lesbian sex

Jane, Once More Arriving Late! Pt. 2

Jane acknowledges her wrongdoings and feels remorseful, contemplating a better path. [ Realization, shame, and a hopeful future? Jane pays it forward.

May 2, 2024
7 min read
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Jane, You're... Late Again! Pt. 02
Jane, You're... Late Again! Pt. 02

Jane, Once More Arriving Late! Pt. 2

I smiled at her, feeling satisfied, until I came to my senses. What had I just done? Had I exploited an employee?

Surprisingly, my face was wet, as well as my shirt and the top of my desk. The room also had an unpleasant smell. I glanced at Jane, who started to move. By the time I raised my eyes to meet hers, I could see her expression turning to disappointment and sadness.

"No, no, no, no... Don't look at me like that," I begged. "Please, stop looking at me with shame and fear in your eyes."

Her smile turned into a frown, and her eyes were brimming with tears. "Shhhhhh. Don't look at me like you're ashamed of me," she muttered softly.

"God, baby girl, it's not you I'm ashamed of... It's me! I took advantage of an employee. I used you. I should've...", but she interrupted me.

"Shhhhhh. No, Daddy. You didn't take advantage of me. I'm the one who threw myself at you for months. I knew you were married before, so I thought it would be okay."

Suddenly, her face turned red and she looked away. "Uh, yes... I've... I've... I've been in love with you since I applied for this job three years ago. I tried to be professional, but the longer I worked here, the more attracted to you I became. When Pamela left, I started hoping... Then, when my attempts failed, I..." Her words seemed to trail off.

I was emotionally stunned. I'd felt a strong attraction towards her, but I never expected her to feel the same way. She was young! She had so much of her life ahead of her! I had a daughter older than her!

I spoke to her quietly. "Okay, hold on, Jane, dear. I need a moment to think. I..." I swallowed. "But we both need to calm down.

"Mr. Friendly?" Her eyes met mine, a hint of fear in them.

"Daddy?" She whispered.

She looked at me as if she were expecting an answer, on the brink of crying. Her breathing steadied, and so did mine. "No, baby girl, please don't cry. I'll... I'm... I don't know what to do next. But I never wanted to hurt you."

But hurting her was inevitable...

I grabbed her and held her on my lap. She curled against my chest, her knees drawn up and creating a ball with her body. Her breathing slowed, and so did mine.

I felt torn between wanting to comfort her and needing to cut things off before they got more complicated. What if she accused me of rape? I'd be ruined!

Then, Jane's hand reached up, gently tracing my chin and my goatee. "Daddy? Where have you gone? You were calm a moment ago, but now your heart is racing. Please, tell me I didn't make a terrible mistake. I thought... I thought...", her voice decreased to a whisper, "I thought you liked me, too?"

"Oh fuck, I'm so stupid." She struggled, but I restrained her.

"Stop." I said firmly. "Don't struggle. Just listen."

"Darling daughter, I apologize. I'm undoubtedly attracted to you.... Obvious. Yet, I'm just... Attempting to get accustomed to... I don't know... The concept that I didn't commit an error by doing this.... To you. I sense..."

"Hush, yourself, papa." She reacted somewhat impudently, "I recognize this just took place. But please don't cause me to feel guilty about it. It had been going so soothing." She uttered the last phrase somewhat mournfully.... Boosting the so slightly.

I reacted by blushing and diverting my gaze.

Jane initiated to move and extract herself from my arms. I peered at her and she had an appearance that brought on considerable apprehension. I started to express myself, but she swiftly placed one tapering finger resolutely over my lips.

She now sat on my lap, facing me. Her knees were pressing into the upper regions of my thighs, with her feet tucked under. She inclined gently... Her finger yet planted upon my lips. I commenced to shake my head negatively, when she paused, and her eyebrows drooped in disgruntlement.

Then she moved her hands to the sides of my head and leaned in suddenly, placing a kiss on my lips.

It was delicate...

Her crimson lips were somewhat sticky as a consequence of her lip gloss. They tasted marginally sweet, tinged with vanilla. Her lips were soft and spongy. The kiss was delicately conducted, and the pressure remained minimal. Just ample for our lips to join completely. Then she moved back.

She licked a little moisture from the corner of her mouth with the tip of her pink tongue.

I was truly astonished. She gazed intently into my eyes and beamed. Then, a smile inexorably took shape on my lips. I could not prevent myself.

I sensed the exuberance in her eyes as we collided again. There was no delicate this moment! Our lips crashed together, and I drove my tongue towards her opening mouth. Her tongue responded and we grappled back and forth. While her lips had been soft, her tongue was deft and daunting.

Our bodies pressed together closely. I could detect her delicate breasts through my damp shirt. Her hands had appeared everywhere all of a sudden, scrabbling at my shirt. It leaped up over my head and we were skin to skin.

