Gay Sex

Joni's New Position Chapter 3

Joni begins her new position and receives a warm reception.

May 2, 2024
15 min read
Joni's New Job Ch. 03exhibitionismoffice slut
Joni's New Job Ch. 03
Joni's New Job Ch. 03

Joni's New Position Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Embracing the Job Prospect

Three agonizing days have passed since I flew from Chicago's frigid temps to Miami's sunny skies for an unusual job interview. The wintery cold consumed me as I lost my last job ten months ago due to my own embarrassing actions. Sexual misdeeds that people said put my company at risk of sexual misconduct accusations. I admit that my second such slip-up had me doubting my ability to reach high-level executive assistant positions ever again. I started considering more ordinary, like working at McDonald's, prospects.

But here I am, heading toward the job I've secretly desired for a long time. What appealed to the CEO of Farnum Industries was not my professional experience as an executive assistant. He prioritized something else entirely - my willingness to become his, and three other senior vice presidents', office slave. His curious demands, which aligned perfectly with my unrestrained libido, had me questioning everything.

The formal interview with Mr. Farnum himself was a game-changer. Within minutes, I was gracing his office floor while sucking his cock and swallowing his cum. Later that night, he took me even deeper; he was inside me in both my pussy and ass. We satisfied each other multiple times.

A three-day "cooling off" period was all that stood between me and this role. Not "just" an executive assistant, but a personal plaything for the CEO and his suite. And while the distance between now and that whirlwind visit to Florida felt eternal, I could hardly contain my excitement. The job, with all its responsibilities and benefits, was all I ever longed for. It was a dream come true—and the idea of serving these four men sexually was an added bonus.

The waiting game was finally over.

"Alice, this is Joni Mathers," I said into the phone. His receptionist picked up. "Yes, Ms. Mathers. Mr. Farnum directed me to transfer your call right away. Also, sorry to remind you, you must be in Central Standard Time Zone. You only just entered his office an hour ago," she informed me.

"I owe you an apology," I replied. "Thank you, Alice."

I heard the line click, and felt his eagerness over the airwaves. "Joni! What is your decision?"

"Sir, hesitation never entered my mind. These three days were honestly the longest of my life. I want this job way more than anything else. My start date can't be soon enough."

"Wonderful!" His tone sounded content and relieved. "I have a few things I must send your way. Stuff from Human Resources, like the necessary paperwork and a housing allowance. I'll hook you up with a mover for your belongings. And, of course, I'll provide you with specific outfits. Nylon stockings may hold up better under the strain than anything else."

"I did consider the time needed for stockings. Great minds think alike," I joked. He chuckled in response.

"You're going to fit in just right, Joni. I go crazy about your enthusiasm."

"Good morning, Alice," I greeted the woman with wide eyes. My three-day detour through HR --including payroll, insurance, and 401K details—is over. The office folks had a badge for me, which would grant me access to the entire building except for cleaning staff at night. Without this, I couldn't enter the confidential executive suite. My only company? Mr. Farnum, the three senior vice presidents, and me.

"Ms. Mathers, I'm so pleased for you. Mr. Farnum is beside himself," she said, eager to return to her actual job. The IT department would replace my old devices with new company-issued ones. She reminded me to follow the strict password guidelines.

"After today's work, I'll enjoy tagging along with you to learn some of these men's secrets." She laughed as if she knew something sensual I didn't. "And can you get Mr. Farnum for me now? He's ready to start our journey, I assume."

She nodded before indicating the door. I approached, my body tingling from her implicit desire. She already seemed to have fallen for this strange work environment.

I knocked on the door. "Is this a convenient time, sir?" He smiled but stepped away from his desk. He threw his arms around me, pulling me close.

"Had I known you'd be this giddy, this wouldn't have taken so long!" he whispered in my ear.

Life couldn't get much better—but it looked like it soon would.

"Wow," he said as he embraced me once more. "It's nice to have you in my arms again."

I hesitantly began to speak, "Umm, sir..."

He chuckled and shook his head. "No, not with Alice hanging around. And, moreover, you've got a packed schedule. I'd like to take you to dinner tonight." I grinned. I fondly recalled our last dinner together.

"In your hotel, sir?" I asked. His grin grew. That would be perfect.

"Have you seen your new condo yet? The mover promised it would be delivered in two days."

"No, sir, not on the inside. I passed it on my way here. I can't believe I'll be living in such a lovely space."

He chuckled. "Well, sweetheart, I think picking a place close to the office and to my home is essential for you. Get settled in and familiar with the Senior Vice Presidents while you're at it. After your official takeover of the office from Alice, we'll truly start getting acquainted."

We chatted about schedules for the upcoming days and my speedy training period with Alice. I knew he was mainly looking forward to spending time together in my room after dinner.

