

"whooohhh ooooohhhhhh aaaaaahahhh...." I groaned incoherently as I nearly dissolved into the mat.

It was unbelievable. My penis hadn't been caressed in four days: it was extremely sensitive to her moist tongue and I thought I was about to climax from a solitary lick of my penis. Honestly, that's the truth, and I'm not ashamed to say it: I was on the verge of climaxing from a single lick of my penis.

'What chastity has done to me?!' I pondered. "That was almost as good as any sex I've ever had! Oh my God man....'

Jess shook me from my thoughts when she replied to Brit:

"You mean you want to go down on him? Like, right now?" she queried hesitantly.

"Sure I do." Brit retorted. Then, she gazed at me, licked her lip wantonly, and continued, "I also think he deserves it. And yes, I want to, but you're his spouse, so you have to give the okay. I haven't touched a penis since I sucked him dry Saturday, I'd like to give him head now if you're okay with it."

"Well... yes."

"Thank you, my dear! You're the best!" she cheered gleefully. "This won't take long!"

"Get on all fours." She mandated. I took two strides in reverse.

She arose, removed her robe, and disclosed her sports bra. It was light blue and black, telescoping her chest and ample cleavage, and was coupled with short light blue spandex shorts featuring a black design. I then noticed her toenails were light blue.

She took a step forward, compressed her knees, and grabbed my pelvis with both hands, embracing my penis in her mouth without utilizing her hands.

"ooohhhhhhhhahhhhhh...." I moaned. The sensations were remarkable after four days of zero physical contact. The intensity of the feelings were astonishing. My whole body shuddered as she orally pleasured my penis and licked all over its head.

She took one hand and started caressing the underside of my scrotum, and that was it. That was all I could tolerate. It was about to be a record-breaking blowjob for me. I tried to concentrate on something else, but it was in vain.

I squawked and moaned as she encircled one arm around my rump and started trying to penetrate my anus. All four fingers pried their way into my rectal area while she sucked and licked my penis. Once her fingertip reached my anus's opening, it was over. My body twitched as I blurted out "here it comes!"

I came into her mouth as I let out a massive moan of sheer pleasure, release, and fulfillment. It was a moment of ecstasy I'd never forget.

I stuffed her mouth with four days' worth of cum, making her gag delicately. I was frightened she'd retch and smear it across my crotch, but her hand went over her mouth instead, and she stabilized herself. She then gazed over at Jess as she stood to surveil us. She wrapped her long arms around my neck and looked into my eyes, and swallowed it all.

To confirm, she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue to reveal an empty cavity.

Then, she instructed me to sit down on the couch. Jess followed her lead as she said, "Alright, pets, I'm going to go clean my hands and have a drink. I trust you know what's coming up next, slutty girl? Are you ready for me?"

"Yes, Mistress, I believe I'm ready."

Brit applauded her answer before they both left me, undressed and seated on the couch. I recovered and resumed wearing my pants. As I sat back down, I pondered what Jess could possibly be ready for as she returned with a camcorder and dressed in her spandex and sports bra. However, she now donned black ankle braces, knee braces, and elbow braces. Her fingers were covered by fingerless gloves, making her appearance quite intimidating. Jess appeared a moment later in a skimpy bikini that had never been in front of me or in public. I appreciated her bikinis because they were provocative, but this one was notably more risqué. The bottoms barely covered her waist, leaving her B-cup breasts almost completely uncovered. She turned in a circle to show off her ass, then returned to face me with a timid expression and pale blush on her face.

"Fantastic debut, little whore!" Brit beamed. "It looks stunning on you! You're a charming little nymphomaniac! This is going to be such enjoyable!" Brit was bubbling with excitement.

The sight of both of them standing in the middle of the room, with me on the couch, highlighted how big Brit was in comparison to Jess's petite stature. Jess is petite at 5'3" and weighing less than 120 pounds. Brit is a curvy 6'2", possessing a sturdy build, wide thighs, and a muscular rear with a noteworthy reach advantage over her.

Their apparel emphasized the size difference. Jess's bikini only partially concealed her body, and she was baring her arms, hands, legs, and feet. In contrast, Brit wore a sporty spandex/sports bra combination that covered all her important regions. She also sported ankle, knee, and elbow padding, as well as fingerless gloves. She seemed like a mixed martial arts opponent squaring off with a bikini model.

Even their hair bore a difference: Jess's hair was untethered and flowing, while Brit had hers pulled off her face in braids. Jess's hair would be difficult to grab, but her flowy locks reached her shoulders, leaving them accessible if desired.

There was an additional contrast to notice: the colors. Jess's blonde hair and fair skin differed from Brit's slightly dark complexion and raven hair. The outfits further accentuated the contrast: Jess's pale bikini vs. Brit's light blue/black clothing and the black padding. This disparity got me thinking about human instincts, our fear of the darkness during our earlier days as predators' prey.

It certainly wasn't a racial issue. Brit's Colombian heritage was irrelevant. This disparity was due to our natural fear of darkness from our pursuit of dominance in the food chain.

"Puppy, do you know what's about to transpire?" Brit inquired.

This brought me back to the situation, and I nodded my head in understanding.

Ah, fantastic! This is just going to be a blast! You're going to film a dog, and my wife and I... well, we'll... have some fun, I guess," Brit shared, nearly hopping with excitement. She turned to Jess and said, "," her voice fading off cleverly.

Jess glanced at her and flushed, a bizarre smirk forming on her face.

"Yeah, 'play' is an apt description." Jess chimed in, shrugging nonchalantly. Brit placed a large hand on Jess's head and patted it like a basketball. She tapped a rapid rhythm on Jess's forehead and asked,

"Are you hyped up, little slut?"

"Uh..." Jess responded, untying the sheer wrap and throwing it onto the mat.

"Are you still okay with everything we previously discussed?"


"Hang on, you two talked about this prior to now?" I inquired.

"Puppies don't interrupt," Brit stated firmly, her voice demanding submission.

"Pardon me, Master," I mumbled.

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