She was warm and firm. Her scanty body arrange herself in my arms. She felt so amiable, though sinewy, like a cat. Lean muscles that were now wiggling in my lap.

I begun to relish her skin.... Skirting over her cheek and relishing down her neck to her clavicle. I relished up her neck towards the spot right behind her ear. I relished there and ensured she perceived my warm breath on the wet lick region as I whispered, "What do you desire most little one?"

"To savor you, Daddy," she countered.

She disengaged from my lap and withdrew down to her knees whilst I ferried back my chair. I removed my belt and unzipped my trousers in rapid sequence without conveying a sense of urgency (a couple of additional years on this Earth has thought me a little self-restraint.... Though not much!). I extracted my shoes and stepped out of my socks prior to lowering my trousers and underpants all simultaneously.

I'm not exceptionally large, yet significant by most standards, roughly 7" in length and of no immoderation in the thickness department. I've heard from a few women that it's too enormous a few times now. It's a little undulating, and curves slightly to the left.

On beholding it, Jane's countenance transformed with awe, "Oh, Daddy, it's so lovely."

My cock stirred at this juncture, and Jane emitted an enthusiastic clap of her hands in the cutest little activity. I laughed and she reached out to retrieve it...

Her fingers were like energy. She raised my rod upward and scrutinized the head desirously. A smear of my fluid filled the aperture, and she sighed instantly and stretched her neck to lick it.

"Mmmmm, Daddy," she uttered dreamily, "It tastes so scrumptious."

"Oh Holy Boy, my darling." I trumpeted. My eyes rolled backwards into my sconce.

The sensation of her tongue licking just inside....

Glorious heck, if I was even ten years more youthful, I might well have climaxed then and there!

Her tongue darted out yet again as she licked and licked at the head of my cock like it was a colossal popsicle. Then, she leaned nearer and nearer.... I was capable of perceiving her hot cardiac heat on the head and the higher portion of my shaft, above her hand.

Her delicate, thoroughly sodden, velvety mouth suctioned around the head of my cock and she inhaled hard.

Scrumptiousness it felt!

She moved her lips further down my shaft, entertaining more and more of my manliness. Her lips stretched slightly around the head as it extended and retracted between them. Her tongue traversed along the underside of my cock as her lips slid lower and lower. They met her hand, and she took a moment. [

My heart raced. My penis throbbed. This lovely young lady I could finally acknowledge (privately) to having a tiny crush on, had my manhood as deep into her mouth as it could go without sliding into her throat.

She stayed completely still, then I felt her swallowing around me. "Oh my!" I shivered.

I was so close now. My fingers were crammed into fists, my toes were curled.

'Cold water... Cold shower... How much cash is left in the drawer? The goats I saw on the trip to the beach last year... ' What else could I concoct to try and delay longer?

I was soaked in perspiration now. A few of my muscles were trembling.

Yet she held firm.

I suddenly understood that I had my eyes tightly closed. I slowly opened them. The perspective that met me nearly made me tip over again. My penis was lodged warm and wet in this stunning female's mouth. Her lips formed a protective barrier around my shaft, with half of my penis buried within her mouth.

And she was gazing intently into my eyes with a look of unwavering adoration.

Then her right hand rose up and she cradled my testicles delicately. The warmth of her hand felt divine. Then she traced her fingernails down my testicles so I could feel the scratch.... But no discomfort.

It was my time to break out in a sweat and commence a minor tremble. I was on the verge of cumming.

"Slow.... Slow." I said, "I'm so close." I was gulping for breath now.

Her gaze remained locked on mine. She beamed around my penis and ever so slowly started extracting her mouth free from my penis. Her tongue was pressed fiercely against the underside of my penis. I'm confident I could feel every single one of her taste buds. Each one felt like a speed bump!

I was teetering on the brink.... So close.

Due to not having an outlet for some time.... Not a single one, since me and Pam had been having issues. And then, the buildup from feeding on Jane's vagina earlier....

Oh no, I shouldn't have considered that!

"Damn, I'm cumming!" I gasped and tried to pull away and determine what to do with it.

Jane grabbed hold of the back of my thighs and raised her suction activity substantially. That was that - finished.

I gripped Janes head to keep from thrusting too deep. But I required something to grasp as I started cumming. I gently rocked my hips as I did so. I released four or five large spurts before ultimately running out of anything more than a trickle.... My penis turned too sensitive, so I pulled away. Jane carried on sucking with all her strength.

I retreated and fell back into my seat. I was quivering and perspiring and struggling to breathe. I looked down at Jane, who stared at me like the cat that ate the canary. She licked her lips with a contented grin.

"Pleased with yourself, Little One?"

"Yes Daddy!" she stated proudly.

I spread out my arms and she quickly climbed up onto my lap. Returning to the little ball.... Only this time, we were both naked.

End section two...

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Source: www.nice-escort.de