Gay Sex

It appears that...

Everlasting Friendships?

May 21, 2024
13 min read
It Just Seems Like...pregnantmasturbationbest friendsmasturbating together
It Just Seems Like...
It Just Seems Like...

It appears that...

Both of them were eighteen years old.

They were already doing almost everything together. Studying together, watching TV together.

Their parents were close to each other, although they weren't neighbors. Their moms had met at the neighborhood playground when they were little, and then because they were close enough, Carrie and Danny started attending the same schools. From elementary to high school.

However, they never considered themselves as a couple. They just "were".

Danny Brady and Carrie Moore were known as "latch key children". As they were almost like brother and sister, and most of their schoolmates were also seeing them that way, it was natural that they would spend time together.

Danny asked, "When's your dad coming home?"

"I don't know. His new job has him traveling too much. My mom doesn't like it."

"As if her job isn't taking up all her time as well," Danny quipped. "Or my parents' jobs, for that matter."

Carrie sighed, laughing, "I hope we manage to get jobs that are better than our parents'. You know? Or better than working at fast food places."

They lived in a small town in Iowa. The local high school usually had graduating classes with fewer than a hundred students. Some of their classmates were the children of farmers, and after high school, that's what they were going to do.

Carrie and Danny's parents were trying to escape Chicago and Urbana, respectively, to give their children a more relaxed upbringing.

But to Carrie and Danny, Lakeside was "boring". "Good thing we have each other," Carrie once said to Danny.

Danny agreed, "Yeah." And still, they felt more like siblings than just friends.

The phone rang in the kitchen, and Carrie went to answer it. Her mom, Lauren, had to work late again. "I'm sorry, honey," she said on the phone. "But I'm sure you and Danny will find something to eat in the fridge, and I hope you're getting a lot of studies done."

"We will, Mom. I wish you didn't have to..."

Carrie cut her off, saying, "Okay, Mom. See you when you get home. Love you."

Returning to the living room, where they were both studying, Carrie looked at Danny. She was tired of studying. Was their parents' job all they had to look forward to?

Danny suddenly had the urge to go over to where Carrie was sitting, and put his arms around her. In a sisterly way, of course.

"What do you really want to do?" Carrie asked, feeling bored of homework.

"I don't know," he said, closing his eyes and his book as he let out a big sigh.

"We're learning biology, but they don't seem to want to teach us about Darwin and evolution, since..." she paused for dramatic effect, "That's evil!"

He looked at her and laughed at (and with) her. 'No one else makes me laugh like that', he had begun asking himself recently.

They were seniors, and he had asked his parents if maybe he shouldn't start working to help out with some expenses. "No," his father had told him. "I want you to study, so you can get into a good college. That's why your mother and I are working so hard. So you don't have to."

He saw the logic in that, but he'd started thinking recently that his parents had their jobs because they didn't have much of a relationship. They didn't even go on family vacations anymore. "We want you to have a life," his mother had once said.

Both Carrie and Danny looked up at each other at the same time. They looked, sighed, and went back to reading.

After a while, Carrie looked up again and asked, "Why don't they teach us something useful?"

"I don't know. Like what?"

"Like, sex education. That's biology, isn't it?"

Danny snorted and just responded with a, "Yeah, right." [Humor from ContentVM]

Did Carrie still remain a virgin? She asked, tilting her head to the side, fully aware of the response.

"I'm eighteen, and I'm a man. So of course—"

"Yeah, right." Leaning forward and poking him, "Right? You don't even date any girls. I'm the only girl in your life."

Growing defensive, "So?"

"Wondering if you're a bit curious about what a girl actually looks like?"


"Not talking about watching porn here, Daniel Brady."

He flushed at this, returning to reading his biology book fervently.

"Now, do you..." she hesitated. "When you watch porn, do you...?"

"Of course I do," he replied testily. And with his curiosity gaining momentum, he asked, "Do you?"

"Watch porn?" she confirmed and then snickered.

"I mean, do you...?" and clearing his throat, "You know. Do..."

"Uhm... yeah. Like..." and not used to saying it to a guy, "Masturbate?"

"Yeah." That piqued his interest. Closing the book once more, "Do you? Like..."

