
Julie Attends a Wedding (Part 16)

The dominatrix affixes her partner's testicles to a table with nails.

May 30, 2024
11 min read
pony girlspeggingscathumiliationball kickingcock suckingcbtbondagefemdombdsmJulie Goes to a Wedding Pt. 16
Julie Goes to a Wedding Pt. 16
Julie Goes to a Wedding Pt. 16

Julie Attends a Wedding (Part 16)

Bonjour, lecteurs. Je termine actuellement cette nouvelle série. C'est un peu différent par rapport à ce que je fais habituellement, car mon travail précédent se basait surtout sur des expériences réelles. Cette série comprendra une combinaison de faits et de fiction. Elle contiendra un bon peu de BDSM et de "fonctions corporelles". Si cela ne correspond pas à vos goûts, veuillez lire l'une de mes autres histoires. En outre, tout le monde a 18 ans minimum et toutes les activités étaient consentantes.

Comme ceci représente une déviation de la manière dont je traduis habituellement, j' Dirais que je serais ravi de recevoir des commentaires après la lecture de cet histoire (et espérément des orgasmes).

Mon nom est Julie, je suis une travestie vivant toute ma vie en tant que femme. Je vit avec quatre autres femelles génétiques ; ma femme, Nancy, mon frère et sa femme, Becca et Annie, et enfin, notre tante, Tante Patti. Toutes nous sommes soumises, à part notre tante qui est la domine de la famille.

L'autre personne impliquée ici est Marsha. Elle est mon patronne à la bibliothèque dans laquelle je travaille. Elle est la seule qui sait ce qui se trouve entre mes jambes.

C'est là où nous avons laissé echapper dans le précédent chapitre :

Les infirmières avaient contraint Annie et Becca à devenir des chevaux

Premièrement, les filles avaient reçu des corsets de coton entre leur moyen ventre, juste sous leurs seins flasques, tout en laissant les cunts exposes. Les dompettes se sont placées derrière les esclaves et ont saisi les lanières des corsets pour les raideur.

Les corsets étaient manifestement douloureux car ils s'étieraient les ventres tuméfiés. De part et d'autre du corset se trouvaient des anneaux pouvant être utilisés pour des matériels de bondage.

Ensuite, les filles ont reçu des gants à coude long en cuir. Les gants avaient également des anneaux. Les dompettes ont rapproché les gants des anneaux du corset et ont utilisé des verrous pour lier les bras des filles aux corsets.

Suivant cela, les filles ont vu des bottes longues et brillantes en cuir noir. Les filles se sont mise dedans et attendaient inquiétantes alors que les dompettes enroulaient les bottes.

Annie et Becca ont été forcées d'ouvrir leurs bouches. Une fois ouvertes, de voiles chevaux ont été placées dans leurs bouches et ensuite les voiles de cheval ont été cousues à des rubans qui se relayaient derrière et au-dessus leur tête.

Un col de cheval avec une tête de plumage long était placé sur les têtes des filles. Un collier de posture a été mis autour des cou des filles.

Les esclaves ont été baisées devant, et je leur ai ordonné de coller leurs anus. Une fois collés, les dompettes ont pris des plugs très grands et les ont poussés dans les asses des filles. Les plugs avaient également des queue de chevaux qui pendaient jusqu'à la cheville orale des filles.

En dernier, un ceinturon en cuir a été enroulé autour des waists des filles. Le ceinturon tournait autour du côté avant des waists et s'étirait entre leur labia engorgés, jusqu'à la fente de l'ass et attaché à la partie arrière du ceinturon.

Au fur et à mesure que les filles marchaient, les ceinturons rubaient alors leur vulve et son clitoris, et empoignaient également les plugs plus profondément dans leur anus.

Après une longue séance de humiliation, les infirmières avaient poussé le Master à coucher avec les nouvelles chevaux. Le collage s'achevait.

Une fois que les hommes se sont retirés, Jane et moi sommes allées à eux et avons sucer les cocks propres. Puis nous avons remarqué les anus des filles et avons sucé les draps de la cheville de cum.

