Celebrity Sex Stories

Jedi Liaison - Pt. 01

Jaina Solo is punished by Chief of State Daala.

Jul 3, 2024
44 min read
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Jedi Liaison - Pt. 01
Jedi Liaison - Pt. 01

Jedi Liaison - Pt. 01

Not long after Luke Skywalker is exiled from the Galactic Alliance by Chief of State Natasi Daala...

A month or so ago, Jaina wouldn't have believed she would be doing this. Even just a couple of weeks ago, she would have been skeptical.

She'd been caught evading her government appointed observer that had been assigned to the Jedi, and Chief Daala and Master Hamner decided that she should become the Jedi Order's Liaison to the Chief of State. That meant that she had been spending the vast majority of her time the past month with Chief Daala.

Of course the Chief of State didn't allow her to carry her lightsaber when she was on duty. Jaina turned it in at the outer security checkpoint at first, but after a few days, she just started leaving it at the Jedi Temple.

Just a few days into her assignment, Chief Daala had given her a headset to use while she was on duty. It consisted of two earpieces connected with a metal band around the back of her head, and a small stylus projecting forward from each earpiece. A small holoemmitter was on the end of each projection, displaying information in front of her eyes. Saskia and Kayya, who were Chief Daala's personal assistants, had their own headsets they used. Saskia happily showed Jaina how to use hers.

There was even a holopressconference announcing Jaina's new position with Chief Daala's government. Chief Daala's people had gone over what she was expected to say with her beforehand. Her remarks were displayed for her on her headset, along with appropriate responses to the holojournalists' questions. She read from the display almost without thinking, keeping a friendly smile the whole time.

Then came the comlink; a five centimeter wide band of black durasteel maglocked around Jaina's left wrist. It had a display screen covering the top half, and was fully integrated with her headset, and the Executive Building's computers. Jaina could take it off by tapping a password into it, but she rarely did. In fact, she hadn't taken it off at all the past few weeks. She knew that Chief Daala could monitor it, so she was just careful about what she said, and she warned the Jedi and her friends as well. Anything important, they'd just discuss in person.

Next Chief Daala offered her a chance to do away with having an observer follower her everywhere. It was only after the Chief of State had maglocked a second black durasteel cuff around her right wrist that Jaina found out she wanted her to wear a tracking device instead of having an observer follow her.

Jaina couldn't unlock the tracking cuff at all. She protested to Master Hamner, but he said it'd be a good show of faith on her part. Master Durron thought the tracking device and comlink looked like shackles maglocked around her wrists, but didn't like the fact that Chief Daala had put them there. Jaina had noticed the same thing, and wasn't thrilled about only Her Excellency being able to unlock her tracking cuff either. Since she'd only been between the Jedi Temple and Chief of State's Complex since she'd become Chief Daala's Jedi Liaison, Jaina figured her wearing a tracking device wasn't that big of a deal, at least for now. She did actually like the durasteel cuffs otherwise.

Right after getting the tracking device, Chief Daala suggested she get a Jedi Liaison uniform made for her. Jaina reminded her that she was still a Colonel in the Galactic Alliance Starfighter Corps, and she could simply wear her dress uniform. Chief Daala declined, saying that she wasn't acting as a Star Fighter Colonel, but as her Jedi Liaison. She wasn't keen on wearing her uncomfortable dress uniform sixteen plus hours a day, but she wasn't sure she wanted to wear a uniform that Daala had had made for her either. Since Jaina didn't see really see another reason to refuse though, she followed her headset's directions, to an out of the way section of the Complex, where a droid scanned her for her measurements.

The droid insisted she strip completely naked in order to be scanned accurately. When she pointed out that she couldn't take off her tracking cuff, it told her she could leave it and her comlink on, as the uniform would be tailored to them. A little embarrassed, and a little puzzled, Jaina obeyed. The droid scanned her from head-to-toe, even scanning her head with her hair both braided up, and hanging loosely.

Her uniform was a military-style jacket and pants, in Galactic Alliance Blue, with a matching undertunic, and black nerfhide boots with ten-centimeter wedge heels. The undertunic and jacket had the Chief of State's Emblem on the outsides of her shoulders, along with Jaina's name and title of Jedi Liaison on the left breast. The black nerfhide belt even had the Emblem as it's buckle. The whole uniform was very form-fitting, but comfortable enough. She did without the jacket while she was on duty in the Executive Office Complex. The sleeves of the undertunic were long, but left her comlink and tracking cuffs easily visible.

A couple of days after she got her uniform, Chief Daala had another holopressconference. This time Jaina officially debuted her new uniform, and tracking device. Jaina read from her headset display, explaining that she was happy to accept the tracking device, so the Government didn't have to pay an observer to follow her. She also explained that her uniform was a symbol of her official status within Chief Daala's Government, and that she would wear it with pride. She answered a dozen or so questions as well, guided by her headset. Most of the holojournalist were more interested in her tracking device than her new uniform. One asked her if any other Jedi would be getting tracking devices. Jaina answered that that would be up to them, but Chief Daala hoped so.

That had been four days ago. After Chief Daala had maglocked the tracking cuff around Jaina's wrist, she'd sent her on a few errands to deliver datapads or other small items to various Senators and other members of the Government that were friendly to the Chief of State. When she'd gotten her uniform, Chief Daala sent her out at least twice a day. Jaina got the impression that she was simply showing her off to her allies. Demonstrating her obedience to the Chief of State. Jaina felt more than a little aroused parading around the Senate District in her ten-centimeter heeled boots and tight uniform.

Today, Chief Daala had summoned her into her office, and said she had another item she wanted her to wear as part of her uniform. She had Jaina sit on one of the pouf couches, and sat across from her on the other one. There was a small black case sitting on the caf table between them. As usual, there were a pair of YVH droids in opposite corners of her office, far enough away to be ignored, but close enough to react if there was a threat to the Chief of State.

"I had this made especially for you," Chief Daala commented as she leaned forward and began opening the case.

"Yes, Your Excellency," Jaina answered politely.

She opened the case, and turned it around so Jaina could see the contents. It was a black durasteel choker.

"Um, okay," Jaina said, sliding forward on the pouf couch.

At Chief Daala's suggestion, Jaina lifted it out of the case to get a closer look.

It was heavy, a little less than a kilogram, and had the Chief of State's Emblem outlined in silver on the front. The bottom was contoured, while the top was straight. It was between maybe four and five centimeters wide. She ran her fingers around the edges, feeling the smoothness of the metal. It felt just like her comlink and tracking cuffs.

"Let me help you with that," Chief Daala said, taking the choker from her hands.

She gave it a tug, and it opened at the back, with a virtually invisible hinge at either side.

Jaina's hair was in two short looped braids, one behind each of her ears. Chief Daala deftly slid the choker under them, and closed it around her neck with the distinctive click of a maglock engaging. Then she gave it a small adjustment to get it settled into place.

The contours let the choker sit comfortably at the base of Jaina's throat. She wasn't quite sure what to think. She knew that Chief Daala had just locked what amounted to a collar around her neck--with her Chief of State Emblem on it. On the other hand, she had at least somewhat left the Jedi Order alone since Jaina had become her Jedi Liaison.

