Celebrity Sex Stories

Installment One - Our Collective Dreams

A young Jedi's initial experience is disrupted by disturbing information.

May 25, 2024
24 min read
interspeciesromanceEpisode I - Our Shared Hope2024 geek pridestar warsjediteensithlesbian first timegeek pridecunnilingus
Episode I - Our Shared Hope
Episode I - Our Shared Hope

Installment One - Our Collective Dreams

In a distant galaxy long ago, there existed a story...


As blood from a wound on her face trickled, Lim-Rel wiped it away, casting a glance at the thin red streak it left behind. Her reflexes had been too slow; her defenses had failed her. She couldn't help but chide herself for her shortcomings.

"So now the Jedi are sending youngsters like you to face me?" a sinister voice bellowed from in front of her. The towering figure's identity remained unclear as its gender couldn't be discerned. "Are the Jedi truly so desperate?"

She maintained composure, trying to recall her father's teachings. "I'm not a schoolgirl, I'm Lim-Rel from Y Liem. I am a Jedi, and I'm here to bring an end to your tyranny over this unfortunate world." Trying to hide her discomfort, she was sorry she hadn't executed her opponent's defeat better.

"A Jedi?" the figure spewed out, laced with sarcasm. "A real Jedi?" Its voice morphed, transitioning from feeble incredulity to unhidden cruel malice. "Hear this, girl -- I feast on the Jedi's flesh. You, with your paltry abilities, wouldn't make an adequate meal."

Sudden commotion forced Lim to deflect a slew of debris that stormed her way. She evaded the majority, but a trickle of blood slipped down her face as a reminder of her earlier inattention.

Calmly, Lim recollected her mother's wisdom. "Stay steady. Remember your training, heed my father's advice."

An evil smile spread across its face as it unsheathed a demonic red sword. "Let's see what your advanced Jedi skills are, little girl. After all, the prophecy states no Jedi or their progeny can harm me." Its grin shifted from amusement to rage, as it advanced swiftly with murderous intent burning in its eyes.

Unmoving, Lim held her ground. When her opponent launched an attack, she cautiously evaded and ignited her own saber. She was convinced she saw surprise in its eyes as the blades' hues matched.

Lim deactivated her saber and said cheerfully, "Fortunately for us, Mom's a Sith, so I'm not entirely a Jedi."

"Am I angering you?" her deceased Padawan's voice asked softly in her mind. "Is this how a Jedi behaves?" Lim hung her head, silently consenting to his questions.

She started her old Delta-7 fighter, knowing full well she was in for a scolding. "This was never how it was meant to be; I should be bringing balance, unifying the Jedi and the Sith, ending this millennia-long battle. Not being scolded by Dad."

Thinking through her situation, Lim couldn't help but groan. "What have I done? Worst. Day. Ever."

Her head rested once more upon her mother's lap. "Sometimes being a woman is tough, Mom."

Her mother's response was compassionate, but kindly chiding. "I know it's difficult for you to cope with your gender, but my herbs will alleviate your discomfort."

Flipping over to stare into her mother's eyes, Lim recalled an instance in her childhood when she'd once requested her mother allow her to resemble her by painting her face. "Remember, Mom, when I asked you to dye my skin and braid my hair?" Loo-See looked at her with a smile of fond recollection.

While Lim no longer resembled her mother with her Zabrak heritage unclear, along with the inability to recreate her crown of horns, at least they shared a similar fiery spirit. "Mother, it's not just being a woman — it's being me."

— — —

Lim's voice sounded so sorrowful, and it made Loo-See's face light up with a smile. "Oh my darling, is it truly that difficult to be special?" she asked.

"Yes, it really is. I just want to be a regular girl. You know, spend time with my friends. Watch a holo-movie. And..." she hesitated, "... maybe have a date from time to time." Lim's eyes grew wide as she looked up at her mother. "I'd like to go out on a date, maybe just once..."

"Lim, this won't work with your mind tricks, and on top of that, your father believes..."

"How about if I looked more like you? He'd..."

Loo-See quickly interrupts Lim, "Don't you think he would love you just as much as he does now, maybe even more? You know, he has a thing for my species..."

