Gay Sex

Japanese-Style Cooking: Teriyaki

Severe clash between two youths.

May 3, 2024
12 min read

Japanese-Style Cooking: Teriyaki

In the vibrant landscape of falling leaves, a bold woman strides towards the train stop, the click of her heels against the pavement echoing. Her Indian heritage shows through her dark features. Not far behind, a tall man walks with intent, his svelte figure highlighted by his casual attire. They cross paths, and their eyes catch one another's gaze with curiosity. Her outfit consists of light blue jeans with a white stripe down each leg and a dark green sweater; his shoes are white sneakers and a crisp white shirt. It seems as though they've just finished dining, adding an air of mystery to their encounter amidst the falling leaves.

At the train stop, it's apparent to onlookers that Wim and Myrtha are more than mere acquaintances. There's an undeniable magnetism between them, gradually bringing them closer.

Standing at 25 years old, Wim is a white man who works as an analyst for a retail firm. His calm and composed demeanor represents a sense of reliability and assuredness, contrasting with the chaotic atmosphere of the train station.

Myrtha, just 21, possesses an Indian ancestry as her parents migrated to the Netherlands when she was but a baby. She's currently pursuing a degree in marketing at a university, demonstrating her strong character and determination.

Wim resides alone in a smaller city, with Myrtha often visiting him.

"Whether they know it or not, they're just jealous. You'll pass no matter the professor." Wim states.

"That's what some of my friends have said. This compliance subject is so tedious. I've heard some girls wear revealing outfits to the exams to improve their marks." Myrtha breathes out.

"Really? Does it help?"


"Girl, don't ye cover your beauty. It's mine. You have a beautiful face," he wraps his hands around her hips.

Myrtha feels the warmth of his breath. She leans forward, sealing a hungry kiss on his neck. She notices the difference in Wim's demeanor. It's been some time since they last saw each other.

"I can try another professor."

Her blood seems to rush to her head. She knows his neck is his weakness. She feels him breathe uneasily. She urges her lips onto his neck, sinking her teeth into it. The attention of a few people waiting for the city train is attracted. Myrtha glances briefly at them, watching them watch her.

"My clever girl can impress anyone," Wim quips.

Their kiss is cut short by the arrival of the train. They enter and choose their seats.

Once they're seated on the train, a certain tension persists in the air, like a brewing storm approaching.

"You know, Myrtha," Wim starts with a hint of annoyance in his voice, "I can't help but feel like you're constantly second-guessing yourself."

Wim's brows furrow in puzzlement. "Second-guessing? Nah, Myrtha, never. You're the most intelligent person I know."

Myrtha rolls her eyes in annoyance. "Yet you feel the compulsion to supervise everything I do."

Wim's expression softens, a sheepish smile crossing his lips. "Oh, I just want to ensure everything is ideal for you, darling. You deserve the best, don't you?"

Myrtha sighs, shaking her head. "It's not about perfection, Wim. It's about trusting me to handle things on my own."

Wim's smile fades, making way for a more contemplative expression. "Alright, Myrtha. I'll try to relax. "

Myrtha giggles, unable to resist. "Thanks, Wim. I appreciate that. But seriously, I need you to be confident in me, alright?"

Wim nods, reaching out to squeeze her hand. "I am, Myrtha. I truly am. I've promised."

Their conversation lingers in the air, the gentle murmur of the train bringing them a soothing atmosphere. They both understand the significance of trust and comprehension in their relationship, embracing it, warts and all.

As they approach the front door, a stunning sunset view is visible outside. Wim takes note of the unusual fire in Myrtha's eyes. The sort of aura she possesses when they engage in their intimate moments. Her eyes are fierce, agitated, and yearning. She's been mentally preparing herself since they left the restaurant. She has no escape from her workload. Her stress is at its peak and needs alleviation.

The pair halt in front of the house entrance, with the sunset's vibrant hues serving as a tranquil backdrop for their discussion. Wim notices a spark of eagerness in Myrtha's eyes, a restlessness that hints at something more fundamental. Wim observes a unique fire in Myrtha - the type she has when they are getting intimate. Her eyes are aglow, aiming straight ahead. She's uneasy, restless and aroused. She's been brooding over it throughout dinner. No longer burdened by the endless studying, the exam period isn't done yet. Her tension is at its peak and she requires a release.

