
Katie's New Journey: Chapter 15

A family excursion to the zoo.

May 15, 2024
24 min read
mdlgddlgdiaperbreastfeedinglactationKatie's New Life Ch. 15abdl
Katie's New Life Ch. 15
Katie's New Life Ch. 15

Katie's New Journey: Chapter 15

Kate drifted off to sleep in the car within 10 minutes of setting off. The journey lasted less than an hour before they reached the zoo. When they arrived, Sally and John got out, gathering the necessary items before waking Kate gently.

It took a few moments for her to fully wake up, and they decided to let John carry her partway since she was still half-asleep. She curled up against him and held her pacifier close. As they got closer to the zoo entrance and saw other people, John put her down. They talked about the rules they expected her to follow once they were inside.

"Kate, today while we're at the zoo, I'd like you to hold either my or Mommy's hand while we walk between things. When we're looking at animals, you can roam freely as long as we can see you. You must obey any instructions we give you, or we'll discipline you. You can call us Mommy, Daddy, John, or Sally depending on how you feel. And, of course, you'll wear your diaper as usual." A hint of sadness passed over Kate's face.

John took her hand, saying, "you're here to have fun, and we'll protect you and take care of you."

Sally tucked the pacifier away in her pocket, and pulled out a small cell phone. "This has our phone numbers saved. In case you get lost, use this phone. Remember, only contact us if you can't find your way back."

Kate smiled, and they linked hands, skipping their way towards the entrance.

When they approached the ticket line, Kate let go of Sally and clung to her father. After paying for three tickets, John received the map, guidebook, and an activity sheet for children. Kate noticed it and began working through the sheet immediately, but she wasn't entirely comfortable with the idea of being seen as a child.

As they moved forward in the line, Kate asked, "Daddy, can I have the map?" He handed it over and watched as she carefully planned out their course through the zoo and noted down times for shows and feeding times.

"Daddy, can you help me fold it so it's easier to carry?"

John opened the map, and folded it into smaller sections, leaving the main map visible. Handing it back to his daughter, he instantly heard her refer to him as "Dadda." He didn't comment.

Taking Sally's hand, Kate led them towards the large bird enclosures. They had to help her read the questions, spell words, and even asked if she could have a parrot.

Cuddling up to John, she inquired, "Dadda, what time is it?"

He checked the time on his watch, "10:25."

Kate seemed surprised. "Hurry, the bird show starts in," she checked her fingers, "five minutes!" Panting, they darted towards the seats for the show and found some at the back, reasoning that their height would give them a better view and keep Kate's identity hidden from others.

As they sat and waited, Sally pulled out some carrot sticks and a juice carton. Kate bounced in excitement as she tucked into the snacks but became mesmerized by the show, with birds flying overhead and demonstrating their tricks. Sally had to rescue the carrot sticks from sliding off her knee.

After the show ended, they headed to the photo area for the birds. Kate excitedly talked to John about having a photo with the birds, and when it was their turn, sat with a branch and brightly colored parrot on her lap. Meanwhile, John was given a cockatoo to cradle like a baby and two love birds perched on his head. They were trying hard not to laugh as they were posed for these unusual pictures.

As they walked out with their pictures and waited in line to get them printed, John turned to Kate, "do you want one just for yourself or a group photo?"

Kate pondered for a moment, "can we have all together?"

John smiled and agreed. They waited as others had their photos taken and eventually stepped up, with Kate in the center, holding a branch and colorful parrot, John in the middle with a cockatoo on his chest and two love birds on his head.

Back home, with photos in hand, Kate continued to recount the story, reliving every moment.

Katie watched Sally grin from ear to ear as John made silly motions, feigning that he could still feel the birds pecking at his hair. This only increased her amusement, and she had to tell him to stop acting silly before the birds had disappeared.