Loo-See's words trailed off as she saw her daughter making a face. "Sorry for sharing too much," she apologized.

Lim nodded. Loo-See silently mouthed another 'sorry' before continuing. "Your father does say that a woman who holds the powers of both the Sith and the Jedi is truly special."

Lim's words were full of frustration. "I wish I wasn't."

Loo-See stroked her daughter's hair. "Your father just wants what's best for you... and the entire galaxy too."

"Ugh, that's the problem right there," Lim grunted.

Loo-See let out a sigh and tried to remember being the same age as her daughter. It had been more than a century ago. She shook her head in disbelief.

With an audible sigh of acceptance, Loo-See told her daughter, "Maybe it would be ok if you could go on a date. Just one, to see how it goes, is that alright?"

Lim hugged her mother. "Thanks, Mom, you're the best," she said.

Her painful period suddenly felt less severe, and Lim couldn't help but jump out of bed and run to her room. Leaving her mother to hope that details about her affection for her daughter never reached public ears. A scandal in Zabrak society would be chaotic.

She then decided to talk to her husband, Oo-Ree-Ell, the one who had agreed to have a human partner.

— — —

Lim stretched her body out on her bed, imitating the pose of a younger girl. She was scrolling through a digital book about Zabrak history on her holographic screen. It switched to an account of their culture on Y Liem, a planet where many refugees of Zabrak had taken refuge. As she skimmed through, she came across a part that piqued her interest, but the search function had been faulty for months. Instead of searching, she continued.

The history mentioned the conflicts between various Jedi factions in the Old Republic. The differences became increasingly severe, leading to a division within the Sith. A faction that wanted to spread their religion through military force and control the galaxy through The Force. But another group preferred using their powers for the good of all.

As time passed, the marginalized, weaker group began to be thought of as nothing more than Sith in name only or as "Unbelievers." They were forced out of important roles, some sent to their deaths, some had to flee the Rim to find safety. To the rest of the galaxy, the word "Sith" represented the dominant sect and their destructive ideology.

The remaining Unbelievers were forgotten but they were still many. After the rumors of a civil war and genocide spread, they became even more numerous. The atrocities committed by one Sith group upon another Sith group were likely rendered more terrible in people's minds. But it's possible that these horrors were exaggerated, since Sith usually like to hide their actual numbers.

A notable event was when a Jedi Master had fought an Outer Rim Sith Princess during a time of civil unrest. It was a long battle, but the Sith emerged victorious. The Jedi lay at her feet, preparing to merge with the force. However, the Princess hesitated. She saw something unique in her enemy. Years later, she and the Master had welcomed a daughter named Lim-Rel - meaning 'our shared hope.'

As the memories of these events blurred, the Jedi Masters were sent out to neutralize a supposed threat from the remaining Unbelievers, who were deemed to be Sith. Which is how a Jedi Master found himself fighting a Sith Princess in Outer Rim territory.

The battle lasted for a long time but eventually, the Sith triumphed. The Master prepared himself to merge with the universe, lying at the Princess' feet. Instead, she lowered her hand. Her interest in her fallen foe was so strong that years later, they combined their genes and welcomed a child into the world, a baby girl they named Lim.

She and her father worried about missions from the Council, but soon enough, there were far more pressing issues that the Council had to deal with. And so, the Unbelievers were granted their cherished peace, for many years at least.

Love had led Oo-Ree-Ell to disregard the Jedi way, and Loo-See to rebel against Sith traditions. In Coruscant, they would have been shunned or worse, but the outer edge accepted these mixed marriages. Either there were too many other perils or they were too tolerant.

Lim questioned how significant she was; she wasn't the Chosen One. She couldn't even organize her clothes, let alone galactic chaos. It was a misconception - definitely mistaken by her father. She couldn't command her own closet, but she was still Lim. The numbers on her light saber? These were her mother's, yet Loo-See suggested keeping it. Their score was over ten. No, she wasn't unique, but this place allowed more than Make-out Mondays.