"You seem... eager," Wim notes, his voice casual as he points to Myrtha's demeanor.

Myrtha nods, an uneasy energy coursing through her. "Yeah, just need a break from all the studying," she replies, her voice revealing traces of tension.

Wim raises an eyebrow, a playful smirk forming on his lips. "Well, lucky for us, dinner was just the start of our escape from your exam madness."

Myrtha chuckles slightly, but her thoughts are elsewhere. "Escape, huh? Sounds like exactly what I need."

Wim: "My studious girl can cope."

She nudges him playfully, a smirk appearing on her lips. "Being devoted to my studies doesn't make me a nerd."

They enter the flat.

"So do I get something for that dinner?" Wim winks.

"Like what?" She laughs.

"Hmm you might suspect."

"Maybe I do" she feels his crotch.

Wim pulls her nearer, their bodies fusing together as their lips meet in a brief but passionate kiss. The flavor of teriyaki food continues to linger on Myrtha's lips, a reminder of their shared dinner earlier. His hands stray to her captivating hips, his fingertips tracing her backside with a hunger borne from passion. With a soft yet firm grip, he savors the softness of her shape, eliciting a soft moan of happiness from Myrtha.

She leans against his chest, savoring the warmth and intimacy of their bond. Wim raises his chin, placing it on the crown of her head as they stand together in a moment of shared affection. The rhythm of their breaths intertwines, an unspoken pledge of the connection they share amidst the chaos of their life.

Myrtha moves toward the living room wardrobe, removing her sweater with a smooth grace that offers a glimpse of a white, long-sleeved tee. The fabric hugs her curves with a tantalizing embrace, its rich shade highlighting the outlines of her voluptuous figure. The flower designs embellishing the sleeves add a touch of intricate refinement, highlighting the subtle particulars that make the shirt special. As she moves, the tee molds itself to her silhouette, creating a visually stunning spectacle that emphasizes the enticing curves of her body. The neckline plunges moderately, framing her collarbone and adding a suggestion of allure to the overall ensemble. The sleeves, with their dainty floral patterns, function as a visual crescendo, guiding the eye toward her arms, which exude a subtle power, emphasizing her alluring presence.

Nevertheless, it's her chest that steals the show--a captivating image of femininity. The fabric adheres to her chest with a magnetic attraction, underscoring the stress of her breasts. Her bosom, subtly emphasized, becomes an inescapable attractor, drawing the eye with its irresistible sensual appeal. The white tee, a canvas for her natural beauty, becomes a vessel through which her figure's symphony unfolds, leaving an indelible impression of allure and expectancy. Winking at Wim, she adds a cheeky touch to the already charged setting. His gaze holds on, enchanted by the cloth and form's seductive dance. As they stand locked in a silent communication, the allure of Myrtha's figure becomes an unsaid guarantee, increasing the anticipation for the intimate moments to come.

"Let me head to the bathroom really fast," she says.

"I'll get the wine," Wim replies, heading towards the bar.

He discovers the absence of wine, leaving only a few rum bottles.

"Fuck, nothing there, it's either water or Jägermeister."

He fills two small glasses with Jägermeister. Myrtha returns, and Wim invites her.

"Come baby, drink it."

She takes the glass, observing, "It's not wine."

"It'll do the job, or are you thirsty for more?" Wim challenges with a mischievous grin.

"Yes, I am," she states, looking him in the eyes, her voice falters slightly.

"I know you are."

They are spellbound, a mixture of euphoria and anticipation. Despite their far-from-ideal lives, they discover immense happiness during this instance. They slowly embrace, their lips meeting for the first time that evening, as the magnetic pull between them grows more intense.

With their lips parted, the taste of rum lingering on their breath, the atmosphere between them becomes intoxicating. The magnetic force brings them together again, their bodies colliding with a hunger-filled sound. Myrtha feels Wim's tongue exploring her mouth, triggering a primal reaction. She grips his back with forceful urgency, bringing him closer. Adapting to their height difference, Wim places his left hand on her jaw and the back of her head, intensifying their kiss. The heat between them grows, and Myrtha senses a fiery wave spreading through her chest. Butterflies dance in her stomach, with an electric current flowing through her body, centered under her belly, arousing a growing desire. She's getting wet.

