
Katherine's Ascendancy

A Christmas Tale of a Vampire: A Sequel.

May 7, 2024
24 min read
vampireromancelesbianThe Rise of Katherine
The Rise of Katherine
The Rise of Katherine

Katherine's Ascendancy

Author's Note: This is a continuation of the Vampire For Christmas series. It takes place the morning after chapter 5. While it's not completely necessary to have read the series, it would make this story more enjoyable and meaningful. The book's characters request more after thinking the story ended in chapter 5, and this is seen as the conclusion, but there might not be a real conclusion. I have more ideas for this crew. I hope you like this addition. Thank you for your feedback and ratings; you still blow me away. Apologies for any errors or typos.

A hand was gently rubbing my back, gently waking me up. Couples of soft kisses along my neck. I opened my eyes, expecting it to be Michelle, but, to my surprise, it was Colleen along with Helena. They were both dressed in some unique training clothing I'd not previously seen.

"Good morning, baby," said Colleen. "How are you feeling?"

"Relaxed, calm... it feels like I've been carrying so much stress these past two months. Mostly, I feel incredibly in love with you. Thank you for last night. I didn't realize how much I actually needed it," I replied.

"You 'needed' it?" teased Michelle. "And what about me?" She grinned with laughter. "Good morning, Colleen. Thank you for last night. Good morning, Helena."

Colleen smirked. "Your happy faces mock me the whole day. You two seem satisfied. Unfortunately, I had to content myself with Mother yesterday."

Helena's slap on Colleen's ass caused a loud sound, echoing through the house. "You call that content, you ungrateful son-of-a-bitch? I'm surprised nobody heard your orgasm scream. But, I suppose some people were otherwise occupied." She chuckled. "Time for you two to get up, ladies."

"Michelle, you go visit your mate, get dressed, and join us in the Throne Room by 7 pm. Helena and I have a few tasks to finish before the meeting with Katherine," Helena instructed Michelle as she handed her a gift box.

I eagerly ripped the box open like it was the best Christmas ever. Inside were outstanding matching outfits, fitting black pants and a leather shirt rich in texture, helmet-like headgear, and straps for weapons. Mine was a silver-accented version. Her outfit had gold accents while Colleen's had silver.

"Christ, even Michelle gets a more awesome outfit than me!" I joked as I strapped on my kukris, the sword-like knives, feeling like a badass.

"Katherine, you need to wear this," said Helena. "You'll also need to bring your weapons to the meeting. We've a tribunal to conduct. The family leadership and security teams will be there to observe you."

"We're expecting trouble, are we?" I asked.

"No," Helena assured me. "However, due to Gustave's great betrayal, some weaponry could come in handy. You, more so than the rest, might even be in charge of the meeting. As of now, you, my dear, are the head of security and leader of the Matriarchy."

"Leader of the Matriarchy? Uhm, what?" I asked nervously.

"Training for the big leagues, dear." Helena winked and they all hugged me. "You've got this, Love," added Colleen. "You're going to look both terrifying and erotic in your new armor. They'll be intimidated and attracted to you at the same time."

Straight out of the bathroom, I put on my armor. Damn, I looked fierce. I grabbed my weapons and walked towards the throne room. While I got there, Helena, Colleen, and Diana, as well as Bridget, were standing near the dais discussing something. My arrival prompted them to greet me with kisses and hugs, then I gave updates on my time with Michelle.

Diana held me in a lingering hug and gave me a passionate kiss. "So, how would you rate your time with Michelle last night?" she asked cheekily. I responded with a thumbs-up, which she applauded. Feeling overly curious, I caught Bridget's lingering kiss with a hint of invitation; my interest piqued. Helena, Diana, and Colleen, all dressed to kill, stood next to each other. The gravity of the situation had them all opposed to the joyful anticipation of seeing me in my new weirdo outfit.

I stood near them, expressing my sheer elation with my new attire.

"So you like it, Katherine?" Helena queried. "I wasn't sure if you'd appreciate it, but it completes the look."