Lim continued, seeking dating protocols. She yearned to know what her peers did before delving into more serious relationships. The most recent entries, laws, and governmental structures didn't interest her as much as the culture. Customs promised the answer.

Lim was glad to see lax dating standards in the outer rim. First encounters were seen as more than polite hugs - something more. No virginity pledges here. She wasn't the only unlucky teen, but her friends hooked up. Even if it was challenging to abstain, Lim chose to prove her commitment. Where would she find a worthy match? Determined not to be shallow, she turned to her network of friends.

After years of being told that men didn't matter, Lim realized she didn't give much thought to gender. Choices were many. Different races were less secretive in the outer rim; they were free to explore.

Her mom was Zabrak, yet most were not date material. The men were often arrogant, while the women stirred images of her mom, Loo-See herself. Now dissatisfied with the Zabrak males, humans were an option - ordinary, but not repulsive. However, she sought more intriguing Company.

Twi'leks were prominent, like humans, and similarly attractive. Sexual attraction was also essential, but Lim hoped that this night would be extraordinary. But someone else caught her eye. Her cousin was friendly, suitable age, and from a distinct group - a Togruta named Obuna Rewar. They had a peculiar understanding, so Lim’s choice stood.

  • She gave Obuna a call. -

Most of us don’t want to feel rejected, but you have to be upfront in expecting it. Breaking the ice with a statement like “This is hard for me,” helps her know you're human. It also doesn’t give her the chance to hammer you with “I thought you were different.” Bottom line - be bold, be prepared for possible disappointment/failure - she's probably been asked before, be persistent, kind, and stay hopeful. All you can do is try. Relating your feelings & intentions to her will better position her for understanding. Lim: 'Hey Obuna, I know how strange this is. I have this horrible confession to make. I've had the hots for you for a while now. I think you feel it too. I would like to ask you out.'

  • Obuna agrees. -

However it's not just about the hope for a good kiss... she's fun; very hardworking and probably as clumsy as me. She'll probably be easy to talk to during our date.

But is it romantic? It’s like attraction of multiple forms. She finds exhilaration in flying through the sea -- I respect her for it. Furthermore, LO's definition of 'Romance' looks different than the rest of us. For her, romance is formed through genuine bonding & trust. This is one step on the road to that end as, ideally, I'd get to know Obuna better as a result of this date. So that in the long-term we could build a relationship and grow.

Now I'm scared - "Could we meet up to talk more?" Lim: 'Ok, the evening?'

Yes, limitless possibilities await. Our choices manifest as universally known truths. But does it mean happiness demands it? Lim's mind reeled, jamming with a mesh of potentialities, she could explore. However, dedication takes a smirk.

There was just one girl. Twelve-figured, winding energy. Sparing glances, an amalgam of zest, what a siren does. But how does one attract that? Obuna Rewar.

The thought of rejection weighed heavily - she failed once. But no longer a stranger. A friend, along the way. Her "to do list" felt infinite, yet here narrowed by one. Obuna. The universe was kind as she set out into the unknown.

The invite wasn't overcooked on formality, but a casual 'Would it be ok if we talk?' To her, honesty is strongest. And unexpected - she wasn't idiotic enough to think it wouldn't be a no. Hoping, praying it would be a yes.

“But is it romantic?” She wondered how this all appeared. If for her, romance was trust; where did that leave this? Single steps, lead to miles.

Following fear, it stood avidly by.

_She intentional twisted her insides instead of letting her heart give in. _

Evaluating the many options, her decision was swift, as if a puzzle had clicked. Time knocked on, opportunity creaked. Engraved ink flowed like traipsing over dirt. Dancing through these new vibes, Lim held no promise - but did that even matter? 'Cause she was moving.

Lim and her friend Obuna had agreed to meet in a sunny square situated in the heart of Mac-Mot, the main city and administrative center of Y Liem. Lim lived near the borders of Mac-Mot. The setting sun's warmth enveloped Lim as she lay down on the lawn, inhaling the fragrances of the lush, vibrant flowerbeds which decorated the turquoise grass.

As the sky's brightness lessened and Lim's eyes opened, she saw Obuna's graceful silhouette, her hair swaying gently. "Hi, Lim, did you want to meet?" the girl asked.