"Wanna watch?" She's becoming bored and now feeling 'naughty.'

"Ummm. Carrie. Don't you want to find a different guy to... you know... be with?"

"Well, all the other guys at school are either jocks wanting to peg me or nerdy guys who can't tell porn from their science books," she said with a smirk. He hastily threw his biology book onto the couch between them, as if it was burning him.

"Aren't I kind of like... one of those?" Danny asked, half-jokingly, half-grumpy.

"Well..." Carrie hesitated. He was a bit nerdy, but in a cute way.

"And besides," Danny continued. "I kinda feel like we're brother and sister, or maybe cousins. Like that. I mean, our parents are so close that—"

"So, we don't go all the way. We just... watch. Look. Close up and... watch."

"I don't know, Carrie. It feels... weird. You know?"

"I don't want to wait any longer. Can't we do this? We don't have to have... uhm... sexual intercourse. I just want to see what you look like. Don't you? And what I look like?" Carrie pointed down at her lap.

They sat staring at each other, their question having settled between them. They felt like siblings or cousins. And then they had this inexplicable attraction that occasionally brought them almost touching, hands close to touching, then... only when no one else was looking.

Carrie parted her legs on the couch, crossed them, and then opened them wide, exposing her now-wide-open crotch to him.

Danny found himself unable to look at her. He could feel his erection stirring, and he became even more embarrassed. He reached for his biology book in a desperate attempt to hide it.

But before he could do so, Carrie noticed his nearly fully erect bulge pushing against his pants. She smiled to herself and widened her legs even more.

"Don't you want to see the real thing?" she whispered seductively. She even glanced down at her exposed vagina and bit her lower lip, enjoying the way she was making him blush.

"So would that mean..." he mumbled, "We'd be a couple? I mean..."

It was Carrie's turn to blush and look away. Her emotions were crystallizing toward Danny. Only she was more conscious of this than he was. "Guys can be so dumb," one of her girlfriends Cindy had once said to their group of female friends.

"Yes, maybe," Belinda, another friend, had replied. "Until they truly understand their desires." Carrie blushed furiously at this.

"What, Carrie? Have your parents never given you 'the talk' about sex?"

"I rarely see my parents," she returned.

Danny and Carrie descended into another lengthy silence, each reluctant to say 'yes.'

Finally, Carrie told him, "We're both adults, not kids. Neither of us have seen... uhm... had... you know. Aren't you just a little curious?"

"I don't want to do it here on the couch," she sarcastically remarked, her sarcasm dripping off her like water.

Taking a deep breath, he stood up and trailed behind her as she made her way towards her room. Holy shit, he thought, surprise written all over his face. Were they really about to engage in this act?

Carrie situated herself cross-legged on her bed, instructing him to shut the door. "You don't think anyone can see or walk in on us, do you?" she quipped.

He closed the door, making sure to hear it click shut. There was a feeling of finality in that sound - as if they were stepping through a threshold in their lives. Turning his back on the door, his eyes were met with her on her bed, waiting.

He gently pushed her chair away from her desk and spun it around, questioning her, "So what exactly do you want to do?" The tone of his voice was unsteady, embarrassment wasftund in every word.

"Um, get naked?" she asked unsurely.

"Okay, you first," he responded, still feeling uneasy.

"Come on. We've seen each other in bathing suits before, right?"

"Yeah, but I... never..." he muttered, his hand instinctively cradling his now rock-hard arousal.

"Had a boner?" Carrie jested, her gaze lingering on the top of his jeans.

"Umm, yeah," he admitted sheepishly.

"Remember that trip to Lake Elsinore?" she probed.

"Umm, yeah?" when it dawned on him.

"Oh, that time! Yeah... Remember when we were out in the lake together and-" she grinned, "you got an erection?"

"I really don't remember," he lied, his face turning red once more.

"I do," she bragged, a gleeful smirk on her face.

Step by step, she moved closer to where he was standing, her hands reaching out to remove his own from his lap.

He whimpered as her hand touched his arousal, his heart beating wildly. "Oh, crap!" she exclaimed, giggling and taking a few steps back to her bed once again.