Afterward, Kate took John by the hand and led him to the area where the sea creatures were housed. They observed the polar bears diving for food below the water's surface. A bear suddenly appeared after Kate inadvertently startled her, causing her to jump back in fright.

Fortunately, John was there to help steady her. They observed the penguins next, with mothers taking care of their young ones. Kate whispered to him, "Daddy, they smell really bad, like fish."

He replied with a laugh, "Well, darling, that might be because that's what they eat."

She giggled in response. Kate couldn't wait to tell Sally about penguins eating fish.

Moving on, they saw the Californian sea lions performing tricks for the trainer. They leaped from the water to grab the balls hanging from a rope, and also retrieved items. When the trainer had concluded her performance, she threw fish into the water for the sea lions to catch. Kate rushed to the underground viewing area to watch them closely. John and Sally soon joined her, but by then, they heard loud voices.

A foul-mouthed man was harassing Kate about her diaper and childish clothing.

"Go away, leave me alone," she begged through tears.

John emerged from around the corner, glaring angrily at the man. He protective way towards Kate, "Back off now."

The man pointed his finger stupidly at Kate. "Is that freak...?"

Before he could finish, John grabbed his finger and twisted it behind his back, potentially causing severe damage. Sally stood between the man and Kate, taking a stand for her.

John, still holding onto the man's finger, talked to him. "I'll make this clear once. If you ever say another thing to either of the two women behind me, I will snap your fragile wrist and then tear your shoulder from its socket."

John tightened the grip on the man's finger, causing tremendous discomfort. "Do you hear me?"

The man cried out in pain. "Yes, yes, I understand."

John let go of his finger, but remained in control. "Now apologize and leave."

The man complied and ran away quickly. Kate threw her arms around John, feeling protected by him for the first time. She kissed him several times, "Thank you, Daddy."

Holding her close, John reassured her, "I will always protect you from harm."

Sally stood near John and whispered, "Be a hero once more and change her. She's leaking from her diaper."

Understanding, John nodded. He led Kate to the empty family restroom.

John placed Kate on a changing table, where she sucked on her pacifier. John carefully removed her wet dungarees, revealing a diaper that was holding a large amount of liquid. Kate hadn't provided much attention to the wetness in her diaper. Once he removed it, he cleaned her up, powdered her, and installed a fresh diaper.

The dungarees were too wet to reattach, so he unearthed the spare outfit from the bag. He removed her shirt, causing her to shiver. Her nipples went erect.

"Dad, what are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm changing your wet clothes, dear. You must be leaking."

Tears began to flow, "But, but, people will see I was wet."

John reassured her, "It's fine. No one else noticed, and we are just here to take care of you."

Her sobs lessened and she nodded. John removed her pacifier and put it in a different pocket. When he repacked the bag, he picked her up and ran to find Sally.

Kate threw herself into Sally's arms for a hug, "My diaper leaked. I'm sad."

Sally hugged her tightly. "It's alright now, sometimes babies have accidents, but you're fresh and ready to start again." Kate nodded in agreement.

"Where should we go next, Kate?" Sally presented her with the map.

Kate pondered for a moment. "Can we watch the fish get fed in the big tank, then see the reptiles?" Sally agreed and prepared to set her down. "No, Mommy, you carry please." Sally thought for a second, noticing how quiet it was. "Okay, baby girl, but just for a moment."

They made their way from the large sea creatures to the indoor aquarium, where the reptiles and amphibians were housed. As they approached the entrance, Sally set Kate down and took her hand. "Hold my hand while we walk through the busy first part, so you don't get lost."

Kate eagerly wanted to start exploring but reluctantly agreed to hold hands. They entered through a turn style and into a large area with rock and wave pools. These had steps around them so children could look over the top and, in some cases, interact with the creatures. Kate tried to pull away, but Sally held on tight, walking alongside her.

They arrived at the first tank, and Sally discreetly helped Kate up. Kate immediately became engrossed in the tank, excitedly pointing out different creatures to Sally and John, who stood nearby. John took the opportunity to take a few photos of Sally and Kate enjoying themselves.