LIMITING HER ASSUMPTIONS, Lim said, "Yes, I did. Thank you for coming."

Lim stood up and patted the ground next to her. Obuna sat down, performing a half turn and spreading her legs in a cross-legged position. This wasn't the first time Lim was amazed by their kind's inherent skill and movement. As they sat in silence, side by side, Lim couldn't help but observe Obuna, who sported apricot skin marked with pale blue designs, sinuous lekku, and female montrals that carried the same blue lines.

Obuna hadn't usually worn tight-fitting clothes before, and today, her slender legs were encased in black fabric, while a sleeveless gray shirt clung closely to her chest. Lim had previously not noticed Obuna's breasts, which her cleavage now showcased, as well as her erect nipples. Lim was flooded with unfamiliar feelings, wondering whether Obuna had chosen this attire to convey a specific message. But she shook off the thought - it was only the outfit, after all.

Unfortunately, Lim had chosen to wear her Jedi robes, something she felt was now inseparable from her.

WHILE THEIR CELL PHONES BLINKED, Lim'S MIND RACED WITH THOUGHTS, realizing that something about Obuna was different from before.

'Is it really just her choice of attire, or does it carry some deeper meaning?'Lim wondered. But she set the idea aside.

As they sat in the park, Lim's breath quickened, and her heart began beating rapidly. After some moments, Obuna asked if Lim had something to share. Reluctantly, Lim spoke, "Maybe we can just enjoy the sun a little longer...?"

Obuna acknowledged her with a nod.

Checking on her friend for changes, Lim caught Obuna's beautiful looks - her apricot skin framed by pale blue lines, her sinuous lekku, and delicate, darker blue montrals adorned by the same pale blue stripes.

Whilst Obuna had traditionally worn loose and baggy clothes, today she wore skin-tight pants, revealing her slim legs and a sleeveless gray shirt hugging her chest. Lim realized that she was noticing details about Obuna for the first time, such as her breasts and erect nipples. She had never noticed these features before, and she felt a sudden rush of excitement.

THEIR HANDS TOUCHED AND LIMIT OVERHEATED, questioning why she'D chosen such unsuitable clothing.

Sweeping her gaze away, Lim turned her attention to Obuna. "I just wanted to know..." she said hesitantly "Would you..." Her words failed, so she pointed towards themselves and couldn't continue.

Obuna's eyes fixed on Lim, studying her. "Would you like to go out with me?"

Reflexively, Lim nodded.

Obuna laughed and embraced her friend immediately. As their lips met, Lim experienced a sensation far greater than any leap or acrobatic feat, one filled with stars exploding and beautiful music filling the air.

When they pulled apart, Obuna smiled and cradled Lim in her arms. "I have a private spot nearby... shouldn't be more than a few seconds away.WSW"

As they walked, hand in hand, they left the square.

— — —

Lim remembered that Ubuna wasn't from Y Liem. She had come there to study, and her parents had arranged her accommodation. Lim mused that they must be wealthy because her friend's living quarters were luxurious. Even though it was in the heart of the town, she had a single-story house, surrounded by a vast, high-walled garden. Ubuna had been correct about the privacy it provided. They could frolic naked and undetected in the grounds. Lim blushed thinking about it.

Sitting on a low, upholstered couch and anticipating Ubuna's return, Lim was overwhelmed by the abundance of colors, her senses overwhelmed by heavenly fragrances and the dancing light of candles. However, her growing anxiety exceeded even Lim's amazement at the extravagant ambiance. Would Ubuna like her? She was the total opposite of the soft, curvaceous figure that the Togruta possessed. More gangly, scrawny, and bony. Lim didn't consider herself pretty, and her hair was a mess. She attempted to use her fingers to smooth her tangled, disheveled blonde locks, but then gave up.

Lim was even more worried about not knowing what to do. Kissing was fine, but what else? Loo-See had tried to educate her, but Lim had been too shy to listen to her mother, ending the conversation midway. Maybe she should leave. Perhaps she could sneak in a training session. At least Lim was confident in her Jedi abilities. Yes, she had acted too hastily. There was no way she wanted to disappoint Ubuna, let alone have her friend snicker about her deficiencies with others.