"Let's do it together. Simultaneously. You ready?"

"Yes," he uttered, still reluctant to move for fear of his urge taking over.

She moved closer again, looking into his eyes as she stated, "One piece at a time. Okay?" She began to undo the hem of her shirt, slowly inching it up her belly and over her bra. Throwing her shirt on the floor, she told him, "See? That isn't so difficult."

It only took a few seconds for him to remove his shirt, breathing heavily.

He recognized the design on her bra as she fondled it. "Teddy bears?"

She exaggerated her movements, placing her hands at her crotch and swaying back and forth like a little girl. "I like them," she defended, before reverting her gaze back to him. "Your turn."

Taking a deep breath, he finally released his grasp on his arousal and unbuttoned his jeans. His movements were slow and lacking in sensuality, yet deliberate.

Finally, his jeans hit the floor. They were mere feet apart yet they were worlds away. He couldn't help but stare at her growing nipples, which poked through her cotton bra. And she... couldn't help but gaze at his increasingly rigid arousal. They stood there, both staring into each other's eyes, he still mesmerized by her nipples, while she retained her 'little girl' posture.

A minute - or was it two or three? - went by and still they didn't move. Finally, she cracked a smile and he blushed guiltily.

"So," she wondered, her eyes narrowing in curiosity, "who's next?"

"Let's pull off our underwear simultaneously," she suggested. "On the count of three. One... Two..." With that, she grabbed hold of the elastic on both sides of her hips and started pulling the fabric down, allowing it to fall after it had cleared her groin area.

Now, Danny couldn't help but stare. The pubic hair that had been subtly hinted at before was now on full display. His thoughts were racing between focusing on her breasts or the spot between her legs.

Initially hesitant, Carrie gave him an irritated look. "So?" she inquired impatiently.

Breathing heavily now, Danny took a firmer grip on the waistband and quickly pulled his "tighty whities" down. Naturally, this caused his erect penis to pop up and bounce around for a few seconds. This prompted her to giggle and then exclaim, "Oh my goodness!"

Upon looking down, he observed his erect member's size with a mix of amazement and embarrassment. It was as if it had a life of its own, and he couldn't help but wonder how it had grown to be so large.

His mind begged him to cross the three-foot distance, pick her up by her attractive legs, and penetrate her. To engage in raw, unthinking animal coitus, both taking and giving.

However, he hesitated as his throbbing erection began to subside.

"Wow," she exclaimed softly. When he looked up, her eyes were wide, and her mouth was slightly parted. "Is it always that big?" she asked in disbelief.

Again, he blushed, feeling embarrassed yet proud of his enlarged member. It continued to pump blood into it, moving up and down without his assistance. It was almost as if it had a mind of its own.

"May I..." she began to say.

"Touch it?" he queried.

"Can I see yours first?" he inquired.

His thoughts of leaping across the bed and dynamically entering her evaporated. Instead, he responded with a quiet yet urgent "Yes. That would be more prudent."

He moved to the chair behind him, and she lowered the sheets and comforter on her bed, preparing to sit there.

As she turned her body to face him, she grinned and said, "Do what you usually do." She parted her legs widely and placed her fingers on her groin, preparing to begin rubbing herself.

His gaze zeroed in on the opening that appeared when she spread her legs fully. He took a deep breath and wrapped his right hand around his penis, ready to masturbate as she inserted her fingers into her vagina.

Her right hand drifted up to her breast and began rubbing it cautiously. An involuntary hiss escaped her lips. Her glazed eyes were fixed on his hand stroking his penis, and her breathing accelerated to match his.

Her left hand explored her inner lips as they became engorged as well. Her teeth bit into her upper lip as she dipped her fingers into her wetness and spread it around.

"I want..." she whispered. "I want to... see it. Up close," she said, indicating the spot on the bed in front of her and resting her hand on her thigh.

Standing back up from the chair, he hesitated for a moment, then slowly made his way over to the foot of the bed. Taking a seat, he stopped stroking himself.

"Is it... is it messy when you...?" she inquired in a soft tone.

"Ummm. Yes," he replied, and Carrie raced to the hall linen closet and retrieved a large beach towel, spreading it on the bed in front of her.