My heart melted. "I love it, I feel like a rock star!" I declared, strutting up.

The ladies examined me, grinning and nodding in agreement. "Good," said Helena, "we'll see how well your armor works in a moment."

Bridget walked up to me and grabbed on to my shoulder. "Be strong and confident," she said. "Don't let them manipulate you. I know you can do this, dear."

"I'm not afraid, Bridget. I'm ready. I won't let you down," I affirmed.

With a grin, Bridget nodded, signaling her approval. "We'll be there for you the whole time," she reassured me before giving me another reassuring hug. I turned towards the exit, the rest of our group still there, as they watched me walk away, their grins still on their faces. "Time to punch some were-dicks in the face!" I muttered to myself, walking out of the room.

"Helena," I said to my mother. "Here's the sequence of events. Soon, Bridget will unlock the doors and let in the Leadership Committee and their security. We'll already be seated on the dais. I'll stand up and formally start the event, then hand it over to you and take my seat. You'll stand up and instruct Bridget to bring in the prisoners. They'll be at the bottom of the staircase. You'll then ask Bridget for her update. The remaining schedule is your call. When you feel we have sufficient details, you'll suggest a verdict. We'll, one by one starting with Colleen and ending with me, be asked for our opinion. In case of a disagreement, I'm the final decider."

"Is this how you expect it to unfold?" she inquired.

"Yes, Mother," I responded. "If the penalty is death, what do you want me to perform?"

"You've got two options. You can suggest the Sun Chamber. That would occur with sunrise tomorrow. Or, you can kill them right here and now in front of the clansmen. I'd rather have that. It powerfully highlights the consequences of attempting to kill me. Can you do it?"

"I think New Human Katherine might say no. Non-existent Katherine understands that if these two were involved in an assassination plot, I can take them down without delay for their trespass. The security of the family is a prime prerequisite, and it's for the welfare of each human on this planet. While I'd like to claim I'm not enjoying this ordeal, I cannot. No second attempts to harm me are tolerable."

Colleen cast her gaze at me. Her jaw visibly dropped. "You have transformed. I didn't envision you delivering such a reaction. I'm amazed, not discontented, simply astonished. I adore your newfound power. You make me prouder and happier every day. I love you so deeply." She embraced me tightly and whispered in my ear. "I'll demonstrate just how much, later."

"Come on, let's take our places," advised Helena.

Bridget opened the doors exactly at 1900 hours. The Committee members and their guards trickled in, their expressions and gentle murmurs indicating their astonishment at seeing us in battle preparations. You could almost sense the dread in some of them.

Helena stood up. "Welcome. You're here for a Matriarchal tribunal. Typically, these events occur either secretly or with limited attendance. As you were already present, I decided to make this one public. Yesterday, you saw Colleen kill Gustave. Although his trial had not been conducted, his dismissal would have produced the same result. We're gathering to decide if he had help. This is a situation concerning our family's security. Accordingly, I'm yielding the summit to our Security Director, Katherine."

She took her seat. I rose. "Thank you, Mother. I have no pleasure in this being my initial task in my new job. I had aspired to befriend all of you under more soothing conditions. However, don't mistake my disfavor for reluctance. Bridget, could you bring the prisoners out?"

Bridget signaled to Victor who opened the door to the side of the hall. Gustave's two guards were ushered into the room by Mother's personal guards. Chained and nude, they were instructed to take a knee approximately 3 feet apart from each other at the base of the dais. I was somewhat relieved they were both males. Considering Gustave's ill will towards Colleen and me, I would have been taken aback had he kept a woman guard.

"Bridget," I said. "Can you offer your account?"

Usually, I'd tack on a please. I saw how Mom, who's usually civil, omitted the niceties during such official duties. I resolved to imitate her strength.

"Madam Director," said Bridget. "Following yesterday's meeting, Victor, myself and additional Matriarchal security members had intensive discussions with these two for several hours. We deduced they were aware of Gustave's acts and didn't apprise any Matriarch of these actions as they're required to do. They knew Gustave secretly made Vampires without the Matriarchy's approval. In fact, these newly transformed Vampires were crafted to conceal their existence from us. They assisted in transferring them to Genoa and to the warehouse where we discovered them. They allege they were unaware of the planting or detonation of explosives meant to kill you."