That evening, I attended a lovely dinner. It was a prelude for what he was really awaiting - to share my room once again with him. He entered me twice and I couldn't resist during the breaks licking him back to a frenzy. I eagerly anticipated the day I would conduct business without Alice's presence.

* * * *

As I waited for the elevator to the 12th floor, I was early for the day's work start. I felt anticipation and excitement as my life was about to undergo a significant transformation. This was the day I'd assume command without Alice. It marked the beginning of the next stage of my life. I scrutinized the refined attire I'd picked out, thanking Mr. Farnum for the clothing allowance. I felt I'd look suitably professional, albeit with a hint of edginess.

I would soon join the three executives and Mr. Farnum in an area he jokingly called the "inner sanctum." I had already worked alongside every executive in their respective offices, maintaining office decorum. My role would dramatically change today.

I unlocked the heavy wooden doors with my Executive Suite ID badge and walked into the suite, pausing for a moment to appreciate this new phase of my life. The furnished condo was breathtaking and I felt my nerves kick in. How would I acclimate to my new job responsibilities?

I started up my computer, then moved on to start the coffeemaker and the copy machine, scanner, and individual printers in each office. I keyed in my password, glancing over my schedule, knowing that Fridays and Mondays were likely their most active days in the office.

I viewed the voice mail system, confirming no notifications. I trustfully checked to ensure the system was functioning properly. Although the phone system was pristine, I always double-checked for the sake of being careful.

Then I pulled up my "To Do" list on a tablet that would be indispensable in the office. I'd sorted through all urgent tasks the night before at home. The condo was cozy but the responsibility of moving and arranging items was daunting. I would attend to them gradually.

As I gazed at my desk, I heard the door unlock. Mr. Farnum appeared.

"You're earlier than I expected." He studied me, his gaze lingering on my body. "I was curious to see if your anticipation would manifest as intimidation or concern or..."

"Exhilaration, sir," I finished for him. "That's exactly how I feel."

"Are you unpacked?" he enquired as he trekked to his office.

I shook my head. "No, sir. Settling in was no struggle. Arranging my belongings takes more time. I'll decide how to arrange them in this sunny, beautiful Miami home - slowly over time."

He raised his eyebrows. "My, you have your mind on many things." I snickered. "Yes, on more than working."

"Alright" he said, grinning at me. I could tell he was excited about something. I noticed his eyes wander down to my chest and then my legs. I was wearing a brand new outfit, one Mr. Farnum had suggested for me. It was a white, sleeveless blouse with some see-through lace that barely concealed my bra, a C-cup. My skirt was tight and stopped just below my thighs - fairly short for an assistant, but then again, I wasn't really an assistant.

He invited me to sit on one of the small chairs facing him. I knew that if I sat a certain way, my skirt would ride up and show off my stocking-clad legs. "So, what are you wearing under there?" he asked. His voice was full of passion.

"The bra is white lace, barely covering my breasts. And I'm wearing a matching thong," I explained. "Would you like to have a look?" I asked, teasing him.

"Aren't you eager to start performing your new duties?" he asked, his voice full of lust.

"Oh, I am, but I think it's best to wait until we've all met in the conference room." My heart was racing as I thought about what could happen there.

When I got to the desk, I noticed Mr. Farnum and the other three men -- Mr. Edwards (CFO), Mr. Adams (COO), and Mr. Jackson (Corporate Attorney) -- were all gathered in the conference room, waiting for me. I hadn't realized they'd all be there.

I glanced down at my outfit -- my breasts were straining against the bra and my skirt was clinging to my legs. They were probably staring at more than just my face.

"Joni, they're ready for you," Mr. Farnum piped up.

I smoothed down my skirt, making sure my blouse was tucked in just right to enhance my bosom. Then I approached the men, who were slouched in their chairs, looking eager and expectant. Mr. Farnum wrapped his arm around me, guiding me to stand next to him at the head of the table.

"Gentlemen," Mr. Farnum began, "I'd like you to meet the new Executive Assistant. She's been with us for a few days now, and we're all looking forward to working with her. Her name is Joni Mathers. She has experience in project management that we'll find very valuable. Now that Alice is no longer here, things are going to be a bit different." His hand slid up and down my thigh, signaling his intentions. I smiled at the men, acknowledging his actions as we were all just starting to enjoy the new dynamic.

"Allow me to make introductions," said Mr. Farnum. "This is Mr. Edwards, our Chief Financial Officer. Over there is Mr. Adams, officiating as the Chief Operations Officer. Next to him is Mr. Jackson, our Corporate Attorney. And to the right of Mr. Jackson is..." he trailed off, opening the door for the fourth man. It was Mr. Jackson. "Mr. Jackson, this is Joni."