Made up her mind, Lim got up. At that very instant, Ubuna walked back into the room. And the lavishness of the decor faded in comparison to her. Lim was left speechless at the sight of the Togruta Goddess that had emerged.

Ubuna giggled a little bashfully, her orange cheeks now a hue of vermillion, her long headtails pulsing. "This is a traditional mating costume of my people. Do you like it?"

Ubuna twirled around, showcasing the long white robe. It was transparent, as if only the wispiest mist partly covered her. It was entirely open from the neck to the floor in front. Lim could not help but stare at where Ubuna's legs met her body, an area of smooth skin unveiling flesh folds.

Looking higher, Ubuna's breasts were barely concealed by the sheer material. Her refined curves and swells were evident, as were her broad, umber areolas. And then Ubuna's face, appearing more alluring than Lim had ever presumed. She could not suppress her gasp of astonishment and admiration. Lim started to panic, thinking, 'This is too much, too much for someone like me, what was I thinking?'

Feeling Ubuna's concern, she took the Togruta's hand and began caressing her cheeks soothingly. "Too much, too fast? And your attire makes me uneasy."

Lim found her voice, but spoke timidly. "Not uneasy, no. Beneath my abilities, maybe. You're... you're... stunning. And... I... I'm... well, I'm just me. How could you ever...?"

Ubuna concluded Lim's question. "...be with me?" With that, she kissed Lim passionately and allowed just the slightest tip of her tongue to slide into her friend's mouth. Lim moaned involuntarily.

Ubuna murmured. "I understand, Lim. Relax, we'll take it slowly, okay?"

Lim nodded when both women were sitting. Ubuna climbed on top of Lim, leaning her head on her chest, listening to her erratic breathing. Erratic breathing, and another sound, a double thumping noise.

Rising again, she smiled at Lim. "So I see there's more Zabrak in you than you let on."

Lim blushed. "Yes... I've got both heartbeats from my mother. And..."

"And?" Inquired Ubuna.

"Well, um... hand me your hand."

Lim took Ubuna's hand and guided it through her hair, pushing her friend's fingertips against her scalp in various spots. "Here... and here... and here along here..."

Ubuna's grin grew wider. "You're just a little aroused, right?"

Lim chuckled, feeling slightly less uncomfortable. "Yes... slightly, just under the skin. And I think they won't grow any larger."

A startling thought struck Lim. She was bewildered by it, but before she could stop herself, the words had escaped her lips.

"And there are some other things. But... but... I'd have to disrobe."

Ubuna purred, "do please," in such an alluring tone that - without realization, Lim rose, loosened, and cast off her gown.

Standing bare, Lim's self-assuredness faded, leaving her feeling exposed and unattractive. She wrapped an arm protectively across her small chest and used another to shield her legs.

Lim struggled to breathe and felt dizzy. Then Ubuna's arms engulfed her, and for the first time, Lim thought perhaps everything would be alright.

Ubuna kissed Lim softly, whispering, "Where?"

Little reassured, yet mostly believing her friend was simply trying to console her, Lim cautiously removed her upper arm. Below her meager breasts, there were three zigzag lines, the outer ones red and the inner one black. They were delicate and faint, curving under each small mound, and ascending to her sternum.

Ubuna seemed captivated by them, tracing their path with a fingertip. "Gorgeous," she murmured.

Lim reluctantly acknowledged her friend's praise. "Thanks, more stuff to thank Mom for, I guess. Although I'd have preferred to inherit her breasts."

Ubuna seemed puzzled. "But it's the breasts I was complimenting, Lim. Your Zabrak markings are attractive, but your breasts are simply lovely." She leaned in and kissed each nipple, causing Lim's spine to tingle.

Taken aback, Lim moved her lower hand. "There's... there's this..."

Her smooth pussy was also embellished with the same shifting red and black patterns. Fine, serrated lines spreading from the center, resembling a sun motif. Lim stammered, "I... I suppose it's kinda... kinda attractive. I've never... never shown anyone..."