The woman stated, "It hinges on how you perceive pain. Undoubtedly, stern questioning was necessary. Vampires like me, who guard, are taught to withhold information. I wouldn't put my trust in details acquired from torture. The subject may state anything to make it stop. That is not the predicament here. I vouch for the accuracy of the info."

I said, "Alright, Bridget. I descended the platform steps and positioned myself between the two detainees. "I regret our first interaction has to be like this. I'd like to hear in your words if the facts we just obtained are correct."

"They are, Second Katherine," they both asserted.

I asked, "Do either of you have anything to declare in your defense?"

"This is my only statement." One spoke up. "We didn't recognize Gustave's purpose regarding your safety."

"If you had realized, what would you have handled differently?" I inquired.

"We would've if notified the Council," he replied.

"Why wasn't the creation of new vampires reported?" I probed.

"Gustave threatened us. He possessed considerably more strength than both of us combined. We were afraid." He answered.

"You could have disclosed when you arrived. You must be aware the Council would have shielded you," I remarked.

"The blast already happened. By then, it was too late." He said. "We thought you'd assume we were involved. We're not. Truthful."

I declared, "I believe you. Is there anything else we need to know? Did you share with Bridget every individual associated with or under Gustave's guidance?"

"We have. The only thing I can claim is remorse and absolutely never meant to harm the Council." He confessed.

"Noted," I concluded. "In my capacity as Head of Security and Second in the household, I must pass judgement. I determine both of you culpable of neglecting your duty as family safeguards. I deem both of you complicit in plotting with Gustave to conceal unauthorized vampire creation. A scheme which would've led to the deaths of two of your fellow protection teams and a member of the Council, me. It is my decision that your consequence for your actions is Death."

To the dais, I asked, "Second Colleen, your verdict?"

Colleen said, "It's heartbreaking how your fear trumped your understanding of Council regulations, my rules. This doesn't pardon your actions. You endangered a member of Council. Had Gustave's plan come to fruition, Helena would be dead. I wouldn't be here to say it's a sad situation. I can't forgive you. You deserve to die."

"Matriarch," I questioned Diana. "Your verdict?"

Diana said, "This is tiresome. I don't feel sadness. Instead, I feel betrayal. I feel rage. In this short vampire timeline, I've lost two daughters. You heard me say yesterday that you owe your life to me. To repay me with these actions makes me revolted. The quicker you two are gone, the better. Death."

"Katherine," she directed, "only the manner and moment remain."

I seized the handles of my kukris and unsheathed them. Concurrently, I revolved, extended my arms, and severed their heads off both individuals. Their bodies instantly assumed the appearance they'd have if they'd perished many years prior. I returned my knives, reentered the dais, and rested next to my chair.

"Let's postpone the collective encounter of all security staff, scheduled an hour earlier than intended, for reflecting on today's activities. Feel free to discuss with your allies any issues that Council members must be informed on. Remember, you serve the Council."

My fangs receded. My eyes shone brightly. My voice evolved into an icy and rigid tone. I surveyed the room for a bit before continuing, "If ever a Committee member or security personnel try to take the life of a Council member, succeed the first time. You won't get a second try. If someone menaces a family security staff member, you'll more than likely not see tomorrow. Is it comprehended?"

They rose in unison and agreed, "Yes, Second Katherine."

After composing myself, I resumed my seat. Helena stood up. "What an astounding display of tribunal expertise, my little one. You are the embodiment of my younger form. You bring me immense pride. It's evident that not only have you inherited my abilities, but also my temperament. As a family, we might have our disagreements and conflicts, but we also share our lives, wealth, and intimacy. I must emphasize one crucial fact along with Katherine's comment. Any threats within the family are unacceptable. To resolve family issues, any Matriarchy member can help. If you choose to leave the family, certain conditions apply. The most vital one involves refraining from creating unauthorized Vampires. Additionally, safeguarding the family's knowledge and members is essential. The consequences for violating these rules will be severe and merciless. Is anyone here who wishes to depart our family?"