"Thank you, Your Excellency," Jaina almost subconsciously reading the words her headset was displaying in front of her eyes.

She supposed she could get used to wearing a choker along with her comlink and tracking cuffs.

"How do I take it off, Your Excellency?"

"Oh, I'll send the code to your comlink," Chief Daala replied with a quick smile. "In case you need too, to work out or something."

"Yes, Your Excellency," Jaina agreed with a nod. As she'd suspected, she'd be wearing her new durasteel choker basically the entire time she was on duty, which was sixteen plus hours a day.

"That will be all, Jaina," Chief Daala said with an expectant nod.

"Yes, Your Excellency," Jaina answered, quickly rising to her feet. "And the Senatorial Colonial Progressive Committee will be arriving in approximately twenty minutes," she added, reading from her headset.

"Of course," she replied with a nod. "Thank you."

Jaina hurried back out into the outer office on her ten-centimeter wedge-heeled boots, and went to her computer terminal. She looked at her reflection in the screen. There was no way everyone would not immediately notice her new jewelry.

The collar of her undertunic seemed to perfectly follow the contour of the choker, almost like they were designed for each other. At least her Uniform jacket would mostly hide it when she left the office.

Saskia, the woman that was officially Chief Daala's personal assistant, and who Jaina shared a lot of her duties with, liked her new choker. Several of the Senators that began arriving in the next few minutes also liked it, while several more noticed without commenting.

Jaina wore her uniform jacket to take a quick lunch break while Chief Daala was meeting with the Senatorial delegation. After she'd returned, and the meeting was over, Chief Daala sent her to deliver a datapad to another Senator.

It took Jaina nearly an hour to complete that task. When Chief Daala first started sending her on these errands, Jaina pointed out that it would be a lot faster if she took a speeder. Chief Daala seemed to know that, but she told her to follow the directions from her headset. Jaina's headset seemed to have her walking as much as possible, and only taking a turbolift when she had too. She always seemed to stay around crowds as well. Jaina knew Her Excellency just wanted to show her off in her uniform.

Kayya, who worked the afternoon and evening alongside Jaina, took over for Saskia just after Jaina returned. She liked Jaina's new choker as well.

Awhile later, Chief Daala had Jaina retrieve a datapad from her Chief of Staff, Wynn Doran. She told her that since she wasn't leaving the Executive Office Complex, to leave her jacket behind. Jaina hesitated a moment, realizing that her choker would be very visible to a lot of people. Then she realized that Chief Daala wanted that.

"Yes, Your Excellency," Jaina answered, aware of the words appearing on her headset, but not quite reading from it.

Of course Jaina got a more attention than normal strutting around the complex wearing what was obviously a collar. Desha Lor, Wynn Doran's Twi'lek personal assistant, seemed to really like Jaina's new choker. She was already wearing matching black durasteel cuffs on her wrists. One of them was a comlink. Jaina wasn't sure what the other one was supposed to be.

Chief Daala didn't let Jaina leave until late. Before she left, she told her that she appreciated her wearing the choker, and she hoped she would wear it in the Jedi Temple as well. Jaina thanked her for it--mostly reading from her headset--and told her that she'd consider it.

The Jedi were a bit more split on her choker. Like her tracking cuff though, Master Hamner reluctantly accepted it. Jaina had figured he would. Master Durron thought it looked sexy on her, but he didn't like the fact that Chief Daala had put it on her. Several of the younger Jedi had taken to wearing durasteel wrist comlinks around the same time Chief Daala had given Jaina hers. Jaina sensed that a few of them wanted a choker now as well.

Jaina headed to her room and began taking off her uniform. She raised her comlink to input the code that would unlock her choker, then paused a moment, eyeing herself in the mirror. Instead she finished stripping, leaving just her durasteel cuffs and choker on. Then she opened the bottom drawer of her dresser, and pulled out her trusty vibrator. She laid down on her bed, and spread her legs wide. Next she turned her vibrator on low to get started, and started massaging her pussy. Wearing Chief Daala's collar all day had made her more than a little aroused. It was time to take care of that.

After a very nice orgasm, Jaina used the 'fresher, where she took her hair down, and finally took off her choker. She did wear her durasteel comlink and tracking cuffs to sleep though, just as she had been doing the past couple of weeks. They didn't bother her at all anymore.

The next day Jaina got up a little early, and did a quick workout in the Temple's gym. She wore her durasteel comlink and tracking cuffs. Afterwards she got dressed in a clean uniform, complete with her durasteel choker, and headed back to Chief Daala's office. She arrived just before oh-seven-hundred, as usual, and put her headset on. When Chief Daala arrived, she summoned Jaina into her office, and had her stand at attention.

"Very nice, Jaina," Chief Daala told her, slowly circling her, as she examined her uniform.

Even with her wedge-heeled boots, Chief Daala was still several centimeters taller than her.

"Thank you, Your Excellency," she answered politely.

"Your choker looks great on you," she said as she reached up and adjusted the black durasteel encircling her throat.

"Thank you, Your Excellency," Jaina replied, holding still.

"As do your tracking and comlink cuffs," she added, trailing a finger over the band of durasteel around Jaina's left wrist.

"Thank you, Your Excellency," Jaina repeated obediently.

"I think it's time we got you some new boots for your uniform though," Chief Daala commented. "With some higher heels."

"Um, okay, Your Excellency," Jaina answered after a brief hesitation, reading the reply from her headset display. "I'd be very happy with whatever boots you want me to wear."

"Of course you will," Chief Daala responded, flashing a quick smirk.

Jaina returned to the outer office, and to her duties. Apparently, Chief Daala was serious about getting her new boots. Late that afternoon, they arrived at the office for Jaina. Chief Daala summoned her into her office, and had her change into them.

The new boots were glossy black nerfhide, just like her old ones. These also had wedge heels, but they looked to be a few centimeters higher than the old ones. They were ankle high, and had a thick strap around the top, that closed with a maglock. The Chief of State's Emblem was in silver on the outside of the strap. The bottom of Jaina's uniform pants covered the top half of the boots, draping neatly at the spot where they curved from her ankle to the top of her feet.

Chief Daala had her walk around her office a couple of minutes, to get used to them, while she relaxed on the pouf couch. She also explained that the boots could be unlocked with her comlink, just like her choker. On Jaina's headset, she saw her comlink synching with the maglocks on her boots, indicating that it could unlock them, just like her choker. While Jaina thought that that was a bit odd, she also though it was a pretty cool feature. Her headset provided advice on walking in the higher heels as well. Finally Chief Daala told her that she seemed to be doing well enough for now. Jaina thanked her for her new boots, prompted by her headset, and returned to her desk in the outer office.

The next few days were more of the same. Jaina spent sixteen-plus hours a day as Chief Daala's Jedi Liaison, in uniform, helping to manage her schedule, bringing her caf, going on errands in the office complex, and all around the Senate District. Her new boots proved to be just as comfortable as her old ones. At night, she found herself masturbating before she went to sleep, wearing her cuffs and collar. On the third day after she'd gotten her choker, Chief Daala told her to leave her uniform jacket in the office when she went to deliver a datapad to one of her Senatorial allies.