Ubuna knelt, her robe dancing around her, and placed a kiss on the center of the pattern. "Perfect, Lim - you're perfect. Now, shall we go to my room?"

Lim whispered, "Yes."

Both hearts racing, Lim followed Ubuna to her chamber. It had no door, only a curtain separating it from the hallway. Ubuna pulled aside the curtain and ushered Lim inside. As the cloth fell back in place, the Togruta discarded her flimsy robe and the two girls hugged naked. Lim's anxieties lingered, but a stream of desire was beginning to replace them.

As they passionately kissed, Lim was certain of one thing - she wanted more than just kissing. She tentatively placed her hand on Ubuna's shapely buttocks, and she felt her friend's breathing deepen upon her touch. Ubuna shifted her mouth towards Lim's neck, and she moaned as the Togruta's lips and warm breath tingled.

Lim separated from Ubuna and looked at her friend's large, supple areolas yearningly. But she still doubted what to do, what exactly Ubuna desired. "May I... May I kiss them? Would that be okay?"

Ubuna chuckled. "Of course. In fact, you can do anything you want. Just think about what you might like someone to do to you and then do that. If there's a problem, I'll let you know, agreed?"

"Agreed," responded Lim with a smile.

She bowed and first breathed her nose against Ubuna's velvety flesh. The blue lines that detailed her friend's face also covered her body, making her appear like a sensual riddle, one Lim longed to unravel. Then, cautiously and checking for consent, she took Ubuna's right nipple in her mouth. As her lips touched the skin, Lim could sense her friend's muscle fibers contract and her flesh stiffen. It was the most erotic sensations she'd ever felt, but swiftly supported by Ubuna caressing her.

Lim had touched herself before, of course, many times. However, the feelings generated by someone else's fingers were at a whole other level of intensity, accompanied by an emotional upheaval that was rapidly swirling within her. She could no longer focus on her friend's breasts. Instead, she straightened, closed her eyes, and relished the stimulation given by Ubuna, awakening her nerves and causing her to squirm, tense, and finally - as the other girl pressed harder - whimper and sigh.

And then Ubuna ceased her fingering, and Lim stared at her imploringly, yearning for continued contact. The Togruta smiled, understanding Lim's need, and seemingly content with the desires she was awakening in her friend.

"It's okay, Lim, it feels nice doesn't it? I just thought maybe we could get more comfortable. I could do something else, something I'm sure you'll enjoy."

Lim's voice seemed to vanish, and she attempted, only partially successfully, to keep an excited squeal in check, while nodding her agreement.

"You're so sweet, Lim. Your blushing is just adorable."

While they were talking, Ubuna kissed Lim and guided her to the bed. The bedspread was a dark, shiny maroon. They stroked Lim's body as her friend gently laid her down on her back. Ubuna moved closer, like a stalking animal, until her face was above Lim's, with her hands on either side of her head. The Togruta's lekku were softly vibrating. "Don't be afraid, Lim, that's just me liking you," she said.

Lim was nervous, despite her attraction towards her friend. Not only was Ubuna stunningly beautiful, she exuded a natural and relaxed sexuality, and was clearly comfortable with the things they were doing. It was new and confusing to Lim, and she didn't understand the overwhelming desire she felt, how her breathing was so fast, her heart racing. How could a goddess like Ubuna want her?

Togrutas are often empaths, and it seemed that Ubuna had this ability, or maybe she was just very perceptive. Either way, she kissed Lim, then murmured in her ear. "Relax, sweetheart, you're stunning, and I desire this. You don't need to believe my words, just let yourself feel."

Lim closed her eyes and focused, merging her being with the universe, connecting to the infinite. Then suddenly an idea came to her. She opened her eyes. "Or do you mean, like with my hands?"

Ubuna tilted her head to the side, a crooked smile on her face, and looked at Lim with her eyes, suggesting that yes, that was what she'd had in mind.