They all stood up. "No, Matriarch," they declared firmly.

"This gathering is adjourned. Refreshments are waiting for you in the study."

They all departed, leaving Helena, me, Diana, and Bridget. Helena observed, "I'm not surprised by your performance at the tribunal. I didn't foresee you speaking so much like me. I've discovered that Helena softens my harsh side, and I believe she's softened yours as well. I'm content with the idea that the family will keep growing like I envisioned. I'm starting to appreciate the pattern of Colleen and Katherine's relationship. I'm now convinced that you'll manage our family well. Did you witness this side of her, Bridget?"

"No, Mother," replied Bridget. "I was aware of her tenacity and her aggressive nature in competition. I perceived her natural leadership. I observed how you and Diana steer the family and complement each other. I was apprehensive about leading the family myself. However, watching you and Katherine, I'm confident I'll be able to lead successfully. She's exceptional."

"What transpired between you and Bridget these past couple of days?" inquired Diana. I didn't anticipate your approach either, Bridget."

I turned to Bridget. She shook her head. "We held talks regarding the family's expectations of me. She reinforced the important points Diana and Colleen have been teaching me. She was particularly keen on my embrace of the role of warrior. I promised not to reveal the entire conversation at the moment. Let's just say she helped me see things through a different lens. The hunt events also opened my eyes. I am resolved to become a force for the family's benefit. I don't crave being a Princess Consort. Therefore, it was essential for me to adapt or face misery."

"Did you feel that my assigning you and Bridget together was planned?" Helena inquired.

"Yes, Mother, you orchestrated it perfectly. Bridget is an ideal security assistant. She knows well the damage Vampires can wreak if unchecked. Colleen made an excellent decision in selecting you, Katherine. Besides the tribunal, the events of the past few days have influenced family members' interactions with you. They'll probably be more cautious around you. Just like they are with me and Diana. They're unaware that both of us can be as tough and ruthless as they are."

"Should I consider including you in future tribunals?" asked Helena.

"Please, feel free to delegate some tasks to me. If unavailable, it could be advantageous to route them to Victor. How would he respond to being considered my subordinate?"

"I'll inform him of your appointment as my assistant," said Helena.

Diana and Colleen embraced and kissed Bridget and me. Colleen whispered in my ear, "Don't forget your date this evening." Then, they departed.

"Here we are, Bridget," I remarked. "How did you find the tribunal?"

"Katherine, to express my gratitude for the confidentiality you've maintained between us, I would tell you this: No other outcome seemed viable. I anticipated you advocating for the Sun Chamber. Your simultaneous decapitation of both heads was awe-inspiring, like something from a movie. I've taught you well. Not only did you present a powerful performance during the tribunal, but also during the questioning and judgment. I had to contain my laughter because you displayed an unexpected level of mental fortitude when heels were on the line. I'd serve you as Matriarch without hesitation and with immense pleasure. By the way, when you're occupied, it may be helpful to direct family members to Victor for assistance. Lastly, how does Bridget's role as my assistant sit with you?"

She chuckled, implying he wasn't being honest. He had already volunteered to help however he could. If you wanted him to do that, she recommended offering a small reward. Not a significant one, just a subtle acknowledgment of the extra work and respect.

I agreed, wondering if there was a specific point I should emphasize.

She suggested having them train with us regularly for combat and other advanced techniques. They should be pitted against me. It would be fun to work with them. We could invite a group, but just one representative per household. Perhaps meeting once every season would work.

I liked the idea. Let her handle the announcement. Now, if everything was ready, could she open the door and have them enter when they arrived? I looked forward to seeing who would be the first and last to come in. I hoped nobody would be late. If they did, what should I do?