Jaina barely blinked before acknowledging the order, and hurrying away on her thirteen-centimeter heels, the datapad clutched in one hand, and her durasteel choker and cuffs on full display. Even though she knew the way, she followed the directions on her headset. A few hours later, Chief Daala sent her out on another errand, again without her jacket. Just as before, Jaina obeyed without question.

After that, Jaina only wore her uniform jacket on her walk to the Chief of State's office complex in the morning, and back to the Temple at night. She quickly got used to everyone seeing her wearing a black durasteel collar. She even started wearing it to sleep, only taking if off when she took a sanisteam and worked out.

Quite a few family friends had seen her wearing it as well. When Senator Beruss, who had helped build the New Republic Government with her Mom and Dad saw her wearing a choker with Chief Daala's emblem on it, it had embarrassed her. Now she barely paid it any attention. They'd gotten used to it as well.

A couple of evenings later, a message flashed on Jaina's headset, telling her that Chief Daala wanted her in her office. A few seconds later, Jaina entered, and found her sitting on one of the pouf couches, with a datapad in her lap.

At her gesture, Jaina stopped about a meter away, and assumed the modified parade-rest her headset had shown her.

"Jaina, I see that after you've completed your duties here, you go to the Jedi Temple, where you work out some nights, and do various training other nights."

Jaina and the rest of the Jedi knew that Chief Daala could track her in the Temple, see when she was training, using the X-wing simulators, sleeping, and basically map out her day-to-day activities. "Yes, Your Excellency," Jaina admitted.

"You only seem to actually sleep about five hours a night."

"Yes, Your Excellency," Jaina repeated.

"Well, how about you start working out here, in my private gym?" Chief Daala suggested. "That way you'll be close by in case I need you."

Jaina already spent at least sixteen hours a day at the Executive Office Complex. She wasn't sure she wanted to be here longer. Still, she supposed she could try this for a while, if Chief Daala insisted.

"I can do that, Your Excellency," she answered, prompted by her headset. "I'll just have to bring my gym clothes tomorrow."

"Great," she replied, patting her thigh in excitement. "And I've already taken the liberty of having something made for you. It's in my 'fresher," she explained, waving towards her private refresher. "Why don't you go try it on, and I'll let you go work out for a bit."

"Okay, Your Excellency," Jaina replied, a little surprised.

Jaina pressed a section of the wall, and entered the disguised 'fresher. The outfit was laid out on the counter top. Jaina couldn't say she was surprised by it. With sigh, she began taking off her uniform.

Once she was naked, she pulled the skin-tight leggings on, followed by the sports-bra. Both were Galactic-Alliance blue, with black trim, just like her uniform. Then she put on the matching tank top. The Chief of State's Emblem was over the left breast of the tank top and bra, and near the top of her right thigh. The leggings came to about halfway down her calves, and had a wide black waistband at the top.

The shoes were black, but strangely, featured wedge-heels about ten centimeters high. After spending all day wearing boots with an even higher heel, Jaina supposed she could work out in these. With a shrug, she strapped them onto her feet, and stood up.

As she turned, Jaina glanced at herself in the mirror, and realized she was still wearing her choker. She quickly tapped the code into her comlink to unlock it. Instead of the usual higher-pitched chirp though, there was a lower-pitched beeping sound. As she re-entered the code, her headset instructed her to return to Chief Daala's office immediately. The same lower-pitched sound came from her comlink. As she stepped towards the door, Jaina reached up and tugged on her collar. It remained securely maglocked around her neck.

"Very nice," Chief Daala said appreciatively as she emerged from the 'fresher. "You look great."

"Thank you, Your Excellency," Jaina said, subconsciously reading from her headset. "I can't seem to take off my choker though," she added on her own, gesturing towards the circle of durasteel around her throat. She barely noticed the YVH droids standing guard in the corners.

"And?" she replied questioningly. "Is that a problem?"

Jaina wasn't quite sure how to respond to that. Her headset was telling her to reply No, Your Excellency, though.

She had been able to take it off every night at the Temple before she went to bed. Wearing it as part of her uniform was one thing; but now it was distinctly maglocked on her. Chief Daala had locked a collar on her, and she couldn't take it off. Jaina wasn't exactly sure how she felt about that.

"I can't wear it working out, Your Excellency," she said, doing her best to ignore her headset, which was telling her to apologize to Chief Daala.

"You can," she assured her. "No one will see you in my private gym."

"Yes, Your Excellency," Jaina answered, finally agreeing with her headset. "Sorry."

"Great," Chief Daala replied with a satisfied smile. "Now, let's get a better look at you," she told her, beckoning her towards her.

Jaina stepped forward, stopping a meter and a half or so from her. Then Chief Daala made a twirling motion, and Jaina slowly pirouetted, letting her see her from all sides. When she completed the turn, Chief Daala was rising to her feet.

"Very nice," she said, reaching out and adjusting the left strap of her tank top.

Jaina stood still as she ran her hand down her side, and across her stomach, just above the waistband of her leggings. Then she reached up, and adjusted her choker, quickly followed by hooking her finger under it, and giving it a little tug.

"Take my private turbolift down to my gym, and work out a while. Your headset will tell you when to report back to me."

"Yes, Your Excellency," Jaina answered with a small frown.

"You can wear your headset while you work out," she added.

"Yes, Your Excellency," Jaina repeated as she turned and was headed for the door.

A few minutes later Jaina arrived in the Chief of State's private gym. She had only been here once, to deliver a message to Her Excellency. Jaina followed her headsets directions, and started stretching. Once that was done, her headset guided her to one of the weight machines. She did a few different exercises on it.

Jaina barely noticed the time as she followed her headset, zoned out as she moved between machines. She had even stopped thinking about the fact that she was wearing a collar while working out. Soon she was on the treadmill. Running in her wedge heels was a bit tricky, but she got the hang of it pretty quick. They did slow her down some, though.

Afterwards, her headset led her to the adjoining 'fresher. There was even a clean uniform hanging up waiting for her. Jaina took off her headset to take her sanisteam. Working out in her collar was definitely a turn on. She briefly thought of masturbating, but resisted the urge. Her Excellency would be expecting her soon. She hurried and finished washing herself, then got dressed again. A few minutes later, she was standing outside Chief Daala's office, awaiting permission to enter.

After a few moments, her headset indicated that Chief Daala was ready for her. Jaina opened the door, and strutted to just in front of her desk.

Chief Daala didn't acknowledge her immediately. She was busy on her computer terminal. Jaina simply waited in silence, like her headset was telling her to. Finally, after several moments, Chief Daala turned her attention to her.

"So, how did you enjoy your workout, Jaina?"

"It was great, Your Excellency," Jaina answered, following the prompt on her headset.

"And your choker didn't bother you?"

"No, Your Excellency," she responded, reading from her headset, but also answering truthfully.