Pendant que nous suçions leurs anus, les dompettes se sont mis à genoux devant Annie et Becca et ont utilisé des cordes pour serrer les oreilles des filles en pages dirigeant leur regard directement devant les vulves des dompettes. Kim et Carol se sont placées directement en face des filles et ont demandé à leurs hommes de saisir les cordes pour que les filles regardent directement les cunts des dompettes. J'ai vu Kim et Carol tirer leurs lippes à part large et à nouveau uriner, cette fois sur les visages des filles.

Avec les brandes encore dans leur bouche, les filles ne pouvaient pas manger la pisse, donc les dompettes ont trempé leurs cheveux à la place.

Les dompettes ont pris leurs fouets et ont sérieusement traité les filles sur les fesses. Pendant que Mistress Patti s'écriait "Assez!", nous avons cessé de fouetter les filles.

Maintenant :

Tante Patti a regardé autour de soi dans le grenier. Toutes, y compris Tante Patti, étaient nuues et sales. À diverses échelles, nous étions toutes couvertes de fange, d'urine, de rétention, de sueur et de sperme.

Tante Patti a emmené ma femme et m'a amenée à des filets de rétraction accrochés au plafond pour lorsqu'il faut être baignées comme de mauvaises filles. Étant donné que nous sommes liées et ensuite mises dans une baignoire, nous l'appelons une baignoire de pute.

Tante Patti a attaché les poignets de ma femme et a levé son bras jusqu'en haut. Elle a regardé Becca et moi et a dit : "Liez-moi et donnez à Nancy et moi une baignoire de pute."

Becca et moi étions à dégouts. Tante Patti est une domme et n'autorise jamais qu'elle soit utilisée comme ça, et le fait qu'elle permette cela devant des gens qu'elle n'a juste rencontrés était encore plus étourdante.

Nous ne pouvions pas disobéir et avons lié les poignets de Tante Patti et avons donné à Aunt Patti et à ma femme une baignoire de pute.

The affair was set to an end, as we freed Melba alongside her counterpart. Mistress then turned towards us - Annie, Becca, and I - and instructed, "All of you need to shower Melba first, then escort her inside to me. Once Melba is showered, you three will follow."

She continued, "All of you ladies will remain in the barn, stark naked. Marsha and Jane will cater to everyone by having a scrumptious meal ready to be served within the barn."

The Barn's inhabitants bowed submissively towards Mistress while also slightly revering her, as she grabbed Nancy's hand and reentered the property.

During their absence, Becca, Annie, and I made sure that all of them were safely showered. This took roughly an hour's time before we joined Mistress, Nancy, and Melba inside the building. The meal was prepared by Marsha and Jane in the barn.

As usual, Mistress and Nancy sat as normal, displaying partially spread thighs. Melba, however, lacked the same laid-back sophistication as the others, as her legs were openly spread, showcasing her publicly displayed pussy.

Poised, submissive, with wide-spread legs, Annie, Becca, and I heard the early murmurings of Mistress' exposition. "Girls," she began, "Melba has shared her everyday happenings with me. Although I'm aware that a woman named Ursula was also involved in all that."

Mistress mentioned, "I'd like to invite Ursula to be part of this talk. This is a significant moment, and I'd like to know everything in our situation."

Mistress questioned Ursula, "Now, did you and I both essentially undergo the same humiliation of having our breast skin fastened to wooden slabs? Is that right, girls?"

We nodded in unison. Mistress then continued with her inquiries, "And Melba, what's your reason for allowing your pussy to also experience similar treatment? I understand how uncomfortable the procedure can be, so I'm curious why you volunteered your own body prior to anyone else's."

Hearing the disclosure was mind-boggling for Becca, Annie, and me; as Melba had previously hidden the knowledge that she had ever endured such humiliation.

Ursula preceded, "Actually, initially, I did not agree with having my cunt sewn shut. Since I've never had that done, I couldn't allow any of the other women to undergo the same. However, once all the girls desired to be sewn shut just like me, we went through with the process."

Mistress then asked Melba, "Melba, you made that decision to allow your vagina to be mutilated the way it was, knowing that the procedure is very intense? Why would you submit your cunt to that torment?"