"Look, Mommy, a crab," and she mimicked snapping her hands like claws, laughing. "Oh, oh, oh, an, an, anemananemini Daddy."

He laughed softly, "yes, Kate, an anemone and who lives in an anemone?"

Kate thought for a moment and then excitedly shouted, "Nemo!!!" John grinned and tried to lower her volume slightly.

John helped Kate down and they made their way to the next tank. Kate was allowed to walk alone for the moment. The next tank had rays swimming around and popping up to the surface. Kate climbed onto a larger step, using both her hands and exposing her covered diaper, which would have been visible to anyone looking.

A keeper began a talk and was feeding the rays small bits of food. Kate focused on every word she said and watched as each ray came up to take food from her hand. Once the talk ended, the keeper showed people how to touch the rays.

Kate was unsure about this at first, "Daddy, do it?"

So, John gently placed his hand into the tank to touch a passing ray. They interacted for a few seconds and continued on their way. Kate giggled and, after John did this a few more times, she gained the confidence to do it herself. She placed her hand next to her dad's and waited for a passing ray.

The experience caused her to jump and giggle, "look, Mommy, I did it." She was so proud of herself and Sally took advantage of the situation to film their interaction with the rays. Kate even splashed John, who wasn't too happy about it.

A public announcement system informed them that the feeding would begin in the main tank in ten minutes. Kate became worried that they would miss it. Sally used a hand towel to dry Kate's hands and they proceeded to the main tank. People were seated in groups on the ground.

John and Sally found a space and sat down. "Daddy, can I sit on your knee?"

John picked Kate up and helped her sit between his legs. She leaned back against his chest and gazed at the giant tank in front of them. While she was focused on spotting fish, Sally handed her a toddler's sippy cup full of water, which could be mistaken for a water bottle, but Kate seemed perfectly comfortable with it. She drank and then held it between her crossed legs.

John found one of the aquarium worksheets in the educational book they had been given when they entered. He leaned down to speak to Kate, "Here you go, sweetie, can you fill this in?" He handed her the book and a pencil.

The worksheet had many fish to spot and check off, as well as little facts and questions. Kate became incredibly excited every time she found one on her list. This caused her to bounce up and down on John, who had to stop her from falling over once or twice. Kate was almost finished when a woman approached with a microphone and two divers entered the tank in front of them.

Kate was now in overdrive, "look, look, Mommy. Diver in the water."

The lady explained their purpose. They were there to hand-feed some of the sharks and fish in the tank. She went through and named all the fish as they were fed, what they ate, and other facts. The bigger fish and sharks circled while the smaller fish were fed. Kate got excited with every shark that swam close to the divers but was completely focused on everything the lady said.So, Sally and John prepared to capture her excitement with their camera.

At last, the scuba divers came to the point where they would feed the sharks using small sticks. The sharks approached quickly and whipped their heads around to snatch the food in a flash. Despite knowing this was coming, Kate jolted each time they did so. Once all the food was used up, the woman concluded the talk and the divers went back to the surface out of sight. People dispersed to other areas, but Kate remained rooted in place.

She was entranced by the massive aquarium and the creatures inside. John captured a photo of her on her knees, mesmerized by the fish as they swam in and out of sight. Kate's diaper was visible, but Sally stepped in behind her to maintain her privacy. John was enveloped in the moment, surrounded by the two women he loved the most. For about 15-20 minutes, everyone was solely focused on the present, enjoying the scene before them.

Sally encouraged Kate to get up as there was more to explore. Kate regained her senses and turned around, wrapping her legs around Sally's thighs and nodding, "Okay, Momma." Sally embraced her with a light kiss on the lips, and Kate responded likewise, standing up.