"Sparring," she replied gleefully. "In full view of everyone using staves. I'm tempted to suggest using bare weapons, but that's a bit too cruel. You could knock them off their feet with ease. It might only take one such confrontation for them to realize."

"You're quite the grim lady, Bridget," I commended. "I'm starting to like you more."

"Who was it that bragged about chopping off two heads simultaneously?" she asked playfully. "Maybe it's not so grim. We all have a dark side. Let's commence this gathering. By the way, I'm hoping someone will be late." She chuckled maliciously.

To my relief, no one showed up tardy. Security for Francois and Michelle led the way, followed by security for Valerie and Michael. Colleen had placed two chairs at the front for the audience. I sat on my chair on the platform, motioning for Bridget to join me.

"Bridget is my Assistant," I informed them. "Reach out to her if you need to speak with me and I'm unavailable. In case we're both out of reach, you can turn to Victor or Colleen. I'd rather attempt Victor first based on her availability."

The past two days' events had rendered my planned conversations with them irrelevant, I admitted. This was intended to be a casual gathering. I desired orderly conversation, but allowed for lively discussion. I wouldn't endure rudeness.

"You're part of the Matriarchy, here to protect specific family members with your lives. Is there anyone who rejects this principle?"

No one responded.

"I comprehend bonds can develop between you and your charges," I continued. "If it hinders your duty or threatens your protégé's safety, your position could be revoked. The reason for your termination depends on the breach of rules. The ideal solution is for you to immediately contact us."

"Don't think you're a betrayer by alerting us of a transgression. The word 'snitch' is so demeaning. We have few regulations. They were created to safeguard us and were often derived from harmful incidents in Vampire history. You're our eyes and ears in the outside world. Your contribution is vital. We need you."

"While your bond with your charges can include intimate relations or fun moments, be careful it doesn't impede your ability to warn us about rule breaks. If your dedication falters, your status will change, yet not necessarily with dismissal guilt-free. I'd prefer to never have to discipline anyone again. I wish for us to interact as colleagues. Maybe we'll become friends, but that's optional for effectiveness."

"Any matters you'd like to address?" she asked.

(Image source: https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1500825301124-557001df6b4b?crop=entropy&cs=tinysrgb&fit=max&fm=jpg&ixid=MnwxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8&ixlib=rb-1.2.1&q=80&w=1080&h=1080)

"You're insinuating brutality, taking advantage of weaker family members or humans," she spat out insufferably. "You have to protect and respect us and our helpers. They're our food. We value them for their individuality, thoughts, desires, and imagination. They offer us comforts we don't produce ourselves. They mustn't be treated as livestock."

"It's clear these rules aren't new; you've been Vampires far longer than me. I understand the rules. I'm bound to enforce them. I'd rather not do that again. I'd prefer we're allies. Maybe we'll be friends, but it's not essential for success."

"Is there anything else you'd like to talk about?"

Bridget and I answered a few basic queries. I decided to consult the gathering for their thoughts rather than just ordering them. Eventually, the chatter subsided. I stated, "Bridget has some news."

"Katherine and I have mulled over the need to improve your abilities. Twice a year, we'll host a couple of training sessions. Each one's dates will be notified. Transport will be arranged for your convenience. You'll remain here during these events. One notable occurrence at these sessions is that you'll get to spar against Katherine. It'll be enjoyable," she added with her mischievous grin.

"Alright, then," I retorted. "Meeting closed. Thank you and safe travels home."

We all rose from our seats, signaling the end of the meeting. After everyone had left, Bridget locked the door, walked over to me, and kissed me. "If you didn't grasp the message earlier," she mentioned, and then exited.

I deduced that meant two things. She wanted sex, just like me. She believed the meeting was successful and was congratulating me. I appreciated both messages.

I returned to my room and saw Colleen emerge from the restroom naked.

"How did I land such luck?" I inquired.

"What do you mean?" Colleen countered.

"The future now consists of a long life with the most stunning and incredible woman." I claimed, embracing her.

Colleen smiled. "That's simple. You're gorgeous and remarkable. I adore you. So, how was your conference?"