Ursula looked at me with her eyes, as Becca and I engaged in a silent conversation of astonishment, wondering when and why Melba had ever willingly inflicted such a dreadful situation on herself.

Melba replied, "Just as Ursula was pushed into the process, I had the same thinking - to be fair to everyone else, I chose to let my cunt be sewn. And Ro and Marsha followed suit while I watched with approval."

Mistress conditioned, "I understand how sadistic Marsha can be. But as for Ro, she's relatively new to this menagerie, and must have been beaten into submission by her niece, Julie, and Ursula."

We vigorously nodded, as we now thoroughly comprehended that two women - Julie and Ursula - forced the men to nail their breasts to wooden surfaces. Meanwhile, a total of four other women - Ro, Marie, Marsha, and Ursula - had their vaginas sewn shut, while all the women, including Becca and Annie, endured the punishment of becoming "pony girls."

Later, Ursula and I got down on our knees in front of them, examining the wounds from their nailed genitals. Nancy assured us, "Don't stress. Those holes are healing just fine."

Afterward, Becca and Annie also received the same examination, as their behinds still had the red stripes from being whipped. Only their mouth sores from the forced vomiting would take some time to heal.

Both Nancy and Melba confirmed that we were in good physical shape and started brainstorming ideas for punishing the Masters and nurses. Mom continued by texting the respective parties, instructing them to discard the filthy straw and replace it with pristine straw.

We all got redressed, and as we entered the barn, the fact that we were wearing clothes while the Masters and nurses were completely naked set the perfect tone.

Mom issued orders to the nurses, "On your knees, ladies, spread your legs wide, and place your hands behind your heads." She appreciated their prompt compliance.

Next, Mom commanded the Masters to assume the same position. She emphasized, "I've always had a traditional mindset, thinking a Dominatrix like me should still show respect towards Masters. But you inflicted injury upon my girls, so you will be punished."

These words caused great unease.

"If you accept the punishment willingly, I will return to treating you like Masters afterward, while you'll be considered slaves until I'm done. You follow, guys?"

Addressing them as "boys" really struck a chord.

The men nodded and joined the kneeling nurses in front of us. I could not help but admire the sight of the nude nurses with their braless breasts sagging low and their bellies hanging, not forgetting the swollen pussy lips. The excitement was clear in their eyes as they awaited Mom's next move.

"Each of you will be given two safewords: ORANGE, meaning to slow down a bit, and RED, meaning to stop completely."

We stood behind our partners, prompting them to spread their legs wider and raise their hands. Mom continued, "If you can endure getting kicked in the groin viciously, you may continue to be abused; if not, you'll have to leave and never return."

Annie and Becca took off their skirts, preparing to kick the naked nurses effortlessly. Emily commented, "We took off our skirts to make it easier to move our legs."

Both Annie and Becca delivered the merciless kicks, bringing the nurses into positions of instability and unsteadiness. Carol and Kim, both in great discomfort, quickly followed, collapsing to the floor as they fought to maintain their legs' spread.

Ursula and I stepped forward, gripping the men's testicles tightly. My own experience of pubic kickings convinced me these men were in severe agony. We then sprinted to the bare Masters and squeezed their stomachs, keeping them in place.

Drenched in puke and urine, Mom placed slave collars around their necks and led them to the wooden benches where she'd earlier nailed Ursula and my tits. We fastened their wrists behind their backs, forcing the Masters to straddle the benches, leaving their testicles resting on them.

Then, to enact their punishment, Ursula and I held the same nails used on our nipples in front of the Masters. "We're going to nail your balls to the bench and then fuck your assholes," we warned.

Their terrified expressions changed rapidly, and they started to plead in desperation, "No, please! Don't do this! I'm begging you, stop!"

We placed the hammers before them and secured the nails to their sacks. Looking carefully, we saw if they would utter a safe word. They only begged, not using any safe words.

Ursula decided to heighten their fear, "You should know that Julie and I are just playful females. We've never used hammers before. You chaps should pray we don't miss the nail head and hurt your testicles!"

Ursula and I felt elated as we noticed the fear in their eyes; then both men wet themselves. Observing this, Ursula laughed, "Check out these lads, wetting themselves like the weaker brethren they are."