The last few days in the office had been quite tense with all the waiting, and I was sure the anticipation was killing the three men just as much as it was me. Mr. Farnum had slipped a second NDA into my stack of papers, filled with details about my "extras" -- how I was to serve and be used by the men.

I began to introduce myself to the men, reciting their ranks. Unfortunately, I could only focus on the fact that my skirt was riding up, revealing my legs entirely. The four men were clearly engaged in watching my every move, especially my breasts, which were pushed up against the blouse. As I reached the end of the line with Mr. Jackson, Mr. Farnum's hand stroked up and down my thigh in plain view, signaling what was in store for later.

"Joni, dear," Mr. Farnum said, "our meeting today is quite important, given the absence of Alice. We'll be in good hands now that you're here," he said, his hand still caressing my thigh.

"Yeah, boss, I've got a idea for that," I said while maintaining my smile towards the other men.

My fingers moved to my blouse, undoing the buttons as I kept Mr. Farnum by my side. Once the blouse was removed, I found an empty chair in the corner to place it on top of. After that, I focused on taking off my skirt, sliding it over my hips and letting it fall to the ground. I then took my place back beside Mr. Farnum, preparing to remove my bra.

As I unclasped it and let it fall, a murmur of approval could be heard along with a few whispered comments. I stood there, completely naked except for my heels, stockings, and thong. In a matter of moments, the thong was gone as well, leaving me bare before the four highest-ranking executives of the company.

"Is this what you had in mind, sir?" I questioned with a wide smile, feeling his hand back on my opposite hip and ass.

He nodded. "Yes, Joni, this is a good start."

I was instructed on the names and roles of each man as Mr. Farnum's hand wandered between my thighs. I opened my legs to provide him better access, also showing my acceptance of his movement. I could feel his fingers on my pussy lips, already wet from his touches. It was an amazing feeling to have them so openly and boldly exploring me while the men continued with their discussions. The silence in the room was deafening except for the soft moans and gasps that I couldn't suppress.

After having enjoyed the dual pleasure of being fingered and exposed, I felt the need to take it to the next level. "More, sir... I need... I want," I gasped out, still moaning from the pleasure.

Mr. Farnum looked at me, his smile growing devilishly. "Then, you should know what to do, my dear."

I glanced over to Mr. Jackson, who seemed to be about ready to stand. "You first," he ordered.

I stepped closer to him, dropping to my knees as he leaned back in his chair and lifted his hips for me. I quickly lowered his pants and removed them, my eyes fixed on the cock standing at attention before me. I couldn't help but notice its average size - similar to every other man I'd ever been with. However, I was also aware of the other men watching as they continued their conversations, seemingly unbothered by my nakedness.

For several minutes, I serviced Mr. Jackson's cock with my mouth. The sensation was intense. I hadn't expected my exhibitionist tendencies to emerge, but there I was, being watched by the four most influential men in the company.

When Mr. Jackson finally stood, he pulled me up with him. He thrust me onto the table and placed himself on top of me. My foot came up on the table to support him while the other remained on the floor, essentially opening me up for him to penetrate me. The conflicting emotions washed over me as I realized how different this moment was from previous experiences.

"Sir." I gasped out while enduring the intense feeling of his cock penetrating my wet pussy. "I think you should try my ass."

Mr. Farnum replied with a smile in his eyes. "If you like the feeling of being filled, you'll love having your ass fucked."

The idea of Mr. Farnum's approval pushed me over the edge. I felt my orgasm speed towards me while Mr. Jackson thrust. His hardness against my womanhood was met with a clenching embrace that turned into a pleasure beyond description. I was experiencing a level of arousal that I'd never felt before. It was no longer just about Mr. Jackson, but also about the fact that Mr. Farnum was enjoying the scene.

"Sir, please," I begged. "I need this. I need you."

Mr. Farnum nodded. "Someone else will have to wait their turn," was his answer before I collapsed on the table, too exhausted to continue.

The intimate display of sexuality had a profound effect on me. My mind raced with a muddled mixture of thoughts. Was it the connection with Mr. Farnum that had turned me on so much? The anticipation of this day combined with the knowledge of being used by powerful men or perhaps the empowerment of knowing that I had given consent? Whatever it was, it was important. The realization that it was Mr. Farnum who was the source of my rising arousal brought new waves of pleasure to my already throbbing pussy.

I climaxed as Mr. Jackson reached his peak inside my wet pussy. With the final drops of his cum still within me, he withdrew and slumped back into his chair with his pants around his knees. I didn't waste any time and quickly bent down to clean his cock with my lips and tongue.

Mr. Jackson seemed startled by my act, his hand gently caressing the back of my head as I did my job.