"Great," she replied with a satisfied smile. "So you can wear it in the gym, and in the sanisteam. We already know you can wear it all day long, and sleep wearing it; so there's really no reason for you to need to take it off at all, is there?"

She knew I was wearing it to bed? Of course she does, Jaina realized almost immediately. She's been tracking my every movement for weeks. Then Jaina wondered if she had figured out what she did every night just before she went to sleep. She quickly brushed that thought aside.

Jaina's headset was telling her to agree. Still, she hesitated. While she had had a tracking cuff locked around her wrist for a week or so longer, that was at least a somewhat logical punishment for her evading her government observer. The choker was just Chief Daala showing the galaxy that she was under her control. Wearing the choker with the Chief of State's Emblem embossed on it maglocked around her neck did turn her on for some reason though. That's why she'd started wearing it to bed.

"I guess not, Your Excellency," Jaina finally answered, hesitantly.

"Excellent. As I've already deactivated the release code, there's no need to make another change in that regard."

"Yes, Your Excellency," Jaina replied, reading from her headset. She still wasn't quite sure how she felt about not being able to take off her collar at all.

Chief Daala paused, regarding her for a couple of seconds. Then she tapped a few keys on her terminal.

"Tell me Jaina, how do you like your duties as my Jedi Liaison?"

Jaina considered that question for a heartbeat. Her headset was strangely not prompting her answer. "It's fine, Your Excellency," she answered truthfully, reminding herself that she was doing this for the good of the Jedi Order. "I can handle it."

"Good. Because I like having you around," Chief Daala told her, with a friendly smile. "I wish more Jedi were as obedient as you are."

"Thank you, Your Excellency," Jaina answered after a brief pause. "I'm happy to be of service," she added with her own smile.

Chief Daala seemed to be about to say something else, but instead she leaned forward, and tapped a key on her computer terminal.

Jaina's headset immediately began displaying information again. Her Excellency had a meeting with representatives from the Senate budget committee in twenty minutes. That was scheduled to last the rest of the day.

Chief Daala instructed her to prepare to greet her guests as she stood up and began walking towards the door. The meeting would be taking place in Chief Daala's conference room. Jaina obediently followed her, assuring her that she would obey. Just past the pouf couches Chief Daala came to a sudden stop.

"There's a smudge on my boot, Jaina," Chief Daala commented, gesturing down at her black nerfhide boot.

Jaina followed her gaze, and saw that she had her right boot pushed out towards her. Sure enough, there was a noticeable spot on the top of the toe.

Jaina's headset was flashing instructions for her. She hesitated for a moment, then obeyed them. She quickly dropped to one knee, and wiped the offending smudge away. Then she wiped again, to bring back some of the shine. Then she looked up at her, to see if Her Excellency was satisfied.

"Thank you, Jaina," Chief Daala said, gazing down at her with a smile.

"You're welcome, Your Excellency," Jaina answered obediently.

Jaina stayed on one knee as Chief Daala reached out, and patted her head.

"Now, meeting," she instructed her, gesturing towards the door.

"Yes, Your Excellency," Jaina replied, rising to her feet and heading towards the door. "Would you like anything to drink before your meeting?"

Chief Daala paused a moment, then answered, "No thanks."

Out in the outer office, Jaina took a few moments to compose herself. Working out while wearing her collar, then finding out that Chief Daala wasn't going to let her take it off for the foreseeable future, had her really turned on. Kayya, who acted as Chief Daala's personal assistant in the evenings, even noticed. Jaina told her that she was fine. Mentally, she couldn't wait to get back to the Temple, so she could satisfy herself. Or find Zekk or Master Durron or somebody to satisfy her.

Just after the meeting was scheduled to start, Jaina's headset told her to make Chief Daala cup of caf, and take it too her. Slightly puzzled--she'd declined her offer just a little while ago--Jaina obeyed. A minute later she was carrying her cup into the conference room.

There were probably thirty Senators present, along with as many aides, plus a dozen or so protocal droids. Jaina could sense several sets of eyes on her as she strutted to the head of the table.

"Your caf, Your Excellency," she said as she presented her cup of caf to her.

"Thank you, Jaina," Chief Daala replied with a friendly smile.

"You're welcome, Your Excellency."

Jaina turned to leave, but Chief Daala added, "I seem to have dropped my stylus, Jaina."

Jaina turned back, and looked down to see the stylus on the floor, under the table. She quickly dropped down to her knees, and retrieved it. Chief Daala thanked her again.

As she was leaving, Jaina wondered if that was just Daala showing off her obedience for the Senators. Jaina didn't mind at all.

Over the next few hours, Chief Daala had Jaina bring her caf or water several times, and a snack. While she didn't drop anything else, Jaina still got the impression she was showing her off for the Senators. The memory of kneeling at Her Excellency's feet stayed with Jaina. The thought of kneeling next to her while she discussed the upcoming budget with the Senators popped into her mind as well.

That night, Jaina rushed back to the Jedi Temple once Chief Daala dismissed her for the day. She went straight to her room, and stripped off her uniform. Once she was naked, except for her durasteel cuffs and collar, she impulsively decided to put her wedge-heeled boots back on.

Then she grabbed her vibrator from the lower drawer, laid down on her bed, and spread her legs. Her pussy was already getting wet. She turned the vibrator on low, and slowly slid it into herself as she flexed her ankles in the boots. With her other hand, she tugged on her collar, and felt the Chief of State's Emblem embossed on the front. After a bit of massaging to get herself nice and wet, she turn the vibrator up. It didn't take her long to cum.

As soon as Jaina orgasmed, she took a couple of deep breaths. Then she decided to go for round two. That one took a bit longer. She even flipped around to her knees, with her head and forearm on her bed as she plunged her vibe in and out of her soaking pussy.

After her second, blissful orgasm, Jaina took a sanisteam. Then she had some time to kill before she went to bed. Normally she'd either work out, do some training, or just hang out with Jysella, Sanola, or Zekk or someone. While they'd gotten used to her wearing her chrono and tracking cuffs, she had been taking off her choker at the Temple. Guess that's over with, she thought as she looked at herself in the mirror, adjusting her now locked-on durasteel choker, with the Chief of State's Emblem on the front.

She should report this new development to Master Hamner, but she decided not to; at least yet. He probably wouldn't try to hard to do anything about it, and she wasn't sure she really wanted him to try.

So that meant that she could either stay in her room and watch the holoscreen or something, go out while trying to hide her choker, or just go out and tell whoever asked that she was just wearing it, and not mention the fact that she couldn't take it off now.

Quite a few Jedi were wearing durasteel comlink cuffs these days. Several had matching cuffs on their other wrist as well. Two days ago Ta'tan'ia and Seha had eagerly shown Jaina the durasteel chokers they were wearing, mostly hidden under the collars of their tunics. Both were slimmer than Jaina's, maybe three centimeters wide. Still, Jaina wasn't sure how Master Hamner or someone hadn't made them take them off.

Jaina threw on one of her beige Jedi tunics, pants, and brown boots. She might as well let everyone see her now permanent choker.