"It went well. Bridget will be a significant advantage. She advised that if someone is tardy for a meeting or requires punishment, their penalty should be sparring with me using staves. She seemed enthusiastic about that outcome."

Colleen chuckled. "Yep, that's Bridget. Mother admired her demeanor from the outset. She's been a pillar of strength for me. She's an exceptional partner and a fantastic confidant. I adore her, but I don't LOVE her. Do you comprehend?"

"Yes, I think so. Bridget has influenced me. You've observed how I've evolved these few days. It's not that I've altered so much as I've discovered how to be what Helana anticipates from me and how to meet the family's needs."

I divulged to Colleen my dialogue with Bridget and the details of the hunt. I confided in her that Bridget had urged me not to discuss the events of the hunt to prevent me from feeling mortified. Nonetheless, her feedback about the hunt and her conduct during that event shifted my perspective on my new life. I saw it in a more positive light.

Colleen embraced me tighter and kissed me. "I was hoping Bridget would feel sufficiently connected to you to share her opinions. She was concerned that you wouldn't completely grasp what your fresh life entailed. After witnessing Mother's appreciation of your talents and receiving her order that Bridget train you as a warrior, she was thrilled and nervous. She witnessed the warrior within you but doubted that revealing it might undermine your compassion. We all craved the strength, but none of us desired your kind-heartedness to be overshadowed by ruthlessness."

"Bridget kissed me," I divulged. "She kissed me before and made a few suggestive remarks, but this time she genuinely kissed me."

"She did? That's great for her. She fancies you a lot," said Colleen. "She likes your toughness and tenacity. That, and you're incredibly attractive. I instructed her to hold back until after you transformed into a pureblood. I told her the day of your declaration that she could freely express herself to you. We should accommodate her."

"Now?" I questioned.

"Absolutely not, not now. I'm issuing a directive right now. You're not the only one entitled to wield the power of our Office," Colleen remarked with authority.

"And what decree do you order, Second Colleen?" I asked, maintaining an air of submissiveness.

"Get that armor off and have sex with me," she demanded, climbing onto the bed.

"Won't you want me to wash first?"

She straddled my hips and traced her finger along her wet area. She sniffed her finger then licked it. She maintained direct eye contact. "It seems someone's already clean," she smiled.

This was a strong hint if there ever was one. Vampire speed is useful not only for independence but also for removing one's clothes. In a flash, I was naked. I flung myself into her arms. I kissed her passionately, our tongues wrestling for superiority. It didn't take long for her to yield. I was resolved to give her the pleasure equivalent to everything she had given me in my new life. I wanted her to understand how appreciative I was that she had picked me as her partner. She fell in love with me before we even met. I desired her to feel my affection rather than just hear it.

We stopped kissing, and I disclosed my adoration for her as I showered her cheeks, eyelids, and neck with delicate kisses. I nibbled on her ears. She enveloped me tightly as her palms gently caressed my back from my neck to my hindquarters. Meanwhile, my hands remained occupied. I began to explore her body with touch delicate as gossamer. My hands roamed over her shoulders, her ribcage, her stomach, her hips, steering clear of her breasts except for occasional caresses on their sides and underside. She started to writhe, her respiration becoming shallow, her moans soft but insistent.

I realized what she was yearning for and kept her waiting only briefly. Crouching on my knees, I enclosed both breasts with my palms and squeezed, softly but firmly. I swiped my thumbs over her already inflamed nipples. That prompted her to gasp and set my hands ablaze with her fingers. I appreciated her lengthy and tender nipples from our first encounter. I seared one nipple between my thumb and forefinger while gripping and massaging her other breast. After a few seconds of doing so, I shifted, tormenting one nipple at a time while fondling the other breast. Her squirming intensified as her breath became more uneven and her moans louder and more frequent.

I leaned forward and clasped one nipple between my lips. My hand squeezed and pinched the other. I induced my tongue to glide across every inch of the pliable yet hard flesh. Then, I ingested it. I duplicated the action with each breast, alternating between one and the other, gradually. Her moans deepened and lengthened.