John helped Sally stand, and together they wandered through the rest of the exhibits. They viewed octopuses, jellyfish, eels, and lobsters in enclosures. As they approached the butterfly house, Kate tightened her grip on John and Sally's hands. The humid dome was filled with butterflies, which fluttered around and even landed on fruit-laden tables. Kate's grip relaxed as she realized they were harmless and meandered along the path, observing the gorgeous creatures.

She emitted a shriek of joy when she spotted more vibrantly colored wings around the bend and rushed back, burrowing her head in Sally's chest.

Sally looked down puzzled, "What's the issue sweetie?" Kate didn't respond but reached behind her and pointed to the path.

Sally lifted her up and Kate remained concealed in her mother's chest. John walked down the path and found the cause for Kate's fear - an elevated crocodile enclosure allowed visitors to see crocodiles submerged in the water. The water level was chest deep, revealing the crocodile's lower body and its eyes and nostrils protruding from the water. Sally grabbed her daughter and explained how the crocodile was simply resting in the water.

Kate peeked up and eventually asked to see the crocodile up close. She maintained her tight grip on Sally's hand but viewed the massive crocodile in awe of its size, its proximity, and the extent of its visibility. Sally informed her about the animal, explaining that it was safe.

They continued on to see brightly colored poison dart frogs, which Kate appreciated immensely. She displayed her findings to John and Sally. Then they explored python and tree snake enclosures, but Sally was unnerved. In a touching gesture, Kate reassured her mother, "It's just snakes, Mommy, and behind the glass."

Sally was pleasantly surprised by this display of affection. They moved on to see terrapins and chameleons. It took five minutes explaining where the chameleon was before Kate gasped in amazement at seeing it.

As they left, John picked up Kate. She gave him a tight hug, "How about we find somewhere for lunch?"

Excited, Kate bounced and they searched for a eatery. After a few minutes, they came across three options: a deli, a pizzeria, or a diner. "Should we choose the deli, the pizzeria, or the diner, Katey?"

Kate pondered and said, "I think the diner, please." John placed her down and held her hand as they walked to the restaurant.

They found a booth at the side and a waitress brought menus over. John guided Kate through the menu, and they opted for a sharing platter with various chicken fingers, wings, sliders, fries, onion rings, and corn. Kate requested a soda, but John overruled her decision, opting for a fruit juice instead and bringing water for everyone.

The waitress departed, and Kate pouted, "That's not fair, Daddy. I wanted soda."

John explained his reasoning, "Too much sugar. If you want other treats today, you can have juice."

She scowled, "You're a bad person."

John stared at Sally in astonishment, and they both signed in unison. "Pardon us, Mommy, someone needs dealing with."

John held Kate's hand and led her to the restroom. She protested by whining, realizing she had overstepped her boundaries. He led her into a family bathroom and locked the door. Immediately, Kate started crying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

John walked to the sink, appearing as if he was washing his hands. He then sat on a chair used for breastfeeding mothers, and Kate's eyes widened. In his hand was a wet bar of soap. Instantly, she stopped crying and covered her mouth with her hands.

"Stand up and come over to me," Kate shook her head, still hiding her mouth behind her hands. "One last time, or you'll get a sore bottom in addition to the soap."

After the last few days, Kate didn't want another spanking, so she reluctantly stood and shuffled over. She took her time and still hid her mouth behind her hands but was finally standing in front of John.

"Hands at your sides and open your mouth," Kate hesitated, "hands at your sides and open your mouth." No response. John slapped the top of her bare thigh once; Kate whimpered softly and moved her hands away, revealing her opened mouth.

"Thank you." He placed the bar of soap, half in her mouth. "Now, bite down." Slowly, Kate bit down and when John was satisfied, he led her to the wall and propped her up against it.

"You'll be spending the next two minutes with your face against this wall. If you can do this without complaining, I'll take the soap out and let you rinse your mouth." Kate sobbed and nodded as John set the timer. She remained completely still, hoping for no more punishments.