She wound up in the simulators, with Valin, Jysella, Turi, several other Jedi, and Syal Antillies. No one really seemed to pay any attention to the durasteel encircling her throat. Jaina couldn't really say she was surprised. She supposed they all assumed that she just chose to wear it with her Jedi robes. She wasn't sure what she thought about that. She almost asked them, partially so she could tell them that only Her Excellency could unlock it, but didn't bring it up.

The next day Jaina reported to Chief Daala's office as usual, wearing her tight uniform, jacket, and wedge-heeled boots. Of course she promptly took off her jacket, and hung it in the closet. She had a fresh cup of caf waiting when Her Excellency arrived eighteen minutes later. Then she stood at attention as Chief Daala slowly circled her, inspecting her uniform.

"Very nice, Jaina," she commented as she tugged on the edge of her comlink cuff. "As always."

"Thank you, Your Excellency," Jaina answered obediently.

Chief Daala paused in front of her, and calmly took a sip of her caf. Then she reached up, and adjusted Jaina's choker, which made Jaina feel a tiny bit turned on, and more than a tiny bit submissive.

"I must tell you Jaina, I went to bed last night very happy with the knowledge that you had submitted to wearing my choker, with the Chief of State's Emblem, for as long as I want you too."

"It's an honor, Your Excellency," Jaina replied, reading from her headset's display, as Chief Daala continued circling her. She did notice her choice of wording, submitted, though.

She wasn't sure if she would really say it was an honor, though.

"And I'm even more pleased now, looking at you, my collared, obedient Jedi," she added, reaching out and giving her a light spank on her ass.

"Thank you, Your Excellency," Jaina replied with a spark of arousal, and a split-second before her headset displayed the same thing.

"Now, get to work, my pet Jedi," she said, giving her another, harder, slap on her ass.

"Yes, Your Excellency!" Jaina nearly shouted as she hurried to her desk.

Chief Daala meanwhile, disappeared into her private office. At her desk, Jaina calmed herself. Chief Daala adjusting her collar, and spanking her, combined with her normal low-level arousal from walking from the Jedi Temple to the office, had her turned her on a little too much to get any work done at the moment.

Half-an-hour later, Chief Daala sent her on her first errand of the day, picking up a datapad from Admiral Bwua'tu. Jaina cheerfully departed, following her headset's directions, as she always did.

That evening, a little before Jaina normally ate dinner, and just after returning from another errand, her headset told her that her workout clothes were in the 'fresher, and to change into them.

A couple of minutes later, Jaina was wearing her skin-tight leggings, matching sports bra, and tank top. Her ten-centimeter wedge-heeled shoes were on her feet. Her headset instructed her to report to Chief Daala.

Her Excellency was sitting on one of the pouf couches, working on her datapad. Jaina thought it was weird that she wasn't at her desk, with her full terminal, but then she realized that she had probably just moved to the pouf couch, as she could track her movements with her tracking cuff. Just like yesterday, Her Excellency had Jaina give her a slow pirouette, letting her get a good look at her in her gym outfit.

Then, just like she'd done yesterday, Chief Daala bade her to come close to her, and she made some small adjustments to her outfit. She seemed to be mainly just using it as an excuse to touch her. Jaina let her turn her so her back was to her, then she felt her pulling her arms behind her back.

"Very nice," Chief Daala commented as she held her wrists together at the small of her back. After holding them a few moments, Jaina felt a smack on her ass. "Now go enjoy your workout," she instructed her.

"Yes, Your Excellency," Jaina replied breathlessly, hurrying towards the turbolift.

Jaina followed her headset's directions as she stretched, ran on the treadmill, then used a few of the weight machines. Afterwards, she took a quick sanisteam, changed back into her uniform, and reported back to Chief Daala.

That night, once Her Excellency had dismissed her for the day, Jaina went to her room, and masturbated. Then she found Zekk, and did some lightsaber dueling with him. He thought her collar was sexy. Jaina wasn't surprised, he'd always had a thing for Alema Rar, who dressed as much like a Twi'lek sex slave as Uncle Luke would let her. If Jaina hadn't just had a good orgasm, she'd probably let have Zekk take her somewhere for some fun. Hell, if he'd pushed the issue, she'd probably have gone for it.

The following morning, a little after reporting for duty, Chief Daala summoned Jaina into her office. Her Excellency had spent most of her adult life in the Imperial Navy, rising to the rank of Admiral before joining the Galactic Alliance. As Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance, she wore a white uniform reminiscent of an Imperial Grand Admiral. To Jaina's surprise, she had taken off her uniform jacket, revealing a white undertunic, and was sitting on the pouf couch.

"Jaina, dear, my neck seems to be a bit sore this morning," she began, gesturing up to her right collarbone with her left hand. "Massage it for me."

"Yes, Your Excellency," Jaina replied, frowning slightly.

Her headset immediately started flashing instructions for her. Jaina stepped behind Chief Daala, and began massaging her neck and shoulders.

Chief Daala made some appreciative noises as she worked on her datapad. Finally she told Jaina that that was enough, and commented that she'd upload some more instructional videos to her headset. Jaina acknowledged, then went back out to her desk when she instructed her to.

A little while later, Chief Daala sent Jaina on an errand. This one was to deliver a stack of datacards to a Senator. Jaina put them into a small pack she sometimes used on her errands, and strapped it across her chest.

Ever since she started wearing her form-fitting Jedi Liaison uniform with her high heels outside of the Chief of State's Complex, Jaina had gotten quite a bit of attention from the people who saw her. When she stopped wearing her jacket, which showed off her choker and wrist cuffs even more, she got even more attention. Pretty much all of it was sexual to some degree.

Jaina understood that one of the main reasons for her errands was so Chief Daala could show her off. She didn't mind the stares, nor most of the comments. On the occasions her headset directed her into turbolift, and other people were riding with her, she found herself fielding questions about her uniform, or Jedi Liaison duties. When she first started on the errands, she tried to answer, only for her headset to sometimes prompt different responses. Now she had learned to anticipate what it would prompt most of the time, and when she wasn't sure, she just waited a moment for it to tell her what to say. She was always cheerful and very supportive of Chief Daala when she spoke.

Jaina usually returned from an errand a little aroused from all the attention and knowledge that she was being used by the Chief of State to show off her control of her. Today, while she was a little turned on, she had a question for Chief Daala as well.

Of course she couldn't just ask it. She sent a message requesting a few moments of her time. A half-hour-or-so later, Chief Daala summoned her into her office.

First she had Jaina get her a bottle of water from the conservator.

"You had something you wanted to ask me, Jaina?" she said once she'd served her the water.

"Yes, Your Excellency." Jaina was standing just in front of her desk, at parade-rest, with her arms crossed behind her back. "While I was delivering the datacards this morning, I wondered, exactly where do the instructions on my headset come from?" she asked, reaching up and touching the device.

Chief Daala smiled a moment, and took a swallow of her water. "You don't need to worry about that, Jaina," she told her. "Thousands of government staffers use them. You've been doing great. You just need to keep letting it guide you."