"Nibble me, Katherine, NIBBLE ME, PLEASE," she implored.

"You taught me to wait, so endure," I chuckled.

"I detest you," she said. "You're so damned kind. Directly I adore you SO DAMNED MUCH."

I revealed my fangs and pressed them against the delicate skin of her breast yet refrained from biting. She attempted to force more of her breast into my mouth to force my bite. I resisted.

"Later you'll make me pay for this," she threatened.

"You're so strong," I whispered.

"I loathe you," she said. "You're so thoughtful. Straight, I cherish you UTMOST."

I released her breasts and descended down her body, locking my lips with her skin as I advanced. I let my fangs brush against her skin while perilously resisting the temptation to bite. I could sense her frustration and eroticism grappling with one another. I thrived on it. My lips continued their journey downward, kissing her abdomen. My tongue traced a line down her abdomen to her sex. I brought my palm to her mound, pressing it between her labia. Damn, she was slick. I felt gratified and aroused by this knowledge. Using her wetness, I ran my fingers along her folds until I encountered her vagina.

I moved my lips further southward, pressing my tongue against her lips as I inched my way there. I replaced my hand with my tongue. As I stuck my tongue between her lips, my hands guided her legs apart. I sucked her from front to back, craving to capture her fluids. I inspected the inner and outer edges of her lips with my tongue. My tongue finally arrived upon her clitoris, and I swiped it with a flick of the tongue. That triggered her hips to jerk involuntarily as her hands fastened onto the base of my skull.

For several moments, I stroked that delicate nub. I circled it with my tongue, pressed my tongue onto it, and sucked it between my lips, holding it secure with my lips. I kept flicking it with my tongue. I could feel her orgasm nearing. I relinquished her clit and kissed my way to the crease of her inner thigh. As I did so, I extended my fangs fully and sank them into her thigh deliberately but not harshly. She grunted and emitted a deep, low groan. Her hands clutched the back of my head as I devoured and cherished her blood. The taste was divine. I thought I'd have become used to the taste by now, but it tasted just as good as the first time and caused me to become slick. My fingers slipped within her, tracing with a slow, gentle motion, teasing.

I pressed my lips to the inside of her thigh. I rose my head, my fangs unsheathed, and bit. She howled out in pain followed by a deep, low moan. She clutched the back of my head as I lapped up her blood. The taste was delightful. By now, I'd hoped she was fully engulfed in pleasure. The combination of her climax and the blood was overwhelming. I inserted two fingers within her, sliding them in and out, fondling her insides with care.

Following a short period, I disengaged my jaw. She shifted her fingers from my scalp to her chest. She alternated between twisting and pinching her nipples and squeezing her breasts. I moved my lips towards her thigh, repeatedly licking and caressing her clitoris while extracting my fingers. Her moans grew louder and more persistent as her hips raised to meet my tongue.

I plunged my tongue deep into her vagina. She started trembling even more violently and frantically, I shifted to her other thigh and kissed and nibbled her skin. I flashed my fangs and bit down rapidly and fiercely. At the same moment, I inserted two fingers into her and stimulated her clitoris with my thumb. Her hands abandoned her breasts and gripped my head stridently. Her respiration quickened. I quenched my thirst while she reacted. Her legs began trembling, her thighs quivering. Her vaginal walls tightened around my fingers vigorously.

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, I'm cumming. Don't cease, keep going," she cried out.

Her legs jerked and her abdominal muscles convulsed. I disengaged my teeth but maintained my fingers inserted, lightly pressing her clit. I shifted to her other breast, biting down while simultaneously teasing her nipple with my tongue. I tortured her nipple as much as I could between swallows of her blood. Her hips soared off the bed. A mortal or a younger Vampire wouldn't have endured that. I bit harder and tormented her nipple and clitoris even further. My fingers were fully embedded in her as her muscles clamped on them forcefully.