As Kate held the soap tightly between her teeth so it wouldn't fall out, saliva built in her mouth and mixed with the soap. Initially, she tasted the soap, but as time passed, it became all she could taste.

When the timer went off, John didn't call Kate over immediately. She stayed still, anticipating his decision. John knew how to prolong the experience. He finally let her approach, and she quickly moved to remove the soap from her mouth. John was aware of this tactic, and she lasted only for a few seconds before running over.

"Now, Kate," John began, "you need to explain what you did wrong and apologize before you can go rinse your mouth." She nodded her head.

Kate stood there and shifted awkwardly, ashamed of her outburst. "I called daddy a poopy head," she confessed.

Once she admitted her mistake, John took her to the sink to rinse her mouth out. Getting rid of the soap in her mouth helped, but the taste remained. John carried Kate back to their seats, and she returned to her place looking remorseful.

Sally offered Kate a straw to drink her beverage. "Thank you, Momma," she said as she took the straw.

To prevent accidents, Sally made her eat slowly, knowing that what went into her would come out too quickly. It didn't take long for Kate to mess herself. While this was happening, John and Sally discussed her progress. "It's impressive how much she has regressed and seems genuinely happy," they remarked.

As John passed Kate the bag to hold, they both sighed, satisfied with her development. Sally sighed and tried to get Kate to walk to the bathroom, but she insisted, "up, Momma, up please." [

Sally sighed and maneuvered the mess around her as she supported Kate, helping her carry her to the bathroom. She gently laid her down, and Kate instantly popped in her pacifier and slacked off. Sally pulled up Kate's dress and began cleaning her up.

After cleaning her up, Kate started saying "pee" and signaled for her to go ahead. Sally quickly moved out of the way and allowed Kate to finish her business. Kate had noticed what was happening and laughed, "ooops Mommy!"

Sally raised an eyebrow and frowned, "You're lucky Mommy loves you."

This made Kate giggle even more. Sally grabbed some paper towels and cleaned Kate up again. Once dry and clean, she lifted her legs, put a clean diaper underneath her, and applied a thick layer of cream to aid with healing. Finally, she closed the diaper and set her down on the floor.

Once they found John outside, Kate ran to him, grabbed his hand, and giggled, "I peed everywhere, heh heh heh."

Sally rolled her eyes and they headed to the safari zone. When they arrived, Kate jumped around, filled with excitement. Sally tried to calm her while John got the tickets for both parts of the safari. The jeep ride could seat four passengers, so they were able to get one to themselves. Sally helped Kate get situated next to the window, buckling her in. Sally sat next to her, with John sitting on the other side.

The driver introduced himself and started the jeep. Kate gripped Sally's hand tightly, nervous of the unknown but began to feel at ease as they entered the first paddock with electric gates. The driver provided an informative commentary about each animal they encountered.

The first paddock contained giraffe, deer, ostrich, and wider beasts. As they approached the watering hole, they saw wilder beasts wallowing and deer shading themselves under large trees. Sally helped Kate stay seated and safely view the animals.

"Mommy, look!" Kate pointed at the wilder beasts, not knowing the word. "Big horse! I want to take a picture! Please, please."

John handed her his phone, "Hold it tight, Mommy will help you take pictures."

"Thanks Daddy," Sally then helped her take photos throughout the journey. They came to the giraffes that were feasting on branches high up on a beam. Kate was delighted by these giant animals and became upset when the ostriches went hiding and couldn't be seen.

Sally reassured her, "Aw, they'll be out soon, sweetheart."

She was soon cheered up by the elephants in the next paddock. They found a large group of various aged elephants, all relaxing in a pool and having fun. Kate was astounded by the vast number of elephants and excited by their playfulness. It took effort to keep her in her seat, as she desperately wanted to join in and play with them. This resulted in a sad and pouting baby girl as they returned to the ranger station.

Sally spoke to her, "Sweetie, mommy's trying to keep you safe by not letting you play with the animals because it's not safe."