"Impressive, Tim," Mr. Farnum commented to Mr. Jackson as I stood up and strolled over to Mr. Edwards, "she's incredible." I flashed a smile towards Mr. Farnum as I passed behind him, my fingertips grazing his shirtless chest.

Mr. Edwards and Mr. Adams had similar preferences: they both opted for fucking me doggy-style in my slightly messy pussy, both leaving their loads inside. Their cocks were about 6-inches long.

Having finished cleaning Mr. Adams's erection, I felt a new sense of assurance as I made my way back to Mr. Farnum. The fact that I was displaying my used body in front of these men hadn't felt funny or self-conscious anymore. Instead, I felt more confident and in control, almost like a seasoned exhibitionist. I appreciated the impressed look on Mr. Farnum's face. Was he about to use me again?

He seemed ready; his pants were around his ankles and his cock was already hard. He pulled me in for a fierce kiss as I approached, then broke it and forced me onto the table with my arms pinned back.

I debated on whether to let him fuck my pussy or my ass, both feeling quite well-used at this point. Mr. Farnum decided for me as his hard dick found its way back inside my pussy. "Oh my God... oh yes," I cried out in pleasure.

He kept thrusting for a full minute, each push seemingly more forceful than the last. The pleasure was evident in his movements.

Then, all of a sudden, his dick disappeared. Disappointed, I muttered under my breath. Suddenly, it reappeared, only this time Mr. Farnum positioned it roughly between my ass cheeks, shifting the hand from one to align them with the cock head. I gasped as I felt the tip press against my tight hole. My thoughts raced back to previous occasions when Mr. Farnum abused me this way, but this time I sensed something different. And my brain proved me right: I wasn't his assistant anymore. I was his slut, and that felt liberating.

Involuntarily, I asked, "Pussy or ass?" He didn't respond, merely aligning himself and shoving forward, my hand struggling to reach around and prevent his intrusion. I gritted my teeth as his dick forced itself past the resisting sphincter.

Before I could react further, Mr. Farnum pulled me away from the table, plopping me down on one of the empty chairs, my naked body displaying my cum-drenched self to the three men watching. He sat in the seat next to me with his still hard cock lodged between my butt cheeks. The pressure intensified as he pressed deeper, cuing my moans and screams. It didn't take long for us to reach our climaxes, his sperm flooding into my intimate crevice and me cumming wildly on his cockhead. Both satisfied, we rested, the other men's eyes moving from our bodies to our relaxed faces and the mess on my breasts and thighs.

"It's time for you to come up with an idea for this 5 year plan meeting," said Mr. Farnum and I nodded knowingly as he held my hand, his sperm leaking from my ass, "I want it to be ambitious, Mr. Brown."

His finger caressed my pussy as we talked strategy. "Mr. Farnum," I suggested, "how about...?"

The meeting was a success.

"Gentlemen, you've all now had a taste of Joni's private parts," the man said in a business-like manner. His fingers were still inside her pussy, while his cock remained in her ass. "You've witnessed how I've used her for my pleasure and heard the way she climaxed. Let me tell you, she's a fantastic blow job expert as well." She couldn't help but blush after everything they witnessed.

Mr. Adams inquired about the situation after office hours. "Does this mean we're discussing office secrets?" joked the man in question. Pausing for a moment, he added, "Let's take it one step at a time. Adjustments need to be made, especially for Joni. We'll discuss that later." They all nodded in agreement.

The men began to dress, leaving Mr. Farnum with his cock inside Joni's ass. The room was filled with a silent yet sensual moment before they all stood up. Joni took her time in standing up, while the inside of her ass still gripped Mr. Farnum's now softening cock. She kneeled between his knees and began to clean his cock with her tongue. It was dirty, surreal, and slightly erotic, the taste of sex from her ass.

Mr. Farnum finished putting on his underwear and slacks, but he stopped Joni from dressing. Instead, he took her scattered clothes and led her out of the glass-enclosed conference room to his office next door. Her clothes were carefully placed in one chair and she sat on another chair, bare and naked.

"So, how did it feel?" Mr. Farnum asked, his gaze sweeping over her nude body.

"Incredible, sir," she responded truthfully. "I think you're right about me, sir." Confused, Mr. Farnum raised an eyebrow. "I saw myself as promiscuous, but you saw me as a slut. I think I am, sir. And... I'm now your slut, sir." She saw his eyes looking over her during her admission. "Is my transformation complete, sir?"

"This weekend will be the start of it," he instantly replied. "You'll spend the weekend at my home, and this weekend we'll begin your transformation." Uncertainty filled the room as both of them had never experienced such things before. Unfazed, a wide grin stretched across Joni's face. "I have no idea what that means, sir, but sitting here naked with cum running down my thighs and ass is definitely a start." Mr. Farnum's eyes lingered on her face as he observed her reactions.

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