She writhed and grunted incoherently. She had a strong and prolonged orgasm. Ultimately, I eased off and released my bite, still mildly stimulating her vagina with my fingers. Gently moving my fingers, I stroked and teased her clitoris. I teased her nipple with my tongue. Following several minutes, she pulled me towards her, demanding a kiss.

We remained there kissing and hugging each other for what seemed like hours. When we separated, we rolled onto our sides, gazing into each other's eyes, cradling each other gently.

"THAT was the finest I've ever experienced," Colleen said, grinning maliciously. "In truth. It was astonishing. We just continue to improve."

"I discovered something with Michelle," I stated.

"If that's what you discovered, we should spend more time with her," humored Colleen.

"Not that, Silliness. This evening was only about you. I wanted you to feel how much in love with you I am. I've observed things about me, her, you, others that I have learned. Along with everything that has transpired, we haven't had the opportunity to discuss it."

"True," she said. "I didn't want to pressure you or snoop. I considered your encounter with her your moment. I am interested, but mainly about how you felt rather than what you did. It was evident you enjoyed your time with her. That was the intended result. It is unnecessary for you to share anything if you don't wish to."

"Thanks. Your actions give me more and more reasons to be more in love with you, Colleen. I concur. We don't need a play-by-play, but what I sensed and learned seems critical to share."

"Being able to re-encounter Michelle and touch her and interact with her again was something I thought would be impossible. I didn't comprehend how much I yearned for that. It felt like a closure we never had. To have that was more crucial than I recognized."

"The sex was sensational. She refers to it as 'mind-blowing sex'. She asserts she has it quite often, not merely with Francois, but with you and Valerie and more. I can see why. I've had such responses with Diana and Helena. I've been half-anxious to tell you that, fearing it would disturb you. The most thrilling orgasms I've ever experienced are with you. Remember the initial few occasions when we discussed one being among the top two or the best ever? That was accurate."

"What I learned is that superb sex with someone else is not a betrayal. I don't perceive any justification for comparing orgasms with anyone else to those with you. As magnificent as sex was with Michelle and given the strong emotional involvement due to our past, it still lacked something that exists with you. I am completely and unconditionally in love with you, Colleen. Every instance with you is the best. I love Michelle. I adore Diana and Helena. I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU. THAT makes every encounter with you the finest."

"Katherine," she sobbed as she kissed me, tears streaming relentlessly. "Those are sentiments I doubted anybody would utter to me. I had almost given up hope of discovering someone with whom I could feel like I do towards you. When I advised Mother earlier that you are my perfect match, I meant it."

"Before delivering the 'mind-blowing orgasm'," I said, "you suggested a threesome with Bridget. Was that a jest?"

"Certainly not. We need to arrange that as soon as possible. I've yearned for her. You've been monopolizing her time and attention," Colleen chuckled.

"Not just me. My mother and Diana have been giving her special attention, feeding her, in order to prepare her for a challenge against me. I highly doubt it had anything to do with their own blood. She more or less confirmed this. She's quite a fan of intimate affairs. As you're aware."

"So, have you ever participated in a threesome?" Colleen inquired.

"No, I haven't. Michelle and I had talked about it. She still remembers. She also desires for me to be intimate with Francois. I assume that means her as well. I'm still figuring out this whole sex dance. To be honest, I'm perfectly fine with just sharing our time together. Nobody else is necessary. The intimate relationship of a sex dance we had with Michelle was unforgettable. But, no other person can fill your role."

"Katherine, I don't expect you to abstain from sexual encounters and not fully indulge in the experience. I'll consider any invitation to join as it presents itself. Sometimes, threesomes can be enjoyable. Other times, it can be a bit too much work to ensure that everyone's included and enjoying themselves equally. As the Second, our sleeping arrangements will sometimes be separate. I wouldn't demand your permission to engage with someone else, nor will I ask for yours. My love for you is everlasting. I know you feel the same."

"There's another topic we need to cover," Katherine said. Earlier, you mentioned a shower. Now, go take one. And do it swiftly. I shared how much I adore you, and a clean genital area will make this whole process even more enjoyable."

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    Source: www.nice-escort.de