Jaina took a breath. She really did want to know if it was a droid brain, or if there was some sort of team of people feeding her information. Her headset was telling her to acknowledge her instructions though.

"You trust me to do what's best, don't you?"

"Yes, Your Excellency," Jaina replied with a nod. "Of course."

"Excellent. Then go back to your desk, and keep up the good work, Jaina."

"Yes, Your Excellency," Jaina responded. "Thank you," she added, reading from her headset's display without conscious thought.

Jaina returned to her desk, and tapped the commands into her comlink to pull up her next massage lesson. The video appeared on her headset's display a moment later.

Before long, a small group of Senators arrived for a meeting with Chief Daala. Wynn Dorvan and a few of Chief Daala's ministers were attending as well. Jaina greeted them, escorted them into the conference room. Then she helped Saskia, and Desha Lor, Wynn Dorvan's assistant, provide refreshments.

Jaina stayed out in the reception area with Saskia and Desha Lor, mostly just chatting with them, and comparing outfits. Desha Lor had started wearing a uniform that was obviously inspired by Jaina's--down to her wedge-heeled boots--and Jaina let her know that she looked great in it.

The three stayed busy, mostly paying attention to their headsets. Jaina was still learning the massage lessons. Their headsets also directed them to take fresh bottles of water, caf, and pastries to the meeting attendees as they needed them. Most of the Senators barely paid any attention to Jaina as she stepped between them, passing out refreshments.

The meeting lasted until a little past lunch time. Of course Jaina stayed at her desk. Saskia and Desha Lor stayed as well. Once the Senate delegation left, Chief Daala kept Wynn Dorvan and two of her ministers behind. Saskia went to lunch, while Jaina stayed on her post, Her Excellency's dutiful Jedi Liaison.

Eventually Chief Daala dismissed her Chief of Staff and Ministers. Almost as soon as they left Jaina's headset instructed her to report to Chief Daala's office. Jaina took a moment to straighten her uniform, as well as her choker, and headset, then went in.

At first Jaina didn't see Her Excellency in the office. She had assumed that she had come here directly from the conference room. After a few seconds, Jaina's headset directed her to wait in the sitting area, with the pouf couches. As Jaina assumed parade-rest as instructed, she heard Chief Daala in her private 'fresher.

A couple of minutes later, the 'fresher door opened.

"Ah, Jaina, thank you for coming in," Chief Daala began as she strode towards the sitting area. She had taken off her uniform jacket. "I could use a massage. Let's see how those lessons are coming."

With that she sat down on the pouf couch nearest Jaina.

"Yes, Your Excellency," Jaina replied, stepping behind her.

"But first, get me a glass of wine. The Commenorian Fifty-Eight. And bring me my datapad."

"Of course, Your Excellency," Jaina responded with a nod, heading towards the small bar hidden in a side table--only to change directions to collect her datapad from her desk first. She tucked it under her arm, and strutted to the bar. The Commenorian Fifty-Eight was a very desired vintage. A minute later she had a glass of wine in hand as well.

As Chief Daala settled in with her wine and datapad, Jaina stepped behind her and began working her fingers into her shoulders and neck.

Just like before, Chief Daala made appreciative noises as she sipped her wine, and used her datapad. She told Jaina she was doing good, and directed her to a neglected area a couple of times.

Finally, Chief Daala told her that was enough, and had her come around to stand in front of her.

"That was very nice, Jaina," she told her, "We'll have to work this into your regular schedule."

"You're welcome, Your Excellency," Jaina replied with a nod. "And I don't think that will be a problem," she added with a smile.

"Now, I think it's about time for my lunch," Chief Daala commented. "It should be ready. Bring it too me."

"Of course, Your Excellency," Jaina answered with an obedient nod.

Jaina hurried to the Chief of State's kitchen, where the chef had just finished preparing Her Excellency's lunch. A couple of minutes later, Jaina presented the serving platter to Chief Daala at her desk. Then Jaina went back out to the reception area, and stayed at her desk while Saskia went to lunch.

Once Saskia returned, Jaina's headset told her to report to Senator Roose of Kuat to pick up a package. Jaina sighed. The Senator's offices were on the far side of the Senate District. She was going to be eating lunch late today. She supposed that was part of the glamour of being Chief Daala's Jedi Liaison.

After Jaina delivered the package to Her Excellency, she allowed her to have a quick lunch. An hour or so later her headset informed her that it was time for her workout. She changed into her gym outfit, then reported to Chief Daala as her headset instructed her.

Just as Jaina suspected, Chief Daala just wanted to inspect her gym outfit. She had her come around behind her desk.

Jaina obeyed, and gave her a slow pirouette when she motioned. Then she had her face away from her.

"Parade-rest," Chief Daala said calmly.

Jaina put her hands at the small of her back, and spread her feet shoulder-width apart, looking straight forward. A moment later she felt her grab her wrists with one hand, and hold them, while she adjusted the waistband of her tights with her other.

"I do like you with your hands behind your back," Chief Daala commented, giving her wrists a little tug. "Maybe I should get a pair of binders for you."

"If you want, Your Excellency," Jaina replied, after a slight hesitation. "I'm happy to obey," she added, reading from her headset. After a heartbeat, she added, "I won't be able to get much work done, though, Your Excellency."

Chief Daala let out a little laugh. "Oh Jaina, your obedience is all I need from you," she said, slapping her ass.

"Yes--Your Excellency!" Jaina responded, letting out a little yelp of surprise.

"Now, go, get that ass working out," she told her, spanking her again, not quite as hard, and nudging her away with the hand that was gripping her wrists.

Jaina hurried to the gym, and started stretching. After working out for about thirty minutes, her headset told her to take a sanisteam, and then return to her duties. As she was standing naked in the sanisteam, only wearing her durasteel collar and cuffs, she realized that she normally worked out longer. Her headset had told her to stop though, and she hadn't even thought about disobeying. Shrugging, she finished her sanisteam, and just like always, found a fresh uniform waiting for her. She dressed, including putting her headset in place, checked herself out in the mirror, and reported back to her desk, ready to serve her Chief of State.

The next several days were more of the same. Jaina spent basically every waking hour obeying Chief Daala, and the instructions from her headset. She gave Her Excellency massages, sometimes twice a day, and went on a couple of errands to be shown off. Strangely, she was more aware of the durasteel choker maglocked around her neck when she was out on an errand than she was when she was taking a sanisteam, or even going to bed. She had been wearing it for nearly three weeks, her tracking cuff four, and her comlink cuff over a month. Not even the thirteen-centimeter wedge heeled boots she spent sixteen-plus hours a day in bothered her anymore. Every night she masturbated in her room at least once, if not twice before her arousal was alleviated.

Late one evening though, not long before Jaina normally returned to the Temple, Chief Daala had her pick up a datapad from Senator who was in the opposite direction from the Temple. By the time Jaina returned, it was very late. Chief Daala suggested she simply sleep at the Executive Building tonight, instead of walking all the way to the Temple just to return in the morning. She even told her that she had taken the liberty of having a room prepared for her.

Jaina's headset was telling her to accept the offer. Still, Jaina hesitated several seconds.