Lim traced her fingers up Ubuna's inner thigh, and the Togruta closed her eyes and breathed deeply. When Lim touched that sensitive spot, the Togruta moaned softly. The evidence of Ubuna's emotional state was indisputable. Lim pulled her hand back and held it in front of Obuna's face, who grinned. "See? Stop worrying and let me see how you're doing down there."

Still smiling, Obuna moved away from Lim and made room between their legs. Locking eyes with Lim, the Togruta slowly ran her tongue along her own lips. A burning ache began to spread through Lim's body. She whispered hoarsely, "Please."

Obuna parted Lim's legs and bent her head down to join them. The first touch of the Togruta's tongue on Lim's flesh made Lim flinch. New, very new, and incredibly divine. Lim clenched the bedsheets and bit her lip, eyes closed, as Ubuna licked and sucked and nuzzled.

Lim wasn't sure she could handle it, the sensation was on the verge of being too good, too painful. Yet it was all too enticing. Moaning now, she reached down and took hold of Ubuna's hands. Lim crossed her legs behind the Togruta's body and pulled her close. She held Ubuna's hands tightly, as the Togruta moved her relentlessly towards heights of physical pleasure she'd never even imagined.

And then Obuna pushed even harder, and Lim surpassed every limit her body and mind could handle. She tensed every muscle, shaking and shouting as she exploded into an orgasm beyond her wildest dreams. She sank into a sea of sapphic euphoria. In that moment, Lim felt closer to the universe than ever before, through her connection with Ubuna, or even through the Force. It was the Force. The power of two souls briefly touching, bound together by a supernova of pleasure, with no distinction between divine and excruciating.

As Lim's divine climax slowly faded, Ubuna rolled up the bed and held Lim close. Her arms around Lim's shaking body, her kisses on her cheeks, her skin touching Lim's heated flesh.

Lim's breathing gradually became normal, and she opened her eyes. She felt different, expanded, open to the exhilaration of their connection, the intoxication of two souls touching.

Before she could think, the words burst out of Lim's mouth. "I love you, Ubuna."

Ubuna hugged Lim. "I heard that was good, but I had no idea how good. You have truly won my heart, Lim."

Obuna rolled over and found some oil. "Now, let's just slow down a little so you don't get overloaded."

Lim complied with the request. Ubuna stepped out for a short while, returning with a glass container. She carefully shed a little of its contents onto her palms, starting to rub her friend's shoulders, then working her way up to her upper arms, going down her back to her lower spine, and then back again. Within a few moments, she could hear soft snoring sounds from Lim.

Addressing her buddy quietly, with a hint of puzzlement in her voice, Ubuna said, "I don't really know, Lim... maybe I like you far too much... shall we see about that?"

As Lim slept soundly, she couldn't shake off a single mental image: a stunning girl with an orange skin tone, sporting blue tail fins, appearing completely naked and mumbling, "I love you," inaudibly.

Suddenly, she awoke, feeling someone shaking her shoulder. She lifted her eyes to the exact figure that had materialized in her thoughts a few moments prior. "Hey you, woke you up an hour ago. Time to get up," the girl said.

Lim wearily rose and yawned. "Apologies, that was... rather intense. I'm a bit out of it." She peered at her friend.

Sharing her thoughts, the Padawan thought it would be wise to address the elephant in the room. "I should say... sorry about earlier. I was... swept away."

Ubuna gently caressed Lim's cheek. "It's okay, it's normal on a first encounter. Although, it's the only time anyone has declared their love for me on a first date."

Lim felt the need to address the subject of her revelation before it became a bigger deal. "I feel... something more, different, maybe... bigger. Are you... are you... Force sensitive?"

Ubuna's expression appeared puzzled for a split second, before relaxing and proceeding with her previous tone. "Hah, not like you. I can't shift boulders and such." She became more worried. "But sometimes... sometimes, I... sense things. Things that haven't happened yet. Sometimes, things that... eventually will happen."

Obuna lost focus and glanced away, trying to hide the extent of her powers.

Lim considered her friend's reply. "If we're going to talk more, it should be another time. However, before you leave, could you teach me... to affect you as you did?"

Ubuna smiled warmly. "Of course, I'll be more than happy to." But she couldn't help feeling uneasy.