Kate folded her arms and continued to pout, "I want to play with them, touch them."

Sally leaned down and met her eyes, "Mommy will keep you safe, but we can still find some animals to pet and maybe feed."

This new information delighted Kate, "Really, Momma?"

"Yes, I'm sure we can find some." Sally unbuckled Kate and then helped her off the jeep. She then happily held her hand and walked over to John.

"Momma said I can pet and feed the animals, Daddy," Kate announced.

John looked at Sally and responded sarcastically, "Oh really? I was mistaken about the tigers biting your fingers?"

Kate stomped her foot a bit, "No, no, silly Daddy, not the tigers...the other animals."

John shrugged in disbelief, "I'll be shocked if the other animals are friendlier."

Kate danced around ecstatically, "Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!"

They walked to the train station and checked the schedule. They had 20 minutes before the next train arrived. "Hmm, we have a little time to kill, let's find a bench to sit and wait."

Kate didn't enjoy waiting, but Sally lifted her onto her lap when they found a bench. Kate fidgeted for a minute, but eventually snuggled into Sally's neck and fell asleep within minutes.

In an attempt to maintain her balance, Sally fought to keep her head from falling while Kate clung firmly to her, sleeping soundly with her mouth open and creating a moist patch on Sally's shoulder. John and Sally sat, captured moments through selfies and various picture-taking sessions involving both of them. Kate, feeling confident and contented in her current state, appeared truly elated.

As Sally began to awaken Kate, who tried to burrow deeper into her shoulder, protesting, "no Mommy, I'm sleepy," Sally gently rocked her. "The train is about to arrive, and I can't carry you any longer."

Kate slowly opened her eyes and wiped away the remaining drool residue from her mouth. She noticed her wet spot on Sally's shoulder and acknowledged it would dry up soon. Sally, experiencing the struggles of motherhood, proceeded to handle these circumstances and continue.

John assisted Kate in standing up. Wobbly due to waking up, she grasped her father's hand as Sally gathered their belongings. The train arrived at the station, and Kate raised her head, captivated by the beautiful shiny red steam train. Her excitement level rose, willing her to leap out of the carriage, yet she remained with John and Sally.

The conductor, noticing her impatience, asked her to hold on. Kate remained calm and patient, waiting for the green light. The conductor, after checking their tickets, requested Kate's. She searched her pockets frantically and pulled out nothing more than her pacifier, which she clutched tightly.

"Put that away, Katey, here's your ticket," John handed it to her. Kate stowed her pacifier back in her pocket and distributed it to the conductor. He glanced at it, clipped it with John and Sally's, and then offered them a special treat.

"This cabin is reserved for V.I.P. guests during tours, but we do not have any scheduled for this trip. So, enjoy the luxury and privacy, and your little one will be far from public scrutiny."

Sally thanked the conductor for his thoughtfulness and remained attentive as Kate reveled in the excitement of his announcement. They followed him to the engine and greeted the driver. The conductor suggested a larger section of the train, which he referred to as a "cab," where they would be further removed from other passengers, have a private tour, and, most importantly, be free from the cacophony of screaming children.

The empathetic conductor, pockets detecting the diaper bulge, understood the situation and offered a helping hand. The conductor led them to the engine before departing, not without acknowledging their unique situation. Kate showed her gratitude with a warm embrace after the conductor sought John's approval.

After Sally helped her down, Kate returned the conductor's hat. The conductor then invited them into the cabin and offered Kate a safari hat, a detailed map, and a pair of binoculars as special gifts for her safari adventure.

Excitedly, Kate accepted the gifts, "thank you, thank you, thank you," embraced the lady, and moved across from John. The conductor analyzed John and Sally for permission, before engaging Kate in conversation.

"What have you seen today, sweetheart? What is your favorite animal?" Kate excitedly informed her, "I like the giraffes with the extra-long necks." Kate imitated its elongated neck by stretching her own neck.