In this intimate moment, Wim takes control and guides Myrtha towards a nearby wall. She surrenders to his commanding presence as her back meets the wall, and he lifts her right thigh, allowing her to wrap it around him. Their connection deepens as they engage in an explicit dance of desire, creating even more erotic tension between them. Wim's hard cock is now against her stomach.

Myrtha's breath hitches as Wim's lips travel down her neck, leaving a path of fiery kisses.

"Wim," she whispers softly, her voice a breathless plea. "I need you."

Wim's hands explore her curves, igniting a desire that only grows hotter with each touch.

"I'm here for you, Myrtha," he growls, his voice thick with desire. "Ready to give you everything you've been craving."

Their eyes meet, creating a powerful connection.

"Then take me," Myrtha cries out, her eyes smoldering with passion. "Take me right here, right now."

Myrtha's skin is alive with energy. Wim feels her bust as he grinds against her. Myrtha places her thigh down, and with a strong grip, grabs his butt through his jeans. Her womb is ready for him. In this moment of insatiable need, she's soaking wet. She's worried about wetting her jeans. Her swollen pussy lips are almost visible through the material. Their eyes meet again, and Wim sees the primal hunger in her gaze, the animalistic desire fueling her. Myrtha can think of nothing else. She needs that penis inside her quickly. Wim removes her white tee, and Myrtha lifts her arms, revealing her luscious 34D breasts. She squeezes them together with both hands. The white fabric of her shirt stands in stark contrast with her brown skin.

Myrtha's skin and chest heat up, craving his touch. She feels his hardness pressing against her as she pulls him closer, her nails digging into his back. Her breath is strained and uneven, consumed by desire running through her veins. She's beyond wet; she's dripping with need, her arousal evident in the way her lips part, asking for his touch. Their eyes connect once more, and Wim sees the animalistic desire in them. There's no room for though, just raw, intense passion. Myrtha's entire being is focused on having Wim inside her, satisfying her craving for pleasure. As he removes the barrier between them, her heaving breasts fall slightly. She's sweaty, and her large aureolas glisten in the light. When her tee falls to the floor, Wim's hands find her breasts, holding them possessively. His eyes darken with desire, arousing her further as their connection deepens.

Myrtha giggles when he fondles her right breast. Her voice is soft as Wim touches her.

"Oh, Wim," she breathes, her voice husky with longing. "You know how to make me feel immense pleasure."

Wim's lips curve into a smirk as he leans in closer, his breath hot against her ear.

"My aim is to please, Myrtha," he whispers, his voice low and seductive. "Tonight, I want to make you feel unforgettable."

A shiver races down Myrtha's spine at his words, her excitement intensifying with each passing second. "Demonstrate for me, Wim," she murmurs, her voice shaky with desire. "Demonstrate how remarkable you can be."

He touches her now exposed shoulders. Her gaze locks on him, filled with longing. Her nipples are stiff as rocks. If Myrtha didn't possess any self-control, she would immediately rip his clothes off and have sex with him. However, she wanted to maintain a degree of decency. Wim leans in and kisses her forehead passionately. Myrtha shuts her eyes and groans. Their eyes meet once more. The electric charge between them is indescribable. After their extended stare, Wim says, "Get prepared for me, sweetheart." Wim starts unfastening his white shirt. He slowly removes his jeans and underwear.

He heads towards the table and refills two glasses with Jagermeister. On his way back to Myrtha, his fully hardened cock swings from side to side. With an animalistic hunger in his eyes, Wim advances, his aroused member clearly evident with each step. Myrtha's gaze lingers on his erect length, her mouth watering in anticipation.

As Wim hands her a glass of Jagermeister, their fingers touch, sending a shock of electricity through Myrtha's body. She takes a sip, the sweet liquor warming her from the inside, harmonizing with the flames that blaze inside her. As their bodies press together, the heat between them becomes distressingly unbearable, propelling them to the brink of ecstasy.