I'll admit it felt fantastic to seek revenge on those men. Witnessing the nail being attached to their sacks almost caused me to climax.

After they were nailed down on the bench, we made them lean forward and untied their wrists, tying them back up with their arms hugging the bench. In this position, they were lying flat, with their backsides at the bench's end.

I observed as Ursula stood in front of John, removing her garments. When I saw her slit, I became envious. Her labia were swollen, red, and dripping with lust. Then she donned a dildo-headed dildo and pushed it in 8 inches inside her damp slit. When she neared the halfway mark, her body jerked from an intense orgasm.

After a few minutes, she was successful in pushing the dildo entirely inside her and put on her harness boasting an 8-inch dildo.

I remarked Phil's glaze on my minuscule clit and was convinced he was relieved to see my size. His happiness didn't last long, though. Mistress Patti stood in front of him and smirked mischievously. "John, you've abused my niece. For that misdeed, I will be the one to have your asshole."

Mistress followed Ursula's path, staying still for a moment before experiencing a powerful orgasm while inserting the dildo inside her.

Next, Mistress claimed, "Nurses, we require a lubricant for these males' assholes. You shall serve this purpose, ladies."

The girls were astonished - they'd never done anything so detestable.

Mistress instructed, "You'll need to utilise your safe word if you don't want to join us, or else, shit!"

The girls exchanged glances and obeyed, standing over the men, defecating on their waists.

The barn was reeking of their foul-smelling excrement. Becca and Annie's expressions betrayed their pleasure, recalling how they became helpless victims earlier.

Mistress mocked their embarrassment, "You've produced a foul stench. That's why we're so choosy about our eating habits. Our defecation doesn't stink, but now all of you resemble manure pits."

Her stinging words rendered them disconsolate, and they cried uncontrollably. Once they completed their task, Mistress ordered them to grease the men's assholes with their faeces, followed by, "Do what you understand."

The girls complied, smearing their bits with their stinking faeces. Mistress requested me to climb on the bench, sitting beside Phil, who then suckled my clit.

Mistress questioningly asked, "Have either of you been anally penetrated before?" They responded negatively, and Mistress nodded before instructing Jane to sit before John, allowing him to suck her clit.

Finally, Mistress smiled and recommended Becca to fetch the posture collars. Once in place, Ursula and I put nooses around the men's necks, handing the ends to Ursula and Mistress. These women inserted their artificial penises into the men's rectums, while Jane and I entered their mouths, each fondling the man's clit with our tongues.

As the women humped the men, the men writhed back and forth. The men could feel their sacks being tugged as the nails were already pulling, causing them to cry. I discreetly slipped off Phil's mouth when he drooled, wiping my snot-covered clitoris on his nose and shoving it back in. I knew the humiliation of this final action was more than Phil expected.

The women carried on, simultaneously fucking the men and causing them to orgasm. The men's crying due to their ball position and sucking our clits was too much; they both collapsed.

The barn grew quiet as spectators stayed still, watching the women take their cherries while men were busy satisfying their cravings. At some point, both men ejaculated, staining the benches they were attached to.

The fact that they achieved climax while enduring anal insertions and sucking our clits was overwhelming. Subsequently, they both dissolved in tears.

Ursula let out a scream as she experienced a mind-blowing orgasm, followed by Mistress's scream. This made Jane and me ejaculate into the mouths of the men.

Once the women had recovered from the overwhelming pleasure, they ordered Carol and Kim to kneel in front of them.

"Lick the men's assholes clean," Ursula instructed. Neither girl wanted to do it but didn't dare defy the order. They inserted their tongues deep into the men's stretched anus.

Ursula then commanded, "Now lick our dildos clean."

The women pressed their tongues against the she-cocks, which triggered Ursula and Mistress to pull their hair, forcing their faces against the dildos. When they pulled their faces away, Carol and Kim both threw up in themselves.

I observed that Becca and Annie were grinning, recalling how Kim and Carol had done the same to them earlier.

Mistress glanced at the girls and said, "Revenge is a bitch, and we're just getting warmed up!"

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