"Those are truly special, but my favorite animal is coming up," they passed through a gate and over a cattle grid into a muddy field where 6 or 7 heads popped up from the muck. Matilda paused for a moment, announcing, "Introducing the African hippopotami: my favorite animals. They make quite the noise and smell."

The train gradually slowed as they approached the hippos. Kate's eyes widened in excitement, longing to jump out of the train and witness these magnificent creatures firsthand. Matilda, seeing her interest, asked about her favorite animal. "I like the ones with the super-long necks," referring to the giraffes to explain her beloved animal.

"Yes, they have quite the necks. But I have a special one coming up!" They moved through a gate and ventured into the swampy field, home to these giant amphibious creatures. They slowly passed by the pools and train splashed through the water, revealing various heads peeking out of the pools.

"This is where you'll find our African hippos," Matilda explained, "They are my favorite animals, but they can be quite noisy and smelly."

Kate upgraded her binoculars to telescopes as they journeyed deeper into the animal sanctuary. What she saw astonished her - a towering cheetah mom with her three teenage cubs roaming the vast expanse by a gleaming boulder. The older squadrons were at rest, but darted across the field suddenly when they caught sight of their prey. Matilda, her guide, calmed her down reassuringly, saying they were still a good distance away. Her uneasiness ebbed as her eyes scanned across the mountainside where other magnificent felines grazed on the golden savannah.

Once they arrived at the entrance of the sanctuary, Matilda, a bullet of knowledge concerning the wildlife, moved on to inform Kate about their fascinating lives and habits. Matilda highlighted their specific dietary preferences and the wild obstacles they encountered.

Next, they hopped on to a puddicate decked with two adult, identical female tigers - Siamese siblings - toying with an adorable ball their owner scattered amidst an inviting pool. Tiger siblings rarely exist, and Kate couldn't help but gape at their antics - so radically different from her beliefs growing up. Matilda shared with Kate how the wilderness habitat was shrinking drastically, and how they saw their guest appearances decline as a result of it.

"But you guys are helping", Kate cried. "You're doing something good to help those tigers go back into the forest, right?", Matilda nodded at her, her eyes swirling dreamily at the thought of rebuilding the numbers in northern India. It sushed Kate's fears, and the wheels in her head turned

The train drifted to the next section where they found a brotherhood of heroic lions - a family of nine. Matilda explained their societal structure, the rawness of their daily lives, and highlighted their playful moments, which Kate took very interestingly, and the train continued forward. As it moved through, a family of three spectacle bears became the center of attention: Matilda's specialty. She led Kate through the sanctuary, pointing them out hiding among the thick shrubbery and highlighted a playful dark spot tucked away in the back corner while Kate's eyes positively danced.

Their cheeks seemed to be held back together with smiles and they roamed around the station as they returned. John watched in awe as Sally heaved the treats and led Kate away to savor her newfound, sweet acquisition. They passed a luscious ice cream parlor. Kate, still holding her ice cream in hand, viewed nothing else and ran her eyes upward toward John. He simply blinked in confusion. It took a few seconds before it dawned on him: ice cream. So he nodded, "OK", following behind.

Sally spoke up as they joined in the hunger fest. "What do you want?".

Kate's knuckles went up and down, forming a rudimentary two before they studied the choices. Deciding, Kate named off a flavor, "Two scoops of Vanilla!" Sally "Yes, no problem", Sally said confidently. On her turn, Kate shuddered, "And me want two big ice cream for Johnny please?" The woman behind the counter quickly provided her with precisely that.

A small sandwich of pistachio and raspberry ripple - one on either side - was the whimsical order that Sally sorted out. While the order was being prepared, "Katey", Sally mentioned, "You should definitely chow down before you run outta time"

There was a slight pause. "I'm sorry, I'm a bit undecided" Kate fumbled. She can't switch her flavors in the middle of the drinks. She silently groaned while contemplating her decision. After some time, she nodded and repeated herself, this time choosing cookie dough and mint chip.