Myrtha's hands grasp his cock with insatiable eagerness, her touch electrifying his skin. Wim's senses are inundated by the intoxicating fragrance of her arousal, fueling his desire to new heights. Their lips meet hungrily, tongues weaving in a wild dance as their ardor builds. Wim leans down, his fingers digging into her firm skin, sensing the heat emanating from her body. Myrtha's craving is apparent, her sopping white Calvin Klein Panties providing a testament to her longing. Wim's bareness only escalates the intensity of the moment, his penis throbbing in anticipation as he presses his shaft against her, yearning for entrance.

"How eager are you?"

Wim's voice rumbles with desire, his own yearning echoing hers.

"I can no longer delay," Myrtha gasps, her voice husky with desire.

With a desperate fervor, she guides him to the bedroom, shedding her final scrap of clothing with reckless abandon. Her gleaming pussy beckons to him, a tantalizing proposition he cannot resist. As he slips on a condom, Myrtha's fingers explore her wetness, propelling herself towards climax. Wim's hands caress her thighs, his focus fixed on her soaked quim. With a primal hunger, he plunges into her, the sensation overwhelming both of them in a symphony of bliss and desire. Myrtha's moans resonate around the room, a chorus of ecstasy as they lose themselves in each other, swallowed by the intensity of their passion.

As Wim continues to thrust, Myrtha gets lost in the moment. His hands on her waist push her breasts about with every movement. Her stubborn nipples protruding from her ample breasts are aiming upwards. Wim wants to suck her nipples so badly but he's preoccupied with her pussy. Myrtha can't help but groan loudly. Wim's grunts mix with hers, the room filling with loud growls. Then, he slows down, going deeper with each thrust, striking the perfect spot. In that consuming moment, Myrtha loses herself in bliss, sure of her recollection of this unforgettable encounter.

"Yes, yes, don't stop" Myrtha shouts, her breath becoming more erratic.

The sloshing sounds of his member ravaging her quim reverberate throughout the space. However, Myrtha remains undaunted. Her perspiring, lustrous body glistens under low light. Myrtha can finally let go. She's in the midst of exam season at university. The pressure has been mounting and she can finally expel it. She can finally release all that pent-up energy. Her excitement is building, and she starts producing primordial sounds. Wim enjoys witnessing his queen transform into a monster. In daily life, Myrtha strives to act very respectable. But in bed, she becomes a wild creature. She possesses a more powerful libido than Wim. However, she's entirely content with his cock and how he attends to her sexual necessities.

The tunnel vision of Wim narrows even further as he fixates on Myrtha. Suddenly time becomes snail-paced. He continues thrusting, pushing his throbbing member into her spasming pussy, delving deeper with each thrust, his balls slapping her butt. Finally, the point of no return for Wim arrives. He feels an astounding pressure in his balls and then erupts within her. His hands maintain their hold on her waist while he thrusts into her and keeps ejaculating. Myrtha was approaching climax as well. His pulsating cock causes her body to convulse. After Wim is satisfied, he slows down.

After catching their breath, Wim carefully moves away from Myrtha, who lies panting and sweating beside him. Myrtha's chest expands as she breathes heavily, her erect nipples visible, her eyes heavy with pleasure. Wim tenderly wipes a bead of sweat from her forehead, his touch light against her flushed skin.

"Wow, that was intense!" Wim exclaims, a wide grin appearing on his face.

Myrtha responds with a quiet chuckle and a nod. "Definitely," she agrees, a mischievous glint in her eye.

For a moment, they lie in comfortable silence, soaking in the peaceful feeling that comes after sharing such an intimate moment. Myrtha takes hold of the used condom and lets out a laugh.

"Wow, you came a lot," she teases as she plays with it.

Myrtha then leans down and places her head between Wim's legs. She begins to lick him quickly, driving him wild. Once she's finished, she makes a popping sound.

As Myrtha's thoughts drift to their plans for the rest of the evening, Wim breaks the silence.

"So, what do you want to do now?" he asks.

Myrtha shrugs, her lips curling into a mischievous smile. "I don't know...maybe another round?" her voice full of suggestiveness. Wim's eyes widen in surprise before his grin returns.

"I like your way of thinking," he responds, pulling Myrtha back for another passionate kiss. As they lose themselves in each other once again, they both know that whatever happens next, it will be filled with the same passion and intensity as before.

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