"I can make it back to the Temple, Your Excellency," she responded. "It's not a problem."

"I insist, Jaina," Chief Daala told her. "You'll stay here tonight."

Jaina did want to see her friends, but really she wanted to masturbate before she went to sleep. She'd found herself starting to anticipate her nightly release sessions quite a bit. It didn't seem like Her Excellency would take no for an answer though.

"Yes, Your Excellency," Jaina answered with a nod.

"Great, now before you're dismissed, why don't you come over here give me a quick foot massage."

"Of course, Your Excellency," she responded obediently, circling around behind her desk.

Jaina dropped to her knees in front of her, and began carefully unzipping her expensive nerfhide boots.

Being on her knees and massaging Her Excellency's feet only served to inflame Jaina's simmering arousal. She didn't even consider the fact that she was doing it under the observation the two YVH droids. She simply obeyed.

Once she was finished giving Her Excellency her massage, Jaina's headset guided her to her room.

Jaina waved her comlink over the keypad, and the door slid open. The room was smaller than what she had in the Temple, but not as small as some of the quarters she had used while she had been in the Starfighter Corps. A single bunk against the wall to her left, with a holoscreen on the wall on the right, along with a small desk closer to the door. A second door was at the right leading to a small 'fresher. A black tank top and pair of shorts, both with the Chief of State's Emblem on them, were laid out on the bunk. On the floor next to the bunk, were a pair of shiny black plastex heels that looked twelve or thirteen centimeters high--about the same as her uniform boots. Jaina's headset said said that the clothes on the bed were for her to sleep in, and that there was a uniform in the compact closet for her to wear in the morning. Her headset also told her that she should wear the heels in the room.

Jaina frowned, staring down at the shoes for a few moments. They were slip-ons, but definitely didn't look like something one would choose to wear in the comfort of their own quarters.

The first thing Jaina did was comm Master Hamner, and let him know that she'd be staying in the Executive Building that night. Then Jaina began stripping out of her uniform, putting her jacket and undertunic in the laundry chute. Then she sat down on the bed, and took off her boots, pants, and panties. She tossed the latter two into the laundry chute, and paused a few seconds. Then she slid her feet into her high-heeled slippers, and stood up, naked except for her durasteel choker and cuffs. She stepped over to the desk, took off her headset, and set it on the charging cradle as she went into the 'fresher.

After wearing wedge heeled boots all day every day for the past several weeks, the slip-ons were easy enough to walk in. The heels were chunky--maybe two centimeters in diameter across the bottom.

Everything Jaina needed was set out in the 'fresher. Several minutes later she came back out into the room, with her hair still braided, but hanging down, nearly to her ass. She set the top and shorts on the nightstand, and sat down on the mattress. Then she slid her shoes off, and laid on the mattress. She brought her feet up towards her ass, and spread her legs a bit. Then she traced a couple of fingers around the rim of her pussy. She really wanted to masturbate.

After several long moments though, she pulled her hand away, and grabbed the tank top off the night stand. She pulled it on over her head, then slid her legs into the shorts, and pulled them on. Next Jaina peeled the blanket back, twisted underneath it, and pulled it up to her shoulders. She turned the lights out, ran through a Jedi calming exercise, and quickly went to sleep.

Early the next morning, Jaina was awoken by the alarm on her comlink. The holoscreen in the room must have automatically synched with her comlink, because it came on as well, displaying the time, and the message Good Morning Jaina.

Jaina ran through a quick Jedi energizing technique, then climbed out of bed. She took a step towards the 'fresher, when the holoscreen's message changed to remind her that she should wear the plastex heels. Jaina let out a little sigh, and stepped back and slid her feet into the heels.

Just as her headset had told her the night before, there was a fresh uniform for her in the room's closet. In a matter of minutes, Jaina was fully dressed, including her headset. She had her braided hair back up nearly as quickly. Then she took a minute to inspect herself in the full-length mirror, making a few minor adjustments, and left.

She arrived in Chief Daala's outer office a few minutes later, only having to pass through the final layer of security. Just like every other morning, she took off her uniform jacket, began reviewing Her Excellency's schedule for the day, and did various other duties.

When Her Excellency arrived a while later, Jaina greeted her with a fresh cup of caf. Chief Daala gave her a quick nod of thanks, took a few moments to inspect her uniform, then went into her office. Less than an hour later, Jaina went on her first errand of the day, showing off what an obedient Jedi she was for Her Excellency.

Mid-morning, Chief Daala summoned Jaina into her office, and had her give her both a shoulder massage, and a foot massage. Then she sent her on another errand, delivering a datapad to one of her Ministers.

Since she hadn't masturbated last night, Jaina had been a bit flustered all morning. Being on her knees in front of Chief Daala massaging her feet certainly hadn't helped.

Strutting around the Senate district in her thirteen-centimeter heeled boots and tight uniform wasn't helping either. Frakk, she was pretty much turned on all the time these days, come to think of it. Today was just worse that most. She ran through a Jedi calming technique, and completed her errand. Her heels made a rhythmic tapping on the duracrete, which only served to draw even more attention to her.

Jaina made it back to the Chief of State's office in time to greet a handful of Senators that were scheduled for a meeting with Her Excellency. After her meeting with the Senators, Chief Daala had Jaina bring her a bottle of water. As she turned to leave, Chief Daala gave her a slap on her ass.

Jaina felt a small jolt of arousal. She hesitated, then, almost without conscious thought, turned and responded from her headset display. "Thank you, Your Excellency," with a smile.

"Oh, don't mention it, Jaina," she answered with her own smile.

Chief Daala kept her busy for the rest of the day. That evening, Jaina's headset finally told her to change into her gym outfit, and report for her pre-workout inspection.

Once she had changed, Jaina headed for Chief Daala's office. She didn't have to knock, her headset simply told her when to enter. She closed the door behind herself, and came to a stop just to the left of Her Excellency's desk, and came to attention.

"Very nice, as always," Chief Daala said as she admired her. "Step closer, and turn around."

Jaina took a step towards her, and spun so she was facing away.

"Put your hands behind your back."

Jaina obediently moved her hands to the small of her back. She kept her eyes forward, and on her headset's display.

After a few seconds Jaina felt Chief Daala's hands on the tracking cuff on her right wrist, followed a moment later by her hands on the comlink on her left wrist.

"Now, let's try that."

Jaina sensed her lean back, and she unconsciously moved her arms a little--only to be stopped short. She turned and looked down, to see what she'd already felt. Chief Daala had cuffed her wrists together with a short chain maglocked between her comlink and tracking cuffs.

"Your Excellency?" Jaina asked in confusion, absently glancing at one of the YVH droids in the corner.

"I've said I wanted to cuff you, Jaina," she explained triumphantly. "And now I have."

Jaina quite sure exactly how to respond to that. Her headset was telling her to thank her.

"Thank you, Your Excellency," she responded obediently. "So, how may I serve you?"

"Just stand there for now," Chief Daala replied. "I want to look at you, cuffed and collared, like a good Jedi."

"Yes, Your Excellency," Jaina answered.