"That'll be £££" Sally cheerily chirped out as she held the two ice creams.

Kate stared at Sally, her eyes pleading. "Please hurry, thank you", giggles spurred the lady to hurry even more.

Sally motioned to John to step to the counter and purchase the four ice cream cones. A waffle cone with two scoops of raspberry ripple and chocolate was chosen by Kate while John planned out his own cone - pistachio and caramel.

They settled on a bench opposite the gorilla enclosure and took their seats to tend to their ice creams. Kate struggled to finish hers, which was causing quite the mess. Sally fetched wipes from their bag, and as Kate finished her cone, cleaned her hands and face thoroughly and even attempted to remove the stains from her dress. It wasn't an easy job, but she eventually succeeded.

Kate leaned onto John, snuggling in his arms. She was becoming utterly exhausted - the events of the past few days had taken a toll on her. John scooped her up and held her, allowing her to drift between wakefulness and sleep.

"Let her walk for a bit, or she won't want to eat before we leave," he said. John put Kate on her feet and they began strolling through the zoo towards the exit. The park was nearly empty, and it was peaceful with the sun casting a beautiful glow over the safari plains. Sally admired this idyllic scene, delighted by how natural and uncomplicated the whole experience had felt.

Just as they approached the exit, Kate suddenly froze, making John stop in his tracks. "Come on, Katey. Let's go to the car now."

Slowly turning around, Kate pouted, "Please me, Daddy. Please me have something?"

John understood that this moment would occur and felt satisfied by it, even though it was preferable to let littles use their words to ask politely. "I think that's okay," he confirmed.

Excitedly, Kate held John's hand, and they ventured into the gift shop. Sally remained outside, fetching drinks for the trio, planning to meet them at the car. Kate's eyes were wide with delight, exploring the shelves and imagining how each toy, book, and game could fit into her life. After several minutes, she chose a cute tiger plushie to take home.

Begging for her father's approval, Kate handed him the toy. "May I have this, Daddy?"

John consented on one condition: "Bring it back to me when you're finished playing with it. I don't want it biting or scratching things."

Kate smiled, pretending her tiger was about to go wild. She attacked John playfully, giggling at his fake fear before letting go of her 'tiger.'

They walked together towards the checkout, where Kate gave the cashier a glimpse of her safari hat and binoculars. The older woman giggled, "What a lovely little girl. Such good manners."

John picked out a wooden carved animals set and a few books while Kate remained enthralled by the toys. They reached the entrance, and Kate hugged the tiger tightly. The supermarket employee joked, "If it's not too real, I'd better not hurt it!"

Kate giggled at this and used the opportunity to playfully bite John, who retaliated by handing the tiger back to her. They entered the checkout line, and John bought a bag as Kate displayed her new toy proudly.

On their way to the car, John retrieved the tiger, handed it to Kate, and put the other items in the trunk. They located Sally in the back seat, quietly sipping a coffee and perusing the bird show photos.

Kate climbed into the car and showed off her tiger to Sally, who grew curious as her friend shared the details. John got in the driver's seat and drank his coffee. Sally began rubbing Kate's back, calming her enough to nurse. Kate remained adamant about keeping her tiger, despite being told to let go. Sally sternly instructed her to "feed now, talk later." Soon, Kate was contentedly sucking away, unaffected by her surroundings. She nursed till Sally was empty.

Sally wrapped Kate up, then carefully placed her on the bed, raising her skirt to adjust her diaper. As she did this, Kate murmured something about her tiger and the other toys she'd bought. This seemed to keep her still as Sally took her diaper off, cleaned her up, and put on a fresh one. After that, Sally picked up Kate, her tiger, and buckled her into her car seat. She popped in a pacifier and closed the doors, then sat down next to John and started the car to head home.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de