"Unfortunately, I have to go. Your comm device has been flashing. Someone seems to be trying to reach you. Should I send them a message?"

Lim checked her robe. "Nah, I'll handle it." She shifted her attention to the Force and her father.

"I am here, Dad. Why couldn't you reach me? Something was... blocking you."

A sense of tension in her father's mind unsettled her. "I'm with Obuna, busy with... other things. What's going on?"

He sounded more worried than his past communication attempts implied. "Probably nothing. I'm going off on a journey. Jedi business. I wanted to discuss things with you before I left."

Lim's nerves peaked. "Dad, why are you sounding so scared? What's happening?"

Oo-Ree-Ell tried to offer a calm front. "I can't tell you, possibly may be able to when I return."

"How long will you be away? Has Mom been informed?"

A hint of uncertainty lingered in his voice. "Your mother knows, and I'm not sure how long. It could take a while. I just wish you'd look after her in my absence."

Calming down her father, Lim promised, "Don't worry, both of us will be fine."

Oo-Ree-Ell smiled reassuringly. "That makes me feel better. I had to go. I tried to talk more but you were..."

Lim closed her eyes, letting her mind connect with her father through the Force. "Dad! What's happening? Why are you scared?"

Her father's hesitation didn't help. "I can't explain yet. I'll try to speak to you when I'm back."

"For how long? Did Mom know?"

Oo-Ree-Ell's opposition weakened slightly. "She knows, but I'm uncertain how long. I... I want you to take care of her, okay?"

Although worried, Lim seemed to provide the reassurances her father desired. "Of course, both of us will manage."

The image of Oo-Ree-Ell closed her eyes, his face now exhibiting relief. "That's my girl. I'm heading out. I wanted to talk more, but you were..."

As she sensed her father's departure, Lim felt her worries and unease intensify. "Dad! Tell me! What's going on?"

The picture of Oo-Ree-Ell shook her head, concerned now that she'd provided too much information. "I can't right now. I'll explain when I return."

"How long, has Mom been informed?"

"Your mother knows, and I'm... unsure... it could be a while."

Feeling a bit more comforted, Lim went back to her friend's embrace. "We'll be fine, you don't have to worry."

Ubuna held Lim tenderly. "That's all I needed." But she couldn't hide her anxiety.

"You should go now. I'll take care of your task."

Obuna nodded, her expression hinting a mix of hope and sadness. "Thanks. And I'll teach you when we next meet."

Lim felt her father's words hung in the air between them, heavy with meaning. It seemed he knew exactly what she'd been up to. Her cheeks burned in embarrassment, and she quickly changed the subject. "Be careful, Dad. I'll take care of Mom. Stay safe!"

With that, he disappeared, leaving Lim to ponder his words. She couldn't help but wonder why she'd added that last remark.

"Ubuna, you're allowed to come in now."

The Togruta entered the room, carrying two glasses. She hadn't even bothered to get dressed. "Hey, are you alright? Lim?"

Lim looked thoughtful, rubbing her brow. "I'm not certain, I'm just not certain."

"Do you have to leave?" Ubuna's expression showed a mix of worry and disapproval.

"Yes, I regret to say I must. But... oh wow, that was incredible... truly incredible. And... well... next time... if you'd be up for it... it's your turn next, all right?"

Ubuna took a step towards Lim and kissed her. "I'll be happy for a next time. And I'll wait for it. But go now. Based on your expression, sex is the last thing on your mind right now."

"No, sorry. I know, it's inappropriate at this time. But I truly do have to leave."

Lim kissed Ubuna deeply, then parted from her.

As she made her way home, the passionate memory of her time with Ubuna was dimmed by the mysterious trip her father had made.

Lim realized she had to speak with her mother about all this.

Lim-Rel's story will continue in Episode II

Writer's Notes

  • Thank you George Lucas for creating one of the most iconic and influential movies of all time.
  • A big thank you to my buddy, Djmac1031. Not only did he contribute his usual wit and advice, but his Star Wars knowledge far surpassed mine. I played liberally with canon when it suited my story, but any unintentional mistakes are entirely mine.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de