After a few hours in the office, she had mostly gotten her arousal under control. Now that Chief Daala had cuffed her, she was getting turned on again.

A couple of minutes later, Chief Daala told her to kneel. Jaina quickly obeyed. Then she told her to spread her knees shoulder width apart, keep her feet straight vertical, and rest her ass on her heels, and keep her back straight. Jaina promptly adopted the required pose.

Jaina stayed kneeling, with her hands cuffed behind her back for a while. When Chief Daala finally let her up, released her cuffed wrists, and sent her to the gym, Jaina glanced at her chrono, and saw that it had only been about ten minutes.

After her headset-guided workout, Jaina took a quick sanisteam, put her uniform back on, and returned to her duties. An hour or so later, Chief Daala simply ordered Jaina to return to her room.

"Your Excellency?" Jaina replied in confusion. "You mean the Jedi Temple?"

"No, Jaina," Chief Daala responded firmly, looking directly at her. "You'll be sleeping here in your room in the Executive Building again tonight," she informed her. "Perhaps tomorrow I'll allow you to visit the Jedi Temple," she added, turning her attention back to the computer monitor on her desk.

"But--" Jaina began, only for the protest to die on her lips. She ran through a quick Jedi calming technique, then answered, "Yes, Your Excellency."

Jaina was still uneasy as she followed her headset's directions back to the room she'd slept in the night before. She waved her comlink over the keypad, and entered.

Jaina lifted her comlink to contact Master Hamner and tell him that she would be staying at the Executive Building again that night. After a moment though, she lowered her wrist. She thought for a few seconds, then just typed a quick message and sent it to him.

Then Jaina began stripping out of her uniform. A couple of minutes later, she was naked except for the bands of durasteel around her throat and wrists, and sliding her feet into the black plastex heels. She dropped her headset on the charging cradle, and used the 'fresher.

Back in the room, Jaina picked up the tank top off the night stand. Just as quickly, she set it back down, and sat down on the bed. She laid down, and spread her legs. Just like she had last night, she started tracing a couple of fingers around the rim of her pussy. More than even going back to the Jedi Temple, she really wanted to masturbate tonight.


Jaina pulled her hand away in frustration. She could hold out one more day. Tomorrow she would be at home.

She quickly dipped her finger tips into her wet pussy, then licked them clean. With a sigh, Jaina pulled on the tank top and shorts, slipped off her plastex heels, and went to sleep.

The next morning Daala cuffed Jaina again, this time with her wearing her uniform. Instead of making her kneel though, she just had her stand next to her desk a bit, then walk back and forth, then stand again, this time facing away from her.

Chief Daala only sent her on two errands, one just after lunch, and another just after she let Jaina eat a quick dinner. Jaina gave her a shoulder massage in the morning, and a foot massage that evening.

It was during the foot massage that Jaina asked her about going to the Jedi Temple that night. Chief Daala told her that she liked her sleeping in the Executive Building, and that she'd decided that's where she'd be from now on. Jaina gave a mild protest, but she quickly overruled her. Apparently she'd already informed Master Hamner anyway. Chief Daala did agree to Jaina getting some of her belongings from the Temple, but said that someone could bring them.

Jaina thought quickly. She knew that Chief Daala monitored her communications, and whatever she brought in would be searched anyways. Still, she had to have her vibrator. Honestly she didn't really need anything else. Chief Daala probably wouldn't let her wear any of her own clothes, even in her room, and she could live without her datapad. She couldn't have someone just bring her her vibrator though. After a few moments contemplation, she decided to just go without for tonight. She'd just have to use her fingers to satisfy herself.

Finally that evening Jaina was allowed to go to her room. As soon as the door closed behind her--and Jaina confirmed it was locked--she began stripping off her uniform as she decided on the best place to masturbate. Since the room was so small, she basically had the desk chair, her bed, which she could sit on the edge or lie on, or the 'fresher. She sat on the edge of the bed to pull off her boots, and almost unconsciously slide her feet into the black plastex heels that were waiting on the floor. She barely noticed her durasteel collar and cuffs, or that she still had her headset on.

Then she stood, stepped over to the desk chair, and sat down. Her butt was forward, with her legs spread and her plastex heels on the floor. Her desk chair was one of her favorite spots back in her room in the Jedi Temple.

Jaina traced a pair of fingers around the edge of her already damp pussy, then slid them in a little. She tilted her head back and let out a soft moan of arousal.

Suddenly her headset blared the signal for an urgent message. She opened her eyes, and saw that it was telling her to report to level twelve, to be fitted for a uniform upgrade.

Jaina groaned in frustration. She was soooo horny. It was after twenty-one-hundred anyways. Why did she have to do this now? She pulled her hand away from her pussy, acknowledged the instructions, stood up, and began getting dressed again.

Once she had her uniform back on--minus her jacket--she stepped into the 'fresher to make sure she looked presentable. Her excellency expected her to look her best at all times, of course. Well, looking like her best obedient Jedi, that is.

Several minutes later Jaina arrived on level twelve, in the section of the complex where she'd first been fitted for her uniform a little over a month ago.

"Welcome Jaina, please remove all your clothing, and step onto the scanner," the droid instructed her.

"Do we really have to do this right now?" Jaina complained as she began stripping her uniform off. "I was trying to go to sleep," she added, ignoring her headset, which was telling her to strip as well.

"Yes," the droid answered flatly. "Her Excellency wants you in your new uniform when you report for duty in the morning."

"Fine, let's get this over with," she answered with a curt nod.

Once Jaina was naked, the droid had her step onto the scanner, spread her feet apart, and put her hands behind her head. Her headset displayed the position, and flashed instructions for her to relax, and keep her eyes straight ahead. Jaina frowned, but obeyed.

The droid pressed a button on the control console, and suddenly a mechanical arm came out from the wall in front of her and pressed something onto her lower stomach, on her pussy. Almost at the same time, she felt a slight tightness there, and something beeped.

What the Frakk...

Jaina looked down to see what looked like a black plastex shield over her pussy. After a few heartbeats her the name of the device flashed on her headset.

Orgasm Inhibitor.

"Take! This! Thing! Off! Me!" Jaina demanded, trying in vain to pull it off.

It seemed practically glued to her skin somehow. She couldn't get as much as a fingernail underneath it.

"No," the droid replied flatly. "Only Her Excellency can authorize the Inhibitor's removal."

- - End Part I - -

In the Jedi Liaison - Pt. 01 story, Jaina found herself in a situation involving elements rarely associated with Star Wars lore. Despite the unusual turn of events, she wore her new uniform, complete with a tracking device and an uncomfortable choker gifted by Chief Daala. Her wardrobe had taken an unexpected turn towards BDSM-inspired fashion, with the choker featuring the Chief of State's Emblem outlined in silver and resembling a collar. Jaina's heels grew higher as well, reaching ten centimeters each, and she wore matching durasteel wrist cuffs, one functioning as a comlink. Despite the bondage and BDSM elements in her new uniform, Jaina bore them with dignity and obedience, becoming an exemplary Jedi Liaison to Chief Daala.

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