Chuckling upon her return, "It's not that messy," he informed her.

"Well... maybe I am," she said with a mischievous grin.

As he approached her, eager to see her up close, he asked her, "May I observe it up close?"

She smiled playfully and leaned in, whispering, "How close do you want to be?" Clearly indicating her desire for a kiss, her thoughts screamed, Kiss me.

She didn't take the hint, so she leaned back against the headboard with her legs spread as wide as she could. She then slightly lowered her back to lift her butt off the bed for a better view. Now, licking his lips, Danny leaned in towards her. She spread her labia with her fingers and asked, "Do you want to lick it?"

Danny had heard his friends talk about how dirty and gross their girlfriend's vaginas were. Although he didn't find hers that bad, he preferred to just observe it for now. "Maybe later," was all he said.

She widened her vagina even more, revealing her pink and blush area, leading to her small and inviting tunnel of love. He almost wanted to lick and slurp at it but hesitated. He wanted to see her masturbate. He wasn't sure if he wanted to go any further than that.

She used her pointer finger to insert it into her hole and began stroking it in and out. They both screamed with pleasure. Her for the feeling and the naughtiness of masturbating in front of her best friend, and him for the hankering to touch it but didn't with his finger.

Instead, he leaned back and sat down, stroking himself as he watched her finger go in and out of that cherished hole. The more she stroked her entire lips, inner and outer, the harder he stroked.

Carrie was whimpering louder and louder, building up to moans and eventually screams as Danny began groaning louder and louder.

"I'm about to come!" He shrieked.

"Me, too! Come on my stomach! Come... on... my—"

She screamed "OH, GOD!" as he screamed, "I'm COMING!" He quickly knelt up and leaned towards her.

The first ropes of cum reached her throat, chest, and stomach, almost coating her hand and tunnel.

At the same time, she released a huge gush of liquid from between her fingers, spraying his chest and hand, triggering an "Oh, Shit!" from him.

Sitting back on his haunches, he was gasping for air while she was panting heavily. "Wow!" she exclaimed. "Is that normal?"

"No," he whispered between his still hiccupping grunts of joy. "I've never come like that before. And what about you? I've seen squirting before, but thought it was just for porn."

"That was amazing. And no, I've never... squirted before. I've leaked, but never shot a big gush like that."

Without thinking, Danny moved forward and settled on top of Carrie. Their eyes locked in shock for a moment. It said, 'We just did that.' Then it changed to 'Oh, my god, you feel so good,' and 'You're lying on top of me!'

Suddenly, the look shifted. It said, 'Oh, my God. I think...'



They both seemed lost, unsure of what to do next. Danny moved his body down, and in the chaos of trying to find a comfortable position, the tip of his penis slipped casually into her waiting and wet opening.

A look of shock washed over Carrie's face, which then changed to one of lust with her eyes closing to half-lidded and— "Yes. Enter me."

Their bodies began to move together and synced their breath. With a slight push, she felt him penetrate her virginity, and she pushed him deeper and deeper.

He was suddenly so deep inside her, and they were both so desperate for it one moment, then afraid of the consequences in the next.

All doubts were swept away as they were lost in the need to thrust in and out and up and down. She was pushing him in further and further over and over. "Oh, God. Danny! Yes!"

They became a rolling wave of sexual ecstasy, dancing together before drifting apart.

Carrie was enveloped in emotions and arousal, not caring if he came inside her or not, almost wanting him to hurry, as intensely as he did last time but inside her this time.

Danny couldn't hold back his tears as he found himself in the place he had longed for so desperately. He hadn't realized just how much he desired her.

The duo experienced an overwhelming surge at the same time, Carrie's body releasing once more like a gushing waterfall, while Danny sprayed her with a hose-like intensity.

They were well aware that they had just welcomed a new life into the world, and both of them were crying out of the profound love that would ensure their union would never end.

In nine months... Catherine Anne Brady was born, into a blissfully ecstatic Carrie Anne Brady (née Moore). Handed her already soaked firstborn.

Fiercely grinning, Danny and Carrie's eyes met again. From that moment on, their connection only grew stronger, linking them together for eternity.

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